Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.2.17 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2025-02-21 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Youhei Kakiuchi
- Kei Okada
- Kentaro Wada
- Yohei Kakiuchi
Changelog for package jsk_pcl_ros
1.2.17 (2023-11-14)
1.2.16 (2023-11-10)
- add noetic build test (#2756)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] to avoid invalid access, use getGridCoordinates+getCenroidIndexAt function instead of getCentroidIndex. (#2748)
- add relay new baxter_realsense_l515.bag (#2749)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix data link in [install_sample_data.py]{.title-ref} (#2733)
- Fix #2737 (#2739)
- Fixed typo of Software License Agreement. and/o2r to and/or (#2727)
- [feature] container occupancy detector nodelet (#2696)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/organized_multi_plane_segmentation_nodelet] Poke when start subscribing (#2710)
- Add reset sync policy in destructor and add a test (#2681)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact_nodelet.cpp] fix memory leak of colors pointer (#2661)
- use default value for param (#2663)
- work around permission issue / integrate all yaml to one (#2677)
- [jsk_perception][jsk_pcl_ros_utils][jsk_pcl_ros] Fix download links (#2632)
- check more python3 compatibility (#2614)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] ExtractIndices debug (#2628)
- add missing build_depend dynamic_reconfigure in jsk_pcl_ros (#2619
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Stop tf when segmented cloud size is zero using cluster point indices decomposer (#2599)
- add organized statistical removal test (#2602)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix bug of lookuptransform in heightmapconverter (#2572)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add z range option to heightmap converter (#2564)
- [DepthImageCreator] print more rosparm info on startup (#2543)
- add sample_plane_extraction.launch , plane_extraction.launch (#2551)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] set larger min_size limit for organized multiplane segmentation (#2571)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] LineList needs colors aligning with points (#2562)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] support including tabletop_object_detector.launch file in any name space (#2539)
- Update depth_image_creator.md (#2557)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove wrong launch_manager in tabletop_object_detector.launch (#2568)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove wrong launch_manager in tabletop_object_detector.launch (#2546)
- Contributors: Aoi Nakane, Guilherme Affonso, Iori Yanokura, Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Miyabi Tanemoto, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoto Tsukamoto, Shingo Kitagawa, Shumpei Wakabayashi, Yutaro Matsuura, Yasuhiro Ishiguro, Yoshiki Obinata,
1.2.15 (2020-10-10)
1.2.14 (2020-10-09)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add tf_duration parameter in depth_image_creator (#2535)
- Contributors: Shumpei Wakabayashi
1.2.13 (2020-10-08)
1.2.12 (2020-10-03)
1.2.11 (2020-10-01)
- [color_filter] publish color space for debugging(#2477)
- Fix for noetic / 20.04
- support -std=c++14, include image_transport/kdl_parser to library, disable moveit_ros_perception if not possible, support python3
- fix for python3, use 2to3 -f print, 2to3 -f except
- upgrade package.xml to format=3, migrate to noetic with ROS_PYTHON_VERSION=2/3, use multiple ROS distro strategy http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Migration
- fix publishDebugCloud (#2488)
- set chainer version less than 7.0.0
- add time-limit to jsk_pcl_ros/test/test_linemod_trainer.test, jsk_perception/test/bing.test
- set time-limit=25 for timeout:30 tests
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add nearest plane index label to
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Renamed bba -> boxes
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Add parameter fill_bba_label_with_nearest_plane_index
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices] Modified output bounding box indicating nearest plane index
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add multi euclidean clustering
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_euclidean_clustering_sample] Fixed parameter cluster_tolerance to tolerance
- Moved bagfile for multi object detection: Fixed path of play_rosbag xml [jsk_pcl_ros_utils/install_sample_data.py] Make it multiprocess downloadable
- [jsk_pcl_eus/multi_euclidean_clustering] Add test
- [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Update install data for data compression [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Update sample bag file player for data compression
- [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Use capital for arguments
- [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Fixed typo (multi -> ~multi) [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Fixed typo (synchornizes -> synchronizes) [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Fixed typo (approximate_sync_ -> approximate_sync) [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Fixed size of maximum cluster size [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Delete duplicated value downsample_enable [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Fixed indent [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering/cfg] Fixed indent
- add downsample_cloud method
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_euclidean_clustering] Support cluster_filter type
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_euclidean_clustering] Modified input indices's name to ~input/cluster_indices'
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_euclidean_clustering] Modified default queue_size for sync
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add test of multi euclidean clustering
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sample of multi euclidean clustering
- [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Enable multi euclideanclustering
- add the on-off function of using use_pca in dynamic reconfigure
- removed pnh_->param(use_pca, use_pca_, false); in src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp.
- add the on-off function of using use_pca in dynamic reconfigure
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices] Enable use_pca in case of
align_boxes is false
- [jsk_pcl_ros/sample_cluster_point_indices] Add PoseArray of results
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Fixed principal component axis
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Fixed comment
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Add use_pca is true case of example
- set center pose orientation
- fix centroid position
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices] Enable use_pca in case of align_boxes is false
- fix generate_readme.py and update readme (#2442)
- Add sample, test and doc
- Re-enable tests which failed due to wrong timeout of waitForTransform in PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator
- Show message when tf2::TransformException is catched and just return
- Set timeout of waitForTransform: 0.0 -> 1.0 sec
- Do not query in sample for faster success of test
- Call rospy.spin() to correctly publish topics in depth_error_calibration.py
- Add ~organize_cloud parameter
- Show message when tf2::TransformException is catched and just return
- Set timeout of waitForTransform: 0.0 -> 1.0 sec
- Check NaN value to correctly set is_dense field
- Publish organized pointcloud
- Fix substitution to each element of output pointcloud
- Disable some test in jsk_pcl_ros
- Fix condition of publishing ~output/pose_array in ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN
- Disable loading URDF in default in play_rosbag_pr2_sink.xml to reduce test time
- Fix ~timeout param in test_linemod_trainer.py
- Wait a moment until /clock is published in test_linemod_trainer.py
- Add test for in_hand_recognition_manager.py
- Add sample for in_hand_recognition_manager.py
- Remove unused publisher and set queue_size to publisher
- Fix logging in in_hand_recognition_manager.py
- Update test for pointcloud_screenpoint.l
- Add new sample for pointcloud_screenpoint.l
- Add sample for store-pointcloud.l
- Fix shebang in store-pointcloud.l
- Add test for publish_clicked_point_bbox.py
- Add sample for publish_clicked_point_bbox.py
- Add queue_size to publisher in publish_clicked_point_bbox.py
- Add test for depth_error_calibration.py
- Add sample for depth_error_calibration.py
- Publish error plot image as well in depth_error_calibration.py
- Add test for display-bounding-box-array.l
- Add sample for display-bounding-box-array.l
- Fix shebang in display-bounding-box-array.l
- Add test for marker_appender.py
- Add sample for marker_appender.py
- Set queue_size to 1 in publisher in marker_appender.py
- Add test for tracking_info.py and tracker_status_info.py
- Add sample for tracking_info.py and tracker_status_info.py
- Do not duplicate dynamic_reconfigure server in one node
- Add test for renew_tracking.py and ParticleFilterTracking
- Add sample for renew_tracking.py
- Fix missing service argument in renew_tracking.py
- Add test for LINEMODDetector
- Add sample for LINEMODDetector
- Add test for LINEMODTrainer
- Add sample for LINEMODTrainer
- Fix mask image shape in LINEMODDetector
- Fix for working correctly with yaml-cpp>=0.5.0 in LINEMODDetector
- Add param for viewpoint sampling number in LINEMODTrainer
- Add test for IntermittentImageAnnotator
- Add sample for IntermittentImageAnnotator
- Fix index of polygon vertices to use because it's rectangle
- Just return from callback when snapshot_buffer is empty in IntermittentImageAnnotator
- Add test for CaptureStereoSynchronizer
- Add sample for CaptureStereoSynchronizer
- Add test for FeatureRegistration
- Add sample for FeatureRegistration
- Add ~transformation_epsilon paramter to enable converging in registration in FeatureRegistration
- Add test for TargetAdaptiveTracking
- Add sample for TargetAdaptiveTracking
- Fix dynamic_reconfigure::Server namespace in TargetAdaptiveTracking
- Support getting paramters for parent_frame and child_frame in TargetAdaptiveTracking
- Add test for Snapit
- Add sample for Snapit
- Remove totally malformed sample for Snapit
- Add test for CollisionDetector
- Add sample for CollisionDetector
- Add test for IncrementalModelRegistration
- Add sample for IncrementalModelRegistration
- Add test for TorusFinder
- Add sample for TorusFinder
- Suppress huge amount of error message in ParticleFilterTracking
- Add test for TiltLaserListener
- Add sample for TiltLaserListener
- Add test for ParticleFilterTracking
- Add sample for ParticleFilterTracking
- Update test for PointcloudDatabaseServer
- Update sample for PointcloudDatabaseServer
- Add test for ParallelEdgeFinder
- Add sample for ParallelEdgeFinder
- Add test for PointCloudLocalization
- Add sample for PointCloudLocalization
- Fix test for ICPRegistration
- Fix sample for ICPRegistration
- Add missing '~correspondence_randomness' param in ICPRegistration
- Add test for PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator
- Add test for LineSegmentCollector
- Add sample for LineSegmentCollector
- Remove unused parameter error to successfully finish onInit in LineSegmentCollector
- Update test for LineSegmentDetector
- Update sample for LineSegmentDetector
- Add test for HintedStickFinder
- Add sample for HintedStickFinder
- Add test for HintedHandleEstimator
- Add sample for HintedHandleEstimator
- Add test for HintedPlaneDetector
- Add sample for HintedPlaneDetector
- Fix conditional branching to use correct parameter in HintedPlaneDetector
- Add test for HeightmapTimeAccumulation
- Add sample for HeightmapTimeAccumulation
- Show error message when lookupTransform failed in HeightmapTimeAccumulation
- Add test for HeightmapToPointCloud
- Add sample for HeightmapToPointCloud
- Add test for HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering
- Add sample for HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering
- Add test for HeightmapConverter
- Add sample for HeightmapConverter
- Fix transform in HeightmapConveter
- Add test for ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN
- Add sample for ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN
- Add test for RegionGrowingSegmentation
- Add sample for RegionGrowingSegmentation
- Add test for RegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation
- Add sample for RegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation
- Run test_organized_edge_detector.test only when PCL>1.7.2
- Add test for MultiPlaneExtraction
- Add sample for MultiPlaneExtraction
- Add test for OctreeChangePublisher
- Add sample for OctreeChangePublisher
- fix include order
- Add test for OrganizedPassThrough
- Add sample for OrganizedPassThrough
- Add test for OrganizedEdgeDetector
- Add sample for OrganizedEdgeDetector
- Add test for OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- Add sample for OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- Add test for MaskImageClusterFilter
- Add sample for MaskImageClusterFilter
- Add test for KeypointsPublisher
- Add sample for KeypointsPublisher
- Add test for MovingLeastSquareSmoothing
- Add sample for MovingLeastSquareSmoothing
- Add test for NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- Add sample for NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- Add test for NormalDirectionFilter
- Add sample for NormalDirectionFilter
- Add test for NormalEstimationOMP
- Add sample for NormalEstimationOMP
- Add test for VoxelGridLargeScale
- Add sample for VoxelGridLargeScale
- Add test for SupervoxelSegmentation
- Add sample for SupervoxelSegmentation
- Add test for ROIClipper
- Add sample for ROIClipper
- Remove duplicated test_mask_image_filter.test
- Add test for ResizePointsPublisher
- Add sample for ResizePointsPublisher
- Add test for FuseRGBImages
- Add test for FuseDepthImages
- Add test for RGBColorFilter
- Fix sample for RGBColorFilter not to require real camera
- Add test for GridSampler
- Add sample for GridSampler
- Add test for FisheyeSpherePublisher
- Add sample for FisheyeSpherePublisher
- Add test for MaskImageFilter
- Add sample for MaskImageFilter
- Add test for DepthCalibration
- Add sample for DepthCalibration
- Add test for BoundingBoxOcclusionRejector
- Fix sample for BoundingBoxOcclusionRejector so that users don't have to move interactive marker
- Add test for BorderEstimator
- Add sample for BorderEstimator
- Add test for extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py
- Add sample for extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py
- Add test for plane_time_ensync_for_recognition.py
- Add sample for plane_time_ensync_for_recognition.py
- Add test for dump_depth_error.py
- Add sample for dump_depth_error.py
- Support specifying output csv path as rosparam in dump_depth_error.py
- Add test for calculate_polygon_from_imu.py
- Add sample for calculate_polygon_from_imu.py
- Fix condition to use np.abs(acc) in calculate_polygon_from_imu.py
- Fix initialize arguments of PolygonArray in calculate_polygon_from_imu.py
- Move sample for PlanarPointCloudSimulator to jsk_pcl_ros_utils and do not use deprecated node
- kinfu supports BGR8 encoding input (#2432)
- add volume_size for kinfu parameter (#2449)
- Publish organized pointcloud in DepthImageCreator (#2446)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/DepthImageCreator] Add ~fill_value to specify
initial value of depth image
- Add ~fill_value parameter (default is nan) to specify initial value of depth image.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/DepthImageCreator] Fix SEGV when pointcloud is not available yet in asynchronous mode (#2444)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/pointcloud_moveit_filter] build support moveit > 1.0.0 (#2443)
- add keep_organized param to heightmap_to_pointcloud (#2434)
- add negative rosparam in mask_image_filter
- add color_histogram_matcher test
- modified member variable is_dense true to false, to compute3DCentroid
- modified rosbag file, rviz config and document
- add keep_organized param to heightmap_to_pointcloud
- mofify test of mask_image_filter
- rename test file name from .launch to .test & modify CMakeLists for test of mask_image_filter
- add test for mask_image_filter
- add sample for maks_image_filter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sample_color_histogram_matcher.launch
- add color_histogram_publisher node
- add rosbag file and rviz config file
- add sample_color_histogram_matcher.launch
- add negative param in mask_image_filter
- Modify pcl version check for building with pcl-1.9 (#2426)
- ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer: suppress error if contains zero
- add wawrning on clustering zero size cloud
- suppress error if contains zero indices
- Contributors: Akihiro Miki, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shingo Kitagawa, Takayuki Murooka, Tomoya Ishii, Yuki Furuta, Yuki Omori, Yuto Uchimi, Iory Yanokura, Taichi Higashide
1.2.10 (2019-03-27)
- use (MOVEIT_VERSION_MAJOR == 0 and MOVEIT_VERSION_MINOR < 6), since moveit is upgraded to 1.0 (#2416)
- [doc] [jsk_pcl_ros_utils] [jsk_pcl_ros] Add documentation
- Add test for InteractiveCuboidLikelihood
- Add dependency on jsk_interactive_marker to jsk_pcl_ros
- Remove unused nodes in sample_plane_supported_cuboid_estimator.launch
- Set queue_size explicitly for publisher in sample_simulate_tabletop_cloud.py
- Add test for EdgebasedCubeFinder
- Add sample for EdgebasedCubeFinder
- Add test for FindObjectOnPlane
- Add sample for FindObjectOnPlane
- Add test for EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Add sample for EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Add test for JointStateStaticFilter
- Add sample for JointStateStaticFilter
- Install additional rosbag file for move & stop joints
- Add test for MultiPlaneSACSegmentation
- Add sample for MultiPlaneSACSegmentation
- Fix for assertion error (ptr != 0) when subscribing only ~input
- Add test for HandleEstimator
- Add sample for HandleEstimator
- Add test for VoxelGridDownsampleManager/Decoder
- Add sample for VoxelGridDownsampleManager/Decoder
- Add test for ColorizeMapRandomForest
- Add sample for ColorizeMapRandomForest
- Fix executable name for ColorizeMapRandomForest
- Fix names in ColorizeMapRandomForest
- Run test for ColorizeRandomForest only when ml_classifiers is found
- Add doc for ColorizeRandomForest
- Add test for ColorizeRandomForest
- Add sample for ColorizeRandomForest
- Fix typo in CMakeLists.txt in order to build ColorizeRandomForest
- Fix names in ColorizeRandomForest
- Add test for SelectedClusterPublisher
- Add sample for SelectedClusterPublisher
- Add test for BilateralFilter
- Add sample for BilateralFilter
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.9 (2019-02-23)
1.2.8 (2019-02-22)
1.2.7 (2019-02-14)
- add melodic test
- fix for melodic, use ros::AsyncSpinner
- revert Reverts #2310, kinfu.h uses jsk_rviz_plugins/OverlayText.h, but jsk_recognition should not depends on jsk_visualization, jsk_visualization depends on jsk_recognition
- moveit API change: Affine3d -> Isometry3d
- replace tf::MessageFilter by tf2_ros::MessageFilter
- OctomapServerContact sample with
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] check wheter tf transformation succeeds.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] refactor euslisp node for publishing sensor data.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] use openmp for scan grids.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] write with one loop for scanning grid.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] remove unnecessary lines in the case that vertex is not used (= contact surface is not used). change parameter name: use_vetex -> use_contact_surface.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] clamp min and max points for scanning all leaf.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] pass timestamp of subscribed message for tf transformation correctly.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add launch, scripts, and configs for sample of octomap_server_contact with PR2.
- Add method to convert jsk_recognition_msgs/BoundingBox to cube in
- add function to convert jsk_recognition_msgs/BoundingBox to cube in euslisp
- divide single roseus file into node file and library file
- correct message type
- normal_estimation_omp_nodelet.cpp: add line to preserve rgb data of pointcloud (#2388 )
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_pcl_ros_utils] Use ccache if installed to
make it fast to generate object file
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use ccache if installed to make it fast to generate object file
- Fix cluster point indices decomposer to make bounding box from cloud
including nan
- remove nan only when is_dense is False
- take over is_dense from input cloud and remove nan for bounding box computation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add test_depend to jsk_perception
- Add bbox test for cpi decomposer.
- [octomap_server_contact] Publish frontier grid
- add test topics which is passed to test_topic_published.py
- modify name space in remap
- add test for octomap_contact
- install bag file for octomap server contact
- update sample rviz config for octomap frontier
- add sample launch file for octomap frontier grid
- publish frontier grid in octomap_server_contact
- Correct md5 of install rosbag file (#2361 )
- Contributors: Christian Rauch, Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Iory Yanokura, Hideaki Ito, Weiqi Yang
1.2.6 (2018-11-02)
- [octomap_server_contact] add callback function to insert
proximity sensor pointcloud
- [octomap_server_contact] add rosparam to select using vertex in insertContactSensor()
- [octomap_server_contact] add callback function to insert proximity sensor pointcloud
- [octomap_server_contact] add rosparam to select publishing unknown marker array
- kinfu.h depends on jsk_rviz_plugins (#2310)
- Add detect_graspable_poses_pcabase.py and its sample
- delete unnecessary try except block
- move rospy.init_node and rospy.spin into the block of if __name_ == '__main_'
- if else is set so that z value of grasp poses' y axies become positive.
- delete unncessary import, change variables to snake case, put spaces
- modify axis so that a robot can grasp object more naturally
- fix a problem that this program does not provide correct axies when x option is selected
- add test for detect_graspable_poses_pcabase
- files needed to run sample of detect_graspable_poses_pcabase
- detect_graspable_poses_pca_base.py produce graspable poses using input point cloud data, hand width, and grasp direction.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_plane_extraction] Initialize viewpoint by zeros to avoid flip of surface normal direction (#2343)
- [jsk_pcl_ros][organized_pass_through] add remove_nan (#2039)
- Install 'scripts' into SHARE_DESTINATION (#2345)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/package.xml] Add checkerborad_detecotr's dependency (#2319)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Modified
publishNegativeIndices to make it fast
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indice_decomposer] Monitor num of subscriber and if equal less than 0, return.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indice_decomposer] Make publishNegativeIndices fast by fixing algorithm
- [jsk_perception] Retrain bof data for sklearn==0.2.0 version and
modified jsk_pcl_ros/utils's test for kinetic travis
- [jsk_pcl_ros/test_pointcloud_screenpoint.test] Check a topic published by using jsk_tools/test_topic_published.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros/color_histogram.test] Check topics published by using jsk_tools/test_topic_published.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros/color_histogram.test] Refactored rosbag play by using common file
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Delete subclass's updateDiagnostic method
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add diagnostics update
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote.launch] Add use_warn option
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote.launch] Add use_warn option
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote.launch] Modified use_warn false
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote.launch] Add use_warn option
- Fix typos
- Fix typo in cfg of OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros/package.xml] Delete duplication of cv_bridge
- [jsk_pcl_ros/package.xml] Add checkerborad_detecotr's dependency
- [jsk_pcl_ros/package.xml] Delete duplication of cv_bridge
- fix for jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_common/pull/1586
- to avoid add_custom_target cannot create target install_sample_data because another target with the same name already exists errors
- Use diagnostic nodelet for EuclideanClustering and other nodelets (#2301)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote.launch] Modified namespace
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote] Add depth args
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote] Fixed rgb_frame_id because this not changed
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote] Modified rgb namespace
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote] Changed that you can change the camera source
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Modified openni2_remote.launch to change camera
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Modified openni2_remote.launch to change camera namespace
- Fix warnings about <pcl/ros/conversions.h> and printf format
- Fix printf format in tilt_laser_listener_nodelet
- Fix warnings about <pcl/ros/conversions.h>
- Describe the hierachy of rosparams of ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- cluster_point_indices_decomposer: ROS_XXX -> NODELET_XXX
- Show warning for unused rosparams
- jsk_pcl_ros: primitive_shape_classifier: fix typo
- jsk_pcl_ros: color_histogram_filter: fix typo
- jsk_pcl_ros: primitive_shape_classifier: fix typo
- jsk_pcl_ros: support lazy mode for pointcloud_screenpoint nodelet
- jsk_pcl_ros: support lazy mode for pointcloud_screenpoint nodelet
- fix travia and reduce dependency for jsk_pcl_ros
- sort run/build depends
- remove unnesessary depends as reported on https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_3rdparty/issues/140, building jsk_pcl_ros on ros buildfarm takes too much time. This PR cleans dependencies.
- add wkentaro to maintainer
- Fix warnings for jsk_pcl_ros package (#2266)
- Fix missing pkg_name in install_sample_data.py (#2267)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/test_extract_indices.cpp] use std::isnan in
- use std::isnan in test_extract_indices
- [jsk_pcl_ros][organized_pass_through] add remove_nan
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Naoya Yamaguchi, Riku Shigematsu, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Yuki Furuta, Yuto Uchimi, Iori Yanokura
1.2.5 (2018-04-09)
- Fix build of jsk_pcl_ros (on Kinetic) (#2262)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/color_histogram_visualizer.py] use facecolor
instead of axisbg
- use facecolor instead of axisbg axisbg is removed from matplotlib 2.2.0
- [jsk_pcl_ros] ICP Registration on 2D plane
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add sample launch file for icp_registration 2d
- [jsk_pcl_ros][icp_registration_nodelet.cpp] add option for 2d transform estimation
- jsk_pcl_ros: add sample door detector
- jsk_pcl_ros: fix param for door_detector sample launch
- jsk_pcl_ros: add sample launch files for icp registration 2d
- jsk_pcl_ros: add sample data for pr2 sink scenario
- jsk_pcl_ros: add rviz config / rosbag for sample_door_handle_detector
- jsk_pcl_ros: add sample door detector
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta
1.2.4 (2018-01-12)
- jsk_pcl_ros/multi_plane_extraction: fix typo 'maginify'
- test_depth_image_creator.test: increase time limit (#2236)
- Fix uninitialized pointer error in some recognition nodelets
- [tilt_laser_listener] Initialize cloud_vital_checker_ before subscribe input/cloud because cloud_vital_checker_ is referred in cloudCallback
- add test/test_pointcloud_screenpoint.test, enable to run run
pointcloud_screenpoint sample launch in indigo
- update pointcloud_screenpoint.rviz
- sample/pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch: enable to use rviz
- merge jsk_pcl/PointcloudScreenpoint for both with or without USE_VIEW
- update test_pointcloud_screenpoint, use base_frame, instead of PUBLISH_BASE_FOOTPRINT
- pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet.cpp: add more ROS_INFO messages when start up
- remove image_view2 from pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch, because pointcloud_screenpoint.launch is already start image_view2
- use common camera prefix for openni
- run pointcloud_screenpoint sample in localhost not pr2, fix for indigo/kinetic setup for openni, machine env-loader, etc...
- add base_frame param in pointcloud_screenpoint.l
- add test/test_pointcloud_screenpoint.test
- install euslisp/ directory (#2232)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Iori Kumagai, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa
1.2.3 (2017-11-23)
- [tilt_laser_listener] add size check of position and velocity (#2218)
- jsk_pcl_ros: primitive_shape_classifier: don't process debug message if not subscribed (#2220)
- find moveit_ros_perception package at the top of cmake (#2210)
- bounding_box_filter_nodelet.cpp: Support filtering bounding boxes without indices (#2192)
- jsk_pcl_ros: color_histogram_classifier: fix typo (#2190)
- jsk_pcl_ros: multi_plane_extraction: add option use_coefficients (#2191)
- Publish sorted cluster point indices in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer (#2183)
- enhance heightmap much smoother
- [jsk_pcl_ros, heightmap] update heightmap_converter.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros, heightmap_converter, heightmap_morphological_filtering, heightmap_time_accumulation] update for using averaging accumulation and bilateral filter
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yohei Kakiuchi
1.2.2 (2017-07-23)
1.2.1 (2017-07-15)
1.2.0 (2017-07-15)
- Check encoding of input topics in FuseImages (#2158)
- jsk_pcl_ros: Add Primitive shape classifier nodelet
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add test for primitive_shape_classifier
- [jsk_pcl_ros][primitive_shape_classifier] classify with circle likelihood first
- [jsk_pcl_ros][primitive_shape_classifier] parameterize classification threshold
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add primitive shape classifier (cont)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add primitive shape classifier
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuki Furuta
1.1.3 (2017-07-07)
- Filter invalid centroid in centroid_publisher
- Add sample and test for CentroidPublisher
- Support PCA even without input planes but with only ground frame (#2149)
- Add nodelet for computing & comparing color histogram
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add color_histogram_classifier and visualizer
- Generate Kinfu texture model with attention (BoundingBox) and Ground
frame to fix occluded surface
- Refactor slicing of textures_ and cameras_
- Use save_mesh_server.py in example
- Remove no need print debug
- Create save_dir when necessary
- Refactoring texture_file for occluded.jpg
- Fix to use size_t for indexing
- Set texture file with relative path to mesh file
- Save kinfu mesh model with bbox and ground frame id
- Create polygon mesh with bbox request in kinfu
- Create function to crop point cloud by bounding box
- Add dynamic_reconfigure for kinfu to change save_dir in dynamic
- Various sort options for cluster point indices decomposer
- Check bounding box's size to make it valid
- Add ref for std::sort with lambda function
- use std::sort in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Use argsort to add label to bounding box correctly The box label is the index of input indices. Index_{output_indices} = argsort(Index_{input_indices})
- Add test for ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer with sort_by option
- Add capability to sort indices with cloud size
- Refactor ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer with ~sort_by param
- [jsk_pcl_ros] use smaller rosbag data for ppf registration
- use nodelet in sample octree voxel grid
- use smaller rosbag data for ppf registration
- [jsk_pcl_ros/OctomapServerContact] Supress octomap debug message
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/octomap_server_contact_nodelet.cpp] fix log output function.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/octomap_server_contact_nodelet.cpp] add NDEBUG definition for octomap log.
- src/supervoxel_segmentation_nodelet.cpp: check size of PointCloud data size (#2120)
- Following change of
- Use max_pub_queue_size, max_sub_queue_size
- Rewrite KinfuNodelet with some enhancements and new features
- Create jsk_recognition_msgs/TrackingStatus.msg and use it in Kinfu
- Add sample of kinfu for hrp2_apc
- Remove no longer required rotate90_x
- Check number of subscribers for each topic to publish
- Hanle mutex correctly for kinfu_ and cameras_
- Reset cameras_ when kinfu is reset
- Use boost shared_ptr to avoid resource leak by kinfu instance
- Improve topic name: generated_depth -> depth
- Publish kinfu tracking status
- Parameterize odom_init (fixed_frame_id)
- Remove no need scoped lock
- Add hint comment for slam by kinfu
- Remove unused Kinfu.cfg
- Disable slam in default
- Support kinfu as slam and publish tf map -> odom_init
- Improve comment
- Support kinfu as slam with making fixed frame as child
- Fix kinfu.launch ~input/info -> ~input/camera_info
- Preserve default behavior of auto_reset=true
- Test kinfu output topics
- Preserve kinfu ~output (camera pose)
- Preserve previous kinfu ~output/cloud
- Support texture mesh generated using kinfu
- Support colorized cloud output by kinfu
- Refactoring: use enc:
- Support publishing depth image generated by kinfu
- Fix missing header for rendered image msg
- Support colorized rendered image
- Support color integration
- Refactoring seeing kinfuLS_app.cpp
- Save mesh model with service request
- Rewrite KinfuNodelet with some enhancements
- Stable tracking
- Publish rendered image
- [docs][color_histogram_classifier] add tutorials
- [jsk_pcl_ros][color_histogram] update docs / rviz config
- [jsk_pcl_ros][sample_color_histogram.launch] update launch file
- [jsk_pcl_ros][color_histogram_visualizer] change bg color to gray
- Various sort options for cluster point indices decomposer (#2133)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta
1.1.2 (2017-06-16)
- Use 1 queue size for pub/sub not synchronization
- Use 1 queue size for pub/sub not synchronization
- Keep backward compatibility by using max_queue_size_
- Support PointXYZ in DepthImageCreator
- Support PointXYZ in DepthImageCreator
- Add stereo_image_proc as run_depend
- Check if in image to create depth from laser scans (#2106)
- Triple sensor fusion with stereo rgbd cameras
- Fix missing inclusion of image_encodings.h
- Install sample data for fuse_images
- Rename: sample_fuse_depth_images.launch -> sample_fuse_images.launch
- Improve visualization in sample_fuse_depth_image
- Rename: fuse_depth_images.cpp -> fuse_images.cpp
- Fuse RGB images from multiple cameras
- Add sample for FuseDepthImages
- Fuse depth images for multiple sensor fusion
- Add test for depth_image_creator
- Create rgb image in depth_image_creator
- Fix typo in ColorBasedRegionGrowingSegmentation (#2098)
- Stop using deprecated logging func in jsk_topic_tools
- Stop using deprecated JSK_NODELET_INFO_STREAM
- Stop using deprecated jsk_logxxx
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Add consensus method of
- [jsk_pcl_ros/lsd] Refactored code
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Mofied method type of consensus method
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Add consensus method of segmentation
- Cleanup octomap dependencies of jsk_pcl_ros (#2090)
- Fix deprecation warning on RearrangeBoundingBox
` WARNING: '/home/wkentaro/Projects/label_octomap/src/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/jsk_pcl_ros/sample/data/sample_add_color_from_image_20170319.bag' exists /home/wkentaro/Projects/label_octomap/src/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/jsk_pcl_ros/src/rearrange_bounding_box_nodelet.cpp: In member function 'virtual void jsk_pcl_ros::RearrangeBoundingBox::onInit()': /home/wkentaro/Projects/label_octomap/src/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/jsk_pcl_ros/src/rearrange_bounding_box_nodelet.cpp:51:57: warning: 'tf2::Quaternion::Quaternion(const tf2Scalar&, const tf2Scalar&, const tf2Scalar&)' is deprecated (declared at /opt/ros/indigo/include/tf2/LinearMath/Quaternion.h:50) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] q\_ = tf2::Quaternion(rotate_y\_, rotate_x\_, rotate_z\_); ^ /home/wkentaro/Projects/label_octomap/src/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/jsk_pcl_ros/src/rearrange_bounding_box_nodelet.cpp: In member function 'void jsk_pcl_ros::RearrangeBoundingBox::configCallback(jsk_pcl_ros::RearrangeBoundingBox::Config&, uint32_t)': /home/wkentaro/Projects/label_octomap/src/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/jsk_pcl_ros/src/rearrange_bounding_box_nodelet.cpp:73:57: warning: 'tf2::Quaternion::Quaternion(const tf2Scalar&, const tf2Scalar&, const tf2Scalar&)' is deprecated (declared at /opt/ros/indigo/include/tf2/LinearMath/Quaternion.h:50) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] q\_ = tf2::Quaternion(rotate_y\_, rotate_x\_, rotate_z\_);
` - [tilt_laser_listener] add periodic publish mode (#2082)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] publish edge as segment message in edge_depth_refinement_nodelet. (#2047)
- enlarge euclidean clustering max cluster size (#2066)
- Generate README by script (#2064)
- [jsk_pcl_ros][cluster_point_indices_decomposer] normailize bounding box pose orientation quaternion (#2044)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Modified openni2_remote for republish compressed image (#2036)
- Nodelet to add color from image to organized pointcloud
- Add test, sample and doc for add_color_from_image(_to_organized)
- Nodelet to add color from image to organized pointcloud
- forget to convert form jsk_pcl_ros to jsk_recognition_msgs (#2021)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/launch/euclidean_segmentation.launch] add create manager node (#2020)
- Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kanae Kochigami, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuki Furuta, Iory Yanokura, Hiroto Mizohana
1.1.1 (2017-03-04)
1.1.0 (2017-02-09)
- remove test_data and move to sample_data (#2017 )
- Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa
1.0.4 (2017-02-09)
1.0.3 (2017-02-08)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/edge_depth_refinement_nodelet] fix bug of calculating distance between edges. (#2009 )
- Re-enable tests in jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- Re-enable all tests in jsk_pcl_ros
- Re-eanble tests in jsk_pcl_ros with new rosbag
- Fix test condition bug about test_edge_depth_refinement
- Comment out pcl tests
- [jsk_pcl_ros/edge_based_pose_estimation] add configCallback before advertise and subscribe for avoiding initialization miss. (#1996 )
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ organized_edge_detector_nodelet] set color with colorCategory20 in debug hough image. (#1992 )
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka
1.0.2 (2017-01-12)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/install_sample] fix md5sum (#1988)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
1.0.1 (2016-12-13)
1.0.0 (2016-12-12)
- [MajorRelease] remove message generation from jsk_pcl_ros (#1983)
- [MajorRelease] Migrate srv files from jsk_pcl_ros to jsk_recognition_msgs (#1917) see
- fix_for_kinetic
- use std::isnan instead of isnan, knetic compiler requires this
- CMakeFiles.txt : add c++11noption if possible, http://answers.ros.org/question/152276/is-there-a-way-to-enable-c11-support-for-catkin-packages/
- [jsk_pcl/ICP] change max param of icp-cfg(debug) (#1978)
- Publish marker_array by octree_voxel_grid
- Test octree_voxel_grid
- Sample for octree_voxel_grid
- Publish marker_array by octree_voxel_grid
- [jsk_pcl_ros/pointcloud_dataserver] remove adding unneeded cloud (#1969)
- [jsk_pcl/multi_plane_extraction] fix stamp of cloud msg (#1965)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove duplicated install data lines
- remove duplicated install_test_data
- remove duplicated install_sample_data line
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add PPF registration
- add use_sample_data option in ppf_registration sample launch
- add tabletop coffee cup sample pointcloud data
- add test and sample for ppf registration in jsk_pcl_ros
- add ppf registraion nodelet in jsk_pcl_ros
- add use_array option in PointcloudDatabaseServer
- modify icp sample to do coffee cup matching (#1941)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yu Ohara
0.3.29 (2016-10-30)
- CMakeLists.txt: install nodelet.xml: for get to care about install process in #1929
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.3.28 (2016-10-29)
- [Major Release] Copy jsk_pcl_ros/srv and jsk_perception/srv files to jsk_recognition_msgs (#1914)
- Copy deprecated srv files to jsk_recognition_msgs
- jsk_pcl_ros/srv -> jsk_recognition_msgs/srv
- jsk_perception/srv -> jsk_recognition_msgs/srv TODO
- Migrate current code for srv files in jsk_recognition_msgs
- Remove srv files in jsk_pcl_ros and jsk_perception
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada
0.3.27 (2016-10-29)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add description to libjsk_pcl_ros_utils.xml (#1934)
- Remove dependency on run_depend jsk_perception for separated build (#1865)
- Remove jsk_pcl_ros/box_array_to_box.py (#1833) Close jsk-ros-pkg#1831 This change should be released as a major release. cc \@k-okada
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Yohei Kakiuchi
0.3.26 (2016-10-27)
- Stop using deprecated jsk_topic_tools/log_utils.h (#1933)
- fix unparsable jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- multiple <library> tags in one xml file can't be used.
- separate pluginlib xml for each library files.
3. pluginlib xml should be splitted with package name (nodelet, moveit_ros_perception).
- [jsk_pcl_ros/rearrange_bounding_box] Add rotation reconfigure (#1930)
- fix typo in jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Enabled async (#1921)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Add line width reconfigure (#1921)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet.cpp] change output property from warn to info because this is not warning case. (#1910)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet.cpp] add warning comment when out of image size. (#1910)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/laser_multi~] remove bug related to change in organized~.launch (#1907)
- heightmap_converter: fix heightmap using fixed frame
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add heightmap_converter.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros, heightmap_converter] add code for publishing projected TF
- [jsk_pcl_ros, heightmap_to_pointcloud] add method for converting height map to organized pointcloud
- Add condition to use PCL1.8 for ExtractIndices (#1902)
- Stabilize test for ColorBasedRegionGrowingSegmentation (#1897)
- Comment out unstable test on travis
- test/test_color_based_region_growing_segmentation.test
- [heightmap] change type of heightmap to image/32FC2 (#1886)
- Set invalid centroid for empty extracted cloud with indices (#1880)
- cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp: Preserve index of cluster_indices even with max/min size (#1879)
- Fix missing dependency declaration of jsk_pcl_ros
- Add roslaunch_add_file_check for openni*.launch
- fixed organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- Fixed launch file to load jsk_pr2_startup only when RUN_SELF_FILTER is true
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Shingo Kitagawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yu Ohara, Masahiro Bando, Iori Yanokura
0.3.25 (2016-09-16)
- fix TargetAdaptiveTrackingConfig file name (this breaks make install)
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.3.24 (2016-09-15)
0.3.23 (2016-09-14)
0.3.22 (2016-09-13)
- added cfg and launch files
- nodelet for tracking and updating object changes
- increase time-limit
- ColorBasedRegionGrowingSegmentation.cfg remove groovy code
- add test_color_based_region_growing_segmentation.test
- remove passthrough and fix type of kdtree
- fix description of BSD license and remove passthroughfilter
- add cfg of color_based_region_growing
- add dynamic reconfigure of color_based_region_growing
- Revert "Remove dependency on jsk_perception for separated build"
- Merge pull request #1820 from wkentaro/dep-pcl-perception Remove dependency on jsk_perception for separated build
- Missing installation of executables
- Fix missing dependency declaration of jsk_pcl_ros
- Fix order of components in find_package of jsk_pcl_ros
- Remove dependency on jsk_perception for separated build
- [jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration] Fix error in case of input point
cloud... (#1795)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration] Fix error in case of input point cloud size is 0
- [jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration] Publish empty topics
- [jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration] Add test
- Add missing build_depend on jsk_data (#1852) This is necessary to run install script on CMakeLists.txt.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Preserve transform at subscribed timestamp for prev pointcloud in heightmap time accumulation (#1850)
- Install missing dirs for jsk_pcl_ros (#1847) The missing dirs are: config, launch, sample.
- Fix missing computation of point cloud center without box alignment (#1844)
- Fix missing dependency on jsk_data
- [jsk_pcl_ros/launch/openni2_remote.launch] relay camera_info for depth_registered.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/edge_depth_refinement_nodelet.cpp] fix duplication check. treat edges which have no duplication correctly.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/edge_depth_refinement_nodelet.cpp] remove unused local variable.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/parallel_edge_finder_nodelet.cpp] use advertise function defined in ConnectionBasedNodelet class.
- Compute point cloud centroid after transformed
- Extract indices correctly with empty cloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros/EdgeDepthRefinement] Add rostest for edge_depth_refinement
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fixed mistake of condition in edge_depth_refinment
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Add test code
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Fixed avoiding boost::lock_error
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Modified line_segment_detector limitating length
- Publish correct size cloud even with empty indices for ExtractIndices
- [jsk_pcl_ros/people_tracking] Add test
- [jsk_pcl_ros/people_tracking] Add traindata
- [jsk_pcl_ros/people_tracking] Add people tracking nodelet
- Convert point cloud to point indices
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add rearranged_bounding_box
- [jsk_pcl_ros/hsi_color_filter] Add gui program
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add test for hsi_color_filter
- [jsk_pcl_ros/hsi_color_filter] Add option keep_organized: ture
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add option keep_organized for color_filter
- Merge pull request #1758 from knorth55/fix-convex fix ConvexConnectedVoxels subscribers and publisher
- Align bounding boxes with target frame in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add test for ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add sample for ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add test for ConvexConnectedVoxels
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix ConvexConnectedVoxels subscribers and publisher
- allow parent frame not set
- Refactor deprecated node compilation moved to jsk_pcl_ros_utils This is from same motivation as https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/pull/1726.
- [Normal Estimation OMP] add parameter for setting number of threads
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fixed initialization of pnh in organized_edge_detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add test and sample launch for pointcloud database server
- fix parameter name in hsi_color_filter_sample.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use jsk_data download_data func for test_data
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix and improve for frame_id
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add stl file load func to PointcloudDatabaseServer
- Stable ros version check by STRGREATER
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add dynamic_reconfigure in pointcloud_database_server (#1632)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support pcl 1.8 in 'jsk_pcl_ros' (#1609)
- Support pcl 1.8 in 'jsk_pcl_ros'
* Test building with PCL 1.8 Modified: - .travis.yml Added:
- .travis_before_script_pcl1.8.bash
- Build particle_filter_tracking only with OpenMP (#1607)
- Stop passing -z flag to ld with clang (#1606)
- Add boost namespace as boost::tie (#1608)
- Contributors: Iori Kumagai, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Satoshi Otsubo, Shingo Kitagawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yu Ohara, Hitoshi Kamada, Krishneel Chaudhary, Iori Yanokura, Yusuke Oshiro
0.3.21 (2016-04-15)
- CMakeLists.txt: we do not have node_scripts/ (#1587)
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.3.20 (2016-04-14)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add jsk_pcl version of tabletop_object_detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros_utils/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml] fix: pcl class name typo of CloudOnPlane
- [jsk_pcl_ros/sample/tabletop_object_detector.launch] add jsk version of tabletop_object_detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support bilateral filtering in HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering (#1564)
- Install python executables
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.19 (2016-03-22)
0.3.18 (2016-03-21)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/launch,scripts] add launch and script to generate the pointcloud cluster of objects.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka
0.3.17 (2016-03-20)
- remove dynamic_reconfigure.parameter_generator, which only used for rosbuild
- [jsk_pcl_ros/kinfu]add cfg for change kinfu params
- [kinfu]add srv for save mesh
- [kinfu] add initialization when icp is lost
- [jsk_pck_ros] add options not pub tf
- [jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt] fix link libraries when building kinfu.
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Yu Ohara
0.3.16 (2016-02-11)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt] call one of find_package or pkg_check_modules for robot_self_filter.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka
0.3.15 (2016-02-09)
0.3.14 (2016-02-04)
- add me to maintainer to get jenkins notification
- remove code for groovy, ml_classifier is only available on hydro
- [jsk_pcl_ros] ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer with max/min size
- jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp Added:
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer.cfg
- List missing PointIndicesToMaskImage as nodelet this node is moved
to jsk_pcl_ros_utils but this is necessary for compatibility.
- jsk_pcl_ros/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Simplify test case of ExtractIndices. Do not depends on test data, just create dummy data in code on the fly.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer] Publish centroid
pose_array Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish current tracking status (running or idle) from particle_fitler_tracking. And add some scripts to visualize them.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Automatically detect point type in OctreeVoxelGrid
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/octree_voxel_grid.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/OctreeVoxelGrid.cfg
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/octree_voxel_grid.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_recognition_utils/include/jsk_recognition_utils/pcl_ros_util.h
- jsk_recognition_utils/src/pcl_ros_util.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix indent of linemod_nodelet.cpp Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/linemod_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator to find door
handle Modified:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/plane_supported_cuboid_estimator.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator.cfg
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/plane_supported_cuboid_estimator.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/launch/door_handle_detection.launch
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/plane_supported_cuboid_estimator_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use jsk_pcl_ros_utils namespace instead of jsk_pcl_ros namespace for jsk_pcl_ros_utils nodelets
- [jsk_pcl_ros/OctreeVoxelGrid] Support coloring marker in x and y axis values
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix AttentionClipper SEGV by not calling publishBoundingBox from camera info callback
- [jsk_pcl_ros/OctreeChangeDetection] Add paper information
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new feature to skip tracking according to background substraction. Sample launch is tabletop_tracking.launch Now particle_filter_tracking can skip tracking when object looks stable and difference pointcloud (which should be computed by octree_change_detector) are far from target object.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Untabify particle_fitler_tracking.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix euclidean segmentation for empty input. If input pointcloud is empty, publish empty result.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add marker_color_alpha parameter to change octree marker alpha
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update octree_change_detector.launch by removing nodelet manager and machine tag
- Merge pull request #1469 from wkentaro/add-on-init-post-process [jsk_pcl_ros] Add onInitPostProcess
- [jsk_pcl_ros] use <arg> to pass input point cloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add onInitPostProcess Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/add_color_from_image_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/attention_clipper_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/bilateral_filter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/border_estimator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/bounding_box_filter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/boundingbox_occlusion_rejector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/capture_stereo_synchronizer_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/collision_detector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/color_histogram_matcher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/colorize_random_points_RF_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/convex_connected_voxels_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/depth_calibration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/depth_image_creator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/edge_depth_refinement_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/edgebased_cube_finder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/environment_plane_modeling_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/extract_cuboid_particles_top_n_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/extract_indices_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/feature_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/find_object_on_plane_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/fisheye_sphere_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/geometric_consistency_grouping_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/grid_sampler_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/handle_estimator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/heightmap_converter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/heightmap_morphological_filtering_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/heightmap_time_accumulation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/heightmap_to_pointcloud_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/hinted_handle_estimator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/hinted_plane_detector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/hinted_stick_finder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/icp_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/incremental_model_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/interactive_cuboid_likelihood_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/intermittent_image_annotator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/joint_state_static_filter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/keypoints_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/kinfu_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/line_segment_collector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/line_segment_detector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/mask_image_cluster_filter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/moving_least_square_smoothing_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/multi_plane_sac_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/normal_direction_filter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/normal_estimation_integral_image_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/normal_estimation_omp_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octomap_server_contact_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_change_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/organize_pointcloud_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/organized_edge_detector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/organized_multi_plane_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/organized_pass_through_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/organized_pointcloud_to_point_indices_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/parallel_edge_finder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/particle_filter_tracking_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/plane_supported_cuboid_estimator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/pointcloud_localization_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/region_growing_multiple_plane_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/region_growing_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/resize_points_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/roi_clipper_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/selected_cluster_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/snapit_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/supervoxel_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/tilt_laser_listener_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/torus_finder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/uniform_sampling_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/voxel_grid_downsample_decoder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/voxel_grid_downsample_manager_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/voxel_grid_large_scale_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support approximate sync and queue_size
configuration Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not create tf::TransformBroadcaster in
ClusterPointIndideceDecomposer if not necessary Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Init icp after advertise all the topics Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/icp_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/torus_finder_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix to wait for initialization until start
recognition in TorusFinder Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/torus_finder.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish current resolution of octree Modified:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/octree_voxel_grid.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/octree_voxel_grid.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Better test names Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/test/test_attention_clipper.test
- jsk_pcl_ros/test/test_extract_indices.test
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~marker_color to OctreeVoxelGrid Modified:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/octree_voxel_grid.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/OctreeVoxelGrid.cfg
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/octree_voxel_grid.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish computation time in icp_registration and
torus_finder Modified:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/icp_registration.md
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/torus_f_inder.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/torus_finder.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/icp_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/torus_finder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_recognition_utils/include/jsk_recognition_utils/time_util.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros/OctreeVoxelGrid] Relay original pointcloud if
~resolution=0 Modified:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/octree_voxel_grid.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~point_type parameter to octree voxel grid
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/octree_voxel_grid.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/OctreeVoxelGrid.cfg
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/octree_voxel_grid.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support offset specifying by
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped in ICPRegistration Modified:
- doc/index.rst
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/icp_registration.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/icp_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils/CMakeLists.txt
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml Added:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros_utils/index.rst
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros_utils/nodes/pointcloud_relative_form_pose_stamped.md
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils/include/jsk_pcl_ros_utils/pointcloud_relative_from_pose_stamped.h
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils/src/pointcloud_relative_from_pose_stamped_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] More useful message in
extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros -> jsk_pcl_ros_utils] Left migration of PointIndicesToMaskImage Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml jsk_pcl_ros_utils/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- Merge pull request #1426 from wkentaro/merge-sklearn-to-jsk-perception Merge sklearn to jsk_perception
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not call callback until initialization done
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/region_growing_multiple_plane_segmentation.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/torus_finder.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/region_growing_multiple_plane_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/torus_finder_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros/MultiPlaneExtraction] Call onInitPostProcess
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/multi_plane_extraction_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Option keep_organized as dynamic parameter
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/MultiPlaneExtraction.cfg
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/multi_plane_extraction_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros/MultiPlaneExtraction] Add option keep_organized:
true Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/multi_plane_extraction.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/multi_plane_extraction_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add dynamic_reconfigure API to
extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py Added:
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/ExtractTopPolygonLikelihood.cfg
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Rational test_name for euclidean_clustering
- jsk_pcl_ros/test/test_euclidean_segmentation.test
- Merge sklearn to jsk_perception Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt jsk_pcl_ros/package.xml jsk_perception/package.xml Added: jsk_perception/node_scripts/random_forest_server.py jsk_perception/sample/random_forest_client_sample.py jsk_perception/sample/random_forest_sample.launch jsk_perception/sample/random_forest_sample_data_x.txt jsk_perception/sample/random_forest_sample_data_y.txt
- Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda, Iori Kumagai
0.3.13 (2015-12-19)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Longer timelimit
- [jsk_pcl_ros] jsk_pcl_ros::SetPointCloud2 -> jsk_recognition_msgs::SetPointCloud2
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.3.12 (2015-12-19)
- [jsk_pcl_ros_utils] Introduce new package called jsk_pcl_ros_utils in order to speed-up compilation of jsk_pcl_ros
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/garaemon/not-use-deprecated-headers' into refine-jsk-pcl-ros-util
- [jsk_pcl_ros] move several nodelets to libjsk_pcl_ros_utils
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Extract after copy in installing test data
- jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/install_test_data.py
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into not-use-deprecated-headers Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/polygon_array_unwrapper.h jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/polygon_array_wrapper.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not use deprecated utility headers see #1430
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.11 (2015-12-18)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not include pcl headers in polygon_array_wrapper and polygon_array_unwrapper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove ccache prefix
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Cache test_data to ROS home Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/install_test_data.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove build_check.cpp.in
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.10 (2015-12-17)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check md5 hash to check the test_data is latest For https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/issues/1413 TODO: How to cache the test_data on jenkins/travis? Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt Added: jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/install_test_data.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Quiet rosbag decompress and echo start/end Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/install_test_data.sh
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Download test_data with quiet mode
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add script to extract one polygon which has the best likelihood field Added: jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add launch file for valve detection without User Interaction Added: jsk_pcl_ros/config/drc_box_color.yaml jsk_pcl_ros/launch/valve_detection.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check header.frame_id before resolving 3-D spacially Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/src/multi_plane_extraction_nodelet.cpp jsk_perception/src/polygon_array_color_histogram.cpp jsk_recognition_utils/include/jsk_recognition_utils/pcl_ros_util.h jsk_recognition_utils/src/pcl_ros_util.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Set VerbosityLevel to ALWAYS to ignore error message of RANSAC in PlaneConcatenator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] More larger number of iteration in TorusFinder. And set pcl verbosity level to WARN.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~min_area and ~max_area to PlaneConcatenator
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.9 (2015-12-14)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove cuboid_parameter.cfg and add InteractiveCuboidLikelihood.cfg and PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator.cfg. This commit give up to re-use definition of dynamic_reconfigure because generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options automatically install cpp files estimated from cfg files. closes https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/issues/1401
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PoygonArrayUnwrapper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not compile nodelets depending on ml_classifiers if it is not found. see #1348
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix flipped negative_ of ExtractIndices (bugfix) I mistakenly take it as opposite negative and non negative. I will send PR to pcl also.
- [jsk_recognition_utils] Better API to measure and publish computation time
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TorusFinder] Publish failure information to other topics to keep comapatiblity
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.8 (2015-12-08)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove lisp-style comments
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add Failure flag to Torus message
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove unused codes
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Make test for euclidean segmentation reliable
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Make test for euclidean segmentation reliable
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add jsk_tools as test_depend
- [jsk_pcl_ros/organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch] Remove rqt_robot_monitor
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use patched ExtractIndices on pcl Closes https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/issues/1337
- Use pcl::PointCloud2 for various Point types Closes #1304
- Use ccache if installed to make it fast to generate object file
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Make test for euclidean segmentation reliable
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ParticleFilterTracking] Publish RMS error of distance and angle
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ParticleFilterTracking] Do not use pcl_ros::PCLNodelet in order to remove dependency to tf if possible
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ParticleFilterTracking] Measure computation time
- [jsk_recognition_utils, jsk_pcl_ros] Measure time to compute NormalEstimationOMP and RegionGriwongMultiplePlaneSegmentation. Add utility class to measure time: jsk_recognition_utils::WallDurationTimer
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove no need image files
- [jsk_pcl_ros/launch/hsi_color_filter.launch] Add suffix for manager name to enable multiple hsi_color_filter.launch. Previously, manager name conflict occurred.
- fix the ros message package in test_contact_sensor.py
- use shared ptr for self_mask instance.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] ExtractIndices keep_organized test
- Revert "Use pcl::PointCloud2 for various Point types" This reverts commit dc615cb15ea16beb7a95b7f5b472e57611890a37.
- merge origin/master
- fix coding style.
- use OctreePointCloud function instead of OctreePointCloudCompression.
- use VoxelGrid filter to remove duplicate cloud outputed from octree compression.
- publish OctreeVoxelGrid as marker.
- introduce dynamic reconfigure into OctreeVoxelGrid to set resolution.
- add sample launch file of octree_voxel_grid.
- add octree_voxel_grid nodelet.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Masaki Murooka
0.3.7 (2015-11-19)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Test attention_clipper by rostest
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Run test only on indigo Because of unreleased topic_tools/transform
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Download test data while catkin run_tests
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Test AttentionClipper with bagfile
- Use gcc -z defs to check undefined symbols in shared objects (jsk_recognitoin_utils, jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception). build_check.cpp cannot run on the environment using multiple processes because of invoking libjsk_pcl_ros.so link.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add VoxelGridLargeScale
- Merge pull request #1297 from mmurooka/collision-detector-nodelet [jsk_pcl_ros] Make CollisionDetector nodelet
- Use pcl::PointCloud2 for various Point types Closes #1304
- 1.7.1 does not contain organized_edge_detector see https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/pull/245#issuecomment-153711241
- fix coding style of collision_detector_nodelet.cpp
- add mutex lock in CollisionDetector
- fix launch file to use nodelet.
- fix minor bug about robot_self_filter headers in build check.
- make collsion_detector nodelet.
- Merge pull request #1276 from mmurooka/add-octomap-contact [jsk_pcl_ros] Add octomap contact
- run OctomapServerContact nodelet in sample launch file.
- exclude OctomapServerContact class from build check because this class is not compiled when robot_self_filter is not found.
- change octomap_server_contact as nodelet.
- Merge pull request #1278 from aginika/add-octree-change-publlisher-cfg [jsk_pcl_ros] add cfg for OctreeChangePublisher
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into foot-likelihood
- add sample launch file and document of pointcloud_to_stl
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Initialize transformed_pose_list_ in callback This fixes debug box pose which won't change on rviz.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PolygonArrayFootAngleLikelihood
- delete unused servie in pointcloud_to_stl.
- use specified filename in pointcloud_to_stl.
- remove moveit_ros_perception from catkin component in CMakeList.txt.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArrayAngleLikelihood] Add ~axis paraemter to specify reference axis
- add samples for octomap_server_contact
- add octomap server sources and add dependency for that.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add cfg for OctreeChangePublisher
- Merge pull request #1213 from mmurooka/add-collision-detector [jsk_pcl_ros] Add collision detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish transformed bounding box array
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not use transformPointCloud and fix order of tf transformation Closes https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/pull/1273
- do not compile collision_detector when robot_self_filter is not found
- [jsk_pcl_ros]commit for prevventing rounding error
- use robot_self_filter package for self_mask instead of pr2_navigation_self_filter.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove unused arguments
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix ns for throttle and resizer in stereo pipeline
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Rename multisense stereo nodes in nodelet to distinguish image_rect and image_rect_color
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Separate nodes and rosparam for using same manager with RUN_MANAGER=false
- [jsk_tilt_laser] Separate resume resize_1_8 points
- [jsk_tilt_laser] Separate camera stereo image pipeline
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add launch for multi resolution image not only left camera
- move normal estimation position
- [jsk_pck_ros] change name of laser
- reuse codes in organized_multi_plane_segmentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sample launch to detect door handle by PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Fix axis to compute angular likelihood tu supported plane
- [jsk_pcl_ros/InteractiveCuboidLikelihood] Add ~init_pos and ~init_rot parameter
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidParameter] Fix inlier likelihood computation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add use_inside_points_distance_zero parameter to PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer] Publish indices which are not included in input indices
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove InteractiveCuboidLikelihood.cfg and PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator.cfg and generate files from one file because CMake cannot understand dependency between cfg files
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Convert cluster point indices to label image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Convert cluster point indices to mask image
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add function to compute signed distance to plane
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add likelihood computation based on the number of inliers
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN] Publish result as WeightedPoseArray
- add dependency to message generation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Increase max value of max_size for EuclideanClustering
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use OpenMP in PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] set a min-max limit to convex size in RegionGrowingMultiplaneSegmentaion
- [jsk_pcl_ros] set a unique name to a node
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add a polygon_array_transformer example launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add ~fast_input to use laser based cloud and stereo based cloud
- Merge pull request #1208 from aginika/modify-to-jsk-recog-msgs [jsk_pcl_ros] modify from jsk_pcl_ros.msg to jsk-recog-msgs
- add option to select whether to publish tf or not
- use service for checking collision instead of topic
- use const call by reference.
- add launch file and sample client.
- add collision_detector source files
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArrayAngleLikelihood] Fix error computation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sample to visualize FOV of laser and stereo camera
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add scripts for DepthErrorResult
- modify to jsk-recog-msgs
- [jsk_pcl_ros/DepthImageError] Add [~approximate_sync]{.title-ref} parameter. Synchronize timestamp exactly for stereo camera.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add document about DepthImageError
- use target_link_libraries instead of link_libraries.
- Merge pull request #1189 from wkentaro/pi-to-pc [jsk_pcl_ros] ExtractIndices as a simple cli/nodelet to apply indices to cloud
- add MovingLeastSquares Smoothing
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Set #define BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add jsk_pcl/ExtractIndices usage: rosrun jsk_pcl_ros extract_indices ~input:=/kinect2/qhd/points ~indices:=/attention_clipper/obj1/point_indices param: keep_organized: false negative: false max_queue_size: 10 approximate_sync: false
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ResizePointsPublisher] Supress debug message
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Warn about clouds in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer Close https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/issues/1187
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add max size
- add new output msg for handle estimate
- Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, JSK Lab Member, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Your Name, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki, hrpuser, Iori Kumagai
0.3.6 (2015-09-11)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not compile build_check.cpp in normal compilation time, just in run_tests
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.3.5 (2015-09-09)
0.3.4 (2015-09-07)
- Swap doc soft links (to make 'Edit on GitHub' work)
- ColorizeFloatImage correct image link Closes https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/issues/1165
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
0.3.3 (2015-09-06)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] README.md -> readthedocs.org Closes #330
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
0.3.2 (2015-09-05)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] use arguments in order to change a behavior
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove unused arguments
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove unused white spaces
- Contributors: eisoku9618
0.3.1 (2015-09-04)
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception] Fix dependency of jsk_recognition_utils for child packages like jsk_rviz_plugins
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.3.0 (2015-09-04)
- [jsk_recognition_utils] Introduce new package jsk_recognition_utils in order to use utility libraries defined in jsk_pcl_ros in jsk_perception
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.18 (2015-09-04)
- [jsk_recognition_utils] Introduce new package jsk_recognition_utils in order to use utility libraries defined in jsk_pcl_ros in jsk_perception
- [jsk_pcl_ros/RegionGrowingMultplePlaneSegmentation] Publish raw result of region growing segmentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use distance based on polygon in order to take into account occlusion
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove outlier from laser range sensor in range_sensor_error_visualization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Visualize errors using scatter in depth_camera_error_visualization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add tool to visualize error of stereo-based depth sensor
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add ~use_init_polygon_likelihood parameter to initialize particles according to likelihood field of jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add ~use_plane_likelihood parameter to take into account likelihood field of jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Separate definition of ParticleCuboid into another header
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish standard deviation error of range sensor in range_sensor_error_visualization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add nodelet to compte polygon likelihood based on area difference
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add nodelet to compte polygon likelihood based on angular difference
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArrayDistanceLikelihood] Compute polygon's likelihood according to distance from specified frame_id.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Move EarClippingPatched to pcl/ directory
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add tool to visualize variance of raser scan
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Rename ros_collaborative_particle_filter.h to pcl/simple_particle_filter.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sensor model to compute expected number of points with specific distance and area.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Publish velocity of rotating laser
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix small bugs about nearest distance computation and add sample
- [jsk_pcl_ros/geo_util] Compute nearest point to a cube
- [jsk_pcl_ros/geo_util] Compute nearest point to a polygon
- [jsk_pcl_ros/InteractiveCuboidLikelihood] fix indent
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN] Publish point indices instead of particle pointcloud.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Use world z coordinates to reject unexpected initial particles
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ICPRegistration] Support NDT based transformation estimation
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Use kdtree to search candidate points roughly and close prism input hull to extract candidate points correctly
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sample to collaborate particle filter based estimator and occlusion free goal sampler
- [jsk_pcl_ros/OcclusionBoundingBoxRejector] Do not synchronize input topics
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Use area instead of volume to evaluate size of cuboid
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Use minimum covariance value 0. It's mathematically no means but we can implement it by handling zero as special case.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix computation of coordinates of polygon
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix computation of coordinates of polygon
- [jsk_pcl_ros/RegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation] Check direction of polygons to direct to origin of pointcloud.
- use resizer
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add inverse_volume_likelihood function
- [jsk_pcl_ros/EuclideanClusterExtraction] Do not have [using namespace std, pcl]{.title-ref} in header file, it may effect other codes globally.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Sort headers of build_check.cpp order in alphabetical order
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ColorizeSegmentedRF] Fix include guard not to collide with colorize_random_points_rf.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros/MaskImageToDepthConsideredMaskImage] Fix include guard
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN by removing template super class, which is too difficult to handle shared_ptr owenership. And update build_check.cpp.in to instantiate all the nodelet classes to check implementation of prototype definitions.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN] Publish particles as BoundingBoxArray
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Fix particle initialization if plane coordinates is not equal to itentity and compute distance of occluded points based on sphere approximation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix Polygon::decomposeToTriangles. EarClip of pcl 1.7.2 (hydro) has a fatal bug and copied the latest implementation from current master and rename it as EarClipPatched. We cam remove the codes after we deprecate hydro.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update sample to use tf_transform_bounding_box_array
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add TfTransformBoundingBoxArray
- multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN to extract top-N particles
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add TfTransformBoundingBox like TfTransformPointCloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Register particle point in order to convert to PCLPointCloud2 and it enables to publish all the fields of ParticleCuboid as fields of sensor_msgs::PointCloud2
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Update relationship between particles and polygons as polygon sensor measurement is updated
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Run rviz in sample_boundingbox_occlusion_rejector.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Allow variance=0.0 in computing gaussian
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Link libjsk_pcl_ros_util with libjsk_pcl_ros_base
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check all the methods and functions are implemented by compiling build_check.cpp with all the headeres except for kinfu and point_types.h. build_check.cpp is automatically generated with all the header neames and build_check.cpp.in.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/BoundingBoxOcclusionRejector] Nodelet to reject bounding box which occludes target objects. This nodelet is good for occlusion-free goal planning
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PointIndicesToMaskImage] untabify code
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara
0.2.17 (2015-08-21)
0.2.16 (2015-08-19)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Compute likelihood based on plane-detection-sensor
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Remove unused parameters from class member
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] More correct border condition about occlusion
- Remove files which added by mistake
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Support sensor_frame via ~sensor_frame parameter
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Separate likelihood computation parameters from particlefilter parameter to cleanup dynamic_reconfigure parameters
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add InteractiveCuboidLikelihood to confirm behavior of likelihood function of PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator by interactive server
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.15 (2015-08-18)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add ~min_inliers and ~outlier_distance parameter
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Take occlusion into account
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add ~use_range_likelihood to toggle use likelihood based on geometric constraint
- Merge pull request #1054 from garaemon/plane-supported-cuboid-estimator [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidestimator] Add new nodelet to estimate cuboid on plane based on bayesian recursive estimation
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidestimator] Add new nodelet to estimate cuboid on plane based on bayesian recursive estimation, especially particle filter is used.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add simple code and script to bench RANSAC based plane estimation
- [jsk_pcl_ros/AttentionClipper] Fix compilation warning:
- fixing name confliction of iteration index
- Use std::runtime_error to catch exception
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Super simple script to plot gaussian. It is useful to determin several parameters based on normal distribution
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix flip option
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Hitoshi Kamada
0.2.14 (2015-08-13)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PoseWithCovarianceStampedtoGussianPointCloud] Add new normalize method: normalize_area and normalize_height
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PoseWithCovarianceStampedtoGussianPointCloud] Fix to apply sqrt
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PoseWithCovarianceStampedtoGussianPointCloud] Add offset to z-height
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update image on readme about PoseWithCovarianceStampedToGaussianCloud
- machine tag should defined in somewhere else, not here
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new nodelet to convert geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped to PointCloud with gaussian distribution
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix typo in multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch] Add throttled images
- change frame for renew pose
- add options for use self_filter
- add srv to renew pose
- change remapping for stereo resizer
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use fmod to detect jamp where tilt joint angle continues to inclease, such as gazebo simulation environment
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonPointsSampler] Publich cloud of pcl::PointXYZ
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapTimeAccumulation] Fix to return true in reset callback
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapTimeAccumulation] Add ~reset service to clear cache
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapTimeAccumulation] Supress message
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Rewrite multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch with jsk_topic_tools/standalone_complexed_nodelet
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering] Add config topic to simplify chain heightmap pileline
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add config topic to chain heightmap configuration
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapToPointCloud] Fix x-y coordinate value to locate point at the center of pixels
- [jsk_pcl_ros] HeightmapTimeAccumulation nodelet to complete heightmap in time series
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update image of HeightmapMorphologicalFilitering to real sensor data
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use boost::accumulators to compute mean and variance in HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering] Update sample image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering nodelet
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into publish_cloud_with_pose
- add node for read pcd with pose
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add HeightmapToPointCloud nodelet to convert heightmap to pointcloud
- [jsk_perception] Add nodelet ColorizeFloatImage to colorize generic float image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add HeightmapConverter to convert pointcloud to heightmap
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ColorizeHeight2DMapping and move ColorizeDistanceFromPlane to libjsk_pcl_util.so
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Add max_queue_size
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add OrganizedNeighbor search method in ParticleFilterTracking
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TfTransformCloud] Use tf::MessageFilter
- [jsk_pcl_ros/stereo_reconstruction.launch] Fix several remappings
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update stereo_reconstruction.launch for the latest jsk_topic_tools
- move model with pose and take color in condition
- [jsk_pcl_ros] set tracking model with marker in particle_filter_tracker
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Add ~clear_assembled_scans parameter not to publish same scans twice
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ICPRegistration] Add parameters for RANSAC
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Do not publish empty pointcloud if buffer is empty
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add pointcloud_to_stl nodelet
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix optimization flag
- [jsk_pcl_ros/EnvironmentPlaneModeling] Fix to make it sure to close the loop of convex hull
- [jsk_pcl_ros/EnvironmentPlaneModeling] Fix polygon orientation when magnify it
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add diagnostics information to NormalDirectionFilter, NormalEstimationOMP and RegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TfTransformCloud] Add diagnostic information
- [jsk_pcl_ros/NormalFlip] Fix direction of normal flip
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Add diagnostic information
- change default value of max_distance
- fix particle filter tracker
- edit to only remove -std option
- fix c++ version mismatch problem with boost
- [jsk_pcl_ros/handle_estimator.l] change jsk_pcl_ros msgs to jsk_recognition_msgs
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Downsample registered pointcloud for visualization in pointcloud_localizaiton.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PointCloudLocalization] poke vital_checker for diagnostics
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add launch file to run pointcloud_localization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove model_file argument
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix missing display_machine arg
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not link gpu libraries if cmake fails to detect PCL_GPU modules
- [jsk_pcl_ros/Kinfu] Publish transformation from map to odom
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add Kinfu nodelet
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Add ~not_use_laser_assembler_service parameter not to use laser_assembler service API but assemble scan pointcloud locally
- Contributors: JSK Lab Member, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki, Iori Kumagai, Wesley Chan
0.2.13 (2015-06-11)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/SnapIt] Reset cached polygons when unsubscribe() is called
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not die even if failed to call laser assemble in TiltLaserListener
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not close convex polygon when building grid plane
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add debug message about grid plane construction in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not publish projected polygon if it failed to estimate 3d point in ScreenPoint
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support ~always_subscribe in mask_image_filter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~sensor_frame to MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add waitForTransform to snapit tf resolvance
- [jsk_pcl_ros/RegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation] Fix computation of normal to decide order of vertices by comparing normals from vertices and coefficients
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Untabify attention clipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros/MultiPlaneExtraction] Support negative value for magnification of plane
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octree_change_detector] add MACHINE tag to octree_change_detector.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~strict_tf parameter to NormalFlipToFrame to ignore timestamp correctness
- add topics for other recognition nodes
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add NormalEstimationOMP like pcl_ros but it can handle timestamp correctly
- [jsk_pcl_ros/EnvironemntPlaneModeling] Add normal direction threshold
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TfTransformPointCloud] Ignore all error in tf conversion
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HintedPlaneDetector] Supress warning messages about pointcloud fields
- [jsk_pcl_ros]add exceptions around tf
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check if hint convex is valid in HintedPlaneDetector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not publish results if it failes to compute PCA in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Longer TF cache time for TreansformListener which created via TFListenerSingleton
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Do not unsubscribe input topics if no needed, change it to always subscribe input joint states
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new nodelet: NormalFlipToFrame to align direction of normal to specified frame_id
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use jsk_topic_tools/log_utils.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~queue_size parameter to NormalDirectionFilter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add class and method name to tf error
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Cache result of triangle decomposition
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara, Yuki Furuta
0.2.12 (2015-05-04)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix attention clipper non nan part
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add getRadius method to Cylinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove nan indices from AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add prefixes params to publish each indices in AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Set pcl verbosity level to ERROR in multi_plane_extraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Relay organized point cloud to "points" topic in stereo_reconstruction.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Ignore tf timestamp in TfTransformPointCloud if ~use_latest_tf is set
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add stereo_reconstruction.launch to reconstruct stereo pointcloud from color images and depth image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Relay compressed images too in multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros/mask_image_to_depth_considered_mask_image.cpp] add pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Resize images in addition to pointcloud
- change input image_points topic to /image_points_color
- [jsk_pcl_ros]change icp result when none reference
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove nan point before icp kdtree search
- chnage ros-param
- change from linear to non-linear
- modify extract_only_directed_region_of_close_mask_image.launch
- add apply mask image publisher in mask_image_to_depth_considered_mask_image.cpp
- change default parameter of extract num
- rename to NODELET info and short fix
- [jsk_pcl_ros] modify extract_only_directed_region_of_close_mask_image.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] resize_points_publisher_nodelet resize rate feedback
- [jsk_pcl_ros] mask_image_to_depth_considered_mask_image_nodelet resize rate feedback
- change default parameter
- rosparam to dynamic-reconfigure
- check if current point is in directed region
- change ROS_ERROR message
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove duplicate declaration of dependencies
- enable selection of config direction method
- modify README and add image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add in_the_order_of_depth config
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add fisheye sphere pub
- Changes to the syntax
- Changes to syntax
- Changes and modification of syntax
- Changes as to the files
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use rectangle mode for image_view2 in extract_only_directed_region_of_close_mask_image.launch
- add extract_only_directed_region_of_close_mask_image.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] extract only directed region of mask image
- changed config name and README
- add dynamic reconfigure config
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add parameter to skip publishing assembled cloud
- mask image to mask image which is at close range
- Added a launch file for rtabmap mapping with multisense.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove unneeded ROS_INFO line
- Contributors: JSK Lab Member, Kamada Hitoshi, Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yoshimaru Tanaka, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki, iKrishneel
0.2.11 (2015-04-13)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add argument to specify manager name to multi_resolution_pointcloud.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add several methods and add voxel grid filter to estimate torus
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Keep exact timestamp in AddPointIndices
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.10 (2015-04-09)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] generalize namespace of launch value
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add option to flip z axis direction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped input for TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use simple ros::Subscriber for ResizePointsPublisher
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove bags in launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Supress debug message of AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] change tf fixed frame of config file
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Better caching to handle different frame_id well in attention_clipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Resolve tf only once in attention clipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix projection bug around ConvexPolygon::projectOnPlane
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix typo in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara
0.2.9 (2015-03-29)
- 0.2.8
- Update Changelog
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish point indices which do not belong to any polygons in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Erode grid maps as c-space padding in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Latch output topic of EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check orientation of plane in GridPlane::fromROSMsg
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.8 (2015-03-29)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish point indices which do not belong to any polygons in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Erode grid maps as c-space padding in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Latch output topic of EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check orientation of plane in GridPlane::fromROSMsg
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.7 (2015-03-26)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Longer queue size for NormalDirectionFilter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Implement GridPlane::fromROSMsg method
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.6 (2015-03-25)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish point with RGB from PolygonPointsSampler
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Set CorrespondenceEstimationOrganizedProjection correctly
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support ~negative parameter to publish point indices which does not inside of attention region
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support ~use_async in MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Clip duplicated pointcloud in PointCloudLocalization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~use_normal to PointCloudLocalization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Wait for tf transformation before tansforming pointcloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Complete footprint region to the nearest convex polygon in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PolygonFlipper and fix orientation of convex among several nodelets. Force to look upwards in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] New topic interface to snap pose stamped onto grid map in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not depends geo_util.h on pcl_conversion_util.h in order not to break downstream
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix completion of footprint in looking up corresponding gridmap in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fill occluded footprint region by bounding box in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new nodelet to magnify PolygonArray
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new sampler to sample pointcloud on polygon with fixed grid
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add perpendicular distance threshold to PlaneConcatenator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add morphological filtering to grid planes
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~input/full_cloud and fix input pointcloud of ExtractPolygonalPrismData to close loop of convex hull boundary
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.5 (2015-03-17)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Optimize GridPlane::fillCellsFromPointCloud by using pcl::ExtractPolygonalPrismData and now it's much much faster than before
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use pair of index to represent cells of grid
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Refactor EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- check target cloud data ifnot invalid
- add passthrough_image sample launch
- add organized_pc_to_point_indics
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Smaller duration to wait for tf in pointcloud localization
- add approx sync mode to point indices to mask image
- [jsk_pcl_ros]fix miss-name in README
- [jsk_pcl_ros]change ensync timing for plane
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, JSK Lab Member, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki
0.2.4 (2015-03-08)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix coding style of PointcloudScreenpoint
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add ~update_offset service to update localizatoin transformation manually
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~use_normal parameter to TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add hint axis parameter for TorusFinder [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish PoseStamped from TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add service interface to snap footstep to planes in SnapIt
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish PoseStamped from TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add image to PointCloudLocalization document
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Wait tranfrosmtion of tf when clipping pointcloud and fix to use y and z dimension of bounding box in AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish PointIndices from ROIClipper to satisfy ROI region
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix PointCloudLocalization to work
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add voxel grid downsampling to keep pointcloud resolution constant
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PointCloudLocalization for simple SLAM
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped in SnapIt
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support polygon input in PointcloudScreenPoint
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add GeometricConsistencyGrouping nodele
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add UniformSampling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix FeatureRegistration
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add FeatureRegistration to register pointclouds using 3D feature
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PlanarPointCloudSimulator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not apply PCA for small pointclouds
- Merge pull request #737 from garaemon/spherical-cloud-simulator [jsk_pcl_ros] Add SphericalPointCloudSimulator nodelet to simulate spindle laser scanner
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add SphericalPointCloudSimulator nodelet to simulate pindle laser scanner
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~use_async parameter to NormalConcatenater
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix direction of y-axis of bounding box to direct toward z-axis of pointcloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support normal in ICPRegistration nodelet
- add simple_edge_detector_and_tracker.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS to suppress error of compiling organized_edge_detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] repair include filed of organized_edge_detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use Eigen::Quaternionf::setFromTwoVectors to align box on plane
- change reversed imu plane direction
- Merge pull request #728 from YuOhara/add_hinted_handle_estimator Add hinted handle estimator
- add comments
- add_debug_visualizer
- add hinted_handle_estimator
- fix missing include def
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Optimized HintedStickFinder
1. Use input pointcloud with normal not to run normal estimation in
- Add ~not_synchronize parameter to keep processing without more hint
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Move documentation about pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch from index.rst to README.md. And deprecate sphinx documentation.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Wait for next new image in shutter callback in IntermittentImageAnnotator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Deprecate several nodelets
- Merge pull request #717 from YuOhara/remove_bags_in_libname remove bag in libname
- Merge pull request #711 from YuOhara/add_mask_image_indices_concatator Add mask image indices concatator
- reversed plane direction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Return true in clear callback of IntermittentImageAnnotator
- add imu_orientated_plane_rejector
- remove bag in libname
- renamed file name
- rename mask_image_cluster_indices_concatenator to mask_image_cluster_filter
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into add_mask_image_indices_concatator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Compile without optimization on travis
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add launch file for torus finder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Separate moveit filter into libjsk_pcl_ros_moveit
- add topic to sync timestamp
- changed sample_launch for concat indices
- add indices concatenator_node with mask
- renamed node
- add imu_orientated plane detector and launch for icp-use
- [jsk_pcl_ros] changed miss params and comment in data_names out of git
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add debug printing for tiem stamp confusing problem of resize_point_cloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix advertise type for template pointcloud: geometry_msgs/PoseStamped -> sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix torus direciton to orient to sensor origin
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix detected stick direction always directs to -y upper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PointCloudToClusterPointIndices nodelet
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish PointXYZRGBNormal pointcloud from NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- [jsk_pcl_ros] torus should directs to origin always in TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Separate output library into 3 libraries in order to reduce memory usage of linking
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix README.md
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and geometry_msgs/PointStamped from CentroidPublisher
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix coding style of CentroidPublisher
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support spherical projection model in BorderEstimator
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into range-image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support laser model in BorderEstimator and update document
- depth_calibration tutorial with link markup
- add depth calibration tutorial
- add depth calibration tutorial
- Merge pull request #687 from garaemon/cached-particle-filter [jsk_pcl_ros] Cache result o nearest-negihbor search
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Cache result o nearest-negihbor search
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into 2d-reject
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check direction of detected stick and hint line in 2-D image coordinate
- Fix license: WillowGarage -> JSK Lab
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yuto Inagaki, JSK Lab Member, Yu Ohara, Xiangyu Chen
0.2.3 (2015-02-02)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~min_inliers and ~cylinder_fitting_trial parameter to try cylinder fitting severeal times in HintedStickFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Implement utility function to generate cylinder marker from cylinder object
- [jsk_pcl_ros] FIx mis-publishing of coefficients of HintedStickFInder
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception] Move mask image operation to jsk_perception
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish inliers and coefficients from HintedStickFinder
- Remove rosbuild files
- [jsk_perception] Add DilateMaskImage
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.2 (2015-01-30)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add HintedStickFinder to detect stick with human interfaction
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada
0.2.1 (2015-01-30)
- Merge pull request #672 from k-okada/add_image_view2 add image_view2
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add jsk_recognition_msgs to catkin_package:DEPEND
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add HintedStickFinder to detect stick with human interfaction
0.2.0 (2015-01-29)
0.1.34 (2015-01-29)
- support both yaml 0.3.0(hydro) and yaml 0.5.0(indigo)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fixed serious bug to detect points near from polygon
- use this to call methods, I need this to compile on indigo, but not sure if this really works, please check if this is correct \@YuOhara, \@garaemon
- depending on cv_bridge is recommended, see http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Migration#OpenCV
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update document and python script to use jsk_recognition_msgs
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix document indent and add image of HSIColorFilter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add documentation about RGBColorFilter and HSVColorFilter
- Fix unchanged path to message header
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix header location of find_object_on_plane.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception] Move find_object_on_plane from jsk_perception to jsk_pcl_ros to make these packages independent
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception] Use jsk_recognition_msgs
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception, resized_image_transport] Do not include jsk_topic_tools/nodelet.cmake because it is exported by CFG_EXTRAS
- merge master
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add image of TiltLaserListener to document
- add options for align box and change base_frame_id
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add ~not_publish_tf parameter to ParticleFilterTracking
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Refactor ParticleFilterTracking
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Optimize ReversedParticleFilter by not updating octree per each calculation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add reversed mode for ParticleFilterTracking and add sample to localize robot by tilt laser
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix documentation
- Update picture of OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- Fix indent
- Fix AddColorFromImage picture
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update ParticleFilterTracking document
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Increase initial number of particles to avoid SEGV
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada, JSK Lab Member
0.1.33 (2015-01-24)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add magnify parameter to MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Added several flags to toggle filtering in HintedPlaneDetector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update min-max value of min_height and max_height of MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish indices from MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Catch tf2::ExtrapolationException error in normal direction filter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add euclidean segmentation to hinted plane detector sample
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Close convex region
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception] Fix CmakeList for catkin build. Check jsk_topic_tools_SOURCE_PREFIX
- update params for tracking
- [jsk_pcl_ros] AddPointIndices
- [jsk_pcl_ros]change border_estimator to publish indices instread of pointcloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Refactor HintedPlaneDetector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add density filtering to HintedPlaneDetector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Supress warning message from OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add ~overwrap_angle parameter to TiltLaserListener
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add nodelet to convert geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped into mask image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Initialize centroid value
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check if a point is nan in ROIClipper
- [jsk_perception] Update HintedPlaneDetector with better algorithm.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Supress warning message from NormalConcatenator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix timestamp of pointcloud of TiltLaserListener and do not publish same pointcloud twice by TiltLaserListener
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add ROIToMaskImage and ROIToRect
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add RectToMaskImage and MaskImageFilter to filter non-organized pointcloud by mask image
- standize codes around brackets
- clean codes in particle_filter_tracking
- add frame_id_decision
- [jsk_pcl_ros] implement mask image converters: MaskImageToROI and MaskImageToRect
- add tracking option that initialize first pose with BBox
- adding comments to pointcloud_screenpoint.launch and relatives
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] update document about ROIClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix ROIClipper and RectToROI to work
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not take nested lock of mutex in roi_cipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support pointcloud filtering by ROI in ROIClipper and add converter from rectangle region into ROI
- [jsk_pcl_ros] nodelet to add color to pointcloud from image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] nodelet to add color to pointcloud from image
- add none result publisher when reference is empty
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish pose of matched template in LINEMOD
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Hiroaki Yaguchi, JSK Lab Member, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.32 (2015-01-12)
- add Torus.msg and TorusArrray.msg
- [jsk_pcl_ros, checkerboard_detector] Fix offset from checker board
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use pcl::LINEMOD in LINEMODDetector for memory efficiency
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use linemod class when training linemod template
- [jsk_pcl_ros] tune parameter of multi plane based object detection using spindle laser
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.31 (2015-01-08)
- Merge pull request #563 from garaemon/no-indices-for-multi-plane-extraction [jsk_pcl_ros] Parameter to disable indices in MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not use indices in MultiPlaneExtraction
- Merge pull request #562 from garaemon/add-plane-concatenator [jsk_pcl_ros] PlaneConcatenator: nodelet to concatenate near planes
- [jsk_pcl_ros] PlaneConcatenator: nodelet to concatenate near planes
- Merge pull request #561 from garaemon/add-clear-cache-service [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~clear_cache service to TiltLaserListener
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~clear_cache service to restart collecting laser data in TiltLaserListener
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support multiple interest region in AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support initial pose of AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros/LINEMODTrainer] Use wildcard in compressing data to generate ltm
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Multithread safe LINEMODTrainer by avoiding pcl::RangeImage non-thread safe initialization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not publish range image (It's not stable under OpenMP) and use directory rather than filename when calling tar
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Train linemod with OpenMP and publish range image with color
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Utility launch file and scripts to training LINEMOD from bag file
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add image for LINEMODTrainer documentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Decrease memory usage when training LINEMOD
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Sampling viewpoint to generate training data for LINEMOD
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove linemod rotation quantization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use triangle decomposition to check a point is inside or not of polygon
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add picture of LINEMODDetector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] SupervoxelSegmentation: new nodelet to wrap pcl::SupervoxelClustering
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Refine Model by ICP in IncrementalModelRegistration
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add simple icp service to ICPRegistration
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add utility launch file to capture training data from multisense
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish the number of samples from CaptureStereoSynchronizer
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix when ROI is outside of the image in AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix when ROI is outside of the image in AttentionClipper
- Merge pull request #532 from garaemon/add-mask-image-to-point-indices [jsk_pcl_ros] Add MaskImageToPointIndices
- Merge pull request #531 from garaemon/add-incremental-pointcloud-registration [jsk_pcl_ros] IncrementalModelRegistration Add new nodelet to build full 3d model from sequentially captured pointcloud
- fix to compile on indigo #529
- [jsk_pcl_ros] MaskImageToPointIndices: add nodelet to convert mask image to point indices
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new nodelet to build full 3d model from sequentially captured pointcloud: IncrementalModelRegistration
- [jsk_pcl_ros] untabify icp_registration_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] update document of IntermittentImageAnnotator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Storing pointcloud and publish pointcloud inside of ROI specified
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Visualize selected ROI as marker in IntermittentImageAnnotator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~rate parameter to throttle image publishing from IntermittentImageAnnotator
- add camera frame param to handle_estimator.l
0.1.30 (2014-12-24)
- Publish specified ROI as PosedCameraInfo in IntermittentImageAnnotator
- Use TfListenerSingleton to get instance of tf::TransformListener
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.29 (2014-12-24)
- Add document about IntermittentImageAnnotator
- [LINEMODDetector] Do not use small templates
- [CaptureStereoSynchronizer] Does not capture near samples
- Add IntermittentImageAnnotator to select ROI out of several snapshots
- [LINEMODDetector] Use glob to specify template files for linemod
- [LINEMODTrainer] Simulate samples rotating around z-axis
- Add projective ICP registration
- Write PCD file as binary compressed in LINEMODTrainer
- Load linemod training data from pcd and sqmmt files and use OpenMP to speed-up it
- Synchronize reference pointcloud and input pointcloud in icp registration to refine result of other recognition
- LINEMODDetector: add documentation and load template after setting parameters and publish the result of recognition as pointcloud
- Add LINEMODDetector and implement LINEMODTrainer and LINEMODDetector in one linemod_nodelet.cpp
- fix transform mistake
- Fix linemod template format. lmt is just a tar file of pcd and sqmm files
- rotate pose of box acoording to looking direction
- Add launch file to reconstruct 3d pointcloud from captured by CaptureStereoSynchronizer
- Add nodelet to train linemod
- Move multisense specific lines from capture.launch to capture_multisense_training_data.launch
- Added new nodelet to capture training data of stereo camera to jsk_pcl_ros and update launch files to capture training data of multisense
- Add new nodelet to generate mask image from PointIndices
- Clip Pointcloud and publish the indices inside of a box in AttentionClipper
- Added topic interface to specify the region by jsk_pcl_ros::BoundingBox
- add parameter to choose keeping organized
- Add utility launch file to resize pointcloud and fix initial value of use_indices in resize_points_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- Support pointclouds include nan in EuclideanClustering
- Remove diagnostic_nodelet.{cpp,h} and connection_based_nodelet.{cpp,h} of jsk_pcl_ros and use them of jsk_topic_tools
- Use jsk_topic_tools::ConnectionBasedNodelet in DepthImageError, EdgeDepthReginement, EdgebasedCubeFinder, EuclideanClusterExtraction and GridSampler
- add parameter
- print handle estimation
- use handle_estimator.l instead of nodelet version
- add euslisp handle estimator
- handle_estimator : change condition or to and
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta, Chi Wun Au, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.28 (2014-12-17)
- Publish attention region mask from AttentionClipper
- Add new nodelets: ROIClipper and AttentionClipper to control attention and ROI
- fix hsi_color_filter.launch bug
- Change default value of publish_tf and publish_clouds of ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
0.1.27 (2014-12-09)
- Add GDB argument to toggle xterm gdb hack
- changed default parametar for pub_tf false
- added args in launch not pub tf by cluster_decomposer
- Enable to create several hsi filters
- fixed bug in icp
- add param to set angle-divide-param for organized multi plange
- Fix coding style of DepthImageCreator:
- remove hard tabs
- add bsd header
- Use jsk_topic_tool's ConnectionBasedNodelet in DepthImageCreator
- Add example euslisp code for displaying BoundingBoxArray
- Fix typo in rgb filter comments
- changed some topics in icp always subscribe without subscribe method defined in connection_based_nodelet
- changet pointcloud_screen_point not to use jsconnection_based_nodelet
- Use jsk_topic_tools::ConnectionBasedNodelet in BilateralFilter, BorderEstimator, BoundingBoxFilter and so on
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.26 (2014-11-23)
- Install launch directory
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.25 (2014-11-21)
- Add singleton class for tf::TransformListener
- python_sklearn -> python-sklearn, see https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/blob/master/rosdep/python.yaml#L1264
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into add-more-parameter-for-calibration Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/launch/openni2_remote.launch
- Add uv_scale parameter to depth_calibration.cpp and update openni2_remote.launch to specify more parameter.
0.1.24 (2014-11-15)
- Add default calibration file for openni2_remote.launch
- remove unneeded nodelet part change param
- added launch that calc plane with pr2_laser
- Fix polygon projection and confirm that snapit works
- Fix MultiPlaneExtraction initialization
- Update SnapIt to use topic interface and reimplement it only for snap on polygon
- Fix segv in collision checking
- Fix OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation indexing
- Update diagnostics aggregator settings for footstep_recognition
- Fix diagnostic information when there is no subscriber
- Suppress message from EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Add document about MultiPlaneExtraction
- Check the pointer is correctly set to avoid SEGV
- Add normal direction filter based on Imu direction
- Update OrganizedMultiPlaneDetection documentation
- Add new nodelet: region growing based multiple plane detection
- use this->erase
- Add imu hint when running MultiPlaneSACSegmentation
- Add short documentation about OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- Update document about CentroidPublisher
- Add documentation about jsk_pcl/ClusterPointIndicesDecomposerZAxis
- Add moveit plugin to just filter pointcloud which belongs to robot
- Add nodelet to handle time range of rotating laser
- removed passthrough filter
- rename file name from error_visualize to pr2_pointcloud_error_visualizatoin
- Support cluster information in MultiplePlaneSACSegmentation and remove plane estimation from LineSegmentCollector
- restored codes slightly
- added icp_result_msgs and srvs
- change launch file path
- add launch files for visualizing calibration error
- Add nodelet to handle time range of rotating laser
- Fix Polygon::decomposeToTriangles if the original polygon is already a triangle
- Remove single_nodelet_exec.cpp.in
- Add documentation about ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add image to documentation of EuclideanClustering
- Add documentation about EuclideanSegmentation
- Add documentation about DepthImageCreator
- Add documentation about PointcloudScreenpoint
- Support specifying yaml file to calibrate depth image on openni2_remote.launch
- Format calibration model on DepthCalibration
- For precision requirement, use repr function when generating yaml file for depth image calibration
- Support quadratic model for u and v to calibrate depth image:
- Support quadratic-uv-quadratic and quadratic-uv-quadratic-abs model
- use SetDepthCalibrationParameter.srv to specify depth calibration parameter
- Downsize frequency map resolution and add --width and --height option to depth_error_calibration.py
- Update depth calibration program.
- Fix checkerboard_detector to publish correct corner point
- Calibrate depth_image rather than PointCloud
- Use matplotlib animation to visualize graph in depth_error_calibration.py
- support new model to calibrate kinect like sensor, which use absolute value respected to center coordinate of projectoin matrix
- Support quadratic-uv-abs model
- Add service file: DepthCalibrationParameter
- Add nodelet to apply calibration parameter to pointcloud. and add new model to calibrate: quadratic-uv
- Support quadratic function fitting in depth_error_calibration.py
- Add python script to calibrate depth error of depth sensors
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into add-document-about-resize-points Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/README.md
- Add script to run logistic regression for depth error
- Add documentation about ResizePointCloud
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into remove-color-category20-from-jsk-pcl-ros Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/pcl_util.h
- Remove colorCategory20 from jsk_pcl_ros and use jsk_topic_tools' colorCategory20
- Fix syntax of README.md of jsk_pcl_ros
- Add documentation about ResizePointCloud
- Add documentation about typical messages defined in jsk_pcl_ros
- Extract multi planes out of collected segmented lines from laserrange finder
- add new nodelet: LienSegmentCollector
- Add LineSegmentDetector for LRF pointcloud
- Use dynamic reconfigure to specify several parameters for ParticleFilterTracking
- Support contiuous model building on EnvironmentPlaneModeling and add a launch file for footstep planning recogniton
- Add utitlity service interface to register completed maps
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki, JSK applications, Chi Wun Au, Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara
0.1.23 (2014-10-09)
- Use pcl::EarClip to decompose polygon into triangles
- Complete gridmap with statically defined polygon
- Install nodelet executables
- Use jsk_topic_tools::readVectorParameter in ParticleFilterTracking
- Add BilateralFilter
- Decrease size of grid map to add 'padding'
- Add service to clear grid maps
- Add min-max threshold to filter polygons based on area on OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- EnvironmentPlaneModeling support building grid map without static polygon information
- delete models
- Fix env_server's mis posing of origin
- Force for planes to direct sensor origin in organized multi segmentation
- Support PointcloudDatabaseServer when running ICPRegistration
- Add PointCloudDatabaseServer
- Fix keypoints publisher compilation
- Subscribe topics as needed for almost all the nodelets
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for DelayPointCloud not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for ColorizeDistanceFromPlane not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for DelayPointcloud not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for ColorizeDistanceFromPlane not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for ColorHistogramMatcher not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for BoundingBoxFilter not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for ResizePointsPublisher not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Do not subscribe until any publish is subscribed on ColorFIlter and BorderEstimator
- Do not subscribe until any publisher is subscribed on ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer and add utlity class to handle connection
- Fix JointStateStaticFilter to use absolute diff when calculating time difference and add JointStateStaticFilter to organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch if JOINT_STATIC_FILTER:=true
- Use refined plane information in recognition pipeline
- Add pr2_navigation_self_filter to organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- Publish result of ICP as geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
- Add pcd model files for registration sample
- Considering flipped initial pose on ICP registration
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into use-boundingbox-information-to-compute-origin-of-icp-pointcloud Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- Add new nodelet to transform pointcloud to make its origin equal to the pose of boundingbox and use bounding box information when running ICP
- Merge pull request #307 from garaemon/joint-state-static-pointcloud-filter JointStateStaticFilter
- Add Generalized ICP algorithm
- read voxel grid donwsample manager parameter
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into garaemon-joint-state-static-pointcloud-filter Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt jsk_pcl_ros/catkin.cmake jsk_pcl_ros/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- Add new nodelet to pass pointcloud only if joint states is stable
- Support dynamic_reconfigure of ICPRegistration
- add new nodelet to align two pointcloud based on ICP algorithm
- Fix for plane segmentation results into only one plane
- Add new nodelet 'PlaneReasoner' to segment wall/ground
- Resize pointcloud and images in openni_remote.launch
- Fix topic relaying of openni_remote for openni_launch on hydro
- Add new nodelet to filter organized pointcloud based on x-y index rather than 3-D position value.
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.22 (2014-09-24)
0.1.21 (2014-09-20)
- Add utility methods for 2-D geometry
- Add new nodelet to filter bounding box array
- Check align axis before aligning boundingbox in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add diagnostic information to EuclideanClusteringExtraction
- Add diagnostic information to MultiPlaneExtraction
- Add processing frame id information to PlaneRejector's diagnostic
- Add diagnostic information to ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add diagnostics to PlaneRejector
- Add more diagnostics to OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation and fix global hook for ConvexHull
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.20 (2014-09-17)
- Not use inliers to colorize pointcloud based on distance from planes
- Add check to be able to make convex or not on ColorizeDistanceFromPlane and OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- add ~use_normal to use noraml to segment multi planes
- add new nodelet to segment multiple planese by applying RANSAC recursively
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.19 (2014-09-15)
0.1.18 (2014-09-13)
- Subscribe PolygonArray message to build ConvexPolygon in ColorizeDistanceFromPlane
- Introduce global mutex for quick hull
- Fix coloring bug and add ~only_projectable parameter to visualize the points only if they can be projected on the convex region
- Add use_laser_pipeline argument to laserscan_registration.launch to toggle include laser_pileline.launch of jsk_tilt_laser or not Add new utility for diagnostics: addDiagnosticInformation
- Supress output from resize_points_publisher
- ROS_INFO -> NODELET_DEBUG in VoxelGridDownsampleManager
- New utilify functoin for diagnostic: addDiagnosticInformation. It's a simple function to add jsk_topic_tools::TimeAccumulator to diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
- Colorize pointcloud according to the distance from nearest plane
- Use template functions to convert tiny type conversions
- Refine the result of connecting small multi planes in OrganizedMultiplaneSegmentation
- add hsv coherence to particle_fitler_tracker
- change color_histogram showing methods with reconfigure
- visualize color_histogram coefficience
- add new nodelet: EdgebasedCubeFinder
- use colorCategory20 function to colorize pointcloud in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- visualizing connection of planes with lines in OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- use rosparam_utils of jsk_topic_tools in StaticPolygonArrayPublisher
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Wesley Chan, Yu Ohara
0.1.17 (2014-09-07)
- add laser_registration.launch
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.16 (2014-09-04)
- bugfix: add depth_image_creator to jsk_pcl_nodelet on catkin.cmake
- a launch file for stereo camera using pointgrey
- Publish ModelCoefficients from EdgeDepthRefinement
- Add new nodelet to detect parallel edge
- Remove duplicated edges according to the line coefficients in EdgeDepthRefinement
- do not use EIGEN_ALIGNED_NEW_OPERATOR and use onInit super method on PointcloudScreenpoint
- Remove several unused headers from ParticleFilterTracking
- not compile OrganizedEdgeDetector on groovy
- add a new nodelet to refine edges based on depth connectivity
- Detect straight edges from organized pointcloud
- toggle edge feature by rqt_reqoncifugre in OrganizedEdgeDetector
- add new nodelet: OrganizedEdgeDetector, which is only available with latest PCL
- Do not include header of cloud viewer in region_growing_segmentation.h
- Add more diagnostic information to OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- downsample rgb as well as pointcloud in openni2_remote.launch
- add new nodelet: BorderEstimator
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yuki Furuta
0.1.14 (2014-08-01)
- add bounging box movement msg
- Contributors: Yusuke Furuta
0.1.13 (2014-07-29)
- add include of pcl_util.h to OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- use jsk_topic_tools::TimeAccumulator instead of jsk_pcl_ros::TimeAccumulator in jsk_pcl_ros
- new class to check connectivity; VitalChecker
- fixing the usage of boost::mutex::scoped_lock
- use Eigen::Vector3f as a default type in geo_util classes
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.12 (2014-07-24)
- Merge pull request #210 from aginika/add-remove-nan-funtion-line Add remove nan funtion line
- prevent nan pointcloud error with inserting removeNan function in ParticleFilterTracking
- fix environment modeling and changed api to lock/unlock environment
- remove border region from environment model
- publish diagnostic information from OrganizedMultiPlaneSementation
- take the average of plane coefficients to be combined in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- wait transform before transforming in PolygonArrayTransformer
- convert convex line information into grid cell before computing grid cell
- fix normalization of the normal when creating Polygon object
- catch more exceptions in TfTransformPointCloud nodelet
- Supress debug message from ColorHistogramMatcher
- fill x-y-z field to publish correct pose of the pointcloud from ColorHistogramMatcher
- publish the pose of the best matched candidate in ColorHistogramMatcher
- publish selected handle pose
- publish u, v, true_depth and observed_depth
- fix the order of Mat::at
- add two nodelets (DelayPointCloud and DepthImageError) to
jsk_pcl_ros and publish u/v coordinates of the checkerboard from
- DepthImageError is just a skelton yet.
- DelayPointCloud re-publishes pointcloud with specified delay time.
- publish u/v coordinates from checkerboard_detector.
- frame_id broadcasted from objectdetection_tf_publisher.py is configurable
- copy the header of the input cloud to the output cloud in SelectedClusterPublisher
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Yusuke Furuta, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.11 (2014-07-08)
0.1.10 (2014-07-07)
- compute distance based on Polygon-to-ConvexCentroid in order to identify the grid maps
- remove debug code in PolygonArrayTransformer
- use Plane class to compute transformation of coefficients
- statical voting and rejection to the grid map to remove unstable recognition result
- support appending of GridMap in time series in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- measure time to compute polygon collision in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- add a nodelet to concatenate PolygonStamped
- publish polygon synchronized with ~trigger message
- new utility class to measure time
- change default camera name
- build and publish grid map always on EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- add launch file for openni
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta
0.1.9 (2014-07-01)
- publish the result of grid modeling as SparseOccupancyGridArray
- compute segmented cloud's distance to polygon based on convex polygon assumption
- add new parameter to dynamic_reconfigure of EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.8 (2014-06-29)
- add min_indices parameter to ignore the grid which does not include enough points.
- add throttle for bounding box visualization in organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch. Because it may be too fast to see...
- add ~publish_tf=false to several nodelets in organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- fix typo of launch file
- run ColorHistogramMatcher with GridSampler
- implement GridSampler
- find object based on hsv color histogram of the pointcloud
- implement simple handle detector to grasp
- refactor cluster decomposer class run PCA to compute orientation of bounding box
- run PCA to compute bouding box
- fix segmentation fault
- estimate occlusion in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- fix several bags for plane-based environment modeling
- fix the header of the output of the estimation of occlusion
- do not compute transformation if no points are available
- does not publish pointclouds if transformation failed
- merge remote branch origin/master
- fulfill occluded reagion with pointcloud by OccludedPlaneEstimator
- debug and substitute stamp value to header/stamp add cloth classification sample
- only make will be executed on hydro
- fix typo: oclusoin -> occlusion
- add new nodelet: EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- use pcl::PointXYZRGB rather than pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal
- add normal estimation to organized multi plane segmentation
- d varaible of the normal should be transformed correctly by PolygonArrayTransfomer. fix transformation compuation to normalize d parameter
- add depent tag to ml_classifiers
- add more rosparameters to ParticleFilterTracking
- add MACHINE and GDB argument
- add program to compute color histogram (rgb and hsv color space)
- add cloth classification sample
- change the namespace of the topics to use tracking.launch from the other launch files
- add OcludedPlaneEstimator nodelet to estimate the ocluded planes
- new nodelet to transform PolygonArray and ModelCoefficientsArray
- add nodelet to publish static jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArray with timestamp synchronized with the pointclouds
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta, Masaki Murooka, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.7 (2014-05-31)
- new nodelet to reject the plane which does not satisfy the threshold about normal direction
- simplyfy tracking and add update with msg function
0.1.6 (2014-05-30)
0.1.5 (2014-05-29)
- add new nodelet to publish the points of the cluster selected by jsk_pcl_ros/Int32Stamped. this nodelet is supposed to be used with jsk_interactive_marker/bounding_box_marker
- align the boxes to the nearest plane
- add new parameter publish_clouds to ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer to disable publishing decomposed pointclouds
- add new message: BoundingBox and BoundingBoxArray and publish BoundingBoxArray from ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- use enum to select estimation method of NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- add launch and rviz file for subway bagfiles
- remove IndiceArray.msg, which are not used any more
- publish empty result if segmentation failed
- update the default parameters
- use PointXYZRGBNormal rather than PointXYZ nor Normal to speed up pointcloud conversion between ROS <-> PCL
- for realtime organized multi plane segmentation, add optimization flag
- add curvature veature
- comment in again and remove centroid publisher
- fix conflicts
- fix the size of the AABB published from ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- update launch file for OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentatoin. introduce several arguments. add several HzMeasure to measure the speed of the processing
- add new nodelet: NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- add new nodelet: NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- add dynamic reconfigure to MultiPlaneExtraction
- commnet out hsv-limit and remove centroid publisher
- use ExtractPolygonalPrismData class to extract the pointcloud ON the planes
- add new class: MultiPlaneExtraction to extract the points which does not belong to the planes. However it's not so stable and efficient now
- publish the result of the clustring as polygon with convex hull reconstruction. and publish the result of the plane estimation as ModelCoefficientsArray.
- implement connectiong of the planes segmented by organized multi planse segmentation
- output the segmentation as PolygonArray as the result of OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- delete unneeded files
- rearrange many launch files , rviz files and add sample for rosbags
- add argument for camera_info url
- fix for groovy
- does not compile region growing segmentation on groovy
- publish colorized points from cluster point indices decomposer
- does not compile on groovy
- does not compile region growing segmentation on groovy
- implement OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- add new nodelet: RegionGrowingSegmentation based on pcl::RegionGrowingSegmentation class
- add pcl_ros/NormalConcatenater nodelet. it retrieves PointXYZRGB from ~input and Normal from ~normal and concatenate them into ~output as PointXYZRGBNormal
- update index.rst
- delete wrong commited files
- update README and arrage some launch files directory
- fix for groovy
- use pclpointcloud2
- add sample_610_clothes.launch
- remove the sample launch files for non-used color converter and color filter
- rename rgb_color_filter.cpp and rgb_color_filter.h to rgb color_filter.cpp and color_filter.h.
- use the lines rather than cube to visualize bounding box
- add hsi_color_filter executable
- implement resize_points_publisher w/o filter class. remove nonused files such as color_filter, color_converter and so on.
- add marker to display the result of the clustering as bounding boxes
- publishes tf frames to the center of the clusters
- add euclidean clustering, decomposer and zfilter
- add filter.cpp to jsk_pcl_ros on rosbuild. because resize points publisher requires it. this is a hotfix, so I will re-implement that nodelet w/o filter.cpp
- support groovy and pcl 1.6
- compile cluster_point_indices_decomposer and cluster_point_indices_decomposer_z_axis on catkin
- compile euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet.cpp on catkin
- add add HSI Color filter
- rgb_color_filter.launch: add comment and launch centroid_publisher as default
- catch tf exception
- remove redundant declaration of TransformBroadcaster
- remove redundant declaration of TransformBroadcaster
- update README and add centroid related files
- do not run dynamic reconfigure callback and topic callback symultenously
- support ~indices topic to specify indices vector of the points and refactor codes
- re-implement RGBColorFilter as simpler class
- add centroid_publisher to catkin
- add tracking rviz config
- delete unneeded line in tf_transfomr_cloud.launch
- add tf transform cloud launch and rviz
- add octree_change_detector.launch
- add group tag to create local scope to remap several topics in openni2.launch
- To update README, add explanation to tracking , octree and tf cloud
- relaying camera_info under camera_remote namespace
- add tf transform nodelet
- make paritcal_filter_tracking_nodelet publish tracked object tf trasnformation
- add two launch files to run openni on remote machine
- add octree_change_detector
- Contributors: Ryo Terasawa, Chan Wesley, Shunichi Nozawa, Yuto Inagaki, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yusuke Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.4 (2014-04-25)
- fixed compile error jsk_pcl_ros
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.3 (2014-04-12)
- add depends to visualization_msgs
- delete lines for refactoring the tracking
- add RGB color
- fill point_cloud field
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.2 (2014-04-11)
- use find_moduel to check catkin/rosbuild to pass git-buildpackage
- Contributors: Kei Okada
- add CallPolygon.srv for jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_smart_apps#17
- Contributors: Yuto Inagaki
0.1.1 (2014-04-10)
- add depend_tag for pcl_conversions and not needed tags delete not needed tags
- #31: catch runtime error in order to ignore error from tf and so on
- #31: use SlicedPointCloud in VoxelGridDownsampleDecoder and use NODELET** macros instead of ROS** macros
- #31: use SlicedPointCloud in VoxelGridDownsampleManager
- #31: add new message for VoxelGrid{Manager,Decoder}: SlicedPointCloud.msg
- replacing image_rotate namespace with jsk_pcl_ros because of porting
- fix package name of dynamic reconfigure setting file
- use TF2_ROS_VERSION instead of ROS_MINIMUM_VERSION macro
- use tf2::BufferClient on groovy
- add cfg file for image_rotate dynamic reconfigure
- porting image_rotate_nodelet from image_pipeline garamon's fork. this version of image_rotate supports tf2 and nodelet.
- add rosdepend to prevent pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet error
- use jsk nodelet mux for pcl roi
- add arg to set nodelet manager name
- use the same nodelet manager as openni
- #20: implement PointCloudThrottle and ImageMUX, ImageDEMUX and ImageThrotle
- add sensor_msgs dependency to message generation
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/garaemon/add-message-dependency-to-jsk-pcl-ros' into garaemon-avoid-roseus-catkin-bug Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/catkin.cmake
- change the location of generate_messages and catkin_package of jsk_pcl_ros
- add sensor_msgs depdendency to jsk_pcl_ros's message generation
- #8: remove delay pointcloud nodelet
- #15: remove unused comment
- #15: remove unused cpp source codes, now they are automatically generated from single_nodelet_exec.cpp.in
- #15: automatically generate the single nodelet programs on rosbuild
- #15: rename resize_points_publisher to resize_points_publisher_nodelet according to naming convention
- #15: fix endmacro syntax
- #15: automatically generate cpp codes in catkin build
- #15: add quotes to the template file
- #15: add a template file to run single nodelet
- add pcl_conversions to jsk_pcl_ros
- add eigen_conversions to jsk_pcl_ros dependency
- #11: specify package.xml by fullpath
- #11: add pcl to dependency if distro is groovy
- #11: pcl is not a catkin package
- #11: fix if sentence order
- #11: depend pcl catkin package in groovy
- listed up nodelets provided by jsk_pcl_ros
- #4: removed icp_server, it's just a sample program
- #4: remove LazyConcatenater and PointcloudFlowrate from CMakeLists.txt
- #4: remove LazyConcatenater and PointcloudFlowrate from jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- #4: removed LazyConcatenater and PointcloudFlowrate
- fix depend package -> rosdep name
- add keypoints publisher; first supported only nerf
- add code for using GICP if using hydro
- add PolygonArray.msg for catkin build system
- adding header
- adding more nodelet modules for catkin
- adding CallSnapIt.srv
- add tf topic name parameter
- add pcl roi launch files
- add base_frame parameter in voxel_grid_downsample
- adding special message for polygon array
- adding hinted plane detector to xml nodelet list
- enable use_point_array of screenpoint
- add include <pcl_conversions/pcl_conversions.h> for groovy
- use pcl_conversions for hydro, see http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Migration#PCL
- fix wrong commit on
- forget to commit, sorry
- add SnapItRequest to add_message_files
- adding sample for hinted plane detector
- adding HintedPlaneDetector and pointcloudScreenpoint supports converting array of 2d points into 3d
- adding HintedPlaneDetector and pointcloudScreenpoint supports converting array of 2d points into 3d
- publishing marker as recognition result
- implemented snapit for cylinder model
- adding height field
- adding cylinder parameters
- supporting cylinder model fitting
- fix for groovy with catkin
- setting axis when snap to the plane
- fixing transformation concatenation
- adding new module: SnapIt
- fix issue #268, run sed only when needed
- does not publish if the grid is empty
- change the default value
- change the default value
- adding initial ROI
- adding initial ROI
- not cahing old points
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- not remove previous pointcloud as long as possible
- change the default value to 300
- supporting frame_id
- using tf
- adding decoder for voxel grid downsample manager
- adding message
- adding voxel grid downsample manager
- adding voxel_grid_downsample_manager
- supporting dynamic reconfigure
- adding lazy concatenater
- adding lazy concatenate sample
- adding lazy_concatenater
- debug RGBColorFilter and HSVColorFIlter for hydro
- adding pointcloud_flowrate nodelet skelton
- adding pointcloud_flowrate nodelet skelton
- compile pointcloud_flowrate executable
- executable to run pointcloud_flowrate
- tracking.launch change to tracking_hydro.launch and tracking_groovy.launch
- add load_manifest for rosbuild
- fix filtering range when min value is grater than max value
- fix filter name
- add rgb filter
- add mutex::scoped_lock in particle_filter_tracking
- debug in renew_tracking.py ROS_INFO -> rospy.loginfo
- add scripts/renew_trakcing.py launch/tracking.launch
- use SetPointCloud2
- add particle filter trackig node/nodelt with SetPointCloud2.srv
- fix pointcloud_scrennpoint.cpp to use jsk_pcl_ros -> jsk_pcl, by k-okada
- enable respawning
- add depends to pcl_msgs
- adding icp server
- adding TOWER_LOWEST2
- support both catkin/rosbuild
- update catkin makefile, add _gencpp, _gencfg
- support both catkin/rosbuild
- add_dependences to jsk_pcl_ros_gencpp
- pcl -> pcl_msgs for pcl-1.7 (hydro), but use sed to force change pcl/ namespace for groovy
- hydro migration, pcl 1.7 is independent from ros, see http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Migration
- use USE_ROSBUILD for catkin/rosbuild environment
- starting with the middle tower
- fixing typo
- fixing typo
- using positoin from /origin, instead of from robot frame id
- added code for running centroid_publishers to publish segmented point cloud centroids
- update the position parameter for the demo
- fixing the rotatio of camera
- update the index of tower, plate, using enum in srv
- adding service to move robot with just index
- update the parameter and the axis
- fix to move robot to the goal tower
- update to run with eus ik server
- resolve position of each tf
- set the quality of the mjpeg server 100
- fixing message of the modal of alert
- block the tower already having plates
- adding debug message
- adding empty function to move robot
- adding graph
- adding service type to move robot
- smaller fonts
- adding cluster num on debug layer
- adding the number of the clusters
- update
- update the message
- adding more states for hanoi-tower
- small fixes
- adding service to pickup tower
- adding text shadow
- click detection by service call
- cenrerize button
- adding help modal
- track the window size
- adding html to redirect to tower_detecct_viewer
- centerize the image
- centerize the image
- adding state
- introducing state machine
- detecting clicked cluster
- using tower_detect_viewer_server
- providing a class
- adding some web related files
- using filled flag
- update params for lab room
- specifying tf_timeout of image_view2
- not subscribing topic to refer timestamp
- fixing header timestamp
- using some topic to refer timestamp
- supporting marker id
- update
- update topic to use image_view2's image
- fixing draw_3d_circle
- add script to draw circle on image_view2
- using location.hostname for the IP address
- adding www directory for tower_detect brawser viewer
- adding a launch file to launch mjpeg_server
- adding CentroidPublisher
- empty CentroidPublisher class
- implementing z axis sorting
- more effective implementation
- more information about resetting tracking
- fixing registration parameter
- adding nodelet skelton cpp
- adding cluster_point_indices_decomposer_z_axis.cpp
- adding sortIndicesOrder as preparation to customize ordering technique
- adding new nodelet ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- adding more methods
- adding skelton class to decompose ClusterPointIndices
- adding license declaration
- adding launch file to examin euclidean segmentation
- fixing label tracking
- refactoring
- refactoring
- refactoring
- supporting label_tracking_tolerance
- refactoring
- implementing labeling tracking
- calculate distance matrix
- adding one more color
- refactoring
- fixing compilation warning
- calculate centroids at the first frame
- fixing indentation
- using static colors to colorize clustered pointclouds
- removing noisy output
- removing invalid comments
- supporting dynamic reconfigure for euclidean clustering
- fixing rotation
- adding /origin and /table_center
- adding two lanch files
- adding top level launch
- openni.launch with depth_registered=true
- fix missing dependancy
- update hsv_color_filter.launch
- add USE_REGISTERER_DEPTH argument to pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
- remove env-loader (localhost do not need env-loader)
- update parameter use_point false -> true
- add same parameters to not USE_VIEW
- fix strequal ROS_DISTRO env
- use ROS_Distributions instead of ROS_DISTRO for electric
- fix for electric
- add USE_SYNC parameter to pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
- update pointcloud_screnpoint.launch
- merged image_view2/points_rectangle_extractor.cpp to pointcloud_screenpoint
- add EuclideanClustering [#119]
- copy pcl_ros/filters/filter to jsk_pcl_ros directory due to https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/9, [#119]
- add catkin.cmake, package.xml for groovy, remove nodelt depends on pcl_ros::Filter https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/9
- fix description comment
- remove cv_bridge
- add sample code for using
- add lisp code for using pointcloud in roseus
- use tf::Quaternion instead of btQuaternion
- comment out pcl_ros/features/features.cpp
- libtbb -> tbb , see rosdep/base.yaml
- change rodep name:libtbb to tbb
- update index.rst,conf.py by Jenkins
- fix: high load of screenpoint
- fix: change dynamic config
- fix: variable range of hue
- delete obsolated files
- rewrite color_filter and color_filter_nodelet for PCL 1.5 and later
- update sample for color_filter
- update index.rst,conf.py by Jenkins
- changed arg setting for launch from pr2.launch using mux
- update index.rst,conf.py by Jenkins
- fix: for using pcl_ros/feature class
- changed kinect's name from camera to openni
- fix: depth_image_creator added to nodelet
- use machine tag with env-loader
- comment out old pcl modules
- remove machine tag, which is not used
- fix for compiling fuerte and electric
- fix row_step and is_dense variables for resized point cloud
- added service of switching topic for depth_image_creator
- update index.rst,conf.py by Jenkins
- outout launchdoc-generator to build directry to avoid svn confrict
- remove jskpointcloud dependency from jsk_pcl_ros
- copy depth_image_creator from unreleased
- add jsk_pcl_ros (copy from unreleased repository)
- Contributors: Haseru Chen, Youhei Kakiuchi, Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki, Chen Wesley, Kazuto Murase, Ryohei Ueda
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- sample/sample_colorize_map_random_forest.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_heightmap_converter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_bilateral_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_region_growing_segmentation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_linemod_trainer.launch
- gui [default: true]
- output_path [default: $(env HOME)/.ros/jsk_pcl_ros_sample_linemod_template]
- sample/tf_transform_cloud.launch
- manager [default: /camera_nodelet_manager]
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- sample/sample_moving_least_square_smoothing.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_calculate_polygon_from_imu.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_nearest_distance.launch
- sample/sample_octomap_server_contact_pr2.launch
- use_gui [default: true] — argument to launch rviz
- sample/sample_snapit.launch
- gui [default: true]
- launch_manager [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: sample_manager]
- sample/sample_icp_registration_2d.launch
- gui [default: true]
- manager [default: icp_registration_2d_nodelet_manager]
- input_cloud [default: /kinect_head/depth_registered/points]
- reference_model [default: $(find jsk_pcl_ros)/sample/data/kettle.pcd]
- sensor_frame_id [default: head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame]
- base_frame_id [default: base_footprint]
- sample/sample_selected_cluster_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_display_bounding_box_array.launch
- sample/sample_extract_cuboid_particles_top_n.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_particle_filter_tracking.launch
- gui [default: true]
- rosbag_play_args [default: --clock --loop]
- input [default: /camera/depth/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_depth_optical_frame]
- reference_update_duration [default: 0.05]
- sample/sample_kinfu.launch
- gui [default: true]
- rosbag [default: true]
- integrate_color [default: true]
- INPUT_CAMERA_INFO [default: /camera/depth_registered/camera_info]
- INPUT_DEPTH [default: /camera/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect_raw]
- INPUT_COLOR [default: /camera/rgb/image_rect_color]
- sample/sample_hinted_handle_estimator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_add_color_from_image.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/euclidean_segmentation_sample.launch
- sample/octree_change_detector_sample.launch
- sample/sample_fuse_images.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_icp_registration.launch
- gui [default: true]
- USE_SAMPLE_DATA [default: true]
- input [default: /camera/depth/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_depth_optical_frame]
- sample/sample_organized_pass_through.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_normal_estimation_omp.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_pointcloud_localization.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_line_segment_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_publish_clicked_point_bbox.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_particle_filter_tracking_service_renew.launch
- gui [default: true]
- rosbag_play_args [default: --clock --loop]
- input [default: /camera/depth/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_depth_optical_frame]
- reference_update_duration [default: 0.05]
- sample/sample_fisheye_sphere_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_detect_graspable_poses_pcabase.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_primitive_shape_classifier.launch
- cloud_input [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- manager [default: primitive_shape_classifier_nodelet_manager]
- vital_rate [default: 0.1]
- sensor_frame_id [default: /camera_rgb_optical_frame]
- sample/sample_particle_filter_tracking_change_detection.launch
- gui [default: true]
- rosbag_play_args [default: --clock --loop]
- input [default: /camera/depth/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_depth_optical_frame]
- reference_update_duration [default: 0.05]
- sample/sample_intermittent_image_annotator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_octree_change_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_collision_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_roi_clipper.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_mask_image_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_pointcloud_database_server.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_depth_calibration.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_hinted_plane_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch
- cloud_machine [default: localhost] — point cloud processor machine
- display_machine [default: localhost] — display client machine
- base_frame [default: camera_link]
- image [default: /camera/rgb] — image namespace
- points [default: /camera/depth/points] — point cloud
- USE_VIEW [default: true] — if true, launch image_view2 on $(arg display_machine)
- USE_RVIZ [default: false] — if true, launch rviz on $(arg display_machine)
- PUBLISH_BASE_FOOTPRINT [default: false] — publish tf from base_footprint to camera
- publish_base_footprint_camera_frame [default: camera_link] — frame used for publish tf from base_footprint to camera
- cloud_machine [default: $(arg cloud_machine)]
- display_machine [default: $(arg display_machine)]
- image [default: $(arg image)]
- points [default: $(arg points)]
- USE_DEPTH_CREATER [default: false]
- USE_REGISTERED_DEPTH [default: true]
- USE_VIEW [default: $(arg USE_VIEW)]
- sample/sample_heightmap_time_accumulation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_store_pointcloud.launch
- sample/sample_environment_plane_modeling.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_supervoxel_segmentation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_drc_box.launch
- sample/sample_edge_depth_refinement.launch
- sample/sample_mask_image_cluster_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_color_histogram.launch
- use_rviz [default: true]
- input_cloud [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- sensor_frame_id [default: camera_rgb_optical_frame]
- plane_size [default: 0.6]
- vital_rate [default: 0.1]
- manager [default: color_histogram_manager]
- sample/passthrough_image.launch
- input_cloud [default: /kinect2/depth_lowres/points]
- sample/sample_dump_depth_error.launch
- gui [default: true]
- csv_path [default: $(env HOME)/.ros/jsk_pcl_ros_sample_dump_depth_error.csv]
- sample/sample_plane_time_ensync_for_recognition.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_find_object_on_plane.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_hinted_stick_finder.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_in_hand_recognition_manager.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_grid_sampler.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_organized_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- gui [default: true]
- RATE [default: 1.0]
- sample/sample_multi_plane_sac_segmentation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_color_histogram_matcher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_normal_direction_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_depth_error_calibration.launch
- gui [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: nodelet_manager]
- sample/sample_door_handle_detector.launch
- play_rosbag [default: true]
- gui [default: true]
- cloud_input [default: /camera_remote/depth_registered/points]
- base_frame_id [default: ground]
- sensor_frame_id [default: camera_rgb_optical_frame]
- min_likelihood [default: 0.3]
- door_min_height [default: 0.3]
- door_max_height [default: 2.0]
- handle_min_cluster_size [default: 15]
- vital_rate [default: 0.2]
- respawn [default: true]
- sample/sample_convex_connected_voxels.launch
- MANAGER [default: nodelet_manager]
- launch_manager [default: true]
- sample/sample_line_segment_collector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_depth_image_creator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_handle_estimator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_plane_supported_cuboid_estimator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_heightmap_morphological_filtering.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_torus_finder.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/rgb_color_filter_sample.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_capture_stereo_synchronizer.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_ppf_registration.launch
- USE_ICP [default: true]
- USE_SAMPLE_DATA [default: true]
- input [default: /camera/depth/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_depth_optical_frame]
- sample/sample_octree_voxel_grid.launch
- gui [default: true]
- USE_SAMPLE_DATA [default: true]
- sample/sample_bounding_box_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/hsi_color_filter_sample.launch
- sample/sample_plane_extraction.launch
- input_cloud [default: /multisense_local/organized_image_points2_color]
- transformed_cloud [default: transform_org_cloud/output]
- filtered_cloud [default: extract_indices/output]
- manager [default: plane_extraction_manager]
- rosbag_arg [default: $(find jsk_pcl_ros)/sample/data/plane_extraction.bag --clock --loop]
- sample/sample_incremental_model_registration.launch
- gui [default: true]
- rosbag_play_args [default: --clock --loop]
- sample/tabletop_object_detector.launch
- input [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_rgb_optical_frame]
- manager [default: tabletop_object_detector_nodelet_manager]
- machine [default: localhost]
- launch_manager [default: true]
- launch_tracking [default: true]
- launch_openni [default: true]
- launch_rviz [default: true]
- publish_tf [default: true]
- sample/sample_multi_plane_extraction.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_people_detection.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_parallel_edge_finder.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_normal_estimation_integral_image.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_extract_top_polygon_likelihood.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_subway.launch
- bagfile_names [default: $(find jsk_data)/large/2014_05_22_subway_receive_throw_rubbish.bag]
- sample/sample_keypoints_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_kinfu_hrp2_apc.launch
- gui [default: true]
- integrate_color [default: true]
- INPUT_CAMERA_INFO [default: /camera_remote/depth_registered/camera_info]
- INPUT_DEPTH [default: /camera_remote/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect_raw]
- INPUT_COLOR [default: /camera_remote/rgb_half/image_rect_color]
- sample/sample_rearrange_bounding_box.launch
- gui [default: true]
- debug [default: false]
- sample/sample_cluster_point_indices_decomposer_sort_by.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_multi_euclidean_cluster_extraction.launch
- gui [default: true]
- downsample [default: true]
- INPUT_CLOUD [default: /head_rgbd_sensor_remote/depth_registered/points]
- INPUT_INDICES [default: /mask_rcnn_instance_segmentation/output/cluster_indices]
- sample/keypoints_publisher_sample.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- sample/sample_610_clothes.launch
- sample/sample_resize_points_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_boundingbox_occlusion_rejector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_attention_clipper.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_joint_state_static_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/simple_edge_detector_and_tracker.launch
- input_depth_image [default: depth/image]
- input_rgb_image [default: rgb/image_rect_color]
- input_point [default: depth/points]
- input_info [default: rgb/camera_info]
- sample/sample_colorize_random_forest.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_feature_registration.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_hsi_color_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- h_max [default: -62]
- h_min [default: -128]
- s_max [default: 111]
- s_min [default: 61]
- i_max [default: 163]
- i_min [default: 0]
- sample/sample_container_occupancy_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- topic_tools_start_delay [default: 2.0]
- approximate_sync [default: false]
- sample/sample_cluster_point_indices_decomposer.launch
- gui [default: true]
- use_pca [default: true]
- approximate_sync [default: true]
- sample/sample_heightmap.launch
- INPUT_POINT_CLOUD [default: pointcloud_model_generator/output]
- sample/sample_voxel_grid_downsample.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
- gui [default: true]
- publish_rate [default: 1]
- sample/sample_linemod_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_add_color_from_image_to_organized.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/hinted_plane_detector_sample.launch
- sample/sample_edgebased_cube_finder.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_voxel_grid_large_scale.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_marker_appender.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_octomap_contact.launch
- rviz [default: true]
- sample/sample_tilt_laser_listener.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_region_growing_multiple_plane_segmentation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/tracking_sample.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- sample/sample_target_adaptive_tracking.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_heightmap_to_pointcloud.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_organized_edge_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_border_estimator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- launch/depth_calibration.launch
- launch/octree_voxel_grid.launch
- -*- mode: xml -*-
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth/points]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: octree_voxel_grid]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: octree_voxel_grid_manger]
- launch/tracking.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_min [default: 0.0]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_max [default: 5.0]
- voxel_grid_filter_field_name [default: z]
- voxel_grid_leaf_size [default: 0.02]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: tracking_manager]
- align_box [default: false]
- renew_box [default: /bounding_box_marker/selected_box]
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: NONE]
- track_target_name [default: track_result]
- track_with_model_sample [default: false]
- launch/pcl_roi_robot.launch
- USE_HEAD_POINTCLOUD [default: true]
- USE_LHAND_POINTCLOUD [default: true]
- USE_RHAND_POINTCLOUD [default: true]
- HEAD_SELECTED [default: /laser/full_cloud2_raw_selected]
- HEAD_TOPIC [default: ['/laser/full_cloud2_raw']]
- LHAND_SELECTED [default: /sandia_hands/l_hand/points2_selected]
- LHAND_TOPIC [default: /sandia_hands/l_hand/points2_dummy /sandia_hands/l_hand/points2]
- RHAND_SELECTED [default: /sandia_hands/r_hand/points2_selected]
- RHAND_TOPIC [default: /sandia_hands/r_hand/points2_dummy /sandia_hands/r_hand/points2]
- BASE_FRAME [default: pelvis]
- HEAD_NODELET_MANAGER [default: /pointcloud_roi/pcl_roi_robot_manager]
- GDB [default: false]
- launch/pgstereo.launch
- RUN_DRIVER [default: true]
- launch/euclidean_segmentation.launch
- manager [default: camera_nodelet_manager]
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- create_manager [default: true]
- launch/fisheye_sphere.launch
- launch/openni2_remote.launch
- camera [default: camera_remote]
- local_camera [default: camera]
- rgb [default: rgb]
- depth [default: depth]
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- rgb_frame_id [default: /$(arg local_camera)_rgb_optical_frame]
- depth_frame_id [default: /$(arg local_camera)_depth_optical_frame]
- half_step [default: 2]
- quater_step [default: 4]
- color_half_scale [default: 0.5]
- color_quater_scale [default: 0.25]
- uv_scale [default: 1.0]
- depth_calibration_file [default: $(find jsk_pcl_ros)/config/default_depth_calibration_parameter.yaml]
- republish [default: false]
- use_warn [default: false]
- launch/imu_orientated_icp.launch
- CAMERA_FRAME_ID [default: /multisense/left_camera_optical_frame]
- INPUT [default: /filtered_cloud/output]
- INPUT_INFO [default: /multisense/left/camera_info]
- IMU [default: /multisense/imu/imu_data]
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: icp_manager]
- launch/octomap_server_contact.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth/points]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: octomap]
- launch/pr2_tilt_laser_listener.launch
- launch/sample_select_laser_pointcloud_from_image.launch
- INPUT_IMAGE [default: /multisense/left/image_rect_color]
- INPUT_CAMERA_INFO [default: /multisense/left/camera_info]
- INPUT_POINT_CLOUD [default: /multisense/resize_1_1/points]
- launch/supervoxel_segmentation.launch
- launch/laser_multi_plane_detection.launch
- INPUT [default: /multisense/lidar_scan]
- JOINT_STATES [default: /multisense/joint_states]
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: multisense/head]
- launch/door_handle_detection.launch
- launch/container_occupancy_detector.launch
- CONTAINER_BOXES_INPUT [default: container/boxes]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: container_occupancy_detector]
- manager [default: manager]
- approximate_sync [default: false]
- queue_size [default: 100]
- launch/footstep_recognition.launch
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: odom]
- RUN_SELF_FILTER [default: false]
- SELF_FILTER_PARAM [default: $(find jsk_pr2_startup)/jsk_pr2_sensors/tilt_self_filter.yaml]
- JOINT_STATIC_FILTER [default: false]
- INPUT [default: /move_group/filtered_cloud]
- ICP_REGISTRATION [default: false]
- MODEL_FILE [default: $(find jsk_data)/pcds/hand_drill_kinect.pcd]
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: organized_multi_plane_manager]
- ESTIMATE_OCCLUSION [default: false]
- COLOR_HISTOGRAM [default: false]
- HANDLE_ESTIMATOR [default: false]
- MACHINE [default: localhost]
- GDB [default: false]
- SAVE_SELECTED_CLOUD [default: false]
- launch/border_estimate.launch
- launch/stereo_reconstruction.launch
- USE_COMPRESS [default: true]
- COMPRESSED_TYPE [default: compressed]
- NO_SUB_NAMESPACE [default: false]
- SUB_NAMESPACE [default: ]
- RELAY_DEPTH [default: false]
- launch/pointcloud_localization.launch
- INPUT [default: /self_filtered_cloud]
- launch/organized_edge_detector.launch
- launch/pr2_pointcloud_error_visualization.launch
- launch/particle_filter_localization.launch
- launch/plane_extraction.launch
- input_cloud [default: /multisense_local/organized_image_points2_color]
- transformed_cloud [default: transform_org_cloud/output]
- filtered_cloud [default: extract_indices/output]
- manager [default: plane_extraction_manager]
- launch/torus_finder.launch
- INPUT_IMAGE [default: /multisense/left/image_rect_color]
- INPUT_CAMERA_INFO [default: /multisense/left/camera_info]
- INPUT_POINT_CLOUD [default: /tilt_laser_listener/output_cloud]
- CAMERA_FRAME [default: multisense/left_camera_optical_frame]
- launch/depth_error.launch
- IMAGE_TOPIC [default: /camera_remote_uncalibrated/rgb/image_rect_color]
- DEPTH_IMAGE [default: /camera_remote_uncalibrated/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect_raw]
- CAMERA_INFO_TOPIC [default: /camera/rgb/camera_info]
- CLIP_SIZE [default: 0.2]
- GRID_SIZE_X [default: 5]
- GRID_SIZE_Y [default: 4]
- launch/pr2_tilt_laser_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: odom]
- RUN_SELF_FILTER [default: false]
- SELF_FILTER_PARAM [default: $(find jsk_pr2_startup)/jsk_pr2_sensors/tilt_self_filter.yaml]
- JOINT_STATIC_FILTER [default: false]
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- ICP_REGISTRATION [default: false]
- MODEL_FILE [default: $(find jsk_data)/pcds/hand_drill_kinect.pcd]
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: multi_plane_manager]
- ESTIMATE_OCCLUSION [default: false]
- COLOR_HISTOGRAM [default: false]
- HANDLE_ESTIMATOR [default: false]
- MACHINE [default: localhost]
- GDB [default: false]
- SAVE_SELECTED_CLOUD [default: false]
- launch/calculate_normal.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_min [default: 0.0]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_max [default: 5.0]
- voxel_grid_leaf_size [default: 0.005]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: pcl_nodelet]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: pcl_nodelet_manager]
- launch/convex_connected_voxels.launch
- launch/octree_change_detector.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_min [default: 0.0]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_max [default: 5.0]
- voxel_grid_leaf_size [default: 0.01]
- octree_resolution [default: 0.02]
- octree_noise_filter [default: 2]
- launch/octomap_object_model_generation.launch
- SAVE_SELECTED_CLOUD [default: false]
- INPUT [default: /laser_downsampler/output]
- OUTPUT [default: /object_pointcloud]
- launch/hinted_stick_detector.launch
- launch/hinted_plane_detector.launch
- launch/laserscan_registration.launch
- color_camera [default: /openni/rgb]
- laser [default: tilt_scan]
- use_gui [default: false]
- use_gdb [default: false]
- use_laser_pipeline [default: true]
- launch/organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: odom]
- RUN_SELF_FILTER [default: false]
- JOINT_STATIC_FILTER [default: false]
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- ICP_REGISTRATION [default: false]
- PUBLISH_BOX_TF [default: false]
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: organized_multi_plane_manager]
- ESTIMATE_OCCLUSION [default: false]
- COLOR_HISTOGRAM [default: false]
- HANDLE_ESTIMATOR [default: false]
- MACHINE [default: localhost]
- GDB [default: false]
- SAVE_SELECTED_CLOUD [default: false]
- ORGANIZED [default: true]
- SELF_FILTER_PARAM [default: $(find jsk_pr2_startup)/jsk_pr2_sensors/tilt_self_filter.yaml]
- launch/pcl_roi_remote.launch
- REMOTE_TF [default: /tf_low_frequency]
- USE_LHAND_POINTCLOUD [default: true]
- USE_RHAND_POINTCLOUD [default: true]
- ROI_MARKER_BASEFRAME [default: pelvis]
- launch/polygon_array_transformer.launch
- MANAGER [default: polygon_array_transformer_example]
- INPUT_POINT_CLOUD [default: /full_cloud2]
- launch/organized_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- launch_manager [default: false]
- launch/hsi_color_filter.launch
- -*- mode: xml -*-
- INPUT [default: hsi_input]
- CENTROID_FRAME [default: target]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: HSI_color_filter]
- FILTER_NAME_SUFFIX [default: ]
- OUTPUT [default: hsi_output$(arg FILTER_NAME_SUFFIX)]
- h_max [default: 127]
- h_min [default: -128]
- s_max [default: 255]
- s_min [default: 0]
- i_max [default: 255]
- i_min [default: 0]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: hsi_filter_manager$(arg FILTER_NAME_SUFFIX)]
- launch/visualize_plane_distance.launch
- namespace [default: visualize_kinect_error]
- input [default: /openni_c2/depth_registered/points]
- fixed_frame_id [default: base_footprint]
- launch/imu_orientated_plane_rejecter.launch
- CAMERA_FRAME_ID [default: /multisense/left_camera_optical_frame]
- INPUT [default: /multisense/resize_1_2/points]
- INPUT_INFO [default: /multisense/left/camera_info]
- IMU [default: /multisense/imu/imu_data]
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: plane_rejection_manager]
- launch/extract_only_directed_region_of_close_mask_image.launch
- input_image [default: /multisense/left/image_rect_color]
- input_points [default: /multisense/organized_image_points2_color]
- use_interactive_view [default: true]
- RESIZE_RATE [default: 1]
- launch/tabletop_tracking.launch
- launch/topic_tools.launch
- launch/target_adaptive_tracking.launch
- input_cloud [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- model_cloud [default: /object_model/output/cloud]
- background_cloud [default: /object_model/output/bkgd_cloud]
- tracker_pose [default: /particle_filter_tracker/track_result_pose]
- init_obj_pose [default: /object_model/output/pose]
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- launch/lazy_concatenate.launch
- INPUT [default: /points]
- launch/laser_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- INPUT [default: full_cloud2]
- LASER_FLAME_ID [default: left_camera_optical_frame]
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: odom]
- RUN_SELF_FILTER [default: false]
- SELF_FILTER_PARAM [default: $(find jsk_pr2_startup)/jsk_pr2_sensors/tilt_self_filter.yaml]
- JOINT_STATIC_FILTER [default: false]
- ICP_REGISTRATION [default: false]
- PUBLISH_BOX_TF [default: false]
- ESTIMATE_OCCLUSION [default: false]
- HANDLE_ESTIMATOR [default: false]
- MACHINE [default: localhost]
- SAVE_SELECTED_CLOUD [default: false]
- MANAGER [default: laser_multiplane_manager]
- launch/kinfu.launch
- launch/rgb_color_filter.launch
- -*- mode: xml -*-
- INPUT [default: rgb_input]
- OUTPUT [default: rgb_output]
- CENTROID_FRAME [default: target]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: RGB_color_filter]
- r_max [default: 255]
- r_min [default: 0]
- g_max [default: 255]
- g_min [default: 0]
- b_max [default: 255]
- b_min [default: 0]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: rgb_filter_manager]
- launch/openni_local.launch
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- publish_tf [default: true]
- launch/fpfh.launch
- launch/multi_resolution_organized_stereo.launch
- NAMESPACE [default: multiresolution_stereo_image]
- INPUT_LR [default: left]
- INPUT_IMAGE [default: /multisense/$(arg INPUT_LR)/image_rect_color]
- INPUT_CAMERA_INFO [default: /multisense/$(arg INPUT_LR)/camera_info]
- OUTPUT_IMAGE [default: image_rect_color]
- RUN_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: manager]
- THROTTLE_RATE [default: 1]
- NODELET_INDEX [default: 0]
- launch/heightmap_converter.launch
- USE_NODELET_MANAGER [default: true]
- NODELET_MANAGER_NAME [default: heightmap_nodelet]
- NODELET_INDEX [default: 0]
- INPUT [default: /pointcloud]
- DEBUG_VIEW [default: true]
- STATIC_FRAME [default: map]
- ROBOT_FRAME [default: BODY]
- USE_PROJECTED_FRAME [default: false]
- PROJECTED_FRAME [default: BODY_on_map]
- launch/linemod_train.launch
- launch/attention_clipper_sample.launch
- launch/rgbd_mapping_multisense.launch
- launch/snapit.launch
- launch/pr2_intermittent_image_annotator.launch
- launch/region_growing_segmentation.launch
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- launch/in_hand_recognition.launch
- pcd_file [default: $(find drc_task_common)/pcds/drill.pcd]
- info [default: /multisense/depth/camera_info]
- input_cloud [default: /multisense/organized_image_points2_color]
- self_filter_param [default: $(find jsk_hrp2_ros_bridge)/config/$(env ROBOT)_self_filter.yaml]
- use_self_filter_for_sensor [default: true]
- use_self_filter_for_template [default: false]
- launch/openni_remote.launch
- camera [default: camera]
- camera_remote [default: camera_remote]
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- launch/keypoints_publisher.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: nodelet_manager]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: pcl_nodelet]
- launch/pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
- cloud_machine [default: localhost] — point cloud processor machine
- display_machine [default: localhost] — display machine for visualization
- image [default: /camera/rgb] — image namespace
- image_type [default: image_rect_color] — image topic name
- camera_info [default: $(arg image)/camera_info] — camera_info topic name
- points [default: /camera/depth_registered/points] — point cloud topic name
- LAUNCH_OPENNI [default: false] — if true, launch openni.launch
- USE_DEPTH_CREATER [default: true] — if true, launch depth_image_creator, for unorganized point cloud
- USE_REGISTERED_DEPTH [default: false] — if true, using registered depth, for organized point cloud
- USE_VIEW [default: false] — if true, launch image_view2 on $(arg display_machine)
- USE_SYNC [default: false] — if true, synchronize
- PUBLISH_POINTS [default: false] — if true, publish result points
- launch/multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch
- NAMESPACE [default: multiresolution_pointcloud]
- INPUT [default: /multisense/organized_image_points2_color]
- INPUT_DEPTH [default: /multisense/depth]
- RUN_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: manager]
- NODELET_INDEX [default: 0]
- launch/pointcloud_to_stl.launch
- LAUNCH_OPENNI [default: true]
- RUN_RVIZ [default: true]
- INSERT_TO_GAZEBO [default: true]
- RUN_GAZEBO [default: true]
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: camera_link]
- launch/capture/capture_multisense.launch
- CAMERA [default: /multisense]
- launch/capture/capture_model_registration.launch
- LINEMOD_TRAIN [default: true]
- BAG_FILE [default: /home/lueda/multisense_capture_2014-12-30-13-40-27.bag]
- launch/capture/capture_stereo_synchronizer_player.launch
- SYNCHRONIZED_NS [default: /capture_stereo_synchronizer/output]
- launch/tower_detect/tower_tf.launch
- launch/tower_detect/demo_tower.launch
- launch/tower_detect/tower_web.launch
- launch/tower_detect/tower_pcl.launch
- manager [default: /camera_nodelet_manager]
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- launch/tower_detect/kinect.launch
- launch/collision_detector.launch
- -*- mode: xml -*-
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth/points]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: collision_detector]
- launch/background_subtraction.launch
- -*- mode: xml -*-
- INPUT [default: /bgsub_input]
- OUTPUT [default: /bgsub_output]
- TARGET [default: /target]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: background_subtraction]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: background_sub_manager]
- launch/hrp2jsknt_footstep_polygon.launch
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: manager]
- launch/valve_detection.launch
- INTERACTIVE [default: false]
- launch/openni2_local.launch
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- publish_tf [default: true]
- sample/include/play_rosbag_pr2_sink.xml
- LOAD_URDF [default: false]
- sample/include/play_rosbag_room73b2_table.xml
- sample/include/play_rosbag_baxter_realsense_l515.xml
- launch_manager [default: false]
- manager [default: realsense_nodelet_manager]
- RATE [default: 1.0]
- sample/include/play_rosbag_stereo.xml
- sample/include/play_rosbag_fetch_trashbin.xml
- rosbag
- manager [default: rosbag_play_nodelet_manager]
- launch_nodelet_manager [default: true]
- start_time [default: 0]
- duration_time [default: 0]
- duration [default: --duration $(arg duration_time)]
- duration [default: ]
- sample/include/play_rosbag_convenience_store.xml
- filename [default: $(find jsk_pcl_ros)/sample/data/convenience_store.bag]
- camera_name [default: openni_camera]
- namespace [default: remote]
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Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.2.17 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2025-02-21 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Youhei Kakiuchi
- Kei Okada
- Kentaro Wada
- Yohei Kakiuchi
Changelog for package jsk_pcl_ros
1.2.17 (2023-11-14)
1.2.16 (2023-11-10)
- add noetic build test (#2756)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] to avoid invalid access, use getGridCoordinates+getCenroidIndexAt function instead of getCentroidIndex. (#2748)
- add relay new baxter_realsense_l515.bag (#2749)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix data link in [install_sample_data.py]{.title-ref} (#2733)
- Fix #2737 (#2739)
- Fixed typo of Software License Agreement. and/o2r to and/or (#2727)
- [feature] container occupancy detector nodelet (#2696)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/organized_multi_plane_segmentation_nodelet] Poke when start subscribing (#2710)
- Add reset sync policy in destructor and add a test (#2681)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact_nodelet.cpp] fix memory leak of colors pointer (#2661)
- use default value for param (#2663)
- work around permission issue / integrate all yaml to one (#2677)
- [jsk_perception][jsk_pcl_ros_utils][jsk_pcl_ros] Fix download links (#2632)
- check more python3 compatibility (#2614)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] ExtractIndices debug (#2628)
- add missing build_depend dynamic_reconfigure in jsk_pcl_ros (#2619
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Stop tf when segmented cloud size is zero using cluster point indices decomposer (#2599)
- add organized statistical removal test (#2602)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix bug of lookuptransform in heightmapconverter (#2572)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add z range option to heightmap converter (#2564)
- [DepthImageCreator] print more rosparm info on startup (#2543)
- add sample_plane_extraction.launch , plane_extraction.launch (#2551)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] set larger min_size limit for organized multiplane segmentation (#2571)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] LineList needs colors aligning with points (#2562)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] support including tabletop_object_detector.launch file in any name space (#2539)
- Update depth_image_creator.md (#2557)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove wrong launch_manager in tabletop_object_detector.launch (#2568)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove wrong launch_manager in tabletop_object_detector.launch (#2546)
- Contributors: Aoi Nakane, Guilherme Affonso, Iori Yanokura, Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Miyabi Tanemoto, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoto Tsukamoto, Shingo Kitagawa, Shumpei Wakabayashi, Yutaro Matsuura, Yasuhiro Ishiguro, Yoshiki Obinata,
1.2.15 (2020-10-10)
1.2.14 (2020-10-09)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add tf_duration parameter in depth_image_creator (#2535)
- Contributors: Shumpei Wakabayashi
1.2.13 (2020-10-08)
1.2.12 (2020-10-03)
1.2.11 (2020-10-01)
- [color_filter] publish color space for debugging(#2477)
- Fix for noetic / 20.04
- support -std=c++14, include image_transport/kdl_parser to library, disable moveit_ros_perception if not possible, support python3
- fix for python3, use 2to3 -f print, 2to3 -f except
- upgrade package.xml to format=3, migrate to noetic with ROS_PYTHON_VERSION=2/3, use multiple ROS distro strategy http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Migration
- fix publishDebugCloud (#2488)
- set chainer version less than 7.0.0
- add time-limit to jsk_pcl_ros/test/test_linemod_trainer.test, jsk_perception/test/bing.test
- set time-limit=25 for timeout:30 tests
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add nearest plane index label to
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Renamed bba -> boxes
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Add parameter fill_bba_label_with_nearest_plane_index
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices] Modified output bounding box indicating nearest plane index
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add multi euclidean clustering
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_euclidean_clustering_sample] Fixed parameter cluster_tolerance to tolerance
- Moved bagfile for multi object detection: Fixed path of play_rosbag xml [jsk_pcl_ros_utils/install_sample_data.py] Make it multiprocess downloadable
- [jsk_pcl_eus/multi_euclidean_clustering] Add test
- [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Update install data for data compression [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Update sample bag file player for data compression
- [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Use capital for arguments
- [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Fixed typo (multi -> ~multi) [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Fixed typo (synchornizes -> synchronizes) [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Fixed typo (approximate_sync_ -> approximate_sync) [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Fixed size of maximum cluster size [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Delete duplicated value downsample_enable [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Fixed indent [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering/cfg] Fixed indent
- add downsample_cloud method
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_euclidean_clustering] Support cluster_filter type
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_euclidean_clustering] Modified input indices's name to ~input/cluster_indices'
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_euclidean_clustering] Modified default queue_size for sync
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add test of multi euclidean clustering
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sample of multi euclidean clustering
- [jsk_pcl_ros/euclidean_clustering] Enable multi euclideanclustering
- add the on-off function of using use_pca in dynamic reconfigure
- removed pnh_->param(use_pca, use_pca_, false); in src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp.
- add the on-off function of using use_pca in dynamic reconfigure
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices] Enable use_pca in case of
align_boxes is false
- [jsk_pcl_ros/sample_cluster_point_indices] Add PoseArray of results
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Fixed principal component axis
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Fixed comment
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Add use_pca is true case of example
- set center pose orientation
- fix centroid position
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices] Enable use_pca in case of align_boxes is false
- fix generate_readme.py and update readme (#2442)
- Add sample, test and doc
- Re-enable tests which failed due to wrong timeout of waitForTransform in PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator
- Show message when tf2::TransformException is catched and just return
- Set timeout of waitForTransform: 0.0 -> 1.0 sec
- Do not query in sample for faster success of test
- Call rospy.spin() to correctly publish topics in depth_error_calibration.py
- Add ~organize_cloud parameter
- Show message when tf2::TransformException is catched and just return
- Set timeout of waitForTransform: 0.0 -> 1.0 sec
- Check NaN value to correctly set is_dense field
- Publish organized pointcloud
- Fix substitution to each element of output pointcloud
- Disable some test in jsk_pcl_ros
- Fix condition of publishing ~output/pose_array in ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN
- Disable loading URDF in default in play_rosbag_pr2_sink.xml to reduce test time
- Fix ~timeout param in test_linemod_trainer.py
- Wait a moment until /clock is published in test_linemod_trainer.py
- Add test for in_hand_recognition_manager.py
- Add sample for in_hand_recognition_manager.py
- Remove unused publisher and set queue_size to publisher
- Fix logging in in_hand_recognition_manager.py
- Update test for pointcloud_screenpoint.l
- Add new sample for pointcloud_screenpoint.l
- Add sample for store-pointcloud.l
- Fix shebang in store-pointcloud.l
- Add test for publish_clicked_point_bbox.py
- Add sample for publish_clicked_point_bbox.py
- Add queue_size to publisher in publish_clicked_point_bbox.py
- Add test for depth_error_calibration.py
- Add sample for depth_error_calibration.py
- Publish error plot image as well in depth_error_calibration.py
- Add test for display-bounding-box-array.l
- Add sample for display-bounding-box-array.l
- Fix shebang in display-bounding-box-array.l
- Add test for marker_appender.py
- Add sample for marker_appender.py
- Set queue_size to 1 in publisher in marker_appender.py
- Add test for tracking_info.py and tracker_status_info.py
- Add sample for tracking_info.py and tracker_status_info.py
- Do not duplicate dynamic_reconfigure server in one node
- Add test for renew_tracking.py and ParticleFilterTracking
- Add sample for renew_tracking.py
- Fix missing service argument in renew_tracking.py
- Add test for LINEMODDetector
- Add sample for LINEMODDetector
- Add test for LINEMODTrainer
- Add sample for LINEMODTrainer
- Fix mask image shape in LINEMODDetector
- Fix for working correctly with yaml-cpp>=0.5.0 in LINEMODDetector
- Add param for viewpoint sampling number in LINEMODTrainer
- Add test for IntermittentImageAnnotator
- Add sample for IntermittentImageAnnotator
- Fix index of polygon vertices to use because it's rectangle
- Just return from callback when snapshot_buffer is empty in IntermittentImageAnnotator
- Add test for CaptureStereoSynchronizer
- Add sample for CaptureStereoSynchronizer
- Add test for FeatureRegistration
- Add sample for FeatureRegistration
- Add ~transformation_epsilon paramter to enable converging in registration in FeatureRegistration
- Add test for TargetAdaptiveTracking
- Add sample for TargetAdaptiveTracking
- Fix dynamic_reconfigure::Server namespace in TargetAdaptiveTracking
- Support getting paramters for parent_frame and child_frame in TargetAdaptiveTracking
- Add test for Snapit
- Add sample for Snapit
- Remove totally malformed sample for Snapit
- Add test for CollisionDetector
- Add sample for CollisionDetector
- Add test for IncrementalModelRegistration
- Add sample for IncrementalModelRegistration
- Add test for TorusFinder
- Add sample for TorusFinder
- Suppress huge amount of error message in ParticleFilterTracking
- Add test for TiltLaserListener
- Add sample for TiltLaserListener
- Add test for ParticleFilterTracking
- Add sample for ParticleFilterTracking
- Update test for PointcloudDatabaseServer
- Update sample for PointcloudDatabaseServer
- Add test for ParallelEdgeFinder
- Add sample for ParallelEdgeFinder
- Add test for PointCloudLocalization
- Add sample for PointCloudLocalization
- Fix test for ICPRegistration
- Fix sample for ICPRegistration
- Add missing '~correspondence_randomness' param in ICPRegistration
- Add test for PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator
- Add test for LineSegmentCollector
- Add sample for LineSegmentCollector
- Remove unused parameter error to successfully finish onInit in LineSegmentCollector
- Update test for LineSegmentDetector
- Update sample for LineSegmentDetector
- Add test for HintedStickFinder
- Add sample for HintedStickFinder
- Add test for HintedHandleEstimator
- Add sample for HintedHandleEstimator
- Add test for HintedPlaneDetector
- Add sample for HintedPlaneDetector
- Fix conditional branching to use correct parameter in HintedPlaneDetector
- Add test for HeightmapTimeAccumulation
- Add sample for HeightmapTimeAccumulation
- Show error message when lookupTransform failed in HeightmapTimeAccumulation
- Add test for HeightmapToPointCloud
- Add sample for HeightmapToPointCloud
- Add test for HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering
- Add sample for HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering
- Add test for HeightmapConverter
- Add sample for HeightmapConverter
- Fix transform in HeightmapConveter
- Add test for ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN
- Add sample for ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN
- Add test for RegionGrowingSegmentation
- Add sample for RegionGrowingSegmentation
- Add test for RegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation
- Add sample for RegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation
- Run test_organized_edge_detector.test only when PCL>1.7.2
- Add test for MultiPlaneExtraction
- Add sample for MultiPlaneExtraction
- Add test for OctreeChangePublisher
- Add sample for OctreeChangePublisher
- fix include order
- Add test for OrganizedPassThrough
- Add sample for OrganizedPassThrough
- Add test for OrganizedEdgeDetector
- Add sample for OrganizedEdgeDetector
- Add test for OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- Add sample for OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- Add test for MaskImageClusterFilter
- Add sample for MaskImageClusterFilter
- Add test for KeypointsPublisher
- Add sample for KeypointsPublisher
- Add test for MovingLeastSquareSmoothing
- Add sample for MovingLeastSquareSmoothing
- Add test for NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- Add sample for NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- Add test for NormalDirectionFilter
- Add sample for NormalDirectionFilter
- Add test for NormalEstimationOMP
- Add sample for NormalEstimationOMP
- Add test for VoxelGridLargeScale
- Add sample for VoxelGridLargeScale
- Add test for SupervoxelSegmentation
- Add sample for SupervoxelSegmentation
- Add test for ROIClipper
- Add sample for ROIClipper
- Remove duplicated test_mask_image_filter.test
- Add test for ResizePointsPublisher
- Add sample for ResizePointsPublisher
- Add test for FuseRGBImages
- Add test for FuseDepthImages
- Add test for RGBColorFilter
- Fix sample for RGBColorFilter not to require real camera
- Add test for GridSampler
- Add sample for GridSampler
- Add test for FisheyeSpherePublisher
- Add sample for FisheyeSpherePublisher
- Add test for MaskImageFilter
- Add sample for MaskImageFilter
- Add test for DepthCalibration
- Add sample for DepthCalibration
- Add test for BoundingBoxOcclusionRejector
- Fix sample for BoundingBoxOcclusionRejector so that users don't have to move interactive marker
- Add test for BorderEstimator
- Add sample for BorderEstimator
- Add test for extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py
- Add sample for extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py
- Add test for plane_time_ensync_for_recognition.py
- Add sample for plane_time_ensync_for_recognition.py
- Add test for dump_depth_error.py
- Add sample for dump_depth_error.py
- Support specifying output csv path as rosparam in dump_depth_error.py
- Add test for calculate_polygon_from_imu.py
- Add sample for calculate_polygon_from_imu.py
- Fix condition to use np.abs(acc) in calculate_polygon_from_imu.py
- Fix initialize arguments of PolygonArray in calculate_polygon_from_imu.py
- Move sample for PlanarPointCloudSimulator to jsk_pcl_ros_utils and do not use deprecated node
- kinfu supports BGR8 encoding input (#2432)
- add volume_size for kinfu parameter (#2449)
- Publish organized pointcloud in DepthImageCreator (#2446)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/DepthImageCreator] Add ~fill_value to specify
initial value of depth image
- Add ~fill_value parameter (default is nan) to specify initial value of depth image.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/DepthImageCreator] Fix SEGV when pointcloud is not available yet in asynchronous mode (#2444)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/pointcloud_moveit_filter] build support moveit > 1.0.0 (#2443)
- add keep_organized param to heightmap_to_pointcloud (#2434)
- add negative rosparam in mask_image_filter
- add color_histogram_matcher test
- modified member variable is_dense true to false, to compute3DCentroid
- modified rosbag file, rviz config and document
- add keep_organized param to heightmap_to_pointcloud
- mofify test of mask_image_filter
- rename test file name from .launch to .test & modify CMakeLists for test of mask_image_filter
- add test for mask_image_filter
- add sample for maks_image_filter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sample_color_histogram_matcher.launch
- add color_histogram_publisher node
- add rosbag file and rviz config file
- add sample_color_histogram_matcher.launch
- add negative param in mask_image_filter
- Modify pcl version check for building with pcl-1.9 (#2426)
- ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer: suppress error if contains zero
- add wawrning on clustering zero size cloud
- suppress error if contains zero indices
- Contributors: Akihiro Miki, Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, Shingo Kitagawa, Takayuki Murooka, Tomoya Ishii, Yuki Furuta, Yuki Omori, Yuto Uchimi, Iory Yanokura, Taichi Higashide
1.2.10 (2019-03-27)
- use (MOVEIT_VERSION_MAJOR == 0 and MOVEIT_VERSION_MINOR < 6), since moveit is upgraded to 1.0 (#2416)
- [doc] [jsk_pcl_ros_utils] [jsk_pcl_ros] Add documentation
- Add test for InteractiveCuboidLikelihood
- Add dependency on jsk_interactive_marker to jsk_pcl_ros
- Remove unused nodes in sample_plane_supported_cuboid_estimator.launch
- Set queue_size explicitly for publisher in sample_simulate_tabletop_cloud.py
- Add test for EdgebasedCubeFinder
- Add sample for EdgebasedCubeFinder
- Add test for FindObjectOnPlane
- Add sample for FindObjectOnPlane
- Add test for EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Add sample for EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Add test for JointStateStaticFilter
- Add sample for JointStateStaticFilter
- Install additional rosbag file for move & stop joints
- Add test for MultiPlaneSACSegmentation
- Add sample for MultiPlaneSACSegmentation
- Fix for assertion error (ptr != 0) when subscribing only ~input
- Add test for HandleEstimator
- Add sample for HandleEstimator
- Add test for VoxelGridDownsampleManager/Decoder
- Add sample for VoxelGridDownsampleManager/Decoder
- Add test for ColorizeMapRandomForest
- Add sample for ColorizeMapRandomForest
- Fix executable name for ColorizeMapRandomForest
- Fix names in ColorizeMapRandomForest
- Run test for ColorizeRandomForest only when ml_classifiers is found
- Add doc for ColorizeRandomForest
- Add test for ColorizeRandomForest
- Add sample for ColorizeRandomForest
- Fix typo in CMakeLists.txt in order to build ColorizeRandomForest
- Fix names in ColorizeRandomForest
- Add test for SelectedClusterPublisher
- Add sample for SelectedClusterPublisher
- Add test for BilateralFilter
- Add sample for BilateralFilter
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuto Uchimi
1.2.9 (2019-02-23)
1.2.8 (2019-02-22)
1.2.7 (2019-02-14)
- add melodic test
- fix for melodic, use ros::AsyncSpinner
- revert Reverts #2310, kinfu.h uses jsk_rviz_plugins/OverlayText.h, but jsk_recognition should not depends on jsk_visualization, jsk_visualization depends on jsk_recognition
- moveit API change: Affine3d -> Isometry3d
- replace tf::MessageFilter by tf2_ros::MessageFilter
- OctomapServerContact sample with
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] check wheter tf transformation succeeds.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] refactor euslisp node for publishing sensor data.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] use openmp for scan grids.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] write with one loop for scanning grid.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] remove unnecessary lines in the case that vertex is not used (= contact surface is not used). change parameter name: use_vetex -> use_contact_surface.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] clamp min and max points for scanning all leaf.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octomap_server_contact] pass timestamp of subscribed message for tf transformation correctly.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add launch, scripts, and configs for sample of octomap_server_contact with PR2.
- Add method to convert jsk_recognition_msgs/BoundingBox to cube in
- add function to convert jsk_recognition_msgs/BoundingBox to cube in euslisp
- divide single roseus file into node file and library file
- correct message type
- normal_estimation_omp_nodelet.cpp: add line to preserve rgb data of pointcloud (#2388 )
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_pcl_ros_utils] Use ccache if installed to
make it fast to generate object file
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use ccache if installed to make it fast to generate object file
- Fix cluster point indices decomposer to make bounding box from cloud
including nan
- remove nan only when is_dense is False
- take over is_dense from input cloud and remove nan for bounding box computation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add test_depend to jsk_perception
- Add bbox test for cpi decomposer.
- [octomap_server_contact] Publish frontier grid
- add test topics which is passed to test_topic_published.py
- modify name space in remap
- add test for octomap_contact
- install bag file for octomap server contact
- update sample rviz config for octomap frontier
- add sample launch file for octomap frontier grid
- publish frontier grid in octomap_server_contact
- Correct md5 of install rosbag file (#2361 )
- Contributors: Christian Rauch, Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Iory Yanokura, Hideaki Ito, Weiqi Yang
1.2.6 (2018-11-02)
- [octomap_server_contact] add callback function to insert
proximity sensor pointcloud
- [octomap_server_contact] add rosparam to select using vertex in insertContactSensor()
- [octomap_server_contact] add callback function to insert proximity sensor pointcloud
- [octomap_server_contact] add rosparam to select publishing unknown marker array
- kinfu.h depends on jsk_rviz_plugins (#2310)
- Add detect_graspable_poses_pcabase.py and its sample
- delete unnecessary try except block
- move rospy.init_node and rospy.spin into the block of if __name_ == '__main_'
- if else is set so that z value of grasp poses' y axies become positive.
- delete unncessary import, change variables to snake case, put spaces
- modify axis so that a robot can grasp object more naturally
- fix a problem that this program does not provide correct axies when x option is selected
- add test for detect_graspable_poses_pcabase
- files needed to run sample of detect_graspable_poses_pcabase
- detect_graspable_poses_pca_base.py produce graspable poses using input point cloud data, hand width, and grasp direction.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_plane_extraction] Initialize viewpoint by zeros to avoid flip of surface normal direction (#2343)
- [jsk_pcl_ros][organized_pass_through] add remove_nan (#2039)
- Install 'scripts' into SHARE_DESTINATION (#2345)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/package.xml] Add checkerborad_detecotr's dependency (#2319)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer] Modified
publishNegativeIndices to make it fast
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indice_decomposer] Monitor num of subscriber and if equal less than 0, return.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indice_decomposer] Make publishNegativeIndices fast by fixing algorithm
- [jsk_perception] Retrain bof data for sklearn==0.2.0 version and
modified jsk_pcl_ros/utils's test for kinetic travis
- [jsk_pcl_ros/test_pointcloud_screenpoint.test] Check a topic published by using jsk_tools/test_topic_published.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros/color_histogram.test] Check topics published by using jsk_tools/test_topic_published.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros/color_histogram.test] Refactored rosbag play by using common file
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Delete subclass's updateDiagnostic method
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add diagnostics update
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote.launch] Add use_warn option
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote.launch] Add use_warn option
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote.launch] Modified use_warn false
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote.launch] Add use_warn option
- Fix typos
- Fix typo in cfg of OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros/package.xml] Delete duplication of cv_bridge
- [jsk_pcl_ros/package.xml] Add checkerborad_detecotr's dependency
- [jsk_pcl_ros/package.xml] Delete duplication of cv_bridge
- fix for jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_common/pull/1586
- to avoid add_custom_target cannot create target install_sample_data because another target with the same name already exists errors
- Use diagnostic nodelet for EuclideanClustering and other nodelets (#2301)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote.launch] Modified namespace
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote] Add depth args
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote] Fixed rgb_frame_id because this not changed
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote] Modified rgb namespace
- [jsk_pcl_ros/openni2_remote] Changed that you can change the camera source
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Modified openni2_remote.launch to change camera
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Modified openni2_remote.launch to change camera namespace
- Fix warnings about <pcl/ros/conversions.h> and printf format
- Fix printf format in tilt_laser_listener_nodelet
- Fix warnings about <pcl/ros/conversions.h>
- Describe the hierachy of rosparams of ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- cluster_point_indices_decomposer: ROS_XXX -> NODELET_XXX
- Show warning for unused rosparams
- jsk_pcl_ros: primitive_shape_classifier: fix typo
- jsk_pcl_ros: color_histogram_filter: fix typo
- jsk_pcl_ros: primitive_shape_classifier: fix typo
- jsk_pcl_ros: support lazy mode for pointcloud_screenpoint nodelet
- jsk_pcl_ros: support lazy mode for pointcloud_screenpoint nodelet
- fix travia and reduce dependency for jsk_pcl_ros
- sort run/build depends
- remove unnesessary depends as reported on https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_3rdparty/issues/140, building jsk_pcl_ros on ros buildfarm takes too much time. This PR cleans dependencies.
- add wkentaro to maintainer
- Fix warnings for jsk_pcl_ros package (#2266)
- Fix missing pkg_name in install_sample_data.py (#2267)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/test_extract_indices.cpp] use std::isnan in
- use std::isnan in test_extract_indices
- [jsk_pcl_ros][organized_pass_through] add remove_nan
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Naoya Yamaguchi, Riku Shigematsu, Shingo Kitagawa, Shun Hasegawa, Yuki Furuta, Yuto Uchimi, Iori Yanokura
1.2.5 (2018-04-09)
- Fix build of jsk_pcl_ros (on Kinetic) (#2262)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/color_histogram_visualizer.py] use facecolor
instead of axisbg
- use facecolor instead of axisbg axisbg is removed from matplotlib 2.2.0
- [jsk_pcl_ros] ICP Registration on 2D plane
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add sample launch file for icp_registration 2d
- [jsk_pcl_ros][icp_registration_nodelet.cpp] add option for 2d transform estimation
- jsk_pcl_ros: add sample door detector
- jsk_pcl_ros: fix param for door_detector sample launch
- jsk_pcl_ros: add sample launch files for icp registration 2d
- jsk_pcl_ros: add sample data for pr2 sink scenario
- jsk_pcl_ros: add rviz config / rosbag for sample_door_handle_detector
- jsk_pcl_ros: add sample door detector
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta
1.2.4 (2018-01-12)
- jsk_pcl_ros/multi_plane_extraction: fix typo 'maginify'
- test_depth_image_creator.test: increase time limit (#2236)
- Fix uninitialized pointer error in some recognition nodelets
- [tilt_laser_listener] Initialize cloud_vital_checker_ before subscribe input/cloud because cloud_vital_checker_ is referred in cloudCallback
- add test/test_pointcloud_screenpoint.test, enable to run run
pointcloud_screenpoint sample launch in indigo
- update pointcloud_screenpoint.rviz
- sample/pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch: enable to use rviz
- merge jsk_pcl/PointcloudScreenpoint for both with or without USE_VIEW
- update test_pointcloud_screenpoint, use base_frame, instead of PUBLISH_BASE_FOOTPRINT
- pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet.cpp: add more ROS_INFO messages when start up
- remove image_view2 from pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch, because pointcloud_screenpoint.launch is already start image_view2
- use common camera prefix for openni
- run pointcloud_screenpoint sample in localhost not pr2, fix for indigo/kinetic setup for openni, machine env-loader, etc...
- add base_frame param in pointcloud_screenpoint.l
- add test/test_pointcloud_screenpoint.test
- install euslisp/ directory (#2232)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Iori Kumagai, Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa
1.2.3 (2017-11-23)
- [tilt_laser_listener] add size check of position and velocity (#2218)
- jsk_pcl_ros: primitive_shape_classifier: don't process debug message if not subscribed (#2220)
- find moveit_ros_perception package at the top of cmake (#2210)
- bounding_box_filter_nodelet.cpp: Support filtering bounding boxes without indices (#2192)
- jsk_pcl_ros: color_histogram_classifier: fix typo (#2190)
- jsk_pcl_ros: multi_plane_extraction: add option use_coefficients (#2191)
- Publish sorted cluster point indices in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer (#2183)
- enhance heightmap much smoother
- [jsk_pcl_ros, heightmap] update heightmap_converter.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros, heightmap_converter, heightmap_morphological_filtering, heightmap_time_accumulation] update for using averaging accumulation and bilateral filter
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yohei Kakiuchi
1.2.2 (2017-07-23)
1.2.1 (2017-07-15)
1.2.0 (2017-07-15)
- Check encoding of input topics in FuseImages (#2158)
- jsk_pcl_ros: Add Primitive shape classifier nodelet
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add test for primitive_shape_classifier
- [jsk_pcl_ros][primitive_shape_classifier] classify with circle likelihood first
- [jsk_pcl_ros][primitive_shape_classifier] parameterize classification threshold
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add primitive shape classifier (cont)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add primitive shape classifier
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Yuki Furuta
1.1.3 (2017-07-07)
- Filter invalid centroid in centroid_publisher
- Add sample and test for CentroidPublisher
- Support PCA even without input planes but with only ground frame (#2149)
- Add nodelet for computing & comparing color histogram
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add color_histogram_classifier and visualizer
- Generate Kinfu texture model with attention (BoundingBox) and Ground
frame to fix occluded surface
- Refactor slicing of textures_ and cameras_
- Use save_mesh_server.py in example
- Remove no need print debug
- Create save_dir when necessary
- Refactoring texture_file for occluded.jpg
- Fix to use size_t for indexing
- Set texture file with relative path to mesh file
- Save kinfu mesh model with bbox and ground frame id
- Create polygon mesh with bbox request in kinfu
- Create function to crop point cloud by bounding box
- Add dynamic_reconfigure for kinfu to change save_dir in dynamic
- Various sort options for cluster point indices decomposer
- Check bounding box's size to make it valid
- Add ref for std::sort with lambda function
- use std::sort in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Use argsort to add label to bounding box correctly The box label is the index of input indices. Index_{output_indices} = argsort(Index_{input_indices})
- Add test for ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer with sort_by option
- Add capability to sort indices with cloud size
- Refactor ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer with ~sort_by param
- [jsk_pcl_ros] use smaller rosbag data for ppf registration
- use nodelet in sample octree voxel grid
- use smaller rosbag data for ppf registration
- [jsk_pcl_ros/OctomapServerContact] Supress octomap debug message
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/octomap_server_contact_nodelet.cpp] fix log output function.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/octomap_server_contact_nodelet.cpp] add NDEBUG definition for octomap log.
- src/supervoxel_segmentation_nodelet.cpp: check size of PointCloud data size (#2120)
- Following change of
- Use max_pub_queue_size, max_sub_queue_size
- Rewrite KinfuNodelet with some enhancements and new features
- Create jsk_recognition_msgs/TrackingStatus.msg and use it in Kinfu
- Add sample of kinfu for hrp2_apc
- Remove no longer required rotate90_x
- Check number of subscribers for each topic to publish
- Hanle mutex correctly for kinfu_ and cameras_
- Reset cameras_ when kinfu is reset
- Use boost shared_ptr to avoid resource leak by kinfu instance
- Improve topic name: generated_depth -> depth
- Publish kinfu tracking status
- Parameterize odom_init (fixed_frame_id)
- Remove no need scoped lock
- Add hint comment for slam by kinfu
- Remove unused Kinfu.cfg
- Disable slam in default
- Support kinfu as slam and publish tf map -> odom_init
- Improve comment
- Support kinfu as slam with making fixed frame as child
- Fix kinfu.launch ~input/info -> ~input/camera_info
- Preserve default behavior of auto_reset=true
- Test kinfu output topics
- Preserve kinfu ~output (camera pose)
- Preserve previous kinfu ~output/cloud
- Support texture mesh generated using kinfu
- Support colorized cloud output by kinfu
- Refactoring: use enc:
- Support publishing depth image generated by kinfu
- Fix missing header for rendered image msg
- Support colorized rendered image
- Support color integration
- Refactoring seeing kinfuLS_app.cpp
- Save mesh model with service request
- Rewrite KinfuNodelet with some enhancements
- Stable tracking
- Publish rendered image
- [docs][color_histogram_classifier] add tutorials
- [jsk_pcl_ros][color_histogram] update docs / rviz config
- [jsk_pcl_ros][sample_color_histogram.launch] update launch file
- [jsk_pcl_ros][color_histogram_visualizer] change bg color to gray
- Various sort options for cluster point indices decomposer (#2133)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Shingo Kitagawa, Yuki Furuta
1.1.2 (2017-06-16)
- Use 1 queue size for pub/sub not synchronization
- Use 1 queue size for pub/sub not synchronization
- Keep backward compatibility by using max_queue_size_
- Support PointXYZ in DepthImageCreator
- Support PointXYZ in DepthImageCreator
- Add stereo_image_proc as run_depend
- Check if in image to create depth from laser scans (#2106)
- Triple sensor fusion with stereo rgbd cameras
- Fix missing inclusion of image_encodings.h
- Install sample data for fuse_images
- Rename: sample_fuse_depth_images.launch -> sample_fuse_images.launch
- Improve visualization in sample_fuse_depth_image
- Rename: fuse_depth_images.cpp -> fuse_images.cpp
- Fuse RGB images from multiple cameras
- Add sample for FuseDepthImages
- Fuse depth images for multiple sensor fusion
- Add test for depth_image_creator
- Create rgb image in depth_image_creator
- Fix typo in ColorBasedRegionGrowingSegmentation (#2098)
- Stop using deprecated logging func in jsk_topic_tools
- Stop using deprecated JSK_NODELET_INFO_STREAM
- Stop using deprecated jsk_logxxx
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Add consensus method of
- [jsk_pcl_ros/lsd] Refactored code
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Mofied method type of consensus method
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Add consensus method of segmentation
- Cleanup octomap dependencies of jsk_pcl_ros (#2090)
- Fix deprecation warning on RearrangeBoundingBox
` WARNING: '/home/wkentaro/Projects/label_octomap/src/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/jsk_pcl_ros/sample/data/sample_add_color_from_image_20170319.bag' exists /home/wkentaro/Projects/label_octomap/src/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/jsk_pcl_ros/src/rearrange_bounding_box_nodelet.cpp: In member function 'virtual void jsk_pcl_ros::RearrangeBoundingBox::onInit()': /home/wkentaro/Projects/label_octomap/src/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/jsk_pcl_ros/src/rearrange_bounding_box_nodelet.cpp:51:57: warning: 'tf2::Quaternion::Quaternion(const tf2Scalar&, const tf2Scalar&, const tf2Scalar&)' is deprecated (declared at /opt/ros/indigo/include/tf2/LinearMath/Quaternion.h:50) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] q\_ = tf2::Quaternion(rotate_y\_, rotate_x\_, rotate_z\_); ^ /home/wkentaro/Projects/label_octomap/src/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/jsk_pcl_ros/src/rearrange_bounding_box_nodelet.cpp: In member function 'void jsk_pcl_ros::RearrangeBoundingBox::configCallback(jsk_pcl_ros::RearrangeBoundingBox::Config&, uint32_t)': /home/wkentaro/Projects/label_octomap/src/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/jsk_pcl_ros/src/rearrange_bounding_box_nodelet.cpp:73:57: warning: 'tf2::Quaternion::Quaternion(const tf2Scalar&, const tf2Scalar&, const tf2Scalar&)' is deprecated (declared at /opt/ros/indigo/include/tf2/LinearMath/Quaternion.h:50) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] q\_ = tf2::Quaternion(rotate_y\_, rotate_x\_, rotate_z\_);
` - [tilt_laser_listener] add periodic publish mode (#2082)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] publish edge as segment message in edge_depth_refinement_nodelet. (#2047)
- enlarge euclidean clustering max cluster size (#2066)
- Generate README by script (#2064)
- [jsk_pcl_ros][cluster_point_indices_decomposer] normailize bounding box pose orientation quaternion (#2044)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Modified openni2_remote for republish compressed image (#2036)
- Nodelet to add color from image to organized pointcloud
- Add test, sample and doc for add_color_from_image(_to_organized)
- Nodelet to add color from image to organized pointcloud
- forget to convert form jsk_pcl_ros to jsk_recognition_msgs (#2021)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/launch/euclidean_segmentation.launch] add create manager node (#2020)
- Contributors: Guilherme Affonso, Kanae Kochigami, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuki Furuta, Iory Yanokura, Hiroto Mizohana
1.1.1 (2017-03-04)
1.1.0 (2017-02-09)
- remove test_data and move to sample_data (#2017 )
- Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa
1.0.4 (2017-02-09)
1.0.3 (2017-02-08)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/edge_depth_refinement_nodelet] fix bug of calculating distance between edges. (#2009 )
- Re-enable tests in jsk_pcl_ros_utils
- Re-enable all tests in jsk_pcl_ros
- Re-eanble tests in jsk_pcl_ros with new rosbag
- Fix test condition bug about test_edge_depth_refinement
- Comment out pcl tests
- [jsk_pcl_ros/edge_based_pose_estimation] add configCallback before advertise and subscribe for avoiding initialization miss. (#1996 )
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ organized_edge_detector_nodelet] set color with colorCategory20 in debug hough image. (#1992 )
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka
1.0.2 (2017-01-12)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/install_sample] fix md5sum (#1988)
- Contributors: Yu Ohara
1.0.1 (2016-12-13)
1.0.0 (2016-12-12)
- [MajorRelease] remove message generation from jsk_pcl_ros (#1983)
- [MajorRelease] Migrate srv files from jsk_pcl_ros to jsk_recognition_msgs (#1917) see
- fix_for_kinetic
- use std::isnan instead of isnan, knetic compiler requires this
- CMakeFiles.txt : add c++11noption if possible, http://answers.ros.org/question/152276/is-there-a-way-to-enable-c11-support-for-catkin-packages/
- [jsk_pcl/ICP] change max param of icp-cfg(debug) (#1978)
- Publish marker_array by octree_voxel_grid
- Test octree_voxel_grid
- Sample for octree_voxel_grid
- Publish marker_array by octree_voxel_grid
- [jsk_pcl_ros/pointcloud_dataserver] remove adding unneeded cloud (#1969)
- [jsk_pcl/multi_plane_extraction] fix stamp of cloud msg (#1965)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove duplicated install data lines
- remove duplicated install_test_data
- remove duplicated install_sample_data line
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add PPF registration
- add use_sample_data option in ppf_registration sample launch
- add tabletop coffee cup sample pointcloud data
- add test and sample for ppf registration in jsk_pcl_ros
- add ppf registraion nodelet in jsk_pcl_ros
- add use_array option in PointcloudDatabaseServer
- modify icp sample to do coffee cup matching (#1941)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yu Ohara
0.3.29 (2016-10-30)
- CMakeLists.txt: install nodelet.xml: for get to care about install process in #1929
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.3.28 (2016-10-29)
- [Major Release] Copy jsk_pcl_ros/srv and jsk_perception/srv files to jsk_recognition_msgs (#1914)
- Copy deprecated srv files to jsk_recognition_msgs
- jsk_pcl_ros/srv -> jsk_recognition_msgs/srv
- jsk_perception/srv -> jsk_recognition_msgs/srv TODO
- Migrate current code for srv files in jsk_recognition_msgs
- Remove srv files in jsk_pcl_ros and jsk_perception
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada
0.3.27 (2016-10-29)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add description to libjsk_pcl_ros_utils.xml (#1934)
- Remove dependency on run_depend jsk_perception for separated build (#1865)
- Remove jsk_pcl_ros/box_array_to_box.py (#1833) Close jsk-ros-pkg#1831 This change should be released as a major release. cc \@k-okada
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Yohei Kakiuchi
0.3.26 (2016-10-27)
- Stop using deprecated jsk_topic_tools/log_utils.h (#1933)
- fix unparsable jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- multiple <library> tags in one xml file can't be used.
- separate pluginlib xml for each library files.
3. pluginlib xml should be splitted with package name (nodelet, moveit_ros_perception).
- [jsk_pcl_ros/rearrange_bounding_box] Add rotation reconfigure (#1930)
- fix typo in jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Enabled async (#1921)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Add line width reconfigure (#1921)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet.cpp] change output property from warn to info because this is not warning case. (#1910)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet.cpp] add warning comment when out of image size. (#1910)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/laser_multi~] remove bug related to change in organized~.launch (#1907)
- heightmap_converter: fix heightmap using fixed frame
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add heightmap_converter.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros, heightmap_converter] add code for publishing projected TF
- [jsk_pcl_ros, heightmap_to_pointcloud] add method for converting height map to organized pointcloud
- Add condition to use PCL1.8 for ExtractIndices (#1902)
- Stabilize test for ColorBasedRegionGrowingSegmentation (#1897)
- Comment out unstable test on travis
- test/test_color_based_region_growing_segmentation.test
- [heightmap] change type of heightmap to image/32FC2 (#1886)
- Set invalid centroid for empty extracted cloud with indices (#1880)
- cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp: Preserve index of cluster_indices even with max/min size (#1879)
- Fix missing dependency declaration of jsk_pcl_ros
- Add roslaunch_add_file_check for openni*.launch
- fixed organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- Fixed launch file to load jsk_pr2_startup only when RUN_SELF_FILTER is true
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Shingo Kitagawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yu Ohara, Masahiro Bando, Iori Yanokura
0.3.25 (2016-09-16)
- fix TargetAdaptiveTrackingConfig file name (this breaks make install)
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.3.24 (2016-09-15)
0.3.23 (2016-09-14)
0.3.22 (2016-09-13)
- added cfg and launch files
- nodelet for tracking and updating object changes
- increase time-limit
- ColorBasedRegionGrowingSegmentation.cfg remove groovy code
- add test_color_based_region_growing_segmentation.test
- remove passthrough and fix type of kdtree
- fix description of BSD license and remove passthroughfilter
- add cfg of color_based_region_growing
- add dynamic reconfigure of color_based_region_growing
- Revert "Remove dependency on jsk_perception for separated build"
- Merge pull request #1820 from wkentaro/dep-pcl-perception Remove dependency on jsk_perception for separated build
- Missing installation of executables
- Fix missing dependency declaration of jsk_pcl_ros
- Fix order of components in find_package of jsk_pcl_ros
- Remove dependency on jsk_perception for separated build
- [jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration] Fix error in case of input point
cloud... (#1795)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration] Fix error in case of input point cloud size is 0
- [jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration] Publish empty topics
- [jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration] Add test
- Add missing build_depend on jsk_data (#1852) This is necessary to run install script on CMakeLists.txt.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Preserve transform at subscribed timestamp for prev pointcloud in heightmap time accumulation (#1850)
- Install missing dirs for jsk_pcl_ros (#1847) The missing dirs are: config, launch, sample.
- Fix missing computation of point cloud center without box alignment (#1844)
- Fix missing dependency on jsk_data
- [jsk_pcl_ros/launch/openni2_remote.launch] relay camera_info for depth_registered.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/edge_depth_refinement_nodelet.cpp] fix duplication check. treat edges which have no duplication correctly.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/edge_depth_refinement_nodelet.cpp] remove unused local variable.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/src/parallel_edge_finder_nodelet.cpp] use advertise function defined in ConnectionBasedNodelet class.
- Compute point cloud centroid after transformed
- Extract indices correctly with empty cloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros/EdgeDepthRefinement] Add rostest for edge_depth_refinement
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fixed mistake of condition in edge_depth_refinment
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Add test code
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Fixed avoiding boost::lock_error
- [jsk_pcl_ros/line_segment_detector] Modified line_segment_detector limitating length
- Publish correct size cloud even with empty indices for ExtractIndices
- [jsk_pcl_ros/people_tracking] Add test
- [jsk_pcl_ros/people_tracking] Add traindata
- [jsk_pcl_ros/people_tracking] Add people tracking nodelet
- Convert point cloud to point indices
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add rearranged_bounding_box
- [jsk_pcl_ros/hsi_color_filter] Add gui program
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add test for hsi_color_filter
- [jsk_pcl_ros/hsi_color_filter] Add option keep_organized: ture
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add option keep_organized for color_filter
- Merge pull request #1758 from knorth55/fix-convex fix ConvexConnectedVoxels subscribers and publisher
- Align bounding boxes with target frame in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add test for ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add sample for ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add test for ConvexConnectedVoxels
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix ConvexConnectedVoxels subscribers and publisher
- allow parent frame not set
- Refactor deprecated node compilation moved to jsk_pcl_ros_utils This is from same motivation as https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/pull/1726.
- [Normal Estimation OMP] add parameter for setting number of threads
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fixed initialization of pnh in organized_edge_detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add test and sample launch for pointcloud database server
- fix parameter name in hsi_color_filter_sample.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use jsk_data download_data func for test_data
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix and improve for frame_id
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add stl file load func to PointcloudDatabaseServer
- Stable ros version check by STRGREATER
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add dynamic_reconfigure in pointcloud_database_server (#1632)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support pcl 1.8 in 'jsk_pcl_ros' (#1609)
- Support pcl 1.8 in 'jsk_pcl_ros'
* Test building with PCL 1.8 Modified: - .travis.yml Added:
- .travis_before_script_pcl1.8.bash
- Build particle_filter_tracking only with OpenMP (#1607)
- Stop passing -z flag to ld with clang (#1606)
- Add boost namespace as boost::tie (#1608)
- Contributors: Iori Kumagai, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Satoshi Otsubo, Shingo Kitagawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yu Ohara, Hitoshi Kamada, Krishneel Chaudhary, Iori Yanokura, Yusuke Oshiro
0.3.21 (2016-04-15)
- CMakeLists.txt: we do not have node_scripts/ (#1587)
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.3.20 (2016-04-14)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add jsk_pcl version of tabletop_object_detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros_utils/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml] fix: pcl class name typo of CloudOnPlane
- [jsk_pcl_ros/sample/tabletop_object_detector.launch] add jsk version of tabletop_object_detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support bilateral filtering in HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering (#1564)
- Install python executables
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.19 (2016-03-22)
0.3.18 (2016-03-21)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/launch,scripts] add launch and script to generate the pointcloud cluster of objects.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka
0.3.17 (2016-03-20)
- remove dynamic_reconfigure.parameter_generator, which only used for rosbuild
- [jsk_pcl_ros/kinfu]add cfg for change kinfu params
- [kinfu]add srv for save mesh
- [kinfu] add initialization when icp is lost
- [jsk_pck_ros] add options not pub tf
- [jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt] fix link libraries when building kinfu.
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Yu Ohara
0.3.16 (2016-02-11)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt] call one of find_package or pkg_check_modules for robot_self_filter.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka
0.3.15 (2016-02-09)
0.3.14 (2016-02-04)
- add me to maintainer to get jenkins notification
- remove code for groovy, ml_classifier is only available on hydro
- [jsk_pcl_ros] ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer with max/min size
- jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp Added:
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer.cfg
- List missing PointIndicesToMaskImage as nodelet this node is moved
to jsk_pcl_ros_utils but this is necessary for compatibility.
- jsk_pcl_ros/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Simplify test case of ExtractIndices. Do not depends on test data, just create dummy data in code on the fly.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer] Publish centroid
pose_array Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish current tracking status (running or idle) from particle_fitler_tracking. And add some scripts to visualize them.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Automatically detect point type in OctreeVoxelGrid
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/octree_voxel_grid.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/OctreeVoxelGrid.cfg
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/octree_voxel_grid.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_recognition_utils/include/jsk_recognition_utils/pcl_ros_util.h
- jsk_recognition_utils/src/pcl_ros_util.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix indent of linemod_nodelet.cpp Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/linemod_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator to find door
handle Modified:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/plane_supported_cuboid_estimator.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator.cfg
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/plane_supported_cuboid_estimator.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/launch/door_handle_detection.launch
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/plane_supported_cuboid_estimator_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use jsk_pcl_ros_utils namespace instead of jsk_pcl_ros namespace for jsk_pcl_ros_utils nodelets
- [jsk_pcl_ros/OctreeVoxelGrid] Support coloring marker in x and y axis values
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix AttentionClipper SEGV by not calling publishBoundingBox from camera info callback
- [jsk_pcl_ros/OctreeChangeDetection] Add paper information
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new feature to skip tracking according to background substraction. Sample launch is tabletop_tracking.launch Now particle_filter_tracking can skip tracking when object looks stable and difference pointcloud (which should be computed by octree_change_detector) are far from target object.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Untabify particle_fitler_tracking.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix euclidean segmentation for empty input. If input pointcloud is empty, publish empty result.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add marker_color_alpha parameter to change octree marker alpha
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update octree_change_detector.launch by removing nodelet manager and machine tag
- Merge pull request #1469 from wkentaro/add-on-init-post-process [jsk_pcl_ros] Add onInitPostProcess
- [jsk_pcl_ros] use <arg> to pass input point cloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add onInitPostProcess Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/add_color_from_image_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/attention_clipper_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/bilateral_filter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/border_estimator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/bounding_box_filter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/boundingbox_occlusion_rejector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/capture_stereo_synchronizer_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/collision_detector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/color_histogram_matcher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/colorize_random_points_RF_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/convex_connected_voxels_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/depth_calibration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/depth_image_creator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/edge_depth_refinement_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/edgebased_cube_finder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/environment_plane_modeling_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/extract_cuboid_particles_top_n_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/extract_indices_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/feature_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/find_object_on_plane_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/fisheye_sphere_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/geometric_consistency_grouping_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/grid_sampler_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/handle_estimator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/heightmap_converter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/heightmap_morphological_filtering_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/heightmap_time_accumulation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/heightmap_to_pointcloud_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/hinted_handle_estimator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/hinted_plane_detector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/hinted_stick_finder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/icp_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/incremental_model_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/interactive_cuboid_likelihood_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/intermittent_image_annotator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/joint_state_static_filter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/keypoints_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/kinfu_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/line_segment_collector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/line_segment_detector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/mask_image_cluster_filter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/moving_least_square_smoothing_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/multi_plane_sac_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/normal_direction_filter_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/normal_estimation_integral_image_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/normal_estimation_omp_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octomap_server_contact_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_change_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/organize_pointcloud_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/organized_edge_detector_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/organized_multi_plane_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/organized_pass_through_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/organized_pointcloud_to_point_indices_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/parallel_edge_finder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/particle_filter_tracking_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/plane_supported_cuboid_estimator_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/pointcloud_localization_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/region_growing_multiple_plane_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/region_growing_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/resize_points_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/roi_clipper_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/selected_cluster_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/snapit_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/supervoxel_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/tilt_laser_listener_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/torus_finder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/uniform_sampling_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/voxel_grid_downsample_decoder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/voxel_grid_downsample_manager_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/voxel_grid_large_scale_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support approximate sync and queue_size
configuration Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not create tf::TransformBroadcaster in
ClusterPointIndideceDecomposer if not necessary Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/cluster_point_indices_decomposer.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/cluster_point_indices_decomposer_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Init icp after advertise all the topics Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/icp_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/torus_finder_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix to wait for initialization until start
recognition in TorusFinder Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/torus_finder.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish current resolution of octree Modified:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/octree_voxel_grid.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/octree_voxel_grid.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Better test names Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/test/test_attention_clipper.test
- jsk_pcl_ros/test/test_extract_indices.test
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~marker_color to OctreeVoxelGrid Modified:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/octree_voxel_grid.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/OctreeVoxelGrid.cfg
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/octree_voxel_grid.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish computation time in icp_registration and
torus_finder Modified:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/icp_registration.md
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/torus_f_inder.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/torus_finder.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/icp_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/torus_finder_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_recognition_utils/include/jsk_recognition_utils/time_util.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros/OctreeVoxelGrid] Relay original pointcloud if
~resolution=0 Modified:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/octree_voxel_grid.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~point_type parameter to octree voxel grid
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/octree_voxel_grid.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/OctreeVoxelGrid.cfg
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/octree_voxel_grid.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/octree_voxel_grid_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support offset specifying by
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped in ICPRegistration Modified:
- doc/index.rst
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros/nodes/icp_registration.md
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/icp_registration.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/icp_registration_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils/CMakeLists.txt
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml Added:
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros_utils/index.rst
- doc/jsk_pcl_ros_utils/nodes/pointcloud_relative_form_pose_stamped.md
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils/include/jsk_pcl_ros_utils/pointcloud_relative_from_pose_stamped.h
- jsk_pcl_ros_utils/src/pointcloud_relative_from_pose_stamped_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] More useful message in
extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros -> jsk_pcl_ros_utils] Left migration of PointIndicesToMaskImage Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml jsk_pcl_ros_utils/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- Merge pull request #1426 from wkentaro/merge-sklearn-to-jsk-perception Merge sklearn to jsk_perception
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not call callback until initialization done
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/region_growing_multiple_plane_segmentation.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/torus_finder.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/region_growing_multiple_plane_segmentation_nodelet.cpp
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/torus_finder_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros/MultiPlaneExtraction] Call onInitPostProcess
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/multi_plane_extraction_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Option keep_organized as dynamic parameter
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/MultiPlaneExtraction.cfg
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/multi_plane_extraction_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros/MultiPlaneExtraction] Add option keep_organized:
true Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/multi_plane_extraction.h
- jsk_pcl_ros/src/multi_plane_extraction_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add dynamic_reconfigure API to
extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py Modified:
- jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py Added:
- jsk_pcl_ros/cfg/ExtractTopPolygonLikelihood.cfg
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Rational test_name for euclidean_clustering
- jsk_pcl_ros/test/test_euclidean_segmentation.test
- Merge sklearn to jsk_perception Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt jsk_pcl_ros/package.xml jsk_perception/package.xml Added: jsk_perception/node_scripts/random_forest_server.py jsk_perception/sample/random_forest_client_sample.py jsk_perception/sample/random_forest_sample.launch jsk_perception/sample/random_forest_sample_data_x.txt jsk_perception/sample/random_forest_sample_data_y.txt
- Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda, Iori Kumagai
0.3.13 (2015-12-19)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Longer timelimit
- [jsk_pcl_ros] jsk_pcl_ros::SetPointCloud2 -> jsk_recognition_msgs::SetPointCloud2
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.3.12 (2015-12-19)
- [jsk_pcl_ros_utils] Introduce new package called jsk_pcl_ros_utils in order to speed-up compilation of jsk_pcl_ros
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/garaemon/not-use-deprecated-headers' into refine-jsk-pcl-ros-util
- [jsk_pcl_ros] move several nodelets to libjsk_pcl_ros_utils
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Extract after copy in installing test data
- jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/install_test_data.py
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into not-use-deprecated-headers Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/polygon_array_unwrapper.h jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/polygon_array_wrapper.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not use deprecated utility headers see #1430
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.11 (2015-12-18)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not include pcl headers in polygon_array_wrapper and polygon_array_unwrapper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove ccache prefix
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Cache test_data to ROS home Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/install_test_data.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove build_check.cpp.in
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.10 (2015-12-17)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check md5 hash to check the test_data is latest For https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/issues/1413 TODO: How to cache the test_data on jenkins/travis? Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt Added: jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/install_test_data.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Quiet rosbag decompress and echo start/end Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/install_test_data.sh
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Download test_data with quiet mode
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add script to extract one polygon which has the best likelihood field Added: jsk_pcl_ros/scripts/extract_top_polygon_likelihood.py
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add launch file for valve detection without User Interaction Added: jsk_pcl_ros/config/drc_box_color.yaml jsk_pcl_ros/launch/valve_detection.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check header.frame_id before resolving 3-D spacially Modified: jsk_pcl_ros/src/multi_plane_extraction_nodelet.cpp jsk_perception/src/polygon_array_color_histogram.cpp jsk_recognition_utils/include/jsk_recognition_utils/pcl_ros_util.h jsk_recognition_utils/src/pcl_ros_util.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Set VerbosityLevel to ALWAYS to ignore error message of RANSAC in PlaneConcatenator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] More larger number of iteration in TorusFinder. And set pcl verbosity level to WARN.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~min_area and ~max_area to PlaneConcatenator
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.9 (2015-12-14)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove cuboid_parameter.cfg and add InteractiveCuboidLikelihood.cfg and PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator.cfg. This commit give up to re-use definition of dynamic_reconfigure because generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options automatically install cpp files estimated from cfg files. closes https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/issues/1401
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PoygonArrayUnwrapper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not compile nodelets depending on ml_classifiers if it is not found. see #1348
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix flipped negative_ of ExtractIndices (bugfix) I mistakenly take it as opposite negative and non negative. I will send PR to pcl also.
- [jsk_recognition_utils] Better API to measure and publish computation time
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TorusFinder] Publish failure information to other topics to keep comapatiblity
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda
0.3.8 (2015-12-08)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove lisp-style comments
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add Failure flag to Torus message
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove unused codes
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Make test for euclidean segmentation reliable
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Make test for euclidean segmentation reliable
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add jsk_tools as test_depend
- [jsk_pcl_ros/organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch] Remove rqt_robot_monitor
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use patched ExtractIndices on pcl Closes https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/issues/1337
- Use pcl::PointCloud2 for various Point types Closes #1304
- Use ccache if installed to make it fast to generate object file
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Make test for euclidean segmentation reliable
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ParticleFilterTracking] Publish RMS error of distance and angle
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ParticleFilterTracking] Do not use pcl_ros::PCLNodelet in order to remove dependency to tf if possible
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ParticleFilterTracking] Measure computation time
- [jsk_recognition_utils, jsk_pcl_ros] Measure time to compute NormalEstimationOMP and RegionGriwongMultiplePlaneSegmentation. Add utility class to measure time: jsk_recognition_utils::WallDurationTimer
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove no need image files
- [jsk_pcl_ros/launch/hsi_color_filter.launch] Add suffix for manager name to enable multiple hsi_color_filter.launch. Previously, manager name conflict occurred.
- fix the ros message package in test_contact_sensor.py
- use shared ptr for self_mask instance.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] ExtractIndices keep_organized test
- Revert "Use pcl::PointCloud2 for various Point types" This reverts commit dc615cb15ea16beb7a95b7f5b472e57611890a37.
- merge origin/master
- fix coding style.
- use OctreePointCloud function instead of OctreePointCloudCompression.
- use VoxelGrid filter to remove duplicate cloud outputed from octree compression.
- publish OctreeVoxelGrid as marker.
- introduce dynamic reconfigure into OctreeVoxelGrid to set resolution.
- add sample launch file of octree_voxel_grid.
- add octree_voxel_grid nodelet.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Masaki Murooka
0.3.7 (2015-11-19)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Test attention_clipper by rostest
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Run test only on indigo Because of unreleased topic_tools/transform
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Download test data while catkin run_tests
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Test AttentionClipper with bagfile
- Use gcc -z defs to check undefined symbols in shared objects (jsk_recognitoin_utils, jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception). build_check.cpp cannot run on the environment using multiple processes because of invoking libjsk_pcl_ros.so link.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add VoxelGridLargeScale
- Merge pull request #1297 from mmurooka/collision-detector-nodelet [jsk_pcl_ros] Make CollisionDetector nodelet
- Use pcl::PointCloud2 for various Point types Closes #1304
- 1.7.1 does not contain organized_edge_detector see https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/pull/245#issuecomment-153711241
- fix coding style of collision_detector_nodelet.cpp
- add mutex lock in CollisionDetector
- fix launch file to use nodelet.
- fix minor bug about robot_self_filter headers in build check.
- make collsion_detector nodelet.
- Merge pull request #1276 from mmurooka/add-octomap-contact [jsk_pcl_ros] Add octomap contact
- run OctomapServerContact nodelet in sample launch file.
- exclude OctomapServerContact class from build check because this class is not compiled when robot_self_filter is not found.
- change octomap_server_contact as nodelet.
- Merge pull request #1278 from aginika/add-octree-change-publlisher-cfg [jsk_pcl_ros] add cfg for OctreeChangePublisher
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into foot-likelihood
- add sample launch file and document of pointcloud_to_stl
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Initialize transformed_pose_list_ in callback This fixes debug box pose which won't change on rviz.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PolygonArrayFootAngleLikelihood
- delete unused servie in pointcloud_to_stl.
- use specified filename in pointcloud_to_stl.
- remove moveit_ros_perception from catkin component in CMakeList.txt.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArrayAngleLikelihood] Add ~axis paraemter to specify reference axis
- add samples for octomap_server_contact
- add octomap server sources and add dependency for that.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add cfg for OctreeChangePublisher
- Merge pull request #1213 from mmurooka/add-collision-detector [jsk_pcl_ros] Add collision detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish transformed bounding box array
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not use transformPointCloud and fix order of tf transformation Closes https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/pull/1273
- do not compile collision_detector when robot_self_filter is not found
- [jsk_pcl_ros]commit for prevventing rounding error
- use robot_self_filter package for self_mask instead of pr2_navigation_self_filter.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove unused arguments
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix ns for throttle and resizer in stereo pipeline
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Rename multisense stereo nodes in nodelet to distinguish image_rect and image_rect_color
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Separate nodes and rosparam for using same manager with RUN_MANAGER=false
- [jsk_tilt_laser] Separate resume resize_1_8 points
- [jsk_tilt_laser] Separate camera stereo image pipeline
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add launch for multi resolution image not only left camera
- move normal estimation position
- [jsk_pck_ros] change name of laser
- reuse codes in organized_multi_plane_segmentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sample launch to detect door handle by PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Fix axis to compute angular likelihood tu supported plane
- [jsk_pcl_ros/InteractiveCuboidLikelihood] Add ~init_pos and ~init_rot parameter
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidParameter] Fix inlier likelihood computation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add use_inside_points_distance_zero parameter to PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer] Publish indices which are not included in input indices
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove InteractiveCuboidLikelihood.cfg and PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator.cfg and generate files from one file because CMake cannot understand dependency between cfg files
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Convert cluster point indices to label image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Convert cluster point indices to mask image
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add function to compute signed distance to plane
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add likelihood computation based on the number of inliers
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN] Publish result as WeightedPoseArray
- add dependency to message generation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Increase max value of max_size for EuclideanClustering
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use OpenMP in PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] set a min-max limit to convex size in RegionGrowingMultiplaneSegmentaion
- [jsk_pcl_ros] set a unique name to a node
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add a polygon_array_transformer example launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add ~fast_input to use laser based cloud and stereo based cloud
- Merge pull request #1208 from aginika/modify-to-jsk-recog-msgs [jsk_pcl_ros] modify from jsk_pcl_ros.msg to jsk-recog-msgs
- add option to select whether to publish tf or not
- use service for checking collision instead of topic
- use const call by reference.
- add launch file and sample client.
- add collision_detector source files
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArrayAngleLikelihood] Fix error computation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sample to visualize FOV of laser and stereo camera
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add scripts for DepthErrorResult
- modify to jsk-recog-msgs
- [jsk_pcl_ros/DepthImageError] Add [~approximate_sync]{.title-ref} parameter. Synchronize timestamp exactly for stereo camera.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add document about DepthImageError
- use target_link_libraries instead of link_libraries.
- Merge pull request #1189 from wkentaro/pi-to-pc [jsk_pcl_ros] ExtractIndices as a simple cli/nodelet to apply indices to cloud
- add MovingLeastSquares Smoothing
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Set #define BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add jsk_pcl/ExtractIndices usage: rosrun jsk_pcl_ros extract_indices ~input:=/kinect2/qhd/points ~indices:=/attention_clipper/obj1/point_indices param: keep_organized: false negative: false max_queue_size: 10 approximate_sync: false
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ResizePointsPublisher] Supress debug message
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Warn about clouds in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer Close https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/issues/1187
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add max size
- add new output msg for handle estimate
- Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, JSK Lab Member, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Your Name, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki, hrpuser, Iori Kumagai
0.3.6 (2015-09-11)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not compile build_check.cpp in normal compilation time, just in run_tests
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.3.5 (2015-09-09)
0.3.4 (2015-09-07)
- Swap doc soft links (to make 'Edit on GitHub' work)
- ColorizeFloatImage correct image link Closes https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/issues/1165
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
0.3.3 (2015-09-06)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] README.md -> readthedocs.org Closes #330
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
0.3.2 (2015-09-05)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] use arguments in order to change a behavior
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove unused arguments
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove unused white spaces
- Contributors: eisoku9618
0.3.1 (2015-09-04)
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception] Fix dependency of jsk_recognition_utils for child packages like jsk_rviz_plugins
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.3.0 (2015-09-04)
- [jsk_recognition_utils] Introduce new package jsk_recognition_utils in order to use utility libraries defined in jsk_pcl_ros in jsk_perception
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.18 (2015-09-04)
- [jsk_recognition_utils] Introduce new package jsk_recognition_utils in order to use utility libraries defined in jsk_pcl_ros in jsk_perception
- [jsk_pcl_ros/RegionGrowingMultplePlaneSegmentation] Publish raw result of region growing segmentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use distance based on polygon in order to take into account occlusion
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove outlier from laser range sensor in range_sensor_error_visualization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Visualize errors using scatter in depth_camera_error_visualization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add tool to visualize error of stereo-based depth sensor
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add ~use_init_polygon_likelihood parameter to initialize particles according to likelihood field of jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add ~use_plane_likelihood parameter to take into account likelihood field of jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Separate definition of ParticleCuboid into another header
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish standard deviation error of range sensor in range_sensor_error_visualization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add nodelet to compte polygon likelihood based on area difference
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add nodelet to compte polygon likelihood based on angular difference
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArrayDistanceLikelihood] Compute polygon's likelihood according to distance from specified frame_id.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Move EarClippingPatched to pcl/ directory
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add tool to visualize variance of raser scan
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Rename ros_collaborative_particle_filter.h to pcl/simple_particle_filter.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sensor model to compute expected number of points with specific distance and area.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Publish velocity of rotating laser
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix small bugs about nearest distance computation and add sample
- [jsk_pcl_ros/geo_util] Compute nearest point to a cube
- [jsk_pcl_ros/geo_util] Compute nearest point to a polygon
- [jsk_pcl_ros/InteractiveCuboidLikelihood] fix indent
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN] Publish point indices instead of particle pointcloud.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Use world z coordinates to reject unexpected initial particles
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ICPRegistration] Support NDT based transformation estimation
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Use kdtree to search candidate points roughly and close prism input hull to extract candidate points correctly
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add sample to collaborate particle filter based estimator and occlusion free goal sampler
- [jsk_pcl_ros/OcclusionBoundingBoxRejector] Do not synchronize input topics
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Use area instead of volume to evaluate size of cuboid
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Use minimum covariance value 0. It's mathematically no means but we can implement it by handling zero as special case.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix computation of coordinates of polygon
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix computation of coordinates of polygon
- [jsk_pcl_ros/RegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation] Check direction of polygons to direct to origin of pointcloud.
- use resizer
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add inverse_volume_likelihood function
- [jsk_pcl_ros/EuclideanClusterExtraction] Do not have [using namespace std, pcl]{.title-ref} in header file, it may effect other codes globally.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Sort headers of build_check.cpp order in alphabetical order
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ColorizeSegmentedRF] Fix include guard not to collide with colorize_random_points_rf.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros/MaskImageToDepthConsideredMaskImage] Fix include guard
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN by removing template super class, which is too difficult to handle shared_ptr owenership. And update build_check.cpp.in to instantiate all the nodelet classes to check implementation of prototype definitions.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN] Publish particles as BoundingBoxArray
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Fix particle initialization if plane coordinates is not equal to itentity and compute distance of occluded points based on sphere approximation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix Polygon::decomposeToTriangles. EarClip of pcl 1.7.2 (hydro) has a fatal bug and copied the latest implementation from current master and rename it as EarClipPatched. We cam remove the codes after we deprecate hydro.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update sample to use tf_transform_bounding_box_array
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add TfTransformBoundingBoxArray
- multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ExtractCuboidParticlesTopN to extract top-N particles
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add TfTransformBoundingBox like TfTransformPointCloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Register particle point in order to convert to PCLPointCloud2 and it enables to publish all the fields of ParticleCuboid as fields of sensor_msgs::PointCloud2
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Update relationship between particles and polygons as polygon sensor measurement is updated
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Run rviz in sample_boundingbox_occlusion_rejector.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Allow variance=0.0 in computing gaussian
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Link libjsk_pcl_ros_util with libjsk_pcl_ros_base
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check all the methods and functions are implemented by compiling build_check.cpp with all the headeres except for kinfu and point_types.h. build_check.cpp is automatically generated with all the header neames and build_check.cpp.in.
- [jsk_pcl_ros/BoundingBoxOcclusionRejector] Nodelet to reject bounding box which occludes target objects. This nodelet is good for occlusion-free goal planning
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PointIndicesToMaskImage] untabify code
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara
0.2.17 (2015-08-21)
0.2.16 (2015-08-19)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Compute likelihood based on plane-detection-sensor
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Remove unused parameters from class member
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] More correct border condition about occlusion
- Remove files which added by mistake
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Support sensor_frame via ~sensor_frame parameter
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Separate likelihood computation parameters from particlefilter parameter to cleanup dynamic_reconfigure parameters
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add InteractiveCuboidLikelihood to confirm behavior of likelihood function of PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator by interactive server
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.15 (2015-08-18)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add ~min_inliers and ~outlier_distance parameter
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Take occlusion into account
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator] Add ~use_range_likelihood to toggle use likelihood based on geometric constraint
- Merge pull request #1054 from garaemon/plane-supported-cuboid-estimator [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidestimator] Add new nodelet to estimate cuboid on plane based on bayesian recursive estimation
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PlaneSupportedCuboidestimator] Add new nodelet to estimate cuboid on plane based on bayesian recursive estimation, especially particle filter is used.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add simple code and script to bench RANSAC based plane estimation
- [jsk_pcl_ros/AttentionClipper] Fix compilation warning:
- fixing name confliction of iteration index
- Use std::runtime_error to catch exception
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Super simple script to plot gaussian. It is useful to determin several parameters based on normal distribution
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix flip option
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Hitoshi Kamada
0.2.14 (2015-08-13)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PoseWithCovarianceStampedtoGussianPointCloud] Add new normalize method: normalize_area and normalize_height
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PoseWithCovarianceStampedtoGussianPointCloud] Fix to apply sqrt
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PoseWithCovarianceStampedtoGussianPointCloud] Add offset to z-height
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update image on readme about PoseWithCovarianceStampedToGaussianCloud
- machine tag should defined in somewhere else, not here
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new nodelet to convert geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped to PointCloud with gaussian distribution
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix typo in multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros/multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch] Add throttled images
- change frame for renew pose
- add options for use self_filter
- add srv to renew pose
- change remapping for stereo resizer
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use fmod to detect jamp where tilt joint angle continues to inclease, such as gazebo simulation environment
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonPointsSampler] Publich cloud of pcl::PointXYZ
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapTimeAccumulation] Fix to return true in reset callback
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapTimeAccumulation] Add ~reset service to clear cache
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapTimeAccumulation] Supress message
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Rewrite multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch with jsk_topic_tools/standalone_complexed_nodelet
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering] Add config topic to simplify chain heightmap pileline
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add config topic to chain heightmap configuration
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapToPointCloud] Fix x-y coordinate value to locate point at the center of pixels
- [jsk_pcl_ros] HeightmapTimeAccumulation nodelet to complete heightmap in time series
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update image of HeightmapMorphologicalFilitering to real sensor data
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use boost::accumulators to compute mean and variance in HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering] Update sample image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add HeightmapMorphologicalFiltering nodelet
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into publish_cloud_with_pose
- add node for read pcd with pose
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add HeightmapToPointCloud nodelet to convert heightmap to pointcloud
- [jsk_perception] Add nodelet ColorizeFloatImage to colorize generic float image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add HeightmapConverter to convert pointcloud to heightmap
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ColorizeHeight2DMapping and move ColorizeDistanceFromPlane to libjsk_pcl_util.so
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Add max_queue_size
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add OrganizedNeighbor search method in ParticleFilterTracking
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TfTransformCloud] Use tf::MessageFilter
- [jsk_pcl_ros/stereo_reconstruction.launch] Fix several remappings
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update stereo_reconstruction.launch for the latest jsk_topic_tools
- move model with pose and take color in condition
- [jsk_pcl_ros] set tracking model with marker in particle_filter_tracker
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Add ~clear_assembled_scans parameter not to publish same scans twice
- [jsk_pcl_ros/ICPRegistration] Add parameters for RANSAC
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Do not publish empty pointcloud if buffer is empty
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add pointcloud_to_stl nodelet
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix optimization flag
- [jsk_pcl_ros/EnvironmentPlaneModeling] Fix to make it sure to close the loop of convex hull
- [jsk_pcl_ros/EnvironmentPlaneModeling] Fix polygon orientation when magnify it
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add diagnostics information to NormalDirectionFilter, NormalEstimationOMP and RegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TfTransformCloud] Add diagnostic information
- [jsk_pcl_ros/NormalFlip] Fix direction of normal flip
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Add diagnostic information
- change default value of max_distance
- fix particle filter tracker
- edit to only remove -std option
- fix c++ version mismatch problem with boost
- [jsk_pcl_ros/handle_estimator.l] change jsk_pcl_ros msgs to jsk_recognition_msgs
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Downsample registered pointcloud for visualization in pointcloud_localizaiton.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros/PointCloudLocalization] poke vital_checker for diagnostics
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add launch file to run pointcloud_localization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove model_file argument
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix missing display_machine arg
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not link gpu libraries if cmake fails to detect PCL_GPU modules
- [jsk_pcl_ros/Kinfu] Publish transformation from map to odom
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add Kinfu nodelet
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Add ~not_use_laser_assembler_service parameter not to use laser_assembler service API but assemble scan pointcloud locally
- Contributors: JSK Lab Member, Kei Okada, Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki, Iori Kumagai, Wesley Chan
0.2.13 (2015-06-11)
- [jsk_pcl_ros/SnapIt] Reset cached polygons when unsubscribe() is called
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not die even if failed to call laser assemble in TiltLaserListener
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not close convex polygon when building grid plane
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add debug message about grid plane construction in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not publish projected polygon if it failed to estimate 3d point in ScreenPoint
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support ~always_subscribe in mask_image_filter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~sensor_frame to MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add waitForTransform to snapit tf resolvance
- [jsk_pcl_ros/RegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation] Fix computation of normal to decide order of vertices by comparing normals from vertices and coefficients
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Untabify attention clipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros/MultiPlaneExtraction] Support negative value for magnification of plane
- [jsk_pcl_ros/octree_change_detector] add MACHINE tag to octree_change_detector.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~strict_tf parameter to NormalFlipToFrame to ignore timestamp correctness
- add topics for other recognition nodes
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add NormalEstimationOMP like pcl_ros but it can handle timestamp correctly
- [jsk_pcl_ros/EnvironemntPlaneModeling] Add normal direction threshold
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TfTransformPointCloud] Ignore all error in tf conversion
- [jsk_pcl_ros/HintedPlaneDetector] Supress warning messages about pointcloud fields
- [jsk_pcl_ros]add exceptions around tf
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check if hint convex is valid in HintedPlaneDetector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not publish results if it failes to compute PCA in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Longer TF cache time for TreansformListener which created via TFListenerSingleton
- [jsk_pcl_ros/TiltLaserListener] Do not unsubscribe input topics if no needed, change it to always subscribe input joint states
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new nodelet: NormalFlipToFrame to align direction of normal to specified frame_id
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use jsk_topic_tools/log_utils.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~queue_size parameter to NormalDirectionFilter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add class and method name to tf error
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Cache result of triangle decomposition
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara, Yuki Furuta
0.2.12 (2015-05-04)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] fix attention clipper non nan part
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add getRadius method to Cylinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove nan indices from AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add prefixes params to publish each indices in AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Set pcl verbosity level to ERROR in multi_plane_extraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Relay organized point cloud to "points" topic in stereo_reconstruction.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Ignore tf timestamp in TfTransformPointCloud if ~use_latest_tf is set
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add stereo_reconstruction.launch to reconstruct stereo pointcloud from color images and depth image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Relay compressed images too in multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros/mask_image_to_depth_considered_mask_image.cpp] add pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Resize images in addition to pointcloud
- change input image_points topic to /image_points_color
- [jsk_pcl_ros]change icp result when none reference
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove nan point before icp kdtree search
- chnage ros-param
- change from linear to non-linear
- modify extract_only_directed_region_of_close_mask_image.launch
- add apply mask image publisher in mask_image_to_depth_considered_mask_image.cpp
- change default parameter of extract num
- rename to NODELET info and short fix
- [jsk_pcl_ros] modify extract_only_directed_region_of_close_mask_image.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] resize_points_publisher_nodelet resize rate feedback
- [jsk_pcl_ros] mask_image_to_depth_considered_mask_image_nodelet resize rate feedback
- change default parameter
- rosparam to dynamic-reconfigure
- check if current point is in directed region
- change ROS_ERROR message
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove duplicate declaration of dependencies
- enable selection of config direction method
- modify README and add image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add in_the_order_of_depth config
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add fisheye sphere pub
- Changes to the syntax
- Changes to syntax
- Changes and modification of syntax
- Changes as to the files
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use rectangle mode for image_view2 in extract_only_directed_region_of_close_mask_image.launch
- add extract_only_directed_region_of_close_mask_image.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] extract only directed region of mask image
- changed config name and README
- add dynamic reconfigure config
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add parameter to skip publishing assembled cloud
- mask image to mask image which is at close range
- Added a launch file for rtabmap mapping with multisense.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove unneeded ROS_INFO line
- Contributors: JSK Lab Member, Kamada Hitoshi, Kentaro Wada, Ryohei Ueda, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yoshimaru Tanaka, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki, iKrishneel
0.2.11 (2015-04-13)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add argument to specify manager name to multi_resolution_pointcloud.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add several methods and add voxel grid filter to estimate torus
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Keep exact timestamp in AddPointIndices
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.10 (2015-04-09)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] generalize namespace of launch value
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add option to flip z axis direction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped input for TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use simple ros::Subscriber for ResizePointsPublisher
- [jsk_pcl_ros] remove bags in launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Supress debug message of AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] change tf fixed frame of config file
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Better caching to handle different frame_id well in attention_clipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Resolve tf only once in attention clipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix projection bug around ConvexPolygon::projectOnPlane
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix typo in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara
0.2.9 (2015-03-29)
- 0.2.8
- Update Changelog
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish point indices which do not belong to any polygons in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Erode grid maps as c-space padding in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Latch output topic of EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check orientation of plane in GridPlane::fromROSMsg
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.8 (2015-03-29)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish point indices which do not belong to any polygons in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Erode grid maps as c-space padding in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Latch output topic of EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check orientation of plane in GridPlane::fromROSMsg
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.7 (2015-03-26)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Longer queue size for NormalDirectionFilter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Implement GridPlane::fromROSMsg method
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.6 (2015-03-25)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish point with RGB from PolygonPointsSampler
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Set CorrespondenceEstimationOrganizedProjection correctly
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support ~negative parameter to publish point indices which does not inside of attention region
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support ~use_async in MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Clip duplicated pointcloud in PointCloudLocalization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~use_normal to PointCloudLocalization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Wait for tf transformation before tansforming pointcloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Complete footprint region to the nearest convex polygon in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PolygonFlipper and fix orientation of convex among several nodelets. Force to look upwards in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] New topic interface to snap pose stamped onto grid map in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not depends geo_util.h on pcl_conversion_util.h in order not to break downstream
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix completion of footprint in looking up corresponding gridmap in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fill occluded footprint region by bounding box in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new nodelet to magnify PolygonArray
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new sampler to sample pointcloud on polygon with fixed grid
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add perpendicular distance threshold to PlaneConcatenator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add morphological filtering to grid planes
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~input/full_cloud and fix input pointcloud of ExtractPolygonalPrismData to close loop of convex hull boundary
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.5 (2015-03-17)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Optimize GridPlane::fillCellsFromPointCloud by using pcl::ExtractPolygonalPrismData and now it's much much faster than before
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use pair of index to represent cells of grid
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Refactor EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- check target cloud data ifnot invalid
- add passthrough_image sample launch
- add organized_pc_to_point_indics
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Smaller duration to wait for tf in pointcloud localization
- add approx sync mode to point indices to mask image
- [jsk_pcl_ros]fix miss-name in README
- [jsk_pcl_ros]change ensync timing for plane
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, JSK Lab Member, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki
0.2.4 (2015-03-08)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix coding style of PointcloudScreenpoint
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add ~update_offset service to update localizatoin transformation manually
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~use_normal parameter to TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add hint axis parameter for TorusFinder [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish PoseStamped from TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add service interface to snap footstep to planes in SnapIt
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish PoseStamped from TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add image to PointCloudLocalization document
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Wait tranfrosmtion of tf when clipping pointcloud and fix to use y and z dimension of bounding box in AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish PointIndices from ROIClipper to satisfy ROI region
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix PointCloudLocalization to work
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add voxel grid downsampling to keep pointcloud resolution constant
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PointCloudLocalization for simple SLAM
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped in SnapIt
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support polygon input in PointcloudScreenPoint
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add GeometricConsistencyGrouping nodele
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add UniformSampling
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix FeatureRegistration
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add FeatureRegistration to register pointclouds using 3D feature
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PlanarPointCloudSimulator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not apply PCA for small pointclouds
- Merge pull request #737 from garaemon/spherical-cloud-simulator [jsk_pcl_ros] Add SphericalPointCloudSimulator nodelet to simulate spindle laser scanner
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add SphericalPointCloudSimulator nodelet to simulate pindle laser scanner
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~use_async parameter to NormalConcatenater
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix direction of y-axis of bounding box to direct toward z-axis of pointcloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support normal in ICPRegistration nodelet
- add simple_edge_detector_and_tracker.launch
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS to suppress error of compiling organized_edge_detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] repair include filed of organized_edge_detector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use Eigen::Quaternionf::setFromTwoVectors to align box on plane
- change reversed imu plane direction
- Merge pull request #728 from YuOhara/add_hinted_handle_estimator Add hinted handle estimator
- add comments
- add_debug_visualizer
- add hinted_handle_estimator
- fix missing include def
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Optimized HintedStickFinder
1. Use input pointcloud with normal not to run normal estimation in
- Add ~not_synchronize parameter to keep processing without more hint
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Move documentation about pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch from index.rst to README.md. And deprecate sphinx documentation.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Wait for next new image in shutter callback in IntermittentImageAnnotator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Deprecate several nodelets
- Merge pull request #717 from YuOhara/remove_bags_in_libname remove bag in libname
- Merge pull request #711 from YuOhara/add_mask_image_indices_concatator Add mask image indices concatator
- reversed plane direction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Return true in clear callback of IntermittentImageAnnotator
- add imu_orientated_plane_rejector
- remove bag in libname
- renamed file name
- rename mask_image_cluster_indices_concatenator to mask_image_cluster_filter
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into add_mask_image_indices_concatator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Compile without optimization on travis
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add launch file for torus finder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Separate moveit filter into libjsk_pcl_ros_moveit
- add topic to sync timestamp
- changed sample_launch for concat indices
- add indices concatenator_node with mask
- renamed node
- add imu_orientated plane detector and launch for icp-use
- [jsk_pcl_ros] changed miss params and comment in data_names out of git
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add debug printing for tiem stamp confusing problem of resize_point_cloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix advertise type for template pointcloud: geometry_msgs/PoseStamped -> sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix torus direciton to orient to sensor origin
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix detected stick direction always directs to -y upper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add PointCloudToClusterPointIndices nodelet
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish PointXYZRGBNormal pointcloud from NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- [jsk_pcl_ros] torus should directs to origin always in TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Separate output library into 3 libraries in order to reduce memory usage of linking
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix README.md
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and geometry_msgs/PointStamped from CentroidPublisher
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix coding style of CentroidPublisher
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support spherical projection model in BorderEstimator
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into range-image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support laser model in BorderEstimator and update document
- depth_calibration tutorial with link markup
- add depth calibration tutorial
- add depth calibration tutorial
- Merge pull request #687 from garaemon/cached-particle-filter [jsk_pcl_ros] Cache result o nearest-negihbor search
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Cache result o nearest-negihbor search
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into 2d-reject
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check direction of detected stick and hint line in 2-D image coordinate
- Fix license: WillowGarage -> JSK Lab
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yuto Inagaki, JSK Lab Member, Yu Ohara, Xiangyu Chen
0.2.3 (2015-02-02)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~min_inliers and ~cylinder_fitting_trial parameter to try cylinder fitting severeal times in HintedStickFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Implement utility function to generate cylinder marker from cylinder object
- [jsk_pcl_ros] FIx mis-publishing of coefficients of HintedStickFInder
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception] Move mask image operation to jsk_perception
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish inliers and coefficients from HintedStickFinder
- Remove rosbuild files
- [jsk_perception] Add DilateMaskImage
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.2.2 (2015-01-30)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add HintedStickFinder to detect stick with human interfaction
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada
0.2.1 (2015-01-30)
- Merge pull request #672 from k-okada/add_image_view2 add image_view2
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add jsk_recognition_msgs to catkin_package:DEPEND
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add HintedStickFinder to detect stick with human interfaction
0.2.0 (2015-01-29)
0.1.34 (2015-01-29)
- support both yaml 0.3.0(hydro) and yaml 0.5.0(indigo)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fixed serious bug to detect points near from polygon
- use this to call methods, I need this to compile on indigo, but not sure if this really works, please check if this is correct \@YuOhara, \@garaemon
- depending on cv_bridge is recommended, see http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Migration#OpenCV
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update document and python script to use jsk_recognition_msgs
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix document indent and add image of HSIColorFilter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add documentation about RGBColorFilter and HSVColorFilter
- Fix unchanged path to message header
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix header location of find_object_on_plane.h
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception] Move find_object_on_plane from jsk_perception to jsk_pcl_ros to make these packages independent
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception] Use jsk_recognition_msgs
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception, resized_image_transport] Do not include jsk_topic_tools/nodelet.cmake because it is exported by CFG_EXTRAS
- merge master
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add image of TiltLaserListener to document
- add options for align box and change base_frame_id
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add ~not_publish_tf parameter to ParticleFilterTracking
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Refactor ParticleFilterTracking
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Optimize ReversedParticleFilter by not updating octree per each calculation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add reversed mode for ParticleFilterTracking and add sample to localize robot by tilt laser
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix documentation
- Update picture of OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- Fix indent
- Fix AddColorFromImage picture
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update ParticleFilterTracking document
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Increase initial number of particles to avoid SEGV
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada, JSK Lab Member
0.1.33 (2015-01-24)
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add magnify parameter to MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Added several flags to toggle filtering in HintedPlaneDetector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Update min-max value of min_height and max_height of MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish indices from MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Catch tf2::ExtrapolationException error in normal direction filter
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add euclidean segmentation to hinted plane detector sample
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Close convex region
- [jsk_pcl_ros, jsk_perception] Fix CmakeList for catkin build. Check jsk_topic_tools_SOURCE_PREFIX
- update params for tracking
- [jsk_pcl_ros] AddPointIndices
- [jsk_pcl_ros]change border_estimator to publish indices instread of pointcloud
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Refactor HintedPlaneDetector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add density filtering to HintedPlaneDetector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Supress warning message from OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add ~overwrap_angle parameter to TiltLaserListener
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add nodelet to convert geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped into mask image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Initialize centroid value
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Check if a point is nan in ROIClipper
- [jsk_perception] Update HintedPlaneDetector with better algorithm.
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Supress warning message from NormalConcatenator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix timestamp of pointcloud of TiltLaserListener and do not publish same pointcloud twice by TiltLaserListener
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add ROIToMaskImage and ROIToRect
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add RectToMaskImage and MaskImageFilter to filter non-organized pointcloud by mask image
- standize codes around brackets
- clean codes in particle_filter_tracking
- add frame_id_decision
- [jsk_pcl_ros] implement mask image converters: MaskImageToROI and MaskImageToRect
- add tracking option that initialize first pose with BBox
- adding comments to pointcloud_screenpoint.launch and relatives
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add TorusFinder
- [jsk_pcl_ros] update document about ROIClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix ROIClipper and RectToROI to work
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not take nested lock of mutex in roi_cipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support pointcloud filtering by ROI in ROIClipper and add converter from rectangle region into ROI
- [jsk_pcl_ros] nodelet to add color to pointcloud from image
- [jsk_pcl_ros] nodelet to add color to pointcloud from image
- add none result publisher when reference is empty
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish pose of matched template in LINEMOD
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Hiroaki Yaguchi, JSK Lab Member, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.32 (2015-01-12)
- add Torus.msg and TorusArrray.msg
- [jsk_pcl_ros, checkerboard_detector] Fix offset from checker board
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use pcl::LINEMOD in LINEMODDetector for memory efficiency
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use linemod class when training linemod template
- [jsk_pcl_ros] tune parameter of multi plane based object detection using spindle laser
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.31 (2015-01-08)
- Merge pull request #563 from garaemon/no-indices-for-multi-plane-extraction [jsk_pcl_ros] Parameter to disable indices in MultiPlaneExtraction
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not use indices in MultiPlaneExtraction
- Merge pull request #562 from garaemon/add-plane-concatenator [jsk_pcl_ros] PlaneConcatenator: nodelet to concatenate near planes
- [jsk_pcl_ros] PlaneConcatenator: nodelet to concatenate near planes
- Merge pull request #561 from garaemon/add-clear-cache-service [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~clear_cache service to TiltLaserListener
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~clear_cache service to restart collecting laser data in TiltLaserListener
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support multiple interest region in AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Support initial pose of AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros/LINEMODTrainer] Use wildcard in compressing data to generate ltm
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Multithread safe LINEMODTrainer by avoiding pcl::RangeImage non-thread safe initialization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Do not publish range image (It's not stable under OpenMP) and use directory rather than filename when calling tar
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Train linemod with OpenMP and publish range image with color
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Utility launch file and scripts to training LINEMOD from bag file
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add image for LINEMODTrainer documentation
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Decrease memory usage when training LINEMOD
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Sampling viewpoint to generate training data for LINEMOD
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Remove linemod rotation quantization
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Use triangle decomposition to check a point is inside or not of polygon
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add picture of LINEMODDetector
- [jsk_pcl_ros] SupervoxelSegmentation: new nodelet to wrap pcl::SupervoxelClustering
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Refine Model by ICP in IncrementalModelRegistration
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add simple icp service to ICPRegistration
- [jsk_pcl_ros] add utility launch file to capture training data from multisense
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Publish the number of samples from CaptureStereoSynchronizer
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix when ROI is outside of the image in AttentionClipper
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Fix when ROI is outside of the image in AttentionClipper
- Merge pull request #532 from garaemon/add-mask-image-to-point-indices [jsk_pcl_ros] Add MaskImageToPointIndices
- Merge pull request #531 from garaemon/add-incremental-pointcloud-registration [jsk_pcl_ros] IncrementalModelRegistration Add new nodelet to build full 3d model from sequentially captured pointcloud
- fix to compile on indigo #529
- [jsk_pcl_ros] MaskImageToPointIndices: add nodelet to convert mask image to point indices
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add new nodelet to build full 3d model from sequentially captured pointcloud: IncrementalModelRegistration
- [jsk_pcl_ros] untabify icp_registration_nodelet.cpp
- [jsk_pcl_ros] update document of IntermittentImageAnnotator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Storing pointcloud and publish pointcloud inside of ROI specified
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Visualize selected ROI as marker in IntermittentImageAnnotator
- [jsk_pcl_ros] Add ~rate parameter to throttle image publishing from IntermittentImageAnnotator
- add camera frame param to handle_estimator.l
0.1.30 (2014-12-24)
- Publish specified ROI as PosedCameraInfo in IntermittentImageAnnotator
- Use TfListenerSingleton to get instance of tf::TransformListener
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.29 (2014-12-24)
- Add document about IntermittentImageAnnotator
- [LINEMODDetector] Do not use small templates
- [CaptureStereoSynchronizer] Does not capture near samples
- Add IntermittentImageAnnotator to select ROI out of several snapshots
- [LINEMODDetector] Use glob to specify template files for linemod
- [LINEMODTrainer] Simulate samples rotating around z-axis
- Add projective ICP registration
- Write PCD file as binary compressed in LINEMODTrainer
- Load linemod training data from pcd and sqmmt files and use OpenMP to speed-up it
- Synchronize reference pointcloud and input pointcloud in icp registration to refine result of other recognition
- LINEMODDetector: add documentation and load template after setting parameters and publish the result of recognition as pointcloud
- Add LINEMODDetector and implement LINEMODTrainer and LINEMODDetector in one linemod_nodelet.cpp
- fix transform mistake
- Fix linemod template format. lmt is just a tar file of pcd and sqmm files
- rotate pose of box acoording to looking direction
- Add launch file to reconstruct 3d pointcloud from captured by CaptureStereoSynchronizer
- Add nodelet to train linemod
- Move multisense specific lines from capture.launch to capture_multisense_training_data.launch
- Added new nodelet to capture training data of stereo camera to jsk_pcl_ros and update launch files to capture training data of multisense
- Add new nodelet to generate mask image from PointIndices
- Clip Pointcloud and publish the indices inside of a box in AttentionClipper
- Added topic interface to specify the region by jsk_pcl_ros::BoundingBox
- add parameter to choose keeping organized
- Add utility launch file to resize pointcloud and fix initial value of use_indices in resize_points_publisher_nodelet.cpp
- Support pointclouds include nan in EuclideanClustering
- Remove diagnostic_nodelet.{cpp,h} and connection_based_nodelet.{cpp,h} of jsk_pcl_ros and use them of jsk_topic_tools
- Use jsk_topic_tools::ConnectionBasedNodelet in DepthImageError, EdgeDepthReginement, EdgebasedCubeFinder, EuclideanClusterExtraction and GridSampler
- add parameter
- print handle estimation
- use handle_estimator.l instead of nodelet version
- add euslisp handle estimator
- handle_estimator : change condition or to and
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta, Chi Wun Au, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.28 (2014-12-17)
- Publish attention region mask from AttentionClipper
- Add new nodelets: ROIClipper and AttentionClipper to control attention and ROI
- fix hsi_color_filter.launch bug
- Change default value of publish_tf and publish_clouds of ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
0.1.27 (2014-12-09)
- Add GDB argument to toggle xterm gdb hack
- changed default parametar for pub_tf false
- added args in launch not pub tf by cluster_decomposer
- Enable to create several hsi filters
- fixed bug in icp
- add param to set angle-divide-param for organized multi plange
- Fix coding style of DepthImageCreator:
- remove hard tabs
- add bsd header
- Use jsk_topic_tool's ConnectionBasedNodelet in DepthImageCreator
- Add example euslisp code for displaying BoundingBoxArray
- Fix typo in rgb filter comments
- changed some topics in icp always subscribe without subscribe method defined in connection_based_nodelet
- changet pointcloud_screen_point not to use jsconnection_based_nodelet
- Use jsk_topic_tools::ConnectionBasedNodelet in BilateralFilter, BorderEstimator, BoundingBoxFilter and so on
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Shunichi Nozawa, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.26 (2014-11-23)
- Install launch directory
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.25 (2014-11-21)
- Add singleton class for tf::TransformListener
- python_sklearn -> python-sklearn, see https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/blob/master/rosdep/python.yaml#L1264
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into add-more-parameter-for-calibration Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/launch/openni2_remote.launch
- Add uv_scale parameter to depth_calibration.cpp and update openni2_remote.launch to specify more parameter.
0.1.24 (2014-11-15)
- Add default calibration file for openni2_remote.launch
- remove unneeded nodelet part change param
- added launch that calc plane with pr2_laser
- Fix polygon projection and confirm that snapit works
- Fix MultiPlaneExtraction initialization
- Update SnapIt to use topic interface and reimplement it only for snap on polygon
- Fix segv in collision checking
- Fix OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation indexing
- Update diagnostics aggregator settings for footstep_recognition
- Fix diagnostic information when there is no subscriber
- Suppress message from EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Add document about MultiPlaneExtraction
- Check the pointer is correctly set to avoid SEGV
- Add normal direction filter based on Imu direction
- Update OrganizedMultiPlaneDetection documentation
- Add new nodelet: region growing based multiple plane detection
- use this->erase
- Add imu hint when running MultiPlaneSACSegmentation
- Add short documentation about OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- Update document about CentroidPublisher
- Add documentation about jsk_pcl/ClusterPointIndicesDecomposerZAxis
- Add moveit plugin to just filter pointcloud which belongs to robot
- Add nodelet to handle time range of rotating laser
- removed passthrough filter
- rename file name from error_visualize to pr2_pointcloud_error_visualizatoin
- Support cluster information in MultiplePlaneSACSegmentation and remove plane estimation from LineSegmentCollector
- restored codes slightly
- added icp_result_msgs and srvs
- change launch file path
- add launch files for visualizing calibration error
- Add nodelet to handle time range of rotating laser
- Fix Polygon::decomposeToTriangles if the original polygon is already a triangle
- Remove single_nodelet_exec.cpp.in
- Add documentation about ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add image to documentation of EuclideanClustering
- Add documentation about EuclideanSegmentation
- Add documentation about DepthImageCreator
- Add documentation about PointcloudScreenpoint
- Support specifying yaml file to calibrate depth image on openni2_remote.launch
- Format calibration model on DepthCalibration
- For precision requirement, use repr function when generating yaml file for depth image calibration
- Support quadratic model for u and v to calibrate depth image:
- Support quadratic-uv-quadratic and quadratic-uv-quadratic-abs model
- use SetDepthCalibrationParameter.srv to specify depth calibration parameter
- Downsize frequency map resolution and add --width and --height option to depth_error_calibration.py
- Update depth calibration program.
- Fix checkerboard_detector to publish correct corner point
- Calibrate depth_image rather than PointCloud
- Use matplotlib animation to visualize graph in depth_error_calibration.py
- support new model to calibrate kinect like sensor, which use absolute value respected to center coordinate of projectoin matrix
- Support quadratic-uv-abs model
- Add service file: DepthCalibrationParameter
- Add nodelet to apply calibration parameter to pointcloud. and add new model to calibrate: quadratic-uv
- Support quadratic function fitting in depth_error_calibration.py
- Add python script to calibrate depth error of depth sensors
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into add-document-about-resize-points Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/README.md
- Add script to run logistic regression for depth error
- Add documentation about ResizePointCloud
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into remove-color-category20-from-jsk-pcl-ros Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/include/jsk_pcl_ros/pcl_util.h
- Remove colorCategory20 from jsk_pcl_ros and use jsk_topic_tools' colorCategory20
- Fix syntax of README.md of jsk_pcl_ros
- Add documentation about ResizePointCloud
- Add documentation about typical messages defined in jsk_pcl_ros
- Extract multi planes out of collected segmented lines from laserrange finder
- add new nodelet: LienSegmentCollector
- Add LineSegmentDetector for LRF pointcloud
- Use dynamic reconfigure to specify several parameters for ParticleFilterTracking
- Support contiuous model building on EnvironmentPlaneModeling and add a launch file for footstep planning recogniton
- Add utitlity service interface to register completed maps
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki, JSK applications, Chi Wun Au, Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara
0.1.23 (2014-10-09)
- Use pcl::EarClip to decompose polygon into triangles
- Complete gridmap with statically defined polygon
- Install nodelet executables
- Use jsk_topic_tools::readVectorParameter in ParticleFilterTracking
- Add BilateralFilter
- Decrease size of grid map to add 'padding'
- Add service to clear grid maps
- Add min-max threshold to filter polygons based on area on OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- EnvironmentPlaneModeling support building grid map without static polygon information
- delete models
- Fix env_server's mis posing of origin
- Force for planes to direct sensor origin in organized multi segmentation
- Support PointcloudDatabaseServer when running ICPRegistration
- Add PointCloudDatabaseServer
- Fix keypoints publisher compilation
- Subscribe topics as needed for almost all the nodelets
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for DelayPointCloud not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for ColorizeDistanceFromPlane not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for DelayPointcloud not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for ColorizeDistanceFromPlane not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for ColorHistogramMatcher not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for BoundingBoxFilter not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Use ConnectionBasedNodelet for ResizePointsPublisher not to subscribe topics if the nodelet's publishers are not subscribed
- Do not subscribe until any publish is subscribed on ColorFIlter and BorderEstimator
- Do not subscribe until any publisher is subscribed on ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer and add utlity class to handle connection
- Fix JointStateStaticFilter to use absolute diff when calculating time difference and add JointStateStaticFilter to organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch if JOINT_STATIC_FILTER:=true
- Use refined plane information in recognition pipeline
- Add pr2_navigation_self_filter to organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- Publish result of ICP as geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
- Add pcd model files for registration sample
- Considering flipped initial pose on ICP registration
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into use-boundingbox-information-to-compute-origin-of-icp-pointcloud Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- Add new nodelet to transform pointcloud to make its origin equal to the pose of boundingbox and use bounding box information when running ICP
- Merge pull request #307 from garaemon/joint-state-static-pointcloud-filter JointStateStaticFilter
- Add Generalized ICP algorithm
- read voxel grid donwsample manager parameter
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into garaemon-joint-state-static-pointcloud-filter Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt jsk_pcl_ros/catkin.cmake jsk_pcl_ros/jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- Add new nodelet to pass pointcloud only if joint states is stable
- Support dynamic_reconfigure of ICPRegistration
- add new nodelet to align two pointcloud based on ICP algorithm
- Fix for plane segmentation results into only one plane
- Add new nodelet 'PlaneReasoner' to segment wall/ground
- Resize pointcloud and images in openni_remote.launch
- Fix topic relaying of openni_remote for openni_launch on hydro
- Add new nodelet to filter organized pointcloud based on x-y index rather than 3-D position value.
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.22 (2014-09-24)
0.1.21 (2014-09-20)
- Add utility methods for 2-D geometry
- Add new nodelet to filter bounding box array
- Check align axis before aligning boundingbox in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add diagnostic information to EuclideanClusteringExtraction
- Add diagnostic information to MultiPlaneExtraction
- Add processing frame id information to PlaneRejector's diagnostic
- Add diagnostic information to ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- Add diagnostics to PlaneRejector
- Add more diagnostics to OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation and fix global hook for ConvexHull
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.20 (2014-09-17)
- Not use inliers to colorize pointcloud based on distance from planes
- Add check to be able to make convex or not on ColorizeDistanceFromPlane and OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- add ~use_normal to use noraml to segment multi planes
- add new nodelet to segment multiple planese by applying RANSAC recursively
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.19 (2014-09-15)
0.1.18 (2014-09-13)
- Subscribe PolygonArray message to build ConvexPolygon in ColorizeDistanceFromPlane
- Introduce global mutex for quick hull
- Fix coloring bug and add ~only_projectable parameter to visualize the points only if they can be projected on the convex region
- Add use_laser_pipeline argument to laserscan_registration.launch to toggle include laser_pileline.launch of jsk_tilt_laser or not Add new utility for diagnostics: addDiagnosticInformation
- Supress output from resize_points_publisher
- ROS_INFO -> NODELET_DEBUG in VoxelGridDownsampleManager
- New utilify functoin for diagnostic: addDiagnosticInformation. It's a simple function to add jsk_topic_tools::TimeAccumulator to diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper.
- Colorize pointcloud according to the distance from nearest plane
- Use template functions to convert tiny type conversions
- Refine the result of connecting small multi planes in OrganizedMultiplaneSegmentation
- add hsv coherence to particle_fitler_tracker
- change color_histogram showing methods with reconfigure
- visualize color_histogram coefficience
- add new nodelet: EdgebasedCubeFinder
- use colorCategory20 function to colorize pointcloud in ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- visualizing connection of planes with lines in OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- use rosparam_utils of jsk_topic_tools in StaticPolygonArrayPublisher
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Wesley Chan, Yu Ohara
0.1.17 (2014-09-07)
- add laser_registration.launch
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.16 (2014-09-04)
- bugfix: add depth_image_creator to jsk_pcl_nodelet on catkin.cmake
- a launch file for stereo camera using pointgrey
- Publish ModelCoefficients from EdgeDepthRefinement
- Add new nodelet to detect parallel edge
- Remove duplicated edges according to the line coefficients in EdgeDepthRefinement
- do not use EIGEN_ALIGNED_NEW_OPERATOR and use onInit super method on PointcloudScreenpoint
- Remove several unused headers from ParticleFilterTracking
- not compile OrganizedEdgeDetector on groovy
- add a new nodelet to refine edges based on depth connectivity
- Detect straight edges from organized pointcloud
- toggle edge feature by rqt_reqoncifugre in OrganizedEdgeDetector
- add new nodelet: OrganizedEdgeDetector, which is only available with latest PCL
- Do not include header of cloud viewer in region_growing_segmentation.h
- Add more diagnostic information to OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- downsample rgb as well as pointcloud in openni2_remote.launch
- add new nodelet: BorderEstimator
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yuki Furuta
0.1.14 (2014-08-01)
- add bounging box movement msg
- Contributors: Yusuke Furuta
0.1.13 (2014-07-29)
- add include of pcl_util.h to OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- use jsk_topic_tools::TimeAccumulator instead of jsk_pcl_ros::TimeAccumulator in jsk_pcl_ros
- new class to check connectivity; VitalChecker
- fixing the usage of boost::mutex::scoped_lock
- use Eigen::Vector3f as a default type in geo_util classes
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.12 (2014-07-24)
- Merge pull request #210 from aginika/add-remove-nan-funtion-line Add remove nan funtion line
- prevent nan pointcloud error with inserting removeNan function in ParticleFilterTracking
- fix environment modeling and changed api to lock/unlock environment
- remove border region from environment model
- publish diagnostic information from OrganizedMultiPlaneSementation
- take the average of plane coefficients to be combined in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- wait transform before transforming in PolygonArrayTransformer
- convert convex line information into grid cell before computing grid cell
- fix normalization of the normal when creating Polygon object
- catch more exceptions in TfTransformPointCloud nodelet
- Supress debug message from ColorHistogramMatcher
- fill x-y-z field to publish correct pose of the pointcloud from ColorHistogramMatcher
- publish the pose of the best matched candidate in ColorHistogramMatcher
- publish selected handle pose
- publish u, v, true_depth and observed_depth
- fix the order of Mat::at
- add two nodelets (DelayPointCloud and DepthImageError) to
jsk_pcl_ros and publish u/v coordinates of the checkerboard from
- DepthImageError is just a skelton yet.
- DelayPointCloud re-publishes pointcloud with specified delay time.
- publish u/v coordinates from checkerboard_detector.
- frame_id broadcasted from objectdetection_tf_publisher.py is configurable
- copy the header of the input cloud to the output cloud in SelectedClusterPublisher
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Yusuke Furuta, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.11 (2014-07-08)
0.1.10 (2014-07-07)
- compute distance based on Polygon-to-ConvexCentroid in order to identify the grid maps
- remove debug code in PolygonArrayTransformer
- use Plane class to compute transformation of coefficients
- statical voting and rejection to the grid map to remove unstable recognition result
- support appending of GridMap in time series in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- measure time to compute polygon collision in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- add a nodelet to concatenate PolygonStamped
- publish polygon synchronized with ~trigger message
- new utility class to measure time
- change default camera name
- build and publish grid map always on EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- add launch file for openni
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta
0.1.9 (2014-07-01)
- publish the result of grid modeling as SparseOccupancyGridArray
- compute segmented cloud's distance to polygon based on convex polygon assumption
- add new parameter to dynamic_reconfigure of EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
0.1.8 (2014-06-29)
- add min_indices parameter to ignore the grid which does not include enough points.
- add throttle for bounding box visualization in organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch. Because it may be too fast to see...
- add ~publish_tf=false to several nodelets in organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- fix typo of launch file
- run ColorHistogramMatcher with GridSampler
- implement GridSampler
- find object based on hsv color histogram of the pointcloud
- implement simple handle detector to grasp
- refactor cluster decomposer class run PCA to compute orientation of bounding box
- run PCA to compute bouding box
- fix segmentation fault
- estimate occlusion in EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- fix several bags for plane-based environment modeling
- fix the header of the output of the estimation of occlusion
- do not compute transformation if no points are available
- does not publish pointclouds if transformation failed
- merge remote branch origin/master
- fulfill occluded reagion with pointcloud by OccludedPlaneEstimator
- debug and substitute stamp value to header/stamp add cloth classification sample
- only make will be executed on hydro
- fix typo: oclusoin -> occlusion
- add new nodelet: EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- use pcl::PointXYZRGB rather than pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal
- add normal estimation to organized multi plane segmentation
- d varaible of the normal should be transformed correctly by PolygonArrayTransfomer. fix transformation compuation to normalize d parameter
- add depent tag to ml_classifiers
- add more rosparameters to ParticleFilterTracking
- add MACHINE and GDB argument
- add program to compute color histogram (rgb and hsv color space)
- add cloth classification sample
- change the namespace of the topics to use tracking.launch from the other launch files
- add OcludedPlaneEstimator nodelet to estimate the ocluded planes
- new nodelet to transform PolygonArray and ModelCoefficientsArray
- add nodelet to publish static jsk_pcl_ros/PolygonArray with timestamp synchronized with the pointclouds
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta, Masaki Murooka, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.7 (2014-05-31)
- new nodelet to reject the plane which does not satisfy the threshold about normal direction
- simplyfy tracking and add update with msg function
0.1.6 (2014-05-30)
0.1.5 (2014-05-29)
- add new nodelet to publish the points of the cluster selected by jsk_pcl_ros/Int32Stamped. this nodelet is supposed to be used with jsk_interactive_marker/bounding_box_marker
- align the boxes to the nearest plane
- add new parameter publish_clouds to ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer to disable publishing decomposed pointclouds
- add new message: BoundingBox and BoundingBoxArray and publish BoundingBoxArray from ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- use enum to select estimation method of NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- add launch and rviz file for subway bagfiles
- remove IndiceArray.msg, which are not used any more
- publish empty result if segmentation failed
- update the default parameters
- use PointXYZRGBNormal rather than PointXYZ nor Normal to speed up pointcloud conversion between ROS <-> PCL
- for realtime organized multi plane segmentation, add optimization flag
- add curvature veature
- comment in again and remove centroid publisher
- fix conflicts
- fix the size of the AABB published from ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- update launch file for OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentatoin. introduce several arguments. add several HzMeasure to measure the speed of the processing
- add new nodelet: NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- add new nodelet: NormalEstimationIntegralImage
- add dynamic reconfigure to MultiPlaneExtraction
- commnet out hsv-limit and remove centroid publisher
- use ExtractPolygonalPrismData class to extract the pointcloud ON the planes
- add new class: MultiPlaneExtraction to extract the points which does not belong to the planes. However it's not so stable and efficient now
- publish the result of the clustring as polygon with convex hull reconstruction. and publish the result of the plane estimation as ModelCoefficientsArray.
- implement connectiong of the planes segmented by organized multi planse segmentation
- output the segmentation as PolygonArray as the result of OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- delete unneeded files
- rearrange many launch files , rviz files and add sample for rosbags
- add argument for camera_info url
- fix for groovy
- does not compile region growing segmentation on groovy
- publish colorized points from cluster point indices decomposer
- does not compile on groovy
- does not compile region growing segmentation on groovy
- implement OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation
- add new nodelet: RegionGrowingSegmentation based on pcl::RegionGrowingSegmentation class
- add pcl_ros/NormalConcatenater nodelet. it retrieves PointXYZRGB from ~input and Normal from ~normal and concatenate them into ~output as PointXYZRGBNormal
- update index.rst
- delete wrong commited files
- update README and arrage some launch files directory
- fix for groovy
- use pclpointcloud2
- add sample_610_clothes.launch
- remove the sample launch files for non-used color converter and color filter
- rename rgb_color_filter.cpp and rgb_color_filter.h to rgb color_filter.cpp and color_filter.h.
- use the lines rather than cube to visualize bounding box
- add hsi_color_filter executable
- implement resize_points_publisher w/o filter class. remove nonused files such as color_filter, color_converter and so on.
- add marker to display the result of the clustering as bounding boxes
- publishes tf frames to the center of the clusters
- add euclidean clustering, decomposer and zfilter
- add filter.cpp to jsk_pcl_ros on rosbuild. because resize points publisher requires it. this is a hotfix, so I will re-implement that nodelet w/o filter.cpp
- support groovy and pcl 1.6
- compile cluster_point_indices_decomposer and cluster_point_indices_decomposer_z_axis on catkin
- compile euclidean_cluster_extraction_nodelet.cpp on catkin
- add add HSI Color filter
- rgb_color_filter.launch: add comment and launch centroid_publisher as default
- catch tf exception
- remove redundant declaration of TransformBroadcaster
- remove redundant declaration of TransformBroadcaster
- update README and add centroid related files
- do not run dynamic reconfigure callback and topic callback symultenously
- support ~indices topic to specify indices vector of the points and refactor codes
- re-implement RGBColorFilter as simpler class
- add centroid_publisher to catkin
- add tracking rviz config
- delete unneeded line in tf_transfomr_cloud.launch
- add tf transform cloud launch and rviz
- add octree_change_detector.launch
- add group tag to create local scope to remap several topics in openni2.launch
- To update README, add explanation to tracking , octree and tf cloud
- relaying camera_info under camera_remote namespace
- add tf transform nodelet
- make paritcal_filter_tracking_nodelet publish tracked object tf trasnformation
- add two launch files to run openni on remote machine
- add octree_change_detector
- Contributors: Ryo Terasawa, Chan Wesley, Shunichi Nozawa, Yuto Inagaki, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yusuke Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.4 (2014-04-25)
- fixed compile error jsk_pcl_ros
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.3 (2014-04-12)
- add depends to visualization_msgs
- delete lines for refactoring the tracking
- add RGB color
- fill point_cloud field
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki
0.1.2 (2014-04-11)
- use find_moduel to check catkin/rosbuild to pass git-buildpackage
- Contributors: Kei Okada
- add CallPolygon.srv for jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_smart_apps#17
- Contributors: Yuto Inagaki
0.1.1 (2014-04-10)
- add depend_tag for pcl_conversions and not needed tags delete not needed tags
- #31: catch runtime error in order to ignore error from tf and so on
- #31: use SlicedPointCloud in VoxelGridDownsampleDecoder and use NODELET** macros instead of ROS** macros
- #31: use SlicedPointCloud in VoxelGridDownsampleManager
- #31: add new message for VoxelGrid{Manager,Decoder}: SlicedPointCloud.msg
- replacing image_rotate namespace with jsk_pcl_ros because of porting
- fix package name of dynamic reconfigure setting file
- use TF2_ROS_VERSION instead of ROS_MINIMUM_VERSION macro
- use tf2::BufferClient on groovy
- add cfg file for image_rotate dynamic reconfigure
- porting image_rotate_nodelet from image_pipeline garamon's fork. this version of image_rotate supports tf2 and nodelet.
- add rosdepend to prevent pointcloud_screenpoint_nodelet error
- use jsk nodelet mux for pcl roi
- add arg to set nodelet manager name
- use the same nodelet manager as openni
- #20: implement PointCloudThrottle and ImageMUX, ImageDEMUX and ImageThrotle
- add sensor_msgs dependency to message generation
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/garaemon/add-message-dependency-to-jsk-pcl-ros' into garaemon-avoid-roseus-catkin-bug Conflicts: jsk_pcl_ros/catkin.cmake
- change the location of generate_messages and catkin_package of jsk_pcl_ros
- add sensor_msgs depdendency to jsk_pcl_ros's message generation
- #8: remove delay pointcloud nodelet
- #15: remove unused comment
- #15: remove unused cpp source codes, now they are automatically generated from single_nodelet_exec.cpp.in
- #15: automatically generate the single nodelet programs on rosbuild
- #15: rename resize_points_publisher to resize_points_publisher_nodelet according to naming convention
- #15: fix endmacro syntax
- #15: automatically generate cpp codes in catkin build
- #15: add quotes to the template file
- #15: add a template file to run single nodelet
- add pcl_conversions to jsk_pcl_ros
- add eigen_conversions to jsk_pcl_ros dependency
- #11: specify package.xml by fullpath
- #11: add pcl to dependency if distro is groovy
- #11: pcl is not a catkin package
- #11: fix if sentence order
- #11: depend pcl catkin package in groovy
- listed up nodelets provided by jsk_pcl_ros
- #4: removed icp_server, it's just a sample program
- #4: remove LazyConcatenater and PointcloudFlowrate from CMakeLists.txt
- #4: remove LazyConcatenater and PointcloudFlowrate from jsk_pcl_nodelets.xml
- #4: removed LazyConcatenater and PointcloudFlowrate
- fix depend package -> rosdep name
- add keypoints publisher; first supported only nerf
- add code for using GICP if using hydro
- add PolygonArray.msg for catkin build system
- adding header
- adding more nodelet modules for catkin
- adding CallSnapIt.srv
- add tf topic name parameter
- add pcl roi launch files
- add base_frame parameter in voxel_grid_downsample
- adding special message for polygon array
- adding hinted plane detector to xml nodelet list
- enable use_point_array of screenpoint
- add include <pcl_conversions/pcl_conversions.h> for groovy
- use pcl_conversions for hydro, see http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Migration#PCL
- fix wrong commit on
- forget to commit, sorry
- add SnapItRequest to add_message_files
- adding sample for hinted plane detector
- adding HintedPlaneDetector and pointcloudScreenpoint supports converting array of 2d points into 3d
- adding HintedPlaneDetector and pointcloudScreenpoint supports converting array of 2d points into 3d
- publishing marker as recognition result
- implemented snapit for cylinder model
- adding height field
- adding cylinder parameters
- supporting cylinder model fitting
- fix for groovy with catkin
- setting axis when snap to the plane
- fixing transformation concatenation
- adding new module: SnapIt
- fix issue #268, run sed only when needed
- does not publish if the grid is empty
- change the default value
- change the default value
- adding initial ROI
- adding initial ROI
- not cahing old points
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- supporting the change of the voxel num
- not remove previous pointcloud as long as possible
- change the default value to 300
- supporting frame_id
- using tf
- adding decoder for voxel grid downsample manager
- adding message
- adding voxel grid downsample manager
- adding voxel_grid_downsample_manager
- supporting dynamic reconfigure
- adding lazy concatenater
- adding lazy concatenate sample
- adding lazy_concatenater
- debug RGBColorFilter and HSVColorFIlter for hydro
- adding pointcloud_flowrate nodelet skelton
- adding pointcloud_flowrate nodelet skelton
- compile pointcloud_flowrate executable
- executable to run pointcloud_flowrate
- tracking.launch change to tracking_hydro.launch and tracking_groovy.launch
- add load_manifest for rosbuild
- fix filtering range when min value is grater than max value
- fix filter name
- add rgb filter
- add mutex::scoped_lock in particle_filter_tracking
- debug in renew_tracking.py ROS_INFO -> rospy.loginfo
- add scripts/renew_trakcing.py launch/tracking.launch
- use SetPointCloud2
- add particle filter trackig node/nodelt with SetPointCloud2.srv
- fix pointcloud_scrennpoint.cpp to use jsk_pcl_ros -> jsk_pcl, by k-okada
- enable respawning
- add depends to pcl_msgs
- adding icp server
- adding TOWER_LOWEST2
- support both catkin/rosbuild
- update catkin makefile, add _gencpp, _gencfg
- support both catkin/rosbuild
- add_dependences to jsk_pcl_ros_gencpp
- pcl -> pcl_msgs for pcl-1.7 (hydro), but use sed to force change pcl/ namespace for groovy
- hydro migration, pcl 1.7 is independent from ros, see http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Migration
- use USE_ROSBUILD for catkin/rosbuild environment
- starting with the middle tower
- fixing typo
- fixing typo
- using positoin from /origin, instead of from robot frame id
- added code for running centroid_publishers to publish segmented point cloud centroids
- update the position parameter for the demo
- fixing the rotatio of camera
- update the index of tower, plate, using enum in srv
- adding service to move robot with just index
- update the parameter and the axis
- fix to move robot to the goal tower
- update to run with eus ik server
- resolve position of each tf
- set the quality of the mjpeg server 100
- fixing message of the modal of alert
- block the tower already having plates
- adding debug message
- adding empty function to move robot
- adding graph
- adding service type to move robot
- smaller fonts
- adding cluster num on debug layer
- adding the number of the clusters
- update
- update the message
- adding more states for hanoi-tower
- small fixes
- adding service to pickup tower
- adding text shadow
- click detection by service call
- cenrerize button
- adding help modal
- track the window size
- adding html to redirect to tower_detecct_viewer
- centerize the image
- centerize the image
- adding state
- introducing state machine
- detecting clicked cluster
- using tower_detect_viewer_server
- providing a class
- adding some web related files
- using filled flag
- update params for lab room
- specifying tf_timeout of image_view2
- not subscribing topic to refer timestamp
- fixing header timestamp
- using some topic to refer timestamp
- supporting marker id
- update
- update topic to use image_view2's image
- fixing draw_3d_circle
- add script to draw circle on image_view2
- using location.hostname for the IP address
- adding www directory for tower_detect brawser viewer
- adding a launch file to launch mjpeg_server
- adding CentroidPublisher
- empty CentroidPublisher class
- implementing z axis sorting
- more effective implementation
- more information about resetting tracking
- fixing registration parameter
- adding nodelet skelton cpp
- adding cluster_point_indices_decomposer_z_axis.cpp
- adding sortIndicesOrder as preparation to customize ordering technique
- adding new nodelet ClusterPointIndicesDecomposer
- adding more methods
- adding skelton class to decompose ClusterPointIndices
- adding license declaration
- adding launch file to examin euclidean segmentation
- fixing label tracking
- refactoring
- refactoring
- refactoring
- supporting label_tracking_tolerance
- refactoring
- implementing labeling tracking
- calculate distance matrix
- adding one more color
- refactoring
- fixing compilation warning
- calculate centroids at the first frame
- fixing indentation
- using static colors to colorize clustered pointclouds
- removing noisy output
- removing invalid comments
- supporting dynamic reconfigure for euclidean clustering
- fixing rotation
- adding /origin and /table_center
- adding two lanch files
- adding top level launch
- openni.launch with depth_registered=true
- fix missing dependancy
- update hsv_color_filter.launch
- add USE_REGISTERER_DEPTH argument to pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
- remove env-loader (localhost do not need env-loader)
- update parameter use_point false -> true
- add same parameters to not USE_VIEW
- fix strequal ROS_DISTRO env
- use ROS_Distributions instead of ROS_DISTRO for electric
- fix for electric
- add USE_SYNC parameter to pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
- update pointcloud_screnpoint.launch
- merged image_view2/points_rectangle_extractor.cpp to pointcloud_screenpoint
- add EuclideanClustering [#119]
- copy pcl_ros/filters/filter to jsk_pcl_ros directory due to https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/9, [#119]
- add catkin.cmake, package.xml for groovy, remove nodelt depends on pcl_ros::Filter https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/9
- fix description comment
- remove cv_bridge
- add sample code for using
- add lisp code for using pointcloud in roseus
- use tf::Quaternion instead of btQuaternion
- comment out pcl_ros/features/features.cpp
- libtbb -> tbb , see rosdep/base.yaml
- change rodep name:libtbb to tbb
- update index.rst,conf.py by Jenkins
- fix: high load of screenpoint
- fix: change dynamic config
- fix: variable range of hue
- delete obsolated files
- rewrite color_filter and color_filter_nodelet for PCL 1.5 and later
- update sample for color_filter
- update index.rst,conf.py by Jenkins
- changed arg setting for launch from pr2.launch using mux
- update index.rst,conf.py by Jenkins
- fix: for using pcl_ros/feature class
- changed kinect's name from camera to openni
- fix: depth_image_creator added to nodelet
- use machine tag with env-loader
- comment out old pcl modules
- remove machine tag, which is not used
- fix for compiling fuerte and electric
- fix row_step and is_dense variables for resized point cloud
- added service of switching topic for depth_image_creator
- update index.rst,conf.py by Jenkins
- outout launchdoc-generator to build directry to avoid svn confrict
- remove jskpointcloud dependency from jsk_pcl_ros
- copy depth_image_creator from unreleased
- add jsk_pcl_ros (copy from unreleased repository)
- Contributors: Haseru Chen, Youhei Kakiuchi, Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki, Chen Wesley, Kazuto Murase, Ryohei Ueda
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- sample/sample_colorize_map_random_forest.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_heightmap_converter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_bilateral_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_region_growing_segmentation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_linemod_trainer.launch
- gui [default: true]
- output_path [default: $(env HOME)/.ros/jsk_pcl_ros_sample_linemod_template]
- sample/tf_transform_cloud.launch
- manager [default: /camera_nodelet_manager]
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- sample/sample_moving_least_square_smoothing.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_calculate_polygon_from_imu.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_nearest_distance.launch
- sample/sample_octomap_server_contact_pr2.launch
- use_gui [default: true] — argument to launch rviz
- sample/sample_snapit.launch
- gui [default: true]
- launch_manager [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: sample_manager]
- sample/sample_icp_registration_2d.launch
- gui [default: true]
- manager [default: icp_registration_2d_nodelet_manager]
- input_cloud [default: /kinect_head/depth_registered/points]
- reference_model [default: $(find jsk_pcl_ros)/sample/data/kettle.pcd]
- sensor_frame_id [default: head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame]
- base_frame_id [default: base_footprint]
- sample/sample_selected_cluster_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_display_bounding_box_array.launch
- sample/sample_extract_cuboid_particles_top_n.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_particle_filter_tracking.launch
- gui [default: true]
- rosbag_play_args [default: --clock --loop]
- input [default: /camera/depth/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_depth_optical_frame]
- reference_update_duration [default: 0.05]
- sample/sample_kinfu.launch
- gui [default: true]
- rosbag [default: true]
- integrate_color [default: true]
- INPUT_CAMERA_INFO [default: /camera/depth_registered/camera_info]
- INPUT_DEPTH [default: /camera/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect_raw]
- INPUT_COLOR [default: /camera/rgb/image_rect_color]
- sample/sample_hinted_handle_estimator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_add_color_from_image.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/euclidean_segmentation_sample.launch
- sample/octree_change_detector_sample.launch
- sample/sample_fuse_images.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_icp_registration.launch
- gui [default: true]
- USE_SAMPLE_DATA [default: true]
- input [default: /camera/depth/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_depth_optical_frame]
- sample/sample_organized_pass_through.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_normal_estimation_omp.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_pointcloud_localization.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_line_segment_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_publish_clicked_point_bbox.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_particle_filter_tracking_service_renew.launch
- gui [default: true]
- rosbag_play_args [default: --clock --loop]
- input [default: /camera/depth/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_depth_optical_frame]
- reference_update_duration [default: 0.05]
- sample/sample_fisheye_sphere_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_detect_graspable_poses_pcabase.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_primitive_shape_classifier.launch
- cloud_input [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- manager [default: primitive_shape_classifier_nodelet_manager]
- vital_rate [default: 0.1]
- sensor_frame_id [default: /camera_rgb_optical_frame]
- sample/sample_particle_filter_tracking_change_detection.launch
- gui [default: true]
- rosbag_play_args [default: --clock --loop]
- input [default: /camera/depth/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_depth_optical_frame]
- reference_update_duration [default: 0.05]
- sample/sample_intermittent_image_annotator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_octree_change_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_collision_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_roi_clipper.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_mask_image_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_pointcloud_database_server.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_depth_calibration.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_hinted_plane_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch
- cloud_machine [default: localhost] — point cloud processor machine
- display_machine [default: localhost] — display client machine
- base_frame [default: camera_link]
- image [default: /camera/rgb] — image namespace
- points [default: /camera/depth/points] — point cloud
- USE_VIEW [default: true] — if true, launch image_view2 on $(arg display_machine)
- USE_RVIZ [default: false] — if true, launch rviz on $(arg display_machine)
- PUBLISH_BASE_FOOTPRINT [default: false] — publish tf from base_footprint to camera
- publish_base_footprint_camera_frame [default: camera_link] — frame used for publish tf from base_footprint to camera
- cloud_machine [default: $(arg cloud_machine)]
- display_machine [default: $(arg display_machine)]
- image [default: $(arg image)]
- points [default: $(arg points)]
- USE_DEPTH_CREATER [default: false]
- USE_REGISTERED_DEPTH [default: true]
- USE_VIEW [default: $(arg USE_VIEW)]
- sample/sample_heightmap_time_accumulation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_store_pointcloud.launch
- sample/sample_environment_plane_modeling.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_supervoxel_segmentation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_drc_box.launch
- sample/sample_edge_depth_refinement.launch
- sample/sample_mask_image_cluster_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_color_histogram.launch
- use_rviz [default: true]
- input_cloud [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- sensor_frame_id [default: camera_rgb_optical_frame]
- plane_size [default: 0.6]
- vital_rate [default: 0.1]
- manager [default: color_histogram_manager]
- sample/passthrough_image.launch
- input_cloud [default: /kinect2/depth_lowres/points]
- sample/sample_dump_depth_error.launch
- gui [default: true]
- csv_path [default: $(env HOME)/.ros/jsk_pcl_ros_sample_dump_depth_error.csv]
- sample/sample_plane_time_ensync_for_recognition.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_find_object_on_plane.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_hinted_stick_finder.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_in_hand_recognition_manager.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_grid_sampler.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_organized_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- gui [default: true]
- RATE [default: 1.0]
- sample/sample_multi_plane_sac_segmentation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_color_histogram_matcher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_normal_direction_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_depth_error_calibration.launch
- gui [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: nodelet_manager]
- sample/sample_door_handle_detector.launch
- play_rosbag [default: true]
- gui [default: true]
- cloud_input [default: /camera_remote/depth_registered/points]
- base_frame_id [default: ground]
- sensor_frame_id [default: camera_rgb_optical_frame]
- min_likelihood [default: 0.3]
- door_min_height [default: 0.3]
- door_max_height [default: 2.0]
- handle_min_cluster_size [default: 15]
- vital_rate [default: 0.2]
- respawn [default: true]
- sample/sample_convex_connected_voxels.launch
- MANAGER [default: nodelet_manager]
- launch_manager [default: true]
- sample/sample_line_segment_collector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_depth_image_creator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_handle_estimator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_plane_supported_cuboid_estimator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_heightmap_morphological_filtering.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_torus_finder.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/rgb_color_filter_sample.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_capture_stereo_synchronizer.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_ppf_registration.launch
- USE_ICP [default: true]
- USE_SAMPLE_DATA [default: true]
- input [default: /camera/depth/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_depth_optical_frame]
- sample/sample_octree_voxel_grid.launch
- gui [default: true]
- USE_SAMPLE_DATA [default: true]
- sample/sample_bounding_box_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/hsi_color_filter_sample.launch
- sample/sample_plane_extraction.launch
- input_cloud [default: /multisense_local/organized_image_points2_color]
- transformed_cloud [default: transform_org_cloud/output]
- filtered_cloud [default: extract_indices/output]
- manager [default: plane_extraction_manager]
- rosbag_arg [default: $(find jsk_pcl_ros)/sample/data/plane_extraction.bag --clock --loop]
- sample/sample_incremental_model_registration.launch
- gui [default: true]
- rosbag_play_args [default: --clock --loop]
- sample/tabletop_object_detector.launch
- input [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- sensor_frame [default: /camera_rgb_optical_frame]
- manager [default: tabletop_object_detector_nodelet_manager]
- machine [default: localhost]
- launch_manager [default: true]
- launch_tracking [default: true]
- launch_openni [default: true]
- launch_rviz [default: true]
- publish_tf [default: true]
- sample/sample_multi_plane_extraction.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_people_detection.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_parallel_edge_finder.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_normal_estimation_integral_image.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_extract_top_polygon_likelihood.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_subway.launch
- bagfile_names [default: $(find jsk_data)/large/2014_05_22_subway_receive_throw_rubbish.bag]
- sample/sample_keypoints_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_kinfu_hrp2_apc.launch
- gui [default: true]
- integrate_color [default: true]
- INPUT_CAMERA_INFO [default: /camera_remote/depth_registered/camera_info]
- INPUT_DEPTH [default: /camera_remote/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect_raw]
- INPUT_COLOR [default: /camera_remote/rgb_half/image_rect_color]
- sample/sample_rearrange_bounding_box.launch
- gui [default: true]
- debug [default: false]
- sample/sample_cluster_point_indices_decomposer_sort_by.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_multi_euclidean_cluster_extraction.launch
- gui [default: true]
- downsample [default: true]
- INPUT_CLOUD [default: /head_rgbd_sensor_remote/depth_registered/points]
- INPUT_INDICES [default: /mask_rcnn_instance_segmentation/output/cluster_indices]
- sample/keypoints_publisher_sample.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- sample/sample_610_clothes.launch
- sample/sample_resize_points_publisher.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_boundingbox_occlusion_rejector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_attention_clipper.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_joint_state_static_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/simple_edge_detector_and_tracker.launch
- input_depth_image [default: depth/image]
- input_rgb_image [default: rgb/image_rect_color]
- input_point [default: depth/points]
- input_info [default: rgb/camera_info]
- sample/sample_colorize_random_forest.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_feature_registration.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_hsi_color_filter.launch
- gui [default: true]
- h_max [default: -62]
- h_min [default: -128]
- s_max [default: 111]
- s_min [default: 61]
- i_max [default: 163]
- i_min [default: 0]
- sample/sample_container_occupancy_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- topic_tools_start_delay [default: 2.0]
- approximate_sync [default: false]
- sample/sample_cluster_point_indices_decomposer.launch
- gui [default: true]
- use_pca [default: true]
- approximate_sync [default: true]
- sample/sample_heightmap.launch
- INPUT_POINT_CLOUD [default: pointcloud_model_generator/output]
- sample/sample_voxel_grid_downsample.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
- gui [default: true]
- publish_rate [default: 1]
- sample/sample_linemod_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_add_color_from_image_to_organized.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/hinted_plane_detector_sample.launch
- sample/sample_edgebased_cube_finder.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_voxel_grid_large_scale.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_marker_appender.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_octomap_contact.launch
- rviz [default: true]
- sample/sample_tilt_laser_listener.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_region_growing_multiple_plane_segmentation.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/tracking_sample.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- sample/sample_target_adaptive_tracking.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_heightmap_to_pointcloud.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_organized_edge_detector.launch
- gui [default: true]
- sample/sample_border_estimator.launch
- gui [default: true]
- launch/depth_calibration.launch
- launch/octree_voxel_grid.launch
- -*- mode: xml -*-
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth/points]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: octree_voxel_grid]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: octree_voxel_grid_manger]
- launch/tracking.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_min [default: 0.0]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_max [default: 5.0]
- voxel_grid_filter_field_name [default: z]
- voxel_grid_leaf_size [default: 0.02]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: tracking_manager]
- align_box [default: false]
- renew_box [default: /bounding_box_marker/selected_box]
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: NONE]
- track_target_name [default: track_result]
- track_with_model_sample [default: false]
- launch/pcl_roi_robot.launch
- USE_HEAD_POINTCLOUD [default: true]
- USE_LHAND_POINTCLOUD [default: true]
- USE_RHAND_POINTCLOUD [default: true]
- HEAD_SELECTED [default: /laser/full_cloud2_raw_selected]
- HEAD_TOPIC [default: ['/laser/full_cloud2_raw']]
- LHAND_SELECTED [default: /sandia_hands/l_hand/points2_selected]
- LHAND_TOPIC [default: /sandia_hands/l_hand/points2_dummy /sandia_hands/l_hand/points2]
- RHAND_SELECTED [default: /sandia_hands/r_hand/points2_selected]
- RHAND_TOPIC [default: /sandia_hands/r_hand/points2_dummy /sandia_hands/r_hand/points2]
- BASE_FRAME [default: pelvis]
- HEAD_NODELET_MANAGER [default: /pointcloud_roi/pcl_roi_robot_manager]
- GDB [default: false]
- launch/pgstereo.launch
- RUN_DRIVER [default: true]
- launch/euclidean_segmentation.launch
- manager [default: camera_nodelet_manager]
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- create_manager [default: true]
- launch/fisheye_sphere.launch
- launch/openni2_remote.launch
- camera [default: camera_remote]
- local_camera [default: camera]
- rgb [default: rgb]
- depth [default: depth]
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- rgb_frame_id [default: /$(arg local_camera)_rgb_optical_frame]
- depth_frame_id [default: /$(arg local_camera)_depth_optical_frame]
- half_step [default: 2]
- quater_step [default: 4]
- color_half_scale [default: 0.5]
- color_quater_scale [default: 0.25]
- uv_scale [default: 1.0]
- depth_calibration_file [default: $(find jsk_pcl_ros)/config/default_depth_calibration_parameter.yaml]
- republish [default: false]
- use_warn [default: false]
- launch/imu_orientated_icp.launch
- CAMERA_FRAME_ID [default: /multisense/left_camera_optical_frame]
- INPUT [default: /filtered_cloud/output]
- INPUT_INFO [default: /multisense/left/camera_info]
- IMU [default: /multisense/imu/imu_data]
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: icp_manager]
- launch/octomap_server_contact.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see www.ros.org/wiki/octomap_server for details
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth/points]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: octomap]
- launch/pr2_tilt_laser_listener.launch
- launch/sample_select_laser_pointcloud_from_image.launch
- INPUT_IMAGE [default: /multisense/left/image_rect_color]
- INPUT_CAMERA_INFO [default: /multisense/left/camera_info]
- INPUT_POINT_CLOUD [default: /multisense/resize_1_1/points]
- launch/supervoxel_segmentation.launch
- launch/laser_multi_plane_detection.launch
- INPUT [default: /multisense/lidar_scan]
- JOINT_STATES [default: /multisense/joint_states]
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: multisense/head]
- launch/door_handle_detection.launch
- launch/container_occupancy_detector.launch
- CONTAINER_BOXES_INPUT [default: container/boxes]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: container_occupancy_detector]
- manager [default: manager]
- approximate_sync [default: false]
- queue_size [default: 100]
- launch/footstep_recognition.launch
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: odom]
- RUN_SELF_FILTER [default: false]
- SELF_FILTER_PARAM [default: $(find jsk_pr2_startup)/jsk_pr2_sensors/tilt_self_filter.yaml]
- JOINT_STATIC_FILTER [default: false]
- INPUT [default: /move_group/filtered_cloud]
- ICP_REGISTRATION [default: false]
- MODEL_FILE [default: $(find jsk_data)/pcds/hand_drill_kinect.pcd]
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: organized_multi_plane_manager]
- ESTIMATE_OCCLUSION [default: false]
- COLOR_HISTOGRAM [default: false]
- HANDLE_ESTIMATOR [default: false]
- MACHINE [default: localhost]
- GDB [default: false]
- SAVE_SELECTED_CLOUD [default: false]
- launch/border_estimate.launch
- launch/stereo_reconstruction.launch
- USE_COMPRESS [default: true]
- COMPRESSED_TYPE [default: compressed]
- NO_SUB_NAMESPACE [default: false]
- SUB_NAMESPACE [default: ]
- RELAY_DEPTH [default: false]
- launch/pointcloud_localization.launch
- INPUT [default: /self_filtered_cloud]
- launch/organized_edge_detector.launch
- launch/pr2_pointcloud_error_visualization.launch
- launch/particle_filter_localization.launch
- launch/plane_extraction.launch
- input_cloud [default: /multisense_local/organized_image_points2_color]
- transformed_cloud [default: transform_org_cloud/output]
- filtered_cloud [default: extract_indices/output]
- manager [default: plane_extraction_manager]
- launch/torus_finder.launch
- INPUT_IMAGE [default: /multisense/left/image_rect_color]
- INPUT_CAMERA_INFO [default: /multisense/left/camera_info]
- INPUT_POINT_CLOUD [default: /tilt_laser_listener/output_cloud]
- CAMERA_FRAME [default: multisense/left_camera_optical_frame]
- launch/depth_error.launch
- IMAGE_TOPIC [default: /camera_remote_uncalibrated/rgb/image_rect_color]
- DEPTH_IMAGE [default: /camera_remote_uncalibrated/depth_registered/hw_registered/image_rect_raw]
- CAMERA_INFO_TOPIC [default: /camera/rgb/camera_info]
- CLIP_SIZE [default: 0.2]
- GRID_SIZE_X [default: 5]
- GRID_SIZE_Y [default: 4]
- launch/pr2_tilt_laser_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: odom]
- RUN_SELF_FILTER [default: false]
- SELF_FILTER_PARAM [default: $(find jsk_pr2_startup)/jsk_pr2_sensors/tilt_self_filter.yaml]
- JOINT_STATIC_FILTER [default: false]
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- ICP_REGISTRATION [default: false]
- MODEL_FILE [default: $(find jsk_data)/pcds/hand_drill_kinect.pcd]
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: multi_plane_manager]
- ESTIMATE_OCCLUSION [default: false]
- COLOR_HISTOGRAM [default: false]
- HANDLE_ESTIMATOR [default: false]
- MACHINE [default: localhost]
- GDB [default: false]
- SAVE_SELECTED_CLOUD [default: false]
- launch/calculate_normal.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_min [default: 0.0]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_max [default: 5.0]
- voxel_grid_leaf_size [default: 0.005]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: pcl_nodelet]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: pcl_nodelet_manager]
- launch/convex_connected_voxels.launch
- launch/octree_change_detector.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_min [default: 0.0]
- voxel_grid_filter_limit_max [default: 5.0]
- voxel_grid_leaf_size [default: 0.01]
- octree_resolution [default: 0.02]
- octree_noise_filter [default: 2]
- launch/octomap_object_model_generation.launch
- SAVE_SELECTED_CLOUD [default: false]
- INPUT [default: /laser_downsampler/output]
- OUTPUT [default: /object_pointcloud]
- launch/hinted_stick_detector.launch
- launch/hinted_plane_detector.launch
- launch/laserscan_registration.launch
- color_camera [default: /openni/rgb]
- laser [default: tilt_scan]
- use_gui [default: false]
- use_gdb [default: false]
- use_laser_pipeline [default: true]
- launch/organized_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: odom]
- RUN_SELF_FILTER [default: false]
- JOINT_STATIC_FILTER [default: false]
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- ICP_REGISTRATION [default: false]
- PUBLISH_BOX_TF [default: false]
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: organized_multi_plane_manager]
- ESTIMATE_OCCLUSION [default: false]
- COLOR_HISTOGRAM [default: false]
- HANDLE_ESTIMATOR [default: false]
- MACHINE [default: localhost]
- GDB [default: false]
- SAVE_SELECTED_CLOUD [default: false]
- ORGANIZED [default: true]
- SELF_FILTER_PARAM [default: $(find jsk_pr2_startup)/jsk_pr2_sensors/tilt_self_filter.yaml]
- launch/pcl_roi_remote.launch
- REMOTE_TF [default: /tf_low_frequency]
- USE_LHAND_POINTCLOUD [default: true]
- USE_RHAND_POINTCLOUD [default: true]
- ROI_MARKER_BASEFRAME [default: pelvis]
- launch/polygon_array_transformer.launch
- MANAGER [default: polygon_array_transformer_example]
- INPUT_POINT_CLOUD [default: /full_cloud2]
- launch/organized_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- launch_manager [default: false]
- launch/hsi_color_filter.launch
- -*- mode: xml -*-
- INPUT [default: hsi_input]
- CENTROID_FRAME [default: target]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: HSI_color_filter]
- FILTER_NAME_SUFFIX [default: ]
- OUTPUT [default: hsi_output$(arg FILTER_NAME_SUFFIX)]
- h_max [default: 127]
- h_min [default: -128]
- s_max [default: 255]
- s_min [default: 0]
- i_max [default: 255]
- i_min [default: 0]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: hsi_filter_manager$(arg FILTER_NAME_SUFFIX)]
- launch/visualize_plane_distance.launch
- namespace [default: visualize_kinect_error]
- input [default: /openni_c2/depth_registered/points]
- fixed_frame_id [default: base_footprint]
- launch/imu_orientated_plane_rejecter.launch
- CAMERA_FRAME_ID [default: /multisense/left_camera_optical_frame]
- INPUT [default: /multisense/resize_1_2/points]
- INPUT_INFO [default: /multisense/left/camera_info]
- IMU [default: /multisense/imu/imu_data]
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: plane_rejection_manager]
- launch/extract_only_directed_region_of_close_mask_image.launch
- input_image [default: /multisense/left/image_rect_color]
- input_points [default: /multisense/organized_image_points2_color]
- use_interactive_view [default: true]
- RESIZE_RATE [default: 1]
- launch/tabletop_tracking.launch
- launch/topic_tools.launch
- launch/target_adaptive_tracking.launch
- input_cloud [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- model_cloud [default: /object_model/output/cloud]
- background_cloud [default: /object_model/output/bkgd_cloud]
- tracker_pose [default: /particle_filter_tracker/track_result_pose]
- init_obj_pose [default: /object_model/output/pose]
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- launch/lazy_concatenate.launch
- INPUT [default: /points]
- launch/laser_multi_plane_segmentation.launch
- INPUT [default: full_cloud2]
- LASER_FLAME_ID [default: left_camera_optical_frame]
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: odom]
- RUN_SELF_FILTER [default: false]
- SELF_FILTER_PARAM [default: $(find jsk_pr2_startup)/jsk_pr2_sensors/tilt_self_filter.yaml]
- JOINT_STATIC_FILTER [default: false]
- ICP_REGISTRATION [default: false]
- PUBLISH_BOX_TF [default: false]
- ESTIMATE_OCCLUSION [default: false]
- HANDLE_ESTIMATOR [default: false]
- MACHINE [default: localhost]
- SAVE_SELECTED_CLOUD [default: false]
- MANAGER [default: laser_multiplane_manager]
- launch/kinfu.launch
- launch/rgb_color_filter.launch
- -*- mode: xml -*-
- INPUT [default: rgb_input]
- OUTPUT [default: rgb_output]
- CENTROID_FRAME [default: target]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: RGB_color_filter]
- r_max [default: 255]
- r_min [default: 0]
- g_max [default: 255]
- g_min [default: 0]
- b_max [default: 255]
- b_min [default: 0]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: rgb_filter_manager]
- launch/openni_local.launch
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- publish_tf [default: true]
- launch/fpfh.launch
- launch/multi_resolution_organized_stereo.launch
- NAMESPACE [default: multiresolution_stereo_image]
- INPUT_LR [default: left]
- INPUT_IMAGE [default: /multisense/$(arg INPUT_LR)/image_rect_color]
- INPUT_CAMERA_INFO [default: /multisense/$(arg INPUT_LR)/camera_info]
- OUTPUT_IMAGE [default: image_rect_color]
- RUN_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: manager]
- THROTTLE_RATE [default: 1]
- NODELET_INDEX [default: 0]
- launch/heightmap_converter.launch
- USE_NODELET_MANAGER [default: true]
- NODELET_MANAGER_NAME [default: heightmap_nodelet]
- NODELET_INDEX [default: 0]
- INPUT [default: /pointcloud]
- DEBUG_VIEW [default: true]
- STATIC_FRAME [default: map]
- ROBOT_FRAME [default: BODY]
- USE_PROJECTED_FRAME [default: false]
- PROJECTED_FRAME [default: BODY_on_map]
- launch/linemod_train.launch
- launch/attention_clipper_sample.launch
- launch/rgbd_mapping_multisense.launch
- launch/snapit.launch
- launch/pr2_intermittent_image_annotator.launch
- launch/region_growing_segmentation.launch
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- launch/in_hand_recognition.launch
- pcd_file [default: $(find drc_task_common)/pcds/drill.pcd]
- info [default: /multisense/depth/camera_info]
- input_cloud [default: /multisense/organized_image_points2_color]
- self_filter_param [default: $(find jsk_hrp2_ros_bridge)/config/$(env ROBOT)_self_filter.yaml]
- use_self_filter_for_sensor [default: true]
- use_self_filter_for_template [default: false]
- launch/openni_remote.launch
- camera [default: camera]
- camera_remote [default: camera_remote]
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- launch/keypoints_publisher.launch
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: nodelet_manager]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: pcl_nodelet]
- launch/pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
- cloud_machine [default: localhost] — point cloud processor machine
- display_machine [default: localhost] — display machine for visualization
- image [default: /camera/rgb] — image namespace
- image_type [default: image_rect_color] — image topic name
- camera_info [default: $(arg image)/camera_info] — camera_info topic name
- points [default: /camera/depth_registered/points] — point cloud topic name
- LAUNCH_OPENNI [default: false] — if true, launch openni.launch
- USE_DEPTH_CREATER [default: true] — if true, launch depth_image_creator, for unorganized point cloud
- USE_REGISTERED_DEPTH [default: false] — if true, using registered depth, for organized point cloud
- USE_VIEW [default: false] — if true, launch image_view2 on $(arg display_machine)
- USE_SYNC [default: false] — if true, synchronize
- PUBLISH_POINTS [default: false] — if true, publish result points
- launch/multi_resolution_organized_pointcloud.launch
- NAMESPACE [default: multiresolution_pointcloud]
- INPUT [default: /multisense/organized_image_points2_color]
- INPUT_DEPTH [default: /multisense/depth]
- RUN_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: manager]
- NODELET_INDEX [default: 0]
- launch/pointcloud_to_stl.launch
- LAUNCH_OPENNI [default: true]
- RUN_RVIZ [default: true]
- INSERT_TO_GAZEBO [default: true]
- RUN_GAZEBO [default: true]
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- BASE_FRAME_ID [default: camera_link]
- launch/capture/capture_multisense.launch
- CAMERA [default: /multisense]
- launch/capture/capture_model_registration.launch
- LINEMOD_TRAIN [default: true]
- BAG_FILE [default: /home/lueda/multisense_capture_2014-12-30-13-40-27.bag]
- launch/capture/capture_stereo_synchronizer_player.launch
- SYNCHRONIZED_NS [default: /capture_stereo_synchronizer/output]
- launch/tower_detect/tower_tf.launch
- launch/tower_detect/demo_tower.launch
- launch/tower_detect/tower_web.launch
- launch/tower_detect/tower_pcl.launch
- manager [default: /camera_nodelet_manager]
- input_point [default: /camera/depth_registered/points]
- launch/tower_detect/kinect.launch
- launch/collision_detector.launch
- -*- mode: xml -*-
- INPUT [default: /camera/depth/points]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: collision_detector]
- launch/background_subtraction.launch
- -*- mode: xml -*-
- INPUT [default: /bgsub_input]
- OUTPUT [default: /bgsub_output]
- TARGET [default: /target]
- DEFAULT_NAMESPACE [default: background_subtraction]
- create_manager [default: true]
- manager [default: background_sub_manager]
- launch/hrp2jsknt_footstep_polygon.launch
- LAUNCH_MANAGER [default: true]
- MANAGER [default: manager]
- launch/valve_detection.launch
- INTERACTIVE [default: false]
- launch/openni2_local.launch
- rgb_camera_info_url [default: ]
- depth_camera_info_url [default: ]
- publish_tf [default: true]
- sample/include/play_rosbag_pr2_sink.xml
- LOAD_URDF [default: false]
- sample/include/play_rosbag_room73b2_table.xml
- sample/include/play_rosbag_baxter_realsense_l515.xml
- launch_manager [default: false]
- manager [default: realsense_nodelet_manager]
- RATE [default: 1.0]
- sample/include/play_rosbag_stereo.xml
- sample/include/play_rosbag_fetch_trashbin.xml
- rosbag
- manager [default: rosbag_play_nodelet_manager]
- launch_nodelet_manager [default: true]
- start_time [default: 0]
- duration_time [default: 0]
- duration [default: --duration $(arg duration_time)]
- duration [default: ]
- sample/include/play_rosbag_convenience_store.xml
- filename [default: $(find jsk_pcl_ros)/sample/data/convenience_store.bag]
- camera_name [default: openni_camera]
- namespace [default: remote]