System Dependencies
Name | Usage | Description |
php | 0 | server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (default) | |||||
pi-ina219-pip | 0 | This Python library for Raspberry Pi makes it easy to leverage the complex functionality of the Texas Instruments INA219 sensor to measure voltage, current and power. | |||||
pigz | 0 | Parallel Implementation of GZip | |||||
pika | 0 | ||||||
pkg-config | 7 | virtual package provided by pkgconf | |||||
platformio | 0 | Your Gateway to Embedded Software Development Excellence. Unlock the true potential of embedded software development with PlatformIO's collaborative ecosystem, embracing declarative principles, test-driven methodologies, and modern toolchains for unrivaled success. | |||||
pmccabe | 0 | McCabe-style function complexity and line counting for C and C++ | |||||
pmount | 0 | mount removable devices as normal user | |||||
pocketsphinx-bin | 0 | ||||||
polyclipping-dev | 0 | ||||||
poppler-utils | 0 | PDF utilities (based on Poppler) | |||||
portaudio | 0 | ||||||
portaudio19-dev | 0 | Portable audio I/O - development files | |||||
postfix | 0 | High-performance mail transport agent | |||||
postgresql | 2 | object-relational SQL database (supported version) | |||||
postgresql-9.x-postgis | 0 | ||||||
postgresql-client | 0 | front-end programs for PostgreSQL (supported version) | |||||
postgresql-postgis | 1 | Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL -- Metapackage | |||||
potrace | 0 | utility to transform bitmaps into vector graphics | |||||
powertop | 0 | diagnose issues with power consumption and management | |||||
procps | 1 | /proc file system utilities | |||||
proj | 7 | Cartographic projection library (development files) | |||||
protobuf | 7 | ||||||
protobuf-compiler-grpc | 1 | high performance general RPC framework - protobuf plugin | |||||
protobuf-dev | 7 | protocol buffers C++ library (development files) and proto files | |||||
ps-engine | 0 | ||||||
psmisc | 0 | utilities that use the proc file system | |||||
pstoedit | 0 | PostScript and PDF files to editable vector graphics converter | |||||
psutils | 0 | PostScript document handling utilities | |||||
pugixml-dev | 7 | Light-weight C++ XML processing library (development) | |||||
pybind11-dev | 6 | seamless operability between C++11 and Python | |||||
pybind11-json-dev | 0 | Bridge between nlohmann::json and pybind11 (headers) | |||||
pydocstyle | 5 | Python docstring style checker (PEP-257 conventions) | |||||
pydrive-pip | 0 | Google Drive API made easy. | |||||
pyflakes3 | 5 | passive checker of Python 3 programs | |||||
pymap3d-pip | 0 | pure Python (no prereqs) coordinate conversions, following convention of several popular Matlab routines. | |||||
pymodbustcp-pip | 0 | A simple Modbus/TCP library for Python | |||||
pynput-pip | 1 | Monitor and control user input devices | |||||
pyosmium | 0 | Osmium library bindings for Python - utilities | |||||
pyper-pip | 0 | A python interface to R lanugage | |||||
pyqt4-dev-tools | 0 | ||||||
pyqt5-dev-tools | 5 | Development tools for PyQt5 | |||||
pyqt6-dev-tools | 0 | development tools for PyQt6 | |||||
pyrebase-pip | 0 | A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API | |||||
pyro4 | 0 | distributed object middleware for Python (RPC) | |||||
pyros-setup-pip | 0 | Toolsuite for running ROS environments directly from python code, without any specific requirements outside of usual python | |||||
pyside-tools | 0 | ||||||
python | 7 | ||||||
python-absl-py-pip | 0 | Abseil Python Common Libraries, see | |||||
python-adafruit-bno055-pip | 0 | Library for accessing the Bosch BNO055 absolute orientation sensor on a Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black. | |||||
python-alembic | 0 | ||||||
python-amqp | 0 | ||||||
python-aniso8601 | 0 | ||||||
python-annoy-pip | 0 | Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage and loading/saving to disk. | |||||
python-anyjson | 0 | ||||||
python-apparmor | 0 | ||||||
python-argcomplete | 1 | ||||||
python-argh | 0 | ||||||
python-argparse | 2 | ||||||
python-astor-pip | 0 | Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs | |||||
python-attrs | 0 | ||||||
python-attrs-pip | 0 | ||||||
python-autobahn | 2 | WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework | |||||
python-avahi | 2 | ||||||
python-babel | 0 | ||||||
python-backoff-pip | 0 | Function decoration for backoff and retry | |||||
python-backports.ssl-match-hostname | 2 | ||||||
python-bcrypt | 0 | ||||||
python-beautifulsoup | 0 | ||||||
python-bitarray | 0 | ||||||
python-bitstring | 0 | ||||||
python-bitstring-pip | 0 | Simple construction, analysis and modification of binary data. | |||||
python-blinker | 0 | ||||||
python-bloom | 0 | ||||||
python-bluez | 1 | ||||||
python-bokeh-pip | 0 | Interactive plots and applications in the browser from Python | |||||
python-boltons | 0 | When they're not builtins, they're boltons. | |||||
python-boto3 | 2 | ||||||
python-bottle | 0 | ||||||
python-box2d | 0 | ||||||
python-breathe | 0 | ||||||
python-bs4 | 0 | ||||||
python-bson | 2 | ||||||
python-cairo | 2 | ||||||
python-cairosvg | 1 | ||||||
python-can | 0 | Controller Area Network interface module for Python | |||||
python-cantools-pip | 0 | CAN BUS tools. | |||||
python-catkin-lint | 2 | ||||||
python-catkin-pkg | 2 | ||||||
python-catkin-pkg-modules | 7 | ||||||
python-catkin-sphinx | 2 | Sphinx extension for Catkin projects | |||||
python-catkin-tools | 2 | ||||||
python-cbor | 0 | ||||||
python-celery | 0 | ||||||
python-certifi | 0 | ||||||
python-chainer-mask-rcnn-pip | 2 | Chainer Implementation of Mask R-CNN. | |||||
python-chainer-pip | 2 | A flexible framework of neural networks | |||||
python-chainercv-pip | 2 | ||||||
python-cheetah | 1 | ||||||
python-cherrypy | 1 | ||||||
python-clearsilver | 0 | ||||||
python-click | 2 | ||||||
python-cobs-pip | 0 | Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) | |||||
python-collada | 0 | ||||||
python-colorama | 2 | ||||||
python-concurrent.futures | 0 | ||||||
python-configparser | 0 | ||||||
python-construct | 0 | ||||||
python-construct-pip | 0 | A powerful declarative symmetric parser/builder for binary data | |||||
python-control-pip | 0 | Python Control Systems Library | |||||
python-cookiecutter | 0 | A command-line utility that creates projects from project templates, e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package project template. | |||||
python-cookiecutter-pip | 0 | create projects from project templates | |||||
python-couchdb | 0 | ||||||
python-coverage | 2 | ||||||
python-cpplint | 0 | Static code checker for C++ | |||||
python-crccheck-pip | 0 | Calculation library for CRCs and checksums | |||||
python-crcmod | 0 | CRC Generator | |||||
python-crypto | 0 | ||||||
python-cryptography | 0 | ||||||
python-cvxopt | 0 | ||||||
python-cvxpy-pip | 0 | A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python. | |||||
python-cwiid | 1 | ||||||
python-cython-pip | 0 | The Cython compiler for writing C extensions in the Python language. | |||||
python-datadog-pip | 0 | The Datadog Python library | |||||
python-dateutil | 0 | ||||||
python-deap-pip | 0 | Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python | |||||
python-debian | 0 | ||||||
python-decorator | 0 | ||||||
python-deepdiff-pip | 0 | Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data. Recreate objects by adding adding deltas to each other. | |||||
python-defer-pip | 0 | Simple framework for asynchronous programming | |||||
python-defusedxml | 2 | ||||||
python-dev | 2 | ||||||
python-dialogflow-pip | 0 | Client library for the Dialogflow API | |||||
python-django | 0 | ||||||
python-django-cors-headers | 0 | ||||||
python-django-extensions | 0 | ||||||
python-django-extra-views | 0 | ||||||
python-djangorestframework | 0 | ||||||
python-dlib | 2 | A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications | |||||
python-docker | 1 | ||||||
python-docopt | 1 | ||||||
python-docutils | 2 | ||||||
python-docx | 0 | Create, read, and update Microsoft Word .docx files. | |||||
python-dt-apriltags-pip | 0 | ||||||
python-dxfgrabber-pip | 0 | A Python library to grab information from DXF drawings - all DXF versions supported. | |||||
python-easygui | 0 | ||||||
python-elasticsearch | 0 | ||||||
python-empy | 2 | ||||||
python-enum | 0 | ||||||
python-enum34 | 2 | ||||||
python-enum34-pip | 0 | Python 3.4 Enum backported to 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, and 2.4 | |||||
python-espeak | 0 | ||||||
python-evdev | 0 | ||||||
python-expiringdict | 0 | Dictionary with auto-expiring values for caching purposes | |||||
python-face-alignment-pip | 0 | Detector 2D or 3D face landmarks from Python | |||||
python-face-recognition-pip | 0 | Recognize faces from Python or from the command line | |||||
python-falcon | 0 | ||||||
python-fastdtw-pip | 0 | ||||||
python-fcl-pip | 0 | Python bindings for the Flexible Collision Library | |||||
python-fcn-pip | 2 | Fully Convolutional Networks | |||||
python-filterpy-pip | 0 | Kalman filtering and optimal estimation library | |||||
python-fixtures | 0 | ||||||
python-flake8 | 0 | ||||||
python-flask | 0 | ||||||
python-flask-appbuilder-pip | 0 | Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more. | |||||
python-flask-cors-pip | 0 | A Flask extension simplifying CORS support | |||||
python-flask-restful | 0 | ||||||
python-flatdict-pip | 0 | Python module for interacting with nested dicts as a single level dict with delimited keys. | |||||
python-freezegun-pip | 2 | Let your Python tests travel through time | |||||
python-frozendict | 0 | ||||||
python-ftdi1 | 0 | ||||||
python-funcsigs | 0 | ||||||
python-future | 7 | ||||||
python-fuzzywuzzy-pip | 0 | Fuzzy string matching in python | |||||
python-fysom | 0 | pYthOn Finite State Machine | |||||
python-gTTS-pip | 0 | gTTS (Google Text-to-Speech), a Python library and CLI tool to interface with Google Translate text-to-speech API | |||||
python-gcloud-pip | 0 | API Client library for Google Cloud | |||||
python-gdal | 0 | ||||||
python-gdown-pip | 2 | Google Drive Public File/Folder Downloader | |||||
python-genshi | 0 | ||||||
python-geocoder-pip | 0 | Geocoder is a simple and consistent geocoding library. | |||||
python-geographiclib | 0 | ||||||
python-geopy | 0 | ||||||
python-gevent | 0 | ||||||
python-gi | 2 | ||||||
python-gi-cairo | 2 | ||||||
python-git | 0 | ||||||
python-github-pip | 0 | Use the full Github API v3 | |||||
python-gitlab | 0 | ||||||
python-gitpython-pip | 0 | GitPython is a Python library used to interact with Git repositories | |||||
python-glpk-pip | 0 | PyGLPK, a Python module encapsulating GLPK. | |||||
python-gnupg | 2 | ||||||
python-gobject | 0 | ||||||
python-google-cloud-bigquery-pip | 0 | Google BigQuery API client library | |||||
python-google-cloud-speech-pip | 0 | Google Cloud Speech API client library | |||||
python-google-cloud-storage-pip | 0 | Google Cloud Storage API client library | |||||
python-google-cloud-texttospeech-pip | 2 | Google Cloud Texttospeech API client library | |||||
python-google-cloud-vision-pip | 0 | Google Cloud Vision API client library | |||||
python-googleapi | 0 | ||||||
python-gpiozero | 0 |