System Dependencies
Name | Usage | Description |
python3-wrapt | 0 | decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-wxgtk4.0 | 2 | Python 3 interface to the wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit | |||||
python3-xdot | 2 | interactive viewer for Graphviz dot files | |||||
python3-xlsxwriter | 0 | Python 3 module for creating Excel XLSX files | |||||
python3-xmlschema | 0 | implementation of XML Schema for Python | |||||
python3-xmltodict | 0 | Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON (Python 3) | |||||
python3-yaml | 7 | YAML parser and emitter for Python3 | |||||
python3-yappi | 0 | Yet Another Python Profiler - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-yoctopuce-pip | 0 | Yoctopuce python API v2.0 | |||||
python3-yolov5 | 0 | Packaged version of the Yolov5 object detector | |||||
python3-yourdfpy-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-zmq | 4 | Python3 bindings for 0MQ library | |||||
qdarkstyle-pip | 0 | The most complete dark/light style sheet for C++/Python and Qt applications | |||||
qemu-user-static | 0 | QEMU user mode emulation binaries (static version) | |||||
qhull-bin | 0 | calculate convex hulls and related structures (utilities) | |||||
qml-module-qt-labs-folderlistmodel | 2 | Qt 5 folderlistmodel QML module | |||||
qml-module-qt-labs-platform | 2 | Qt 5 qt.labs.platform QML module | |||||
qml-module-qt-labs-settings | 2 | Qt 5 settings QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtcharts | 2 | Qt charts QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects | 2 | Qt 5 Graphical Effects module | |||||
qml-module-qtlocation | 2 | Qt Location QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtmultimedia | 0 | Qt 5 Multimedia QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtpositioning | 2 | Qt Positioning QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtquick-controls | 2 | Qt 5 Quick Controls QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtquick-controls2 | 2 | Qt 5 Qt Quick Controls 2 QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtquick-dialogs | 2 | Qt 5 Dialogs QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtquick-extras | 4 | Qt 5 Quick Extras QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtquick-layouts | 2 | Qt 5 Quick Layouts QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtquick-templates2 | 2 | Qt 5 Qt Quick Templates 2 QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtquick-window2 | 2 | Qt 5 window 2 QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtquick2 | 3 | Qt 5 Qt Quick 2 QML module | |||||
qrencode | 0 | QR Code encoder into PNG image | |||||
qt4-dev-tools | 0 | ||||||
qt4-linguist-tools | 0 | ||||||
qt4-qmake | 0 | ||||||
qt5-image-formats-plugins | 1 | Qt 5 Image Formats module | |||||
qt5-qmake | 7 | Qt 5 qmake Makefile generator tool | |||||
qtbase5-dev | 7 | Qt 5 base development files | |||||
qtbase5-private-dev | 0 | Qt 5 base private development files | |||||
qtdeclarative5-dev | 5 | Qt 5 declarative development files | |||||
qtmobility-dev | 0 | ||||||
qtmultimedia5-dev | 5 | APIs for multimedia functionality - development files | |||||
qtpositioning5-dev | 0 | Qt 5 Positioning development files | |||||
qtquickcontrols2-5-dev | 2 | Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 development files | |||||
qttools5-dev | 0 | Qt 5 tools development files | |||||
qttools5-dev-tools | 4 | Qt 5 development tools | |||||
qtwebengine5-dev | 0 | Web content engine library for Qt - development files | |||||
quadprog-pip | 0 | Quadratic Programming Solver | |||||
r-base | 0 | GNU R statistical computation and graphics system | |||||
r-base-dev | 0 | GNU R installation of auxiliary GNU R packages | |||||
rake | 0 | ruby make-like utility | |||||
rake-compiler | 0 | Rake-based Ruby Extension (C, Java) task generator | |||||
range-v3 | 5 | ||||||
rapidjson-dev | 5 | fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with SAX/DOM style API | |||||
rclone | 0 | rsync for commercial cloud storage | |||||
rdoc | 0 | Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version) | |||||
readline-dev | 0 | GNU readline and history libraries, development files | |||||
recode | 0 | Character set conversion utility | |||||
recordmydesktop | 0 | Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session | |||||
redis-server | 0 | [security] Persistent key-value database with network interface | |||||
robin-map-dev | 0 | C++ implementation of a fast hash map and hash set | |||||
robotino-api2 | 0 | ||||||
rosbag-metadata-pip | 0 | Tool for collecting and writing metadata to ROS bagfiles or to accompanying yaml files. | |||||
roslibpy-pip | 0 | Python ROS Bridge library. | |||||
rpy2 | 0 | ||||||
rsync | 2 | [security] fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool | |||||
rsyslog | 0 | reliable system and kernel logging daemon | |||||
rt-tests | 0 | Test programs for rt kernels | |||||
rti-connext-dds-5.3.1 | 1 | ||||||
rti-connext-dds-6.0.1 | 4 | ||||||
rtmidi | 0 | C++ library for realtime MIDI input/ouput (development files) | |||||
rubocop | 0 | Ruby static code analyzer | |||||
ruby | 2 | Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version) | |||||
ruby-backports | 0 | backports of new features for older versions of Ruby | |||||
ruby-dev | 0 | Header files for compiling extension modules for Ruby (default version) | |||||
ruby-ronn | 0 | library to build manuals from Markdown | |||||
ruby-sass | 0 | deprecated CSS compiler - use sassc or ruby-sassc instead | |||||
rustc | 0 | virtual package provided by rustc-web | |||||
sbcl | 2 | Common Lisp compiler and development system | |||||
scons | 0 | replacement for make | |||||
screen | 2 | terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation | |||||
sdformat | 1 | Simulation Description Format (SDF) parser - Development files | |||||
sdformat11 | 1 | ||||||
sdformat12 | 1 | ||||||
sdformat13 | 0 | ||||||
sdl | 2 | virtual package provided by libsdl1.2-compat-dev | |||||
sdl-gfx | 0 | development files for SDL_gfx | |||||
sdl-image | 2 | Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files | |||||
sdl-mixer | 0 | Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files | |||||
sdl-ttf | 0 | TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files | |||||
sdl2 | 6 | Simple DirectMedia Layer development files | |||||
sdl2-image | 0 | Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files | |||||
sdl2-mixer | 0 | Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files | |||||
sdl2-ttf | 0 | TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files | |||||
semgrep | 0 | ||||||
setserial | 2 | controls configuration of serial ports | |||||
sfml-dev | 0 | Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Development Files | |||||
simde | 4 | ||||||
sixad | 0 | ||||||
slime | 0 | Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs (client) | |||||
smartmontools | 0 | control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T. | |||||
smbclient | 0 | command-line SMB/CIFS clients for Unix | |||||
snappy | 0 | fast compression/decompression library (development files) | |||||
socat | 6 | multipurpose relay for bidirectional data transfer | |||||
sound-theme-freedesktop | 2 | sound theme | |||||
sox | 0 | Swiss army knife of sound processing | |||||
spacenavd | 7 | daemon for using 3D input devices from 3Dconnexion | |||||
sparsehash | 0 | Google's extremely memory-efficient C++ hash_map implementation | |||||
spdlog | 5 | Very fast, header only or compiled, C++ logging library | |||||
speech-dispatcher | 0 | Common interface to speech synthesizers | |||||
speex | 0 | The Speex codec command line tools | |||||
sphinxcontrib-bibtex-pip | 2 | Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations. | |||||
spirv-headers | 6 | Machine-readable files for the SPIR-V Registry | |||||
spirv-tools | 6 | API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules | |||||
sqlite3 | 6 | Command line interface for SQLite 3 | |||||
ssh-askpass | 0 | under X, asks user for a passphrase for ssh-add | |||||
ssh-askpass-gnome | 0 | [security] interactive X program to prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-add | |||||
sshpass | 2 | Non-interactive ssh password authentication | |||||
stress | 1 | tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system | |||||
stress-ng | 0 | tool to load and stress a computer | |||||
subversion | 7 | Advanced version control system | |||||
suitesparse | 7 | libraries for sparse matrices computations (development files) | |||||
supervisor | 0 | System for controlling process state | |||||
svgpathtools-pip | 0 | A collection of tools for manipulating and analyzing SVG Path objects and Bezier curves. | |||||
swi-prolog | 0 | ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog interpreter | |||||
swi-prolog-clib | 0 | ||||||
swi-prolog-http | 0 | ||||||
swi-prolog-java | 0 | Bidirectional interface between SWI-Prolog and Java | |||||
swi-prolog-odbc | 0 | ODBC library for SWI-Prolog | |||||
swi-prolog-semweb | 0 | ||||||
swi-prolog-sgml | 0 | ||||||
swi-prolog-xpce | 0 | ||||||
swig | 6 | Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code | |||||
swig-wx | 0 | ||||||
sysbench | 0 | multi-threaded benchmark tool for database systems | |||||
sysstat | 2 | system performance tools for Linux | |||||
systemd | 0 | system and service manager | |||||
tango-icon-theme | 7 | Tango icon library | |||||
tap-plugins | 0 | Tom's Audio Processing LADSPA plugins | |||||
tar | 1 | C library for manipulating tar archives (development files) | |||||
tbb | 7 | parallelism library for C++ - development files | |||||
tcsh | 0 | TENEX C Shell, an enhanced version of Berkeley csh | |||||
terminator | 1 | multiple GNOME terminals in one window | |||||
tesseract-ocr | 2 | Tesseract command line OCR tool | |||||
tesseract-ocr-jpn | 2 | tesseract-ocr language files for Japanese | |||||
texlive-fonts-extra | 0 | TeX Live: Additional fonts | |||||
texlive-fonts-recommended | 1 | TeX Live: Recommended fonts | |||||
texlive-full | 0 | TeX Live: metapackage pulling in all components of TeX Live | |||||
texlive-latex-base | 7 | TeX Live: LaTeX fundamental packages | |||||
texlive-latex-extra | 2 | TeX Live: LaTeX additional packages | |||||
texlive-latex-recommended | 0 | TeX Live: LaTeX recommended packages | |||||
texmaker | 1 | cross-platform LaTeX editor | |||||
tiled | 0 | general purpose tile map editor | |||||
tilestache | 0 | ||||||
time | 2 | GNU time program for measuring CPU resource usage | |||||
tinyxml | 7 | TinyXml library - header and static library | |||||
tinyxml2 | 7 | TinyXML2 library - header and static library | |||||
tix | 0 | library for Tk -- runtime package | |||||
tmux | 1 | terminal multiplexer | |||||
touchegg | 0 | ||||||
trang | 0 | XML schema converter | |||||
tree | 1 | displays an indented directory tree, in color | |||||
tshark | 0 | network traffic analyzer - console version | |||||
ttf-kochi-gothic | 0 | ||||||
ttf-kochi-mincho | 0 | ||||||
ttf-mscorefonts-installer | 0 | [contrib] Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts | |||||
ttf-sazanami-gothic | 0 | ||||||
ttf-sazanami-mincho | 0 | ||||||
uavcan-pip | 0 | OBSOLETE, use pyuavcan_v0 instead | |||||
udev | 6 | /dev/ and hotplug management daemon | |||||
udhcpc | 0 | Provides the busybox DHCP client implementation | |||||
unclutter | 0 | hides the mouse cursor in X after a period of inactivity | |||||
uncrustify | 5 | C, C++, ObjectiveC, C#, D, Java, Pawn and VALA source code beautifier | |||||
unison | 0 | file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows | |||||
unison-gui | 0 | file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface | |||||
unoconv | 0 | converter between LibreOffice document formats | |||||
unrar | 0 | [non-free] Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version) | |||||
unzip | 6 | De-archiver for .zip files | |||||
urdf2webots-pip | 0 | A converter between URDF and PROTO files. | |||||
usbutils | 2 | Linux USB utilities | |||||
util-linux | 1 | miscellaneous system utilities | |||||
utilrb | 0 | ||||||
uuid | 7 | Universally Unique ID library - headers and static libraries | |||||
uvcdynctrl | 0 | Command line tool to control v4l2 devices | |||||
v4l-utils | 5 | Collection of command line video4linux utilities | |||||
valgrind | 0 | instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools | |||||
vim | 1 | virtual package provided by vim-motif, vim-nox, vim-gtk3 | |||||
virtualenv | 2 | Python virtual environment creator (Dependency package) | |||||
vlc | 2 | multimedia player and streamer | |||||
vorbis-tools | 0 | several Ogg Vorbis tools | |||||
wayland | 3 | wayland compositor infrastructure - client library | |||||
wayland-dev | 3 | wayland compositor infrastructure - development files | |||||
wget | 6 | retrieves files from the web | |||||
wireguard | 1 | fast, modern, secure kernel VPN tunnel (metapackage) | |||||
wireless-tools | 4 | Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions | |||||
wireshark | 0 | network traffic analyzer - meta-package | |||||
wireshark-common | 0 | network traffic analyzer - common files | |||||
wkhtmltopdf | 0 | Command line utilities to convert html to pdf or image using WebKit | |||||
wmctrl | 0 | control an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager | |||||
workrave | 0 | Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool |