![]() |
pcl_ros package from perception_pcl repopcl_conversions pcl_ros perception_pcl |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.6.2 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2025-03-06 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Paul Bovbel
- Steve Macenski
- Kentaro Wada
- Open Perception
- Julius Kammerl
- William Woodall
Changelog for package pcl_ros
2.6.2 (2024-11-07)
- Fix handling of empty input point cloud in computePublish method (#467)
- point_cloud.hpp ros2 types fixed (#425)
- Fix [Could NOT find Boost (missing: Boost_INCLUDE_DIR)]{.title-ref} (#452)
- Fix ament_cpplint
- Fix ament_lint_cmake
- Switch to build_export_depend for libpcl-all-dev (#447)
- porting pointcoud_to_pcd to ros2 (#444)
- Contributors: Ar-Ray, Balint Rozgonyi, Ramon Wijnands, ShepelIlya, Yadu
1.6.2 (2018-05-20)
- Fix exported includes in Ubuntu Artful
- Increase limits on CropBox filter parameters
- Contributors: James Ward, Jiri Horner
1.6.1 (2018-05-08)
- Add 1.6.0 section to CHANGELOG.rst
- Fix the use of Eigen3 in cmake
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.6.0 (2018-04-30)
- Fix build and update maintainers
- Add message_filters to find_package
- Remove unnecessary dependency on genmsg
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel, Kentaro Wada
1.5.4 (2018-03-31)
- update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fix config path of sample_voxel_grid.launch
- remove hack now that upstream pcl has been rebuilt
- Looser hzerror in test for extract_clusters to make it pass on Travis
- Add sample & test for surface/convex_hull
- Add sample & test for segmentation/extract_clusters.cpp
- Add sample & test for io/concatenate_data.cpp
- Add sample & test for features/normal_3d.cpp
- Organize samples of pcl_ros/features
- Add test arg to avoid duplicated testing
- LazyNodelet for features/*
- LazyNodelet for filters/ProjectInliers
- Refactor io/PCDReader and io/PCDWriter as child of PCLNodelet
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateFieldsSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateDataSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SegmentDifferences
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentationFromNormals
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentation
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/ExtractPolygonalPrismData
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/EuclideanClusterExtraction
- LazyNodelet for surface/MovingLeastSquares
- LazyNodelet for surface/ConvexHull2D
- Add missing COMPONENTS of PCL
- Inherit NodeletLazy for pipeline with less cpu load
- Set leaf_size 0.02
- Install samples
- Add sample and test for pcl/StatisticalOutlierRemoval Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- Add sample and test for pcl/VoxelGrid Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- no need to remove duplicates
- spourious line change
- remove now unnecessary build_depend on qtbase5
- exclude PCL IO libraries exporting Qt flag
- find only PCL components used instead of all PCL
- Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev
* Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev These dependencies were
introduced in
to temporarily fix missing / wrong dependencies in upstream vtk.
This hack is no longer necessary, since fixed vtk packages have been
uploaded to packages.ros.org (see
- Remove vtk hack from CMakeLists.txt
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Mikael Arguedas
1.5.3 (2017-05-03)
- Add dependency on qtbase5-dev for find_package(Qt5Widgets) See https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/pull/117#issuecomment-298158272 for detail.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.2 (2017-04-29)
- Find Qt5Widgets to fix -lQt5::Widgets error
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.1 (2017-04-26)
- Add my name as a maintainer
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.0 (2017-04-25)
- Fix lib name duplication error in ubunt:zesty
- Detect automatically the version of PCL in cmake
- Install xml files declaring nodelets
- Fix syntax of nodelet manifest file by splitting files for each library.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.4.0 (2016-04-22)
- Fixup libproj-dev rosdep
- Add build depend on libproj, since it's not provided by vtk right now
- manually remove dependency on vtkproj from PCL_LIBRARIES
- Remove python-vtk for kinetic-devel, see issue #44
- Contributors: Jackie Kay, Paul Bovbel
1.3.0 (2015-06-22)
- cleanup broken library links All removed library names are included in ${PCL_LIBRARIES}. However, the plain library names broke catkin's overlay mechanism: Where ${PCL_LIBRARIES} could point to a local installation of the PCL, e.g. pcd_ros_segmentation might still link to the system-wide installed version of pcl_segmentation.
- Fixed test for jade-devel. Progress on #92
- commented out test_tf_message_filter_pcl Until ros/geometry#80 has been merged the test will fail.
- fixed indentation and author
- Adds a test for tf message filters with pcl pointclouds
- specialized HasHeader, TimeStamp, FrameId
- HasHeader now returns false
- TimeStamp and FrameId specialed for pcl::PointCloud<T> for any point type T These changes allow to use pcl::PointCloud with tf::MessageFilter
- Sync pcl_nodelets.xml from hydro to indigo Fixes to pass catkin lint -W1
- Fixes #87 for Indigo
- Fixes #85 for Indigo
- Fixes #77 and #80 for indigo
- Added option to save pointclouds in binary and binary compressed format
- Contributors: Brice Rebsamen, Lucid One, Mitchell Wills, v4hn
1.2.6 (2015-02-04)
1.2.5 (2015-01-20)
1.2.4 (2015-01-15)
1.2.3 (2015-01-10)
- Update common.py Extended filter limits up to ±100000.0 in order to support intensity channel filtering.
- Contributors: Dani Carbonell
1.2.2 (2014-10-25)
- Adding target_frame [Ability to specify frame in bag_to_pcd ](https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/55)
- Update pcl_nodelets.xml Included missing closing library tag. This was causing the pcl/Filter nodelets below the missing nodelet tag to not be exported correctly.
- Contributors: Matt Derry, Paul Bovbel, Ruffin
1.2.1 (2014-09-13)
- clean up merge
- merge pull request #60
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel
1.2.0 (2014-04-09)
- Updated maintainership
- Fix TF2 support for bag_to_pcd #46
- Use cmake_modules to find eigen on indigo #45
1.1.7 (2013-09-20)
- adding more uncaught config dependencies
- adding FeatureConfig dependency too
1.1.6 (2013-09-20)
- add excplicit dependency on gencfg target
1.1.5 (2013-08-27)
- Updated package.xml's to use new libpcl-all rosdep rules
- package.xml: tuned whitespaces This commit removes trailing whitespaces and makes the line with the license information in the package.xml bitwise match exactly the common license information line in most ROS packages. The trailing whitespaces were detected when providing a bitbake recipe in the meta-ros project (github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros). In the recipe, the hash of the license line is declared and is used to check for changes in the license. For this recipe, it was not matching the common one. A related already merged commit is https://github.com/ros/std_msgs/pull/3 and a related pending commit is https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_msgs/pull/1.
1.1.4 (2013-07-23)
- Fix a serialization error with point_cloud headers
- Initialize shared pointers before use in part of the pcl_conversions Should address runtime errors reported in #29
- Changed the default bounds on filters to -1000, 1000 from -5, 5 in common.py
1.1.2 (2013-07-19)
- Fixed missing package exports on pcl_conversions and others
- Make find_package on Eigen and PCL REQUIRED
1.1.1 (2013-07-10)
- Add missing EIGEN define which caused failures on the farm
1.1.0 (2013-07-09)
- Add missing include in one of the installed headers
- Refactors to use pcl-1.7
- Use the PointIndices from pcl_msgs
- Experimental changes to point_cloud.h
- Fixes from converting from pcl-1.7, incomplete
- Depend on pcl_conversions and pcl_msgs
- bag_to_pcd: check return code of transformPointCloud() This fixes a bug where bag_to_pcd segfaults because of an ignored tf::ExtrapolationException.
- Changed #include type to lib
- Changed some #include types to lib
- removed a whitespace
1.0.34 (2013-05-21)
- fixing catkin python imports
1.0.33 (2013-05-20)
- Fixing catkin python imports
1.0.32 (2013-05-17)
- Merge pull request #11 from k-okada/groovy-devel revert removed directories
- fix to compileable
- copy features/segmentation/surface from fuerte-devel
1.0.31 (2013-04-22 11:58)
- No changes
1.0.30 (2013-04-22 11:47)
- deprecating bin install targets
1.0.29 (2013-03-04)
- Fixes #7
- now also works without specifying publishing interval like described in the wiki.
1.0.28 (2013-02-05 12:29)
- reenabling deprecated install targets - comment added
1.0.27 (2013-02-05 12:10)
- Update pcl_ros/package.xml
- Fixing target install directory for pcl tools
- update pluginlib macro
1.0.26 (2013-01-17)
- fixing catkin export
1.0.25 (2013-01-01)
- fixes #1
1.0.24 (2012-12-21)
- remove obsolete roslib import
1.0.23 (2012-12-19 16:52)
- clean up shared parameters
1.0.22 (2012-12-19 15:22)
- fix dyn reconf files
1.0.21 (2012-12-18 17:42)
- fixing catkin_package debs
1.0.20 (2012-12-18 14:21)
- adding catkin_project dependencies
1.0.19 (2012-12-17 21:47)
- adding nodelet_topic_tools dependency
1.0.18 (2012-12-17 21:17)
- adding pluginlib dependency
- adding nodelet dependencies
- CMake install fixes
- migrating nodelets and tools from fuerte release to pcl_ros
- Updated for new <buildtool_depend>catkin<...> catkin rule
1.0.17 (2012-10-26 09:28)
- remove useless tags
1.0.16 (2012-10-26 08:53)
- no need to depend on a meta-package
1.0.15 (2012-10-24)
- do not generrate messages automatically
1.0.14 (2012-10-23)
- bring back the PCL msgs
1.0.13 (2012-10-11 17:46)
- install library to the right place
1.0.12 (2012-10-11 17:25)
1.0.11 (2012-10-10)
- fix a few dependencies
1.0.10 (2012-10-04)
- comply to the new catkin API
- fixed pcl_ros manifest
- added pcl exports in manifest.xml
- fixed rosdeb pcl in pcl_ros/manifest.xml
- removing common_rosdeps from manifest.xml
- perception_pcl restructuring in groovy branch
- restructuring perception_pcl in groovy branch
- catkinized version of perception_pcl for groovy
- added PCL 1.6 stack for groovy
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- samples/pcl_ros/surface/sample_convex_hull.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/segmentation/sample_extract_clusters.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_voxel_grid.launch
- gui [default: true]
- test [default: true]
- leaf_size [default: 0.05]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/io/sample_concatenate_data.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/features/sample_normal_3d.launch
- gui [default: true]
- tests/test_tf_message_filter_pcl.launch
Recent questions tagged pcl_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pcl_ros package from perception_pcl repopcl_conversions pcl_ros perception_pcl |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.6.2 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | jazzy |
Last Updated | 2025-01-22 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Paul Bovbel
- Steve Macenski
- Kentaro Wada
- Open Perception
- Julius Kammerl
- William Woodall
Changelog for package pcl_ros
2.6.2 (2024-11-07)
- Fix handling of empty input point cloud in computePublish method (#467)
- point_cloud.hpp ros2 types fixed (#425)
- Fix [Could NOT find Boost (missing: Boost_INCLUDE_DIR)]{.title-ref} (#452)
- Fix ament_cpplint
- Fix ament_lint_cmake
- Switch to build_export_depend for libpcl-all-dev (#447)
- porting pointcoud_to_pcd to ros2 (#444)
- Contributors: Ar-Ray, Balint Rozgonyi, Ramon Wijnands, ShepelIlya, Yadu
1.6.2 (2018-05-20)
- Fix exported includes in Ubuntu Artful
- Increase limits on CropBox filter parameters
- Contributors: James Ward, Jiri Horner
1.6.1 (2018-05-08)
- Add 1.6.0 section to CHANGELOG.rst
- Fix the use of Eigen3 in cmake
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.6.0 (2018-04-30)
- Fix build and update maintainers
- Add message_filters to find_package
- Remove unnecessary dependency on genmsg
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel, Kentaro Wada
1.5.4 (2018-03-31)
- update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fix config path of sample_voxel_grid.launch
- remove hack now that upstream pcl has been rebuilt
- Looser hzerror in test for extract_clusters to make it pass on Travis
- Add sample & test for surface/convex_hull
- Add sample & test for segmentation/extract_clusters.cpp
- Add sample & test for io/concatenate_data.cpp
- Add sample & test for features/normal_3d.cpp
- Organize samples of pcl_ros/features
- Add test arg to avoid duplicated testing
- LazyNodelet for features/*
- LazyNodelet for filters/ProjectInliers
- Refactor io/PCDReader and io/PCDWriter as child of PCLNodelet
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateFieldsSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateDataSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SegmentDifferences
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentationFromNormals
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentation
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/ExtractPolygonalPrismData
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/EuclideanClusterExtraction
- LazyNodelet for surface/MovingLeastSquares
- LazyNodelet for surface/ConvexHull2D
- Add missing COMPONENTS of PCL
- Inherit NodeletLazy for pipeline with less cpu load
- Set leaf_size 0.02
- Install samples
- Add sample and test for pcl/StatisticalOutlierRemoval Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- Add sample and test for pcl/VoxelGrid Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- no need to remove duplicates
- spourious line change
- remove now unnecessary build_depend on qtbase5
- exclude PCL IO libraries exporting Qt flag
- find only PCL components used instead of all PCL
- Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev
* Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev These dependencies were
introduced in
to temporarily fix missing / wrong dependencies in upstream vtk.
This hack is no longer necessary, since fixed vtk packages have been
uploaded to packages.ros.org (see
- Remove vtk hack from CMakeLists.txt
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Mikael Arguedas
1.5.3 (2017-05-03)
- Add dependency on qtbase5-dev for find_package(Qt5Widgets) See https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/pull/117#issuecomment-298158272 for detail.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.2 (2017-04-29)
- Find Qt5Widgets to fix -lQt5::Widgets error
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.1 (2017-04-26)
- Add my name as a maintainer
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.0 (2017-04-25)
- Fix lib name duplication error in ubunt:zesty
- Detect automatically the version of PCL in cmake
- Install xml files declaring nodelets
- Fix syntax of nodelet manifest file by splitting files for each library.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.4.0 (2016-04-22)
- Fixup libproj-dev rosdep
- Add build depend on libproj, since it's not provided by vtk right now
- manually remove dependency on vtkproj from PCL_LIBRARIES
- Remove python-vtk for kinetic-devel, see issue #44
- Contributors: Jackie Kay, Paul Bovbel
1.3.0 (2015-06-22)
- cleanup broken library links All removed library names are included in ${PCL_LIBRARIES}. However, the plain library names broke catkin's overlay mechanism: Where ${PCL_LIBRARIES} could point to a local installation of the PCL, e.g. pcd_ros_segmentation might still link to the system-wide installed version of pcl_segmentation.
- Fixed test for jade-devel. Progress on #92
- commented out test_tf_message_filter_pcl Until ros/geometry#80 has been merged the test will fail.
- fixed indentation and author
- Adds a test for tf message filters with pcl pointclouds
- specialized HasHeader, TimeStamp, FrameId
- HasHeader now returns false
- TimeStamp and FrameId specialed for pcl::PointCloud<T> for any point type T These changes allow to use pcl::PointCloud with tf::MessageFilter
- Sync pcl_nodelets.xml from hydro to indigo Fixes to pass catkin lint -W1
- Fixes #87 for Indigo
- Fixes #85 for Indigo
- Fixes #77 and #80 for indigo
- Added option to save pointclouds in binary and binary compressed format
- Contributors: Brice Rebsamen, Lucid One, Mitchell Wills, v4hn
1.2.6 (2015-02-04)
1.2.5 (2015-01-20)
1.2.4 (2015-01-15)
1.2.3 (2015-01-10)
- Update common.py Extended filter limits up to ±100000.0 in order to support intensity channel filtering.
- Contributors: Dani Carbonell
1.2.2 (2014-10-25)
- Adding target_frame [Ability to specify frame in bag_to_pcd ](https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/55)
- Update pcl_nodelets.xml Included missing closing library tag. This was causing the pcl/Filter nodelets below the missing nodelet tag to not be exported correctly.
- Contributors: Matt Derry, Paul Bovbel, Ruffin
1.2.1 (2014-09-13)
- clean up merge
- merge pull request #60
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel
1.2.0 (2014-04-09)
- Updated maintainership
- Fix TF2 support for bag_to_pcd #46
- Use cmake_modules to find eigen on indigo #45
1.1.7 (2013-09-20)
- adding more uncaught config dependencies
- adding FeatureConfig dependency too
1.1.6 (2013-09-20)
- add excplicit dependency on gencfg target
1.1.5 (2013-08-27)
- Updated package.xml's to use new libpcl-all rosdep rules
- package.xml: tuned whitespaces This commit removes trailing whitespaces and makes the line with the license information in the package.xml bitwise match exactly the common license information line in most ROS packages. The trailing whitespaces were detected when providing a bitbake recipe in the meta-ros project (github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros). In the recipe, the hash of the license line is declared and is used to check for changes in the license. For this recipe, it was not matching the common one. A related already merged commit is https://github.com/ros/std_msgs/pull/3 and a related pending commit is https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_msgs/pull/1.
1.1.4 (2013-07-23)
- Fix a serialization error with point_cloud headers
- Initialize shared pointers before use in part of the pcl_conversions Should address runtime errors reported in #29
- Changed the default bounds on filters to -1000, 1000 from -5, 5 in common.py
1.1.2 (2013-07-19)
- Fixed missing package exports on pcl_conversions and others
- Make find_package on Eigen and PCL REQUIRED
1.1.1 (2013-07-10)
- Add missing EIGEN define which caused failures on the farm
1.1.0 (2013-07-09)
- Add missing include in one of the installed headers
- Refactors to use pcl-1.7
- Use the PointIndices from pcl_msgs
- Experimental changes to point_cloud.h
- Fixes from converting from pcl-1.7, incomplete
- Depend on pcl_conversions and pcl_msgs
- bag_to_pcd: check return code of transformPointCloud() This fixes a bug where bag_to_pcd segfaults because of an ignored tf::ExtrapolationException.
- Changed #include type to lib
- Changed some #include types to lib
- removed a whitespace
1.0.34 (2013-05-21)
- fixing catkin python imports
1.0.33 (2013-05-20)
- Fixing catkin python imports
1.0.32 (2013-05-17)
- Merge pull request #11 from k-okada/groovy-devel revert removed directories
- fix to compileable
- copy features/segmentation/surface from fuerte-devel
1.0.31 (2013-04-22 11:58)
- No changes
1.0.30 (2013-04-22 11:47)
- deprecating bin install targets
1.0.29 (2013-03-04)
- Fixes #7
- now also works without specifying publishing interval like described in the wiki.
1.0.28 (2013-02-05 12:29)
- reenabling deprecated install targets - comment added
1.0.27 (2013-02-05 12:10)
- Update pcl_ros/package.xml
- Fixing target install directory for pcl tools
- update pluginlib macro
1.0.26 (2013-01-17)
- fixing catkin export
1.0.25 (2013-01-01)
- fixes #1
1.0.24 (2012-12-21)
- remove obsolete roslib import
1.0.23 (2012-12-19 16:52)
- clean up shared parameters
1.0.22 (2012-12-19 15:22)
- fix dyn reconf files
1.0.21 (2012-12-18 17:42)
- fixing catkin_package debs
1.0.20 (2012-12-18 14:21)
- adding catkin_project dependencies
1.0.19 (2012-12-17 21:47)
- adding nodelet_topic_tools dependency
1.0.18 (2012-12-17 21:17)
- adding pluginlib dependency
- adding nodelet dependencies
- CMake install fixes
- migrating nodelets and tools from fuerte release to pcl_ros
- Updated for new <buildtool_depend>catkin<...> catkin rule
1.0.17 (2012-10-26 09:28)
- remove useless tags
1.0.16 (2012-10-26 08:53)
- no need to depend on a meta-package
1.0.15 (2012-10-24)
- do not generrate messages automatically
1.0.14 (2012-10-23)
- bring back the PCL msgs
1.0.13 (2012-10-11 17:46)
- install library to the right place
1.0.12 (2012-10-11 17:25)
1.0.11 (2012-10-10)
- fix a few dependencies
1.0.10 (2012-10-04)
- comply to the new catkin API
- fixed pcl_ros manifest
- added pcl exports in manifest.xml
- fixed rosdeb pcl in pcl_ros/manifest.xml
- removing common_rosdeps from manifest.xml
- perception_pcl restructuring in groovy branch
- restructuring perception_pcl in groovy branch
- catkinized version of perception_pcl for groovy
- added PCL 1.6 stack for groovy
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- samples/pcl_ros/surface/sample_convex_hull.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/segmentation/sample_extract_clusters.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_voxel_grid.launch
- gui [default: true]
- test [default: true]
- leaf_size [default: 0.05]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/io/sample_concatenate_data.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/features/sample_normal_3d.launch
- gui [default: true]
- tests/test_tf_message_filter_pcl.launch
Recent questions tagged pcl_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pcl_ros package from perception_pcl repopcl_conversions pcl_ros perception_pcl |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.6.2 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2025-03-06 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Paul Bovbel
- Steve Macenski
- Kentaro Wada
- Open Perception
- Julius Kammerl
- William Woodall
Changelog for package pcl_ros
2.6.2 (2024-11-07)
- Fix handling of empty input point cloud in computePublish method (#467)
- point_cloud.hpp ros2 types fixed (#425)
- Fix [Could NOT find Boost (missing: Boost_INCLUDE_DIR)]{.title-ref} (#452)
- Fix ament_cpplint
- Fix ament_lint_cmake
- Switch to build_export_depend for libpcl-all-dev (#447)
- porting pointcoud_to_pcd to ros2 (#444)
- Contributors: Ar-Ray, Balint Rozgonyi, Ramon Wijnands, ShepelIlya, Yadu
1.6.2 (2018-05-20)
- Fix exported includes in Ubuntu Artful
- Increase limits on CropBox filter parameters
- Contributors: James Ward, Jiri Horner
1.6.1 (2018-05-08)
- Add 1.6.0 section to CHANGELOG.rst
- Fix the use of Eigen3 in cmake
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.6.0 (2018-04-30)
- Fix build and update maintainers
- Add message_filters to find_package
- Remove unnecessary dependency on genmsg
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel, Kentaro Wada
1.5.4 (2018-03-31)
- update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fix config path of sample_voxel_grid.launch
- remove hack now that upstream pcl has been rebuilt
- Looser hzerror in test for extract_clusters to make it pass on Travis
- Add sample & test for surface/convex_hull
- Add sample & test for segmentation/extract_clusters.cpp
- Add sample & test for io/concatenate_data.cpp
- Add sample & test for features/normal_3d.cpp
- Organize samples of pcl_ros/features
- Add test arg to avoid duplicated testing
- LazyNodelet for features/*
- LazyNodelet for filters/ProjectInliers
- Refactor io/PCDReader and io/PCDWriter as child of PCLNodelet
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateFieldsSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateDataSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SegmentDifferences
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentationFromNormals
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentation
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/ExtractPolygonalPrismData
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/EuclideanClusterExtraction
- LazyNodelet for surface/MovingLeastSquares
- LazyNodelet for surface/ConvexHull2D
- Add missing COMPONENTS of PCL
- Inherit NodeletLazy for pipeline with less cpu load
- Set leaf_size 0.02
- Install samples
- Add sample and test for pcl/StatisticalOutlierRemoval Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- Add sample and test for pcl/VoxelGrid Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- no need to remove duplicates
- spourious line change
- remove now unnecessary build_depend on qtbase5
- exclude PCL IO libraries exporting Qt flag
- find only PCL components used instead of all PCL
- Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev
* Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev These dependencies were
introduced in
to temporarily fix missing / wrong dependencies in upstream vtk.
This hack is no longer necessary, since fixed vtk packages have been
uploaded to packages.ros.org (see
- Remove vtk hack from CMakeLists.txt
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Mikael Arguedas
1.5.3 (2017-05-03)
- Add dependency on qtbase5-dev for find_package(Qt5Widgets) See https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/pull/117#issuecomment-298158272 for detail.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.2 (2017-04-29)
- Find Qt5Widgets to fix -lQt5::Widgets error
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.1 (2017-04-26)
- Add my name as a maintainer
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.0 (2017-04-25)
- Fix lib name duplication error in ubunt:zesty
- Detect automatically the version of PCL in cmake
- Install xml files declaring nodelets
- Fix syntax of nodelet manifest file by splitting files for each library.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.4.0 (2016-04-22)
- Fixup libproj-dev rosdep
- Add build depend on libproj, since it's not provided by vtk right now
- manually remove dependency on vtkproj from PCL_LIBRARIES
- Remove python-vtk for kinetic-devel, see issue #44
- Contributors: Jackie Kay, Paul Bovbel
1.3.0 (2015-06-22)
- cleanup broken library links All removed library names are included in ${PCL_LIBRARIES}. However, the plain library names broke catkin's overlay mechanism: Where ${PCL_LIBRARIES} could point to a local installation of the PCL, e.g. pcd_ros_segmentation might still link to the system-wide installed version of pcl_segmentation.
- Fixed test for jade-devel. Progress on #92
- commented out test_tf_message_filter_pcl Until ros/geometry#80 has been merged the test will fail.
- fixed indentation and author
- Adds a test for tf message filters with pcl pointclouds
- specialized HasHeader, TimeStamp, FrameId
- HasHeader now returns false
- TimeStamp and FrameId specialed for pcl::PointCloud<T> for any point type T These changes allow to use pcl::PointCloud with tf::MessageFilter
- Sync pcl_nodelets.xml from hydro to indigo Fixes to pass catkin lint -W1
- Fixes #87 for Indigo
- Fixes #85 for Indigo
- Fixes #77 and #80 for indigo
- Added option to save pointclouds in binary and binary compressed format
- Contributors: Brice Rebsamen, Lucid One, Mitchell Wills, v4hn
1.2.6 (2015-02-04)
1.2.5 (2015-01-20)
1.2.4 (2015-01-15)
1.2.3 (2015-01-10)
- Update common.py Extended filter limits up to ±100000.0 in order to support intensity channel filtering.
- Contributors: Dani Carbonell
1.2.2 (2014-10-25)
- Adding target_frame [Ability to specify frame in bag_to_pcd ](https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/55)
- Update pcl_nodelets.xml Included missing closing library tag. This was causing the pcl/Filter nodelets below the missing nodelet tag to not be exported correctly.
- Contributors: Matt Derry, Paul Bovbel, Ruffin
1.2.1 (2014-09-13)
- clean up merge
- merge pull request #60
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel
1.2.0 (2014-04-09)
- Updated maintainership
- Fix TF2 support for bag_to_pcd #46
- Use cmake_modules to find eigen on indigo #45
1.1.7 (2013-09-20)
- adding more uncaught config dependencies
- adding FeatureConfig dependency too
1.1.6 (2013-09-20)
- add excplicit dependency on gencfg target
1.1.5 (2013-08-27)
- Updated package.xml's to use new libpcl-all rosdep rules
- package.xml: tuned whitespaces This commit removes trailing whitespaces and makes the line with the license information in the package.xml bitwise match exactly the common license information line in most ROS packages. The trailing whitespaces were detected when providing a bitbake recipe in the meta-ros project (github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros). In the recipe, the hash of the license line is declared and is used to check for changes in the license. For this recipe, it was not matching the common one. A related already merged commit is https://github.com/ros/std_msgs/pull/3 and a related pending commit is https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_msgs/pull/1.
1.1.4 (2013-07-23)
- Fix a serialization error with point_cloud headers
- Initialize shared pointers before use in part of the pcl_conversions Should address runtime errors reported in #29
- Changed the default bounds on filters to -1000, 1000 from -5, 5 in common.py
1.1.2 (2013-07-19)
- Fixed missing package exports on pcl_conversions and others
- Make find_package on Eigen and PCL REQUIRED
1.1.1 (2013-07-10)
- Add missing EIGEN define which caused failures on the farm
1.1.0 (2013-07-09)
- Add missing include in one of the installed headers
- Refactors to use pcl-1.7
- Use the PointIndices from pcl_msgs
- Experimental changes to point_cloud.h
- Fixes from converting from pcl-1.7, incomplete
- Depend on pcl_conversions and pcl_msgs
- bag_to_pcd: check return code of transformPointCloud() This fixes a bug where bag_to_pcd segfaults because of an ignored tf::ExtrapolationException.
- Changed #include type to lib
- Changed some #include types to lib
- removed a whitespace
1.0.34 (2013-05-21)
- fixing catkin python imports
1.0.33 (2013-05-20)
- Fixing catkin python imports
1.0.32 (2013-05-17)
- Merge pull request #11 from k-okada/groovy-devel revert removed directories
- fix to compileable
- copy features/segmentation/surface from fuerte-devel
1.0.31 (2013-04-22 11:58)
- No changes
1.0.30 (2013-04-22 11:47)
- deprecating bin install targets
1.0.29 (2013-03-04)
- Fixes #7
- now also works without specifying publishing interval like described in the wiki.
1.0.28 (2013-02-05 12:29)
- reenabling deprecated install targets - comment added
1.0.27 (2013-02-05 12:10)
- Update pcl_ros/package.xml
- Fixing target install directory for pcl tools
- update pluginlib macro
1.0.26 (2013-01-17)
- fixing catkin export
1.0.25 (2013-01-01)
- fixes #1
1.0.24 (2012-12-21)
- remove obsolete roslib import
1.0.23 (2012-12-19 16:52)
- clean up shared parameters
1.0.22 (2012-12-19 15:22)
- fix dyn reconf files
1.0.21 (2012-12-18 17:42)
- fixing catkin_package debs
1.0.20 (2012-12-18 14:21)
- adding catkin_project dependencies
1.0.19 (2012-12-17 21:47)
- adding nodelet_topic_tools dependency
1.0.18 (2012-12-17 21:17)
- adding pluginlib dependency
- adding nodelet dependencies
- CMake install fixes
- migrating nodelets and tools from fuerte release to pcl_ros
- Updated for new <buildtool_depend>catkin<...> catkin rule
1.0.17 (2012-10-26 09:28)
- remove useless tags
1.0.16 (2012-10-26 08:53)
- no need to depend on a meta-package
1.0.15 (2012-10-24)
- do not generrate messages automatically
1.0.14 (2012-10-23)
- bring back the PCL msgs
1.0.13 (2012-10-11 17:46)
- install library to the right place
1.0.12 (2012-10-11 17:25)
1.0.11 (2012-10-10)
- fix a few dependencies
1.0.10 (2012-10-04)
- comply to the new catkin API
- fixed pcl_ros manifest
- added pcl exports in manifest.xml
- fixed rosdeb pcl in pcl_ros/manifest.xml
- removing common_rosdeps from manifest.xml
- perception_pcl restructuring in groovy branch
- restructuring perception_pcl in groovy branch
- catkinized version of perception_pcl for groovy
- added PCL 1.6 stack for groovy
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- samples/pcl_ros/surface/sample_convex_hull.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/segmentation/sample_extract_clusters.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_voxel_grid.launch
- gui [default: true]
- test [default: true]
- leaf_size [default: 0.05]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/io/sample_concatenate_data.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/features/sample_normal_3d.launch
- gui [default: true]
- tests/test_tf_message_filter_pcl.launch
Recent questions tagged pcl_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pcl_ros package from perception_pcl repopcl_conversions pcl_ros perception_pcl |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.7.5 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | melodic-devel |
Last Updated | 2024-07-10 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Paul Bovbel
- Kentaro Wada
- Steve Macenski
- Open Perception
- Julius Kammerl
- William Woodall
Changelog for package pcl_ros
1.7.5 (2023-01-19)
- Adding separate leaf sizes for each axis in the VoxelGrid filter (#393)
- Add logic for missing pcl/point_traits.h in newer PCL versions (#381) point_traits.h is no longer available, starting with PCL 1.13.0 Since PCL 1.11.0, type_traits.h should be used instead
- Add boost include, missing in upcoming PCL versions (#373) Was removed in pcl/conversions.h here: https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/commit/292593abd3b69af315c7fe3379363bdce7800d5a
- Switch to hpp headers of pluginlib (#370) Co-authored-by: Jochen Sprickerhof <<jspricke@debian.org>>
- Contributors: Jochen Sprickerhof, Markus Vieth, Tom Moore
1.7.0 (2019-07-03)
- Added option for fixed filename (via local parameter) (#102) (cherry picked from commit bd38533523fa5c00f320e6505a2c533e90f9d97e)
- rewrote pcd_to_pointcloud to publish using a latched topic
- pointcloud is published as a latched topic now
- added functionality: ability to set config via parameters
- Fix
Allow bag_to_pcd to properly respond to topic argument
* Properly respond to topic argument fixing
Previously providing a topic name in argv[2], as indicated in the
usage string, modified the printouts indicating to the user that
they were going to be exporting the correct topic, but the
rosbag::View::Query used still grabbed the first
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 topic which was not necessarily what they
had specified.
- Added more useful printouts and type-checking on input topic
Catch tf::TransformException in transformPointCloud (#223) * Catch TransformException in transformPointCloud This allows to catch all exceptions, not only tf::LookupException and tf::ExtrapolationException. Note that most of the code using transformPointCloud already (implicitly) assumes this function doesn't throw any exception, and they check the return value, which is false when an exception happened (or something went wrong). * Check for transformPointCloud return value In pcl_ros/src/pcl_ros/io/concatenate_data.cpp, which seems to be the only place where that check was missed.
- Split off pcl_ros_filter into separate library (#239)
- [Windows][melodic-devel] Fix Boost linkage issue and binary install location. (#238)
- Wait for transform in transformPointCloud(). (#214)
- Added tf2 versions of functions in transforms.h/hpp. (#231)
- Switch to industrial_ci
- Use industrial_ci
- Run for all melodic target platforms
- Artful EOL; verbose build and tests
- Use travis_wait
- Remove travis_wait
- Download to devel space
- Mark SYSTEM includes to avoid spurious warnings
- Don't double-build PRs
- use <chrono> and <thread> on Windows
- Changing from usleep to c++14 style sleep_for for Windows support
- Contributors: Enrique Fernandez Perdomo, James Xu, Jarvis Schultz, Martin Pecka, Paul Bovbel, Sean Yen, Stefan Kohlbrecher, Wolfgang Merkt, moooeeeep
1.6.2 (2018-05-20)
- Fix exported includes in Ubuntu Artful
- Increase limits on CropBox filter parameters
- Contributors: James Ward, Jiri Horner
1.6.1 (2018-05-08)
- Add 1.6.0 section to CHANGELOG.rst
- Fix the use of Eigen3 in cmake
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.6.0 (2018-04-30)
- Fix build and update maintainers
- Add message_filters to find_package
- Remove unnecessary dependency on genmsg
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel, Kentaro Wada
1.5.4 (2018-03-31)
- update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fix config path of sample_voxel_grid.launch
- remove hack now that upstream pcl has been rebuilt
- Looser hzerror in test for extract_clusters to make it pass on Travis
- Add sample & test for surface/convex_hull
- Add sample & test for segmentation/extract_clusters.cpp
- Add sample & test for io/concatenate_data.cpp
- Add sample & test for features/normal_3d.cpp
- Organize samples of pcl_ros/features
- Add test arg to avoid duplicated testing
- LazyNodelet for features/*
- LazyNodelet for filters/ProjectInliers
- Refactor io/PCDReader and io/PCDWriter as child of PCLNodelet
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateFieldsSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateDataSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SegmentDifferences
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentationFromNormals
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentation
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/ExtractPolygonalPrismData
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/EuclideanClusterExtraction
- LazyNodelet for surface/MovingLeastSquares
- LazyNodelet for surface/ConvexHull2D
- Add missing COMPONENTS of PCL
- Inherit NodeletLazy for pipeline with less cpu load
- Set leaf_size 0.02
- Install samples
- Add sample and test for pcl/StatisticalOutlierRemoval Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- Add sample and test for pcl/VoxelGrid Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- no need to remove duplicates
- spourious line change
- remove now unnecessary build_depend on qtbase5
- exclude PCL IO libraries exporting Qt flag
- find only PCL components used instead of all PCL
- Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev
* Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev These dependencies were
introduced in
to temporarily fix missing / wrong dependencies in upstream vtk.
This hack is no longer necessary, since fixed vtk packages have been
uploaded to packages.ros.org (see
- Remove vtk hack from CMakeLists.txt
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Mikael Arguedas
1.5.3 (2017-05-03)
- Add dependency on qtbase5-dev for find_package(Qt5Widgets) See https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/pull/117#issuecomment-298158272 for detail.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.2 (2017-04-29)
- Find Qt5Widgets to fix -lQt5::Widgets error
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.1 (2017-04-26)
- Add my name as a maintainer
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.0 (2017-04-25)
- Fix lib name duplication error in ubunt:zesty
- Detect automatically the version of PCL in cmake
- Install xml files declaring nodelets
- Fix syntax of nodelet manifest file by splitting files for each library.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.4.0 (2016-04-22)
- Fixup libproj-dev rosdep
- Add build depend on libproj, since it's not provided by vtk right now
- manually remove dependency on vtkproj from PCL_LIBRARIES
- Remove python-vtk for kinetic-devel, see issue #44
- Contributors: Jackie Kay, Paul Bovbel
1.3.0 (2015-06-22)
- cleanup broken library links All removed library names are included in ${PCL_LIBRARIES}. However, the plain library names broke catkin's overlay mechanism: Where ${PCL_LIBRARIES} could point to a local installation of the PCL, e.g. pcd_ros_segmentation might still link to the system-wide installed version of pcl_segmentation.
- Fixed test for jade-devel. Progress on #92
- commented out test_tf_message_filter_pcl Until ros/geometry#80 has been merged the test will fail.
- fixed indentation and author
- Adds a test for tf message filters with pcl pointclouds
- specialized HasHeader, TimeStamp, FrameId
- HasHeader now returns false
- TimeStamp and FrameId specialed for pcl::PointCloud<T> for any point type T These changes allow to use pcl::PointCloud with tf::MessageFilter
- Sync pcl_nodelets.xml from hydro to indigo Fixes to pass catkin lint -W1
- Fixes #87 for Indigo
- Fixes #85 for Indigo
- Fixes #77 and #80 for indigo
- Added option to save pointclouds in binary and binary compressed format
- Contributors: Brice Rebsamen, Lucid One, Mitchell Wills, v4hn
1.2.6 (2015-02-04)
1.2.5 (2015-01-20)
1.2.4 (2015-01-15)
1.2.3 (2015-01-10)
- Update common.py Extended filter limits up to ±100000.0 in order to support intensity channel filtering.
- Contributors: Dani Carbonell
1.2.2 (2014-10-25)
- Adding target_frame [Ability to specify frame in bag_to_pcd ](https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/55)
- Update pcl_nodelets.xml Included missing closing library tag. This was causing the pcl/Filter nodelets below the missing nodelet tag to not be exported correctly.
- Contributors: Matt Derry, Paul Bovbel, Ruffin
1.2.1 (2014-09-13)
- clean up merge
- merge pull request #60
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel
1.2.0 (2014-04-09)
- Updated maintainership
- Fix TF2 support for bag_to_pcd #46
- Use cmake_modules to find eigen on indigo #45
1.1.7 (2013-09-20)
- adding more uncaught config dependencies
- adding FeatureConfig dependency too
1.1.6 (2013-09-20)
- add excplicit dependency on gencfg target
1.1.5 (2013-08-27)
- Updated package.xml's to use new libpcl-all rosdep rules
- package.xml: tuned whitespaces This commit removes trailing whitespaces and makes the line with the license information in the package.xml bitwise match exactly the common license information line in most ROS packages. The trailing whitespaces were detected when providing a bitbake recipe in the meta-ros project (github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros). In the recipe, the hash of the license line is declared and is used to check for changes in the license. For this recipe, it was not matching the common one. A related already merged commit is https://github.com/ros/std_msgs/pull/3 and a related pending commit is https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_msgs/pull/1.
1.1.4 (2013-07-23)
- Fix a serialization error with point_cloud headers
- Initialize shared pointers before use in part of the pcl_conversions Should address runtime errors reported in #29
- Changed the default bounds on filters to -1000, 1000 from -5, 5 in common.py
1.1.2 (2013-07-19)
- Fixed missing package exports on pcl_conversions and others
- Make find_package on Eigen and PCL REQUIRED
1.1.1 (2013-07-10)
- Add missing EIGEN define which caused failures on the farm
1.1.0 (2013-07-09)
- Add missing include in one of the installed headers
- Refactors to use pcl-1.7
- Use the PointIndices from pcl_msgs
- Experimental changes to point_cloud.h
- Fixes from converting from pcl-1.7, incomplete
- Depend on pcl_conversions and pcl_msgs
- bag_to_pcd: check return code of transformPointCloud() This fixes a bug where bag_to_pcd segfaults because of an ignored tf::ExtrapolationException.
- Changed #include type to lib
- Changed some #include types to lib
- removed a whitespace
1.0.34 (2013-05-21)
- fixing catkin python imports
1.0.33 (2013-05-20)
- Fixing catkin python imports
1.0.32 (2013-05-17)
- Merge pull request #11 from k-okada/groovy-devel revert removed directories
- fix to compileable
- copy features/segmentation/surface from fuerte-devel
1.0.31 (2013-04-22 11:58)
- No changes
1.0.30 (2013-04-22 11:47)
- deprecating bin install targets
1.0.29 (2013-03-04)
- Fixes #7
- now also works without specifying publishing interval like described in the wiki.
1.0.28 (2013-02-05 12:29)
- reenabling deprecated install targets - comment added
1.0.27 (2013-02-05 12:10)
- Update pcl_ros/package.xml
- Fixing target install directory for pcl tools
- update pluginlib macro
1.0.26 (2013-01-17)
- fixing catkin export
1.0.25 (2013-01-01)
- fixes #1
1.0.24 (2012-12-21)
- remove obsolete roslib import
1.0.23 (2012-12-19 16:52)
- clean up shared parameters
1.0.22 (2012-12-19 15:22)
- fix dyn reconf files
1.0.21 (2012-12-18 17:42)
- fixing catkin_package debs
1.0.20 (2012-12-18 14:21)
- adding catkin_project dependencies
1.0.19 (2012-12-17 21:47)
- adding nodelet_topic_tools dependency
1.0.18 (2012-12-17 21:17)
- adding pluginlib dependency
- adding nodelet dependencies
- CMake install fixes
- migrating nodelets and tools from fuerte release to pcl_ros
- Updated for new <buildtool_depend>catkin<...> catkin rule
1.0.17 (2012-10-26 09:28)
- remove useless tags
1.0.16 (2012-10-26 08:53)
- no need to depend on a meta-package
1.0.15 (2012-10-24)
- do not generrate messages automatically
1.0.14 (2012-10-23)
- bring back the PCL msgs
1.0.13 (2012-10-11 17:46)
- install library to the right place
1.0.12 (2012-10-11 17:25)
1.0.11 (2012-10-10)
- fix a few dependencies
1.0.10 (2012-10-04)
- comply to the new catkin API
- fixed pcl_ros manifest
- added pcl exports in manifest.xml
- fixed rosdeb pcl in pcl_ros/manifest.xml
- removing common_rosdeps from manifest.xml
- perception_pcl restructuring in groovy branch
- restructuring perception_pcl in groovy branch
- catkinized version of perception_pcl for groovy
- added PCL 1.6 stack for groovy
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Name |
eigen |
libpcl-all-dev |
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- samples/pcl_ros/surface/sample_convex_hull.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/segmentation/sample_extract_clusters.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_voxel_grid.launch
- gui [default: true]
- test [default: true]
- leaf_size [default: 0.05]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/io/sample_concatenate_data.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/features/sample_normal_3d.launch
- gui [default: true]
- tests/test_tf_message_filter_pcl.launch
Recent questions tagged pcl_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pcl_ros package from perception_pcl repopcl_conversions pcl_ros perception_pcl |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.2.1 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | foxy-devel |
Last Updated | 2021-09-14 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Paul Bovbel
- Steve Macenski
- Kentaro Wada
- Open Perception
- Julius Kammerl
- William Woodall
Changelog for package pcl_ros
1.6.2 (2018-05-20)
- Fix exported includes in Ubuntu Artful
- Increase limits on CropBox filter parameters
- Contributors: James Ward, Jiri Horner
1.6.1 (2018-05-08)
- Add 1.6.0 section to CHANGELOG.rst
- Fix the use of Eigen3 in cmake
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.6.0 (2018-04-30)
- Fix build and update maintainers
- Add message_filters to find_package
- Remove unnecessary dependency on genmsg
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel, Kentaro Wada
1.5.4 (2018-03-31)
- update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fix config path of sample_voxel_grid.launch
- remove hack now that upstream pcl has been rebuilt
- Looser hzerror in test for extract_clusters to make it pass on Travis
- Add sample & test for surface/convex_hull
- Add sample & test for segmentation/extract_clusters.cpp
- Add sample & test for io/concatenate_data.cpp
- Add sample & test for features/normal_3d.cpp
- Organize samples of pcl_ros/features
- Add test arg to avoid duplicated testing
- LazyNodelet for features/*
- LazyNodelet for filters/ProjectInliers
- Refactor io/PCDReader and io/PCDWriter as child of PCLNodelet
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateFieldsSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateDataSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SegmentDifferences
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentationFromNormals
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentation
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/ExtractPolygonalPrismData
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/EuclideanClusterExtraction
- LazyNodelet for surface/MovingLeastSquares
- LazyNodelet for surface/ConvexHull2D
- Add missing COMPONENTS of PCL
- Inherit NodeletLazy for pipeline with less cpu load
- Set leaf_size 0.02
- Install samples
- Add sample and test for pcl/StatisticalOutlierRemoval Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- Add sample and test for pcl/VoxelGrid Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- no need to remove duplicates
- spourious line change
- remove now unnecessary build_depend on qtbase5
- exclude PCL IO libraries exporting Qt flag
- find only PCL components used instead of all PCL
- Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev
* Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev These dependencies were
introduced in
to temporarily fix missing / wrong dependencies in upstream vtk.
This hack is no longer necessary, since fixed vtk packages have been
uploaded to packages.ros.org (see
- Remove vtk hack from CMakeLists.txt
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Mikael Arguedas
1.5.3 (2017-05-03)
- Add dependency on qtbase5-dev for find_package(Qt5Widgets) See https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/pull/117#issuecomment-298158272 for detail.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.2 (2017-04-29)
- Find Qt5Widgets to fix -lQt5::Widgets error
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.1 (2017-04-26)
- Add my name as a maintainer
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.0 (2017-04-25)
- Fix lib name duplication error in ubunt:zesty
- Detect automatically the version of PCL in cmake
- Install xml files declaring nodelets
- Fix syntax of nodelet manifest file by splitting files for each library.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.4.0 (2016-04-22)
- Fixup libproj-dev rosdep
- Add build depend on libproj, since it's not provided by vtk right now
- manually remove dependency on vtkproj from PCL_LIBRARIES
- Remove python-vtk for kinetic-devel, see issue #44
- Contributors: Jackie Kay, Paul Bovbel
1.3.0 (2015-06-22)
- cleanup broken library links All removed library names are included in ${PCL_LIBRARIES}. However, the plain library names broke catkin's overlay mechanism: Where ${PCL_LIBRARIES} could point to a local installation of the PCL, e.g. pcd_ros_segmentation might still link to the system-wide installed version of pcl_segmentation.
- Fixed test for jade-devel. Progress on #92
- commented out test_tf_message_filter_pcl Until ros/geometry#80 has been merged the test will fail.
- fixed indentation and author
- Adds a test for tf message filters with pcl pointclouds
- specialized HasHeader, TimeStamp, FrameId
- HasHeader now returns false
- TimeStamp and FrameId specialed for pcl::PointCloud<T> for any point type T These changes allow to use pcl::PointCloud with tf::MessageFilter
- Sync pcl_nodelets.xml from hydro to indigo Fixes to pass catkin lint -W1
- Fixes #87 for Indigo
- Fixes #85 for Indigo
- Fixes #77 and #80 for indigo
- Added option to save pointclouds in binary and binary compressed format
- Contributors: Brice Rebsamen, Lucid One, Mitchell Wills, v4hn
1.2.6 (2015-02-04)
1.2.5 (2015-01-20)
1.2.4 (2015-01-15)
1.2.3 (2015-01-10)
- Update common.py Extended filter limits up to ±100000.0 in order to support intensity channel filtering.
- Contributors: Dani Carbonell
1.2.2 (2014-10-25)
- Adding target_frame [Ability to specify frame in bag_to_pcd ](https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/55)
- Update pcl_nodelets.xml Included missing closing library tag. This was causing the pcl/Filter nodelets below the missing nodelet tag to not be exported correctly.
- Contributors: Matt Derry, Paul Bovbel, Ruffin
1.2.1 (2014-09-13)
- clean up merge
- merge pull request #60
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel
1.2.0 (2014-04-09)
- Updated maintainership
- Fix TF2 support for bag_to_pcd #46
- Use cmake_modules to find eigen on indigo #45
1.1.7 (2013-09-20)
- adding more uncaught config dependencies
- adding FeatureConfig dependency too
1.1.6 (2013-09-20)
- add excplicit dependency on gencfg target
1.1.5 (2013-08-27)
- Updated package.xml's to use new libpcl-all rosdep rules
- package.xml: tuned whitespaces This commit removes trailing whitespaces and makes the line with the license information in the package.xml bitwise match exactly the common license information line in most ROS packages. The trailing whitespaces were detected when providing a bitbake recipe in the meta-ros project (github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros). In the recipe, the hash of the license line is declared and is used to check for changes in the license. For this recipe, it was not matching the common one. A related already merged commit is https://github.com/ros/std_msgs/pull/3 and a related pending commit is https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_msgs/pull/1.
1.1.4 (2013-07-23)
- Fix a serialization error with point_cloud headers
- Initialize shared pointers before use in part of the pcl_conversions Should address runtime errors reported in #29
- Changed the default bounds on filters to -1000, 1000 from -5, 5 in common.py
1.1.2 (2013-07-19)
- Fixed missing package exports on pcl_conversions and others
- Make find_package on Eigen and PCL REQUIRED
1.1.1 (2013-07-10)
- Add missing EIGEN define which caused failures on the farm
1.1.0 (2013-07-09)
- Add missing include in one of the installed headers
- Refactors to use pcl-1.7
- Use the PointIndices from pcl_msgs
- Experimental changes to point_cloud.h
- Fixes from converting from pcl-1.7, incomplete
- Depend on pcl_conversions and pcl_msgs
- bag_to_pcd: check return code of transformPointCloud() This fixes a bug where bag_to_pcd segfaults because of an ignored tf::ExtrapolationException.
- Changed #include type to lib
- Changed some #include types to lib
- removed a whitespace
1.0.34 (2013-05-21)
- fixing catkin python imports
1.0.33 (2013-05-20)
- Fixing catkin python imports
1.0.32 (2013-05-17)
- Merge pull request #11 from k-okada/groovy-devel revert removed directories
- fix to compileable
- copy features/segmentation/surface from fuerte-devel
1.0.31 (2013-04-22 11:58)
- No changes
1.0.30 (2013-04-22 11:47)
- deprecating bin install targets
1.0.29 (2013-03-04)
- Fixes #7
- now also works without specifying publishing interval like described in the wiki.
1.0.28 (2013-02-05 12:29)
- reenabling deprecated install targets - comment added
1.0.27 (2013-02-05 12:10)
- Update pcl_ros/package.xml
- Fixing target install directory for pcl tools
- update pluginlib macro
1.0.26 (2013-01-17)
- fixing catkin export
1.0.25 (2013-01-01)
- fixes #1
1.0.24 (2012-12-21)
- remove obsolete roslib import
1.0.23 (2012-12-19 16:52)
- clean up shared parameters
1.0.22 (2012-12-19 15:22)
- fix dyn reconf files
1.0.21 (2012-12-18 17:42)
- fixing catkin_package debs
1.0.20 (2012-12-18 14:21)
- adding catkin_project dependencies
1.0.19 (2012-12-17 21:47)
- adding nodelet_topic_tools dependency
1.0.18 (2012-12-17 21:17)
- adding pluginlib dependency
- adding nodelet dependencies
- CMake install fixes
- migrating nodelets and tools from fuerte release to pcl_ros
- Updated for new <buildtool_depend>catkin<...> catkin rule
1.0.17 (2012-10-26 09:28)
- remove useless tags
1.0.16 (2012-10-26 08:53)
- no need to depend on a meta-package
1.0.15 (2012-10-24)
- do not generrate messages automatically
1.0.14 (2012-10-23)
- bring back the PCL msgs
1.0.13 (2012-10-11 17:46)
- install library to the right place
1.0.12 (2012-10-11 17:25)
1.0.11 (2012-10-10)
- fix a few dependencies
1.0.10 (2012-10-04)
- comply to the new catkin API
- fixed pcl_ros manifest
- added pcl exports in manifest.xml
- fixed rosdeb pcl in pcl_ros/manifest.xml
- removing common_rosdeps from manifest.xml
- perception_pcl restructuring in groovy branch
- restructuring perception_pcl in groovy branch
- catkinized version of perception_pcl for groovy
- added PCL 1.6 stack for groovy
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
ament_cmake | |
ament_lint_auto | |
ament_lint_common | |
ament_cmake_gtest | |
pcl_conversions | |
rclcpp | |
sensor_msgs | |
geometry_msgs | |
tf2 | |
tf2_geometry_msgs | |
tf2_ros |
System Dependencies
Name |
eigen |
libpcl-all-dev |
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
octomap_server | |
perception_pcl |
Launch files
- samples/pcl_ros/surface/sample_convex_hull.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/segmentation/sample_extract_clusters.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_voxel_grid.launch
- gui [default: true]
- test [default: true]
- leaf_size [default: 0.05]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/io/sample_concatenate_data.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/features/sample_normal_3d.launch
- gui [default: true]
- tests/test_tf_message_filter_pcl.launch
Recent questions tagged pcl_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pcl_ros package from perception_pcl repopcl_conversions pcl_ros perception_pcl |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 2.6.2 |
License | BSD |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | ros2 |
Last Updated | 2025-03-06 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Paul Bovbel
- Steve Macenski
- Kentaro Wada
- Open Perception
- Julius Kammerl
- William Woodall
Changelog for package pcl_ros
2.6.2 (2024-11-07)
- Fix handling of empty input point cloud in computePublish method (#467)
- point_cloud.hpp ros2 types fixed (#425)
- Fix [Could NOT find Boost (missing: Boost_INCLUDE_DIR)]{.title-ref} (#452)
- Fix ament_cpplint
- Fix ament_lint_cmake
- Switch to build_export_depend for libpcl-all-dev (#447)
- porting pointcoud_to_pcd to ros2 (#444)
- Contributors: Ar-Ray, Balint Rozgonyi, Ramon Wijnands, ShepelIlya, Yadu
1.6.2 (2018-05-20)
- Fix exported includes in Ubuntu Artful
- Increase limits on CropBox filter parameters
- Contributors: James Ward, Jiri Horner
1.6.1 (2018-05-08)
- Add 1.6.0 section to CHANGELOG.rst
- Fix the use of Eigen3 in cmake
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.6.0 (2018-04-30)
- Fix build and update maintainers
- Add message_filters to find_package
- Remove unnecessary dependency on genmsg
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel, Kentaro Wada
1.5.4 (2018-03-31)
- update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fix config path of sample_voxel_grid.launch
- remove hack now that upstream pcl has been rebuilt
- Looser hzerror in test for extract_clusters to make it pass on Travis
- Add sample & test for surface/convex_hull
- Add sample & test for segmentation/extract_clusters.cpp
- Add sample & test for io/concatenate_data.cpp
- Add sample & test for features/normal_3d.cpp
- Organize samples of pcl_ros/features
- Add test arg to avoid duplicated testing
- LazyNodelet for features/*
- LazyNodelet for filters/ProjectInliers
- Refactor io/PCDReader and io/PCDWriter as child of PCLNodelet
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateFieldsSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateDataSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SegmentDifferences
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentationFromNormals
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentation
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/ExtractPolygonalPrismData
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/EuclideanClusterExtraction
- LazyNodelet for surface/MovingLeastSquares
- LazyNodelet for surface/ConvexHull2D
- Add missing COMPONENTS of PCL
- Inherit NodeletLazy for pipeline with less cpu load
- Set leaf_size 0.02
- Install samples
- Add sample and test for pcl/StatisticalOutlierRemoval Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- Add sample and test for pcl/VoxelGrid Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- no need to remove duplicates
- spourious line change
- remove now unnecessary build_depend on qtbase5
- exclude PCL IO libraries exporting Qt flag
- find only PCL components used instead of all PCL
- Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev
* Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev These dependencies were
introduced in
to temporarily fix missing / wrong dependencies in upstream vtk.
This hack is no longer necessary, since fixed vtk packages have been
uploaded to packages.ros.org (see
- Remove vtk hack from CMakeLists.txt
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Mikael Arguedas
1.5.3 (2017-05-03)
- Add dependency on qtbase5-dev for find_package(Qt5Widgets) See https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/pull/117#issuecomment-298158272 for detail.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.2 (2017-04-29)
- Find Qt5Widgets to fix -lQt5::Widgets error
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.1 (2017-04-26)
- Add my name as a maintainer
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.0 (2017-04-25)
- Fix lib name duplication error in ubunt:zesty
- Detect automatically the version of PCL in cmake
- Install xml files declaring nodelets
- Fix syntax of nodelet manifest file by splitting files for each library.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.4.0 (2016-04-22)
- Fixup libproj-dev rosdep
- Add build depend on libproj, since it's not provided by vtk right now
- manually remove dependency on vtkproj from PCL_LIBRARIES
- Remove python-vtk for kinetic-devel, see issue #44
- Contributors: Jackie Kay, Paul Bovbel
1.3.0 (2015-06-22)
- cleanup broken library links All removed library names are included in ${PCL_LIBRARIES}. However, the plain library names broke catkin's overlay mechanism: Where ${PCL_LIBRARIES} could point to a local installation of the PCL, e.g. pcd_ros_segmentation might still link to the system-wide installed version of pcl_segmentation.
- Fixed test for jade-devel. Progress on #92
- commented out test_tf_message_filter_pcl Until ros/geometry#80 has been merged the test will fail.
- fixed indentation and author
- Adds a test for tf message filters with pcl pointclouds
- specialized HasHeader, TimeStamp, FrameId
- HasHeader now returns false
- TimeStamp and FrameId specialed for pcl::PointCloud<T> for any point type T These changes allow to use pcl::PointCloud with tf::MessageFilter
- Sync pcl_nodelets.xml from hydro to indigo Fixes to pass catkin lint -W1
- Fixes #87 for Indigo
- Fixes #85 for Indigo
- Fixes #77 and #80 for indigo
- Added option to save pointclouds in binary and binary compressed format
- Contributors: Brice Rebsamen, Lucid One, Mitchell Wills, v4hn
1.2.6 (2015-02-04)
1.2.5 (2015-01-20)
1.2.4 (2015-01-15)
1.2.3 (2015-01-10)
- Update common.py Extended filter limits up to ±100000.0 in order to support intensity channel filtering.
- Contributors: Dani Carbonell
1.2.2 (2014-10-25)
- Adding target_frame [Ability to specify frame in bag_to_pcd ](https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/55)
- Update pcl_nodelets.xml Included missing closing library tag. This was causing the pcl/Filter nodelets below the missing nodelet tag to not be exported correctly.
- Contributors: Matt Derry, Paul Bovbel, Ruffin
1.2.1 (2014-09-13)
- clean up merge
- merge pull request #60
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel
1.2.0 (2014-04-09)
- Updated maintainership
- Fix TF2 support for bag_to_pcd #46
- Use cmake_modules to find eigen on indigo #45
1.1.7 (2013-09-20)
- adding more uncaught config dependencies
- adding FeatureConfig dependency too
1.1.6 (2013-09-20)
- add excplicit dependency on gencfg target
1.1.5 (2013-08-27)
- Updated package.xml's to use new libpcl-all rosdep rules
- package.xml: tuned whitespaces This commit removes trailing whitespaces and makes the line with the license information in the package.xml bitwise match exactly the common license information line in most ROS packages. The trailing whitespaces were detected when providing a bitbake recipe in the meta-ros project (github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros). In the recipe, the hash of the license line is declared and is used to check for changes in the license. For this recipe, it was not matching the common one. A related already merged commit is https://github.com/ros/std_msgs/pull/3 and a related pending commit is https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_msgs/pull/1.
1.1.4 (2013-07-23)
- Fix a serialization error with point_cloud headers
- Initialize shared pointers before use in part of the pcl_conversions Should address runtime errors reported in #29
- Changed the default bounds on filters to -1000, 1000 from -5, 5 in common.py
1.1.2 (2013-07-19)
- Fixed missing package exports on pcl_conversions and others
- Make find_package on Eigen and PCL REQUIRED
1.1.1 (2013-07-10)
- Add missing EIGEN define which caused failures on the farm
1.1.0 (2013-07-09)
- Add missing include in one of the installed headers
- Refactors to use pcl-1.7
- Use the PointIndices from pcl_msgs
- Experimental changes to point_cloud.h
- Fixes from converting from pcl-1.7, incomplete
- Depend on pcl_conversions and pcl_msgs
- bag_to_pcd: check return code of transformPointCloud() This fixes a bug where bag_to_pcd segfaults because of an ignored tf::ExtrapolationException.
- Changed #include type to lib
- Changed some #include types to lib
- removed a whitespace
1.0.34 (2013-05-21)
- fixing catkin python imports
1.0.33 (2013-05-20)
- Fixing catkin python imports
1.0.32 (2013-05-17)
- Merge pull request #11 from k-okada/groovy-devel revert removed directories
- fix to compileable
- copy features/segmentation/surface from fuerte-devel
1.0.31 (2013-04-22 11:58)
- No changes
1.0.30 (2013-04-22 11:47)
- deprecating bin install targets
1.0.29 (2013-03-04)
- Fixes #7
- now also works without specifying publishing interval like described in the wiki.
1.0.28 (2013-02-05 12:29)
- reenabling deprecated install targets - comment added
1.0.27 (2013-02-05 12:10)
- Update pcl_ros/package.xml
- Fixing target install directory for pcl tools
- update pluginlib macro
1.0.26 (2013-01-17)
- fixing catkin export
1.0.25 (2013-01-01)
- fixes #1
1.0.24 (2012-12-21)
- remove obsolete roslib import
1.0.23 (2012-12-19 16:52)
- clean up shared parameters
1.0.22 (2012-12-19 15:22)
- fix dyn reconf files
1.0.21 (2012-12-18 17:42)
- fixing catkin_package debs
1.0.20 (2012-12-18 14:21)
- adding catkin_project dependencies
1.0.19 (2012-12-17 21:47)
- adding nodelet_topic_tools dependency
1.0.18 (2012-12-17 21:17)
- adding pluginlib dependency
- adding nodelet dependencies
- CMake install fixes
- migrating nodelets and tools from fuerte release to pcl_ros
- Updated for new <buildtool_depend>catkin<...> catkin rule
1.0.17 (2012-10-26 09:28)
- remove useless tags
1.0.16 (2012-10-26 08:53)
- no need to depend on a meta-package
1.0.15 (2012-10-24)
- do not generrate messages automatically
1.0.14 (2012-10-23)
- bring back the PCL msgs
1.0.13 (2012-10-11 17:46)
- install library to the right place
1.0.12 (2012-10-11 17:25)
1.0.11 (2012-10-10)
- fix a few dependencies
1.0.10 (2012-10-04)
- comply to the new catkin API
- fixed pcl_ros manifest
- added pcl exports in manifest.xml
- fixed rosdeb pcl in pcl_ros/manifest.xml
- removing common_rosdeps from manifest.xml
- perception_pcl restructuring in groovy branch
- restructuring perception_pcl in groovy branch
- catkinized version of perception_pcl for groovy
- added PCL 1.6 stack for groovy
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- samples/pcl_ros/surface/sample_convex_hull.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/segmentation/sample_extract_clusters.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_voxel_grid.launch
- gui [default: true]
- test [default: true]
- leaf_size [default: 0.05]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/io/sample_concatenate_data.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/features/sample_normal_3d.launch
- gui [default: true]
- tests/test_tf_message_filter_pcl.launch
Recent questions tagged pcl_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pcl_ros package from perception_pcl repopcl_conversions pcl_ros perception_pcl |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.7.5 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | melodic-devel |
Last Updated | 2024-07-10 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Paul Bovbel
- Kentaro Wada
- Steve Macenski
- Open Perception
- Julius Kammerl
- William Woodall
Changelog for package pcl_ros
1.7.5 (2023-01-19)
- Adding separate leaf sizes for each axis in the VoxelGrid filter (#393)
- Add logic for missing pcl/point_traits.h in newer PCL versions (#381) point_traits.h is no longer available, starting with PCL 1.13.0 Since PCL 1.11.0, type_traits.h should be used instead
- Add boost include, missing in upcoming PCL versions (#373) Was removed in pcl/conversions.h here: https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/commit/292593abd3b69af315c7fe3379363bdce7800d5a
- Switch to hpp headers of pluginlib (#370) Co-authored-by: Jochen Sprickerhof <<jspricke@debian.org>>
- Contributors: Jochen Sprickerhof, Markus Vieth, Tom Moore
1.7.0 (2019-07-03)
- Added option for fixed filename (via local parameter) (#102) (cherry picked from commit bd38533523fa5c00f320e6505a2c533e90f9d97e)
- rewrote pcd_to_pointcloud to publish using a latched topic
- pointcloud is published as a latched topic now
- added functionality: ability to set config via parameters
- Fix
Allow bag_to_pcd to properly respond to topic argument
* Properly respond to topic argument fixing
Previously providing a topic name in argv[2], as indicated in the
usage string, modified the printouts indicating to the user that
they were going to be exporting the correct topic, but the
rosbag::View::Query used still grabbed the first
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 topic which was not necessarily what they
had specified.
- Added more useful printouts and type-checking on input topic
Catch tf::TransformException in transformPointCloud (#223) * Catch TransformException in transformPointCloud This allows to catch all exceptions, not only tf::LookupException and tf::ExtrapolationException. Note that most of the code using transformPointCloud already (implicitly) assumes this function doesn't throw any exception, and they check the return value, which is false when an exception happened (or something went wrong). * Check for transformPointCloud return value In pcl_ros/src/pcl_ros/io/concatenate_data.cpp, which seems to be the only place where that check was missed.
- Split off pcl_ros_filter into separate library (#239)
- [Windows][melodic-devel] Fix Boost linkage issue and binary install location. (#238)
- Wait for transform in transformPointCloud(). (#214)
- Added tf2 versions of functions in transforms.h/hpp. (#231)
- Switch to industrial_ci
- Use industrial_ci
- Run for all melodic target platforms
- Artful EOL; verbose build and tests
- Use travis_wait
- Remove travis_wait
- Download to devel space
- Mark SYSTEM includes to avoid spurious warnings
- Don't double-build PRs
- use <chrono> and <thread> on Windows
- Changing from usleep to c++14 style sleep_for for Windows support
- Contributors: Enrique Fernandez Perdomo, James Xu, Jarvis Schultz, Martin Pecka, Paul Bovbel, Sean Yen, Stefan Kohlbrecher, Wolfgang Merkt, moooeeeep
1.6.2 (2018-05-20)
- Fix exported includes in Ubuntu Artful
- Increase limits on CropBox filter parameters
- Contributors: James Ward, Jiri Horner
1.6.1 (2018-05-08)
- Add 1.6.0 section to CHANGELOG.rst
- Fix the use of Eigen3 in cmake
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.6.0 (2018-04-30)
- Fix build and update maintainers
- Add message_filters to find_package
- Remove unnecessary dependency on genmsg
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel, Kentaro Wada
1.5.4 (2018-03-31)
- update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
- Fix config path of sample_voxel_grid.launch
- remove hack now that upstream pcl has been rebuilt
- Looser hzerror in test for extract_clusters to make it pass on Travis
- Add sample & test for surface/convex_hull
- Add sample & test for segmentation/extract_clusters.cpp
- Add sample & test for io/concatenate_data.cpp
- Add sample & test for features/normal_3d.cpp
- Organize samples of pcl_ros/features
- Add test arg to avoid duplicated testing
- LazyNodelet for features/*
- LazyNodelet for filters/ProjectInliers
- Refactor io/PCDReader and io/PCDWriter as child of PCLNodelet
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateFieldsSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for io/PointCloudConcatenateDataSynchronizer
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SegmentDifferences
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentationFromNormals
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/SACSegmentation
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/ExtractPolygonalPrismData
- LazyNodelet for segmentation/EuclideanClusterExtraction
- LazyNodelet for surface/MovingLeastSquares
- LazyNodelet for surface/ConvexHull2D
- Add missing COMPONENTS of PCL
- Inherit NodeletLazy for pipeline with less cpu load
- Set leaf_size 0.02
- Install samples
- Add sample and test for pcl/StatisticalOutlierRemoval Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- Add sample and test for pcl/VoxelGrid Conflicts: pcl_ros/CMakeLists.txt
- no need to remove duplicates
- spourious line change
- remove now unnecessary build_depend on qtbase5
- exclude PCL IO libraries exporting Qt flag
- find only PCL components used instead of all PCL
- Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev
* Remove dependency on vtk/libproj-dev These dependencies were
introduced in
to temporarily fix missing / wrong dependencies in upstream vtk.
This hack is no longer necessary, since fixed vtk packages have been
uploaded to packages.ros.org (see
- Remove vtk hack from CMakeLists.txt
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada, Mikael Arguedas
1.5.3 (2017-05-03)
- Add dependency on qtbase5-dev for find_package(Qt5Widgets) See https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/pull/117#issuecomment-298158272 for detail.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.2 (2017-04-29)
- Find Qt5Widgets to fix -lQt5::Widgets error
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.1 (2017-04-26)
- Add my name as a maintainer
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.5.0 (2017-04-25)
- Fix lib name duplication error in ubunt:zesty
- Detect automatically the version of PCL in cmake
- Install xml files declaring nodelets
- Fix syntax of nodelet manifest file by splitting files for each library.
- Contributors: Kentaro Wada
1.4.0 (2016-04-22)
- Fixup libproj-dev rosdep
- Add build depend on libproj, since it's not provided by vtk right now
- manually remove dependency on vtkproj from PCL_LIBRARIES
- Remove python-vtk for kinetic-devel, see issue #44
- Contributors: Jackie Kay, Paul Bovbel
1.3.0 (2015-06-22)
- cleanup broken library links All removed library names are included in ${PCL_LIBRARIES}. However, the plain library names broke catkin's overlay mechanism: Where ${PCL_LIBRARIES} could point to a local installation of the PCL, e.g. pcd_ros_segmentation might still link to the system-wide installed version of pcl_segmentation.
- Fixed test for jade-devel. Progress on #92
- commented out test_tf_message_filter_pcl Until ros/geometry#80 has been merged the test will fail.
- fixed indentation and author
- Adds a test for tf message filters with pcl pointclouds
- specialized HasHeader, TimeStamp, FrameId
- HasHeader now returns false
- TimeStamp and FrameId specialed for pcl::PointCloud<T> for any point type T These changes allow to use pcl::PointCloud with tf::MessageFilter
- Sync pcl_nodelets.xml from hydro to indigo Fixes to pass catkin lint -W1
- Fixes #87 for Indigo
- Fixes #85 for Indigo
- Fixes #77 and #80 for indigo
- Added option to save pointclouds in binary and binary compressed format
- Contributors: Brice Rebsamen, Lucid One, Mitchell Wills, v4hn
1.2.6 (2015-02-04)
1.2.5 (2015-01-20)
1.2.4 (2015-01-15)
1.2.3 (2015-01-10)
- Update common.py Extended filter limits up to ±100000.0 in order to support intensity channel filtering.
- Contributors: Dani Carbonell
1.2.2 (2014-10-25)
- Adding target_frame [Ability to specify frame in bag_to_pcd ](https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl/issues/55)
- Update pcl_nodelets.xml Included missing closing library tag. This was causing the pcl/Filter nodelets below the missing nodelet tag to not be exported correctly.
- Contributors: Matt Derry, Paul Bovbel, Ruffin
1.2.1 (2014-09-13)
- clean up merge
- merge pull request #60
- Contributors: Paul Bovbel
1.2.0 (2014-04-09)
- Updated maintainership
- Fix TF2 support for bag_to_pcd #46
- Use cmake_modules to find eigen on indigo #45
1.1.7 (2013-09-20)
- adding more uncaught config dependencies
- adding FeatureConfig dependency too
1.1.6 (2013-09-20)
- add excplicit dependency on gencfg target
1.1.5 (2013-08-27)
- Updated package.xml's to use new libpcl-all rosdep rules
- package.xml: tuned whitespaces This commit removes trailing whitespaces and makes the line with the license information in the package.xml bitwise match exactly the common license information line in most ROS packages. The trailing whitespaces were detected when providing a bitbake recipe in the meta-ros project (github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros). In the recipe, the hash of the license line is declared and is used to check for changes in the license. For this recipe, it was not matching the common one. A related already merged commit is https://github.com/ros/std_msgs/pull/3 and a related pending commit is https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_msgs/pull/1.
1.1.4 (2013-07-23)
- Fix a serialization error with point_cloud headers
- Initialize shared pointers before use in part of the pcl_conversions Should address runtime errors reported in #29
- Changed the default bounds on filters to -1000, 1000 from -5, 5 in common.py
1.1.2 (2013-07-19)
- Fixed missing package exports on pcl_conversions and others
- Make find_package on Eigen and PCL REQUIRED
1.1.1 (2013-07-10)
- Add missing EIGEN define which caused failures on the farm
1.1.0 (2013-07-09)
- Add missing include in one of the installed headers
- Refactors to use pcl-1.7
- Use the PointIndices from pcl_msgs
- Experimental changes to point_cloud.h
- Fixes from converting from pcl-1.7, incomplete
- Depend on pcl_conversions and pcl_msgs
- bag_to_pcd: check return code of transformPointCloud() This fixes a bug where bag_to_pcd segfaults because of an ignored tf::ExtrapolationException.
- Changed #include type to lib
- Changed some #include types to lib
- removed a whitespace
1.0.34 (2013-05-21)
- fixing catkin python imports
1.0.33 (2013-05-20)
- Fixing catkin python imports
1.0.32 (2013-05-17)
- Merge pull request #11 from k-okada/groovy-devel revert removed directories
- fix to compileable
- copy features/segmentation/surface from fuerte-devel
1.0.31 (2013-04-22 11:58)
- No changes
1.0.30 (2013-04-22 11:47)
- deprecating bin install targets
1.0.29 (2013-03-04)
- Fixes #7
- now also works without specifying publishing interval like described in the wiki.
1.0.28 (2013-02-05 12:29)
- reenabling deprecated install targets - comment added
1.0.27 (2013-02-05 12:10)
- Update pcl_ros/package.xml
- Fixing target install directory for pcl tools
- update pluginlib macro
1.0.26 (2013-01-17)
- fixing catkin export
1.0.25 (2013-01-01)
- fixes #1
1.0.24 (2012-12-21)
- remove obsolete roslib import
1.0.23 (2012-12-19 16:52)
- clean up shared parameters
1.0.22 (2012-12-19 15:22)
- fix dyn reconf files
1.0.21 (2012-12-18 17:42)
- fixing catkin_package debs
1.0.20 (2012-12-18 14:21)
- adding catkin_project dependencies
1.0.19 (2012-12-17 21:47)
- adding nodelet_topic_tools dependency
1.0.18 (2012-12-17 21:17)
- adding pluginlib dependency
- adding nodelet dependencies
- CMake install fixes
- migrating nodelets and tools from fuerte release to pcl_ros
- Updated for new <buildtool_depend>catkin<...> catkin rule
1.0.17 (2012-10-26 09:28)
- remove useless tags
1.0.16 (2012-10-26 08:53)
- no need to depend on a meta-package
1.0.15 (2012-10-24)
- do not generrate messages automatically
1.0.14 (2012-10-23)
- bring back the PCL msgs
1.0.13 (2012-10-11 17:46)
- install library to the right place
1.0.12 (2012-10-11 17:25)
1.0.11 (2012-10-10)
- fix a few dependencies
1.0.10 (2012-10-04)
- comply to the new catkin API
- fixed pcl_ros manifest
- added pcl exports in manifest.xml
- fixed rosdeb pcl in pcl_ros/manifest.xml
- removing common_rosdeps from manifest.xml
- perception_pcl restructuring in groovy branch
- restructuring perception_pcl in groovy branch
- catkinized version of perception_pcl for groovy
- added PCL 1.6 stack for groovy
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Name |
eigen |
libpcl-all-dev |
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- samples/pcl_ros/surface/sample_convex_hull.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/segmentation/sample_extract_clusters.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_voxel_grid.launch
- gui [default: true]
- test [default: true]
- leaf_size [default: 0.05]
- samples/pcl_ros/filters/sample_statistical_outlier_removal.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/io/sample_concatenate_data.launch
- gui [default: true]
- samples/pcl_ros/features/sample_normal_3d.launch
- gui [default: true]
- tests/test_tf_message_filter_pcl.launch