
Name Description
1 2025-02-17 zstd_vendor
Zstd compression vendor package, providing a dependency for Zstd.
Zstd compression vendor package, providing a dependency for Zstd.
1 2024-12-10 zstd_point_cloud_transport
zstd_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with lib
zstd_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with lib
1 2022-05-24 zmqpp_vendor
Vendor package for zmqpp
Vendor package for zmqpp
1 2024-12-10 zlib_point_cloud_transport
zlib_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with zlib
zlib_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with zlib
1 2025-03-07 zenoh_cpp_vendor
Vendor pkg to install zenoh-cpp
Vendor pkg to install zenoh-cpp
1 2024-01-12 zenoh_bridge_dds
Bridge between ROS2/DDS and Eclipse zenoh ( It allows the integration of zenoh applications with ROS2, or the tunneling of ROS2 communications between nodes via the zenoh protocol at Internet scale.
Bridge between ROS2/DDS and Eclipse zenoh ( It allows the integration of zenoh applications with ROS2, or the tunneling of ROS2 communications between nodes via the zenoh protocol at Internet scale.
1 2024-12-06 zed_msgs
Contains message and service definitions used by the ZED ROS2 nodes.
Contains message and service definitions used by the ZED ROS2 nodes.
1 2024-04-28 zbar_ros
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_viewer
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_ros
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) for ROS 2
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) for ROS 2
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_msgs
Msgs of (Yet Another State MachINe)
Msgs of (Yet Another State MachINe)
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_demos
Demos of YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe)
Demos of YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe)
1 2025-02-05 yasmin
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) main package
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) main package
1 2023-01-10 yaml_cpp_vendor
Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
1 2025-02-15 xacro
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
1 2024-01-30 wrapyfi_ros2_interfaces
Wrapyfi ROS 2 interfaces
Wrapyfi ROS 2 interfaces
1 2023-06-04 wireless_watcher
A Python-based node which publishes connection information about a linux wireless interface.
A Python-based node which publishes connection information about a linux wireless interface.
1 2023-06-04 wireless_msgs
Messages for describing a wireless network such as bitrate, essid, and link quality.
Messages for describing a wireless network such as bitrate, essid, and link quality.
1 2024-12-04 wiimote_msgs
Messages used by wiimote package.
Messages used by wiimote package.
1 2024-12-04 wiimote
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
1 2023-09-14 weight_scale_interfaces
Definition of the interface for weight scale devices
Definition of the interface for weight scale devices
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_universal_robot
Universal Robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
Universal Robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_turtlebot
TurtleBot3 Burger robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
TurtleBot3 Burger robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tiago
TIAGo robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
TIAGo robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tests
System tests for `webots_ros2` packages.
System tests for `webots_ros2` packages.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tesla
Tesla ROS2 interface for Webots.
Tesla ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_msgs
Services and Messages of the webots_ros2 packages.
Services and Messages of the webots_ros2 packages.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_mavic
Mavic 2 Pro robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
Mavic 2 Pro robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_importer
This package allows to convert URDF and XACRO files into Webots PROTO files.
This package allows to convert URDF and XACRO files into Webots PROTO files.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_husarion
Husarion ROSbot 2R and XL robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
Husarion ROSbot 2R and XL robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_epuck
E-puck2 driver for Webots simulated robot
E-puck2 driver for Webots simulated robot
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_driver
Implementation of the Webots - ROS 2 interface
Implementation of the Webots - ROS 2 interface
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_crazyflie
ROS2 package for Crazyflie webots simulator
ROS2 package for Crazyflie webots simulator
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_control
ros2_control plugin for Webots
ros2_control plugin for Webots
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2
Interface between Webots and ROS2
Interface between Webots and ROS2
1 2025-02-12 web_video_server
HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
1 2024-10-13 warehouse_ros_sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
1 2024-08-28 warehouse_ros_mongo
Implementation of warehouse_ros for MongoDB
Implementation of warehouse_ros for MongoDB
1 2024-08-29 warehouse_ros
Persistent storage of ROS messages
Persistent storage of ROS messages
1 2023-02-02 wall_follower_ros2
wall_follower_ros2 package
wall_follower_ros2 package
1 2024-07-02 vrpn_mocap
1 2024-05-27 vmbc_interface
VmbC interface package
VmbC interface package
1 2022-03-29 vitis_common
Common code for working with Vitisâ„¢ Unified Software Platform in ROS.
Common code for working with Vitisâ„¢ Unified Software Platform in ROS.
2 2024-05-20 visualization_msgs
A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions.
A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions.
2 2024-12-02 vision_opencv
Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
1 2024-07-23 vision_msgs_rviz_plugins
RVIZ2 plugins for visualizing vision_msgs
RVIZ2 plugins for visualizing vision_msgs
1 2022-10-29 vision_msgs_layers
Collection of RQt Image Overlay Plugins for Vision Msgs
Collection of RQt Image Overlay Plugins for Vision Msgs
2 2024-07-23 vision_msgs
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
1 2024-05-27 vimbax_camera_msgs
Topic and Service definitions used by the vimbax_camera_node
Topic and Service definitions used by the vimbax_camera_node
1 2024-05-27 vimbax_camera_examples
VimbaX camera examples
VimbaX camera examples
1 2024-05-27 vimbax_camera_events
Vimba X event support library
Vimba X event support library
1 2024-05-27 vimbax_camera
ROS 2 node package for Vimba X cameras
ROS 2 node package for Vimba X cameras
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_simulator
Metapackage allowing easy installation of Velodyne simulation components.
Metapackage allowing easy installation of Velodyne simulation components.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_pointcloud
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_msgs
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_laserscan
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_gazebo_plugins
Gazebo plugin to provide simulated data from Velodyne laser scanners.
Gazebo plugin to provide simulated data from Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_driver
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_description
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
2 2025-03-08 velocity_controllers
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
1 2025-03-06 vector_pursuit_controller
Vector Pursuit Controller
Vector Pursuit Controller
1 2023-05-02 v4l2_camera
A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2
A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2
1 2024-06-22 usb_cam
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
1 2025-01-13 urinterfaces
A package containing ROS2 ur message definitions.
A package containing ROS2 ur message definitions.
1 2023-05-26 urg_node_msgs
1 2024-01-31 urg_node
1 2020-06-10 urg_c
The urg_c package
The urg_c package
1 2024-11-11 urdfdom_py
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
1 2022-03-28 urdfdom
A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.
A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.
1 2024-01-04 urdf_tutorial
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
1 2024-11-19 urdf_test
The urdf_test package
The urdf_test package
1 2023-10-04 urdf_sim_tutorial
The urdf_sim_tutorial package
The urdf_sim_tutorial package
2 2024-08-22 urdf_parser_plugin
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
1 2024-10-07 urdf_launch
Launch files for common URDF operations
Launch files for common URDF operations
2 2024-08-22 urdf
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
1 2025-01-24 ur_simulation_gz
Example and configuration files for Gazebo simulation of UR manipulators.
Example and configuration files for Gazebo simulation of UR manipulators.
2 2025-03-04 ur_robot_driver
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
1 2024-12-02 ur_msgs
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
1 2025-03-04 ur_moveit_config
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots.
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots.
2 2025-02-24 ur_description
URDF description for Universal Robots
URDF description for Universal Robots
2 2025-03-04 ur_dashboard_msgs
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
1 2025-03-04 ur_controllers
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots.
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots.
1 2025-03-05 ur_client_library
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
2 2025-03-04 ur_calibration
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
1 2025-03-04 ur_bringup
Launch file and run-time configurations, e.g. controllers.
Launch file and run-time configurations, e.g. controllers.
1 2025-03-04 ur
Metapackage for universal robots
Metapackage for universal robots
1 2025-01-12 unitree_ros
Unitree ros package
Unitree ros package
1 2021-04-06 unique_identifier_msgs
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
2 2025-02-06 undo_path_global_planner
The undo_path_global_planner package.
The undo_path_global_planner package.
1 2022-03-28 uncrustify_vendor
Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify.
Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify.
1 2024-07-02 udp_msgs
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
1 2023-06-22 udp_driver
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes
1 2025-02-27 ublox_ubx_msgs
1 2025-02-27 ublox_ubx_interfaces
UBLOX UBX Interfaces
UBLOX UBX Interfaces
1 2024-12-04 ublox_serialization
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
1 2025-02-27 ublox_nav_sat_fix_hp_node
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2024-12-04 ublox_msgs
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
1 2024-12-04 ublox_gps
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
1 2025-02-27 ublox_dgnss_node
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2025-02-27 ublox_dgnss
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2024-12-04 ublox
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
1 2024-11-16 twist_stamper
ROS2 package for converting between Twist and TwistStamped messages
ROS2 package for converting between Twist and TwistStamped messages
1 2023-07-03 twist_mux_msgs
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
1 2023-11-11 twist_mux
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
1 2022-11-23 tvm_vendor
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_std_msgs
The tuw_std_msgs package
The tuw_std_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_object_msgs
The tuw_object_msgs package. This pkg provides a set of messages used to detect, map and track objects of different types.
The tuw_object_msgs package. This pkg provides a set of messages used to detect, map and track objects of different types.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_object_map_msgs
The tuw_object_map_msgs package
The tuw_object_map_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_nav_msgs
The tuw_nav_msgs package
The tuw_nav_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_multi_robot_msgs
The tuw_multi_robot_msgs package contains messages for sending graph, route and sync data over topics.
The tuw_multi_robot_msgs package contains messages for sending graph, route and sync data over topics.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_msgs
tuw_msgs meta package with write and read file libs for tuw_msgs
tuw_msgs meta package with write and read file libs for tuw_msgs
1 2024-12-19 tuw_graph_msgs
The tuw_graph_msgs package contains messages for sending graphs.
The tuw_graph_msgs package contains messages for sending graphs.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_geometry_msgs
The tuw_geometry_msgs package
The tuw_geometry_msgs package
1 2024-12-05 tuw_geometry
The tuw_geometry package
The tuw_geometry package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_geo_msgs
The tuw_geo_msgs package
The tuw_geo_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_airskin_msgs
The tuw_airskin_msgs package
The tuw_airskin_msgs package
1 2022-05-17 turtlesim
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
1 2024-02-13 turtlebot4_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Turtlebot4
Visualization launchers and helpers for Turtlebot4
1 2024-01-05 turtlebot4_tutorials
Turtlebot4 Tutorials Metapackage
Turtlebot4 Tutorials Metapackage
1 2024-07-02 turtlebot4_tests
Turtlebot4 System Tests
Turtlebot4 System Tests
1 2025-03-06 turtlebot4_simulator
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2025-03-06 turtlebot4_setup
Turtlebot4 setup scripts
Turtlebot4 setup scripts
1 2024-07-02 turtlebot4_robot
Turtlebot4 Robot Metapackage
Turtlebot4 Robot Metapackage
1 2024-01-05 turtlebot4_python_tutorials
TurtleBot 4 Python Tutorials
TurtleBot 4 Python Tutorials
1 2024-01-05 turtlebot4_openai_tutorials
Tutorials on using OpenAI to control Turtlebot 4
Tutorials on using OpenAI to control Turtlebot 4
1 2025-01-13 turtlebot4_node
Turtlebot4 Node
Turtlebot4 Node
1 2025-01-13 turtlebot4_navigation
Turtlebot4 Navigation
Turtlebot4 Navigation
1 2025-01-13 turtlebot4_msgs
Turtlebot4 Messages
Turtlebot4 Messages
1 2025-03-06 turtlebot4_ignition_toolbox
Turtlebot4 Ignition Toolbox
Turtlebot4 Ignition Toolbox
1 2025-03-06 turtlebot4_ignition_gui_plugins
Turtlebot4 Ignition Simulator GUI Plugins
Turtlebot4 Ignition Simulator GUI Plugins
1 2025-03-06 turtlebot4_ignition_bringup
TurtleBot 4 Ignition Simulator bringup
TurtleBot 4 Ignition Simulator bringup
1 2024-07-02 turtlebot4_diagnostics
Turtlebot4 Diagnostics
Turtlebot4 Diagnostics
1 2024-02-13 turtlebot4_desktop
Turtlebot4 Desktop Metapackage
Turtlebot4 Desktop Metapackage
1 2025-01-13 turtlebot4_description
Turtlebot4 Description package
Turtlebot4 Description package
1 2024-01-05 turtlebot4_cpp_tutorials
TurtleBot 4 C++ Tutorials
TurtleBot 4 C++ Tutorials
1 2024-07-02 turtlebot4_bringup
Turtlebot4 Robot Bringup
Turtlebot4 Robot Bringup
1 2024-07-02 turtlebot4_base
Turtlebot4 Base Node
Turtlebot4 Base Node
1 2022-11-01 turtlebot3_teleop
Teleoperation node using keyboard for TurtleBot3.
Teleoperation node using keyboard for TurtleBot3.
1 2022-11-01 turtlebot3_node
TurtleBot3 driver node that include diff drive controller, odometry and tf node
TurtleBot3 driver node that include diff drive controller, odometry and tf node
1 2022-11-01 turtlebot3_navigation2
ROS 2 launch scripts for navigation2
ROS 2 launch scripts for navigation2
1 2021-06-13 turtlebot3_msgs
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages for ROS2
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages for ROS2
1 2024-12-02 turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop
Ros2 Package of the turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop
Ros2 Package of the turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop
1 2024-12-02 turtlebot3_manipulation_navigation2
ROS 2 launch scripts for navigation2
ROS 2 launch scripts for navigation2
1 2024-12-02 turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the turtlebot3_manipulation with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the turtlebot3_manipulation with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-12-02 turtlebot3_manipulation_hardware
ROS 2 package for turtlebot3_manipulation_hardware
ROS 2 package for turtlebot3_manipulation_hardware
1 2024-12-02 turtlebot3_manipulation_description
ROS 2 package for turtlebot3_manipulation_description
ROS 2 package for turtlebot3_manipulation_description
1 2024-12-02 turtlebot3_manipulation_cartographer
ROS 2 launch scripts for cartographer
ROS 2 launch scripts for cartographer
1 2024-12-02 turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup
ROS 2 package for turtlebot3_manipulation
ROS 2 package for turtlebot3_manipulation
1 2024-12-02 turtlebot3_manipulation
ROS 2 package for turtlebot3_manipulation
ROS 2 package for turtlebot3_manipulation
1 2022-11-01 turtlebot3_example
This package provides four basic examples for TurtleBot3 (i.e., interactive marker, object detection, patrol and position control).
This package provides four basic examples for TurtleBot3 (i.e., interactive marker, object detection, patrol and position control).
1 2022-11-01 turtlebot3_description
3D models of the TurtleBot3 for simulation and visualization
3D models of the TurtleBot3 for simulation and visualization
1 2022-11-01 turtlebot3_cartographer
ROS 2 launch scripts for cartographer
ROS 2 launch scripts for cartographer
1 2022-11-01 turtlebot3_bringup
ROS 2 launch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
ROS 2 launch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
1 2022-11-01 turtlebot3
ROS 2 packages for TurtleBot3
ROS 2 packages for TurtleBot3
1 2024-07-10 turtle_tf2_py
turtle_tf2_py demonstrates how to write a ROS2 Python tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2_py demonstrates how to write a ROS2 Python tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2024-07-10 turtle_tf2_cpp
turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2024-10-29 turtle_nest
ROS 2 Package Creator
ROS 2 Package Creator
1 2022-12-13 turbojpeg_compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG by turbojpeg.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG by turbojpeg.
1 2025-03-08 tricycle_steering_controller
Steering controller with tricycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.
Steering controller with tricycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.
1 2025-03-08 tricycle_controller
Controller for a tricycle drive mobile base
Controller for a tricycle drive mobile base
2 2024-12-19 transmission_interface
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.
2 2024-05-20 trajectory_msgs
A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions.
A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions.
1 2022-11-07 tracetools_trace
Tools for setting up tracing sessions.
Tools for setting up tracing sessions.
1 2022-11-07 tracetools_test
Utilities for tracing-related tests.
Utilities for tracing-related tests.
1 2022-11-07 tracetools_read
Tools for reading traces.
Tools for reading traces.
1 2022-11-07 tracetools_launch
Launch integration for tracing.
Launch integration for tracing.
1 2025-02-27 tracetools_image_pipeline
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for image_pipeline ROS 2 meta-package.
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for image_pipeline ROS 2 meta-package.
2 2024-05-31 tracetools_analysis
Tools for analysing trace data.
Tools for analysing trace data.
1 2022-03-30 tracetools_acceleration
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for ROS 2 packages using hardware acceleration. Fork of tracetools to trace hardware acceleration in ROS 2.
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for ROS 2 packages using hardware acceleration. Fork of tracetools to trace hardware acceleration in ROS 2.
2 2022-11-07 tracetools
Tracing wrapper for ROS 2.
Tracing wrapper for ROS 2.
1 2023-11-27 topic_tools_interfaces
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools
2 2023-11-27 topic_tools
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level.
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level.
1 2024-07-26 topic_statistics_demo
C++ demo application for topic statistics feature.
C++ demo application for topic statistics feature.
1 2024-07-26 topic_monitor
Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics.
Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics.
1 2025-03-07 topic_based_ros2_control
ros2 control hardware interface for topic_based sim
ros2 control hardware interface for topic_based sim
1 2022-03-01 tlsf_cpp
C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples
C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples
1 2022-03-01 tlsf
TLSF allocator version 2.4.6
TLSF allocator version 2.4.6
1 2022-10-02 tl_expected
C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
1 2022-04-05 tinyxml_vendor
CMake shim over the tinxml library.
CMake shim over the tinxml library.
1 2023-11-15 tinyxml2_vendor
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2.
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2.
1 2024-05-03 tinyspline_vendor
The vendor package for tinyspline.
The vendor package for tinyspline.
1 2025-01-20 tile_map
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GoogleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GoogleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
1 2024-10-17 tiago_simulation
The tiago_simulation package
The tiago_simulation package
1 2025-02-24 tiago_robot
Description and controller configuration of TIAGo
Description and controller configuration of TIAGo
1 2025-02-04 tiago_rgbd_sensors
Launch files and scripts needed to bring up the ROS nodes of a TIAGo robot.
Launch files and scripts needed to bring up the ROS nodes of a TIAGo robot.
1 2025-02-04 tiago_navigation
TIAGo navigation metapackage
TIAGo navigation metapackage
1 2024-10-17 tiago_multi
The tiago_multi package
The tiago_multi package
1 2025-02-05 tiago_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the tiago with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the tiago with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2025-02-04 tiago_laser_sensors
Launch files and scripts needed to bring up the ROS nodes of a TIAGo robot.
Launch files and scripts needed to bring up the ROS nodes of a TIAGo robot.
1 2024-10-17 tiago_gazebo
The tiago_gazebo package
The tiago_gazebo package
1 2025-02-24 tiago_description
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the TIAGO robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the TIAGO robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
1 2025-02-24 tiago_controller_configuration
Configuration and launch files of TIAGo's controllers
Configuration and launch files of TIAGo's controllers
1 2025-02-24 tiago_bringup
Launch files to upload the robot description and start the controllers
Launch files to upload the robot description and start the controllers
1 2025-02-04 tiago_2dnav
TIAGo-specific launch files needed to run navigation on a TIAGo robot.
TIAGo-specific launch files needed to run navigation on a TIAGo robot.
1 2025-02-10 theora_image_transport
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
1 2024-08-07 tf_transformations
Reimplementation of the tf/ library for common Python spatial operations
Reimplementation of the tf/ library for common Python spatial operations
1 2024-11-20 tf_to_pose_publisher
Publish a tf transform to a pose topic
Publish a tf transform to a pose topic
3 2025-01-17 tf2_tools
3 2025-01-17 tf2_sensor_msgs
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2


Name Description
1 2025-03-04 zstd_vendor
Zstd compression vendor package, providing a dependency for Zstd.
Zstd compression vendor package, providing a dependency for Zstd.
1 2024-12-10 zstd_point_cloud_transport
zstd_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with lib
zstd_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with lib
1 2025-02-10 zstd_image_transport
zstd_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as zstd blobs
zstd_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as zstd blobs
1 2022-05-24 zmqpp_vendor
Vendor package for zmqpp
Vendor package for zmqpp
1 2024-12-10 zlib_point_cloud_transport
zlib_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with zlib
zlib_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with zlib
1 2025-03-07 zenoh_cpp_vendor
Vendor pkg to install zenoh-cpp
Vendor pkg to install zenoh-cpp
1 2024-01-12 zenoh_bridge_dds
Bridge between ROS2/DDS and Eclipse zenoh ( It allows the integration of zenoh applications with ROS2, or the tunneling of ROS2 communications between nodes via the zenoh protocol at Internet scale.
Bridge between ROS2/DDS and Eclipse zenoh ( It allows the integration of zenoh applications with ROS2, or the tunneling of ROS2 communications between nodes via the zenoh protocol at Internet scale.
1 2024-04-28 zbar_ros_interfaces
Package containing interfaces for zbar_ros to use to publish results
Package containing interfaces for zbar_ros to use to publish results
1 2024-04-28 zbar_ros
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_viewer
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_ros
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) for ROS 2
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) for ROS 2
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_msgs
Msgs of (Yet Another State MachINe)
Msgs of (Yet Another State MachINe)
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_demos
Demos of YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe)
Demos of YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe)
1 2025-02-05 yasmin
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) main package
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) main package
1 2024-05-13 yaml_cpp_vendor
Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
1 2024-11-25 yaets
This package provides a execution tracing library.
This package provides a execution tracing library.
1 2025-02-15 xacro
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
1 2025-03-03 wireless_watcher
A node which publishes connection information about a linux wireless interface.
A node which publishes connection information about a linux wireless interface.
1 2025-03-03 wireless_msgs
Messages for describing a wireless network such as bitrate, essid, and link quality.
Messages for describing a wireless network such as bitrate, essid, and link quality.
1 2024-12-04 wiimote_msgs
Messages used by wiimote package.
Messages used by wiimote package.
1 2024-12-04 wiimote
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_universal_robot
Universal Robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
Universal Robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_turtlebot
TurtleBot3 Burger robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
TurtleBot3 Burger robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tiago
TIAGo robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
TIAGo robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tests
System tests for `webots_ros2` packages.
System tests for `webots_ros2` packages.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tesla
Tesla ROS2 interface for Webots.
Tesla ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_msgs
Services and Messages of the webots_ros2 packages.
Services and Messages of the webots_ros2 packages.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_mavic
Mavic 2 Pro robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
Mavic 2 Pro robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_importer
This package allows to convert URDF and XACRO files into Webots PROTO files.
This package allows to convert URDF and XACRO files into Webots PROTO files.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_husarion
Husarion ROSbot 2R and XL robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
Husarion ROSbot 2R and XL robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_epuck
E-puck2 driver for Webots simulated robot
E-puck2 driver for Webots simulated robot
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_driver
Implementation of the Webots - ROS 2 interface
Implementation of the Webots - ROS 2 interface
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_crazyflie
ROS2 package for Crazyflie webots simulator
ROS2 package for Crazyflie webots simulator
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_control
ros2_control plugin for Webots
ros2_control plugin for Webots
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2
Interface between Webots and ROS2
Interface between Webots and ROS2
1 2025-02-12 web_video_server
HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
1 2024-10-13 warehouse_ros_sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
1 2024-08-29 warehouse_ros
Persistent storage of ROS messages
Persistent storage of ROS messages
1 2024-07-02 vrpn_mocap
1 2022-03-29 vitis_common
Common code for working with Vitisâ„¢ Unified Software Platform in ROS.
Common code for working with Vitisâ„¢ Unified Software Platform in ROS.
2 2024-11-27 visualization_msgs
A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions.
A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions.
2 2024-12-02 vision_opencv
Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
1 2024-07-23 vision_msgs_rviz_plugins
RVIZ2 plugins for visualizing vision_msgs
RVIZ2 plugins for visualizing vision_msgs
1 2023-07-25 vision_msgs_layers
Collection of RQt Image Overlay Plugins for Vision Msgs
Collection of RQt Image Overlay Plugins for Vision Msgs
2 2024-07-23 vision_msgs
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_pointcloud
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_msgs
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_laserscan
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_driver
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2025-03-05 velodyne_description
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
2 2025-03-07 velocity_controllers
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
1 2024-04-30 v4l2_camera
A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2
A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2
1 2024-06-22 usb_cam
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
1 2023-05-26 urg_node_msgs
1 2024-01-31 urg_node
1 2020-06-10 urg_c
The urg_c package
The urg_c package
1 2024-11-11 urdfdom_py
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
1 2024-09-11 urdfdom
A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.
A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.
1 2024-01-04 urdf_tutorial
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
2 2024-11-28 urdf_parser_plugin
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
1 2024-10-07 urdf_launch
Launch files for common URDF operations
Launch files for common URDF operations
2 2024-11-28 urdf
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
1 2025-02-25 ur_simulation_gz
Example and configuration files for Gazebo simulation of UR manipulators.
Example and configuration files for Gazebo simulation of UR manipulators.
2 2025-03-05 ur_robot_driver
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
1 2024-12-02 ur_msgs
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
1 2025-03-05 ur_moveit_config
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots.
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots.
2 2025-02-24 ur_description
URDF description for Universal Robots
URDF description for Universal Robots
2 2025-03-05 ur_dashboard_msgs
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
1 2025-03-05 ur_controllers
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots.
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots.
1 2025-03-05 ur_client_library
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
2 2025-03-05 ur_calibration
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
1 2025-03-05 ur
Metapackage for universal robots
Metapackage for universal robots
1 2024-11-28 unique_identifier_msgs
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
2 2022-11-28 undo_path_global_planner
The undo_path_global_planner package.
The undo_path_global_planner package.
1 2024-12-02 uncrustify_vendor
Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify.
Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify.
1 2024-07-02 udp_msgs
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
1 2023-06-22 udp_driver
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes
1 2025-02-27 ublox_ubx_msgs
1 2025-02-27 ublox_ubx_interfaces
UBLOX UBX Interfaces
UBLOX UBX Interfaces
1 2024-12-04 ublox_serialization
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
1 2025-02-27 ublox_nav_sat_fix_hp_node
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2024-12-04 ublox_msgs
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
1 2024-12-04 ublox_gps
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
1 2025-02-27 ublox_dgnss_node
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2025-02-27 ublox_dgnss
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2024-12-04 ublox
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
1 2024-11-27 type_description_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for describing and communicating descriptions of other types.
A package containing message and service definitions for describing and communicating descriptions of other types.
1 2024-11-16 twist_stamper
ROS2 package for converting between Twist and TwistStamped messages
ROS2 package for converting between Twist and TwistStamped messages
1 2023-07-03 twist_mux_msgs
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
1 2021-06-18 twist_mux
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
1 2022-11-23 tvm_vendor
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_std_msgs
The tuw_std_msgs package
The tuw_std_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_object_msgs
The tuw_object_msgs package. This pkg provides a set of messages used to detect, map and track objects of different types.
The tuw_object_msgs package. This pkg provides a set of messages used to detect, map and track objects of different types.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_object_map_msgs
The tuw_object_map_msgs package
The tuw_object_map_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_nav_msgs
The tuw_nav_msgs package
The tuw_nav_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_multi_robot_msgs
The tuw_multi_robot_msgs package contains messages for sending graph, route and sync data over topics.
The tuw_multi_robot_msgs package contains messages for sending graph, route and sync data over topics.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_msgs
tuw_msgs meta package with write and read file libs for tuw_msgs
tuw_msgs meta package with write and read file libs for tuw_msgs
1 2024-12-19 tuw_graph_msgs
The tuw_graph_msgs package contains messages for sending graphs.
The tuw_graph_msgs package contains messages for sending graphs.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_geometry_msgs
The tuw_geometry_msgs package
The tuw_geometry_msgs package
1 2024-12-05 tuw_geometry
The tuw_geometry package
The tuw_geometry package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_geo_msgs
The tuw_geo_msgs package
The tuw_geo_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_airskin_msgs
The tuw_airskin_msgs package
The tuw_airskin_msgs package
1 2024-11-29 turtlesim
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
1 2024-10-30 turtlebot4_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Turtlebot4
Visualization launchers and helpers for Turtlebot4
1 2024-11-04 turtlebot4_tests
Turtlebot4 System Tests
Turtlebot4 System Tests
1 2024-10-30 turtlebot4_simulator
Metapackage for Turtlebot4 simulations
Metapackage for Turtlebot4 simulations
1 2025-03-04 turtlebot4_setup
Turtlebot4 setup scripts
Turtlebot4 setup scripts
1 2024-11-04 turtlebot4_robot
Turtlebot4 Robot Metapackage
Turtlebot4 Robot Metapackage
1 2024-10-30 turtlebot4_node
Turtlebot4 Node
Turtlebot4 Node
1 2024-10-30 turtlebot4_navigation
Turtlebot4 Navigation
Turtlebot4 Navigation
1 2024-10-30 turtlebot4_msgs
Turtlebot4 Messages
Turtlebot4 Messages
1 2024-10-30 turtlebot4_gz_toolbox
Turtlebot4 Gazebo Toolbox
Turtlebot4 Gazebo Toolbox
1 2024-10-30 turtlebot4_gz_gui_plugins
Turtlebot4 Gazebo Simulator GUI Plugins
Turtlebot4 Gazebo Simulator GUI Plugins
1 2024-10-30 turtlebot4_gz_bringup
TurtleBot 4 Gazebo Simulator bringup
TurtleBot 4 Gazebo Simulator bringup
1 2024-11-04 turtlebot4_diagnostics
Turtlebot4 Diagnostics
Turtlebot4 Diagnostics
1 2024-10-30 turtlebot4_desktop
Turtlebot4 Desktop Metapackage
Turtlebot4 Desktop Metapackage
1 2024-10-30 turtlebot4_description
Turtlebot4 Description package
Turtlebot4 Description package
1 2024-11-04 turtlebot4_bringup
Turtlebot4 Robot Bringup
Turtlebot4 Robot Bringup
1 2024-11-04 turtlebot4_base
Turtlebot4 Base Node
Turtlebot4 Base Node
1 2021-06-13 turtlebot3_msgs
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages for ROS2
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages for ROS2
1 2024-07-10 turtle_tf2_py
turtle_tf2_py demonstrates how to write a ROS2 Python tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2_py demonstrates how to write a ROS2 Python tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2024-07-10 turtle_tf2_cpp
turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2024-10-29 turtle_nest
ROS 2 Package Creator
ROS 2 Package Creator
1 2022-12-13 turbojpeg_compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG by turbojpeg.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG by turbojpeg.
1 2025-03-07 tricycle_steering_controller
Steering controller with tricycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.
Steering controller with tricycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.
1 2025-03-07 tricycle_controller
Controller for a tricycle drive mobile base
Controller for a tricycle drive mobile base
2 2025-03-05 transmission_interface
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.
2 2024-11-27 trajectory_msgs
A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions.
A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions.
1 2024-12-18 tracetools_trace
Tools for setting up tracing sessions.
Tools for setting up tracing sessions.
1 2024-12-18 tracetools_test
Utilities for tracing-related tests.
Utilities for tracing-related tests.
1 2024-12-18 tracetools_read
Tools for reading traces.
Tools for reading traces.
1 2024-12-18 tracetools_launch
Launch integration for tracing.
Launch integration for tracing.
1 2025-02-27 tracetools_image_pipeline
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for image_pipeline ROS 2 meta-package.
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for image_pipeline ROS 2 meta-package.
2 2024-06-26 tracetools_analysis
Tools for analysing trace data.
Tools for analysing trace data.
1 2022-03-30 tracetools_acceleration
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for ROS 2 packages using hardware acceleration. Fork of tracetools to trace hardware acceleration in ROS 2.
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for ROS 2 packages using hardware acceleration. Fork of tracetools to trace hardware acceleration in ROS 2.
2 2024-12-18 tracetools
Tracing wrapper for ROS 2.
Tracing wrapper for ROS 2.
1 2025-02-10 trac_ik_python
The trac_ik_python package contains a python wrapper using SWIG for trac_ik_lib
The trac_ik_python package contains a python wrapper using SWIG for trac_ik_lib
1 2025-02-10 trac_ik_lib
TRAC-IK is a faster, significantly more reliable drop-in replacement for KDL's pseudoinverse Jacobian solver. The TRAC-IK library has a very similar API to KDL's IK solver calls, except that the user passes a maximum time instead of a maximum number of search iterations. Additionally, TRAC-IK allows for error tolerances to be set independently for each Cartesian dimension (x,y,z,roll,pitch.yaw).
TRAC-IK is a faster, significantly more reliable drop-in replacement for KDL's pseudoinverse Jacobian solver. The TRAC-IK library has a very similar API to KDL's IK solver calls, except that the user passes a maximum time instead of a maximum number of search iterations. Additionally, TRAC-IK allows for error tolerances to be set independently for each Cartesian dimension (x,y,z,roll,pitch.yaw).
1 2025-02-10 trac_ik_kinematics_plugin
A MoveIt! Kinematics plugin using TRAC-IK
A MoveIt! Kinematics plugin using TRAC-IK
1 2025-02-10 trac_ik_examples
This package contains the source code for testing and comparing trac_ik
This package contains the source code for testing and comparing trac_ik
1 2025-02-10 trac_ik
The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an improved alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. TRAC-IK handles joint-limited chains better than KDL without increasing solve time.
The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an improved alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. TRAC-IK handles joint-limited chains better than KDL without increasing solve time.
1 2025-02-18 topic_tools_interfaces
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools
2 2025-02-18 topic_tools
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level.
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level.
1 2024-11-27 topic_statistics_demo
C++ demo application for topic statistics feature.
C++ demo application for topic statistics feature.
1 2024-11-27 topic_monitor
Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics.
Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics.
1 2025-03-07 topic_based_ros2_control
ros2 control hardware interface for topic_based sim
ros2 control hardware interface for topic_based sim
1 2025-03-06 tlsf_cpp
C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples
C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples
1 2024-11-28 tlsf
TLSF allocator version 2.4.6
TLSF allocator version 2.4.6
1 2022-10-02 tl_expected
C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
1 2023-04-28 tinyxml_vendor
CMake shim over the tinxml library.
CMake shim over the tinxml library.
1 2024-11-28 tinyxml2_vendor
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2.
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2.
1 2024-05-03 tinyspline_vendor
The vendor package for tinyspline.
The vendor package for tinyspline.
1 2025-01-20 tile_map
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GoogleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GoogleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
1 2025-02-10 theora_image_transport
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
1 2024-08-07 tf_transformations
Reimplementation of the tf/ library for common Python spatial operations
Reimplementation of the tf/ library for common Python spatial operations
1 2024-12-18 tf_to_pose_publisher
Publish a tf transform to a pose topic
Publish a tf transform to a pose topic
3 2025-03-04 tf2_tools
3 2025-03-04 tf2_sensor_msgs
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
1 2025-03-04 tf2_ros_py
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library
3 2025-03-04 tf2_ros
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library
2 2025-03-04 tf2_py
The tf2_py package
The tf2_py package
3 2025-03-04 tf2_msgs
3 2025-03-04 tf2_kdl
KDL binding for tf2
KDL binding for tf2
3 2025-03-04 tf2_geometry_msgs
1 2025-03-04 tf2_eigen_kdl
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL
3 2025-03-04 tf2_eigen
3 2025-03-04 tf2_bullet
1 2025-02-04 tf2_2d
A set of 2D geometry classes modeled after the 3D geometry classes in tf2.
A set of 2D geometry classes modeled after the 3D geometry classes in tf2.
3 2025-03-04 tf2
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
1 2024-12-18 test_tracetools_launch
Tests for the tracetools_launch package.
Tests for the tracetools_launch package.
1 2024-12-18 test_tracetools
Tests for the tracetools package.
Tests for the tracetools package.
3 2025-03-04 test_tf2
tf2 unit tests
tf2 unit tests
1 2025-02-24 test_ros_gz_bridge
Bridge communication between ROS and Gazebo Transport
Bridge communication between ROS and Gazebo Transport
1 2024-12-18 test_ros2trace
Tests for the ros2trace package.
Tests for the ros2trace package.
1 2025-03-06 test_rmw_implementation
Test suite for ROS middleware API.
Test suite for ROS middleware API.
1 2024-02-07 test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp.
Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp.
1 2024-11-27 test_msgs
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
1 2025-03-10 test_launch_testing
Tests for the launch_testing package.
Tests for the launch_testing package.
1 2025-02-19 test_launch_system_modes
Launch tests for the launch_system_modes package, i.e. launch actions, events, and event handlers for system modes.
Launch tests for the launch_system_modes package, i.e. launch actions, events, and event handlers for system modes.
1 2025-03-10 test_launch_ros
Tests for ROS specific extensions to the launch tool.
Tests for ROS specific extensions to the launch tool.
1 2024-11-28 test_interface_files
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
1 2025-01-24 test_bond
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondcpp]].
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondcpp]].
1 2021-03-21 test_apex_test_tools
Test package, which uses things exported by apex_test_tools
Test package, which uses things exported by apex_test_tools
1 2024-12-23 tensorrt_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find TensorRT.
Exports a CMake module to find TensorRT.
1 2024-12-10 template_point_cloud_transport
template_point_cloud_transport is not a real transport plugin. It is just a template to reference when making new point_cloud_transport plugins.
template_point_cloud_transport is not a real transport plugin. It is just a template to reference when making new point_cloud_transport plugins.
2 2024-03-08 teleop_twist_keyboard
A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages.
A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages.
2 2024-09-06 teleop_twist_joy
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
1 2024-11-06 teleop_tools_msgs
The teleop_tools_msgs package
The teleop_tools_msgs package
1 2024-11-06 teleop_tools
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
1 2022-10-02 tcb_span
Implementation of C++20's std::span
Implementation of C++20's std::span
1 2024-12-18 tb4_sim_scenario
TurtleBot 4 Simulation Scenario Execution
TurtleBot 4 Simulation Scenario Execution
1 2024-12-02 tango_icons_vendor
tango_icons_vendor provides the public domain Tango icons for non-linux systems (
tango_icons_vendor provides the public domain Tango icons for non-linux systems (
1 2025-02-19 system_modes_msgs
Interface package, containing message definitions and service definitions for the system modes package.
Interface package, containing message definitions and service definitions for the system modes package.
1 2025-02-19 system_modes_examples
Example systems and according launch files for the system_modes package.
Example systems and according launch files for the system_modes package.
1 2025-02-19 system_modes
The system modes concept assumes that a robotics system is built from components with a lifecycle. It adds a notion of (sub-)systems, hiararchically grouping these nodes, as well as a notion of modes that determine the configuration of these nodes and (sub-)systems in terms of their parameter values.
The system modes concept assumes that a robotics system is built from components with a lifecycle. It adds a notion of (sub-)systems, hiararchically grouping these nodes, as well as a notion of modes that determine the configuration of these nodes and (sub-)systems in terms of their parameter values.
1 2024-11-28 system_fingerprint
The system_fingerprint package
The system_fingerprint package
1 2025-03-03 synapticon_ros2_control
A ros2_control interface for Synapticon motor drivers
A ros2_control interface for Synapticon motor drivers
1 2024-12-09 swri_transform_util
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
1 2024-12-09 swri_system_util
A package with commonly used system utilities.
A package with commonly used system utilities.


Name Description
1 2025-03-04 zstd_vendor
Zstd compression vendor package, providing a dependency for Zstd.
Zstd compression vendor package, providing a dependency for Zstd.
1 2024-12-10 zstd_point_cloud_transport
zstd_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with lib
zstd_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with lib
1 2025-02-10 zstd_image_transport
zstd_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as zstd blobs
zstd_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as zstd blobs
1 2022-05-24 zmqpp_vendor
Vendor package for zmqpp
Vendor package for zmqpp
1 2024-12-10 zlib_point_cloud_transport
zlib_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with zlib
zlib_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with zlib
1 2025-03-07 zenoh_cpp_vendor
Vendor pkg to install zenoh-cpp
Vendor pkg to install zenoh-cpp
1 2024-01-12 zenoh_bridge_dds
Bridge between ROS2/DDS and Eclipse zenoh ( It allows the integration of zenoh applications with ROS2, or the tunneling of ROS2 communications between nodes via the zenoh protocol at Internet scale.
Bridge between ROS2/DDS and Eclipse zenoh ( It allows the integration of zenoh applications with ROS2, or the tunneling of ROS2 communications between nodes via the zenoh protocol at Internet scale.
1 2024-04-28 zbar_ros_interfaces
Package containing interfaces for zbar_ros to use to publish results
Package containing interfaces for zbar_ros to use to publish results
1 2024-04-28 zbar_ros
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_viewer
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_ros
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) for ROS 2
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) for ROS 2
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_msgs
Msgs of (Yet Another State MachINe)
Msgs of (Yet Another State MachINe)
1 2025-02-05 yasmin_demos
Demos of YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe)
Demos of YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe)
1 2025-02-05 yasmin
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) main package
YASMIN (Yet Another State MachINe) main package
1 2024-11-27 yaml_cpp_vendor
Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
1 2025-02-15 xacro
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
1 2024-12-04 wiimote_msgs
Messages used by wiimote package.
Messages used by wiimote package.
1 2024-12-04 wiimote
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_universal_robot
Universal Robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
Universal Robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_turtlebot
TurtleBot3 Burger robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
TurtleBot3 Burger robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tiago
TIAGo robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
TIAGo robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tests
System tests for `webots_ros2` packages.
System tests for `webots_ros2` packages.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tesla
Tesla ROS2 interface for Webots.
Tesla ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_msgs
Services and Messages of the webots_ros2 packages.
Services and Messages of the webots_ros2 packages.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_mavic
Mavic 2 Pro robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
Mavic 2 Pro robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_importer
This package allows to convert URDF and XACRO files into Webots PROTO files.
This package allows to convert URDF and XACRO files into Webots PROTO files.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_husarion
Husarion ROSbot 2R and XL robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
Husarion ROSbot 2R and XL robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_epuck
E-puck2 driver for Webots simulated robot
E-puck2 driver for Webots simulated robot
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_driver
Implementation of the Webots - ROS 2 interface
Implementation of the Webots - ROS 2 interface
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_crazyflie
ROS2 package for Crazyflie webots simulator
ROS2 package for Crazyflie webots simulator
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_control
ros2_control plugin for Webots
ros2_control plugin for Webots
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2
Interface between Webots and ROS2
Interface between Webots and ROS2
1 2025-02-12 web_video_server
HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
1 2024-10-13 warehouse_ros_sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
1 2024-08-29 warehouse_ros
Persistent storage of ROS messages
Persistent storage of ROS messages
1 2024-07-02 vrpn_mocap
1 2022-03-29 vitis_common
Common code for working with Vitisâ„¢ Unified Software Platform in ROS.
Common code for working with Vitisâ„¢ Unified Software Platform in ROS.
2 2025-03-03 visualization_msgs
A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions.
A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions.
2 2024-12-02 vision_opencv
Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
1 2024-07-23 vision_msgs_rviz_plugins
RVIZ2 plugins for visualizing vision_msgs
RVIZ2 plugins for visualizing vision_msgs
1 2023-07-25 vision_msgs_layers
Collection of RQt Image Overlay Plugins for Vision Msgs
Collection of RQt Image Overlay Plugins for Vision Msgs
2 2024-07-23 vision_msgs
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_pointcloud
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_msgs
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_laserscan
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_driver
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
2 2025-03-07 velocity_controllers
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
1 2024-04-30 v4l2_camera
A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2
A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2
1 2024-06-22 usb_cam
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
1 2023-05-26 urg_node_msgs
1 2024-01-31 urg_node
1 2020-06-10 urg_c
The urg_c package
The urg_c package
1 2024-11-11 urdfdom_py
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
1 2024-09-11 urdfdom
A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.
A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.
1 2024-01-04 urdf_tutorial
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
2 2024-12-20 urdf_parser_plugin
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
1 2024-10-07 urdf_launch
Launch files for common URDF operations
Launch files for common URDF operations
2 2024-12-20 urdf
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
1 2025-02-25 ur_simulation_gz
Example and configuration files for Gazebo simulation of UR manipulators.
Example and configuration files for Gazebo simulation of UR manipulators.
2 2025-03-05 ur_robot_driver
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
1 2024-12-02 ur_msgs
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
1 2025-03-05 ur_moveit_config
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots.
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots.
2 2025-02-24 ur_description
URDF description for Universal Robots
URDF description for Universal Robots
2 2025-03-05 ur_dashboard_msgs
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
1 2025-03-05 ur_controllers
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots.
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots.
1 2025-03-05 ur_client_library
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
2 2025-03-05 ur_calibration
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
1 2025-03-05 ur
Metapackage for universal robots
Metapackage for universal robots
1 2024-11-28 unique_identifier_msgs
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
2 2022-11-28 undo_path_global_planner
The undo_path_global_planner package.
The undo_path_global_planner package.
1 2024-12-01 uncrustify_vendor
Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify.
Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify.
1 2024-07-02 udp_msgs
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
1 2023-06-22 udp_driver
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes
1 2025-02-27 ublox_ubx_msgs
1 2025-02-27 ublox_ubx_interfaces
UBLOX UBX Interfaces
UBLOX UBX Interfaces
1 2024-12-04 ublox_serialization
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
1 2025-02-27 ublox_nav_sat_fix_hp_node
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2024-12-04 ublox_msgs
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
1 2024-12-04 ublox_gps
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
1 2025-02-27 ublox_dgnss_node
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2025-02-27 ublox_dgnss
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2024-12-04 ublox
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
1 2024-11-27 type_description_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for describing and communicating descriptions of other types.
A package containing message and service definitions for describing and communicating descriptions of other types.
1 2024-11-16 twist_stamper
ROS2 package for converting between Twist and TwistStamped messages
ROS2 package for converting between Twist and TwistStamped messages
1 2023-07-03 twist_mux_msgs
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
1 2021-06-18 twist_mux
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
1 2022-11-23 tvm_vendor
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_std_msgs
The tuw_std_msgs package
The tuw_std_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_object_msgs
The tuw_object_msgs package. This pkg provides a set of messages used to detect, map and track objects of different types.
The tuw_object_msgs package. This pkg provides a set of messages used to detect, map and track objects of different types.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_object_map_msgs
The tuw_object_map_msgs package
The tuw_object_map_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_nav_msgs
The tuw_nav_msgs package
The tuw_nav_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_multi_robot_msgs
The tuw_multi_robot_msgs package contains messages for sending graph, route and sync data over topics.
The tuw_multi_robot_msgs package contains messages for sending graph, route and sync data over topics.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_msgs
tuw_msgs meta package with write and read file libs for tuw_msgs
tuw_msgs meta package with write and read file libs for tuw_msgs
1 2024-12-19 tuw_graph_msgs
The tuw_graph_msgs package contains messages for sending graphs.
The tuw_graph_msgs package contains messages for sending graphs.
1 2024-12-19 tuw_geometry_msgs
The tuw_geometry_msgs package
The tuw_geometry_msgs package
1 2024-12-05 tuw_geometry
The tuw_geometry package
The tuw_geometry package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_geo_msgs
The tuw_geo_msgs package
The tuw_geo_msgs package
1 2024-12-19 tuw_airskin_msgs
The tuw_airskin_msgs package
The tuw_airskin_msgs package
1 2024-11-29 turtlesim_msgs
turtlesim messages.
turtlesim messages.
1 2024-11-29 turtlesim
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
1 2021-06-13 turtlebot3_msgs
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages for ROS2
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages for ROS2
1 2024-12-27 turtle_tf2_py
turtle_tf2_py demonstrates how to write a ROS2 Python tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2_py demonstrates how to write a ROS2 Python tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2024-12-27 turtle_tf2_cpp
turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2024-10-29 turtle_nest
ROS 2 Package Creator
ROS 2 Package Creator
1 2022-12-13 turbojpeg_compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG by turbojpeg.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG by turbojpeg.
1 2025-03-07 tricycle_steering_controller
Steering controller with tricycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.
Steering controller with tricycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.
1 2025-03-07 tricycle_controller
Controller for a tricycle drive mobile base
Controller for a tricycle drive mobile base
2 2025-03-05 transmission_interface
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.
2 2025-03-03 trajectory_msgs
A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions.
A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions.
1 2025-02-28 tracetools_trace
Tools for setting up tracing sessions.
Tools for setting up tracing sessions.
1 2025-02-28 tracetools_test
Utilities for tracing-related tests.
Utilities for tracing-related tests.
1 2025-02-28 tracetools_read
Tools for reading traces.
Tools for reading traces.
1 2025-02-28 tracetools_launch
Launch integration for tracing.
Launch integration for tracing.
1 2025-02-27 tracetools_image_pipeline
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for image_pipeline ROS 2 meta-package.
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for image_pipeline ROS 2 meta-package.
2 2024-06-26 tracetools_analysis
Tools for analysing trace data.
Tools for analysing trace data.
1 2022-03-30 tracetools_acceleration
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for ROS 2 packages using hardware acceleration. Fork of tracetools to trace hardware acceleration in ROS 2.
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for ROS 2 packages using hardware acceleration. Fork of tracetools to trace hardware acceleration in ROS 2.
2 2025-02-28 tracetools
Tracing wrapper for ROS 2.
Tracing wrapper for ROS 2.
1 2025-02-10 trac_ik_python
The trac_ik_python package contains a python wrapper using SWIG for trac_ik_lib
The trac_ik_python package contains a python wrapper using SWIG for trac_ik_lib
1 2025-02-10 trac_ik_lib
TRAC-IK is a faster, significantly more reliable drop-in replacement for KDL's pseudoinverse Jacobian solver. The TRAC-IK library has a very similar API to KDL's IK solver calls, except that the user passes a maximum time instead of a maximum number of search iterations. Additionally, TRAC-IK allows for error tolerances to be set independently for each Cartesian dimension (x,y,z,roll,pitch.yaw).
TRAC-IK is a faster, significantly more reliable drop-in replacement for KDL's pseudoinverse Jacobian solver. The TRAC-IK library has a very similar API to KDL's IK solver calls, except that the user passes a maximum time instead of a maximum number of search iterations. Additionally, TRAC-IK allows for error tolerances to be set independently for each Cartesian dimension (x,y,z,roll,pitch.yaw).
1 2025-02-10 trac_ik_kinematics_plugin
A MoveIt! Kinematics plugin using TRAC-IK
A MoveIt! Kinematics plugin using TRAC-IK
1 2025-02-10 trac_ik_examples
This package contains the source code for testing and comparing trac_ik
This package contains the source code for testing and comparing trac_ik
1 2025-02-10 trac_ik
The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an improved alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. TRAC-IK handles joint-limited chains better than KDL without increasing solve time.
The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an improved alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. TRAC-IK handles joint-limited chains better than KDL without increasing solve time.
1 2025-02-18 topic_tools_interfaces
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools
2 2025-02-18 topic_tools
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level.
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level.
1 2025-02-10 topic_statistics_demo
C++ demo application for topic statistics feature.
C++ demo application for topic statistics feature.
1 2025-02-10 topic_monitor
Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics.
Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics.
1 2025-03-07 topic_based_ros2_control
ros2 control hardware interface for topic_based sim
ros2 control hardware interface for topic_based sim
1 2025-02-27 tlsf_cpp
C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples
C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples
1 2024-11-28 tlsf
TLSF allocator version 2.4.6
TLSF allocator version 2.4.6
1 2022-10-02 tl_expected
C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
1 2023-04-28 tinyxml_vendor
CMake shim over the tinxml library.
CMake shim over the tinxml library.
1 2024-11-28 tinyxml2_vendor
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2.
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2.
1 2024-05-03 tinyspline_vendor
The vendor package for tinyspline.
The vendor package for tinyspline.
1 2025-01-20 tile_map
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GoogleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GoogleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
1 2025-02-10 theora_image_transport
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
1 2024-08-07 tf_transformations
Reimplementation of the tf/ library for common Python spatial operations
Reimplementation of the tf/ library for common Python spatial operations
3 2025-03-04 tf2_tools
3 2025-03-04 tf2_sensor_msgs
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
1 2025-03-04 tf2_ros_py
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library
3 2025-03-04 tf2_ros
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library
2 2025-03-04 tf2_py
The tf2_py package
The tf2_py package
3 2025-03-04 tf2_msgs
3 2025-03-04 tf2_kdl
KDL binding for tf2
KDL binding for tf2
3 2025-03-04 tf2_geometry_msgs
1 2025-03-04 tf2_eigen_kdl
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL
3 2025-03-04 tf2_eigen
3 2025-03-04 tf2_bullet
1 2025-02-04 tf2_2d
A set of 2D geometry classes modeled after the 3D geometry classes in tf2.
A set of 2D geometry classes modeled after the 3D geometry classes in tf2.
3 2025-03-04 tf2
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
1 2025-02-28 test_tracetools_launch
Tests for the tracetools_launch package.
Tests for the tracetools_launch package.
1 2025-02-28 test_tracetools
Tests for the tracetools package.
Tests for the tracetools package.
3 2025-03-04 test_tf2
tf2 unit tests
tf2 unit tests
1 2025-02-24 test_ros_gz_bridge
Bridge communication between ROS and Gazebo Transport
Bridge communication between ROS and Gazebo Transport
1 2024-06-26 test_ros2trace_analysis
Tests for the ros2trace_analysis package.
Tests for the ros2trace_analysis package.
1 2025-02-28 test_ros2trace
Tests for the ros2trace package.
Tests for the ros2trace package.
1 2025-03-05 test_rmw_implementation
Test suite for ROS middleware API.
Test suite for ROS middleware API.
1 2024-12-02 test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp.
Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp.
1 2024-11-27 test_msgs
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
1 2025-03-10 test_launch_testing
Tests for the launch_testing package.
Tests for the launch_testing package.
1 2025-02-19 test_launch_system_modes
Launch tests for the launch_system_modes package, i.e. launch actions, events, and event handlers for system modes.
Launch tests for the launch_system_modes package, i.e. launch actions, events, and event handlers for system modes.
1 2025-03-10 test_launch_ros
Tests for ROS specific extensions to the launch tool.
Tests for ROS specific extensions to the launch tool.
1 2024-11-28 test_interface_files
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
1 2025-01-24 test_bond
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondcpp]].
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondcpp]].
1 2021-03-21 test_apex_test_tools
Test package, which uses things exported by apex_test_tools
Test package, which uses things exported by apex_test_tools
1 2024-12-23 tensorrt_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find TensorRT.
Exports a CMake module to find TensorRT.
1 2024-12-10 template_point_cloud_transport
template_point_cloud_transport is not a real transport plugin. It is just a template to reference when making new point_cloud_transport plugins.
template_point_cloud_transport is not a real transport plugin. It is just a template to reference when making new point_cloud_transport plugins.
2 2024-03-08 teleop_twist_keyboard
A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages.
A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages.
2 2024-09-06 teleop_twist_joy
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
1 2024-11-06 teleop_tools_msgs
The teleop_tools_msgs package
The teleop_tools_msgs package
1 2024-11-06 teleop_tools
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
1 2022-10-02 tcb_span
Implementation of C++20's std::span
Implementation of C++20's std::span
1 2024-12-02 tango_icons_vendor
tango_icons_vendor provides the public domain Tango icons for non-linux systems (
tango_icons_vendor provides the public domain Tango icons for non-linux systems (
1 2025-02-19 system_modes_msgs
Interface package, containing message definitions and service definitions for the system modes package.
Interface package, containing message definitions and service definitions for the system modes package.
1 2025-02-19 system_modes_examples
Example systems and according launch files for the system_modes package.
Example systems and according launch files for the system_modes package.
1 2025-02-19 system_modes
The system modes concept assumes that a robotics system is built from components with a lifecycle. It adds a notion of (sub-)systems, hiararchically grouping these nodes, as well as a notion of modes that determine the configuration of these nodes and (sub-)systems in terms of their parameter values.
The system modes concept assumes that a robotics system is built from components with a lifecycle. It adds a notion of (sub-)systems, hiararchically grouping these nodes, as well as a notion of modes that determine the configuration of these nodes and (sub-)systems in terms of their parameter values.
1 2024-11-28 system_fingerprint
The system_fingerprint package
The system_fingerprint package
1 2025-03-03 synapticon_ros2_control
A ros2_control interface for Synapticon motor drivers
A ros2_control interface for Synapticon motor drivers
1 2024-12-09 swri_transform_util
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
1 2024-12-09 swri_system_util
A package with commonly used system utilities.
A package with commonly used system utilities.
1 2024-12-09 swri_serial_util
Contains nodes and utilities for serial communication in ROS.
Contains nodes and utilities for serial communication in ROS.
1 2024-12-09 swri_route_util
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
1 2024-12-09 swri_roscpp
A package that extends rclcpp with some commonly used functionality to reduce boilerplate code.
A package that extends rclcpp with some commonly used functionality to reduce boilerplate code.
1 2024-12-09 swri_opencv_util
A package with commonly used OpenCV functionality.
A package with commonly used OpenCV functionality.
1 2024-12-09 swri_math_util
A package with commonly used math utility code.
A package with commonly used math utility code.
1 2024-12-09 swri_image_util
A package of commonly image manipulation utilities.
A package of commonly image manipulation utilities.
1 2024-12-09 swri_geometry_util
Commonly used geometry routines, implemented in a ROS friendly package.
Commonly used geometry routines, implemented in a ROS friendly package.
1 2024-12-09 swri_dbw_interface
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
1 2024-12-09 swri_console_util
Utility functions for interacting with console
Utility functions for interacting with console
1 2024-12-09 swri_console
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Institute as an alternative to rqt_console.
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Institute as an alternative to rqt_console.
1 2024-12-09 swri_cli_tools
Command line tools for introspecting ROS systems
Command line tools for introspecting ROS systems
1 2023-05-25 stomp
This package provides the STOMP (Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning) algorithm that can be used for robot motion planning tasks or other similar optimization tasks
This package provides the STOMP (Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning) algorithm that can be used for robot motion planning tasks or other similar optimization tasks
2 2025-03-03 stereo_msgs
A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions.
A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions.
1 2025-02-27 stereo_image_proc
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
1 2024-05-25 steering_functions
The steering_functions package
The steering_functions package
1 2025-03-07 steering_controllers_library
Package for steering robot configurations including odometry and interfaces.
Package for steering robot configurations including odometry and interfaces.
2 2025-03-03 std_srvs
A package containing some standard service definitions.
A package containing some standard service definitions.
2 2025-03-03 std_msgs
A package containing some standard message definitions.
A package containing some standard message definitions.
2 2024-11-27 statistics_msgs
Message definitions for reporting statistics for topics and system resources.
Message definitions for reporting statistics for topics and system resources.
1 2025-03-10 sros2_cmake
CMake macros to configure security
CMake macros to configure security


Name Description
1 2025-01-09 zdepth_image_transport
The zdepth_image_transport package
The zdepth_image_transport package
1 2025-01-09 zdepth
The zdepth package
The zdepth package
1 2022-06-28 zbar_ros
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
1 2024-04-18 ypspur_ros
ROS wrapper for the mobile robot control platform YP-Spur
ROS wrapper for the mobile robot control platform YP-Spur
1 2024-05-01 ypspur
YP-Spur is a mobile robot motion control software with coordinate frame based commands.
YP-Spur is a mobile robot motion control software with coordinate frame based commands.
1 2017-03-22 xv_11_laser_driver
Neato XV-11 Laser Driver. This driver works with the laser when it is removed from the XV-11 Robot as opposed to reading scans from the Neato's USB port.
Neato XV-11 Laser Driver. This driver works with the laser when it is removed from the XV-11 Robot as opposed to reading scans from the Neato's USB port.
1 2023-09-01 xsens_mti_driver
ROS driver for Xsens MTi IMU sensors
ROS driver for Xsens MTi IMU sensors
1 2020-12-07 xpp_vis
Visualization for the XPP Motion Framework.
Visualization for the XPP Motion Framework.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_states
Common definitions (positions, velocities, angular angles, angular rates) and robot definitions in Cartesian and joint state used in the Xpp Motion Framework, as well as conversions to/from xpp_msgs.
Common definitions (positions, velocities, angular angles, angular rates) and robot definitions in Cartesian and joint state used in the Xpp Motion Framework, as well as conversions to/from xpp_msgs.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_quadrotor
The URDF file for a quadrotor to be used with the xpp packages and a simple rviz publisher of quadrotor tfs. Adapted from Daniel Mellinger, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar, "Trajectory Generation and Control for Precise Aggressive Maneuvers with Quadrotors".
The URDF file for a quadrotor to be used with the xpp packages and a simple rviz publisher of quadrotor tfs. Adapted from Daniel Mellinger, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar, "Trajectory Generation and Control for Precise Aggressive Maneuvers with Quadrotors".
1 2020-12-07 xpp_msgs
ROS messages used in the XPP framework.
ROS messages used in the XPP framework.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_hyq
HyQ-robot specific functions for visualization in the XPP Motion Framework. These include inverse kinematics as well as urdf files for a one-legged, two-legged and four legged robot with
HyQ-robot specific functions for visualization in the XPP Motion Framework. These include inverse kinematics as well as urdf files for a one-legged, two-legged and four legged robot with
1 2020-12-07 xpp_examples
Examples of how to use the xpp framework.
Examples of how to use the xpp framework.
1 2020-12-07 xpp
Visualization of motion-plans for legged robots. It draws support areas, contact forces and motion trajectories in RVIZ and displays URDFs for specific robots, including a one-legged, a two-legged hopper and
Visualization of motion-plans for legged robots. It draws support areas, contact forces and motion trajectories in RVIZ and displays URDFs for specific robots, including a one-legged, a two-legged hopper and
1 2024-09-13 xmlrpcpp
XmlRpc++ is a C++ implementation of the XML-RPC protocol. This version is heavily modified from the package available on SourceForge in order to support roscpp's threading model. As such, we are maintaining our own fork.
XmlRpc++ is a C++ implementation of the XML-RPC protocol. This version is heavily modified from the package available on SourceForge in order to support roscpp's threading model. As such, we are maintaining our own fork.
1 2025-01-08 xacro
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
1 2020-09-18 wu_ros_tools
A collection of tools for making a variety of generic ROS-related tasks easier.
A collection of tools for making a variety of generic ROS-related tasks easier.
1 2024-04-28 ws281x
ROS node for rpi_ws281x LED strip driver
ROS node for rpi_ws281x LED strip driver
1 2024-01-30 wrapyfi_ros_interfaces
The wrapyfi_ros_interfaces package
The wrapyfi_ros_interfaces package
1 2024-03-26 witmotion_ros
Standalone QT-based IMU/GPS decoder nodes for Witmotion UART-compatible sensor devices
Standalone QT-based IMU/GPS decoder nodes for Witmotion UART-compatible sensor devices
1 2021-11-30 wireless_watcher
A Python-based which publishes connection information about a linux wireless interface.
A Python-based which publishes connection information about a linux wireless interface.
1 2021-11-30 wireless_msgs
Messages for describing a wireless network such as bitrate, essid, and link quality.
Messages for describing a wireless network such as bitrate, essid, and link quality.
1 2025-01-07 willow_maps
Holds maps of Willow Garage that can be used for a number of different applications.
Holds maps of Willow Garage that can be used for a number of different applications.
1 2024-12-04 wiimote
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
1 2021-05-15 wifi_ddwrt
Access to the DD-WRT wifi
Access to the DD-WRT wifi
1 2023-03-05 wge100_driver
This stack contains the ROS driver and firmware for the WGE100 camera used on the PR2 robot.
This stack contains the ROS driver and firmware for the WGE100 camera used on the PR2 robot.
1 2023-03-05 wge100_camera_firmware
Source for the WGE100 Ethernet camera: Verilog source for the FPGA, Forth source for the camera firmware. Intended for camera developers. Note that a built binary from this package is checked in under wge100_camera/firmware_images/
Source for the WGE100 Ethernet camera: Verilog source for the FPGA, Forth source for the camera firmware. Intended for camera developers. Note that a built binary from this package is checked in under wge100_camera/firmware_images/
1 2023-03-05 wge100_camera
A ROS node and assorted tools to provide access to the WGE100 camera used in the forearms and the stereo cameras of the PR2 robot.
A ROS node and assorted tools to provide access to the WGE100 camera used in the forearms and the stereo cameras of the PR2 robot.
1 2022-01-31 wfov_camera_msgs
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
1 2025-01-09 webrtcvad_ros
This package provides a wrapper node for webrtcvad. It subscribes an audio topic and publish a flag if curretly speeched or not with VAD.
This package provides a wrapper node for webrtcvad. It subscribes an audio topic and publish a flag if curretly speeched or not with VAD.
1 2024-07-31 webots_ros
The ROS package containing examples for interfacing ROS with the standard ROS controller of Webots
The ROS package containing examples for interfacing ROS with the standard ROS controller of Webots
1 2020-02-11 webkit_dependency
This encapsulates the WebKit dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
This encapsulates the WebKit dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
1 2022-01-28 warthog_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Warthog.
Visualization launchers and helpers for Warthog.
1 2022-02-01 warthog_simulator
Packages for simulating Warthog
Packages for simulating Warthog
1 2024-04-30 warthog_msgs
Messages exclusive to Warthog, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
Messages exclusive to Warthog, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
1 2022-02-01 warthog_gazebo
Launchfiles to use Warthog in Gazebo.
Launchfiles to use Warthog in Gazebo.
1 2022-01-28 warthog_desktop
Packages for working with Warthog from a ROS desktop.
Packages for working with Warthog from a ROS desktop.
1 2024-04-30 warthog_description
URDF robot description for Warthog
URDF robot description for Warthog
1 2024-04-30 warthog_control
Controllers for Warthog
Controllers for Warthog
1 2024-10-13 warehouse_ros_sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
1 2024-10-13 warehouse_ros_mongo
warehouse_ros for MongoDB
warehouse_ros for MongoDB
1 2024-10-13 warehouse_ros
Persistent storage of ROS messages
Persistent storage of ROS messages
1 2021-01-19 vrpn_client_ros
ROS client nodes for the
ROS client nodes for the
1 2023-03-04 voxel_grid
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
1 2021-06-23 volta_teleoperator
The volta_teleoperator package
The volta_teleoperator package
1 2021-06-23 volta_rules
The volta_rules package
The volta_rules package
1 2021-06-23 volta_navigation
The volta_navigation package
The volta_navigation package
1 2021-06-23 volta_msgs
The volta_msgs package
The volta_msgs package
1 2021-06-23 volta_localization
The volta_localization package
The volta_localization package
1 2021-06-23 volta_description
The volta_description package
The volta_description package
1 2021-06-23 volta_control
The volta_control package
The volta_control package
1 2021-06-23 volta_base
The volta_base package
The volta_base package
1 2025-01-09 voice_text
voice_text (
voice_text (
1 2024-06-12 vl53l1x
VL53L1X ToF rangefinder driver
VL53L1X ToF rangefinder driver
1 2020-05-20 viz
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
1 2021-03-08 visualization_tutorials
Metapackage referencing tutorials related to rviz and visualization.
Metapackage referencing tutorials related to rviz and visualization.
1 2023-06-01 visualization_rwt
2 2021-01-11 visualization_msgs
visualization_msgs is a set of messages used by higher level packages, such as
visualization_msgs is a set of messages used by higher level packages, such as
1 2021-03-08 visualization_marker_tutorials
The visulalization_marker_tutorials package
The visulalization_marker_tutorials package
1 2024-08-23 visp_tracker
Wraps the ViSP moving edge tracker provided by the ViSP visual servoing library into a ROS package. This computer vision algorithm computes the pose (i.e. position and orientation) of an object in an image. It is fast enough to allow object online tracking using a camera.
Wraps the ViSP moving edge tracker provided by the ViSP visual servoing library into a ROS package. This computer vision algorithm computes the pose (i.e. position and orientation) of an object in an image. It is fast enough to allow object online tracking using a camera.
1 2024-08-23 visp_hand2eye_calibration
visp_hand2eye_calibration estimates the camera position with respect to its effector using the ViSP library.
visp_hand2eye_calibration estimates the camera position with respect to its effector using the ViSP library.
1 2024-08-23 visp_camera_calibration
visp_camera_calibration allows easy calibration of cameras using a customizable pattern and ViSP library.
visp_camera_calibration allows easy calibration of cameras using a customizable pattern and ViSP library.
1 2024-08-23 visp_bridge
Converts between ROS structures and ViSP structures.
Converts between ROS structures and ViSP structures.
1 2024-08-23 visp_auto_tracker
Online automated pattern-based object tracker relying on visual servoing. visp_auto_tracker wraps model-based trackers provided by ViSP visual servoing library into a ROS package. The tracked object should have a QRcode, Flash code, or April tag pattern. Based on the pattern, the object is automaticaly detected. The detection allows then to initialise the model-based trackers. When lost of tracking achieves a new detection is performed that will be used to re-initialize the tracker. This computer vision algorithm computes the pose (i.e. position and orientation) of an object in an image. It is fast enough to allow object online tracking using a camera.
Online automated pattern-based object tracker relying on visual servoing. visp_auto_tracker wraps model-based trackers provided by ViSP visual servoing library into a ROS package. The tracked object should have a QRcode, Flash code, or April tag pattern. Based on the pattern, the object is automaticaly detected. The detection allows then to initialise the model-based trackers. When lost of tracking achieves a new detection is performed that will be used to re-initialize the tracker. This computer vision algorithm computes the pose (i.e. position and orientation) of an object in an image. It is fast enough to allow object online tracking using a camera.
1 2024-08-23 vision_visp
Virtual package providing ViSP related packages.
Virtual package providing ViSP related packages.
2 2024-08-20 vision_opencv
Packages for interfacing ROS with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
Packages for interfacing ROS with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
2 2022-04-09 vision_msgs
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
1 2025-01-06 virtual_force_publisher
publish end effector's force, which is estmated from joint torque value
publish end effector's force, which is estmated from joint torque value
1 2021-07-22 view_controller_msgs
Messages for (camera) view controllers
Messages for (camera) view controllers
1 2021-04-13 video_stream_opencv
The video_stream_opencv package contains a node to publish a video stream (the protocols that opencv supports are supported, including rtsp, webcams on /dev/video and video files) in ROS image topics, it supports camera info and basic image flipping (horizontal, vertical or both) capabilities, also adjusting publishing rate.
The video_stream_opencv package contains a node to publish a video stream (the protocols that opencv supports are supported, including rtsp, webcams on /dev/video and video files) in ROS image topics, it supports camera info and basic image flipping (horizontal, vertical or both) capabilities, also adjusting publishing rate.
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_simulator
Metapackage allowing easy installation of Velodyne simulation components.
Metapackage allowing easy installation of Velodyne simulation components.
1 2023-06-01 velodyne_pointcloud
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2023-06-01 velodyne_pcl
The velodyne_pcl package
The velodyne_pcl package
1 2023-06-01 velodyne_msgs
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2023-06-01 velodyne_laserscan
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_gazebo_plugins
Gazebo plugin to provide simulated data from Velodyne laser scanners.
Gazebo plugin to provide simulated data from Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2023-06-01 velodyne_driver
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_description
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2023-06-01 velodyne
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
2 2024-05-22 velocity_controllers
1 2023-03-10 vector_map_msgs
The vector_map_msgs package
The vector_map_msgs package
1 2025-02-15 variant_topic_tools
Topic tools for treating messages as variant types.
Topic tools for treating messages as variant types.
1 2025-02-15 variant_msgs
Variant messages are designed to accommodate the information content of any invariant message. They are truly generic and can freely be converted to and from specific message objects.
Variant messages are designed to accommodate the information content of any invariant message. They are truly generic and can freely be converted to and from specific message objects.
1 2025-02-15 variant
Meta-package for the universal variant library.
Meta-package for the universal variant library.
1 2023-03-05 uuid_msgs
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_hardware_interface
The usb_cam_hardware_interface package
The usb_cam_hardware_interface package
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_hardware
The usb_cam_hardware package
The usb_cam_hardware package
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_controllers
The usb_cam_controllers package
The usb_cam_controllers package
1 2024-04-10 usb_cam
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
1 2024-12-16 urg_stamped
Precisely stamped URG driver for ROS
Precisely stamped URG driver for ROS
1 2022-10-13 urg_node
1 2020-06-07 urg_c
The urg_c package
The urg_c package
1 2021-10-04 urdfdom_py
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
1 2020-05-13 urdf_tutorial
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
1 2020-12-18 urdf_sim_tutorial
The urdf_sim_tutorial package
The urdf_sim_tutorial package
2 2022-07-18 urdf_parser_plugin
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
1 2025-01-09 urdf_mesh_converter
Convert urdf mesh.
Convert urdf mesh.
1 2021-02-02 urdf_geometry_parser
Extract geometry value of a vehicle from urdf.
Extract geometry value of a vehicle from urdf.
2 2022-07-18 urdf
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
2 2025-02-25 ur_robot_driver
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
1 2025-02-24 ur_msgs
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
1 2024-09-09 ur_kinematics
Provides forward and inverse kinematics for Universal Robots designs. See for details.
Provides forward and inverse kinematics for Universal Robots designs. See for details.
1 2024-09-09 ur_gazebo
Gazebo wrapper for the Universal UR5/10 robot arms.
Gazebo wrapper for the Universal UR5/10 robot arms.
2 2024-09-09 ur_description
URDF description for Universal UR3(e), UR5(e), UR10(e), UR16e, UR20 and UR30 robots
URDF description for Universal UR3(e), UR5(e), UR10(e), UR16e, UR20 and UR30 robots
2 2025-02-25 ur_dashboard_msgs
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
1 2025-03-05 ur_client_library
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
2 2025-02-25 ur_calibration
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
1 2024-09-09 ur5e_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur5e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur5e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-09-09 ur5_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur5 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur5 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-09-09 ur3e_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur3e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur3e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-09-09 ur3_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur3 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur3 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-09-09 ur30_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur30 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur30 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-09-09 ur20_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur20 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur20 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-09-09 ur16e_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur16e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur16e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-09-09 ur10e_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur10e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur10e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-09-09 ur10_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur10 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur10 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-09-09 universal_robots
ROS-Industrial support for Universal Robots manipulators (metapackage).
ROS-Industrial support for Universal Robots manipulators (metapackage).
1 2023-03-05 unique_identifier
ROS messages and interfaces for universally unique identifiers. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
ROS messages and interfaces for universally unique identifiers. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
1 2023-03-05 unique_id
ROS Python and C++ interfaces for universally unique identifiers.
ROS Python and C++ interfaces for universally unique identifiers.
2 2023-04-24 undo_path_global_planner
The undo_path_global_planner package.
The undo_path_global_planner package.
1 2022-04-13 um7
The um7 package provides a C++ implementation of the CH Robotics serial protocol, and a corresponding ROS node for publishing standard ROS orientation topics from a UM7.
The um7 package provides a C++ implementation of the CH Robotics serial protocol, and a corresponding ROS node for publishing standard ROS orientation topics from a UM7.
1 2019-09-25 um6
The um6 package provides a C++ implementation of the CH Robotics serial protocol, and a corresponding ROS node for publishing standard ROS orientation topics from a UM6.
The um6 package provides a C++ implementation of the CH Robotics serial protocol, and a corresponding ROS node for publishing standard ROS orientation topics from a UM6.
1 2024-07-02 udp_msgs
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
1 2021-07-21 udp_com
Generic UDP communication ROS package
Generic UDP communication ROS package
1 2023-04-16 ubnt_airos_tools
Ubiquiti AirOS tools for extracting AP information to ROS
Ubiquiti AirOS tools for extracting AP information to ROS
1 2022-12-07 ublox_serialization
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
1 2022-12-07 ublox_msgs
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
1 2022-12-07 ublox_msg_filters
Time synchronize multiple uBlox messages to get a single callback
Time synchronize multiple uBlox messages to get a single callback
1 2022-12-07 ublox_gps
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
1 2022-12-07 ublox
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
1 2023-11-16 ubiquity_motor
Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics Magni motor controllers
Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics Magni motor controllers
1 2022-08-24 twist_recovery
A recovery behavior that performs a particular used-defined twist.
A recovery behavior that performs a particular used-defined twist.
1 2018-06-25 twist_mux_msgs
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
1 2022-10-24 twist_mux
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
1 2024-10-14 twist_controller
A ros_control controller accepting Cartesian twist messages in order to move a robot manipulator. It uses a Cartesian interface to the robot, so that the robot hardware takes care about doing the inverse kinematics. This could be used e.g. for visual servoing applications.
A ros_control controller accepting Cartesian twist messages in order to move a robot manipulator. It uses a Cartesian interface to the robot, so that the robot hardware takes care about doing the inverse kinematics. This could be used e.g. for visual servoing applications.
1 2022-06-21 turtlesim
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_teleop
Provides teleoperation using keyboard for TurtleBot3.
Provides teleoperation using keyboard for TurtleBot3.
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_slam
The turtlebot3_slam package provides roslaunch scripts for starting the SLAM
The turtlebot3_slam package provides roslaunch scripts for starting the SLAM
1 2021-07-15 turtlebot3_simulations
ROS packages for the turtlebot3 simulation (meta package)
ROS packages for the turtlebot3 simulation (meta package)
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_navigation
The turtlebot3_navigation provides roslaunch scripts for starting the navigation.
The turtlebot3_navigation provides roslaunch scripts for starting the navigation.
1 2021-04-07 turtlebot3_msgs
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages
1 2021-07-15 turtlebot3_gazebo
Gazebo simulation package for the TurtleBot3
Gazebo simulation package for the TurtleBot3
1 2021-07-15 turtlebot3_fake
Package for TurtleBot3 fake node. With this package, simple tests can be done without a robot. You can do simple tests using this package on rviz without real robots.
Package for TurtleBot3 fake node. With this package, simple tests can be done without a robot. You can do simple tests using this package on rviz without real robots.
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_example
This package provides four TurtleBot3 basic example include move using interactive marker, move and stop using LDS, move to goal position, move to custom routes. The interactions node is that you can control the TurtleBot3 front and back side or rotate to goal position. The obstacle node is that when the robot meets an obstacle, it stops. The patrol node is that TurtleBot3 move to custom route. There are 3 route(square, triangle, circle) in this package. You can add your route and move the TurtleBot3. The pointop node is that you can insert goal position include distance x-axis, y-axis and angluar z-axis.
This package provides four TurtleBot3 basic example include move using interactive marker, move and stop using LDS, move to goal position, move to custom routes. The interactions node is that you can control the TurtleBot3 front and back side or rotate to goal position. The obstacle node is that when the robot meets an obstacle, it stops. The patrol node is that TurtleBot3 move to custom route. There are 3 route(square, triangle, circle) in this package. You can add your route and move the TurtleBot3. The pointop node is that you can insert goal position include distance x-axis, y-axis and angluar z-axis.
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_description
3D models of the TurtleBot3 for simulation and visualization
3D models of the TurtleBot3 for simulation and visualization
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_bringup
roslaunch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
roslaunch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3
ROS packages for the Turtlebot3 (meta package)
ROS packages for the Turtlebot3 (meta package)
1 2020-04-02 turtle_tf2
turtle_tf2 demonstrates how to write a tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The tutle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2 demonstrates how to write a tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The tutle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2020-04-02 turtle_tf
turtle_tf demonstrates how to write a tf broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The tutle_tf_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf demonstrates how to write a tf broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The tutle_tf_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2020-07-23 turtle_actionlib
turtle_actionlib demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim. The shape_server provides and action interface for drawing regular polygons with the turtlesim.
turtle_actionlib demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim. The shape_server provides and action interface for drawing regular polygons with the turtlesim.
1 2024-11-21 tsid
Efficient Task Space Inverse Dynamics (TSID) based on Pinocchio
Efficient Task Space Inverse Dynamics (TSID) based on Pinocchio
2 2024-10-12 transmission_interface
Transmission Interface.
Transmission Interface.
1 2024-05-23 trajectory_tracker_rviz_plugins
Rviz plugins for trajectory_tracker_msgs
Rviz plugins for trajectory_tracker_msgs
1 2024-02-19 trajectory_tracker_msgs
Message definitions for trajectory_tracker package
Message definitions for trajectory_tracker package
1 2025-02-26 trajectory_tracker
Path following control package for wheeled mobile robot
Path following control package for wheeled mobile robot
2 2021-01-11 trajectory_msgs
This package defines messages for defining robot trajectories. These messages are also the building blocks of most of the
This package defines messages for defining robot trajectories. These messages are also the building blocks of most of the
1 2025-02-26 track_odometry
Odometry slip compensation package
Odometry slip compensation package
1 2024-10-08 trac_ik_python
The trac_ik_python package contains a python wrapper using SWIG for trac_ik_lib
The trac_ik_python package contains a python wrapper using SWIG for trac_ik_lib
1 2024-10-08 trac_ik_lib
TRAC-IK is a faster, significantly more reliable drop-in replacement for KDL's pseudoinverse Jacobian solver. The TRAC-IK library has a very similar API to KDL's IK solver calls, except that the user passes a maximum time instead of a maximum number of search iterations. Additionally, TRAC-IK allows for error tolerances to be set independently for each Cartesian dimension (x,y,z,roll,pitch.yaw).
TRAC-IK is a faster, significantly more reliable drop-in replacement for KDL's pseudoinverse Jacobian solver. The TRAC-IK library has a very similar API to KDL's IK solver calls, except that the user passes a maximum time instead of a maximum number of search iterations. Additionally, TRAC-IK allows for error tolerances to be set independently for each Cartesian dimension (x,y,z,roll,pitch.yaw).
1 2024-10-08 trac_ik_kinematics_plugin
A MoveIt! Kinematics plugin using TRAC-IK
A MoveIt! Kinematics plugin using TRAC-IK
1 2024-10-08 trac_ik_examples
This package contains the source code for testing and comparing trac_ik
This package contains the source code for testing and comparing trac_ik
1 2024-10-08 trac_ik
The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an improved alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. TRAC-IK handles joint-limited chains better than KDL without increasing solve time.
The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an improved alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. TRAC-IK handles joint-limited chains better than KDL without increasing solve time.
2 2024-09-13 topic_tools
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS topics at a meta level. None of the programs in this package actually know about the topics whose streams they are altering; instead, these tools deal with messages as generic binary blobs. This means they can be applied to any ROS topic.
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS topics at a meta level. None of the programs in this package actually know about the topics whose streams they are altering; instead, these tools deal with messages as generic binary blobs. This means they can be applied to any ROS topic.
1 2025-01-12 tof_radar_controller
The tof radar controller package
The tof radar controller package
1 2021-03-23 timestamp_tools
This package is currently for internal use only. Its API may change without warning in the future. This package is deprecated.
This package is currently for internal use only. Its API may change without warning in the future. This package is deprecated.
2 2024-09-05 timed_roslaunch
Script to delay the launch of a roslaunch file
Script to delay the launch of a roslaunch file
1 2024-09-06 tile_map
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GooleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GooleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
1 2021-06-23 thunder_line_follower_pmr3100
1 2024-01-25 theora_image_transport
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
1 2025-02-27 tf_static_publisher
The tf_static_publisher package provides simple static transform publisher node which allows to send multiple (latched) static transforms from single node in single message.
The tf_static_publisher package provides simple static transform publisher node which allows to send multiple (latched) static transforms from single node in single message.
1 2019-03-17 tf_remapper_cpp
More efficient version of tf/tf_remap able to handle TFs at kHz with tens of subscribers.
More efficient version of tf/tf_remap able to handle TFs at kHz with tens of subscribers.
1 2023-08-17 tf_conversions
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
1 2020-08-13 tf2_web_republisher
Republishing of Selected TFs
Republishing of Selected TFs
3 2025-02-07 tf2_tools
1 2024-01-10 tf2_server
TF2 server that can provide transforms over separate TF topics
TF2 server that can provide transforms over separate TF topics
3 2025-02-07 tf2_sensor_msgs
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
3 2025-02-07 tf2_ros
This package contains the ROS bindings for the tf2 library, for both Python and C++.
This package contains the ROS bindings for the tf2 library, for both Python and C++.
2 2025-02-07 tf2_py
The tf2_py package
The tf2_py package
3 2025-02-07 tf2_msgs
3 2025-02-07 tf2_kdl
KDL binding for tf2
KDL binding for tf2
3 2025-02-07 tf2_geometry_msgs
3 2025-02-07 tf2_eigen
1 2023-05-23 tf2_client
Configurable tf2 client wrapper using local or remote buffer.
Configurable tf2 client wrapper using local or remote buffer.
3 2025-02-07 tf2_bullet
1 2025-02-06 tf2_2d
A set of 2D geometry classes modeled after the 3D geometry classes in tf2.
A set of 2D geometry classes modeled after the 3D geometry classes in tf2.
3 2025-02-07 tf2
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
1 2023-08-17 tf
tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
3 2025-02-07 test_tf2
tf2 unit tests
tf2 unit tests
1 2024-09-13 test_rostopic
Tests for rostopic.
Tests for rostopic.
1 2024-09-13 test_rostest
Tests for rostest.
Tests for rostest.
1 2024-09-13 test_rosservice
Tests for the rosservice tool.
Tests for the rosservice tool.
1 2024-09-13 test_rospy
rospy unit and integration test framework.
rospy unit and integration test framework.
1 2024-09-13 test_rosparam
A package containing the unit tests for rosparam.
A package containing the unit tests for rosparam.
1 2024-09-13 test_rosmaster
Tests for rosmaster which depend on rostest.
Tests for rosmaster which depend on rostest.
1 2024-09-13 test_roslib_comm
Unit tests verifying that roslib is operating as expected.
Unit tests verifying that roslib is operating as expected.
1 2024-09-13 test_roslaunch
Tests for roslaunch which depend on rostest.
Tests for roslaunch which depend on rostest.
1 2024-09-13 test_rosgraph
Tests for rosgraph which depend on rostest.
Tests for rosgraph which depend on rostest.
1 2024-09-13 test_roscpp
Tests for roscpp which depend on rostest.
Tests for roscpp which depend on rostest.
1 2024-09-13 test_rosbag_storage
A package containing the unit tests for rosbag_storage.
A package containing the unit tests for rosbag_storage.
1 2024-09-13 test_rosbag
A package containing the unit tests for rosbag.
A package containing the unit tests for rosbag.


Name Description
1 2022-09-29 zstd_vendor
Zstd compression vendor package, providing a dependency for Zstd.
Zstd compression vendor package, providing a dependency for Zstd.
1 2022-05-24 zmqpp_vendor
Vendor package for zmqpp
Vendor package for zmqpp
1 2021-12-07 yaml_cpp_vendor
Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
1 2025-02-15 xacro
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
1 2022-02-14 wiimote_msgs
Messages used by wiimote package.
Messages used by wiimote package.
1 2022-02-14 wiimote
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_universal_robot
Universal Robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
Universal Robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_turtlebot
TurtleBot3 Burger robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
TurtleBot3 Burger robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tiago
TIAGo robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
TIAGo robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tests
System tests for `webots_ros2` packages.
System tests for `webots_ros2` packages.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tesla
Tesla ROS2 interface for Webots.
Tesla ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_msgs
Services and Messages of the webots_ros2 packages.
Services and Messages of the webots_ros2 packages.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_mavic
Mavic 2 Pro robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
Mavic 2 Pro robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_importer
This package allows to convert URDF and XACRO files into Webots PROTO files.
This package allows to convert URDF and XACRO files into Webots PROTO files.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_husarion
Husarion ROSbot 2R and XL robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
Husarion ROSbot 2R and XL robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_epuck
E-puck2 driver for Webots simulated robot
E-puck2 driver for Webots simulated robot
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_driver
Implementation of the Webots - ROS 2 interface
Implementation of the Webots - ROS 2 interface
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_crazyflie
ROS2 package for Crazyflie webots simulator
ROS2 package for Crazyflie webots simulator
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_control
ros2_control plugin for Webots
ros2_control plugin for Webots
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2
Interface between Webots and ROS2
Interface between Webots and ROS2
1 2024-10-13 warehouse_ros_sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
1 2024-08-28 warehouse_ros_mongo
Implementation of warehouse_ros for MongoDB
Implementation of warehouse_ros for MongoDB
1 2024-08-29 warehouse_ros
Persistent storage of ROS messages
Persistent storage of ROS messages
2 2022-01-12 visualization_msgs
A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions.
A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions.
2 2022-10-15 vision_opencv
Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
1 2023-07-26 vision_msgs_rviz_plugins
RVIZ2 plugins for visualizing vision_msgs
RVIZ2 plugins for visualizing vision_msgs
1 2022-10-29 vision_msgs_layers
Collection of RQt Image Overlay Plugins for Vision Msgs
Collection of RQt Image Overlay Plugins for Vision Msgs
2 2023-07-26 vision_msgs
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_simulator
Metapackage allowing easy installation of Velodyne simulation components.
Metapackage allowing easy installation of Velodyne simulation components.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_pointcloud
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_msgs
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_laserscan
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_gazebo_plugins
Gazebo plugin to provide simulated data from Velodyne laser scanners.
Gazebo plugin to provide simulated data from Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_driver
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_description
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
2 2023-06-11 velocity_controllers
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
1 2022-11-11 vda5050_serializer
The serialization/deserialization functions to be loaded into the mqtt_bridge. During (de-)serialization the case of the keys is corrected from snake_case on ROS side to dromedaryCase on MQTT/JSON side
The serialization/deserialization functions to be loaded into the mqtt_bridge. During (de-)serialization the case of the keys is corrected from snake_case on ROS side to dromedaryCase on MQTT/JSON side
1 2022-11-11 vda5050_msgs
The vda5050_msgs package contains the datatypes (json objects) specified by the VDA "Arbeitskreis Schlüsseltechnologien" in their recommondation "VDA 5050 - Schnittstelle zur Kommunikation zwischen Fahrerlosen Transportfahrzeugen (FTF) und einer Leitsteuerung. This package provides the message files which can be used to be (de-)serialized with an implementation of mqtt (e.g mqtt_bridge) or to plain json (rospy_message_converter) or similar.
The vda5050_msgs package contains the datatypes (json objects) specified by the VDA "Arbeitskreis Schlüsseltechnologien" in their recommondation "VDA 5050 - Schnittstelle zur Kommunikation zwischen Fahrerlosen Transportfahrzeugen (FTF) und einer Leitsteuerung. This package provides the message files which can be used to be (de-)serialized with an implementation of mqtt (e.g mqtt_bridge) or to plain json (rospy_message_converter) or similar.
2 2022-11-11 vda5050_connector
ROS2 to VDA5050 / VDA5050 to ROS2 connector
ROS2 to VDA5050 / VDA5050 to ROS2 connector
1 2022-08-19 v4l2_camera
A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2
A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2
1 2024-06-22 usb_cam
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
1 2023-05-26 urg_node_msgs
1 2024-01-31 urg_node
1 2020-06-10 urg_c
The urg_c package
The urg_c package
1 2024-11-11 urdfdom_py
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
1 2021-04-27 urdfdom
A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.
A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.
1 2024-01-04 urdf_tutorial
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
2 2021-05-12 urdf_parser_plugin
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
2 2021-05-12 urdf
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
2 2022-10-11 ur_robot_driver
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
1 2022-04-12 ur_msgs
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
1 2022-10-11 ur_moveit_config
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots.
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots.
2 2023-09-12 ur_description
URDF description for Universal Robots
URDF description for Universal Robots
2 2022-10-11 ur_dashboard_msgs
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
1 2022-10-11 ur_controllers
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots.
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots.
1 2025-03-05 ur_client_library
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
2 2022-10-11 ur_calibration
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
1 2022-10-11 ur_bringup
Launch file and run-time configurations, e.g. controllers.
Launch file and run-time configurations, e.g. controllers.
1 2021-04-06 unique_identifier_msgs
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
2 2023-06-09 undo_path_global_planner
The undo_path_global_planner package.
The undo_path_global_planner package.
1 2021-03-18 uncrustify_vendor
Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify.
Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify.
1 2024-07-02 udp_msgs
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
1 2023-06-22 udp_driver
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes
1 2025-02-27 ublox_ubx_msgs
1 2025-02-27 ublox_ubx_interfaces
UBLOX UBX Interfaces
UBLOX UBX Interfaces
1 2022-04-13 ublox_serialization
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
1 2025-02-27 ublox_nav_sat_fix_hp_node
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2022-04-13 ublox_msgs
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
1 2022-04-13 ublox_gps
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
1 2025-02-27 ublox_dgnss_node
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2025-02-27 ublox_dgnss
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2022-04-13 ublox
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
1 2024-11-16 twist_stamper
ROS2 package for converting between Twist and TwistStamped messages
ROS2 package for converting between Twist and TwistStamped messages
1 2021-11-26 twist_mux
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
1 2022-11-23 tvm_vendor
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
1 2022-04-28 turtlesim
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
1 2022-05-03 turtlebot4_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Turtlebot4
Visualization launchers and helpers for Turtlebot4
1 2023-08-31 turtlebot4_tutorials
Turtlebot4 Tutorials Metapackage
Turtlebot4 Tutorials Metapackage
1 2022-09-15 turtlebot4_tests
Turtlebot4 System Tests
Turtlebot4 System Tests
1 2022-11-21 turtlebot4_simulator
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2022-09-15 turtlebot4_robot
Turtlebot4 Robot Metapackage
Turtlebot4 Robot Metapackage
1 2023-08-31 turtlebot4_python_tutorials
TurtleBot 4 Python Tutorials
TurtleBot 4 Python Tutorials
1 2022-05-25 turtlebot4_python_examples
TurtleBot 4 Python Examples
TurtleBot 4 Python Examples
1 2023-08-31 turtlebot4_openai_tutorials
Tutorials on using OpenAI to control Turtlebot 4
Tutorials on using OpenAI to control Turtlebot 4
1 2022-09-15 turtlebot4_node
Turtlebot4 Node
Turtlebot4 Node
1 2022-09-15 turtlebot4_navigation
Turtlebot4 Navigation
Turtlebot4 Navigation
1 2022-09-15 turtlebot4_msgs
Turtlebot4 Messages
Turtlebot4 Messages
1 2022-11-21 turtlebot4_ignition_toolbox
Turtlebot4 Ignition Toolbox
Turtlebot4 Ignition Toolbox
1 2022-11-21 turtlebot4_ignition_gui_plugins
Turtlebot4 Ignition Simulator GUI Plugins
Turtlebot4 Ignition Simulator GUI Plugins
1 2022-11-21 turtlebot4_ignition_bringup
TurtleBot 4 Ignition Simulator bringup
TurtleBot 4 Ignition Simulator bringup
1 2022-05-25 turtlebot4_examples
Turtlebot4 Examples Metapackage
Turtlebot4 Examples Metapackage
1 2022-09-15 turtlebot4_diagnostics
Turtlebot4 Diagnostics
Turtlebot4 Diagnostics
1 2022-05-03 turtlebot4_desktop
Turtlebot4 Desktop Metapackage
Turtlebot4 Desktop Metapackage
1 2022-09-15 turtlebot4_description
Turtlebot4 Description package
Turtlebot4 Description package
1 2023-08-31 turtlebot4_cpp_tutorials
TurtleBot 4 C++ Tutorials
TurtleBot 4 C++ Tutorials
1 2022-05-25 turtlebot4_cpp_examples
TurtleBot 4 C++ Examples
TurtleBot 4 C++ Examples
1 2022-09-15 turtlebot4_bringup
Turtlebot4 Robot Bringup
Turtlebot4 Robot Bringup
1 2022-09-15 turtlebot4_base
Turtlebot4 Base Node
Turtlebot4 Base Node
1 2022-02-08 turtlebot3_teleop
Teleoperation node using keyboard for TurtleBot3.
Teleoperation node using keyboard for TurtleBot3.
1 2021-06-14 turtlebot3_simulations
ROS 2 packages for TurtleBot3 simulations
ROS 2 packages for TurtleBot3 simulations
1 2022-02-08 turtlebot3_node
TurtleBot3 driver node that include diff drive controller, odometry and tf node
TurtleBot3 driver node that include diff drive controller, odometry and tf node
1 2022-02-08 turtlebot3_navigation2
ROS 2 launch scripts for navigation2
ROS 2 launch scripts for navigation2
1 2021-06-13 turtlebot3_msgs
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages for ROS2
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages for ROS2
1 2021-06-14 turtlebot3_gazebo
Gazebo simulation package for the TurtleBot3
Gazebo simulation package for the TurtleBot3
1 2021-06-14 turtlebot3_fake_node
Package for TurtleBot3 fake node. With this package, simple tests can be done without a robot. You can do simple tests using this package on rviz without real robots.
Package for TurtleBot3 fake node. With this package, simple tests can be done without a robot. You can do simple tests using this package on rviz without real robots.
1 2022-02-08 turtlebot3_example
This package provides four basic examples for TurtleBot3 (i.e., interactive marker, object detection, patrol and position control).
This package provides four basic examples for TurtleBot3 (i.e., interactive marker, object detection, patrol and position control).
1 2022-02-08 turtlebot3_description
3D models of the TurtleBot3 for simulation and visualization
3D models of the TurtleBot3 for simulation and visualization
1 2022-02-08 turtlebot3_cartographer
ROS 2 launch scripts for cartographer
ROS 2 launch scripts for cartographer
1 2022-02-08 turtlebot3_bringup
ROS 2 launch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
ROS 2 launch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
1 2022-02-08 turtlebot3
ROS 2 packages for TurtleBot3
ROS 2 packages for TurtleBot3
1 2024-01-10 turtle_tf2_py
turtle_tf2_py demonstrates how to write a ROS2 Python tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2_py demonstrates how to write a ROS2 Python tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2024-01-10 turtle_tf2_cpp
turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
2 2022-08-03 transmission_interface
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.
2 2022-01-12 trajectory_msgs
A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions.
A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions.
1 2021-05-06 tracetools_trace
Tools for setting up tracing sessions.
Tools for setting up tracing sessions.
1 2021-05-06 tracetools_test
Testing utilities and tests for the tracetools package.
Testing utilities and tests for the tracetools package.
1 2021-05-06 tracetools_read
Tools for reading traces.
Tools for reading traces.
1 2021-05-06 tracetools_launch
Launch integration for tracing.
Launch integration for tracing.
1 2024-01-17 tracetools_image_pipeline
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for image_pipeline ROS 2 meta-package.
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for image_pipeline ROS 2 meta-package.
2 2021-04-27 tracetools_analysis
Tools for analysing trace data.
Tools for analysing trace data.
2 2021-05-06 tracetools
Tracing wrapper for ROS 2.
Tracing wrapper for ROS 2.
1 2023-11-27 topic_tools_interfaces
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools
2 2023-11-27 topic_tools
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level.
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level.
1 2022-12-07 topic_statistics_demo
C++ demo application for topic statistics feature.
C++ demo application for topic statistics feature.
1 2022-12-07 topic_monitor
Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics.
Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics.
1 2021-03-18 tlsf_cpp
C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples
C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples
1 2021-03-18 tlsf
TLSF allocator version 2.4.6
TLSF allocator version 2.4.6
1 2021-03-18 tinyxml_vendor
CMake shim over the tinxml library.
CMake shim over the tinxml library.
1 2021-03-18 tinyxml2_vendor
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2.
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2.
1 2025-01-20 tile_map
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GoogleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GoogleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
1 2022-11-10 theora_image_transport
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
1 2024-08-07 tf_transformations
Reimplementation of the tf/ library for common Python spatial operations
Reimplementation of the tf/ library for common Python spatial operations
3 2022-12-03 tf2_tools
3 2022-12-03 tf2_sensor_msgs
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
1 2022-12-03 tf2_ros_py
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library
3 2022-12-03 tf2_ros
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library
2 2022-12-03 tf2_py
The tf2_py package
The tf2_py package
3 2022-12-03 tf2_msgs
3 2022-12-03 tf2_kdl
KDL binding for tf2
KDL binding for tf2
3 2022-12-03 tf2_geometry_msgs
1 2022-12-03 tf2_eigen_kdl
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL
3 2022-12-03 tf2_eigen
3 2022-12-03 tf2_bullet
3 2022-12-03 tf2
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
3 2022-12-03 test_tf2
tf2 unit tests
tf2 unit tests
1 2021-04-16 test_rmw_implementation
Test suite for ROS middleware API.
Test suite for ROS middleware API.
1 2023-03-08 test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp.
Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp.
1 2021-04-06 test_msgs
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
1 2022-12-02 test_launch_testing
Tests for the launch_testing package.
Tests for the launch_testing package.
1 2025-02-19 test_launch_system_modes
Launch tests for the launch_system_modes package, i.e. launch actions, events, and event handlers for system modes.
Launch tests for the launch_system_modes package, i.e. launch actions, events, and event handlers for system modes.
1 2022-12-08 test_launch_ros
Tests for ROS specific extensions to the launch tool.
Tests for ROS specific extensions to the launch tool.
1 2021-03-18 test_interface_files
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
1 2022-04-01 test_bond
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondcpp]].
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondcpp]].
1 2021-03-21 test_apex_test_tools
Test package, which uses things exported by apex_test_tools
Test package, which uses things exported by apex_test_tools
1 2024-12-23 tensorrt_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find TensorRT.
Exports a CMake module to find TensorRT.
2 2024-03-08 teleop_twist_keyboard
A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages.
A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages.
2 2021-09-24 teleop_twist_joy
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
1 2022-11-23 teleop_tools_msgs
The teleop_tools_msgs package
The teleop_tools_msgs package
1 2022-11-23 teleop_tools
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
1 2022-04-06 tango_icons_vendor
tango_icons_vendor provides the public domain Tango icons for non-linux systems (
tango_icons_vendor provides the public domain Tango icons for non-linux systems (
1 2025-02-19 system_modes_msgs
Interface package, containing message definitions and service definitions for the system modes package.
Interface package, containing message definitions and service definitions for the system modes package.
1 2025-02-19 system_modes_examples
Example systems and according launch files for the system_modes package.
Example systems and according launch files for the system_modes package.
1 2025-02-19 system_modes
The system modes concept assumes that a robotics system is built from components with a lifecycle. It adds a notion of (sub-)systems, hiararchically grouping these nodes, as well as a notion of modes that determine the configuration of these nodes and (sub-)systems in terms of their parameter values.
The system modes concept assumes that a robotics system is built from components with a lifecycle. It adds a notion of (sub-)systems, hiararchically grouping these nodes, as well as a notion of modes that determine the configuration of these nodes and (sub-)systems in terms of their parameter values.
1 2024-11-28 system_fingerprint
The system_fingerprint package
The system_fingerprint package
1 2024-12-09 swri_console
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Institute as an alternative to rqt_console.
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Institute as an alternative to rqt_console.
1 2021-06-10 stubborn_buddies_msgs
Messages to support library of stubborn buddies
Messages to support library of stubborn buddies
1 2021-06-10 stubborn_buddies
Demo that uses node composition of lifecycle nodes to achieve fail-over robustness on ROS nodes
Demo that uses node composition of lifecycle nodes to achieve fail-over robustness on ROS nodes
2 2022-01-12 stereo_msgs
A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions.
A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions.
1 2024-01-17 stereo_image_proc
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
2 2022-01-12 std_srvs
A package containing some standard service definitions.
A package containing some standard service definitions.
2 2022-01-12 std_msgs
A package containing some standard message definitions.
A package containing some standard message definitions.
2 2021-04-06 statistics_msgs
Message definitions for reporting statistics for topics and system resources.
Message definitions for reporting statistics for topics and system resources.
1 2022-01-13 sros2_cmake
CMake macros to configure security
CMake macros to configure security
1 2022-01-13 sros2
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
1 2024-10-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
2 2023-06-09 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
2 2023-06-09 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
2 2023-06-09 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 2022-09-29 sqlite3_vendor
SQLite 3 vendor package
SQLite 3 vendor package
1 2022-08-09 splsm_7_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2022-08-09 splsm_7
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
1 2021-04-06 spdlog_vendor
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
1 2021-12-15 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 2022-02-14 spacenav
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
2 2020-07-26 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 2025-01-19 sol_vendor
vendor package for the sol2 library
vendor package for the sol2 library
1 2023-07-25 soccer_object_msgs
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
1 2023-07-25 soccer_marker_generation
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
1 2021-12-02 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 2022-04-01 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 2023-06-09 smacc2_msgs
Messages and services used in smacc2.
Messages and services used in smacc2.
1 2023-06-09 smacc2
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
2 2023-06-09 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
2 2023-06-09 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 2023-06-09 sm_pubsub_1
The sm_pubsub_1 package
The sm_pubsub_1 package
1 2023-06-09 sm_pack_ml
The sm_pack_ml package
The sm_pack_ml package
1 2023-06-09 sm_multi_stage_1
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
1 2023-06-09 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
1 2023-06-09 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package


Name Description
1 2024-11-11 zstd_vendor
Zstd compression vendor package, providing a dependency for Zstd.
Zstd compression vendor package, providing a dependency for Zstd.
1 2024-07-01 zstd_point_cloud_transport
zstd_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with lib
zstd_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with lib
1 2022-05-24 zmqpp_vendor
Vendor package for zmqpp
Vendor package for zmqpp
1 2024-07-01 zlib_point_cloud_transport
zlib_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with zlib
zlib_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with zlib
1 2024-01-12 zenoh_bridge_dds
Bridge between ROS2/DDS and Eclipse zenoh ( It allows the integration of zenoh applications with ROS2, or the tunneling of ROS2 communications between nodes via the zenoh protocol at Internet scale.
Bridge between ROS2/DDS and Eclipse zenoh ( It allows the integration of zenoh applications with ROS2, or the tunneling of ROS2 communications between nodes via the zenoh protocol at Internet scale.
1 2024-04-28 zbar_ros
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
1 2023-02-13 yaml_cpp_vendor
Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
1 2025-02-15 xacro
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
1 2024-12-04 wiimote_msgs
Messages used by wiimote package.
Messages used by wiimote package.
1 2024-12-04 wiimote
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_universal_robot
Universal Robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
Universal Robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_turtlebot
TurtleBot3 Burger robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
TurtleBot3 Burger robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tiago
TIAGo robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
TIAGo robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tests
System tests for `webots_ros2` packages.
System tests for `webots_ros2` packages.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_tesla
Tesla ROS2 interface for Webots.
Tesla ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_msgs
Services and Messages of the webots_ros2 packages.
Services and Messages of the webots_ros2 packages.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_mavic
Mavic 2 Pro robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
Mavic 2 Pro robot ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_importer
This package allows to convert URDF and XACRO files into Webots PROTO files.
This package allows to convert URDF and XACRO files into Webots PROTO files.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_husarion
Husarion ROSbot 2R and XL robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
Husarion ROSbot 2R and XL robots ROS2 interface for Webots.
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_epuck
E-puck2 driver for Webots simulated robot
E-puck2 driver for Webots simulated robot
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_driver
Implementation of the Webots - ROS 2 interface
Implementation of the Webots - ROS 2 interface
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_crazyflie
ROS2 package for Crazyflie webots simulator
ROS2 package for Crazyflie webots simulator
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2_control
ros2_control plugin for Webots
ros2_control plugin for Webots
1 2025-02-18 webots_ros2
Interface between Webots and ROS2
Interface between Webots and ROS2
1 2025-02-12 web_video_server
HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats
1 2024-10-13 warehouse_ros_sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
1 2024-08-28 warehouse_ros_mongo
Implementation of warehouse_ros for MongoDB
Implementation of warehouse_ros for MongoDB
1 2024-08-29 warehouse_ros
Persistent storage of ROS messages
Persistent storage of ROS messages
1 2024-07-02 vrpn_mocap
1 2022-03-29 vitis_common
Common code for working with Vitisâ„¢ Unified Software Platform in ROS.
Common code for working with Vitisâ„¢ Unified Software Platform in ROS.
2 2024-05-20 visualization_msgs
A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions.
A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions.
2 2024-04-13 vision_opencv
Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
1 2024-07-23 vision_msgs_rviz_plugins
RVIZ2 plugins for visualizing vision_msgs
RVIZ2 plugins for visualizing vision_msgs
1 2023-07-25 vision_msgs_layers
Collection of RQt Image Overlay Plugins for Vision Msgs
Collection of RQt Image Overlay Plugins for Vision Msgs
2 2024-07-23 vision_msgs
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_simulator
Metapackage allowing easy installation of Velodyne simulation components.
Metapackage allowing easy installation of Velodyne simulation components.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_pointcloud
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_msgs
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_laserscan
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_gazebo_plugins
Gazebo plugin to provide simulated data from Velodyne laser scanners.
Gazebo plugin to provide simulated data from Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne_driver
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_description
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2024-10-31 velodyne
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
2 2024-11-13 velocity_controllers
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
1 2024-04-30 v4l2_camera
A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2
A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2
1 2024-06-22 usb_cam
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
1 2023-05-26 urg_node_msgs
1 2024-01-31 urg_node
1 2020-06-10 urg_c
The urg_c package
The urg_c package
1 2024-11-11 urdfdom_py
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
1 2023-04-11 urdfdom
A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.
A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.
1 2024-01-04 urdf_tutorial
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
1 2023-10-04 urdf_sim_tutorial
The urdf_sim_tutorial package
The urdf_sim_tutorial package
2 2023-02-13 urdf_parser_plugin
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
1 2024-10-07 urdf_launch
Launch files for common URDF operations
Launch files for common URDF operations
2 2023-02-13 urdf
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
2 2024-11-14 ur_robot_driver
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
1 2024-12-02 ur_msgs
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
1 2024-11-14 ur_moveit_config
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots.
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots.
2 2024-10-29 ur_description
URDF description for Universal Robots
URDF description for Universal Robots
2 2024-11-14 ur_dashboard_msgs
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
1 2024-11-14 ur_controllers
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots.
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots.
1 2025-03-05 ur_client_library
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
2 2024-11-14 ur_calibration
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
1 2024-11-14 ur
Metapackage for universal robots
Metapackage for universal robots
1 2025-01-12 unitree_ros
Unitree ros package
Unitree ros package
1 2023-02-13 unique_identifier_msgs
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
2 2022-11-28 undo_path_global_planner
The undo_path_global_planner package.
The undo_path_global_planner package.
1 2023-02-14 uncrustify_vendor
Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify.
Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify.
1 2024-07-02 udp_msgs
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
ROS / ROS2 udp_msgs package
1 2023-06-22 udp_driver
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes
1 2025-02-27 ublox_ubx_msgs
1 2025-02-27 ublox_ubx_interfaces
UBLOX UBX Interfaces
UBLOX UBX Interfaces
1 2024-12-04 ublox_serialization
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
1 2025-02-27 ublox_nav_sat_fix_hp_node
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2024-12-04 ublox_msgs
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
1 2024-12-04 ublox_gps
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
1 2025-02-27 ublox_dgnss_node
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2025-02-27 ublox_dgnss
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol
1 2024-12-04 ublox
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
1 2023-04-18 type_description_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for describing and communicating descriptions of other types.
A package containing message and service definitions for describing and communicating descriptions of other types.
1 2024-11-16 twist_stamper
ROS2 package for converting between Twist and TwistStamped messages
ROS2 package for converting between Twist and TwistStamped messages
1 2023-07-03 twist_mux_msgs
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
1 2023-11-11 twist_mux
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
1 2022-11-23 tvm_vendor
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
1 2024-12-05 tuw_geometry
The tuw_geometry package
The tuw_geometry package
1 2023-05-11 turtlesim
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
1 2021-06-13 turtlebot3_msgs
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages for ROS2
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages for ROS2
1 2024-07-10 turtle_tf2_py
turtle_tf2_py demonstrates how to write a ROS2 Python tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2_py demonstrates how to write a ROS2 Python tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2024-07-10 turtle_tf2_cpp
turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2024-10-29 turtle_nest
ROS 2 Package Creator
ROS 2 Package Creator
1 2022-12-13 turbojpeg_compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG by turbojpeg.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG by turbojpeg.
1 2024-11-13 tricycle_steering_controller
Steering controller with tricycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.
Steering controller with tricycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.
1 2024-11-13 tricycle_controller
Controller for a tricycle drive mobile base
Controller for a tricycle drive mobile base
2 2024-11-14 transmission_interface
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.
2 2024-05-20 trajectory_msgs
A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions.
A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions.
1 2024-11-08 tracetools_trace
Tools for setting up tracing sessions.
Tools for setting up tracing sessions.
1 2024-11-08 tracetools_test
Utilities for tracing-related tests.
Utilities for tracing-related tests.
1 2024-11-08 tracetools_read
Tools for reading traces.
Tools for reading traces.
1 2024-11-08 tracetools_launch
Launch integration for tracing.
Launch integration for tracing.
1 2024-08-20 tracetools_image_pipeline
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for image_pipeline ROS 2 meta-package.
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for image_pipeline ROS 2 meta-package.
2 2024-06-26 tracetools_analysis
Tools for analysing trace data.
Tools for analysing trace data.
1 2022-03-30 tracetools_acceleration
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for ROS 2 packages using hardware acceleration. Fork of tracetools to trace hardware acceleration in ROS 2.
LTTng tracing provider wrapper for ROS 2 packages using hardware acceleration. Fork of tracetools to trace hardware acceleration in ROS 2.
2 2024-11-08 tracetools
Tracing wrapper for ROS 2.
Tracing wrapper for ROS 2.
1 2023-11-27 topic_tools_interfaces
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools
2 2023-11-27 topic_tools
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level.
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level.
1 2024-07-11 topic_statistics_demo
C++ demo application for topic statistics feature.
C++ demo application for topic statistics feature.
1 2024-07-11 topic_monitor
Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics.
Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics.
1 2025-03-07 topic_based_ros2_control
ros2 control hardware interface for topic_based sim
ros2 control hardware interface for topic_based sim
1 2023-02-14 tlsf_cpp
C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples
C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples
1 2023-02-14 tlsf
TLSF allocator version 2.4.6
TLSF allocator version 2.4.6
1 2022-10-02 tl_expected
C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
1 2023-02-14 tinyxml_vendor
CMake shim over the tinxml library.
CMake shim over the tinxml library.
1 2023-09-08 tinyxml2_vendor
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2.
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2.
1 2024-05-03 tinyspline_vendor
The vendor package for tinyspline.
The vendor package for tinyspline.
1 2025-01-20 tile_map
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GoogleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GoogleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
1 2023-05-08 theora_image_transport
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
1 2024-08-07 tf_transformations
Reimplementation of the tf/ library for common Python spatial operations
Reimplementation of the tf/ library for common Python spatial operations
3 2024-08-30 tf2_tools
3 2024-08-30 tf2_sensor_msgs
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
1 2024-08-30 tf2_ros_py
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library
3 2024-08-30 tf2_ros
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library
2 2024-08-30 tf2_py
The tf2_py package
The tf2_py package
3 2024-08-30 tf2_msgs
3 2024-08-30 tf2_kdl
KDL binding for tf2
KDL binding for tf2
3 2024-08-30 tf2_geometry_msgs
1 2024-08-30 tf2_eigen_kdl
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL
3 2024-08-30 tf2_eigen
3 2024-08-30 tf2_bullet
1 2025-02-04 tf2_2d
A set of 2D geometry classes modeled after the 3D geometry classes in tf2.
A set of 2D geometry classes modeled after the 3D geometry classes in tf2.
3 2024-08-30 tf2
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
1 2024-11-08 test_tracetools_launch
Tests for the tracetools_launch package.
Tests for the tracetools_launch package.
1 2024-11-08 test_tracetools
Tests for the tracetools package.
Tests for the tracetools package.
3 2024-08-30 test_tf2
tf2 unit tests
tf2 unit tests
1 2024-07-03 test_ros_gz_bridge
Bridge communication between ROS and Gazebo Transport
Bridge communication between ROS and Gazebo Transport
1 2024-11-08 test_ros2trace
Tests for the ros2trace package.
Tests for the ros2trace package.
1 2024-07-11 test_rmw_implementation
Test suite for ROS middleware API.
Test suite for ROS middleware API.
1 2023-04-28 test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp.
Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp.
1 2023-04-18 test_msgs
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
1 2024-06-24 test_launch_testing
Tests for the launch_testing package.
Tests for the launch_testing package.
1 2025-02-19 test_launch_system_modes
Launch tests for the launch_system_modes package, i.e. launch actions, events, and event handlers for system modes.
Launch tests for the launch_system_modes package, i.e. launch actions, events, and event handlers for system modes.
1 2024-11-08 test_launch_ros
Tests for ROS specific extensions to the launch tool.
Tests for ROS specific extensions to the launch tool.
1 2023-02-13 test_interface_files
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
1 2025-01-24 test_bond
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondcpp]].
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondcpp]].
1 2021-03-21 test_apex_test_tools
Test package, which uses things exported by apex_test_tools
Test package, which uses things exported by apex_test_tools
1 2024-12-23 tensorrt_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find TensorRT.
Exports a CMake module to find TensorRT.
1 2024-07-01 template_point_cloud_transport
template_point_cloud_transport is not a real transport plugin. It is just a template to reference when making new point_cloud_transport plugins.
template_point_cloud_transport is not a real transport plugin. It is just a template to reference when making new point_cloud_transport plugins.
2 2024-03-08 teleop_twist_keyboard
A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages.
A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages.
2 2024-09-09 teleop_twist_joy
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
1 2024-11-06 teleop_tools_msgs
The teleop_tools_msgs package
The teleop_tools_msgs package
1 2024-11-06 teleop_tools
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
1 2022-10-02 tcb_span
Implementation of C++20's std::span
Implementation of C++20's std::span
1 2023-02-14 tango_icons_vendor
tango_icons_vendor provides the public domain Tango icons for non-linux systems (
tango_icons_vendor provides the public domain Tango icons for non-linux systems (
1 2025-02-19 system_modes_msgs
Interface package, containing message definitions and service definitions for the system modes package.
Interface package, containing message definitions and service definitions for the system modes package.
1 2025-02-19 system_modes_examples
Example systems and according launch files for the system_modes package.
Example systems and according launch files for the system_modes package.
1 2025-02-19 system_modes
The system modes concept assumes that a robotics system is built from components with a lifecycle. It adds a notion of (sub-)systems, hiararchically grouping these nodes, as well as a notion of modes that determine the configuration of these nodes and (sub-)systems in terms of their parameter values.
The system modes concept assumes that a robotics system is built from components with a lifecycle. It adds a notion of (sub-)systems, hiararchically grouping these nodes, as well as a notion of modes that determine the configuration of these nodes and (sub-)systems in terms of their parameter values.
1 2024-11-28 system_fingerprint
The system_fingerprint package
The system_fingerprint package
1 2024-12-09 swri_transform_util
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
1 2024-12-09 swri_system_util
A package with commonly used system utilities.
A package with commonly used system utilities.
1 2024-12-09 swri_serial_util
Contains nodes and utilities for serial communication in ROS.
Contains nodes and utilities for serial communication in ROS.
1 2024-12-09 swri_route_util
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
1 2024-12-09 swri_roscpp
A package that extends rclcpp with some commonly used functionality to reduce boilerplate code.
A package that extends rclcpp with some commonly used functionality to reduce boilerplate code.
1 2024-12-09 swri_opencv_util
A package with commonly used OpenCV functionality.
A package with commonly used OpenCV functionality.
1 2024-12-09 swri_math_util
A package with commonly used math utility code.
A package with commonly used math utility code.
1 2024-12-09 swri_image_util
A package of commonly image manipulation utilities.
A package of commonly image manipulation utilities.
1 2024-12-09 swri_geometry_util
Commonly used geometry routines, implemented in a ROS friendly package.
Commonly used geometry routines, implemented in a ROS friendly package.
1 2024-12-09 swri_dbw_interface
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
1 2024-12-09 swri_console_util
Utility functions for interacting with console
Utility functions for interacting with console
1 2024-12-09 swri_console
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Institute as an alternative to rqt_console.
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Institute as an alternative to rqt_console.
1 2024-12-09 swri_cli_tools
Command line tools for introspecting ROS systems
Command line tools for introspecting ROS systems
1 2023-05-25 stomp
This package provides the STOMP (Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning) algorithm that can be used for robot motion planning tasks or other similar optimization tasks
This package provides the STOMP (Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning) algorithm that can be used for robot motion planning tasks or other similar optimization tasks
2 2024-05-20 stereo_msgs
A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions.
A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions.
1 2024-08-20 stereo_image_proc
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
1 2024-05-25 steering_functions
The steering_functions package
The steering_functions package
1 2024-11-13 steering_controllers_library
Package for steering robot configurations including odometry and interfaces.
Package for steering robot configurations including odometry and interfaces.
2 2024-05-20 std_srvs
A package containing some standard service definitions.
A package containing some standard service definitions.
2 2024-05-20 std_msgs
A package containing some standard message definitions.
A package containing some standard message definitions.
2 2023-04-18 statistics_msgs
Message definitions for reporting statistics for topics and system resources.
Message definitions for reporting statistics for topics and system resources.
1 2024-05-11 sros2_cmake
CMake macros to configure security
CMake macros to configure security
1 2024-05-11 sros2
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
1 2024-10-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
2 2022-11-28 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
2 2022-11-28 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
2 2022-11-28 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 2024-11-11 sqlite3_vendor
SQLite 3 vendor package
SQLite 3 vendor package
1 2024-04-14 splsm_8_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-04-14 splsm_8
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
1 2024-04-14 splsm_7_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-04-14 splsm_7
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
1 2023-04-11 spdlog_vendor
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
1 2024-05-14 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 2024-12-04 spacenav
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
2 2024-06-06 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 2025-01-19 sol_vendor
vendor package for the sol2 library
vendor package for the sol2 library
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_util
Utilities for social navigation work
Utilities for social navigation work
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_msgs
ROS interfaces for social navigation
ROS interfaces for social navigation
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_metrics
Navigation metrics for navigating around people
Navigation metrics for navigating around people
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.


Name Description
1 2014-07-03 zeroconf_msgs
General ros communications used by the various zeroconf implementations.
General ros communications used by the various zeroconf implementations.
1 2025-01-09 zdepth_image_transport
The zdepth_image_transport package
The zdepth_image_transport package
1 2025-01-09 zdepth
The zdepth package
The zdepth package
1 2022-06-28 zbar_ros
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
Lightweight ROS wrapper for Zbar barcode/qrcode reader library (http://zbar.sourceforge .net/)
1 2017-01-12 yujin_ocs
Yujin Robot's open-source control software
Yujin Robot's open-source control software
1 2024-04-18 ypspur_ros
ROS wrapper for the mobile robot control platform YP-Spur
ROS wrapper for the mobile robot control platform YP-Spur
1 2024-05-01 ypspur
YP-Spur is a mobile robot motion control software with coordinate frame based commands.
YP-Spur is a mobile robot motion control software with coordinate frame based commands.
1 2019-11-18 yosemite_valley
The yosemite_valley package
The yosemite_valley package
1 2017-01-12 yocs_waypoints_navi
Simple tool for waypoints navigation with two functions:
Simple tool for waypoints navigation with two functions:
1 2017-01-12 yocs_waypoint_provider
Parse a multiple poses from yaml and provide as topic and service. This package is highly inspired by yocs_waypoints_navi
Parse a multiple poses from yaml and provide as topic and service. This package is highly inspired by yocs_waypoints_navi
1 2017-01-12 yocs_virtual_sensor
Virtual sensor that uses semantic map information to "see" obstacles undetectable by robot sensors. Current implementation cannot read obstacles from YAML files. Until this feature gets implemented, we use auxiliary scripts to read and publish files' content. Data directory contains some example files.
Virtual sensor that uses semantic map information to "see" obstacles undetectable by robot sensors. Current implementation cannot read obstacles from YAML files. Until this feature gets implemented, we use auxiliary scripts to read and publish files' content. Data directory contains some example files.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_velocity_smoother
Bound incoming velocity messages according to robot velocity and acceleration limits.
Bound incoming velocity messages according to robot velocity and acceleration limits.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_safety_controller
A controller ensuring the safe operation of your robot. The SafetyController listens to ranger readings in order to stop (and move back), if obstacles get to close. This controller can be enabled/disabled.
A controller ensuring the safe operation of your robot. The SafetyController listens to ranger readings in order to stop (and move back), if obstacles get to close. This controller can be enabled/disabled.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_rapps
Yujin open control system rapps for use with the app manager and rocon concert
Yujin open control system rapps for use with the app manager and rocon concert
1 2017-01-12 yocs_navigator
Navigation module for robots
Navigation module for robots
1 2017-01-12 yocs_navi_toolkit
Ros navigation utilities.
Ros navigation utilities.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_msgs
Yujin's Open Control System messages, services and actions
Yujin's Open Control System messages, services and actions
1 2017-01-12 yocs_math_toolkit
Math toolkit for Yujin open control system. This package is intended to contain common use functions, mostly for simple mathematics but also for tf-related conversions. By no means it pretends to be an efficient and robust, widely used math library, but a play ground where to put common code that is typically repeated in many robot control programs.
Math toolkit for Yujin open control system. This package is intended to contain common use functions, mostly for simple mathematics but also for tf-related conversions. By no means it pretends to be an efficient and robust, widely used math library, but a play ground where to put common code that is typically repeated in many robot control programs.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_localization_manager
Localization Manager helps to localize robot's position with annotated information
Localization Manager helps to localize robot's position with annotated information
1 2017-01-12 yocs_keyop
Keyboard teleoperation for your robot
Keyboard teleoperation for your robot
1 2017-01-12 yocs_joyop
Joystick teleoperation for your robot robot core
Joystick teleoperation for your robot robot core
1 2017-01-12 yocs_diff_drive_pose_controller
A controller for driving a differential drive base to a pose goal or along a path specified by multiple poses. A pose consists of a 2D position (x,y) and a 1D orientation (theta).
A controller for driving a differential drive base to a pose goal or along a path specified by multiple poses. A pose consists of a 2D position (x,y) and a 1D orientation (theta).
1 2017-01-12 yocs_controllers
Library for various controller types and algorithms
Library for various controller types and algorithms
1 2017-01-12 yocs_cmd_vel_mux
A multiplexer for command velocity inputs. Arbitrates incoming cmd_vel messages from several topics, allowing one topic at a time to command the robot, based on priorities. It also deallocates current allowed topic if no messages are received after a configured timeout. All topics, together with their priority and timeout are configured through a YAML file, that can be reload at runtime.
A multiplexer for command velocity inputs. Arbitrates incoming cmd_vel messages from several topics, allowing one topic at a time to command the robot, based on priorities. It also deallocates current allowed topic if no messages are received after a configured timeout. All topics, together with their priority and timeout are configured through a YAML file, that can be reload at runtime.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_ar_pair_tracking
The AR pair tracking package
The AR pair tracking package
1 2017-01-12 yocs_ar_pair_approach
Search and approach behaviour, moving to a target in front of a pair of ar markers.
Search and approach behaviour, moving to a target in front of a pair of ar markers.
1 2017-01-12 yocs_ar_marker_tracking
Collecting, tracking and generating statistics for ar markers from ar_track_alvar.
Collecting, tracking and generating statistics for ar markers from ar_track_alvar.
1 2017-03-22 xv_11_laser_driver
Neato XV-11 Laser Driver. This driver works with the laser when it is removed from the XV-11 Robot as opposed to reading scans from the Neato's USB port.
Neato XV-11 Laser Driver. This driver works with the laser when it is removed from the XV-11 Robot as opposed to reading scans from the Neato's USB port.
1 2023-04-27 xsens_driver
ROS Driver for XSens MT/MTi/MTi-G devices.
ROS Driver for XSens MT/MTi/MTi-G devices.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_vis
Visualization for the XPP Motion Framework.
Visualization for the XPP Motion Framework.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_states
Common definitions (positions, velocities, angular angles, angular rates) and robot definitions in Cartesian and joint state used in the Xpp Motion Framework, as well as conversions to/from xpp_msgs.
Common definitions (positions, velocities, angular angles, angular rates) and robot definitions in Cartesian and joint state used in the Xpp Motion Framework, as well as conversions to/from xpp_msgs.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_quadrotor
The URDF file for a quadrotor to be used with the xpp packages and a simple rviz publisher of quadrotor tfs. Adapted from Daniel Mellinger, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar, "Trajectory Generation and Control for Precise Aggressive Maneuvers with Quadrotors".
The URDF file for a quadrotor to be used with the xpp packages and a simple rviz publisher of quadrotor tfs. Adapted from Daniel Mellinger, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar, "Trajectory Generation and Control for Precise Aggressive Maneuvers with Quadrotors".
1 2020-12-07 xpp_msgs
ROS messages used in the XPP framework.
ROS messages used in the XPP framework.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_hyq
HyQ-robot specific functions for visualization in the XPP Motion Framework. These include inverse kinematics as well as urdf files for a one-legged, two-legged and four legged robot with
HyQ-robot specific functions for visualization in the XPP Motion Framework. These include inverse kinematics as well as urdf files for a one-legged, two-legged and four legged robot with
1 2020-12-07 xpp_examples
Examples of how to use the xpp framework.
Examples of how to use the xpp framework.
1 2020-12-07 xpp
Visualization of motion-plans for legged robots. It draws support areas, contact forces and motion trajectories in RVIZ and displays URDFs for specific robots, including a one-legged, a two-legged hopper and
Visualization of motion-plans for legged robots. It draws support areas, contact forces and motion trajectories in RVIZ and displays URDFs for specific robots, including a one-legged, a two-legged hopper and
1 2022-01-26 xmlrpcpp
XmlRpc++ is a C++ implementation of the XML-RPC protocol. This version is heavily modified from the package available on SourceForge in order to support roscpp's threading model. As such, we are maintaining our own fork.
XmlRpc++ is a C++ implementation of the XML-RPC protocol. This version is heavily modified from the package available on SourceForge in order to support roscpp's threading model. As such, we are maintaining our own fork.
1 2023-05-24 xacro
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions.
1 2020-04-02 wu_ros_tools
A collection of tools for making a variety of generic ROS-related tasks easier.
A collection of tools for making a variety of generic ROS-related tasks easier.
1 2024-04-28 ws281x
ROS node for rpi_ws281x LED strip driver
ROS node for rpi_ws281x LED strip driver
1 2024-03-26 witmotion_ros
Standalone QT-based IMU/GPS decoder nodes for Witmotion UART-compatible sensor devices
Standalone QT-based IMU/GPS decoder nodes for Witmotion UART-compatible sensor devices
1 2021-11-30 wireless_watcher
A Python-based which publishes connection information about a linux wireless interface.
A Python-based which publishes connection information about a linux wireless interface.
1 2021-11-30 wireless_msgs
Messages for describing a wireless network such as bitrate, essid, and link quality.
Messages for describing a wireless network such as bitrate, essid, and link quality.
1 2025-01-07 willow_maps
Holds maps of Willow Garage that can be used for a number of different applications.
Holds maps of Willow Garage that can be used for a number of different applications.
1 2020-07-19 wiimote
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
1 2021-05-15 wifi_ddwrt
Access to the DD-WRT wifi
Access to the DD-WRT wifi
1 2018-04-17 wge100_driver
This stack contains the ROS driver and firmware for the WGE100 camera used on the PR2 robot.
This stack contains the ROS driver and firmware for the WGE100 camera used on the PR2 robot.
1 2018-04-17 wge100_camera_firmware
Source for the WGE100 Ethernet camera: Verilog source for the FPGA, Forth source for the camera firmware. Intended for camera developers. Note that a built binary from this package is checked in under wge100_camera/firmware_images/
Source for the WGE100 Ethernet camera: Verilog source for the FPGA, Forth source for the camera firmware. Intended for camera developers. Note that a built binary from this package is checked in under wge100_camera/firmware_images/
1 2018-04-17 wge100_camera
A ROS node and assorted tools to provide access to the WGE100 camera used in the forearms and the stereo cameras of the PR2 robot.
A ROS node and assorted tools to provide access to the WGE100 camera used in the forearms and the stereo cameras of the PR2 robot.
1 2022-01-27 wfov_camera_msgs
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
1 2025-01-09 webrtcvad_ros
This package provides a wrapper node for webrtcvad. It subscribes an audio topic and publish a flag if curretly speeched or not with VAD.
This package provides a wrapper node for webrtcvad. It subscribes an audio topic and publish a flag if curretly speeched or not with VAD.
1 2023-04-17 webrtc_ros
A collection of ROS utilities for using WebRTC with ROS
A collection of ROS utilities for using WebRTC with ROS
1 2023-04-17 webrtc
WebRTC Native API
WebRTC Native API
1 2021-07-16 webots_ros
The ROS package containing examples for interfacing ROS with the standard ROS controller of Webots
The ROS package containing examples for interfacing ROS with the standard ROS controller of Webots
1 2020-02-11 webkit_dependency
This encapsulates the WebKit dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
This encapsulates the WebKit dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
1 2016-10-03 warthog_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Warthog.
Visualization launchers and helpers for Warthog.
1 2022-02-01 warthog_simulator
Packages for simulating Warthog
Packages for simulating Warthog
1 2024-04-30 warthog_msgs
Messages exclusive to Warthog, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
Messages exclusive to Warthog, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
1 2022-02-01 warthog_gazebo
Launchfiles to use Warthog in Gazebo.
Launchfiles to use Warthog in Gazebo.
1 2016-10-03 warthog_desktop
Packages for working with Warthog from a ROS desktop.
Packages for working with Warthog from a ROS desktop.
1 2024-04-30 warthog_description
URDF robot description for Warthog
URDF robot description for Warthog
1 2024-04-30 warthog_control
Controllers for Warthog
Controllers for Warthog
1 2024-10-13 warehouse_ros_sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
Implementation of warehouse_ros for sqlite
1 2024-08-28 warehouse_ros_mongo
warehouse_ros for MongoDB
warehouse_ros for MongoDB
1 2024-10-13 warehouse_ros
Persistent storage of ROS messages
Persistent storage of ROS messages
1 2021-01-19 vrpn_client_ros
ROS client nodes for the
ROS client nodes for the
1 2022-06-20 voxel_grid
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures.
1 2021-03-22 volta_teleoperator
The volta_teleoperator package
The volta_teleoperator package
1 2021-04-21 volta_simulation
The volta_simulation package
The volta_simulation package
1 2021-03-22 volta_rules
The volta_rules package
The volta_rules package
1 2021-03-22 volta_navigation
The volta_navigation package
The volta_navigation package
1 2021-03-22 volta_msgs
The volta_msgs package
The volta_msgs package
1 2021-03-22 volta_localization
The volta_localization package
The volta_localization package
1 2021-03-22 volta_description
The volta_description package
The volta_description package
1 2021-03-22 volta_control
The volta_control package
The volta_control package
1 2021-03-22 volta_base
The volta_base package
The volta_base package
1 2020-04-08 volksbot_driver
Driver for the Volksbot robot.
Driver for the Volksbot robot.
1 2025-01-09 voice_text
voice_text (
voice_text (
1 2024-06-12 vl53l1x
VL53L1X ToF rangefinder driver
VL53L1X ToF rangefinder driver
1 2020-04-30 viz
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
1 2021-03-30 visualstates
The VisualStates is reactive hierarchical visual robot planning tool.
The VisualStates is reactive hierarchical visual robot planning tool.
1 2020-05-13 visualization_tutorials
Metapackage referencing tutorials related to rviz and visualization.
Metapackage referencing tutorials related to rviz and visualization.
1 2023-06-01 visualization_rwt
1 2019-11-10 visualization_osg
visualization_osg is a metapackage providing support for visualization of geometry using the OpenSceneGraph rendering engine.
visualization_osg is a metapackage providing support for visualization of geometry using the OpenSceneGraph rendering engine.
2 2021-01-12 visualization_msgs
visualization_msgs is a set of messages used by higher level packages, such as
visualization_msgs is a set of messages used by higher level packages, such as
1 2020-05-13 visualization_marker_tutorials
The visulalization_marker_tutorials package
The visulalization_marker_tutorials package
1 2022-02-21 visp_tracker
Wraps the ViSP moving edge tracker provided by the ViSP visual servoing library into a ROS package. This computer vision algorithm computes the pose (i.e. position and orientation) of an object in an image. It is fast enough to allow object online tracking using a camera.
Wraps the ViSP moving edge tracker provided by the ViSP visual servoing library into a ROS package. This computer vision algorithm computes the pose (i.e. position and orientation) of an object in an image. It is fast enough to allow object online tracking using a camera.
1 2022-02-21 visp_hand2eye_calibration
visp_hand2eye_calibration estimates the camera position with respect to its effector using the ViSP library.
visp_hand2eye_calibration estimates the camera position with respect to its effector using the ViSP library.
1 2022-02-21 visp_camera_calibration
visp_camera_calibration allows easy calibration of cameras using a customizable pattern and ViSP library.
visp_camera_calibration allows easy calibration of cameras using a customizable pattern and ViSP library.
1 2022-02-21 visp_bridge
Converts between ROS structures and ViSP structures.
Converts between ROS structures and ViSP structures.
1 2022-02-21 visp_auto_tracker
Online automated pattern-based object tracker relying on visual servoing. visp_auto_tracker wraps model-based trackers provided by ViSP visual servoing library into a ROS package. The tracked object should have a QRcode, Flash code, or April tag pattern. Based on the pattern, the object is automaticaly detected. The detection allows then to initialise the model-based trackers. When lost of tracking achieves a new detection is performed that will be used to re-initialize the tracker. This computer vision algorithm computes the pose (i.e. position and orientation) of an object in an image. It is fast enough to allow object online tracking using a camera.
Online automated pattern-based object tracker relying on visual servoing. visp_auto_tracker wraps model-based trackers provided by ViSP visual servoing library into a ROS package. The tracked object should have a QRcode, Flash code, or April tag pattern. Based on the pattern, the object is automaticaly detected. The detection allows then to initialise the model-based trackers. When lost of tracking achieves a new detection is performed that will be used to re-initialize the tracker. This computer vision algorithm computes the pose (i.e. position and orientation) of an object in an image. It is fast enough to allow object online tracking using a camera.
1 2022-02-21 vision_visp
Virtual package providing ViSP related packages.
Virtual package providing ViSP related packages.
2 2022-04-08 vision_opencv
Packages for interfacing ROS with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
Packages for interfacing ROS with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
2 2017-11-14 vision_msgs
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
Messages for interfacing with various computer vision pipelines, such as object detectors.
1 2025-01-06 virtual_force_publisher
publish end effector's force, which is estmated from joint torque value
publish end effector's force, which is estmated from joint torque value
1 2021-07-22 view_controller_msgs
Messages for (camera) view controllers
Messages for (camera) view controllers
1 2021-04-13 video_stream_opencv
The video_stream_opencv package contains a node to publish a video stream (the protocols that opencv supports are supported, including rtsp, webcams on /dev/video and video files) in ROS image topics, it supports camera info and basic image flipping (horizontal, vertical or both) capabilities, also adjusting publishing rate.
The video_stream_opencv package contains a node to publish a video stream (the protocols that opencv supports are supported, including rtsp, webcams on /dev/video and video files) in ROS image topics, it supports camera info and basic image flipping (horizontal, vertical or both) capabilities, also adjusting publishing rate.
1 2023-02-20 vesc_msgs
ROS message definitions for the Vedder VESC open source motor controller.
ROS message definitions for the Vedder VESC open source motor controller.
1 2023-02-20 vesc_driver
ROS device driver for the Vedder VESC open source motor driver.
ROS device driver for the Vedder VESC open source motor driver.
1 2023-02-20 vesc_ackermann
Translate between VESC messages and ROS ackermann and odometry messages.
Translate between VESC messages and ROS ackermann and odometry messages.
1 2023-02-20 vesc
Metapackage for ROS interface to the Vedder VESC open source motor controller.
Metapackage for ROS interface to the Vedder VESC open source motor controller.
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_simulator
Metapackage allowing easy installation of Velodyne simulation components.
Metapackage allowing easy installation of Velodyne simulation components.
1 2021-05-13 velodyne_pointcloud
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2021-05-13 velodyne_msgs
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS message definitions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2021-05-13 velodyne_laserscan
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
Extract a single ring of a Velodyne PointCloud2 and publish it as a LaserScan message
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_gazebo_plugins
Gazebo plugin to provide simulated data from Velodyne laser scanners.
Gazebo plugin to provide simulated data from Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2021-05-13 velodyne_driver
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
1 2022-12-02 velodyne_description
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
URDF and meshes describing Velodyne laser scanners.
1 2021-05-13 velodyne
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
Basic ROS support for the Velodyne 3D LIDARs.
2 2023-11-13 velocity_controllers
1 2023-03-10 vector_map_msgs
The vector_map_msgs package
The vector_map_msgs package
1 2025-02-15 variant_topic_tools
Topic tools for treating messages as variant types.
Topic tools for treating messages as variant types.
1 2025-02-15 variant_msgs
Variant messages are designed to accommodate the information content of any invariant message. They are truly generic and can freely be converted to and from specific message objects.
Variant messages are designed to accommodate the information content of any invariant message. They are truly generic and can freely be converted to and from specific message objects.
1 2025-02-15 variant
Meta-package for the universal variant library.
Meta-package for the universal variant library.
1 2019-04-04 vapor_master
high availability ros master
high availability ros master
1 2019-11-10 uwsim_osgworks
The OSG Works library adapted to UWSim. See
The OSG Works library adapted to UWSim. See
1 2019-11-10 uwsim_osgocean
The OSG Ocean library adapted to UWSim. See
The OSG Ocean library adapted to UWSim. See
1 2019-11-06 uwsim_osgbullet
The OSG Bullet library adapted to UWSim. See
The OSG Bullet library adapted to UWSim. See
1 2019-11-10 uwsim_bullet
The bullet library. See
The bullet library. See
1 2020-03-15 uwsim
UWSim is an UnderWater SIMulator for marine robotics research and development. UWSim visualizes an underwater virtual scenario that can be configured using standard modeling software. Controllable underwater vehicles, surface vessels and robotic manipulators, as well as simulated sensors, can be added to the scene and accessed externally through ROS interfaces. This allows to easily integrate the visualization tool with existing control architectures.
UWSim is an UnderWater SIMulator for marine robotics research and development. UWSim visualizes an underwater virtual scenario that can be configured using standard modeling software. Controllable underwater vehicles, surface vessels and robotic manipulators, as well as simulated sensors, can be added to the scene and accessed externally through ROS interfaces. This allows to easily integrate the visualization tool with existing control architectures.
1 2018-08-30 uvc_camera
A collection of node(let)s that stream images from USB cameras (UVC) and provide CameraInfo messages to consumers. Includes a two-camera node that provides rough synchronization for stereo vision. Currently uses the base driver from Morgan Quigley's uvc_cam package.
A collection of node(let)s that stream images from USB cameras (UVC) and provide CameraInfo messages to consumers. Includes a two-camera node that provides rough synchronization for stereo vision. Currently uses the base driver from Morgan Quigley's uvc_cam package.
1 2020-06-15 uuv_world_ros_plugins_msgs
The uuv_world_ros_plugins_msgs package
The uuv_world_ros_plugins_msgs package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_world_ros_plugins
The uuv_world_ros_plugins package
The uuv_world_ros_plugins package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_world_plugins
The uuv_world_plugins package
The uuv_world_plugins package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_tutorials
Meta package for all templates and tutorials.
Meta package for all templates and tutorials.
1 2020-06-15 uuv_tutorial_seabed_world
A simple tutorial on how to create a new Gazebo model with a seabed and how to configure it as a simulation scenario
A simple tutorial on how to create a new Gazebo model with a seabed and how to configure it as a simulation scenario
1 2020-06-15 uuv_tutorial_dp_controller
Tutorial that shows how to inherit the controller interface modules from the uuv_trajectory_control package to develop a custom controlller.
Tutorial that shows how to inherit the controller interface modules from the uuv_trajectory_control package to develop a custom controlller.
1 2020-06-15 uuv_tutorial_disturbances
Tutorial that shows how to use the uuv_control_utils tools to schedule disturbances to be applied during the simulation
Tutorial that shows how to use the uuv_control_utils tools to schedule disturbances to be applied during the simulation
1 2020-06-15 uuv_trajectory_control
The uuv_trajectory_control package
The uuv_trajectory_control package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_thruster_manager
The thruster manager package
The thruster manager package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_teleop
ROS nodes to generate command topics for vehicles and manipulators using a joystick input
ROS nodes to generate command topics for vehicles and manipulators using a joystick input
1 2020-06-15 uuv_simulator
uuv_simulator contains Gazebo plugins and ROS packages for modeling and simulating unmanned underwater vehicles
uuv_simulator contains Gazebo plugins and ROS packages for modeling and simulating unmanned underwater vehicles
1 2020-06-15 uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs
The uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs package
The uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_sensor_ros_plugins
The uuv_sensor_ros_plugins package
The uuv_sensor_ros_plugins package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_gazebo_worlds
The uuv_gazebo_worlds package
The uuv_gazebo_worlds package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins_msgs
The uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins_msgs package
The uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins_msgs package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins
UUV Simulator's extended ROS plugins for generation of the necessary ROS services and topics during the simulation.
UUV Simulator's extended ROS plugins for generation of the necessary ROS services and topics during the simulation.
1 2020-06-15 uuv_gazebo_plugins
UUV Simulator's Gazebo plugins for simulation of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces, and underwater actuators (e.g. thrusters and fins).
UUV Simulator's Gazebo plugins for simulation of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces, and underwater actuators (e.g. thrusters and fins).
1 2020-06-15 uuv_gazebo
The uuv_gazebo package
The uuv_gazebo package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_descriptions
The uuv_descriptions package
The uuv_descriptions package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_control_utils
The uuv_control_utils package
The uuv_control_utils package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_control_msgs
The uuv_control_msgs package
The uuv_control_msgs package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_control_cascaded_pid
A cascade of PID controllers for acceleration, velocity, and position control.
A cascade of PID controllers for acceleration, velocity, and position control.
1 2020-06-15 uuv_auv_control_allocator
Optimal allocation of forces and torques to thruster and fins of AUVs
Optimal allocation of forces and torques to thruster and fins of AUVs
1 2020-06-15 uuv_assistants
Tools and utilities to monitor and analyze the simulation
Tools and utilities to monitor and analyze the simulation
1 2023-03-05 uuid_msgs
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
ROS messages for universally unique identifiers.
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_hardware_interface
The usb_cam_hardware_interface package
The usb_cam_hardware_interface package
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_hardware
The usb_cam_hardware package
The usb_cam_hardware package
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_controllers
The usb_cam_controllers package
The usb_cam_controllers package
1 2024-04-10 usb_cam
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras
1 2024-12-16 urg_stamped
Precisely stamped URG driver for ROS
Precisely stamped URG driver for ROS
1 2022-10-13 urg_node
1 2020-06-07 urg_c
The urg_c package
The urg_c package
1 2021-10-04 urdfdom_py
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
Python implementation of the URDF parser.
1 2022-05-27 urdf_tutorial
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
This package contains a number of URDF tutorials.
1 2018-12-12 urdf_test
The urdf_test package
The urdf_test package
1 2020-12-18 urdf_sim_tutorial
The urdf_sim_tutorial package
The urdf_sim_tutorial package
2 2022-07-18 urdf_parser_plugin
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers.
1 2025-01-09 urdf_mesh_converter
Convert urdf mesh.
Convert urdf mesh.
1 2021-02-02 urdf_geometry_parser
Extract geometry value of a vehicle from urdf.
Extract geometry value of a vehicle from urdf.
2 2022-07-18 urdf
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases.
2 2025-02-25 ur_robot_driver
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series.
1 2024-09-03 ur_msgs
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
Message and service definitions for interacting with Universal Robots robot controllers.
1 2024-03-20 ur_kinematics
Provides forward and inverse kinematics for Universal Robots designs. See for details.
Provides forward and inverse kinematics for Universal Robots designs. See for details.
1 2024-03-20 ur_gazebo
Gazebo wrapper for the Universal UR5/10 robot arms.
Gazebo wrapper for the Universal UR5/10 robot arms.
2 2024-03-20 ur_description
URDF description for Universal UR3(e), UR5(e), UR10(e) and UR16e robots
URDF description for Universal UR3(e), UR5(e), UR10(e) and UR16e robots
2 2025-02-25 ur_dashboard_msgs
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
Messages around the UR Dashboard server.
1 2025-03-05 ur_client_library
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.
2 2025-02-25 ur_calibration
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF
1 2024-03-20 ur5e_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur5e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur5e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-03-20 ur5_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur5 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur5 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-03-20 ur3e_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur3e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur3e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-03-20 ur3_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur3 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur3 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-03-20 ur16e_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur16e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur16e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-03-20 ur10e_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur10e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur10e with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-03-20 ur10_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur10 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur10 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2025-02-03 uos_tools
Various helper utilities not associated with a particular stack
Various helper utilities not associated with a particular stack
1 2025-02-03 uos_maps
Navigation maps of the Osnabrueck University
Navigation maps of the Osnabrueck University
1 2025-02-03 uos_gazebo_worlds
Gazebo world and model files for UOS.
Gazebo world and model files for UOS.
1 2025-02-03 uos_freespace
uos_freespace package
uos_freespace package
1 2025-02-03 uos_diffdrive_teleop
1 2025-02-03 uos_common_urdf
This package contains URDF descriptions of the UOS robots.
This package contains URDF descriptions of the UOS robots.
1 2024-03-20 universal_robots
ROS-Industrial support for Universal Robots manipulators (metapackage).
ROS-Industrial support for Universal Robots manipulators (metapackage).
1 2023-03-05 unique_identifier
ROS messages and interfaces for universally unique identifiers. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
ROS messages and interfaces for universally unique identifiers. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
1 2023-03-05 unique_id
ROS Python and C++ interfaces for universally unique identifiers.
ROS Python and C++ interfaces for universally unique identifiers.
2 2023-04-24 undo_path_global_planner
The undo_path_global_planner package.
The undo_path_global_planner package.
1 2020-03-15 underwater_vehicle_dynamics
An underwater dynamics module
An underwater dynamics module
1 2020-03-15 underwater_sensor_msgs
Common messages for underwater robotics
Common messages for underwater robotics
1 2022-04-13 um7
The um7 package provides a C++ implementation of the CH Robotics serial protocol, and a corresponding ROS node for publishing standard ROS orientation topics from a UM7.
The um7 package provides a C++ implementation of the CH Robotics serial protocol, and a corresponding ROS node for publishing standard ROS orientation topics from a UM7.
1 2019-09-25 um6
The um6 package provides a C++ implementation of the CH Robotics serial protocol, and a corresponding ROS node for publishing standard ROS orientation topics from a UM6.
The um6 package provides a C++ implementation of the CH Robotics serial protocol, and a corresponding ROS node for publishing standard ROS orientation topics from a UM6.
1 2022-03-08 ueye_cam
A ROS nodelet and node that wraps the driver API for UEye cameras by IDS Imaging Development Systems GMBH.
A ROS nodelet and node that wraps the driver API for UEye cameras by IDS Imaging Development Systems GMBH.
1 2021-07-21 udp_com
Generic UDP communication ROS package
Generic UDP communication ROS package
1 2023-04-16 ubnt_airos_tools
Ubiquiti AirOS tools for extracting AP information to ROS
Ubiquiti AirOS tools for extracting AP information to ROS
1 2022-12-07 ublox_serialization
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
1 2022-12-07 ublox_msgs
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
1 2022-12-07 ublox_msg_filters
Time synchronize multiple uBlox messages to get a single callback
Time synchronize multiple uBlox messages to get a single callback
1 2022-12-07 ublox_gps
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
1 2022-12-07 ublox
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
1 2022-02-28 ubiquity_motor
Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics Magni motor controllers
Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics Magni motor controllers
1 2022-08-24 twist_recovery
A recovery behavior that performs a particular used-defined twist.
A recovery behavior that performs a particular used-defined twist.