
Name Description
1 2025-01-17 tf2_ros_py
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library
3 2025-01-17 tf2_ros
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library
2 2025-01-17 tf2_py
The tf2_py package
The tf2_py package
3 2025-01-17 tf2_msgs
3 2025-01-17 tf2_kdl
KDL binding for tf2
KDL binding for tf2
3 2025-01-17 tf2_geometry_msgs
1 2025-01-17 tf2_eigen_kdl
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL
3 2025-01-17 tf2_eigen
3 2025-01-17 tf2_bullet
3 2025-01-17 tf2
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
1 2022-11-07 test_tracetools_launch
Tests for the tracetools_launch package.
Tests for the tracetools_launch package.
1 2022-11-07 test_tracetools
Tests for the tracetools package.
Tests for the tracetools package.
3 2025-01-17 test_tf2
tf2 unit tests
tf2 unit tests
1 2024-12-11 test_ros_gz_bridge
Bridge communication between ROS and Gazebo Transport
Bridge communication between ROS and Gazebo Transport
1 2024-07-26 test_rmw_implementation
Test suite for ROS middleware API.
Test suite for ROS middleware API.
1 2022-11-07 test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp.
Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp.
1 2022-11-07 test_msgs
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
1 2024-11-25 test_launch_testing
Tests for the launch_testing package.
Tests for the launch_testing package.
1 2025-02-19 test_launch_system_modes
Launch tests for the launch_system_modes package, i.e. launch actions, events, and event handlers for system modes.
Launch tests for the launch_system_modes package, i.e. launch actions, events, and event handlers for system modes.
1 2025-02-20 test_launch_ros
Tests for ROS specific extensions to the launch tool.
Tests for ROS specific extensions to the launch tool.
1 2022-04-05 test_interface_files
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes.
1 2025-01-24 test_bond
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondcpp]].
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondcpp]].
1 2021-03-21 test_apex_test_tools
Test package, which uses things exported by apex_test_tools
Test package, which uses things exported by apex_test_tools
1 2024-12-23 tensorrt_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find TensorRT.
Exports a CMake module to find TensorRT.
2 2024-03-08 teleop_twist_keyboard
A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages.
A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages.
2 2024-09-09 teleop_twist_joy
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
1 2024-11-06 teleop_tools_msgs
The teleop_tools_msgs package
The teleop_tools_msgs package
1 2024-11-06 teleop_tools
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
1 2022-10-02 tcb_span
Implementation of C++20's std::span
Implementation of C++20's std::span
1 2024-11-20 tb4_sim_scenario
TurtleBot 4 Simulation Scenario Execution
TurtleBot 4 Simulation Scenario Execution
1 2022-04-06 tango_icons_vendor
tango_icons_vendor provides the public domain Tango icons for non-linux systems (
tango_icons_vendor provides the public domain Tango icons for non-linux systems (
1 2024-09-26 talos_robot
Description and launch files for the TOR robot
Description and launch files for the TOR robot
1 2025-02-05 talos_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the talos with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the talos with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-10-01 talos_gazebo
The talos_gazebo package
The talos_gazebo package
1 2024-09-26 talos_description_inertial
Inertial parameters of talos
Inertial parameters of talos
1 2024-09-26 talos_description_calibration
This package contains the description of the hand-eye calibration of the TALOS robot. The files in this package are used also from the talos_description package.
This package contains the description of the hand-eye calibration of the TALOS robot. The files in this package are used also from the talos_description package.
1 2024-09-26 talos_description
The talos_description package
The talos_description package
1 2024-09-26 talos_controller_configuration
The talos_controller_configuration package
The talos_controller_configuration package
1 2024-09-26 talos_bringup
The talos_bringup package
The talos_bringup package
1 2025-02-19 system_modes_msgs
Interface package, containing message definitions and service definitions for the system modes package.
Interface package, containing message definitions and service definitions for the system modes package.
1 2025-02-19 system_modes_examples
Example systems and according launch files for the system_modes package.
Example systems and according launch files for the system_modes package.
1 2025-02-19 system_modes
The system modes concept assumes that a robotics system is built from components with a lifecycle. It adds a notion of (sub-)systems, hiararchically grouping these nodes, as well as a notion of modes that determine the configuration of these nodes and (sub-)systems in terms of their parameter values.
The system modes concept assumes that a robotics system is built from components with a lifecycle. It adds a notion of (sub-)systems, hiararchically grouping these nodes, as well as a notion of modes that determine the configuration of these nodes and (sub-)systems in terms of their parameter values.
1 2024-11-28 system_fingerprint
The system_fingerprint package
The system_fingerprint package
1 2024-01-27 sync_parameter_server
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2025-03-03 synapticon_ros2_control
A ros2_control interface for Synapticon motor drivers
A ros2_control interface for Synapticon motor drivers
1 2024-12-09 swri_transform_util
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
1 2024-12-09 swri_system_util
A package with commonly used system utilities.
A package with commonly used system utilities.
1 2024-12-09 swri_serial_util
Contains nodes and utilities for serial communication in ROS.
Contains nodes and utilities for serial communication in ROS.
1 2024-12-09 swri_route_util
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
1 2024-12-09 swri_roscpp
A package that extends rclcpp with some commonly used functionality to reduce boilerplate code.
A package that extends rclcpp with some commonly used functionality to reduce boilerplate code.
1 2024-12-09 swri_opencv_util
A package with commonly used OpenCV functionality.
A package with commonly used OpenCV functionality.
1 2024-12-09 swri_math_util
A package with commonly used math utility code.
A package with commonly used math utility code.
1 2024-12-09 swri_image_util
A package of commonly image manipulation utilities.
A package of commonly image manipulation utilities.
1 2024-12-09 swri_geometry_util
Commonly used geometry routines, implemented in a ROS friendly package.
Commonly used geometry routines, implemented in a ROS friendly package.
1 2024-12-09 swri_dbw_interface
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
1 2024-12-09 swri_console_util
Utility functions for interacting with console
Utility functions for interacting with console
1 2024-12-09 swri_console
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Institute as an alternative to rqt_console.
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Institute as an alternative to rqt_console.
1 2024-12-09 swri_cli_tools
Command line tools for introspecting ROS systems
Command line tools for introspecting ROS systems
1 2025-01-06 stubborn_buddies_msgs
Messages to support library of stubborn buddies
Messages to support library of stubborn buddies
1 2025-01-06 stubborn_buddies
Demo that uses node composition of lifecycle nodes to achieve fail-over robustness on ROS nodes
Demo that uses node composition of lifecycle nodes to achieve fail-over robustness on ROS nodes
1 2023-05-25 stomp
This package provides the STOMP (Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning) algorithm that can be used for robot motion planning tasks or other similar optimization tasks
This package provides the STOMP (Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning) algorithm that can be used for robot motion planning tasks or other similar optimization tasks
2 2024-05-20 stereo_msgs
A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions.
A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions.
1 2025-02-27 stereo_image_proc
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
1 2025-03-08 steering_controllers_library
Package for steering robot configurations including odometry and interfaces.
Package for steering robot configurations including odometry and interfaces.
2 2024-05-20 std_srvs
A package containing some standard service definitions.
A package containing some standard service definitions.
2 2024-05-20 std_msgs
A package containing some standard message definitions.
A package containing some standard message definitions.
2 2022-11-07 statistics_msgs
Message definitions for reporting statistics for topics and system resources.
Message definitions for reporting statistics for topics and system resources.
1 2025-01-28 sros2_cmake
CMake macros to configure security
CMake macros to configure security
1 2025-01-28 sros2
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
1 2024-10-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
2 2025-02-06 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
2 2025-02-06 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
2 2025-02-06 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 2025-02-17 sqlite3_vendor
SQLite 3 vendor package
SQLite 3 vendor package
1 2024-04-14 splsm_8_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-04-14 splsm_8
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
1 2024-04-14 splsm_7_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-04-14 splsm_7
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
1 2023-01-10 spdlog_vendor
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
1 2025-02-12 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 2024-12-04 spacenav
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
2 2024-03-18 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 2025-01-19 sol_vendor
vendor package for the sol2 library
vendor package for the sol2 library
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_util
Utilities for social navigation work
Utilities for social navigation work
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_msgs
ROS interfaces for social navigation
ROS interfaces for social navigation
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_metrics
Navigation metrics for navigating around people
Navigation metrics for navigating around people
1 2022-06-14 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
1 2022-06-14 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2022-06-14 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2023-07-25 soccer_object_msgs
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
1 2023-07-25 soccer_marker_generation
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
1 2022-06-14 soccer_interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
1 2021-12-02 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 2025-01-24 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 2024-09-23 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 2024-09-23 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2024-09-23 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2025-02-06 smacc2_msgs
Messages and services used in smacc2.
Messages and services used in smacc2.
1 2025-02-06 smacc2
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
2 2025-02-06 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 2025-02-06 sm_simple_action_client
The sm_simple_action_client package
The sm_simple_action_client package
1 2025-02-06 sm_pubsub_1
The sm_pubsub_1 package
The sm_pubsub_1 package
1 2025-02-06 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
The sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory package
The sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory package
1 2025-02-06 sm_pack_ml
The sm_pack_ml package
The sm_pack_ml package
1 2025-02-06 sm_multi_stage_1
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
1 2025-02-06 sm_multi_panda_sim
The sm_multi_panda_sim package
The sm_multi_panda_sim package
1 2025-02-06 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2025-02-06 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2025-02-06 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2025-02-06 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2025-02-06 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 2025-02-06 sm_branching
The sm_branching package
The sm_branching package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
2 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic services package
The sm_atomic services package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_openai
The sm_atomic_openai package
The sm_atomic_openai package
2 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_mode_states
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_lifecycle
The sm_atomic_lifecycle package
The sm_atomic_lifecycle package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_http
The sm_atomic_http package
The sm_atomic_http package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_24hr
The sm_atomic_24hr package
The sm_atomic_24hr package
2 2025-02-06 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2025-02-06 sm_advanced_recovery_1
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
1 2024-05-17 slider_publisher
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
1 2024-11-11 slg_msgs
This package provides classes and messages to interact with laser related geometry.
This package provides classes and messages to interact with laser related geometry.
1 2025-01-21 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_wrapper
Graph wrapper for situational_graphs_wrapper repo
Graph wrapper for situational_graphs_wrapper repo
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
Custom reasoning msgs
Custom reasoning msgs
1 2024-08-05 situational_graphs_reasoning
Graph reasoning for extracting semantic concepts using GNNs
Graph reasoning for extracting semantic concepts using GNNs
1 2024-09-18 situational_graphs_msgs
Custom messages for s_graphs
Custom messages for s_graphs
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_datasets
Graph datasets for situational_graphs_reasoning repo
Graph datasets for situational_graphs_reasoning repo
1 2022-05-11 simulation
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
1 2022-12-19 simple_term_menu_vendor
A Python package which creates simple interactive menus on the command line.
A Python package which creates simple interactive menus on the command line.
1 2025-02-16 simple_launch
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system
1 2024-11-08 simple_grasping
Basic grasping applications and demos.
Basic grasping applications and demos.
1 2024-10-22 simple_actions
Simple library for using the `rclpy/rclcpp` action libraries
Simple library for using the `rclpy/rclcpp` action libraries
1 2024-10-23 sick_scan_xd
ROS 1 and 2 driver for SICK scanner
ROS 1 and 2 driver for SICK scanner
1 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_tests
Integration tests for the Sick SafeVisionary2 driver
Integration tests for the Sick SafeVisionary2 driver
1 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_interfaces
Provides interface descriptions to communicate with a SICK Safevisionary Sensor over ROS 2
Provides interface descriptions to communicate with a SICK Safevisionary Sensor over ROS 2
2 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_driver
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS 2
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS 2
1 2023-10-17 sick_safevisionary_base
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor
1 2024-08-20 sick_safetyscanners_base
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
1 2021-01-11 sick_safetyscanners2_interfaces
Interfaces for the sick_safetyscanners ros2 driver
Interfaces for the sick_safetyscanners ros2 driver
1 2024-09-24 sick_safetyscanners2
ROS2 Driver for the SICK safetyscanners
ROS2 Driver for the SICK safetyscanners
1 2025-02-17 shared_queues_vendor
Vendor package for concurrent queues from moodycamel
Vendor package for concurrent queues from moodycamel
2 2024-05-20 shape_msgs
A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes.
A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes.
1 2023-06-22 serial_driver
A template class and associated utilities which encapsulate basic reading from serial ports
A template class and associated utilities which encapsulate basic reading from serial ports
1 2025-02-24 septentrio_gnss_driver
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers
1 2024-05-20 sensor_msgs_py
A package for easy creation and reading of PointCloud2 messages in Python.
A package for easy creation and reading of PointCloud2 messages in Python.
2 2024-05-20 sensor_msgs
A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions.
A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions.
1 2025-03-04 self_test
1 2024-12-04 sdl2_vendor
Vendor library for SDL2.
Vendor library for SDL2.
1 2024-04-24 schunk_svh_library
Standalone C++ library for accessing the Schunk five finger hand.
Standalone C++ library for accessing the Schunk five finger hand.
1 2024-11-20 scenario_status
Simple node to call a service to publish the py-trees-\ behaviour tree to a topic, then subscribe to that topic and publish \ changes in behaviour states as strings at the time they are \ happening
Simple node to call a service to publish the py-trees-\ behaviour tree to a topic, then subscribe to that topic and publish \ changes in behaviour states as strings at the time they are \ happening
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_x11
Scenario Execution library for X11
Scenario Execution library for X11
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_test
Tests for Scenario Execution library
Tests for Scenario Execution library
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_rviz
The scenario_execution_rviz package
The scenario_execution_rviz package
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_ros_test
Tests for Scenario Execution library for ROS
Tests for Scenario Execution library for ROS
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_ros
Scenario Execution for ROS
Scenario Execution for ROS
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_pybullet
Scenario Execution library for PyBullet
Scenario Execution library for PyBullet
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_py_trees_ros
Fixes in py-trees-ros not yet release
Fixes in py-trees-ros not yet release
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_os
Scenario Execution library for OS interactions
Scenario Execution library for OS interactions
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_nav2_test
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Nav2
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Nav2
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_nav2
Scenario Execution library for Nav2
Scenario Execution library for Nav2
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_moveit2
Scenario Execution library for moveIt2
Scenario Execution library for moveIt2
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_kubernetes
Package for scenario execution kubernetes library
Package for scenario execution kubernetes library
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_interfaces
ROS2 Interfaces for Scenario Execution
ROS2 Interfaces for Scenario Execution
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_gazebo_test
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Gazebo
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Gazebo
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_gazebo
Scenario Execution library for Gazebo
Scenario Execution library for Gazebo
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_floorplan_dsl
Scenario Execution library for Floorplan DSL
Scenario Execution library for Floorplan DSL
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_docker_test
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Docker
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Docker
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_docker
Scenario Execution library for docker interactions
Scenario Execution library for docker interactions
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_coverage
Robotics Scenario Execution Coverage Tools
Robotics Scenario Execution Coverage Tools
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution_control
Scenario Execution Control
Scenario Execution Control
1 2024-11-20 scenario_execution
Scenario Execution
Scenario Execution
2 2024-10-17 sbg_driver
ROS driver package for communication with the SBG navigation systems.
ROS driver package for communication with the SBG navigation systems.
1 2024-09-04 rviz_visual_tools
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
1 2025-01-14 rviz_visual_testing_framework
3D testing framework for RViz.
3D testing framework for RViz.
1 2025-02-27 rviz_satellite
Display satellite map tiles in RViz
Display satellite map tiles in RViz
1 2025-01-14 rviz_rendering_tests
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development
1 2025-01-14 rviz_rendering
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz.
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz.
1 2025-01-14 rviz_ogre_vendor
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre.
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre.
1 2024-10-01 rviz_imu_plugin
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
1 2025-01-14 rviz_default_plugins
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality.
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality.
1 2025-01-14 rviz_common
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications.
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications.
1 2025-01-14 rviz_assimp_vendor
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp.
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp.
1 2024-02-18 rviz_2d_overlay_plugins
RViz2 plugin for 2D overlays in the 3D view. Mainly a ROS2 port of the JSK overlay plugin (
RViz2 plugin for 2D overlays in the 3D view. Mainly a ROS2 port of the JSK overlay plugin (
1 2024-02-18 rviz_2d_overlay_msgs
Messages describing 2D overlays for RVIZ, extracted/derived from the jsk_visualization ROS1 packege.
Messages describing 2D overlays for RVIZ, extracted/derived from the jsk_visualization ROS1 packege.
1 2025-01-14 rviz2
3D visualization tool for ROS.
3D visualization tool for ROS.
1 2025-01-27 ruckig
Instantaneous Motion Generation for Robots and Machines.
Instantaneous Motion Generation for Robots and Machines.
1 2022-03-01 rttest
Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing
Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing
1 2024-12-06 rti_connext_dds_cmake_module
Helper module to provide access to RTI products like Connext DDS Professional
Helper module to provide access to RTI products like Connext DDS Professional
1 2022-11-02 rtcm_msgs
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_viz
RTAB-Map's visualization package.
RTAB-Map's visualization package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_util
RTAB-Map's various useful nodes and nodelets.
RTAB-Map's various useful nodes and nodelets.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_sync
RTAB-Map's synchronization package.
RTAB-Map's synchronization package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_slam
RTAB-Map's SLAM package.
RTAB-Map's SLAM package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_rviz_plugins
RTAB-Map's rviz plugins.
RTAB-Map's rviz plugins.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_ros
RTAB-Map Stack
RTAB-Map Stack


Name Description
1 2024-12-09 swri_serial_util
Contains nodes and utilities for serial communication in ROS.
Contains nodes and utilities for serial communication in ROS.
1 2024-12-09 swri_route_util
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
1 2024-12-09 swri_roscpp
A package that extends rclcpp with some commonly used functionality to reduce boilerplate code.
A package that extends rclcpp with some commonly used functionality to reduce boilerplate code.
1 2024-12-09 swri_opencv_util
A package with commonly used OpenCV functionality.
A package with commonly used OpenCV functionality.
1 2024-12-09 swri_math_util
A package with commonly used math utility code.
A package with commonly used math utility code.
1 2024-12-09 swri_image_util
A package of commonly image manipulation utilities.
A package of commonly image manipulation utilities.
1 2024-12-09 swri_geometry_util
Commonly used geometry routines, implemented in a ROS friendly package.
Commonly used geometry routines, implemented in a ROS friendly package.
1 2024-12-09 swri_dbw_interface
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
1 2024-12-09 swri_console_util
Utility functions for interacting with console
Utility functions for interacting with console
1 2024-12-09 swri_console
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Institute as an alternative to rqt_console.
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Institute as an alternative to rqt_console.
1 2024-12-09 swri_cli_tools
Command line tools for introspecting ROS systems
Command line tools for introspecting ROS systems
1 2023-05-25 stomp
This package provides the STOMP (Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning) algorithm that can be used for robot motion planning tasks or other similar optimization tasks
This package provides the STOMP (Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning) algorithm that can be used for robot motion planning tasks or other similar optimization tasks
2 2024-11-27 stereo_msgs
A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions.
A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions.
1 2025-02-27 stereo_image_proc
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
1 2024-05-25 steering_functions
The steering_functions package
The steering_functions package
1 2025-03-07 steering_controllers_library
Package for steering robot configurations including odometry and interfaces.
Package for steering robot configurations including odometry and interfaces.
2 2024-11-27 std_srvs
A package containing some standard service definitions.
A package containing some standard service definitions.
2 2024-11-27 std_msgs
A package containing some standard message definitions.
A package containing some standard message definitions.
2 2024-11-27 statistics_msgs
Message definitions for reporting statistics for topics and system resources.
Message definitions for reporting statistics for topics and system resources.
1 2025-01-28 sros2_cmake
CMake macros to configure security
CMake macros to configure security
1 2025-01-28 sros2
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
1 2024-10-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
2 2022-11-28 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
2 2022-11-28 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
2 2022-11-28 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 2025-03-04 sqlite3_vendor
SQLite 3 vendor package
SQLite 3 vendor package
1 2024-01-21 splsm_8_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-01-21 splsm_8
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
1 2024-01-21 splsm_7_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-01-21 splsm_7
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
1 2024-11-27 spdlog_vendor
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
1 2025-02-12 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 2024-12-04 spacenav
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
2 2024-06-06 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 2025-01-19 sol_vendor
vendor package for the sol2 library
vendor package for the sol2 library
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-19 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_model_msgs
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
1 2025-02-17 soccer_geometry_msgs
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
1 2021-12-02 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 2025-01-24 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 2024-09-23 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 2024-09-23 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2024-09-23 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2022-11-28 smacc2_msgs
Messages and services used in smacc2.
Messages and services used in smacc2.
1 2022-11-28 smacc2
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
2 2022-11-28 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 2022-11-28 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
2 2022-11-28 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_pubsub_1
The sm_pubsub_1 package
The sm_pubsub_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_pack_ml
The sm_pack_ml package
The sm_pack_ml package
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_ur5_sim
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_stage_1
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2022-11-28 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_branching
The sm_branching package
The sm_branching package
1 2022-11-28 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2022-11-28 sm_autoware_avp
The sm_autoware_avp package
The sm_autoware_avp package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic services package
The sm_atomic services package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_hierarchy
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_24hr
The sm_atomic_24hr package
The sm_atomic_24hr package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2022-11-28 sm_advanced_recovery_1
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
1 2024-05-17 slider_publisher
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
1 2025-01-21 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 2024-04-30 simulation
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
1 2022-12-19 simple_term_menu_vendor
A Python package which creates simple interactive menus on the command line.
A Python package which creates simple interactive menus on the command line.
1 2025-02-16 simple_launch
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system
1 2024-11-08 simple_grasping
Basic grasping applications and demos.
Basic grasping applications and demos.
1 2024-10-22 simple_actions
Simple library for using the `rclpy/rclcpp` action libraries
Simple library for using the `rclpy/rclcpp` action libraries
1 2024-10-23 sick_scan_xd
ROS 1 and 2 driver for SICK scanner
ROS 1 and 2 driver for SICK scanner
1 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_tests
Integration tests for the Sick SafeVisionary2 driver
Integration tests for the Sick SafeVisionary2 driver
1 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_interfaces
Provides interface descriptions to communicate with a SICK Safevisionary Sensor over ROS 2
Provides interface descriptions to communicate with a SICK Safevisionary Sensor over ROS 2
2 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_driver
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS 2
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS 2
1 2023-10-17 sick_safevisionary_base
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor
1 2024-08-20 sick_safetyscanners_base
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
1 2021-01-11 sick_safetyscanners2_interfaces
Interfaces for the sick_safetyscanners ros2 driver
Interfaces for the sick_safetyscanners ros2 driver
1 2024-09-24 sick_safetyscanners2
ROS2 Driver for the SICK safetyscanners
ROS2 Driver for the SICK safetyscanners
1 2025-03-04 shared_queues_vendor
Vendor package for concurrent queues from moodycamel
Vendor package for concurrent queues from moodycamel
2 2024-11-27 shape_msgs
A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes.
A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes.
1 2024-11-27 service_msgs
Messages definitions common among all ROS services
Messages definitions common among all ROS services
1 2023-06-22 serial_driver
A template class and associated utilities which encapsulate basic reading from serial ports
A template class and associated utilities which encapsulate basic reading from serial ports
1 2025-02-24 septentrio_gnss_driver
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers
1 2024-11-27 sensor_msgs_py
A package for easy creation and reading of PointCloud2 messages in Python.
A package for easy creation and reading of PointCloud2 messages in Python.
2 2024-11-27 sensor_msgs
A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions.
A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions.
1 2025-03-04 self_test
1 2024-12-04 sdl2_vendor
Vendor library for SDL2.
Vendor library for SDL2.
1 2025-02-07 sdformat_vendor
Vendor package for: sdformat14 14.7.0 SDFormat is an XML file format that describes environments, objects, and robots in a manner suitable for robotic applications
Vendor package for: sdformat14 14.7.0 SDFormat is an XML file format that describes environments, objects, and robots in a manner suitable for robotic applications
1 2024-09-16 sdformat_urdf
URDF plugin to parse SDFormat XML into URDF C++ DOM objects.
URDF plugin to parse SDFormat XML into URDF C++ DOM objects.
1 2024-09-16 sdformat_test_files
Example SDFormat XML files for testing tools using hthis format.
Example SDFormat XML files for testing tools using hthis format.
1 2024-12-18 scenario_status
Simple node to call a service to publish the py-trees-\ behaviour tree to a topic, then subscribe to that topic and publish \ changes in behaviour states as strings at the time they are \ happening
Simple node to call a service to publish the py-trees-\ behaviour tree to a topic, then subscribe to that topic and publish \ changes in behaviour states as strings at the time they are \ happening
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_x11
Scenario Execution library for X11
Scenario Execution library for X11
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_test
Tests for Scenario Execution library
Tests for Scenario Execution library
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_rviz
The scenario_execution_rviz package
The scenario_execution_rviz package
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_ros_test
Tests for Scenario Execution library for ROS
Tests for Scenario Execution library for ROS
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_ros
Scenario Execution for ROS
Scenario Execution for ROS
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_pybullet
Scenario Execution library for PyBullet
Scenario Execution library for PyBullet
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_py_trees_ros
Fixes in py-trees-ros not yet release
Fixes in py-trees-ros not yet release
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_os
Scenario Execution library for OS interactions
Scenario Execution library for OS interactions
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_nav2_test
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Nav2
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Nav2
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_nav2
Scenario Execution library for Nav2
Scenario Execution library for Nav2
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_moveit2
Scenario Execution library for moveIt2
Scenario Execution library for moveIt2
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_kubernetes
Package for scenario execution kubernetes library
Package for scenario execution kubernetes library
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_interfaces
ROS2 Interfaces for Scenario Execution
ROS2 Interfaces for Scenario Execution
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_gazebo_test
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Gazebo
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Gazebo
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_gazebo
Scenario Execution library for Gazebo
Scenario Execution library for Gazebo
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_floorplan_dsl
Scenario Execution library for Floorplan DSL
Scenario Execution library for Floorplan DSL
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_docker_test
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Docker
Tests for Scenario Execution library for Docker
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_docker
Scenario Execution library for docker interactions
Scenario Execution library for docker interactions
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_coverage
Robotics Scenario Execution Coverage Tools
Robotics Scenario Execution Coverage Tools
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution_control
Scenario Execution Control
Scenario Execution Control
1 2024-12-18 scenario_execution
Scenario Execution
Scenario Execution
2 2024-10-17 sbg_driver
ROS driver package for communication with the SBG navigation systems.
ROS driver package for communication with the SBG navigation systems.
1 2024-09-04 rviz_visual_tools
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
1 2025-03-04 rviz_visual_testing_framework
3D testing framework for RViz.
3D testing framework for RViz.
1 2025-02-27 rviz_satellite
Display satellite map tiles in RViz
Display satellite map tiles in RViz
1 2025-03-04 rviz_rendering_tests
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development
1 2025-03-04 rviz_rendering
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz.
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz.
1 2025-03-04 rviz_ogre_vendor
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre.
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre.
1 2024-10-01 rviz_imu_plugin
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
1 2025-03-04 rviz_default_plugins
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality.
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality.
1 2025-03-04 rviz_common
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications.
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications.
1 2025-03-04 rviz_assimp_vendor
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp.
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp.
1 2024-02-18 rviz_2d_overlay_plugins
RViz2 plugin for 2D overlays in the 3D view. Mainly a ROS2 port of the JSK overlay plugin (
RViz2 plugin for 2D overlays in the 3D view. Mainly a ROS2 port of the JSK overlay plugin (
1 2024-02-18 rviz_2d_overlay_msgs
Messages describing 2D overlays for RVIZ, extracted/derived from the jsk_visualization ROS1 packege.
Messages describing 2D overlays for RVIZ, extracted/derived from the jsk_visualization ROS1 packege.
1 2025-03-04 rviz2
3D visualization tool for ROS.
3D visualization tool for ROS.
1 2025-01-27 ruckig
Instantaneous Motion Generation for Robots and Machines.
Instantaneous Motion Generation for Robots and Machines.
1 2025-03-06 rttest
Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing
Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing
1 2024-12-02 rti_connext_dds_cmake_module
Helper module to provide access to RTI products like Connext DDS Professional
Helper module to provide access to RTI products like Connext DDS Professional
1 2022-11-02 rtcm_msgs
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_viz
RTAB-Map's visualization package.
RTAB-Map's visualization package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_util
RTAB-Map's various useful nodes and nodelets.
RTAB-Map's various useful nodes and nodelets.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_sync
RTAB-Map's synchronization package.
RTAB-Map's synchronization package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_slam
RTAB-Map's SLAM package.
RTAB-Map's SLAM package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_rviz_plugins
RTAB-Map's rviz plugins.
RTAB-Map's rviz plugins.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_ros
RTAB-Map Stack
RTAB-Map Stack
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_python
RTAB-Map's python package.
RTAB-Map's python package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_odom
RTAB-Map's odometry package.
RTAB-Map's odometry package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_msgs
RTAB-Map's msgs package.
RTAB-Map's msgs package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_launch
RTAB-Map's main launch files.
RTAB-Map's main launch files.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_examples
RTAB-Map's example launch files.
RTAB-Map's example launch files.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_demos
RTAB-Map's demo launch files.
RTAB-Map's demo launch files.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_conversions
RTAB-Map's conversions package. This package can be used to convert rtabmap_msgs's msgs into RTAB-Map's library objects.
RTAB-Map's conversions package. This package can be used to convert rtabmap_msgs's msgs into RTAB-Map's library objects.
1 2024-07-23 rtabmap
RTAB-Map's standalone library. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints.
RTAB-Map's standalone library. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints.
1 2024-11-07 rt_usb_9axisimu_driver
The rt_usb_9axisimu_driver package
The rt_usb_9axisimu_driver package
1 2024-08-09 rt_manipulators_examples
Examples for RT Manipulators C++ Library
Examples for RT Manipulators C++ Library
1 2024-08-09 rt_manipulators_cpp
RT Manipulators C++ Library
RT Manipulators C++ Library
1 2025-02-19 rslidar_sdk
The rslidar_sdk package
The rslidar_sdk package
1 2022-10-26 rslidar_msg
ros msgs for the rslidar_sdk project
ros msgs for the rslidar_sdk project
1 2025-03-02 rsl
ROS Support Library
ROS Support Library
1 2024-12-09 rqt_topic
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 2024-06-14 rqt_tf_tree
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_srv
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS service types.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS service types.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_shell
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_service_caller
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 2021-09-23 rqt_runtime_monitor
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 2019-11-19 rqt_robot_steering
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 2020-06-11 rqt_robot_monitor
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
1 2022-02-17 rqt_robot_dashboard
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_reconfigure
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_py_console
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_py_common
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python. Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins into this package as easy as possible. Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python. Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins into this package as easy as possible. Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 2024-12-02 rqt_publisher
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 2025-02-13 rqt_plot
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_msg
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
1 2021-09-10 rqt_moveit
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
2 2025-03-07 rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
1 2024-04-17 rqt_image_view
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
1 2024-12-08 rqt_image_overlay_layer
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
1 2024-12-08 rqt_image_overlay
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_gui_py
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_gui_cpp
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_gui
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_graph
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph.
1 2024-03-14 rqt_gauges
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
1 2025-02-24 rqt_dotgraph
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
2 2025-03-05 rqt_controller_manager
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_console
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
1 2022-05-11 rqt_common_plugins
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_bag_plugins
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_bag
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_action
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
1 2024-12-02 rqt
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
1 2024-11-27 rpyutils
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
2 2022-09-06 rplidar_ros
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
1 2024-08-29 rosx_introspection
Successor of ros_type_introspection
Successor of ros_type_introspection
1 2024-11-27 rosidl_typesupport_tests
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
1 2024-12-18 rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.


Name Description
1 2025-03-10 sros2
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
1 2024-10-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
2 2022-11-28 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
2 2022-11-28 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
2 2022-11-28 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 2025-03-04 sqlite3_vendor
SQLite 3 vendor package
SQLite 3 vendor package
1 2024-01-21 splsm_8_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-01-21 splsm_8
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
1 2024-01-21 splsm_7_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-01-21 splsm_7
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
1 2024-11-27 spdlog_vendor
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
1 2024-12-04 spacenav
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
2 2024-06-06 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 2025-01-19 sol_vendor
vendor package for the sol2 library
vendor package for the sol2 library
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-19 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_model_msgs
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
1 2025-02-17 soccer_geometry_msgs
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
1 2021-12-02 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 2025-01-24 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 2024-09-23 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 2024-09-23 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2024-09-23 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2022-11-28 smacc2_msgs
Messages and services used in smacc2.
Messages and services used in smacc2.
1 2022-11-28 smacc2
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
2 2022-11-28 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 2022-11-28 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
2 2022-11-28 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_pubsub_1
The sm_pubsub_1 package
The sm_pubsub_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_pack_ml
The sm_pack_ml package
The sm_pack_ml package
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_ur5_sim
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_stage_1
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2022-11-28 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_branching
The sm_branching package
The sm_branching package
1 2022-11-28 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2022-11-28 sm_autoware_avp
The sm_autoware_avp package
The sm_autoware_avp package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic services package
The sm_atomic services package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_hierarchy
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_24hr
The sm_atomic_24hr package
The sm_atomic_24hr package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2022-11-28 sm_advanced_recovery_1
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
1 2024-05-17 slider_publisher
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
1 2025-02-07 slg_msgs
This package provides classes and messages to interact with laser related geometry.
This package provides classes and messages to interact with laser related geometry.
1 2024-10-09 simulation
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
1 2025-02-16 simple_launch
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system
1 2024-11-08 simple_grasping
Basic grasping applications and demos.
Basic grasping applications and demos.
1 2024-10-22 simple_actions
Simple library for using the `rclpy/rclcpp` action libraries
Simple library for using the `rclpy/rclcpp` action libraries
1 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_tests
Integration tests for the Sick SafeVisionary2 driver
Integration tests for the Sick SafeVisionary2 driver
1 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_interfaces
Provides interface descriptions to communicate with a SICK Safevisionary Sensor over ROS 2
Provides interface descriptions to communicate with a SICK Safevisionary Sensor over ROS 2
2 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_driver
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS 2
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS 2
1 2023-10-17 sick_safevisionary_base
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor
1 2024-08-20 sick_safetyscanners_base
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
1 2021-01-11 sick_safetyscanners2_interfaces
Interfaces for the sick_safetyscanners ros2 driver
Interfaces for the sick_safetyscanners ros2 driver
1 2024-09-24 sick_safetyscanners2
ROS2 Driver for the SICK safetyscanners
ROS2 Driver for the SICK safetyscanners
2 2025-03-03 shape_msgs
A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes.
A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes.
1 2024-11-27 service_msgs
Messages definitions common among all ROS services
Messages definitions common among all ROS services
1 2024-12-16 service_load_balancing
This package helps ROS2 services implement load balancing functionality.
This package helps ROS2 services implement load balancing functionality.
1 2023-06-22 serial_driver
A template class and associated utilities which encapsulate basic reading from serial ports
A template class and associated utilities which encapsulate basic reading from serial ports
1 2025-02-24 septentrio_gnss_driver
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers
1 2025-03-03 sensor_msgs_py
A package for easy creation and reading of PointCloud2 messages in Python.
A package for easy creation and reading of PointCloud2 messages in Python.
2 2025-03-03 sensor_msgs
A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions.
A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions.
1 2025-03-04 self_test
1 2024-12-04 sdl2_vendor
Vendor library for SDL2.
Vendor library for SDL2.
1 2025-02-19 sdformat_vendor
Vendor package for: sdformat15 15.2.0 SDFormat is an XML file format that describes environments, objects, and robots in a manner suitable for robotic applications
Vendor package for: sdformat15 15.2.0 SDFormat is an XML file format that describes environments, objects, and robots in a manner suitable for robotic applications
1 2024-09-16 sdformat_urdf
URDF plugin to parse SDFormat XML into URDF C++ DOM objects.
URDF plugin to parse SDFormat XML into URDF C++ DOM objects.
1 2024-09-16 sdformat_test_files
Example SDFormat XML files for testing tools using hthis format.
Example SDFormat XML files for testing tools using hthis format.
1 2024-09-04 rviz_visual_tools
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
1 2025-03-04 rviz_visual_testing_framework
3D testing framework for RViz.
3D testing framework for RViz.
1 2025-03-04 rviz_rendering_tests
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development
1 2025-03-04 rviz_rendering
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz.
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz.
1 2025-03-04 rviz_ogre_vendor
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre.
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre.
1 2024-10-01 rviz_imu_plugin
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
1 2025-03-04 rviz_default_plugins
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality.
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality.
1 2025-03-04 rviz_common
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications.
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications.
1 2025-03-04 rviz_assimp_vendor
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp.
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp.
1 2024-02-18 rviz_2d_overlay_plugins
RViz2 plugin for 2D overlays in the 3D view. Mainly a ROS2 port of the JSK overlay plugin (
RViz2 plugin for 2D overlays in the 3D view. Mainly a ROS2 port of the JSK overlay plugin (
1 2024-02-18 rviz_2d_overlay_msgs
Messages describing 2D overlays for RVIZ, extracted/derived from the jsk_visualization ROS1 packege.
Messages describing 2D overlays for RVIZ, extracted/derived from the jsk_visualization ROS1 packege.
1 2025-03-04 rviz2
3D visualization tool for ROS.
3D visualization tool for ROS.
1 2025-01-27 ruckig
Instantaneous Motion Generation for Robots and Machines.
Instantaneous Motion Generation for Robots and Machines.
1 2025-02-27 rttest
Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing
Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing
1 2025-03-05 rti_connext_dds_cmake_module
Helper module to provide access to RTI products like Connext DDS Professional
Helper module to provide access to RTI products like Connext DDS Professional
1 2022-11-02 rtcm_msgs
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
1 2024-07-23 rtabmap
RTAB-Map's standalone library. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints.
RTAB-Map's standalone library. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints.
1 2024-11-07 rt_usb_9axisimu_driver
The rt_usb_9axisimu_driver package
The rt_usb_9axisimu_driver package
1 2024-08-09 rt_manipulators_examples
Examples for RT Manipulators C++ Library
Examples for RT Manipulators C++ Library
1 2024-08-09 rt_manipulators_cpp
RT Manipulators C++ Library
RT Manipulators C++ Library
1 2025-03-02 rsl
ROS Support Library
ROS Support Library
1 2024-12-06 rqt_topic
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 2024-06-14 rqt_tf_tree
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_srv
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS service types.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS service types.
1 2025-01-07 rqt_shell
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 2025-02-02 rqt_service_caller
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 2021-09-23 rqt_runtime_monitor
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 2019-11-19 rqt_robot_steering
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 2020-06-11 rqt_robot_monitor
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
1 2022-02-17 rqt_robot_dashboard
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_reconfigure
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
1 2025-02-02 rqt_py_console
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 2025-02-02 rqt_py_common
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python. Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins into this package as easy as possible. Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python. Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins into this package as easy as possible. Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 2024-12-20 rqt_publisher
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 2025-02-13 rqt_plot
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_msg
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
1 2021-09-10 rqt_moveit
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
2 2025-03-07 rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
1 2024-04-17 rqt_image_view
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
1 2024-12-08 rqt_image_overlay_layer
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
1 2024-12-08 rqt_image_overlay
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
1 2025-02-02 rqt_gui_py
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 2025-02-02 rqt_gui_cpp
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 2025-02-02 rqt_gui
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 2025-02-02 rqt_graph
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph.
1 2024-03-14 rqt_gauges
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
1 2025-02-24 rqt_dotgraph
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
2 2025-03-05 rqt_controller_manager
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
1 2025-01-07 rqt_console
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
1 2022-05-11 rqt_common_plugins
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 2025-01-07 rqt_bag_plugins
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 2025-01-07 rqt_bag
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 2024-12-02 rqt_action
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
1 2025-02-02 rqt
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
1 2024-12-20 rpyutils
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
2 2022-09-06 rplidar_ros
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
1 2024-08-29 rosx_introspection
Successor of ros_type_introspection
Successor of ros_type_introspection
1 2025-02-02 rosidl_typesupport_tests
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_typesupport_interface
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
1 2025-01-22 rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 2025-01-22 rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 2025-02-02 rosidl_typesupport_cpp
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
1 2025-02-02 rosidl_typesupport_c
Generate the type support for C messages.
Generate the type support for C messages.
1 2024-11-27 rosidl_runtime_py
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_runtime_cpp
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_runtime_c
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_pycommon
Common Python functions used by rosidl packages.
Common Python functions used by rosidl packages.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_parser
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_generator_type_description
Generate hashes and descriptions of ROS 2 interface types, per REP-2011.
Generate hashes and descriptions of ROS 2 interface types, per REP-2011.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_generator_tests
Integration tests for rosidl_generator_c and rosidl_generator_cpp packages.
Integration tests for rosidl_generator_c and rosidl_generator_cpp packages.
1 2025-02-16 rosidl_generator_py
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
1 2024-11-28 rosidl_generator_dds_idl
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_generator_cpp
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_generator_c
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
1 2025-03-06 rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps
FastDDS serialization support implementation for use with C/C++.
FastDDS serialization support implementation for use with C/C++.
1 2025-02-05 rosidl_dynamic_typesupport
Unified serialization support interface for dynamic typesupport in C.
Unified serialization support interface for dynamic typesupport in C.
1 2024-11-26 rosidl_default_runtime
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
1 2024-11-26 rosidl_default_generators
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
1 2024-12-02 rosidl_core_runtime
A configuration package defining runtime dependencies for core ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining runtime dependencies for core ROS interfaces.
1 2024-12-02 rosidl_core_generators
A configuration package defining core ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining core ROS interface generators.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_cmake
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_cli
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
1 2025-02-06 rosidl_adapter
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
2 2024-11-27 rosgraph_msgs
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_test_msgs
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_suite
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs. There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with. Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs. There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with. Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_server
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_msgs
Package containing message files
Package containing message files
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_library
The core rosbridge package, responsible for interpreting JSON andperforming the appropriate ROS action, like subscribe, publish, call service, and interact with params.
The core rosbridge package, responsible for interpreting JSON andperforming the appropriate ROS action, like subscribe, publish, call service, and interact with params.
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_transport
Layer encapsulating ROS middleware to allow rosbag2 to be used with or without middleware
Layer encapsulating ROS middleware to allow rosbag2 to be used with or without middleware
1 2024-11-22 rosbag2_to_video
Command line tool to create a video from a rosbag recording
Command line tool to create a video from a rosbag recording
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_tests
Tests package for rosbag2
Tests package for rosbag2
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_test_msgdefs
message definition test fixtures for rosbag2 schema recording
message definition test fixtures for rosbag2 schema recording
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_test_common
Commonly used test helper classes and fixtures for rosbag2
Commonly used test helper classes and fixtures for rosbag2
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_storage_sqlite3
ROSBag2 SQLite3 storage plugin
ROSBag2 SQLite3 storage plugin
2 2025-03-04 rosbag2_storage_mcap
rosbag2 storage plugin using the MCAP file format
rosbag2 storage plugin using the MCAP file format
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_storage_default_plugins
Intermediate metapackage to point at default storage plugin(s) for rosbag2
Intermediate metapackage to point at default storage plugin(s) for rosbag2
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_storage
ROS2 independent storage format to store serialized ROS2 messages
ROS2 independent storage format to store serialized ROS2 messages
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_py
Python API for rosbag2
Python API for rosbag2
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_performance_benchmarking_msgs
A package containing rosbag2 performance benchmarking specific messages.
A package containing rosbag2 performance benchmarking specific messages.
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_performance_benchmarking
Code to benchmark rosbag2
Code to benchmark rosbag2
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_interfaces
Interface definitions for controlling rosbag2
Interface definitions for controlling rosbag2
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_examples_py
Python bag writing tutorial
Python bag writing tutorial
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_examples_cpp
rosbag2 C++ API tutorials and examples
rosbag2 C++ API tutorials and examples
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_cpp
C++ ROSBag2 client library
C++ ROSBag2 client library
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_compression_zstd
Zstandard compression library implementation of rosbag2_compression
Zstandard compression library implementation of rosbag2_compression
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2_compression
Compression implementations for rosbag2 bags and messages.
Compression implementations for rosbag2 bags and messages.
1 2025-03-04 rosbag2
Meta package for rosbag2 related packages
Meta package for rosbag2 related packages
1 2025-02-26 rosapi_msgs
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
1 2025-02-26 rosapi
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
1 2023-02-15 ros_workspace
Provides the prefix level environment files for ROS 2 packages.
Provides the prefix level environment files for ROS 2 packages.
2 2022-11-28 ros_timer_client
The ros_timer_client package
The ros_timer_client package
1 2024-11-26 ros_testing
The entry point package to launch testing in ROS.
The entry point package to launch testing in ROS.
2 2022-11-28 ros_publisher_client
The ros_publisher_client package
The ros_publisher_client package
1 2025-02-11 ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
Contains boilerplate cmake script, macros and utils
Contains boilerplate cmake script, macros and utils
1 2023-07-25 ros_image_to_qimage
A package that converts a ros image msg to a qimage object
A package that converts a ros image msg to a qimage object
1 2025-02-24 ros_gz_sim_demos
Demos using Gazebo Sim simulation with ROS.
Demos using Gazebo Sim simulation with ROS.
1 2025-02-24 ros_gz_sim
Tools for using Gazebo Sim simulation with ROS.
Tools for using Gazebo Sim simulation with ROS.


Name Description
1 2021-06-03 test_osm
These are regression tests for the osm_cartography and route_network packages. They are packaged separately to avoid unnecessary implementation dependencies.
These are regression tests for the osm_cartography and route_network packages. They are packaged separately to avoid unnecessary implementation dependencies.
1 2024-11-13 test_nodelet_topic_tools
A package for nodelet_topic_tools unit tests.
A package for nodelet_topic_tools unit tests.
1 2024-11-13 test_nodelet
A package for nodelet unit tests
A package for nodelet unit tests
1 2024-10-10 test_mavros
Tests for MAVROS package
Tests for MAVROS package
1 2025-03-10 test_grpc
A package for testing the grpc package
A package for testing the grpc package
1 2024-04-26 test_diagnostic_aggregator
Basic diagnostic_aggregator tests are in the
Basic diagnostic_aggregator tests are in the
1 2025-02-24 test_catkin_virtualenv_inherited
Test to make sure a package inherits it's dependency's dependencies, but is able to override the version.
Test to make sure a package inherits it's dependency's dependencies, but is able to override the version.
1 2025-02-24 test_catkin_virtualenv
Basic catkin_virtualenv test.
Basic catkin_virtualenv test.
1 2020-08-28 test_bond
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondpy]] and [[bondcpp]].
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondpy]] and [[bondcpp]].
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_visualization
The tesseract_visualization package
The tesseract_visualization package
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_urdf
The tesseract_urdf package for parsing tesseract specific urdf
The tesseract_urdf package for parsing tesseract specific urdf
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_support
The tesseract_support package containing files for test and examples
The tesseract_support package containing files for test and examples
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_state_solver
The state solver for tesseract_scene_graph
The state solver for tesseract_scene_graph
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_srdf
The tesseract_srdf package for parsing Tesseract specific srdf
The tesseract_srdf package for parsing Tesseract specific srdf
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_scene_graph
The tesseract_scene_graph package
The tesseract_scene_graph package
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_kinematics
The tesseract_kinematics package contains kinematics related libraries.
The tesseract_kinematics package contains kinematics related libraries.
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_geometry
The tesseract_geometry package
The tesseract_geometry package
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_environment
The tesseract_environment package contains environment
The tesseract_environment package contains environment
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_common
Contains common macros, utils and types used throughout
Contains common macros, utils and types used throughout
1 2025-03-05 tesseract_collision
The tesseract_collision package
The tesseract_collision package
1 2023-06-04 tello_driver
The tello_driver package
The tello_driver package
2 2022-12-23 teleop_twist_keyboard
Generic keyboard teleop for twist robots.
Generic keyboard teleop for twist robots.
2 2020-11-25 teleop_twist_joy
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
1 2023-05-04 teleop_tools_msgs
The teleop_tools_msgs package
The teleop_tools_msgs package
1 2023-05-04 teleop_tools
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
1 2021-01-29 teleop_legged_robots
Generic keyboard teleop for legged robots.
Generic keyboard teleop for legged robots.
1 2024-01-06 teb_local_planner
The teb_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. The underlying method called Timed Elastic Band locally optimizes the robot's trajectory with respect to trajectory execution time, separation from obstacles and compliance with kinodynamic constraints at runtime.
The teb_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. The underlying method called Timed Elastic Band locally optimizes the robot's trajectory with respect to trajectory execution time, separation from obstacles and compliance with kinodynamic constraints at runtime.
1 2023-12-05 task_compiler
task_compiler Compiler that translate task description in PDDL (Planning Domain Description Language) to SMACH (state machine based execution and coordination system) description.
task_compiler Compiler that translate task description in PDDL (Planning Domain Description Language) to SMACH (state machine based execution and coordination system) description.
1 2023-03-10 tablet_socket_msgs
The tablet_socket_msgs package
The tablet_socket_msgs package
1 2025-01-08 system_fingerprint
The system_fingerprint package
The system_fingerprint package
1 2025-02-27 swri_yaml_util
Provides wrappers around the yaml-cpp library for various utility functions and to abstract out the API changes made to yaml-cpp between ubuntu:precise and ubuntu:trusty.
Provides wrappers around the yaml-cpp library for various utility functions and to abstract out the API changes made to yaml-cpp between ubuntu:precise and ubuntu:trusty.
1 2025-02-27 swri_transform_util
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
1 2025-02-27 swri_system_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_string_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_serial_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_route_util
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
1 2025-02-27 swri_rospy
This package provides added functionality on top of rospy, including a single-threaded callback queue.
This package provides added functionality on top of rospy, including a single-threaded callback queue.
1 2025-02-27 swri_roscpp
Enhancements to roscpp functionality to reduce boilerplate code and implement common patterns.
Enhancements to roscpp functionality to reduce boilerplate code and implement common patterns.
1 2020-11-24 swri_profiler_tools
Provides tools for viewing data produced by nodes that use the swri_profiler library to output profiling information.
Provides tools for viewing data produced by nodes that use the swri_profiler library to output profiling information.
1 2020-11-24 swri_profiler_msgs
Messages for the swri_profiler tool.
Messages for the swri_profiler tool.
1 2020-11-24 swri_profiler
swri_profiler provides basic tools for real-time selective profiling of ROS C++ nodes.
swri_profiler provides basic tools for real-time selective profiling of ROS C++ nodes.
1 2025-02-27 swri_prefix_tools
Contains scripts that are useful as prefix commands for nodes started by roslaunch.
Contains scripts that are useful as prefix commands for nodes started by roslaunch.
1 2025-02-27 swri_opencv_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_nodelet
This package provides a simple script to write simple launch files that can easily switch between running nodelets together or as standalone nodes.
This package provides a simple script to write simple launch files that can easily switch between running nodelets together or as standalone nodes.
1 2025-02-27 swri_math_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_image_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_geometry_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_dbw_interface
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
1 2025-02-27 swri_console_util
1 2023-09-20 swri_console
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Insititute as an alternative to rqt_console.
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Insititute as an alternative to rqt_console.
1 2025-02-27 swri_cli_tools
rosman contains the rosman tool for introspecting ROS nodes
rosman contains the rosman tool for introspecting ROS nodes
1 2025-01-09 switchbot_ros
use switchbot with ros
use switchbot with ros
2 2021-01-11 stereo_msgs
stereo_msgs contains messages specific to stereo processing, such as disparity images.
stereo_msgs contains messages specific to stereo processing, such as disparity images.
1 2024-01-22 stereo_image_proc
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
1 2024-05-25 steering_functions
The steering_functions package
The steering_functions package
2 2020-10-08 std_srvs
Common service definitions.
Common service definitions.
2 2020-10-27 std_msgs
Standard ROS Messages including common message types representing primitive data types and other basic message constructs, such as multiarrays. For common, generic robot-specific message types, please see
Standard ROS Messages including common message types representing primitive data types and other basic message constructs, such as multiarrays. For common, generic robot-specific message types, please see
2 2022-01-31 statistics_msgs
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
1 2024-04-04 static_transform_mux
A helper node that makes sure everybody knows about all static transforms, even if they are published by multiple publishers.
A helper node that makes sure everybody knows about all static transforms, even if they are published by multiple publishers.
1 2017-05-01 stage_ros
This package provides ROS specific hooks for stage
This package provides ROS specific hooks for stage
1 2020-05-07 stage
Mobile robot simulator
Mobile robot simulator
1 2023-11-01 stag_ros
The stag_ros package
The stag_ros package
1 2022-09-23 stag_detect
Fiducial detection based on the stag library
Fiducial detection based on the stag library
1 2024-10-13 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
1 2022-09-21 sr_hand_detector
The sr_hand_detector package
The sr_hand_detector package
2 2023-04-24 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
2 2023-04-24 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
2 2023-04-24 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 2023-09-22 spinnaker_camera_driver
Spinnaker camera driver based on Spinnaker.
Spinnaker camera driver based on Spinnaker.
1 2024-10-14 speed_scaling_state_controller
ROS controller providing reading the state of speed scaling on the robot
ROS controller providing reading the state of speed scaling on the robot
1 2024-10-14 speed_scaling_interface
Hardware interface reading a scalar value from robot hardware.
Hardware interface reading a scalar value from robot hardware.
1 2022-05-09 speech_recognition_msgs
1 2023-08-14 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 2020-03-28 sparse_bundle_adjustment
ROS wrapper for the sparse bundle adjustment (sba) library (needed for slam_karto)
ROS wrapper for the sparse bundle adjustment (sba) library (needed for slam_karto)
1 2024-12-04 spacenav_node
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
1 2024-08-13 sound_play
sound_play provides a ROS node that translates commands on a ROS topic (
sound_play provides a ROS node that translates commands on a ROS topic (
1 2025-02-21 sound_classification
The sound_classification package
The sound_classification package
1 2023-07-28 sot-tools
Miscellanous entities for the stack of tasks
Miscellanous entities for the stack of tasks
1 2023-07-28 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
Pinocchio bindings for dynamic-graph
Pinocchio bindings for dynamic-graph
1 2023-10-24 sot-core
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph
2 2019-10-13 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 2020-08-03 soem
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
1 2024-05-02 socketcan_interface
Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
1 2024-05-02 socketcan_bridge
Conversion nodes for messages from SocketCAN to a ROS Topic and vice versa.
Conversion nodes for messages from SocketCAN to a ROS Topic and vice versa.
1 2021-11-22 sob_layer
Plugin-replacement for the default costmap_2d::InflationLayer.
Plugin-replacement for the default costmap_2d::InflationLayer.
1 2021-12-07 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 2023-04-16 snmp_ros
Utilities for working with SNMP from ROS
Utilities for working with SNMP from ROS
1 2024-09-09 snmp_diagnostics
ROS diagnostics created from SNMP agent data
ROS diagnostics created from SNMP agent data
1 2020-08-28 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 2025-02-20 smach_viewer
The smach viewer is a GUI that shows the state of hierarchical SMACH state machines. It can visualize the possible transitions between states, as well as the currently active state and the values of user data that is passed around between states. The smach viewer uses the SMACH debugging interface based on the
The smach viewer is a GUI that shows the state of hierarchical SMACH state machines. It can visualize the possible transitions between states, as well as the currently active state and the values of user data that is passed around between states. The smach viewer uses the SMACH debugging interface based on the
1 2025-02-13 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 2025-02-13 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2025-02-13 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2023-04-24 smacc_rviz_plugin
The smacc_rviz_plugin package
The smacc_rviz_plugin package
1 2023-04-24 smacc_runtime_test
The smacc_runtime_test package
The smacc_runtime_test package
1 2023-04-24 smacc_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smacc.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smacc.
1 2023-04-24 smacc
SMACC is a ROS/C++ library to implement in easy and systematic way UML StateCharts (AKA state machines). SMACC is inspired by the SMACH ROS package and it is built on top of Boost StateChart library. Developed by Reel Robotics.
SMACC is a ROS/C++ library to implement in easy and systematic way UML StateCharts (AKA state machines). SMACC is inspired by the SMACH ROS package and it is built on top of Boost StateChart library. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 2023-04-24 sm_viewer_sim
The sm_viewer_sim package
The sm_viewer_sim package
1 2023-04-24 sm_update_loop
The sm_update_loop package
The sm_update_loop package
2 2023-04-24 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 2023-04-24 sm_subscriber
The sm_subscriber package
The sm_subscriber package
1 2023-04-24 sm_starcraft_ai
The sm_starcraft_ai package
The sm_starcraft_ai package
1 2023-04-24 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2 package
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1 package
2 2023-04-24 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_packml
The sm_packml package
The sm_packml package
1 2023-04-24 sm_ferrari
The sm_ferrari package
The sm_ferrari package
2 2023-04-24 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
1 2023-04-24 sm_dance_bot_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2023-04-24 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_x_y_3
The sm_coretest_x_y_3 package
The sm_coretest_x_y_3 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_x_y_2
The sm_coretest_x_y_2 package
The sm_coretest_x_y_2 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_x_y_1
The sm_coretest_x_y_1 package
The sm_coretest_x_y_1 package
2 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_calendar_week
The sm_calendar_week package
The sm_calendar_week package
2 2023-04-24 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic_services package
The sm_atomic_services package
2 2023-04-24 sm_atomic_mode_states
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
1 2023-04-24 sm_atomic_cb
The sm_atomic_cb package
The sm_atomic_cb package
2 2023-04-24 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2022-02-18 slime_wrapper
ROS wrapper for slime
ROS wrapper for slime
1 2022-02-18 slime_ros
Extensions for slime to assist in working with ROS packages
Extensions for slime to assist in working with ROS packages
1 2022-12-19 slider_publisher
The slider_publisher package
The slider_publisher package
1 2025-01-09 slic
SLIC-Superpizel ROS Wrapper This file contains the class elements of the class Slic. This class is an implementation of the SLIC Superpixel algorithm by Achanta et al. [PAMI'12, vol. 34, num. 11, pp. 2274-2282]. This implementation is created for the specific purpose of creating over-segmentations in an OpenCV-based environment.
SLIC-Superpizel ROS Wrapper This file contains the class elements of the class Slic. This class is an implementation of the SLIC Superpixel algorithm by Achanta et al. [PAMI'12, vol. 34, num. 11, pp. 2274-2282]. This implementation is created for the specific purpose of creating over-segmentations in an OpenCV-based environment.
1 2025-01-21 slam_toolbox_rviz
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 2025-01-21 slam_toolbox_msgs
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 2025-01-21 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 2020-09-09 slam_karto
This package pulls in the Karto mapping library, and provides a ROS wrapper for using it.
This package pulls in the Karto mapping library, and provides a ROS wrapper for using it.
1 2024-08-21 slam_gmapping
slam_gmapping contains a wrapper around gmapping which provides SLAM capabilities.
slam_gmapping contains a wrapper around gmapping which provides SLAM capabilities.
1 2023-10-25 skyway
Package for using SkyWay from ROS
Package for using SkyWay from ROS
1 2022-11-09 single_joint_position_action
The single joint position action is a node that provides an action interface for commanding a trajectory to move a joint to a particular position. The action reports success when the joint reaches the desired position.
The single joint position action is a node that provides an action interface for commanding a trajectory to move a joint to a particular position. The action reports success when the joint reaches the desired position.
1 2020-05-20 simulators
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
1 2021-07-15 simple_message
simple_message defines a simple messaging connection and protocol for communicating with an industrial robot controller. Additional handler and manager classes are included for handling connection limited systems. This package is part of the ROS-Industrial program.
simple_message defines a simple messaging connection and protocol for communicating with an industrial robot controller. Additional handler and manager classes are included for handling connection limited systems. This package is part of the ROS-Industrial program.
1 2023-04-24 simple_grasping
Basic grasping applications and demos.
Basic grasping applications and demos.
1 2024-02-06 sick_visionary_ros
Open source drivers for the SICK Visionary-S 3D camera and Visionary-T Mini 3D-ToF camera.
Open source drivers for the SICK Visionary-S 3D camera and Visionary-T Mini 3D-ToF camera.
1 2024-11-27 sick_tim
A ROS driver for the SICK TiM and the SICK MRS 1000 laser scanners.
A ROS driver for the SICK TiM and the SICK MRS 1000 laser scanners.
1 2024-10-23 sick_scan_xd
ROS 1 and 2 driver for SICK scanner
ROS 1 and 2 driver for SICK scanner
1 2022-09-05 sick_scan
A ROS driver for the SICK TiM and SICK MRS series of lidars. This package is based on the original sick_tim-repository of Martin Günther et al.
A ROS driver for the SICK TiM and SICK MRS series of lidars. This package is based on the original sick_tim-repository of Martin Günther et al.
1 2023-10-17 sick_safevisionary_msgs
Provides the interface descriptions to communicate with a SICk Safevisionary Sensor over ROS
Provides the interface descriptions to communicate with a SICk Safevisionary Sensor over ROS
2 2023-10-17 sick_safevisionary_driver
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS.
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS.
1 2023-10-17 sick_safevisionary_base
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor
1 2024-06-19 sick_safetyscanners
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
2 2021-01-11 shape_msgs
This package contains messages for defining shapes, such as simple solid object primitives (cube, sphere, etc), planes, and meshes.
This package contains messages for defining shapes, such as simple solid object primitives (cube, sphere, etc), planes, and meshes.
1 2021-05-15 settlerlib
Defines helper functions and routines that greatly help when trying to create a settler for a specific sensor channel. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Defines helper functions and routines that greatly help when trying to create a settler for a specific sensor channel. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
1 2025-01-09 sesame_ros
ROS API for Sesame smart lock
ROS API for Sesame smart lock
2 2024-04-30 service_tools
Service tools
Service tools
1 2022-03-09 serial
Serial is a cross-platform, simple to use library for using serial ports on computers. This library provides a C++, object oriented interface for interacting with RS-232 like devices on Linux and Windows.
Serial is a cross-platform, simple to use library for using serial ports on computers. This library provides a C++, object oriented interface for interacting with RS-232 like devices on Linux and Windows.
1 2025-02-24 septentrio_gnss_driver
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers
2 2021-01-11 sensor_msgs
This package defines messages for commonly used sensors, including cameras and scanning laser rangefinders.
This package defines messages for commonly used sensors, including cameras and scanning laser rangefinders.
1 2023-06-11 sensor_filters
Simple sensor filter chain nodes and nodelets
Simple sensor filter chain nodes and nodelets
1 2025-01-07 semantic_point_annotator
A node which annotates 3D point cloud data with semantic labels.
A node which annotates 3D point cloud data with semantic labels.
1 2024-04-26 self_test
1 2019-08-16 sdhlibrary_cpp
This is SDHLibrary-CPP, the C++ library to access an SDH (SCHUNK Dexterous Hand)
This is SDHLibrary-CPP, the C++ library to access an SDH (SCHUNK Dexterous Hand)
2 2024-11-12 sdc21x0
Message definitions for the sdc21x0 motor controller
Message definitions for the sdc21x0 motor controller
1 2024-04-24 schunk_svh_library
Standalone C++ library for accessing the Schunk five finger hand.
Standalone C++ library for accessing the Schunk five finger hand.
1 2022-05-06 schunk_simulated_tactile_sensors
This package provides simulated tactile sensors for the Schunk Dextrous Hand (SDH) which is mounted on the Care-O-bot arm. The node subscribes to the Gazebo bumper topics of the SDH. It transforms the Gazebo feedback to the "tactile_data" topic to provide the same tactile sensor interface as the schunk_sdh package. The following parameters can be set: * cells_x: The number of patches on the tactile sensor in the direction perpendicular to the finger. Defaults to 6. * cells_y: The number of patches on the tactile sensor along the direction of the finger. Defaults to 14. * output_range: The maximum output value of one patch. Defaults to 3500. * sensitivity: The change of output in one patch per Newton. Defaults to 350. The sensitivity can be approximated by the following formula: S = output_range / (measurement_range * cell_area) - The measurement range of the tactile pads is 250 kPa (from the data sheet). - The output range can be determined by experiment from the real SDH. It is about 3500. - The cell area is the size of one patch. Length and width of the area are determined by dividing the length/width of the collision surface by the number of cells in the respective direction. Important: In most cases this is NOT the cell area that is given in the data sheet! * filter_length: The length of the moving average filter which smoothes the values from simulation. Defaults to 10. The node subscribes to the following topics to receive data from the simulation: * thumb_2/state * thumb_3/state * finger_12/state * finger_13/state * finger_22/state * finger_23/state The node publishes the processed data on the following topic: * tactile_data The simulated bumper must obtain the collision data in the link that the sensor is attached to. This is achieved by setting the "frameName" property in the gazebo_ros_bumper controller.
This package provides simulated tactile sensors for the Schunk Dextrous Hand (SDH) which is mounted on the Care-O-bot arm. The node subscribes to the Gazebo bumper topics of the SDH. It transforms the Gazebo feedback to the "tactile_data" topic to provide the same tactile sensor interface as the schunk_sdh package. The following parameters can be set: * cells_x: The number of patches on the tactile sensor in the direction perpendicular to the finger. Defaults to 6. * cells_y: The number of patches on the tactile sensor along the direction of the finger. Defaults to 14. * output_range: The maximum output value of one patch. Defaults to 3500. * sensitivity: The change of output in one patch per Newton. Defaults to 350. The sensitivity can be approximated by the following formula: S = output_range / (measurement_range * cell_area) - The measurement range of the tactile pads is 250 kPa (from the data sheet). - The output range can be determined by experiment from the real SDH. It is about 3500. - The cell area is the size of one patch. Length and width of the area are determined by dividing the length/width of the collision surface by the number of cells in the respective direction. Important: In most cases this is NOT the cell area that is given in the data sheet! * filter_length: The length of the moving average filter which smoothes the values from simulation. Defaults to 10. The node subscribes to the following topics to receive data from the simulation: * thumb_2/state * thumb_3/state * finger_12/state * finger_13/state * finger_22/state * finger_23/state The node publishes the processed data on the following topic: * tactile_data The simulated bumper must obtain the collision data in the link that the sensor is attached to. This is achieved by setting the "frameName" property in the gazebo_ros_bumper controller.
1 2022-05-06 schunk_sdh
This package provides an interface for operating the schunk dexterous hand (SDH), including the tactile sensors.
This package provides an interface for operating the schunk dexterous hand (SDH), including the tactile sensors.
1 2022-05-06 schunk_powercube_chain
This packages provides a configurable driver of a chain of Schunk powercubes. The powercube chain is configured through parameters. Most users will not directly interact with this package but with the corresponding launch files in other packages, e.g. schunk_bringup, cob_bringup, ...
This packages provides a configurable driver of a chain of Schunk powercubes. The powercube chain is configured through parameters. Most users will not directly interact with this package but with the corresponding launch files in other packages, e.g. schunk_bringup, cob_bringup, ...
1 2022-05-06 schunk_modular_robotics
This stack includes packages that provide access to the Schunk hardware through ROS messages, services and actions.
This stack includes packages that provide access to the Schunk hardware through ROS messages, services and actions.
1 2022-05-06 schunk_libm5api
This package wraps the libm5api to use it as a ros dependency. Original sources from
This package wraps the libm5api to use it as a ros dependency. Original sources from
1 2022-05-06 schunk_description
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of different schunk components. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of different schunk components. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
2 2024-04-30 scenario_test_tools
The scenario_test_tools package implements helpers for scriptable scenario testing. It allows to set up a test harness for eg. a state machine or other high level behavior by providing mocked implementations for various action servers and services that work together
The scenario_test_tools package implements helpers for scriptable scenario testing. It allows to set up a test harness for eg. a state machine or other high level behavior by providing mocked implementations for various action servers and services that work together
2 2023-10-17 scan_tools
Laser scan processing tools.
Laser scan processing tools.
2 2023-10-17 scan_to_cloud_converter
Converts LaserScan to PointCloud messages.
Converts LaserScan to PointCloud messages.
1 2024-10-14 scaled_joint_trajectory_controller
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface.
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface.
1 2024-10-14 scaled_controllers
scaled controllers metapackage
scaled controllers metapackage
1 2022-08-24 sbpl_recovery
A recovery behavior that uses the sbpl lattice planner and the pose follower to try to plan in full 3D to get the robot out of really tricky situations.
A recovery behavior that uses the sbpl lattice planner and the pose follower to try to plan in full 3D to get the robot out of really tricky situations.
1 2022-08-24 sbpl_lattice_planner
The sbpl_lattice_planner is a global planner plugin for move_base and wraps the SBPL search-based planning library.
The sbpl_lattice_planner is a global planner plugin for move_base and wraps the SBPL search-based planning library.
1 2025-02-25 sbpl_interface_ros
1 2025-02-25 sbpl_interface
1 2018-08-06 sbpl
Search-based planning library (SBPL).
Search-based planning library (SBPL).
2 2024-10-09 sbg_driver
ROS driver package for communication with the SBG navigation systems.
ROS driver package for communication with the SBG navigation systems.
1 2024-02-19 safety_limiter_msgs
Message definitions for safety_limiter_msgs package
Message definitions for safety_limiter_msgs package
1 2025-02-26 safety_limiter
Motion limiter package for collision prevention
Motion limiter package for collision prevention
1 2022-03-15 rx_service_tools
Graphical tools to interact with ROS services.
Graphical tools to interact with ROS services.
1 2023-06-01 rwt_utils_3rdparty
The rwt_utils_3rdparty package
The rwt_utils_3rdparty package
1 2023-06-01 rwt_steer
The rwt_steer package
The rwt_steer package
1 2023-06-01 rwt_speech_recognition
The rwt_speech_recognition package
The rwt_speech_recognition package
1 2023-06-01 rwt_robot_monitor
The rwt_robot_monitor package
The rwt_robot_monitor package
1 2023-06-01 rwt_plot
1 2023-06-01 rwt_nav
The rwt_nav package
The rwt_nav package
1 2023-06-01 rwt_moveit
This package provides a web user interface of
This package provides a web user interface of
1 2023-06-01 rwt_image_view
The rwt_image_view package
The rwt_image_view package
1 2023-06-01 rwt_app_chooser
The simple web frontend for app_manager
The simple web frontend for app_manager
1 2020-10-09 rviz_visual_tools
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
1 2022-08-30 rviz_tool_path_display
The rviz_tool_path_display package
The rviz_tool_path_display package
1 2023-01-23 rviz_tool_cursor
The rviz_tool_cursor package
The rviz_tool_cursor package
1 2023-05-01 rviz_satellite
Display satellite map tiles in RViz
Display satellite map tiles in RViz
1 2025-03-07 rviz_robot_description_topic
RobotModel display using a `/robot_description` topic instead of a parameter
RobotModel display using a `/robot_description` topic instead of a parameter
1 2021-03-08 rviz_python_tutorial
Tutorials showing how to call into rviz internals from python scripts.
Tutorials showing how to call into rviz internals from python scripts.
1 2021-03-08 rviz_plugin_tutorials
Tutorials showing how to write plugins for RViz.
Tutorials showing how to write plugins for RViz.
1 2025-02-25 rviz_marker_tools
Tools for marker creation / handling
Tools for marker creation / handling
1 2024-04-26 rviz_imu_plugin
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
1 2021-08-24 rviz_animated_view_controller
A rviz view controller featuring smooth transitions.
A rviz view controller featuring smooth transitions.
1 2024-12-11 rviz
3D visualization tool for ROS.
3D visualization tool for ROS.
1 2022-11-02 rtcm_msgs
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_viz
RTAB-Map's visualization package.
RTAB-Map's visualization package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_util
RTAB-Map's various useful nodes and nodelets.
RTAB-Map's various useful nodes and nodelets.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_sync
RTAB-Map's synchronization package.
RTAB-Map's synchronization package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_slam
RTAB-Map's SLAM package.
RTAB-Map's SLAM package.
1 2025-02-13 rtabmap_rviz_plugins
RTAB-Map's rviz plugins.
RTAB-Map's rviz plugins.


Name Description
1 2023-06-09 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2023-06-09 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2023-06-09 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
2 2023-06-09 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2023-06-09 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 2023-06-09 sm_branching
The sm_branching package
The sm_branching package
1 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
2 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic services package
The sm_atomic services package
1 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
2 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_mode_states
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
1 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_lifecycle
The sm_atomic_lifecycle package
The sm_atomic_lifecycle package
1 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_hierarchy
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
1 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_24hr
The sm_atomic_24hr package
The sm_atomic_24hr package
2 2023-06-09 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2023-06-09 sm_advanced_recovery_1
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
1 2024-05-17 slider_publisher
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
1 2022-09-23 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 2025-02-16 simple_launch
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system
1 2024-10-22 simple_actions
Simple library for using the `rclpy/rclcpp` action libraries
Simple library for using the `rclpy/rclcpp` action libraries
1 2024-08-20 sick_safetyscanners_base
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
1 2021-01-11 sick_safetyscanners2_interfaces
Interfaces for the sick_safetyscanners ros2 driver
Interfaces for the sick_safetyscanners ros2 driver
1 2024-09-24 sick_safetyscanners2
ROS2 Driver for the SICK safetyscanners
ROS2 Driver for the SICK safetyscanners
1 2022-09-29 shared_queues_vendor
Vendor package for concurrent queues from moodycamel
Vendor package for concurrent queues from moodycamel
2 2022-01-12 shape_msgs
A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes.
A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes.
1 2023-06-22 serial_driver
A template class and associated utilities which encapsulate basic reading from serial ports
A template class and associated utilities which encapsulate basic reading from serial ports
1 2022-01-12 sensor_msgs_py
A package for easy creation and reading of PointCloud2 messages in Python.
A package for easy creation and reading of PointCloud2 messages in Python.
2 2022-01-12 sensor_msgs
A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions.
A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions.
1 2023-01-09 self_test
1 2022-02-14 sdl2_vendor
Vendor library for SDL2.
Vendor library for SDL2.
1 2022-06-20 sdformat_urdf
URDF plugin to parse SDFormat XML into URDF C++ DOM objects.
URDF plugin to parse SDFormat XML into URDF C++ DOM objects.
1 2022-06-20 sdformat_test_files
Example SDFormat XML files for testing tools using hthis format.
Example SDFormat XML files for testing tools using hthis format.
2 2024-10-17 sbg_driver
ROS driver package for communication with the SBG navigation systems.
ROS driver package for communication with the SBG navigation systems.
1 2024-09-04 rviz_visual_tools
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
1 2022-12-05 rviz_visual_testing_framework
3D testing framework for RViz.
3D testing framework for RViz.
1 2022-12-05 rviz_rendering_tests
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development
1 2022-12-05 rviz_rendering
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz.
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz.
1 2022-12-05 rviz_ogre_vendor
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre.
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre.
1 2022-07-14 rviz_imu_plugin
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
1 2022-12-05 rviz_default_plugins
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality.
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality.
1 2022-12-05 rviz_common
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications.
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications.
1 2022-12-05 rviz_assimp_vendor
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp.
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp.
1 2022-12-05 rviz2
3D visualization tool for ROS.
3D visualization tool for ROS.
1 2021-03-18 rttest
Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing
Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing
1 2022-04-28 rti_connext_dds_cmake_module
Helper module to provide access to RTI products like Connext DDS Professional
Helper module to provide access to RTI products like Connext DDS Professional
1 2022-11-02 rtcm_msgs
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
1 2022-10-02 rtabmap_ros
RTAB-Map's ros-pkg. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints.
RTAB-Map's ros-pkg. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints.
1 2022-10-02 rtabmap
RTAB-Map's standalone library. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints.
RTAB-Map's standalone library. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints.
1 2024-08-09 rt_manipulators_examples
Examples for RT Manipulators C++ Library
Examples for RT Manipulators C++ Library
1 2024-08-09 rt_manipulators_cpp
RT Manipulators C++ Library
RT Manipulators C++ Library
1 2022-10-26 rslidar_msg
ros msgs for the rslidar_sdk project
ros msgs for the rslidar_sdk project
1 2022-09-13 rqt_topic
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 2021-08-31 rqt_top
RQT plugin for monitoring ROS processes.
RQT plugin for monitoring ROS processes.
1 2022-03-31 rqt_tf_tree
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 2021-08-31 rqt_srv
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types. Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types. Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 2021-08-31 rqt_shell
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 2021-08-31 rqt_service_caller
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 2021-09-23 rqt_runtime_monitor
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 2019-11-19 rqt_robot_steering
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 2020-06-11 rqt_robot_monitor
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
1 2022-02-17 rqt_robot_dashboard
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 2021-05-10 rqt_reconfigure
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
1 2021-08-31 rqt_py_console
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 2021-08-31 rqt_py_common
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python. Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins into this package as easy as possible. Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python. Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins into this package as easy as possible. Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 2022-08-02 rqt_publisher
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 2022-01-14 rqt_plot
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 2022-05-11 rqt_msg
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types. Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types. Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 2021-09-10 rqt_moveit
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
1 2021-03-19 rqt_image_view
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
1 2022-10-28 rqt_image_overlay_layer
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
1 2022-10-28 rqt_image_overlay
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
1 2021-08-31 rqt_gui_py
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 2021-08-31 rqt_gui_cpp
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 2021-08-31 rqt_gui
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 2022-09-13 rqt_graph
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph.
1 2022-02-17 rqt_console
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
1 2021-04-08 rqt_common_plugins
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 2022-11-17 rqt_bag_plugins
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 2022-11-17 rqt_bag
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 2022-01-14 rqt_action
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 2021-08-31 rqt
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
1 2020-09-11 rpyutils
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
2 2022-09-06 rplidar_ros
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
1 2022-04-28 rospy_tutorials
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_typesupport_interface
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
1 2021-04-06 rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 2021-04-06 rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 2021-04-06 rosidl_typesupport_cpp
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
1 2021-04-06 rosidl_typesupport_c
Generate the type support for C messages.
Generate the type support for C messages.
1 2021-03-18 rosidl_runtime_py
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_runtime_cpp
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_runtime_c
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_parser
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_generator_py
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
1 2021-05-12 rosidl_generator_dds_idl
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_generator_cpp
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_generator_c
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
1 2021-04-06 rosidl_default_runtime
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
1 2021-04-06 rosidl_default_generators
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_cmake
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_cli
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
1 2022-12-03 rosidl_adapter
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
2 2021-04-06 rosgraph_msgs
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 2022-04-28 roscpp_tutorials
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_test_msgs
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_suite
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs. There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with. Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs. There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with. Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_server
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_msgs
Package containing message files
Package containing message files
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_library
The core rosbridge package, responsible for interpreting JSON andperforming the appropriate ROS action, like subscribe, publish, call service, and interact with params.
The core rosbridge package, responsible for interpreting JSON andperforming the appropriate ROS action, like subscribe, publish, call service, and interact with params.
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_transport
Layer encapsulating ROS middleware to allow rosbag2 to be used with or without middleware
Layer encapsulating ROS middleware to allow rosbag2 to be used with or without middleware
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_tests
Tests package for rosbag2
Tests package for rosbag2
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_test_common
Commonly used test helper classes and fixtures for rosbag2
Commonly used test helper classes and fixtures for rosbag2
2 2022-11-29 rosbag2_storage_mcap_testdata
message definition test fixtures for MCAP schema recording
message definition test fixtures for MCAP schema recording
2 2022-11-29 rosbag2_storage_mcap
rosbag2 storage plugin using the MCAP file format
rosbag2 storage plugin using the MCAP file format
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_storage_default_plugins
ROSBag2 SQLite3 storage plugin
ROSBag2 SQLite3 storage plugin
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_storage
ROS2 independent storage format to store serialized ROS2 messages
ROS2 independent storage format to store serialized ROS2 messages
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_py
Python API for rosbag2
Python API for rosbag2
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_performance_benchmarking
Code to benchmark rosbag2
Code to benchmark rosbag2
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_interfaces
Interface definitions for controlling rosbag2
Interface definitions for controlling rosbag2
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_cpp
C++ ROSBag2 client library
C++ ROSBag2 client library
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_compression_zstd
Zstandard compression library implementation of rosbag2_compression
Zstandard compression library implementation of rosbag2_compression
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2_compression
Compression implementations for rosbag2 bags and messages.
Compression implementations for rosbag2 bags and messages.
1 2021-05-18 rosbag2_bag_v2_plugins
Package containing storage and converter plugins for rosbag 1
Package containing storage and converter plugins for rosbag 1
1 2022-09-29 rosbag2
Meta package for rosbag2 related packages
Meta package for rosbag2 related packages
1 2025-02-26 rosapi_msgs
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
1 2025-02-26 rosapi
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
1 2023-02-15 ros_workspace
Provides the prefix level environment files for ROS 2 packages.
Provides the prefix level environment files for ROS 2 packages.
1 2022-04-28 ros_tutorials
ros_tutorials contains packages that demonstrate various features of ROS, as well as support packages which help demonstrate those features.
ros_tutorials contains packages that demonstrate various features of ROS, as well as support packages which help demonstrate those features.
2 2023-06-09 ros_timer_client
The ros_timer_client package
The ros_timer_client package
1 2021-03-19 ros_testing
The entry point package to launch testing in ROS.
The entry point package to launch testing in ROS.
2 2023-06-09 ros_publisher_client
The ros_publisher_client package
The ros_publisher_client package
1 2022-07-21 ros_image_to_qimage
A package that converts a ros image msg to a qimage object
A package that converts a ros image msg to a qimage object
1 2022-09-23 ros_ign_point_cloud
Point cloud utilities for Ignition simulation with ROS.
Point cloud utilities for Ignition simulation with ROS.
2 2022-09-23 ros_ign_interfaces
Message and service data structures for interacting with Ignition from ROS2.
Message and service data structures for interacting with Ignition from ROS2.
2 2022-09-23 ros_ign_image
Image utilities for Ignition simulation with ROS.
Image utilities for Ignition simulation with ROS.
2 2022-09-23 ros_ign_gazebo_demos
Demos using Ignition Gazebo simulation with ROS.
Demos using Ignition Gazebo simulation with ROS.
2 2022-09-23 ros_ign_gazebo
Tools for using Ignition Gazebo simulation with ROS.
Tools for using Ignition Gazebo simulation with ROS.
2 2022-09-23 ros_ign_bridge
Bridge communication between ROS and Ignition Transport
Bridge communication between ROS and Ignition Transport
2 2022-09-23 ros_ign
Meta-package containing interfaces for using ROS 2 with
Meta-package containing interfaces for using ROS 2 with
1 2022-12-02 ros_environment
The package provides the environment variables `ROS_VERSION` and `ROS_DISTRO`.
The package provides the environment variables `ROS_VERSION` and `ROS_DISTRO`.
2 2021-03-18 ros_core
A package to aggregate the packages required to use publish / subscribe, services, generate messages and other core ROS concepts.
A package to aggregate the packages required to use publish / subscribe, services, generate messages and other core ROS concepts.
2 2021-03-18 ros_base
A package which extends 'ros_core' and includes other basic functionalities like tf2 and urdf.
A package which extends 'ros_core' and includes other basic functionalities like tf2 and urdf.
2 2021-04-27 ros2trace_analysis
The trace-analysis command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The trace-analysis command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2021-05-06 ros2trace
The trace command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The trace command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2022-12-03 ros2topic
The topic command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The topic command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2021-03-19 ros2test
The test command for ROS 2 launch tests.
The test command for ROS 2 launch tests.
1 2022-12-03 ros2service
The service command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The service command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2022-12-03 ros2run
The run command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The run command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2022-12-03 ros2pkg
The pkg command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The pkg command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2022-12-03 ros2param
The param command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The param command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2022-11-17 ros2nodl
CLI tools for NoDL files.
CLI tools for NoDL files.
1 2022-12-03 ros2node
The node command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The node command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2022-12-03 ros2multicast
The multicast command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The multicast command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2022-12-03 ros2lifecycle_test_fixtures
Package containing fixture nodes for ros2lifecycle tests
Package containing fixture nodes for ros2lifecycle tests
1 2022-12-03 ros2lifecycle
The lifecycle command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The lifecycle command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2021-08-11 ros2launch_security_examples
Examples of how to use the ros2launch_security extension.
Examples of how to use the ros2launch_security extension.
1 2021-08-11 ros2launch_security
Security extensions for ros2 launch
Security extensions for ros2 launch
1 2022-12-08 ros2launch
The launch command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The launch command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2022-12-03 ros2interface
The interface command for ROS 2 command line tools
The interface command for ROS 2 command line tools
1 2022-12-03 ros2doctor
A command line tool to check potential issues in a ROS 2 system
A command line tool to check potential issues in a ROS 2 system
1 2022-08-03 ros2controlcli
The ROS 2 command line tools for ROS2 Control.
The ROS 2 command line tools for ROS2 Control.
1 2022-12-03 ros2component
The component command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The component command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2022-12-03 ros2cli_test_interfaces
A package containing interface definitions for testing ros2cli.
A package containing interface definitions for testing ros2cli.
1 2021-03-18 ros2cli_common_extensions
Meta package for ros2cli common extensions
Meta package for ros2cli common extensions
1 2022-12-03 ros2cli
Framework for ROS 2 command line tools.
Framework for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2022-09-29 ros2bag
Entry point for rosbag in ROS 2
Entry point for rosbag in ROS 2
1 2022-12-03 ros2action
The action command for ROS 2 command line tools.
The action command for ROS 2 command line tools.
1 2025-01-26 ros2_socketcan_msgs
Messages for SocketCAN
Messages for SocketCAN
1 2025-01-26 ros2_socketcan
Simple wrapper around SocketCAN
Simple wrapper around SocketCAN
2 2020-11-30 ros2_ouster
ROS2 Drivers for the Ouster OS-1 Lidar
ROS2 Drivers for the Ouster OS-1 Lidar
1 2023-06-11 ros2_controllers_test_nodes
Demo nodes for showing and testing functionalities of the ros2_control framework.
Demo nodes for showing and testing functionalities of the ros2_control framework.
1 2023-06-11 ros2_controllers
Metapackage for ROS2 controllers related packages
Metapackage for ROS2 controllers related packages
1 2022-08-03 ros2_control_test_assets
The package provides shared test resources for ros2_control stack
The package provides shared test resources for ros2_control stack
1 2022-08-03 ros2_control
Metapackage for ROS2 control related packages
Metapackage for ROS2 control related packages
1 2021-05-18 ros1_rosbag_storage_vendor
Vendor package for rosbag_storage of ROS1
Vendor package for rosbag_storage of ROS1
1 2021-01-25 ros1_bridge
A simple bridge between ROS 1 and ROS 2
A simple bridge between ROS 1 and ROS 2
1 2024-09-09 robot_upstart
The robot_upstart package provides scripts which may be used to install and uninstall Ubuntu Linux upstart jobs which launch groups of roslaunch files.
The robot_upstart package provides scripts which may be used to install and uninstall Ubuntu Linux upstart jobs which launch groups of roslaunch files.
1 2022-02-17 robot_state_publisher
This package allows you to publish the state of a robot to
This package allows you to publish the state of a robot to
1 2022-05-20 robot_localization
Provides nonlinear state estimation through sensor fusion of an abritrary number of sensors.
Provides nonlinear state estimation through sensor fusion of an abritrary number of sensors.
1 2021-04-26 rmw_implementation_cmake
CMake functions which can discover and enumerate available implementations.
CMake functions which can discover and enumerate available implementations.
1 2021-04-16 rmw_implementation
The decision which ROS middleware implementation should be used for C++.
The decision which ROS middleware implementation should be used for C++.
1 2024-03-27 rmw_gurumdds_shared_cpp
Code shared on static and dynamic type support of rmw_gurumdds_cpp.
Code shared on static and dynamic type support of rmw_gurumdds_cpp.
1 2024-03-27 rmw_gurumdds_cpp
Implement the ROS middleware interface using GurumNetworks GurumDDS static code generation in C++.
Implement the ROS middleware interface using GurumNetworks GurumDDS static code generation in C++.
1 2022-04-28 rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp
Code shared on static and dynamic type support of rmw_fastrtps_cpp.
Code shared on static and dynamic type support of rmw_fastrtps_cpp.
1 2022-04-28 rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp
Implement the ROS middleware interface using introspection type support.
Implement the ROS middleware interface using introspection type support.
1 2022-04-28 rmw_fastrtps_cpp
Implement the ROS middleware interface using eProsima FastRTPS static code generation in C++.
Implement the ROS middleware interface using eProsima FastRTPS static code generation in C++.
1 2021-04-06 rmw_dds_common
Define a common interface between DDS implementations of ROS middleware.
Define a common interface between DDS implementations of ROS middleware.
1 2022-12-03 rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
Implement the ROS middleware interface using Eclipse CycloneDDS in C++.
Implement the ROS middleware interface using Eclipse CycloneDDS in C++.
1 2022-04-28 rmw_connextddsmicro
A ROS2 RMW implementation built with RTI Connext DDS Micro.
A ROS2 RMW implementation built with RTI Connext DDS Micro.
1 2022-04-28 rmw_connextdds_common
Common source for RMW implementations built with RTI Connext DDS Professional and RTI Connext DDS Micro.
Common source for RMW implementations built with RTI Connext DDS Professional and RTI Connext DDS Micro.
1 2022-04-28 rmw_connextdds
A ROS2 RMW implementation built with RTI Connext DDS Professional.
A ROS2 RMW implementation built with RTI Connext DDS Professional.
1 2021-04-26 rmw
Contains the ROS middleware API.
Contains the ROS middleware API.
1 2021-09-02 rmf_workcell_msgs
A package containing messages used by all workcells generically to interfact with rmf_core
A package containing messages used by all workcells generically to interfact with rmf_core
1 2021-09-01 rmf_visualization_schedule
A visualizer for trajectories in rmf schedule
A visualizer for trajectories in rmf schedule
1 2021-09-01 rmf_visualization_rviz2_plugins
A package containing RViz2 plugins for RMF
A package containing RViz2 plugins for RMF
1 2021-06-10 rmf_visualization_msgs
A package containing messages used for visualizations
A package containing messages used for visualizations
1 2021-09-01 rmf_visualization_fleet_states
Fleet state visualizer
Fleet state visualizer
1 2021-09-01 rmf_visualization_building_systems
A visualizer for doors and lifts
A visualizer for doors and lifts
1 2021-09-01 rmf_visualization
Package containing a single launch file to bringup various visualizations
Package containing a single launch file to bringup various visualizations


Name Description
1 2025-02-19 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2023-07-25 soccer_object_msgs
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_model_msgs
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2023-07-25 soccer_marker_generation
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
1 2025-02-17 soccer_interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
1 2025-02-17 soccer_geometry_msgs
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
1 2021-12-02 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 2025-01-24 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 2024-09-23 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 2024-09-23 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2024-09-23 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2022-11-28 smacc2_msgs
Messages and services used in smacc2.
Messages and services used in smacc2.
1 2022-11-28 smacc2
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
2 2022-11-28 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 2022-11-28 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
2 2022-11-28 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_pubsub_1
The sm_pubsub_1 package
The sm_pubsub_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_pack_ml
The sm_pack_ml package
The sm_pack_ml package
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_ur5_sim
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_stage_1
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2022-11-28 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_branching
The sm_branching package
The sm_branching package
1 2022-11-28 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2022-11-28 sm_autoware_avp
The sm_autoware_avp package
The sm_autoware_avp package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic services package
The sm_atomic services package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_hierarchy
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_24hr
The sm_atomic_24hr package
The sm_atomic_24hr package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2022-11-28 sm_advanced_recovery_1
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
1 2024-05-17 slider_publisher
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
1 2024-01-24 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_wrapper
Graph wrapper for situational_graphs_wrapper repo
Graph wrapper for situational_graphs_wrapper repo
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
Custom reasoning msgs
Custom reasoning msgs
1 2024-08-05 situational_graphs_reasoning
Graph reasoning for extracting semantic concepts using GNNs
Graph reasoning for extracting semantic concepts using GNNs
1 2024-09-18 situational_graphs_msgs
Custom messages for s_graphs
Custom messages for s_graphs
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_datasets
Graph datasets for situational_graphs_reasoning repo
Graph datasets for situational_graphs_reasoning repo
1 2022-05-11 simulation
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
1 2025-02-16 simple_launch
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system
1 2024-11-08 simple_grasping
Basic grasping applications and demos.
Basic grasping applications and demos.
1 2024-10-22 simple_actions
Simple library for using the `rclpy/rclcpp` action libraries
Simple library for using the `rclpy/rclcpp` action libraries
1 2024-10-23 sick_scan_xd
ROS 1 and 2 driver for SICK scanner
ROS 1 and 2 driver for SICK scanner
1 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_tests
Integration tests for the Sick SafeVisionary2 driver
Integration tests for the Sick SafeVisionary2 driver
1 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_interfaces
Provides interface descriptions to communicate with a SICK Safevisionary Sensor over ROS 2
Provides interface descriptions to communicate with a SICK Safevisionary Sensor over ROS 2
2 2023-11-25 sick_safevisionary_driver
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS 2
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS 2
1 2023-10-17 sick_safevisionary_base
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor
1 2024-08-20 sick_safetyscanners_base
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
Provides an Interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safety Scanner
1 2021-01-11 sick_safetyscanners2_interfaces
Interfaces for the sick_safetyscanners ros2 driver
Interfaces for the sick_safetyscanners ros2 driver
1 2024-09-24 sick_safetyscanners2
ROS2 Driver for the SICK safetyscanners
ROS2 Driver for the SICK safetyscanners
1 2024-11-11 shared_queues_vendor
Vendor package for concurrent queues from moodycamel
Vendor package for concurrent queues from moodycamel
2 2024-05-20 shape_msgs
A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes.
A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes.
1 2023-04-18 service_msgs
Messages definitions common among all ROS services
Messages definitions common among all ROS services
1 2023-06-22 serial_driver
A template class and associated utilities which encapsulate basic reading from serial ports
A template class and associated utilities which encapsulate basic reading from serial ports
1 2025-02-24 septentrio_gnss_driver
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's GNSS and INS receivers
1 2024-05-20 sensor_msgs_py
A package for easy creation and reading of PointCloud2 messages in Python.
A package for easy creation and reading of PointCloud2 messages in Python.
2 2024-05-20 sensor_msgs
A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions.
A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions.
1 2025-02-10 self_test
1 2024-12-04 sdl2_vendor
Vendor library for SDL2.
Vendor library for SDL2.
2 2024-10-17 sbg_driver
ROS driver package for communication with the SBG navigation systems.
ROS driver package for communication with the SBG navigation systems.
1 2024-09-04 rviz_visual_tools
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
1 2024-11-26 rviz_visual_testing_framework
3D testing framework for RViz.
3D testing framework for RViz.
1 2025-02-27 rviz_satellite
Display satellite map tiles in RViz
Display satellite map tiles in RViz
1 2024-11-26 rviz_rendering_tests
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development
1 2024-11-26 rviz_rendering
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz.
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz.
1 2024-11-26 rviz_ogre_vendor
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre.
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre.
1 2024-10-01 rviz_imu_plugin
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
RVIZ plugin for IMU visualization
1 2024-11-26 rviz_default_plugins
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality.
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality.
1 2024-11-26 rviz_common
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications.
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications.
1 2024-11-26 rviz_assimp_vendor
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp.
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp.
1 2024-02-18 rviz_2d_overlay_plugins
RViz2 plugin for 2D overlays in the 3D view. Mainly a ROS2 port of the JSK overlay plugin (
RViz2 plugin for 2D overlays in the 3D view. Mainly a ROS2 port of the JSK overlay plugin (
1 2024-02-18 rviz_2d_overlay_msgs
Messages describing 2D overlays for RVIZ, extracted/derived from the jsk_visualization ROS1 packege.
Messages describing 2D overlays for RVIZ, extracted/derived from the jsk_visualization ROS1 packege.
1 2024-11-26 rviz2
3D visualization tool for ROS.
3D visualization tool for ROS.
1 2025-01-27 ruckig
Instantaneous Motion Generation for Robots and Machines.
Instantaneous Motion Generation for Robots and Machines.
1 2023-02-14 rttest
Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing
Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing
1 2023-05-11 rti_connext_dds_cmake_module
Helper module to provide access to RTI products like Connext DDS Professional
Helper module to provide access to RTI products like Connext DDS Professional
1 2022-11-02 rtcm_msgs
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
The rtcm_msgs package contains messages related to data in the RTCM format.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_viz
RTAB-Map's visualization package.
RTAB-Map's visualization package.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_util
RTAB-Map's various useful nodes and nodelets.
RTAB-Map's various useful nodes and nodelets.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_sync
RTAB-Map's synchronization package.
RTAB-Map's synchronization package.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_slam
RTAB-Map's SLAM package.
RTAB-Map's SLAM package.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_rviz_plugins
RTAB-Map's rviz plugins.
RTAB-Map's rviz plugins.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_ros
RTAB-Map Stack
RTAB-Map Stack
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_python
RTAB-Map's python package.
RTAB-Map's python package.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_odom
RTAB-Map's odometry package.
RTAB-Map's odometry package.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_msgs
RTAB-Map's msgs package.
RTAB-Map's msgs package.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_launch
RTAB-Map's main launch files.
RTAB-Map's main launch files.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_examples
RTAB-Map's example launch files.
RTAB-Map's example launch files.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_demos
RTAB-Map's demo launch files.
RTAB-Map's demo launch files.
1 2024-07-01 rtabmap_conversions
RTAB-Map's conversions package. This package can be used to convert rtabmap_msgs's msgs into RTAB-Map's library objects.
RTAB-Map's conversions package. This package can be used to convert rtabmap_msgs's msgs into RTAB-Map's library objects.
1 2024-07-23 rtabmap
RTAB-Map's standalone library. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints.
RTAB-Map's standalone library. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints.
1 2024-08-09 rt_manipulators_examples
Examples for RT Manipulators C++ Library
Examples for RT Manipulators C++ Library
1 2024-08-09 rt_manipulators_cpp
RT Manipulators C++ Library
RT Manipulators C++ Library
1 2025-03-02 rsl
ROS Support Library
ROS Support Library
1 2023-12-04 rrt_planner
RRT exploration in 2D and 3D
RRT exploration in 2D and 3D
1 2023-02-14 rqt_topic
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 2024-06-14 rqt_tf_tree
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 2023-02-14 rqt_srv
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types. Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types. Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 2023-02-14 rqt_shell
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 2023-02-14 rqt_service_caller
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 2021-09-23 rqt_runtime_monitor
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 2019-11-19 rqt_robot_steering
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 2020-06-11 rqt_robot_monitor
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
1 2022-02-17 rqt_robot_dashboard
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 2023-11-17 rqt_reconfigure
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
1 2023-02-14 rqt_py_console
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 2024-02-15 rqt_py_common
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python. Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins into this package as easy as possible. Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python. Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins into this package as easy as possible. Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 2023-04-11 rqt_publisher
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 2023-05-11 rqt_plot
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 2023-02-14 rqt_msg
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types. Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types. Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 2021-09-10 rqt_moveit
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
2 2024-11-13 rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
1 2024-04-17 rqt_image_view
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
1 2022-10-28 rqt_image_overlay_layer
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
1 2022-10-28 rqt_image_overlay
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
1 2024-02-15 rqt_gui_py
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 2024-02-15 rqt_gui_cpp
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 2024-02-15 rqt_gui
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 2024-07-11 rqt_graph
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph.
1 2024-03-14 rqt_gauges
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
2 2024-11-14 rqt_controller_manager
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
1 2023-02-14 rqt_console
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
1 2022-05-11 rqt_common_plugins
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 2024-07-11 rqt_bag_plugins
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 2024-07-11 rqt_bag
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 2023-02-14 rqt_action
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
1 2024-02-15 rqt
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
1 2023-02-13 rpyutils
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
2 2022-09-06 rplidar_ros
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
1 2024-08-29 rosx_introspection
Successor of ros_type_introspection
Successor of ros_type_introspection
1 2023-05-11 rospy_tutorials
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
1 2023-07-13 rosidl_typesupport_tests
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_typesupport_interface
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
1 2023-11-17 rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 2023-11-17 rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 2023-07-13 rosidl_typesupport_cpp
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
1 2023-07-13 rosidl_typesupport_c
Generate the type support for C messages.
Generate the type support for C messages.
1 2023-04-11 rosidl_runtime_py
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_runtime_cpp
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_runtime_c
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_pycommon
Common Python functions used by rosidl packages.
Common Python functions used by rosidl packages.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_parser
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_generator_type_description
Generate hashes and descriptions of ROS 2 interface types, per REP-2011.
Generate hashes and descriptions of ROS 2 interface types, per REP-2011.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_generator_tests
Integration tests for rosidl_generator_c and rosidl_generator_cpp packages.
Integration tests for rosidl_generator_c and rosidl_generator_cpp packages.
1 2023-04-11 rosidl_generator_py
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
1 2023-02-13 rosidl_generator_dds_idl
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_generator_cpp
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_generator_c
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
1 2023-04-11 rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps
FastDDS serialization support implementation for use with C/C++.
FastDDS serialization support implementation for use with C/C++.
1 2023-11-17 rosidl_dynamic_typesupport
Unified serialization support interface for dynamic typesupport in C.
Unified serialization support interface for dynamic typesupport in C.
1 2023-02-13 rosidl_default_runtime
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
1 2023-02-13 rosidl_default_generators
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
1 2023-02-13 rosidl_core_runtime
A configuration package defining runtime dependencies for core ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining runtime dependencies for core ROS interfaces.
1 2023-02-13 rosidl_core_generators
A configuration package defining core ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining core ROS interface generators.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_cmake
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_cli
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
1 2024-07-19 rosidl_adapter
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
2 2023-04-18 rosgraph_msgs
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 2023-05-11 roscpp_tutorials
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_test_msgs
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_suite
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs. There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with. Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs. There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with. Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_server
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_msgs
Package containing message files
Package containing message files
1 2025-02-26 rosbridge_library
The core rosbridge package, responsible for interpreting JSON andperforming the appropriate ROS action, like subscribe, publish, call service, and interact with params.
The core rosbridge package, responsible for interpreting JSON andperforming the appropriate ROS action, like subscribe, publish, call service, and interact with params.
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_transport
Layer encapsulating ROS middleware to allow rosbag2 to be used with or without middleware
Layer encapsulating ROS middleware to allow rosbag2 to be used with or without middleware
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_tests
Tests package for rosbag2
Tests package for rosbag2
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_test_msgdefs
message definition test fixtures for rosbag2 schema recording
message definition test fixtures for rosbag2 schema recording
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_test_common
Commonly used test helper classes and fixtures for rosbag2
Commonly used test helper classes and fixtures for rosbag2
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_storage_sqlite3
ROSBag2 SQLite3 storage plugin
ROSBag2 SQLite3 storage plugin
2 2024-11-11 rosbag2_storage_mcap
rosbag2 storage plugin using the MCAP file format
rosbag2 storage plugin using the MCAP file format
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_storage_default_plugins
Intermediate metapackage to point at default storage plugin(s) for rosbag2
Intermediate metapackage to point at default storage plugin(s) for rosbag2
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_storage
ROS2 independent storage format to store serialized ROS2 messages
ROS2 independent storage format to store serialized ROS2 messages
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_py
Python API for rosbag2
Python API for rosbag2
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_performance_benchmarking_msgs
A package containing rosbag2 performance benchmarking specific messages.
A package containing rosbag2 performance benchmarking specific messages.
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_performance_benchmarking
Code to benchmark rosbag2
Code to benchmark rosbag2
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_interfaces
Interface definitions for controlling rosbag2
Interface definitions for controlling rosbag2
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_examples_py
Python bag writing tutorial
Python bag writing tutorial
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_examples_cpp
rosbag2 C++ API tutorials and examples
rosbag2 C++ API tutorials and examples
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_cpp
C++ ROSBag2 client library
C++ ROSBag2 client library
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_compression_zstd
Zstandard compression library implementation of rosbag2_compression
Zstandard compression library implementation of rosbag2_compression
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2_compression
Compression implementations for rosbag2 bags and messages.
Compression implementations for rosbag2 bags and messages.
1 2021-05-18 rosbag2_bag_v2_plugins
Package containing storage and converter plugins for rosbag 1
Package containing storage and converter plugins for rosbag 1
1 2024-11-11 rosbag2
Meta package for rosbag2 related packages
Meta package for rosbag2 related packages
1 2025-02-26 rosapi_msgs
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
1 2025-02-26 rosapi
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
Provides service calls for getting ros meta-information, like list of topics, services, params, etc.
1 2023-02-15 ros_workspace
Provides the prefix level environment files for ROS 2 packages.
Provides the prefix level environment files for ROS 2 packages.
1 2023-05-11 ros_tutorials
ros_tutorials contains packages that demonstrate various features of ROS, as well as support packages which help demonstrate those features.
ros_tutorials contains packages that demonstrate various features of ROS, as well as support packages which help demonstrate those features.
2 2022-11-28 ros_timer_client
The ros_timer_client package
The ros_timer_client package
1 2023-02-13 ros_testing
The entry point package to launch testing in ROS.
The entry point package to launch testing in ROS.


Name Description
1 2018-06-25 twist_mux_msgs
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
The twist_mux msgs and actions package
1 2022-10-24 twist_mux
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks).
1 2024-10-14 twist_controller
A ros_control controller accepting Cartesian twist messages in order to move a robot manipulator. It uses a Cartesian interface to the robot, so that the robot hardware takes care about doing the inverse kinematics. This could be used e.g. for visual servoing applications.
A ros_control controller accepting Cartesian twist messages in order to move a robot manipulator. It uses a Cartesian interface to the robot, so that the robot hardware takes care about doing the inverse kinematics. This could be used e.g. for visual servoing applications.
1 2022-11-23 tvm_vendor
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
Wrapper around Apache TVM to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
1 2020-12-18 tuw_waypoint_to_spline_msgs
The tuw_waypoint_to_spline_msgs package
The tuw_waypoint_to_spline_msgs package
1 2020-12-18 tuw_vehicle_msgs
The tuw_vehicle_msgs package
The tuw_vehicle_msgs package
1 2020-12-18 tuw_object_msgs
The tuw_object_msgs package. This pkg provides a set of messages used to detect, map and track objects of different types.
The tuw_object_msgs package. This pkg provides a set of messages used to detect, map and track objects of different types.
1 2020-12-18 tuw_nav_msgs
The tuw_nav_msgs package
The tuw_nav_msgs package
1 2020-12-18 tuw_multi_robot_msgs
The tuw_multi_robot_msgs package contains messages for sending graph, route and sync data over topics.
The tuw_multi_robot_msgs package contains messages for sending graph, route and sync data over topics.
1 2020-12-18 tuw_msgs
The tuw_msgs meta package
The tuw_msgs meta package
1 2019-10-30 tuw_marker_pose_estimation
This node does pose estimation for detected fiducials (marker_msgs/FiducialDetection.msg)
This node does pose estimation for detected fiducials (marker_msgs/FiducialDetection.msg)
1 2019-10-30 tuw_marker_detection
The tuw_marker_detection package
The tuw_marker_detection package
1 2020-12-18 tuw_local_controller_msgs
The tuw_local_controller_msgs package
The tuw_local_controller_msgs package
1 2020-12-18 tuw_geometry_msgs
The tuw_geometry_msgs package
The tuw_geometry_msgs package
1 2020-12-18 tuw_geometry
The tuw_geometry package
The tuw_geometry package
1 2020-12-18 tuw_gazebo_msgs
Message and service data structures.
Message and service data structures.
1 2019-10-30 tuw_ellipses
The tuw_ellipses package contains a computer vision library which is able to detect ellipses within images. The package is able to estimate the pose of the circle related to the ellipse the circle diameter as well as the camera parameter are known. A dynamic reconfigure interface allows the user to tune the parameter of the system to ones needs. But be aware that the pose of a projected circle within a image (ellipse) has two solutions and only one is published as TF.
The tuw_ellipses package contains a computer vision library which is able to detect ellipses within images. The package is able to estimate the pose of the circle related to the ellipse the circle diameter as well as the camera parameter are known. A dynamic reconfigure interface allows the user to tune the parameter of the system to ones needs. But be aware that the pose of a projected circle within a image (ellipse) has two solutions and only one is published as TF.
1 2019-10-30 tuw_checkerboard
The tuw_checkerboard package is designed to detect one checkerboard and to estimate the pose of the checkerboard relative to the camera. The detection itself is based on the opencv functions for checkerboards.
The tuw_checkerboard package is designed to detect one checkerboard and to estimate the pose of the checkerboard relative to the camera. The detection itself is based on the opencv functions for checkerboards.
1 2019-10-30 tuw_aruco
This is a wrapper around the marker detection library ArUco.
This is a wrapper around the marker detection library ArUco.
1 2020-12-18 tuw_airskin_msgs
The tuw_airskin_msgs package
The tuw_airskin_msgs package
1 2019-10-27 turtlesim_dash_tutorial
The turtlesim_dash_tutorial package
The turtlesim_dash_tutorial package
1 2020-10-13 turtlesim
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_teleop
Provides teleoperation using keyboard for TurtleBot3.
Provides teleoperation using keyboard for TurtleBot3.
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_slam
The turtlebot3_slam package provides roslaunch scripts for starting the SLAM
The turtlebot3_slam package provides roslaunch scripts for starting the SLAM
1 2021-07-15 turtlebot3_simulations
ROS packages for the turtlebot3 simulation (meta package)
ROS packages for the turtlebot3 simulation (meta package)
1 2019-01-23 turtlebot3_panorama
This app utilises pano_ros for taking snapshots and stitching them together to create panorama pictures.
This app utilises pano_ros for taking snapshots and stitching them together to create panorama pictures.
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_navigation
The turtlebot3_navigation provides roslaunch scripts for starting the navigation.
The turtlebot3_navigation provides roslaunch scripts for starting the navigation.
1 2021-04-07 turtlebot3_msgs
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 packages
1 2021-07-15 turtlebot3_gazebo
Gazebo simulation package for the TurtleBot3
Gazebo simulation package for the TurtleBot3
1 2019-01-23 turtlebot3_follower
The follower demo was implemented using a 360 Laser Distance Sensor LDS-01. The classification algorithm is used based on previous fitting with samples of person and obstacles positions to take actions. It follows someone in front of the robot within a 50 centimeter range and 140 degrees.
The follower demo was implemented using a 360 Laser Distance Sensor LDS-01. The classification algorithm is used based on previous fitting with samples of person and obstacles positions to take actions. It follows someone in front of the robot within a 50 centimeter range and 140 degrees.
1 2019-01-23 turtlebot3_follow_filter
turtlebot3_follow_filter package using laser_filters for turtlebot3_follower package
turtlebot3_follow_filter package using laser_filters for turtlebot3_follower package
1 2021-07-15 turtlebot3_fake
Package for TurtleBot3 fake node. With this package, simple tests can be done without a robot. You can do simple tests using this package on rviz without real robots.
Package for TurtleBot3 fake node. With this package, simple tests can be done without a robot. You can do simple tests using this package on rviz without real robots.
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_example
This package provides four TurtleBot3 basic example include move using interactive marker, move and stop using LDS, move to goal position, move to custom routes. The interactions node is that you can control the TurtleBot3 front and back side or rotate to goal position. The obstacle node is that when the robot meets an obstacle, it stops. The patrol node is that TurtleBot3 move to custom route. There are 3 route(square, triangle, circle) in this package. You can add your route and move the TurtleBot3. The pointop node is that you can insert goal position include distance x-axis, y-axis and angluar z-axis.
This package provides four TurtleBot3 basic example include move using interactive marker, move and stop using LDS, move to goal position, move to custom routes. The interactions node is that you can control the TurtleBot3 front and back side or rotate to goal position. The obstacle node is that when the robot meets an obstacle, it stops. The patrol node is that TurtleBot3 move to custom route. There are 3 route(square, triangle, circle) in this package. You can add your route and move the TurtleBot3. The pointop node is that you can insert goal position include distance x-axis, y-axis and angluar z-axis.
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_description
3D models of the TurtleBot3 for simulation and visualization
3D models of the TurtleBot3 for simulation and visualization
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3_bringup
roslaunch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
roslaunch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
1 2019-02-07 turtlebot3_autorace_detect
AutoRace ROS packages for feature detection with TurtleBot3 Auto
AutoRace ROS packages for feature detection with TurtleBot3 Auto
1 2019-02-07 turtlebot3_autorace_core
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that TurtleBot3 Auto's core
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that TurtleBot3 Auto's core
1 2019-02-07 turtlebot3_autorace_control
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that controls TurtleBot3 Auto
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that controls TurtleBot3 Auto
1 2019-02-07 turtlebot3_autorace_camera
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that controls Raspberry Pi Camera, and process the image
TurtleBot3 AutoRace ROS package that controls Raspberry Pi Camera, and process the image
1 2019-02-07 turtlebot3_autorace
AutoRace ROS packages for AutoRace with TurtleBot3 (meta package)
AutoRace ROS packages for AutoRace with TurtleBot3 (meta package)
1 2019-01-23 turtlebot3_automatic_parking_vision
Package for TurtleBot3 automatic_parking which uses ar code. This example needs a printed ar code and a TurtleBot3.
Package for TurtleBot3 automatic_parking which uses ar code. This example needs a printed ar code and a TurtleBot3.
1 2019-01-23 turtlebot3_automatic_parking
Package for turtlebot3 automatic_parking. You need a reflective tape and real robots. You can see parking spot using this pacakge on rviz.
Package for turtlebot3 automatic_parking. You need a reflective tape and real robots. You can see parking spot using this pacakge on rviz.
1 2019-01-23 turtlebot3_applications_msgs
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 Applications packages
Message and service types: custom messages and services for TurtleBot3 Applications packages
1 2019-01-23 turtlebot3_applications
ROS packages for the turtlebot3 applications (meta package)
ROS packages for the turtlebot3 applications (meta package)
1 2022-02-24 turtlebot3
ROS packages for the Turtlebot3 (meta package)
ROS packages for the Turtlebot3 (meta package)
1 2017-08-07 turtle_tf2
turtle_tf2 demonstrates how to write a tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The tutle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf2 demonstrates how to write a tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The tutle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2017-08-07 turtle_tf
turtle_tf demonstrates how to write a tf broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The tutle_tf_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
turtle_tf demonstrates how to write a tf broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The tutle_tf_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard.
1 2020-08-21 turtle_teleop_multi_key
Provides teleoperation using multi-key input for Turtlesim/Turtlebot3.
Provides teleoperation using multi-key input for Turtlesim/Turtlebot3.
1 2020-04-02 turtle_actionlib
turtle_actionlib demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim. The shape_server provides and action interface for drawing regular polygons with the turtlesim.
turtle_actionlib demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim. The shape_server provides and action interface for drawing regular polygons with the turtlesim.
1 2022-02-08 tts
Package enabling a robot to speak with a human voice by providing a Text-To-Speech ROS service
Package enabling a robot to speak with a human voice by providing a Text-To-Speech ROS service
1 2024-11-21 tsid
Efficient Task Space Inverse Dynamics (TSID) based on Pinocchio
Efficient Task Space Inverse Dynamics (TSID) based on Pinocchio
2 2023-10-27 transmission_interface
Transmission Interface.
Transmission Interface.
1 2024-05-23 trajectory_tracker_rviz_plugins
Rviz plugins for trajectory_tracker_msgs
Rviz plugins for trajectory_tracker_msgs
1 2024-02-19 trajectory_tracker_msgs
Message definitions for trajectory_tracker package
Message definitions for trajectory_tracker package
1 2025-02-26 trajectory_tracker
Path following control package for wheeled mobile robot
Path following control package for wheeled mobile robot
2 2021-01-12 trajectory_msgs
This package defines messages for defining robot trajectories. These messages are also the building blocks of most of the
This package defines messages for defining robot trajectories. These messages are also the building blocks of most of the
1 2025-02-26 track_odometry
Odometry slip compensation package
Odometry slip compensation package
2 2024-06-12 tracetools
Wrapper interface for tracing libraries
Wrapper interface for tracing libraries
1 2024-10-08 trac_ik_python
The trac_ik_python package contains a python wrapper using SWIG for trac_ik_lib
The trac_ik_python package contains a python wrapper using SWIG for trac_ik_lib
1 2024-10-08 trac_ik_lib
TRAC-IK is a faster, significantly more reliable drop-in replacement for KDL's pseudoinverse Jacobian solver. The TRAC-IK library has a very similar API to KDL's IK solver calls, except that the user passes a maximum time instead of a maximum number of search iterations. Additionally, TRAC-IK allows for error tolerances to be set independently for each Cartesian dimension (x,y,z,roll,pitch.yaw).
TRAC-IK is a faster, significantly more reliable drop-in replacement for KDL's pseudoinverse Jacobian solver. The TRAC-IK library has a very similar API to KDL's IK solver calls, except that the user passes a maximum time instead of a maximum number of search iterations. Additionally, TRAC-IK allows for error tolerances to be set independently for each Cartesian dimension (x,y,z,roll,pitch.yaw).
1 2024-10-08 trac_ik_kinematics_plugin
A MoveIt! Kinematics plugin using TRAC-IK
A MoveIt! Kinematics plugin using TRAC-IK
1 2024-10-08 trac_ik_examples
This package contains the source code for testing and comparing trac_ik
This package contains the source code for testing and comparing trac_ik
1 2024-10-08 trac_ik
The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an improved alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. TRAC-IK handles joint-limited chains better than KDL without increasing solve time.
The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an improved alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. TRAC-IK handles joint-limited chains better than KDL without increasing solve time.
1 2018-06-16 tra1_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the tra1 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the tra1 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2018-06-16 tra1_description
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the TRA1 robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the TRA1 robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
1 2018-06-16 tra1_bringup
Package contains bringup scripts/config/tools for tra1 robto
Package contains bringup scripts/config/tools for tra1 robto
1 2021-03-29 towr_ros
A ROS dependent wrapper for
A ROS dependent wrapper for
1 2021-03-29 towr
A light-weight, Eigen-based C++ library for trajectory optimization for legged robots. This library provides implementations for variables, costs and constraints that can be used to represent a legged locomotion problem. The resulting Nonlinear Programming Problem (NLP) can then be solved with off-the-shelf solvers, e.g. Ipopt using the generic optimizer interface
A light-weight, Eigen-based C++ library for trajectory optimization for legged robots. This library provides implementations for variables, costs and constraints that can be used to represent a legged locomotion problem. The resulting Nonlinear Programming Problem (NLP) can then be solved with off-the-shelf solvers, e.g. Ipopt using the generic optimizer interface
1 2023-04-20 tork_moveit_tutorial
The tork_moveit_tutorial package
The tork_moveit_tutorial package
2 2022-01-26 topic_tools
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS topics at a meta level. None of the programs in this package actually know about the topics whose streams they are altering; instead, these tools deal with messages as generic binary blobs. This means they can be applied to any ROS topic.
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS topics at a meta level. None of the programs in this package actually know about the topics whose streams they are altering; instead, these tools deal with messages as generic binary blobs. This means they can be applied to any ROS topic.
1 2021-03-23 timestamp_tools
This package is currently for internal use only. Its API may change without warning in the future. This package is deprecated.
This package is currently for internal use only. Its API may change without warning in the future. This package is deprecated.
2 2020-04-24 timed_roslaunch
Script to delay the launch of a roslaunch file
Script to delay the launch of a roslaunch file
1 2024-09-06 tile_map
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GooleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
Tile map provides a slippy map style interface for visualizing OpenStreetMap and GooleMap tiles. A mapviz visualization plug-in is also implemented
1 2023-02-08 theora_image_transport
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec.
1 2025-02-27 tf_static_publisher
The tf_static_publisher package provides simple static transform publisher node which allows to send multiple (latched) static transforms from single node in single message.
The tf_static_publisher package provides simple static transform publisher node which allows to send multiple (latched) static transforms from single node in single message.
1 2019-03-17 tf_remapper_cpp
More efficient version of tf/tf_remap able to handle TFs at kHz with tens of subscribers.
More efficient version of tf/tf_remap able to handle TFs at kHz with tens of subscribers.
1 2021-09-02 tf_conversions
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap).
1 2020-08-13 tf2_web_republisher
Republishing of Selected TFs
Republishing of Selected TFs
1 2020-08-22 tf2_urdf
3 2022-06-23 tf2_tools
1 2024-01-10 tf2_server
TF2 server that can provide transforms over separate TF topics
TF2 server that can provide transforms over separate TF topics
3 2022-06-23 tf2_sensor_msgs
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2
3 2022-06-23 tf2_ros
This package contains the ROS bindings for the tf2 library, for both Python and C++.
This package contains the ROS bindings for the tf2 library, for both Python and C++.
1 2019-07-16 tf2_relay
Specialization of message_relay for tf2
Specialization of message_relay for tf2
2 2020-08-24 tf2_py
The tf2_py package
The tf2_py package
3 2022-06-23 tf2_msgs
3 2022-06-23 tf2_kdl
KDL binding for tf2
KDL binding for tf2
3 2022-06-23 tf2_geometry_msgs
3 2022-06-23 tf2_eigen
1 2023-05-23 tf2_client
Configurable tf2 client wrapper using local or remote buffer.
Configurable tf2 client wrapper using local or remote buffer.
3 2022-06-23 tf2_bullet
1 2025-02-06 tf2_2d
A set of 2D geometry classes modeled after the 3D geometry classes in tf2.
A set of 2D geometry classes modeled after the 3D geometry classes in tf2.
3 2022-06-23 tf2
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
1 2021-09-02 tf
tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
3 2022-06-23 test_tf2
tf2 unit tests
tf2 unit tests
1 2022-01-26 test_rostopic
Tests for rostopic.
Tests for rostopic.
1 2022-01-26 test_rostest
Tests for rostest.
Tests for rostest.
1 2022-01-26 test_rosservice
Tests for the rosservice tool.
Tests for the rosservice tool.
1 2022-01-26 test_rospy
rospy unit and integration test framework.
rospy unit and integration test framework.
1 2022-01-26 test_rosparam
A package containing the unit tests for rosparam.
A package containing the unit tests for rosparam.
1 2022-01-26 test_rosmaster
Tests for rosmaster which depend on rostest.
Tests for rosmaster which depend on rostest.
1 2022-01-26 test_roslib_comm
Unit tests verifying that roslib is operating as expected.
Unit tests verifying that roslib is operating as expected.
1 2022-01-26 test_roslaunch
Tests for roslaunch which depend on rostest.
Tests for roslaunch which depend on rostest.
1 2022-01-26 test_rosgraph
Tests for rosgraph which depend on rostest.
Tests for rosgraph which depend on rostest.
1 2022-01-26 test_roscpp
Tests for roscpp which depend on rostest.
Tests for roscpp which depend on rostest.
1 2022-01-26 test_rosbag_storage
A package containing the unit tests for rosbag_storage.
A package containing the unit tests for rosbag_storage.
1 2022-01-26 test_rosbag
A package containing the unit tests for rosbag.
A package containing the unit tests for rosbag.
1 2021-06-03 test_osm
These are regression tests for the osm_cartography and route_network packages. They are packaged separately to avoid unnecessary implementation dependencies.
These are regression tests for the osm_cartography and route_network packages. They are packaged separately to avoid unnecessary implementation dependencies.
1 2019-02-15 test_nodelet_topic_tools
A package for nodelet_topic_tools unit tests.
A package for nodelet_topic_tools unit tests.
1 2019-02-15 test_nodelet
A package for nodelet unit tests
A package for nodelet unit tests
1 2024-10-10 test_mavros
Tests for MAVROS package
Tests for MAVROS package
1 2025-03-10 test_grpc
A package for testing the grpc package
A package for testing the grpc package
1 2020-10-06 test_diagnostic_aggregator
Basic diagnostic_aggregator tests are in the
Basic diagnostic_aggregator tests are in the
1 2025-02-24 test_catkin_virtualenv_inherited
Test to make sure a package inherits it's dependency's dependencies, but is able to override the version.
Test to make sure a package inherits it's dependency's dependencies, but is able to override the version.
1 2025-02-24 test_catkin_virtualenv
Basic catkin_virtualenv test.
Basic catkin_virtualenv test.
1 2020-08-28 test_bond
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondpy]] and [[bondcpp]].
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondpy]] and [[bondcpp]].
1 2021-03-11 teraranger_array
This package provides ros nodes for multi-sensor arrays from Terabee
This package provides ros nodes for multi-sensor arrays from Terabee
1 2021-03-11 teraranger
This package provides ros nodes for single sensors from Terabee
This package provides ros nodes for single sensors from Terabee
2 2022-12-23 teleop_twist_keyboard
Generic keyboard teleop for twist robots.
Generic keyboard teleop for twist robots.
2 2020-11-25 teleop_twist_joy
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
1 2023-05-04 teleop_tools_msgs
The teleop_tools_msgs package
The teleop_tools_msgs package
1 2023-05-04 teleop_tools
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot.
1 2021-01-29 teleop_legged_robots
Generic keyboard teleop for legged robots.
Generic keyboard teleop for legged robots.
1 2019-07-03 teb_local_planner_tutorials
The teb_local_planner_tutorials package
The teb_local_planner_tutorials package
1 2022-06-01 teb_local_planner
The teb_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. The underlying method called Timed Elastic Band locally optimizes the robot's trajectory with respect to trajectory execution time, separation from obstacles and compliance with kinodynamic constraints at runtime.
The teb_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. The underlying method called Timed Elastic Band locally optimizes the robot's trajectory with respect to trajectory execution time, separation from obstacles and compliance with kinodynamic constraints at runtime.
1 2023-12-05 task_compiler
task_compiler Compiler that translate task description in PDDL (Planning Domain Description Language) to SMACH (state machine based execution and coordination system) description.
task_compiler Compiler that translate task description in PDDL (Planning Domain Description Language) to SMACH (state machine based execution and coordination system) description.
1 2025-02-05 talos_robot
Description and launch files for the TOR robot
Description and launch files for the TOR robot
1 2025-02-05 talos_description_inertial
Inertial parameters of talos
Inertial parameters of talos
1 2025-02-05 talos_description_calibration
This package contains the description of the hand-eye calibration of the TALOS robot. The files in this package are used also from the talos_description package.
This package contains the description of the hand-eye calibration of the TALOS robot. The files in this package are used also from the talos_description package.
1 2025-02-05 talos_description
The talos_description package
The talos_description package
1 2025-02-05 talos_controller_configuration
The talos_controller_configuration package
The talos_controller_configuration package
1 2025-02-05 talos_bringup
The talos_bringup package
The talos_bringup package
1 2023-03-10 tablet_socket_msgs
The tablet_socket_msgs package
The tablet_socket_msgs package
1 2025-02-27 swri_yaml_util
Provides wrappers around the yaml-cpp library for various utility functions and to abstract out the API changes made to yaml-cpp between ubuntu:precise and ubuntu:trusty.
Provides wrappers around the yaml-cpp library for various utility functions and to abstract out the API changes made to yaml-cpp between ubuntu:precise and ubuntu:trusty.
1 2025-02-27 swri_transform_util
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
The swri_transform_util package contains utility functions and classes for transforming between coordinate frames.
1 2025-02-27 swri_system_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_string_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_serial_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_route_util
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
This library provides functionality to simplify working with the navigation messages defined in marti_nav_msgs.
1 2025-02-27 swri_rospy
This package provides added functionality on top of rospy, including a single-threaded callback queue.
This package provides added functionality on top of rospy, including a single-threaded callback queue.
1 2025-02-27 swri_roscpp
Enhancements to roscpp functionality to reduce boilerplate code and implement common patterns.
Enhancements to roscpp functionality to reduce boilerplate code and implement common patterns.
1 2020-11-24 swri_profiler_tools
Provides tools for viewing data produced by nodes that use the swri_profiler library to output profiling information.
Provides tools for viewing data produced by nodes that use the swri_profiler library to output profiling information.
1 2020-11-24 swri_profiler_msgs
Messages for the swri_profiler tool.
Messages for the swri_profiler tool.
1 2020-11-24 swri_profiler
swri_profiler provides basic tools for real-time selective profiling of ROS C++ nodes.
swri_profiler provides basic tools for real-time selective profiling of ROS C++ nodes.
1 2025-02-27 swri_prefix_tools
Contains scripts that are useful as prefix commands for nodes started by roslaunch.
Contains scripts that are useful as prefix commands for nodes started by roslaunch.
1 2025-02-27 swri_opencv_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_nodelet
This package provides a simple script to write simple launch files that can easily switch between running nodelets together or as standalone nodes.
This package provides a simple script to write simple launch files that can easily switch between running nodelets together or as standalone nodes.
1 2025-02-27 swri_math_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_image_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_geometry_util
1 2025-02-27 swri_dbw_interface
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
This package provides documentation on common interface conventions for drive-by-wire systems.
1 2025-02-27 swri_console_util
1 2023-09-20 swri_console
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Insititute as an alternative to rqt_console.
A rosout GUI viewer developed at Southwest Research Insititute as an alternative to rqt_console.
1 2025-02-27 swri_cli_tools
rosman contains the rosman tool for introspecting ROS nodes
rosman contains the rosman tool for introspecting ROS nodes
1 2025-01-09 switchbot_ros
use switchbot with ros
use switchbot with ros
2 2021-01-12 stereo_msgs
stereo_msgs contains messages specific to stereo processing, such as disparity images.
stereo_msgs contains messages specific to stereo processing, such as disparity images.
1 2022-12-04 stereo_image_proc
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing.
1 2024-05-25 steering_functions
The steering_functions package
The steering_functions package
2 2020-10-08 std_srvs
Common service definitions.
Common service definitions.
2 2020-10-27 std_msgs
Standard ROS Messages including common message types representing primitive data types and other basic message constructs, such as multiarrays. For common, generic robot-specific message types, please see
Standard ROS Messages including common message types representing primitive data types and other basic message constructs, such as multiarrays. For common, generic robot-specific message types, please see
1 2014-05-05 std_capabilities
This package contains standard capability interfaces, which describe common robot capabilities in terms of ROS concepts such as topics, services, actions, and parameters.
This package contains standard capability interfaces, which describe common robot capabilities in terms of ROS concepts such as topics, services, actions, and parameters.
2 2022-01-27 statistics_msgs
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
1 2024-04-04 static_transform_mux
A helper node that makes sure everybody knows about all static transforms, even if they are published by multiple publishers.
A helper node that makes sure everybody knows about all static transforms, even if they are published by multiple publishers.
1 2018-08-28 static_tf
The static_tf package
The static_tf package
1 2017-05-01 stage_ros
This package provides ROS specific hooks for stage
This package provides ROS specific hooks for stage
1 2018-04-27 stage
Mobile robot simulator
Mobile robot simulator
1 2021-05-03 stag_ros
The stag_ros package
The stag_ros package
1 2021-06-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
1 2020-12-08 sr_hand_detector
The sr_hand_detector package
The sr_hand_detector package
2 2023-04-24 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
2 2023-04-24 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
2 2023-04-24 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 2024-10-14 speed_scaling_state_controller
ROS controller providing reading the state of speed scaling on the robot
ROS controller providing reading the state of speed scaling on the robot
1 2024-10-14 speed_scaling_interface
Hardware interface reading a scalar value from robot hardware.
Hardware interface reading a scalar value from robot hardware.
1 2022-05-09 speech_recognition_msgs
1 2023-05-02 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 2020-03-28 sparse_bundle_adjustment
ROS wrapper for the sparse bundle adjustment (sba) library (needed for slam_karto)
ROS wrapper for the sparse bundle adjustment (sba) library (needed for slam_karto)
1 2020-07-19 spacenav_node
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
1 2024-08-13 sound_play
sound_play provides a ROS node that translates commands on a ROS topic (
sound_play provides a ROS node that translates commands on a ROS topic (
1 2025-02-21 sound_classification
The sound_classification package
The sound_classification package
1 2023-07-28 sot-tools
Miscellanous entities for the stack of tasks
Miscellanous entities for the stack of tasks
1 2023-07-28 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
Pinocchio bindings for dynamic-graph
Pinocchio bindings for dynamic-graph
1 2023-10-24 sot-core
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph
2 2018-09-11 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 2020-08-03 soem
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
1 2024-05-02 socketcan_interface
Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
1 2024-05-02 socketcan_bridge
Conversion nodes for messages from SocketCAN to a ROS Topic and vice versa.
Conversion nodes for messages from SocketCAN to a ROS Topic and vice versa.
1 2021-01-07 social_navigation_layers
Plugin-based layers for the navigation stack that implement various social navigation contraints, like proxemic distance.
Plugin-based layers for the navigation stack that implement various social navigation contraints, like proxemic distance.
1 2021-12-07 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 2023-04-16 snmp_ros
Utilities for working with SNMP from ROS
Utilities for working with SNMP from ROS
1 2020-08-28 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 2025-02-20 smach_viewer
The smach viewer is a GUI that shows the state of hierarchical SMACH state machines. It can visualize the possible transitions between states, as well as the currently active state and the values of user data that is passed around between states. The smach viewer uses the SMACH debugging interface based on the
The smach viewer is a GUI that shows the state of hierarchical SMACH state machines. It can visualize the possible transitions between states, as well as the currently active state and the values of user data that is passed around between states. The smach viewer uses the SMACH debugging interface based on the
1 2023-06-13 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 2023-06-13 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2023-06-13 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2023-04-24 smacc_rviz_plugin
The smacc_rviz_plugin package
The smacc_rviz_plugin package
1 2023-04-24 smacc_runtime_test
The smacc_runtime_test package
The smacc_runtime_test package
1 2023-04-24 smacc_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smacc.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smacc.
1 2023-04-24 smacc
SMACC is a ROS/C++ library to implement in easy and systematic way UML StateCharts (AKA state machines). SMACC is inspired by the SMACH ROS package and it is built on top of Boost StateChart library. Developed by Reel Robotics.
SMACC is a ROS/C++ library to implement in easy and systematic way UML StateCharts (AKA state machines). SMACC is inspired by the SMACH ROS package and it is built on top of Boost StateChart library. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 2023-04-24 sm_viewer_sim
The sm_viewer_sim package
The sm_viewer_sim package