![]() |
mola_lidar_odometry package from mola_lidar_odometry repomola_lidar_odometry |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.1 |
License | GPLv3 |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MOLAorg/mola_lidar_odometry.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | develop |
Last Updated | 2025-02-04 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
LIDAR odometry component based on the MOLA and MRPT frameworks, compatible with ROS 2.
This repository provides a C++ library mola_lidar_odometry
implementing LIDAR
odometry. Sensor input is provided via MOLA components, and ROS 2 example launch files are
provided in ros2-launchs.
A CLI interface mola-lidar-odometry-cli
is also provided for running on
offline datasets.
Build and install
Refer to: https://docs.mola-slam.org/latest/#installing
Documentation and tutorials
See: https://docs.mola-slam.org/
ROS build farm status
Distro | Develop branch | Releases | Stable release |
ROS2 Humble (u22.04) | amd64 arm64 |
ROS 2 Jazzy @ u24.04 | amd64 arm64 |
ROS 2 Rolling (u24.04) | amd64 arm64 |
EOL Distro | Last release |
ROS2 Iron (u22.04) |
José Luis Blanco-Claraco, A flexible framework for accurate LiDAR odometry, map manipulation, and localization,
ArXiV 2024.
Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Jose Luis Blanco jlblanco@ual.es, University of Almeria
This package is released under the GNU GPL v3 license as open source, with the main intention of being useful for research and evaluation purposes. Commercial licenses available upon request.
Changelog for package mola_lidar_odometry
0.6.1 (2025-01-26)
- Do not re-publish the map if it does not change, e.g. in localization-only mode
- ros2 launch file: two new arguments 'mola_lo_pipeline' and 'generate_simplemap'
- Default 3D-LO pipeline: Add new env var 'MOLA_LOCALMAP_LAYER_NAME', useful when localizing with prebuilt maps
- Merge pull request #12 from r-aguilera/develop fix launch file params
- fix launch file params
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Raúl Aguilera
0.6.0 (2025-01-21)
- Fix: publish map on first iteration
- Publish georeferencing frames (utm, enu) when loading a metric map with georef. info
- ros2 lidar odometry launch: add ros argument for /tf reference_frame
- ROS2 kitti Lidar-Odometry demo: fixed to publish correct /tf's
- Add new frame parameters to pipeline YAML files
- Two new parameters (publish_reference_frame, publish_vehicle_frame), to have explicit control on frame names published to both, ROS, and the MOLA state_estimator
- ROS2 service call for load_map(): more concise error messages
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.4 (2025-01-16)
- Add a debug helper env var MOLA_BRIDGE_ROS2_EXPORT_TO_RAWLOG_FILE
- Do not reset the state estimator on a bad ICP, allowing merging from other sensors or extrapolating.
- Docs: add missing ros2 launch args
- More ROS2 launch arguments
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.3 (2025-01-15)
- FIX: mola_state_estimator_simple must be available as a build dep too for easier usage of mola-lo-cli
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.2 (2025-01-11)
- Merge pull request #11 from MOLAorg/10-bad-first-icp-re-starting-from-scratch-with-a-new-local-map Fix NaN pointcloud radius in doInitializeEstimatedMaxSensorRange()
- Unit tests: add test run against MulRan dataset fragment (Lidar+IMU)
- cli: fix name of example pipeline file when --help invoked
- unit tests: fix wrong usage of state estimator yaml file
- mola-lo-gui-mulran: show IMU & GPS data in GUI
- Define a sensible value for maxRange
- Fix cmake warning when built w/o mola_state_estimation_simple sourced in the env
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.1 (2025-01-07)
- mola-lidar-odometry-cli: add flags to select the state estimation method
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.0 (2024-12-29)
- cmake test logic: add find_package() for state_estimation_simple
- Merge pull request #7 from MOLAorg/wip/new-state-estimators New state estimators (Merge after MOLA 1.5.0 is installable via apt)
- Split state estimation params so each implementation has its own yaml file
- CI: build against both, ROS testing and stable
- Add new state estimator module in all MOLA-CLI yaml files
- Update to new state estimation packages
- Reorganization such as state estimator is now an independent external module
- docs: add new ros-arg publish_localization_following_rep105
- FIX: publish local map even when not active
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.4.1 (2024-12-20)
- ROS2 launch: add ros argument for new option publish_localization_following_rep105
- rviz2 demo file: better orbit view
- ROS2 config file: define env vars for all tf frames (odom, map, base_link)
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.4.0 (2024-12-18)
- demo rviz file: fix lidar topic name
- Include /tf remaps too in ros2 launch
- mola launch for ROS 2: Add placeholder for ros args parsing
- mola launch for ROS 2: add env variables to quickly control verbosity of each module. Env. vars. are: MOLA_VERBOSITY_MOLA_VIZ, MOLA_VERBOSITY_MOLA_LO,MOLA_VERBOSITY_BRIDGE_ROS2 (Default: INFO)
- Support for ROS2 namespaces in launch file
- docs; and fix launch var typo
- ROS 2 launch: add more ros args
- move MOLA-LO ROS2 docs to the main MOLA repo
- Expose one more runtime param: generate_simplemap
- clarify docs on sensor input topic names
- runtime parameters: update in GUI too
- publish ICP quality as part of localization updates
- mola module name changed: 'icp_odom' -> 'lidar_odom'
- Do not publish localization if ICP is not good
- Expose runtime parameters using MOLA v1.4.0 configurable parameters: active, mapping_enabled
- docs clarifications
- map_load service: allow not having a .simplemap file and don't report it as an error
- FIX: motion model handling during re-localization
- Implement map_save
- reset adaptive sigma upon relocalization
- Implement map_load; Implement relocalize around pose
- Forward IMU readings to the navstate fusion module
- CI and readme: remove ROS2 iron
- Merge branch 'wip/map_load_save' into develop
- docs: add ref to yaml extensions
- Add docs on 3D-NDT pipeline and demo usage with Mulran
- parameterize maximum_sigma
- CLI: add flag to retrieve all twists in a file; avoid use of "static" variables
- LO: Add a getter for the latest pose and twist
- doc: explain "no tf" error message
- tune 3D-NDT defaults
- Kitti and Mulran evaluation scripts: extend so they can be run with other pipelines
- ros2 launch: Add 'use_rviz' argument
- NDT pipeline: expose max sigma as parameter too
- Avoid anoying warning message when not really needed
- Extend options for GNSS initialization
- Add docs on mola-lo-gui-rawlog
- Default pipeline: reduce density of keyframes in simplemap
- Docs: mola_lo_apps.rst fix PIPELINE_YAML var name
- Update mola_lo_pipelines.rst: fix format
- recover passing var args to mola-lo-gui-rosbag2 script
- UI: show instantaneous max. sensor range too
- FIX: formula for the estimated max. sensor range fixed for asymmetric cases
- add new visualization param ground_grid_spacing
- viz: grow ground grid as the local map grows
- FIX: disabling visualization of raw observations left last raw observation rendered
- fix: separate GPS topic and sensorLabel variables
- Consistent GPS topic name
- Add another env variable: MOLA_LOCAL_VOXELMAP_RESOLUTION
- Expose new param for local map max size
- enable the relocalize API
- Expose fixed sensor pose coords as optional env variables
- Readme: add ROS badges for arm64 badges
- GitHub actions: use ROS2-testing packages
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.3 (2024-09-01)
- default 3D pipeline: Expose a couple more parameters as env variables
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.2 (2024-08-26)
- Support input dataset directories for split bags
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.1 (2024-08-22)
- add missing exec dependencies to package.xml for mola-lo-* commands.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.0 (2024-08-14)
- First public release
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged mola_lidar_odometry at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
mola_lidar_odometry package from mola_lidar_odometry repomola_lidar_odometry |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.1 |
License | GPLv3 |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MOLAorg/mola_lidar_odometry.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | develop |
Last Updated | 2025-02-04 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
LIDAR odometry component based on the MOLA and MRPT frameworks, compatible with ROS 2.
This repository provides a C++ library mola_lidar_odometry
implementing LIDAR
odometry. Sensor input is provided via MOLA components, and ROS 2 example launch files are
provided in ros2-launchs.
A CLI interface mola-lidar-odometry-cli
is also provided for running on
offline datasets.
Build and install
Refer to: https://docs.mola-slam.org/latest/#installing
Documentation and tutorials
See: https://docs.mola-slam.org/
ROS build farm status
Distro | Develop branch | Releases | Stable release |
ROS2 Humble (u22.04) | amd64 arm64 |
ROS 2 Jazzy @ u24.04 | amd64 arm64 |
ROS 2 Rolling (u24.04) | amd64 arm64 |
EOL Distro | Last release |
ROS2 Iron (u22.04) |
José Luis Blanco-Claraco, A flexible framework for accurate LiDAR odometry, map manipulation, and localization,
ArXiV 2024.
Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Jose Luis Blanco jlblanco@ual.es, University of Almeria
This package is released under the GNU GPL v3 license as open source, with the main intention of being useful for research and evaluation purposes. Commercial licenses available upon request.
Changelog for package mola_lidar_odometry
0.6.1 (2025-01-26)
- Do not re-publish the map if it does not change, e.g. in localization-only mode
- ros2 launch file: two new arguments 'mola_lo_pipeline' and 'generate_simplemap'
- Default 3D-LO pipeline: Add new env var 'MOLA_LOCALMAP_LAYER_NAME', useful when localizing with prebuilt maps
- Merge pull request #12 from r-aguilera/develop fix launch file params
- fix launch file params
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Raúl Aguilera
0.6.0 (2025-01-21)
- Fix: publish map on first iteration
- Publish georeferencing frames (utm, enu) when loading a metric map with georef. info
- ros2 lidar odometry launch: add ros argument for /tf reference_frame
- ROS2 kitti Lidar-Odometry demo: fixed to publish correct /tf's
- Add new frame parameters to pipeline YAML files
- Two new parameters (publish_reference_frame, publish_vehicle_frame), to have explicit control on frame names published to both, ROS, and the MOLA state_estimator
- ROS2 service call for load_map(): more concise error messages
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.4 (2025-01-16)
- Add a debug helper env var MOLA_BRIDGE_ROS2_EXPORT_TO_RAWLOG_FILE
- Do not reset the state estimator on a bad ICP, allowing merging from other sensors or extrapolating.
- Docs: add missing ros2 launch args
- More ROS2 launch arguments
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.3 (2025-01-15)
- FIX: mola_state_estimator_simple must be available as a build dep too for easier usage of mola-lo-cli
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.2 (2025-01-11)
- Merge pull request #11 from MOLAorg/10-bad-first-icp-re-starting-from-scratch-with-a-new-local-map Fix NaN pointcloud radius in doInitializeEstimatedMaxSensorRange()
- Unit tests: add test run against MulRan dataset fragment (Lidar+IMU)
- cli: fix name of example pipeline file when --help invoked
- unit tests: fix wrong usage of state estimator yaml file
- mola-lo-gui-mulran: show IMU & GPS data in GUI
- Define a sensible value for maxRange
- Fix cmake warning when built w/o mola_state_estimation_simple sourced in the env
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.1 (2025-01-07)
- mola-lidar-odometry-cli: add flags to select the state estimation method
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.0 (2024-12-29)
- cmake test logic: add find_package() for state_estimation_simple
- Merge pull request #7 from MOLAorg/wip/new-state-estimators New state estimators (Merge after MOLA 1.5.0 is installable via apt)
- Split state estimation params so each implementation has its own yaml file
- CI: build against both, ROS testing and stable
- Add new state estimator module in all MOLA-CLI yaml files
- Update to new state estimation packages
- Reorganization such as state estimator is now an independent external module
- docs: add new ros-arg publish_localization_following_rep105
- FIX: publish local map even when not active
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.4.1 (2024-12-20)
- ROS2 launch: add ros argument for new option publish_localization_following_rep105
- rviz2 demo file: better orbit view
- ROS2 config file: define env vars for all tf frames (odom, map, base_link)
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.4.0 (2024-12-18)
- demo rviz file: fix lidar topic name
- Include /tf remaps too in ros2 launch
- mola launch for ROS 2: Add placeholder for ros args parsing
- mola launch for ROS 2: add env variables to quickly control verbosity of each module. Env. vars. are: MOLA_VERBOSITY_MOLA_VIZ, MOLA_VERBOSITY_MOLA_LO,MOLA_VERBOSITY_BRIDGE_ROS2 (Default: INFO)
- Support for ROS2 namespaces in launch file
- docs; and fix launch var typo
- ROS 2 launch: add more ros args
- move MOLA-LO ROS2 docs to the main MOLA repo
- Expose one more runtime param: generate_simplemap
- clarify docs on sensor input topic names
- runtime parameters: update in GUI too
- publish ICP quality as part of localization updates
- mola module name changed: 'icp_odom' -> 'lidar_odom'
- Do not publish localization if ICP is not good
- Expose runtime parameters using MOLA v1.4.0 configurable parameters: active, mapping_enabled
- docs clarifications
- map_load service: allow not having a .simplemap file and don't report it as an error
- FIX: motion model handling during re-localization
- Implement map_save
- reset adaptive sigma upon relocalization
- Implement map_load; Implement relocalize around pose
- Forward IMU readings to the navstate fusion module
- CI and readme: remove ROS2 iron
- Merge branch 'wip/map_load_save' into develop
- docs: add ref to yaml extensions
- Add docs on 3D-NDT pipeline and demo usage with Mulran
- parameterize maximum_sigma
- CLI: add flag to retrieve all twists in a file; avoid use of "static" variables
- LO: Add a getter for the latest pose and twist
- doc: explain "no tf" error message
- tune 3D-NDT defaults
- Kitti and Mulran evaluation scripts: extend so they can be run with other pipelines
- ros2 launch: Add 'use_rviz' argument
- NDT pipeline: expose max sigma as parameter too
- Avoid anoying warning message when not really needed
- Extend options for GNSS initialization
- Add docs on mola-lo-gui-rawlog
- Default pipeline: reduce density of keyframes in simplemap
- Docs: mola_lo_apps.rst fix PIPELINE_YAML var name
- Update mola_lo_pipelines.rst: fix format
- recover passing var args to mola-lo-gui-rosbag2 script
- UI: show instantaneous max. sensor range too
- FIX: formula for the estimated max. sensor range fixed for asymmetric cases
- add new visualization param ground_grid_spacing
- viz: grow ground grid as the local map grows
- FIX: disabling visualization of raw observations left last raw observation rendered
- fix: separate GPS topic and sensorLabel variables
- Consistent GPS topic name
- Add another env variable: MOLA_LOCAL_VOXELMAP_RESOLUTION
- Expose new param for local map max size
- enable the relocalize API
- Expose fixed sensor pose coords as optional env variables
- Readme: add ROS badges for arm64 badges
- GitHub actions: use ROS2-testing packages
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.3 (2024-09-01)
- default 3D pipeline: Expose a couple more parameters as env variables
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.2 (2024-08-26)
- Support input dataset directories for split bags
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.1 (2024-08-22)
- add missing exec dependencies to package.xml for mola-lo-* commands.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.0 (2024-08-14)
- First public release
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged mola_lidar_odometry at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
mola_lidar_odometry package from mola_lidar_odometry repomola_lidar_odometry |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.1 |
License | GPLv3 |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MOLAorg/mola_lidar_odometry.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | develop |
Last Updated | 2025-02-04 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
LIDAR odometry component based on the MOLA and MRPT frameworks, compatible with ROS 2.
This repository provides a C++ library mola_lidar_odometry
implementing LIDAR
odometry. Sensor input is provided via MOLA components, and ROS 2 example launch files are
provided in ros2-launchs.
A CLI interface mola-lidar-odometry-cli
is also provided for running on
offline datasets.
Build and install
Refer to: https://docs.mola-slam.org/latest/#installing
Documentation and tutorials
See: https://docs.mola-slam.org/
ROS build farm status
Distro | Develop branch | Releases | Stable release |
ROS2 Humble (u22.04) | amd64 arm64 |
ROS 2 Jazzy @ u24.04 | amd64 arm64 |
ROS 2 Rolling (u24.04) | amd64 arm64 |
EOL Distro | Last release |
ROS2 Iron (u22.04) |
José Luis Blanco-Claraco, A flexible framework for accurate LiDAR odometry, map manipulation, and localization,
ArXiV 2024.
Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Jose Luis Blanco jlblanco@ual.es, University of Almeria
This package is released under the GNU GPL v3 license as open source, with the main intention of being useful for research and evaluation purposes. Commercial licenses available upon request.
Changelog for package mola_lidar_odometry
0.6.1 (2025-01-26)
- Do not re-publish the map if it does not change, e.g. in localization-only mode
- ros2 launch file: two new arguments 'mola_lo_pipeline' and 'generate_simplemap'
- Default 3D-LO pipeline: Add new env var 'MOLA_LOCALMAP_LAYER_NAME', useful when localizing with prebuilt maps
- Merge pull request #12 from r-aguilera/develop fix launch file params
- fix launch file params
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Raúl Aguilera
0.6.0 (2025-01-21)
- Fix: publish map on first iteration
- Publish georeferencing frames (utm, enu) when loading a metric map with georef. info
- ros2 lidar odometry launch: add ros argument for /tf reference_frame
- ROS2 kitti Lidar-Odometry demo: fixed to publish correct /tf's
- Add new frame parameters to pipeline YAML files
- Two new parameters (publish_reference_frame, publish_vehicle_frame), to have explicit control on frame names published to both, ROS, and the MOLA state_estimator
- ROS2 service call for load_map(): more concise error messages
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.4 (2025-01-16)
- Add a debug helper env var MOLA_BRIDGE_ROS2_EXPORT_TO_RAWLOG_FILE
- Do not reset the state estimator on a bad ICP, allowing merging from other sensors or extrapolating.
- Docs: add missing ros2 launch args
- More ROS2 launch arguments
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.3 (2025-01-15)
- FIX: mola_state_estimator_simple must be available as a build dep too for easier usage of mola-lo-cli
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.2 (2025-01-11)
- Merge pull request #11 from MOLAorg/10-bad-first-icp-re-starting-from-scratch-with-a-new-local-map Fix NaN pointcloud radius in doInitializeEstimatedMaxSensorRange()
- Unit tests: add test run against MulRan dataset fragment (Lidar+IMU)
- cli: fix name of example pipeline file when --help invoked
- unit tests: fix wrong usage of state estimator yaml file
- mola-lo-gui-mulran: show IMU & GPS data in GUI
- Define a sensible value for maxRange
- Fix cmake warning when built w/o mola_state_estimation_simple sourced in the env
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.1 (2025-01-07)
- mola-lidar-odometry-cli: add flags to select the state estimation method
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.0 (2024-12-29)
- cmake test logic: add find_package() for state_estimation_simple
- Merge pull request #7 from MOLAorg/wip/new-state-estimators New state estimators (Merge after MOLA 1.5.0 is installable via apt)
- Split state estimation params so each implementation has its own yaml file
- CI: build against both, ROS testing and stable
- Add new state estimator module in all MOLA-CLI yaml files
- Update to new state estimation packages
- Reorganization such as state estimator is now an independent external module
- docs: add new ros-arg publish_localization_following_rep105
- FIX: publish local map even when not active
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.4.1 (2024-12-20)
- ROS2 launch: add ros argument for new option publish_localization_following_rep105
- rviz2 demo file: better orbit view
- ROS2 config file: define env vars for all tf frames (odom, map, base_link)
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.4.0 (2024-12-18)
- demo rviz file: fix lidar topic name
- Include /tf remaps too in ros2 launch
- mola launch for ROS 2: Add placeholder for ros args parsing
- mola launch for ROS 2: add env variables to quickly control verbosity of each module. Env. vars. are: MOLA_VERBOSITY_MOLA_VIZ, MOLA_VERBOSITY_MOLA_LO,MOLA_VERBOSITY_BRIDGE_ROS2 (Default: INFO)
- Support for ROS2 namespaces in launch file
- docs; and fix launch var typo
- ROS 2 launch: add more ros args
- move MOLA-LO ROS2 docs to the main MOLA repo
- Expose one more runtime param: generate_simplemap
- clarify docs on sensor input topic names
- runtime parameters: update in GUI too
- publish ICP quality as part of localization updates
- mola module name changed: 'icp_odom' -> 'lidar_odom'
- Do not publish localization if ICP is not good
- Expose runtime parameters using MOLA v1.4.0 configurable parameters: active, mapping_enabled
- docs clarifications
- map_load service: allow not having a .simplemap file and don't report it as an error
- FIX: motion model handling during re-localization
- Implement map_save
- reset adaptive sigma upon relocalization
- Implement map_load; Implement relocalize around pose
- Forward IMU readings to the navstate fusion module
- CI and readme: remove ROS2 iron
- Merge branch 'wip/map_load_save' into develop
- docs: add ref to yaml extensions
- Add docs on 3D-NDT pipeline and demo usage with Mulran
- parameterize maximum_sigma
- CLI: add flag to retrieve all twists in a file; avoid use of "static" variables
- LO: Add a getter for the latest pose and twist
- doc: explain "no tf" error message
- tune 3D-NDT defaults
- Kitti and Mulran evaluation scripts: extend so they can be run with other pipelines
- ros2 launch: Add 'use_rviz' argument
- NDT pipeline: expose max sigma as parameter too
- Avoid anoying warning message when not really needed
- Extend options for GNSS initialization
- Add docs on mola-lo-gui-rawlog
- Default pipeline: reduce density of keyframes in simplemap
- Docs: mola_lo_apps.rst fix PIPELINE_YAML var name
- Update mola_lo_pipelines.rst: fix format
- recover passing var args to mola-lo-gui-rosbag2 script
- UI: show instantaneous max. sensor range too
- FIX: formula for the estimated max. sensor range fixed for asymmetric cases
- add new visualization param ground_grid_spacing
- viz: grow ground grid as the local map grows
- FIX: disabling visualization of raw observations left last raw observation rendered
- fix: separate GPS topic and sensorLabel variables
- Consistent GPS topic name
- Add another env variable: MOLA_LOCAL_VOXELMAP_RESOLUTION
- Expose new param for local map max size
- enable the relocalize API
- Expose fixed sensor pose coords as optional env variables
- Readme: add ROS badges for arm64 badges
- GitHub actions: use ROS2-testing packages
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.3 (2024-09-01)
- default 3D pipeline: Expose a couple more parameters as env variables
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.2 (2024-08-26)
- Support input dataset directories for split bags
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.1 (2024-08-22)
- add missing exec dependencies to package.xml for mola-lo-* commands.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.0 (2024-08-14)
- First public release
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
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mola_lidar_odometry package from mola_lidar_odometry repomola_lidar_odometry |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.6.1 |
License | GPLv3 |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MOLAorg/mola_lidar_odometry.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | develop |
Last Updated | 2025-02-04 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
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Package Description
Additional Links
- Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco
LIDAR odometry component based on the MOLA and MRPT frameworks, compatible with ROS 2.
This repository provides a C++ library mola_lidar_odometry
implementing LIDAR
odometry. Sensor input is provided via MOLA components, and ROS 2 example launch files are
provided in ros2-launchs.
A CLI interface mola-lidar-odometry-cli
is also provided for running on
offline datasets.
Build and install
Refer to: https://docs.mola-slam.org/latest/#installing
Documentation and tutorials
See: https://docs.mola-slam.org/
ROS build farm status
Distro | Develop branch | Releases | Stable release |
ROS2 Humble (u22.04) | amd64 arm64 |
ROS 2 Jazzy @ u24.04 | amd64 arm64 |
ROS 2 Rolling (u24.04) | amd64 arm64 |
EOL Distro | Last release |
ROS2 Iron (u22.04) |
José Luis Blanco-Claraco, A flexible framework for accurate LiDAR odometry, map manipulation, and localization,
ArXiV 2024.
Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Jose Luis Blanco jlblanco@ual.es, University of Almeria
This package is released under the GNU GPL v3 license as open source, with the main intention of being useful for research and evaluation purposes. Commercial licenses available upon request.
Changelog for package mola_lidar_odometry
0.6.1 (2025-01-26)
- Do not re-publish the map if it does not change, e.g. in localization-only mode
- ros2 launch file: two new arguments 'mola_lo_pipeline' and 'generate_simplemap'
- Default 3D-LO pipeline: Add new env var 'MOLA_LOCALMAP_LAYER_NAME', useful when localizing with prebuilt maps
- Merge pull request #12 from r-aguilera/develop fix launch file params
- fix launch file params
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco, Raúl Aguilera
0.6.0 (2025-01-21)
- Fix: publish map on first iteration
- Publish georeferencing frames (utm, enu) when loading a metric map with georef. info
- ros2 lidar odometry launch: add ros argument for /tf reference_frame
- ROS2 kitti Lidar-Odometry demo: fixed to publish correct /tf's
- Add new frame parameters to pipeline YAML files
- Two new parameters (publish_reference_frame, publish_vehicle_frame), to have explicit control on frame names published to both, ROS, and the MOLA state_estimator
- ROS2 service call for load_map(): more concise error messages
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.4 (2025-01-16)
- Add a debug helper env var MOLA_BRIDGE_ROS2_EXPORT_TO_RAWLOG_FILE
- Do not reset the state estimator on a bad ICP, allowing merging from other sensors or extrapolating.
- Docs: add missing ros2 launch args
- More ROS2 launch arguments
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.3 (2025-01-15)
- FIX: mola_state_estimator_simple must be available as a build dep too for easier usage of mola-lo-cli
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.2 (2025-01-11)
- Merge pull request #11 from MOLAorg/10-bad-first-icp-re-starting-from-scratch-with-a-new-local-map Fix NaN pointcloud radius in doInitializeEstimatedMaxSensorRange()
- Unit tests: add test run against MulRan dataset fragment (Lidar+IMU)
- cli: fix name of example pipeline file when --help invoked
- unit tests: fix wrong usage of state estimator yaml file
- mola-lo-gui-mulran: show IMU & GPS data in GUI
- Define a sensible value for maxRange
- Fix cmake warning when built w/o mola_state_estimation_simple sourced in the env
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.1 (2025-01-07)
- mola-lidar-odometry-cli: add flags to select the state estimation method
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.5.0 (2024-12-29)
- cmake test logic: add find_package() for state_estimation_simple
- Merge pull request #7 from MOLAorg/wip/new-state-estimators New state estimators (Merge after MOLA 1.5.0 is installable via apt)
- Split state estimation params so each implementation has its own yaml file
- CI: build against both, ROS testing and stable
- Add new state estimator module in all MOLA-CLI yaml files
- Update to new state estimation packages
- Reorganization such as state estimator is now an independent external module
- docs: add new ros-arg publish_localization_following_rep105
- FIX: publish local map even when not active
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.4.1 (2024-12-20)
- ROS2 launch: add ros argument for new option publish_localization_following_rep105
- rviz2 demo file: better orbit view
- ROS2 config file: define env vars for all tf frames (odom, map, base_link)
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.4.0 (2024-12-18)
- demo rviz file: fix lidar topic name
- Include /tf remaps too in ros2 launch
- mola launch for ROS 2: Add placeholder for ros args parsing
- mola launch for ROS 2: add env variables to quickly control verbosity of each module. Env. vars. are: MOLA_VERBOSITY_MOLA_VIZ, MOLA_VERBOSITY_MOLA_LO,MOLA_VERBOSITY_BRIDGE_ROS2 (Default: INFO)
- Support for ROS2 namespaces in launch file
- docs; and fix launch var typo
- ROS 2 launch: add more ros args
- move MOLA-LO ROS2 docs to the main MOLA repo
- Expose one more runtime param: generate_simplemap
- clarify docs on sensor input topic names
- runtime parameters: update in GUI too
- publish ICP quality as part of localization updates
- mola module name changed: 'icp_odom' -> 'lidar_odom'
- Do not publish localization if ICP is not good
- Expose runtime parameters using MOLA v1.4.0 configurable parameters: active, mapping_enabled
- docs clarifications
- map_load service: allow not having a .simplemap file and don't report it as an error
- FIX: motion model handling during re-localization
- Implement map_save
- reset adaptive sigma upon relocalization
- Implement map_load; Implement relocalize around pose
- Forward IMU readings to the navstate fusion module
- CI and readme: remove ROS2 iron
- Merge branch 'wip/map_load_save' into develop
- docs: add ref to yaml extensions
- Add docs on 3D-NDT pipeline and demo usage with Mulran
- parameterize maximum_sigma
- CLI: add flag to retrieve all twists in a file; avoid use of "static" variables
- LO: Add a getter for the latest pose and twist
- doc: explain "no tf" error message
- tune 3D-NDT defaults
- Kitti and Mulran evaluation scripts: extend so they can be run with other pipelines
- ros2 launch: Add 'use_rviz' argument
- NDT pipeline: expose max sigma as parameter too
- Avoid anoying warning message when not really needed
- Extend options for GNSS initialization
- Add docs on mola-lo-gui-rawlog
- Default pipeline: reduce density of keyframes in simplemap
- Docs: mola_lo_apps.rst fix PIPELINE_YAML var name
- Update mola_lo_pipelines.rst: fix format
- recover passing var args to mola-lo-gui-rosbag2 script
- UI: show instantaneous max. sensor range too
- FIX: formula for the estimated max. sensor range fixed for asymmetric cases
- add new visualization param ground_grid_spacing
- viz: grow ground grid as the local map grows
- FIX: disabling visualization of raw observations left last raw observation rendered
- fix: separate GPS topic and sensorLabel variables
- Consistent GPS topic name
- Add another env variable: MOLA_LOCAL_VOXELMAP_RESOLUTION
- Expose new param for local map max size
- enable the relocalize API
- Expose fixed sensor pose coords as optional env variables
- Readme: add ROS badges for arm64 badges
- GitHub actions: use ROS2-testing packages
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.3 (2024-09-01)
- default 3D pipeline: Expose a couple more parameters as env variables
- Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.2 (2024-08-26)
- Support input dataset directories for split bags
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.1 (2024-08-22)
- add missing exec dependencies to package.xml for mola-lo-* commands.
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.0 (2024-08-14)
- First public release
- Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco