Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.6
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version release_2.0
Last Updated 2025-03-03
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding

Additional Links


  • Eclipse Foundation, Inc.


No additional authors.

Iceoryx C Language binding

If you are looking for an example take a look at the icedelivery on c example.

C API structure

The C API is supposed to be as close to the C++ API as possible. This means, developers who are already familiar with the C++ API do not have to learn iceoryx from scratch in order to use the C API. There are of course differences due to C being a different language than C++.

Therefore, we have the following coding conventions exclusively in the C API.

  • C functions are using an abbreviation of the class name. For instance Subscriber would use sub and the methods are named like iox_sub_method_name where the camelCase is converted into snake_case.
  • A typedef for the handle is created with the abbreviation as name, a iox prefix and a _t suffix, like iox_sub_t
  • If the constructor allocates an element it has the suffix _create and is called for instance iox_node_create. Analog to the constructor the destructor has the suffix _destroy and is named like iox_node_destroy.
  • Pre iceoryx v2, constructor requiring preallocated memory had the suffix _init and required a pointer to a storage which was usually placed on the stack. Due to non-trivial issues with different sizes for different platforms and architectures the storage is ignored and the object is allocated on the heap. This might be reverted in a future release depending on a proper solution for the problem. The API remains the same, so a _storage_t object like iox_sub_storage_t must be created and a pointer to this object must be passed to _init, e.g. iox_sub_init. This function returns a handle which does not point to the storage. Using the address of the storage in _deinit is undefined and most likely will result in a segmentation fault. The usage is according the following example
  iox_sub_storage_t subStorage;
  iox_sub_t subscriber = iox_sub_init(&subStorage, "foo", "bar", "baz", nullptr);
  // do something with subscriber
  • The first parameter is always the handle to the corresponding object.
  • If possible, the arguments should stay the same in the C API.

  • Enum values are named like EnumName_EnumValue
  • Enum names follow the rule namespace_EnumName

Here is an example:

namespace iox {
enum class Color {

class Channel {
        Channel(const std::string &name);
        cxx::optional<void*> receive();
        bool send(void * data);
        void allHailHypnotoad();

class MyOtherClass {
        MyOtherClass(const int a);
        void youSpinMeRoundLikeARecord();

The corresponding C binding would then look like:

enum iox_Color {

typedef struct Channel * sub_t;

sub_t iox_chan_create(const char * name);
void iox_chan_destroy(sub_t const self);
bool iox_chan_receive(sub_t const self, void * const data);
bool iox_chan_send(sub_t const self, void * const data);
void iox_chan_all_hail_hypnotoad(sub_t const self);

struct iox_other_class_storage_t_ {
    uint64_t do_not_touch_me[8]; // lets assume 8 * 8 is the size of MyOtherClass
typedef iox_other_class_storage_t_ iox_other_class_storage_t;

typedef struct MyOtherClass * iox_other_class_t;
iox_other_class_t iox_other_class_init(iox_other_class_storage_t * self,const int a);
void iox_other_class_deinit(iox_other_class_t * self);
void iox_other_class_you_spin_me_round_like_a_record(iox_other_class_t * self);


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged iceoryx_binding_c at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.6
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version release_2.0
Last Updated 2025-03-03
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding

Additional Links


  • Eclipse Foundation, Inc.


No additional authors.

Iceoryx C Language binding

If you are looking for an example take a look at the icedelivery on c example.

C API structure

The C API is supposed to be as close to the C++ API as possible. This means, developers who are already familiar with the C++ API do not have to learn iceoryx from scratch in order to use the C API. There are of course differences due to C being a different language than C++.

Therefore, we have the following coding conventions exclusively in the C API.

  • C functions are using an abbreviation of the class name. For instance Subscriber would use sub and the methods are named like iox_sub_method_name where the camelCase is converted into snake_case.
  • A typedef for the handle is created with the abbreviation as name, a iox prefix and a _t suffix, like iox_sub_t
  • If the constructor allocates an element it has the suffix _create and is called for instance iox_node_create. Analog to the constructor the destructor has the suffix _destroy and is named like iox_node_destroy.
  • Pre iceoryx v2, constructor requiring preallocated memory had the suffix _init and required a pointer to a storage which was usually placed on the stack. Due to non-trivial issues with different sizes for different platforms and architectures the storage is ignored and the object is allocated on the heap. This might be reverted in a future release depending on a proper solution for the problem. The API remains the same, so a _storage_t object like iox_sub_storage_t must be created and a pointer to this object must be passed to _init, e.g. iox_sub_init. This function returns a handle which does not point to the storage. Using the address of the storage in _deinit is undefined and most likely will result in a segmentation fault. The usage is according the following example
  iox_sub_storage_t subStorage;
  iox_sub_t subscriber = iox_sub_init(&subStorage, "foo", "bar", "baz", nullptr);
  // do something with subscriber
  • The first parameter is always the handle to the corresponding object.
  • If possible, the arguments should stay the same in the C API.

  • Enum values are named like EnumName_EnumValue
  • Enum names follow the rule namespace_EnumName

Here is an example:

namespace iox {
enum class Color {

class Channel {
        Channel(const std::string &name);
        cxx::optional<void*> receive();
        bool send(void * data);
        void allHailHypnotoad();

class MyOtherClass {
        MyOtherClass(const int a);
        void youSpinMeRoundLikeARecord();

The corresponding C binding would then look like:

enum iox_Color {

typedef struct Channel * sub_t;

sub_t iox_chan_create(const char * name);
void iox_chan_destroy(sub_t const self);
bool iox_chan_receive(sub_t const self, void * const data);
bool iox_chan_send(sub_t const self, void * const data);
void iox_chan_all_hail_hypnotoad(sub_t const self);

struct iox_other_class_storage_t_ {
    uint64_t do_not_touch_me[8]; // lets assume 8 * 8 is the size of MyOtherClass
typedef iox_other_class_storage_t_ iox_other_class_storage_t;

typedef struct MyOtherClass * iox_other_class_t;
iox_other_class_t iox_other_class_init(iox_other_class_storage_t * self,const int a);
void iox_other_class_deinit(iox_other_class_t * self);
void iox_other_class_you_spin_me_round_like_a_record(iox_other_class_t * self);


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged iceoryx_binding_c at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.6
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version release_2.0
Last Updated 2025-03-03
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding

Additional Links


  • Eclipse Foundation, Inc.


No additional authors.

Iceoryx C Language binding

If you are looking for an example take a look at the icedelivery on c example.

C API structure

The C API is supposed to be as close to the C++ API as possible. This means, developers who are already familiar with the C++ API do not have to learn iceoryx from scratch in order to use the C API. There are of course differences due to C being a different language than C++.

Therefore, we have the following coding conventions exclusively in the C API.

  • C functions are using an abbreviation of the class name. For instance Subscriber would use sub and the methods are named like iox_sub_method_name where the camelCase is converted into snake_case.
  • A typedef for the handle is created with the abbreviation as name, a iox prefix and a _t suffix, like iox_sub_t
  • If the constructor allocates an element it has the suffix _create and is called for instance iox_node_create. Analog to the constructor the destructor has the suffix _destroy and is named like iox_node_destroy.
  • Pre iceoryx v2, constructor requiring preallocated memory had the suffix _init and required a pointer to a storage which was usually placed on the stack. Due to non-trivial issues with different sizes for different platforms and architectures the storage is ignored and the object is allocated on the heap. This might be reverted in a future release depending on a proper solution for the problem. The API remains the same, so a _storage_t object like iox_sub_storage_t must be created and a pointer to this object must be passed to _init, e.g. iox_sub_init. This function returns a handle which does not point to the storage. Using the address of the storage in _deinit is undefined and most likely will result in a segmentation fault. The usage is according the following example
  iox_sub_storage_t subStorage;
  iox_sub_t subscriber = iox_sub_init(&subStorage, "foo", "bar", "baz", nullptr);
  // do something with subscriber
  • The first parameter is always the handle to the corresponding object.
  • If possible, the arguments should stay the same in the C API.

  • Enum values are named like EnumName_EnumValue
  • Enum names follow the rule namespace_EnumName

Here is an example:

namespace iox {
enum class Color {

class Channel {
        Channel(const std::string &name);
        cxx::optional<void*> receive();
        bool send(void * data);
        void allHailHypnotoad();

class MyOtherClass {
        MyOtherClass(const int a);
        void youSpinMeRoundLikeARecord();

The corresponding C binding would then look like:

enum iox_Color {

typedef struct Channel * sub_t;

sub_t iox_chan_create(const char * name);
void iox_chan_destroy(sub_t const self);
bool iox_chan_receive(sub_t const self, void * const data);
bool iox_chan_send(sub_t const self, void * const data);
void iox_chan_all_hail_hypnotoad(sub_t const self);

struct iox_other_class_storage_t_ {
    uint64_t do_not_touch_me[8]; // lets assume 8 * 8 is the size of MyOtherClass
typedef iox_other_class_storage_t_ iox_other_class_storage_t;

typedef struct MyOtherClass * iox_other_class_t;
iox_other_class_t iox_other_class_init(iox_other_class_storage_t * self,const int a);
void iox_other_class_deinit(iox_other_class_t * self);
void iox_other_class_you_spin_me_round_like_a_record(iox_other_class_t * self);


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged iceoryx_binding_c at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.0.3
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version release_1.0
Last Updated 2022-04-08
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding

Additional Links


  • Eclipse Foundation, Inc.


No additional authors.

Iceoryx C Language binding

If you are looking for an example take a look at the icedelivery on c example.

C API structure

The idea of the C API is to be as close to the C++ API as possible. The idea is that the C API looks and feels the same like the C++ API so that you do not have to learn Iceoryx from scratch if you would like to use the C API.

Therefore, we have the following coding conventions exclusively in the C API.

  • C functions are using an abbreviation of the class name. For instance Subscriber would use sub and the methods are named like iox_sub_method_name where the camelCase is converted into snake_case.
  • A typedef for the handle is created with the abbreviation as name, a iox prefix and a _t suffix, like iox_sub_t
  • If the constructor allocates an element it has the suffix _create and is called for instance iox_sub_create. Analog to the constructor the destructor has the suffix _destroy and is named like iox_sub_destroy.
  • If the constructor requires preallocated memory it has the suffix _init and is called for instance iox_sub_init. The corresponding destructor would then have the suffix _deinit and is named like iox_sub_deinit.
    • We provide structs to preallocate memory on the stack easily. They are having the suffix _storage_t and are named like iox_sub_storage_t. This allows you to use them like.
         iox_sub_storage_t subStorage;
         iox_sub_t = iox_sub_init(&subStorage);
  • The first parameter is always the handle to the corresponding object.
  • If possible, the arguments should stay the same in the C API.

  • Enum values are named like EnumName_EnumValue
  • Enum names follow the rule namespace_EnumName

Here is an example:

namespace iox {
enum class Color {

class Subscriber {
        Subscriber(const std::string &name);
        cxx::optional<void*> receive();
        bool send(void * data);
        void allHailHypnotoad();

class MyOtherClass {
        MyOtherClass(const int a);
        void youSpinMeRoundLikeARecord();

The corresponding C binding would then look like:

enum iox_Color {

typedef struct Subscriber * sub_t;

sub_t iox_sub_create(const char * name);
void iox_sub_destroy(sub_t const self);
bool iox_sub_receive(sub_t const self, void * const data);
bool iox_sub_send(sub_t const self, void * const data);
void iox_sub_all_hail_hypnotoad(sub_t const self);

struct iox_other_class_storage_t_ {
    uint64_t do_not_touch_me[8]; // lets assume 8 * 8 is the size of MyOtherClass
typedef iox_other_class_storage_t_ iox_other_class_storage_t;

typedef struct MyOtherClass * iox_other_class_t;
iox_other_class_t iox_other_class_init(iox_other_class_storage_t * self,const int a);
void iox_other_class_deinit(iox_other_class_t * self);
void iox_other_class_you_spin_me_round_like_a_record(iox_other_class_t * self);


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged iceoryx_binding_c at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.6
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version release_2.0
Last Updated 2025-03-03
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding

Additional Links


  • Eclipse Foundation, Inc.


No additional authors.

Iceoryx C Language binding

If you are looking for an example take a look at the icedelivery on c example.

C API structure

The C API is supposed to be as close to the C++ API as possible. This means, developers who are already familiar with the C++ API do not have to learn iceoryx from scratch in order to use the C API. There are of course differences due to C being a different language than C++.

Therefore, we have the following coding conventions exclusively in the C API.

  • C functions are using an abbreviation of the class name. For instance Subscriber would use sub and the methods are named like iox_sub_method_name where the camelCase is converted into snake_case.
  • A typedef for the handle is created with the abbreviation as name, a iox prefix and a _t suffix, like iox_sub_t
  • If the constructor allocates an element it has the suffix _create and is called for instance iox_node_create. Analog to the constructor the destructor has the suffix _destroy and is named like iox_node_destroy.
  • Pre iceoryx v2, constructor requiring preallocated memory had the suffix _init and required a pointer to a storage which was usually placed on the stack. Due to non-trivial issues with different sizes for different platforms and architectures the storage is ignored and the object is allocated on the heap. This might be reverted in a future release depending on a proper solution for the problem. The API remains the same, so a _storage_t object like iox_sub_storage_t must be created and a pointer to this object must be passed to _init, e.g. iox_sub_init. This function returns a handle which does not point to the storage. Using the address of the storage in _deinit is undefined and most likely will result in a segmentation fault. The usage is according the following example
  iox_sub_storage_t subStorage;
  iox_sub_t subscriber = iox_sub_init(&subStorage, "foo", "bar", "baz", nullptr);
  // do something with subscriber
  • The first parameter is always the handle to the corresponding object.
  • If possible, the arguments should stay the same in the C API.

  • Enum values are named like EnumName_EnumValue
  • Enum names follow the rule namespace_EnumName

Here is an example:

namespace iox {
enum class Color {

class Channel {
        Channel(const std::string &name);
        cxx::optional<void*> receive();
        bool send(void * data);
        void allHailHypnotoad();

class MyOtherClass {
        MyOtherClass(const int a);
        void youSpinMeRoundLikeARecord();

The corresponding C binding would then look like:

enum iox_Color {

typedef struct Channel * sub_t;

sub_t iox_chan_create(const char * name);
void iox_chan_destroy(sub_t const self);
bool iox_chan_receive(sub_t const self, void * const data);
bool iox_chan_send(sub_t const self, void * const data);
void iox_chan_all_hail_hypnotoad(sub_t const self);

struct iox_other_class_storage_t_ {
    uint64_t do_not_touch_me[8]; // lets assume 8 * 8 is the size of MyOtherClass
typedef iox_other_class_storage_t_ iox_other_class_storage_t;

typedef struct MyOtherClass * iox_other_class_t;
iox_other_class_t iox_other_class_init(iox_other_class_storage_t * self,const int a);
void iox_other_class_deinit(iox_other_class_t * self);
void iox_other_class_you_spin_me_round_like_a_record(iox_other_class_t * self);


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged iceoryx_binding_c at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro melodic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.