Indexing Errors

Repository Error Message
asr_psm Failed to parse launchfile launch/tracking/start_tracking.launch: Malformed XML: Extra content at the end of the document (got ' file:///data/joachimgehrung/ilcasRosPkg/trunk/control/asr_flock_of_birds_tracking ') Line: 16 Position: 603 Last 80 unconsumed characters:
cartographer Could not find any valid version.
clpe_sdk Could not find any valid version.
ds4_driver Could not find any valid version.
eml Unsupported VCS type: tar
eml Unsupported VCS type: tar
libg2o Could not find any valid version.
mesh_navigation Could not find any valid version.
mesh_tools Could not find any valid version.
moveit Failed to parse launchfile templates/moveit_config_pkg_template/launch/planning_context.launch: Invalid attribute name: <[URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE]> Line: 26 Position: 1303 Last 80 unconsumed characters: [URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE]/> <!-- The semantic description that corresponds to the
moveit Failed to parse launchfile templates/moveit_config_pkg_template/launch/gazebo.launch: Invalid attribute name: <[GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE]> Line: 34 Position: 1848 Last 80 unconsumed characters: [GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE] /> <!-- Unpause the simulation after loading the
moveit Failed to parse launchfile templates/moveit_config_pkg_template/launch/planning_context.launch: Invalid attribute name: <[URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE]> Line: 26 Position: 1303 Last 80 unconsumed characters: [URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE]/> <!-- The semantic description that corresponds to the
moveit Failed to parse launchfile templates/launch/gazebo.launch: Invalid attribute name: <[GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE]> Line: 32 Position: 1577 Last 80 unconsumed characters: [GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE] /> <!-- unpause only after loading robot model --
moveit Failed to parse launchfile templates/launch/gazebo.launch: Invalid attribute name: <[GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE]> Line: 32 Position: 1577 Last 80 unconsumed characters: [GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE] /> <!-- unpause only after loading robot model --
moveit Failed to parse launchfile templates/launch/gazebo.launch: Invalid attribute name: <[GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE]> Line: 32 Position: 1577 Last 80 unconsumed characters: [GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE] /> <!-- unpause only after loading robot model --
moveit Failed to parse launchfile templates/launch/gazebo.launch: Invalid attribute name: <[GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE]> Line: 32 Position: 1577 Last 80 unconsumed characters: [GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE] /> <!-- unpause only after loading robot model --
moveit Failed to parse launchfile templates/launch/gazebo.launch: Invalid attribute name: <[GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE]> Line: 32 Position: 1577 Last 80 unconsumed characters: [GAZEBO_URDF_LOAD_ATTRIBUTE] /> <!-- unpause only after loading robot model --
naoqi_libqi Could not find any valid version.
naoqi_libqicore Could not find any valid version.
niryo_one_simulation Could not find any valid version.
odom_frame_publisher Could not find any valid version.
ompl Could not fetch source repo: Could not reach hg repository at uri: VCSException
ompl Could not reach hg repository at uri: VCSException
riptide_controllers Could not find any valid version.
robosense_simulator Could not find any valid version.
rosflight Could not find any valid version.
sainsmart_relay_usb Could not find any valid version.
schunk_svh_ros_driver Could not find any valid version.
turtlebot3_autorace_2020 Could not find any valid version.
vrx Could not fetch source repo: Could not reach hg repository at uri: abort: '' does not appear to be an hg repository: ---%<--- (text/html; charset=utf-8) <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Bitbucket</title> <meta id="bb-bootstrap" data-current-user="{&quot;isAuthenticated&quot;: false, &quot;isKbdShortcutsEnabled&quot;: true, &quot;isSshEnabled&quot;: false}" data-target-workspace-uuid="ac9168ab-ae4d-492a-bec8-439950387736" /> <meta name="frontbucket-version" content="fc246cf0e3781e9d99027be231834cf9ff256d17"> <meta name="frontbucket-environment" content="bifrost_production"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="bb-env" content="production" /> <meta id="bb-canon-url" name="bb-canon-url" content=""> <meta name="bb-api-canon-url" content=""> <meta name="bitbucket-commit-hash" content="3c022f6dfa5f"> <meta name="bb-app-node" content="b36c3ca1b73e"> <meta name="bb-dce-env" content="micros"> <meta name="bb-view-name" content="bitbucket.ap ---%<--- !
vrx Could not reach hg repository at uri: abort: '' does not appear to be an hg repository: ---%<--- (text/html; charset=utf-8) <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Bitbucket</title> <meta id="bb-bootstrap" data-current-user="{&quot;isAuthenticated&quot;: false, &quot;isKbdShortcutsEnabled&quot;: true, &quot;isSshEnabled&quot;: false}" data-target-workspace-uuid="ac9168ab-ae4d-492a-bec8-439950387736" /> <meta name="frontbucket-version" content="fc246cf0e3781e9d99027be231834cf9ff256d17"> <meta name="frontbucket-environment" content="bifrost_production"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="bb-env" content="production" /> <meta id="bb-canon-url" name="bb-canon-url" content=""> <meta name="bb-api-canon-url" content=""> <meta name="bitbucket-commit-hash" content="3c022f6dfa5f"> <meta name="bb-app-node" content="8872914b420e"> <meta name="bb-dce-env" content="micros"> <meta name="bb-view-name" content="bitbucket.ap ---%<--- !