Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.1.29
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-01-09
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The google_cloud_texttospeech package

Additional Links


  • Shingo Kitagawa


  • Hideaki Ito


ROS Interface for Google Cloud Text-to-Speech


  1. Register Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API
  2. Put the credential json for Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API in your robot


For python2.7, you need to use google-cloud-texttospeech==1.0.1.

sudo pip install google-cloud-texttospeech==1.0.1


Launch sound_play with Google Cloud Text-to-Speech

roslaunch google_cloud_texttospeech google_cloud_texttospeech.launch credential:=/your/credential/json/path

Say something

For python users

import rospy
from sound_play.libsoundplay import SoundClient


client = SoundClient(sound_action='robotsound', sound_topic='robotsound')

client.say('こんにちは', voice='ja')

You can change the voice by changing the voice_name. Look at the following website for further details. Google Cloud Text-to-Speech Supported voices and languages

We can use standard and WaveNet voices. WaveNet voices are higher quality voices with different pricing; in the list, they have the voice type ‘WaveNet’.

You can also choose the language by specifying the language code. ja for Japanese, de for German, etc.

client.say('你好', voice='cmn-TW-Wavenet-A')
client.say('Hallo', voice='de')

For roseus users

$ roseus
(load "package://pr2eus/speak.l")

(ros::roseus "say_node")

(speak "JSKへようこそ。" :lang "ja-JP-Wavenet-B" :wait t)
(speak "Welcome to JSK." :lang "en-US-Wavenet-A" :wait t)
(speak "欢迎来到 JSK" :lang "cmn-TW-Wavenet-A" :wait t)
(speak "Willkommen bei JSK" :lang "de-DE-Wavenet-A" :wait t)


By default, generated audio files are stored at $HOME/.ros/google_cloud_texttospeech/cache. If you want to change the cache directory, please set GOOGLE_CLOUD_TEXTTOSPEECH_CACHE_DIR as an environment variable.

If you don’t want to cache the files, please set GOOGLE_CLOUD_TEXTTOSPEECH_CACHE_ENABLED=false.


Changelog for package google_cloud_texttospeech

2.1.29 (2025-01-05)

2.1.28 (2023-07-24)

2.1.27 (2023-06-24)

2.1.26 (2023-06-14)

  • add LICENSE files (#476)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

2.1.25 (2023-06-08)

  • [google_cloud_texttospeech] Add cache option (#267)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Iory Yanokura

2.1.24 (2021-07-26)

2.1.23 (2021-07-21)

  • [google_cloud_texttospeech] Fixed for 2.0.0 and later versions. (#266)
  • [google_cloud_texttospeech] Support multiple languages. (#269)
  • Contributors: Iory Yanokura

2.1.22 (2021-06-10)

  • add google_cloud_texttospeech packagef( #218)
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa

2.1.21 (2020-08-19)

2.1.20 (2020-08-07)

2.1.19 (2020-07-21)

2.1.18 (2020-07-20)

2.1.17 (2020-04-16 21:51)

2.1.16 (2020-04-16 15:21)

2.1.15 (2019-12-12)

2.1.14 (2019-11-21)

2.1.13 (2019-07-10)

2.1.12 (2019-05-25)

2.1.11 (2018-08-29)

2.1.10 (2018-04-25)

2.1.9 (2018-04-24)

2.1.8 (2018-04-17)

2.1.7 (2018-04-09)

2.1.6 (2017-11-21)

2.1.5 (2017-11-20)

2.1.4 (2017-07-16)

2.1.3 (2017-07-07)

2.1.2 (2017-07-06)

2.1.1 (2017-07-05)

2.1.0 (2017-07-02)

2.0.20 (2017-05-09)

2.0.19 (2017-02-22)

2.0.18 (2016-10-28)

2.0.17 (2016-10-22)

2.0.16 (2016-10-17)

2.0.15 (2016-10-16)

2.0.14 (2016-03-20)

2.0.13 (2015-12-15)

2.0.12 (2015-11-26)

2.0.11 (2015-10-07 14:16)

2.0.10 (2015-10-07 12:47)

2.0.9 (2015-09-26)

2.0.8 (2015-09-15)

2.0.7 (2015-09-14)

2.0.6 (2015-09-08)

2.0.5 (2015-08-23)

2.0.4 (2015-08-18)

2.0.3 (2015-08-01)

2.0.2 (2015-06-29)

2.0.1 (2015-06-19 21:21)

2.0.0 (2015-06-19 10:41)

1.0.71 (2015-05-17)

1.0.70 (2015-05-08)

1.0.69 (2015-05-05 12:28)

1.0.68 (2015-05-05 09:49)

1.0.67 (2015-05-03)

1.0.66 (2015-04-03)

1.0.65 (2015-04-02)

1.0.64 (2015-03-29)

1.0.63 (2015-02-19)

1.0.62 (2015-02-17)

1.0.61 (2015-02-11)

1.0.60 (2015-02-03 10:12)

1.0.59 (2015-02-03 04:05)

1.0.58 (2015-01-07)

1.0.57 (2014-12-23)

1.0.56 (2014-12-17)

1.0.55 (2014-12-09)

1.0.54 (2014-11-15)

1.0.53 (2014-11-01)

1.0.52 (2014-10-23)

1.0.51 (2014-10-20 16:01)

1.0.50 (2014-10-20 01:50)

1.0.49 (2014-10-13)

1.0.48 (2014-10-12)

1.0.47 (2014-10-08)

1.0.46 (2014-10-03)

1.0.45 (2014-09-29)

1.0.44 (2014-09-26 09:17)

1.0.43 (2014-09-26 01:08)

1.0.42 (2014-09-25)

1.0.41 (2014-09-23)

1.0.40 (2014-09-19)

1.0.39 (2014-09-17)

1.0.38 (2014-09-13)

1.0.37 (2014-09-08)

1.0.36 (2014-09-01)

1.0.35 (2014-08-16)

1.0.34 (2014-08-14)

1.0.33 (2014-07-28)

1.0.32 (2014-07-26)

1.0.31 (2014-07-23)

1.0.30 (2014-07-15)

1.0.29 (2014-07-02)

1.0.28 (2014-06-24)

1.0.27 (2014-06-10)

1.0.26 (2014-05-30)

1.0.25 (2014-05-26)

1.0.24 (2014-05-24)

1.0.23 (2014-05-23)

1.0.22 (2014-05-22)

1.0.21 (2014-05-20)

1.0.20 (2014-05-09)

1.0.19 (2014-05-06)

1.0.18 (2014-05-04)

1.0.17 (2014-04-20)

1.0.16 (2014-04-19 23:29)

1.0.15 (2014-04-19 20:19)

1.0.14 (2014-04-19 12:52)

1.0.13 (2014-04-19 11:06)

1.0.12 (2014-04-18 16:58)

1.0.11 (2014-04-18 08:18)

1.0.10 (2014-04-17)

1.0.9 (2014-04-12)

1.0.8 (2014-04-11)

1.0.7 (2014-04-10)

1.0.6 (2014-04-07)

1.0.5 (2014-03-31)

1.0.4 (2014-03-29)

1.0.3 (2014-03-19)

1.0.2 (2014-03-12)

1.0.1 (2014-03-07)

1.0.0 (2014-03-05)

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/google_cloud_texttospeech.launch
      • sound_play_machine [default: localhost] — Machine to run sound_play node (default: localhost)
      • sound_play_respawn [default: true] — Respawn sound_play node or not (default: true)
      • credential [default: $(optenv GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS /etc/opt/jsk/robot/google-speech-recognition.json)] — Credential json path for Google Cloud Text-to-Speech (default: $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS or /etc/opt/jsk/robot/google-speech-recognition.json)
      • use_english [default: true] — Use Google Cloud Text-to-Speech for English or not (default: true)
      • use_japanese [default: true] — Use Google Cloud Text-to-Speech for Japanese or not (default: true)
      • english_speed [default: 100] — English speaking speed (default: 100)
      • japanese_speed [default: 100] — Japanese speaking speed (default: 100)
      • cache [default: $(optenv GOOGLE_CLOUD_TEXTTOSPEECH_CACHE_ENABLED true)] — Cache generated sound file (default: true)


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged google_cloud_texttospeech at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.1.29
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-01-09
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The google_cloud_texttospeech package

Additional Links


  • Shingo Kitagawa


  • Hideaki Ito


ROS Interface for Google Cloud Text-to-Speech


  1. Register Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API
  2. Put the credential json for Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API in your robot


For python2.7, you need to use google-cloud-texttospeech==1.0.1.

sudo pip install google-cloud-texttospeech==1.0.1


Launch sound_play with Google Cloud Text-to-Speech

roslaunch google_cloud_texttospeech google_cloud_texttospeech.launch credential:=/your/credential/json/path

Say something

For python users

import rospy
from sound_play.libsoundplay import SoundClient


client = SoundClient(sound_action='robotsound', sound_topic='robotsound')

client.say('こんにちは', voice='ja')

You can change the voice by changing the voice_name. Look at the following website for further details. Google Cloud Text-to-Speech Supported voices and languages

We can use standard and WaveNet voices. WaveNet voices are higher quality voices with different pricing; in the list, they have the voice type ‘WaveNet’.

You can also choose the language by specifying the language code. ja for Japanese, de for German, etc.

client.say('你好', voice='cmn-TW-Wavenet-A')
client.say('Hallo', voice='de')

For roseus users

$ roseus
(load "package://pr2eus/speak.l")

(ros::roseus "say_node")

(speak "JSKへようこそ。" :lang "ja-JP-Wavenet-B" :wait t)
(speak "Welcome to JSK." :lang "en-US-Wavenet-A" :wait t)
(speak "欢迎来到 JSK" :lang "cmn-TW-Wavenet-A" :wait t)
(speak "Willkommen bei JSK" :lang "de-DE-Wavenet-A" :wait t)


By default, generated audio files are stored at $HOME/.ros/google_cloud_texttospeech/cache. If you want to change the cache directory, please set GOOGLE_CLOUD_TEXTTOSPEECH_CACHE_DIR as an environment variable.

If you don’t want to cache the files, please set GOOGLE_CLOUD_TEXTTOSPEECH_CACHE_ENABLED=false.


Changelog for package google_cloud_texttospeech

2.1.29 (2025-01-05)

2.1.28 (2023-07-24)

2.1.27 (2023-06-24)

2.1.26 (2023-06-14)

  • add LICENSE files (#476)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

2.1.25 (2023-06-08)

  • [google_cloud_texttospeech] Add cache option (#267)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Iory Yanokura

2.1.24 (2021-07-26)

2.1.23 (2021-07-21)

  • [google_cloud_texttospeech] Fixed for 2.0.0 and later versions. (#266)
  • [google_cloud_texttospeech] Support multiple languages. (#269)
  • Contributors: Iory Yanokura

2.1.22 (2021-06-10)

  • add google_cloud_texttospeech packagef( #218)
  • Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa

2.1.21 (2020-08-19)

2.1.20 (2020-08-07)

2.1.19 (2020-07-21)

2.1.18 (2020-07-20)

2.1.17 (2020-04-16 21:51)

2.1.16 (2020-04-16 15:21)

2.1.15 (2019-12-12)

2.1.14 (2019-11-21)

2.1.13 (2019-07-10)

2.1.12 (2019-05-25)

2.1.11 (2018-08-29)

2.1.10 (2018-04-25)

2.1.9 (2018-04-24)

2.1.8 (2018-04-17)

2.1.7 (2018-04-09)

2.1.6 (2017-11-21)

2.1.5 (2017-11-20)

2.1.4 (2017-07-16)

2.1.3 (2017-07-07)

2.1.2 (2017-07-06)

2.1.1 (2017-07-05)

2.1.0 (2017-07-02)

2.0.20 (2017-05-09)

2.0.19 (2017-02-22)

2.0.18 (2016-10-28)

2.0.17 (2016-10-22)

2.0.16 (2016-10-17)

2.0.15 (2016-10-16)

2.0.14 (2016-03-20)

2.0.13 (2015-12-15)

2.0.12 (2015-11-26)

2.0.11 (2015-10-07 14:16)

2.0.10 (2015-10-07 12:47)

2.0.9 (2015-09-26)

2.0.8 (2015-09-15)

2.0.7 (2015-09-14)

2.0.6 (2015-09-08)

2.0.5 (2015-08-23)

2.0.4 (2015-08-18)

2.0.3 (2015-08-01)

2.0.2 (2015-06-29)

2.0.1 (2015-06-19 21:21)

2.0.0 (2015-06-19 10:41)

1.0.71 (2015-05-17)

1.0.70 (2015-05-08)

1.0.69 (2015-05-05 12:28)

1.0.68 (2015-05-05 09:49)

1.0.67 (2015-05-03)

1.0.66 (2015-04-03)

1.0.65 (2015-04-02)

1.0.64 (2015-03-29)

1.0.63 (2015-02-19)

1.0.62 (2015-02-17)

1.0.61 (2015-02-11)

1.0.60 (2015-02-03 10:12)

1.0.59 (2015-02-03 04:05)

1.0.58 (2015-01-07)

1.0.57 (2014-12-23)

1.0.56 (2014-12-17)

1.0.55 (2014-12-09)

1.0.54 (2014-11-15)

1.0.53 (2014-11-01)

1.0.52 (2014-10-23)

1.0.51 (2014-10-20 16:01)

1.0.50 (2014-10-20 01:50)

1.0.49 (2014-10-13)

1.0.48 (2014-10-12)

1.0.47 (2014-10-08)

1.0.46 (2014-10-03)

1.0.45 (2014-09-29)

1.0.44 (2014-09-26 09:17)

1.0.43 (2014-09-26 01:08)

1.0.42 (2014-09-25)

1.0.41 (2014-09-23)

1.0.40 (2014-09-19)

1.0.39 (2014-09-17)

1.0.38 (2014-09-13)

1.0.37 (2014-09-08)

1.0.36 (2014-09-01)

1.0.35 (2014-08-16)

1.0.34 (2014-08-14)

1.0.33 (2014-07-28)

1.0.32 (2014-07-26)

1.0.31 (2014-07-23)

1.0.30 (2014-07-15)

1.0.29 (2014-07-02)

1.0.28 (2014-06-24)

1.0.27 (2014-06-10)

1.0.26 (2014-05-30)

1.0.25 (2014-05-26)

1.0.24 (2014-05-24)

1.0.23 (2014-05-23)

1.0.22 (2014-05-22)

1.0.21 (2014-05-20)

1.0.20 (2014-05-09)

1.0.19 (2014-05-06)

1.0.18 (2014-05-04)

1.0.17 (2014-04-20)

1.0.16 (2014-04-19 23:29)

1.0.15 (2014-04-19 20:19)

1.0.14 (2014-04-19 12:52)

1.0.13 (2014-04-19 11:06)

1.0.12 (2014-04-18 16:58)

1.0.11 (2014-04-18 08:18)

1.0.10 (2014-04-17)

1.0.9 (2014-04-12)

1.0.8 (2014-04-11)

1.0.7 (2014-04-10)

1.0.6 (2014-04-07)

1.0.5 (2014-03-31)

1.0.4 (2014-03-29)

1.0.3 (2014-03-19)

1.0.2 (2014-03-12)

1.0.1 (2014-03-07)

1.0.0 (2014-03-05)

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/google_cloud_texttospeech.launch
      • sound_play_machine [default: localhost] — Machine to run sound_play node (default: localhost)
      • sound_play_respawn [default: true] — Respawn sound_play node or not (default: true)
      • credential [default: $(optenv GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS /etc/opt/jsk/robot/google-speech-recognition.json)] — Credential json path for Google Cloud Text-to-Speech (default: $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS or /etc/opt/jsk/robot/google-speech-recognition.json)
      • use_english [default: true] — Use Google Cloud Text-to-Speech for English or not (default: true)
      • use_japanese [default: true] — Use Google Cloud Text-to-Speech for Japanese or not (default: true)
      • english_speed [default: 100] — English speaking speed (default: 100)
      • japanese_speed [default: 100] — Japanese speaking speed (default: 100)
      • cache [default: $(optenv GOOGLE_CLOUD_TEXTTOSPEECH_CACHE_ENABLED true)] — Cache generated sound file (default: true)


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged google_cloud_texttospeech at Robotics Stack Exchange