System Dependencies
Name | Usage | Description |
python3-pyside6.qtdatavisualization | 0 | ||||||
python3-pyside6.qtgui | 0 | ||||||
python3-pyside6.qtqml | 0 | ||||||
python3-pyside6.qttest | 0 | ||||||
python3-pyside6.qtwidgets | 0 | ||||||
python3-pysnmp | 2 | Python SNMP library for agents and managers (Python 3 module) | |||||
python3-pysnmp-mibs | 1 | MIBs for the Python SNMP library | |||||
python3-pystemd | 0 | systemd binding for Python | |||||
python3-pyswarms-pip | 0 | A Python-based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) library. | |||||
python3-pytest | 7 | Simple, powerful testing in Python3 | |||||
python3-pytest-asyncio | 0 | pytest support for asyncio. | |||||
python3-pytest-benchmark | 0 | pytest fixture for benchmarking code | |||||
python3-pytest-cov | 6 | py.test plugin to produce coverage reports for Python3 | |||||
python3-pytest-mock | 6 | Thin wrapper around mock for easier use with pytest (Python 3 module) | |||||
python3-pytest-order | 0 | pytest plugin to order test execution | |||||
python3-pytest-pylint | 0 | pytest plugin to check source code with pylint - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-pytest-ruff-pip | 0 | pytest plugin to check ruff requirements. | |||||
python3-pytest-timeout | 4 | Pytest plugin to abort hanging tests - Python 3.X | |||||
python3-pytest-xdist | 0 | xdist plugin for py.test (Python 3) | |||||
python3-pytest-xvfb | 0 | pytest plugin to run Xvfb for tests | |||||
python3-python-snap7-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-pytorch-pip | 2 | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration | |||||
python3-pytrinamic-pip | 0 | TRINAMIC's Python Technology Access Package. | |||||
python3-pyubx2-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-pyudev | 2 | Python3 bindings for libudev | |||||
python3-pyvista-pip | 0 | Easier Pythonic interface to VTK | |||||
python3-pyxb-x-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-pyxdg-pip | 0 | PyXDG contains implementations of standards in python. | |||||
python3-qpsolvers-pip | 0 | Quadratic programming solvers in Python with a unified API. | |||||
python3-qrcode | 0 | QR Code image generator library - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-qt5-bindings | 7 | ||||||
python3-qt5-bindings-gl | 2 | Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module | |||||
python3-qt5-bindings-webkit | 2 | Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module | |||||
python3-qtpy | 0 | Abstraction layer for PySide2/PySide6/PyQt5/PyQt6 (Python 3) | |||||
python3-quick2wire-api-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-qwt | 0 | Pure Python implementation of Qwt - Python 3 | |||||
python3-qwt-pip | 0 | Qt plotting widgets for Python | |||||
python3-rafcon-pip | 0 | Develop your robotic tasks with hierarchical state machines using an intuitive graphical user interface | |||||
python3-rapidfuzz-pip | 0 | rapid fuzzy string matching | |||||
python3-rasterio | 0 | Python 3 API for using geospatial raster data with Numpy | |||||
python3-rdflib | 0 | Python 3 library containing an RDF triple store and RDF parsers/serializers | |||||
python3-reportlab | 0 | ReportLab library to create PDF documents using Python3 | |||||
python3-requests | 7 | elegant and simple HTTP library for Python3, built for human beings | |||||
python3-requests-futures | 0 | library for asynchronous HTTP requests (Python 3) | |||||
python3-requests-oauthlib | 2 | module providing OAuthlib auth support for requests (Python 3) | |||||
python3-requests-toolbelt | 0 | Utility belt for advanced users of python3-requests | |||||
python3-retrying | 0 | simplifies the task of adding retry behavior - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-rich | 3 | render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting, markdown and more | |||||
python3-river-pip | 0 | Online machine learning in Python | |||||
python3-rmsd-pip | 0 | Calculate Root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of two molecules, using rotation, in xyz or pdb format | |||||
python3-robodk-pip | 0 | RoboDK tools for simulating and programming industrial robots (implements the RoboDK API) | |||||
python3-robyn-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-rocker | 0 | ||||||
python3-rosbags-pip | 0 | Pure Python library to read, modify, convert, and write rosbag files. | |||||
python3-rosdep | 2 | ||||||
python3-rosdep-modules | 2 | ||||||
python3-rosdistro-modules | 5 | ||||||
python3-rosinstall-generator | 0 | Tool to generate rosinstall files (for Robot OS) Python 3 | |||||
python3-rospkg | 7 | Robot OS package library (Python 3) | |||||
python3-rospkg-modules | 7 | ||||||
python3-rsa | 0 | Pure-Python RSA implementation (Python 3) | |||||
python3-rtree | 4 | R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS - Python 3 module | |||||
python3-ruamel.yaml | 2 | roundtrip YAML parser/emitter (Python 3 module) | |||||
python3-ruff-pip | 0 | An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust. | |||||
python3-sbp-pip | 0 | Python bindings for Swift Binary Protocol | |||||
python3-schedule | 0 | Job scheduling for humans (Python 3) | |||||
python3-schema | 0 | simple data validation library (Python 3) | |||||
python3-scikit-sparse-pip | 0 | Scikit sparse matrix package | |||||
python3-scikit-spatial-pip | 0 | Spatial objects and computations based on NumPy arrays. | |||||
python3-scipy | 7 | scientific tools for Python 3 | |||||
python3-scp | 1 | scp module for paramiko (Python 3) | |||||
python3-sdformat13 | 0 | ||||||
python3-seaborn | 2 | statistical visualization library for Python3 | |||||
python3-segno | 0 | Python QR Code and Micro QR Code encoder | |||||
python3-selenium | 7 | Python3 bindings for Selenium | |||||
python3-semantic-version | 0 | implementing the SemVer scheme - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-semver | 2 | helps to compare semantic versioning - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-sense-emu-pip | 2 | The Raspberry Pi Sense HAT Emulator library | |||||
python3-sense-hat-pip | 2 | Python module to control the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT, originally used in the Astro Pi mission | |||||
python3-serial | 7 | pyserial - module encapsulating access for the serial port | |||||
python3-setproctitle | 3 | Setproctitle implementation for Python 3 | |||||
python3-setuptools | 7 | Python3 Distutils Enhancements | |||||
python3-sexpdata | 0 | S-expression parser (Python3) | |||||
python3-sh | 0 | Python 3 subprocess interface | |||||
python3-shapely | 7 | geometric objects, predicates, and operations (Python 3) | |||||
python3-sila2lib-pip | 0 | sila2lib - a SiLA 2 python3 library | |||||
python3-simple-pid-pip | 0 | A simple, easy to use PID controller | |||||
python3-simplejpeg-pip | 0 | A simple package for fast JPEG encoding and decoding. | |||||
python3-simplejson | 2 | simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3.x | |||||
python3-simplekml-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-simplification-pip | 0 | Fast linestring simplification using RDP or Visvalingam-Whyatt and a Rust binary | |||||
python3-singleton-pattern-decorator-pip | 0 | Singleton decorator | |||||
python3-sip | 1 | Python 3/C++ bindings generator development files | |||||
python3-siphon-pip | 0 | A collection of Python utilities for interacting with the Unidata technology stack. | |||||
python3-six | 2 | Python 2 and 3 compatibility library | |||||
python3-skimage | 2 | Python 3 modules for image processing | |||||
python3-sklearn | 2 | Python modules for machine learning and data mining - Python 3 | |||||
python3-smbus | 4 | Python 3 bindings for Linux SMBus access through i2c-dev | |||||
python3-smbus2 | 0 | another pure Python implementation of the python-smbus package | |||||
python3-smbus2-pip | 0 | smbus2 is a drop-in replacement for smbus-cffi/smbus-python in pure Python | |||||
python3-smc-pip | 0 | A python driver library for Pololu's Simple Motor Controllers | |||||
python3-socketio | 0 | python3 implementation of the Socket.IO realtime client and server | |||||
python3-sortedcollections-pip | 0 | Python Sorted Collections | |||||
python3-sounddevice-pip | 0 | Play and Record Sound with Python | |||||
python3-sparkfun-ublox-gps-pip | 0 | SparkFun Electronics Python Package for u-blox GPS modules. | |||||
python3-sphinx | 7 | documentation generator for Python projects | |||||
python3-sphinx-argparse | 5 | Sphinx extension for argparse commands and options (Python 3) | |||||
python3-sphinx-autoapi-pip | 0 | Sphinx API documentation generator | |||||
python3-sphinx-rtd-theme | 7 | sphinx theme from (Python 3) | |||||
python3-spidev-pip | 0 | Python bindings for Linux SPI access through spidev | |||||
python3-sqlalchemy | 0 | SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for Python 3 | |||||
python3-sqlalchemy-utils | 0 | various utility functions for SQLAlchemy - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-sqlite-utils-pip | 0 | CLI tool and Python utility functions for manipulating SQLite | |||||
python3-sqlmodel | 0 | SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness | |||||
python3-squaternion-pip | 0 | Some simple functions for quaternion math | |||||
python3-sshkeyboard-pip | 0 | sshkeyboard | |||||
python3-sshtunnel | 0 | SSH tunnels to remote server | |||||
python3-stable-baselines3-pip | 0 | Pytorch version of Stable Baselines, implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms. | |||||
python3-staticmap-pip | 0 | A small, python-based library for creating map images with lines and markers. | |||||
python3-stonesoup-pip | 0 | A tracking and state estimation framework | |||||
python3-streamlit-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-streamz | 0 | build pipelines to manage continuous streams of data | |||||
python3-suas-interop-clients-pip | 0 | Alternative interop clients for AUVSI SUAS | |||||
python3-supervision-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-svg.path | 0 | SVG path objects and parser for Python3 | |||||
python3-sympy | 0 | Computer Algebra System (CAS) in Python (Python 3) | |||||
python3-systemd | 0 | Python 3 bindings for systemd | |||||
python3-sysv-ipc | 0 | semaphores, shared memory and message queues - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-tables | 0 | hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5 | |||||
python3-tabulate | 3 | pretty-print tabular data in Python3 | |||||
python3-tactigon-gear-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-tcr-roboclaw-pip | 0 | An easy to install version of Basicmicro's RoboClaw Python library | |||||
python3-tensorboard-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-tensorboardX-pip | 0 | TensorBoardX lets you watch Tensors Flow without Tensorflow | |||||
python3-termcolor | 2 | ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-texttable | 2 | Module for creating simple ASCII tables ??? python3 | |||||
python3-textual | 0 | TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development | |||||
python3-textual-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-textual-plotext-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-textual-web-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-thop-pip | 0 | A tool to count the FLOPs of PyTorch model. | |||||
python3-thriftpy | 2 | Pure Python implementation of Apache Thrift | |||||
python3-tikzplotlib-pip | 0 | Convert matplotlib figures into TikZ/PGFPlots | |||||
python3-tilestache-pip | 0 | A stylish alternative for caching your map tiles. | |||||
python3-timm-pip | 0 | PyTorch Image Models | |||||
python3-tinkerforge-pip | 0 | Python API Bindings for Tinkerforge Bricks and Bricklets | |||||
python3-tk | 7 | Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python 3.x | |||||
python3-tkintermapview-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-toml | 0 | library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-toppra-pip | 0 | toppra: time-optimal parametrization of trajectories for robots subject to constraints. | |||||
python3-torch | 0 | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python (Python Interface) | |||||
python3-torch-geometric-pip | 2 | ||||||
python3-torchrl-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-torchvision | 0 | Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision | |||||
python3-tornado | 7 | scalable, non-blocking web server and tools - Python 3 package | |||||
python3-tqdm | 6 | fast, extensible progress bar for Python 3 and CLI tool | |||||
python3-transformers-pip | 0 | State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow | |||||
python3-transforms3d | 5 | code to convert between various geometric transformations | |||||
python3-transitions | 0 | Lightweight state machine library (Python 3) | |||||
python3-triangle-pip | 0 | Python binding to the triangle library | |||||
python3-trimesh-pip | 0 | Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes. | |||||
python3-twilio | 0 | Twilio API client and TwiML generator (Python 3) | |||||
python3-twisted | 7 | Event-based framework for internet applications | |||||
python3-typeguard | 4 | Run-time type checker for Python | |||||
python3-typeguard-pip | 0 | Run-time type checker for Python | |||||
python3-types-pyyaml | 0 | collection of library stubs for Python, with static types | |||||
python3-typing-extensions | 1 | Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python | |||||
python3-tz | 2 | Python3 version of the Olson timezone database | |||||
python3-ubjson | 0 | Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3 | |||||
python3-ujson | 0 | ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 3 | |||||
python3-ultralytics-pip | 0 | Ultralytics YOLO 🚀 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification. | |||||
python3-unidecode | 2 | ASCII transliterations of Unicode text (Python 3 module) | |||||
python3-unidiff | 5 | Unified diff Python parsing/metadata extraction library (Python 3) | |||||
python3-urchin-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-urdfpy-pip | 0 | URDF parser and manipulator for Python | |||||
python3-urllib3 | 0 | HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling for Python3 | |||||
python3-urwid | 0 | curses-based UI/widget library for Python 3 | |||||
python3-usb | 1 | USB interface for Python (Python3) | |||||
python3-uvicorn | 4 | ASGI server implementation, using uvloop and httptools (Python3 version) | |||||
python3-uvloop | 4 | fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv | |||||
python3-validators | 0 | Python Data Validation for Humans (Python 3) | |||||
python3-vcstool | 4 | ||||||
python3-vedo-pip | 0 | A python module for scientific visualization, analysis of 3D objects and point clouds. | |||||
python3-venv | 6 | venv module for python3 (default python3 version) | |||||
python3-virtualserialports-pip | 0 | *nix virtual serial ports | |||||
python3-voluptuous | 0 | Python 3 library to validate data | |||||
python3-waitress | 3 | production-quality pure-Python WSGI server (Python 3) | |||||
python3-wand | 0 | Python interface for ImageMagick library (Python 3) | |||||
python3-watchdog | 2 | Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events | |||||
python3-waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-6-0-pip | 0 | Waymo Open Dataset libraries. | |||||
python3-weasyprint-pip | 0 | Document factory for creating PDF files from HTML | |||||
python3-webargs | 0 | Python library for parsing and validating HTTP request arguments (Python 3) | |||||
python3-webpy | 0 | Web framework for Python applications | |||||
python3-websocket | 7 | WebSocket client library - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-websockets | 2 | implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455) | |||||
python3-werkzeug | 0 | collection of utilities for WSGI applications (Python 3.x) | |||||
python3-west-pip | 0 | Zephyr RTOS Project meta-tool | |||||
python3-wgconfig-pip | 0 | parsing and writing WireGuard configuration files | |||||
python3-wheel | 3 | built-package format for Python | |||||
python3-whichcraft | 5 | cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality (Python 3 module) |