
Name Description
1 type_description_interfaces
1 twist_recovery
1 twist_controller
1 tuw_waypoint_to_spline_msgs
1 tuw_voronoi_graph
1 tuw_vehicle_msgs
2 tuw_rviz
1 tuw_robotics
1 tuw_object_rviz
1 tuw_nav_rviz
1 tuw_multi_robot_rviz
1 tuw_multi_robot_router
1 tuw_multi_robot_local_behavior_controller
1 tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator
1 tuw_multi_robot_demo
1 tuw_multi_robot_ctrl
1 tuw_multi_robot
1 tuw_marker_pose_estimation
1 tuw_marker_detection
1 tuw_local_controller_msgs
1 tuw_json
1 tuw_geometry_rviz
1 tuw_gazebo_msgs
1 tuw_ellipses
1 tuw_control
1 tuw_checkerboard
1 tuw_aruco
1 tuw
1 tutorial_examples
1 turtlesim_msgs
1 turtlesim_dash_tutorial
0 turtlebot_description
1 turtlebot4_python_examples
1 turtlebot4_gz_toolbox
1 turtlebot4_gz_gui_plugins
1 turtlebot4_gz_bringup
1 turtlebot4_examples
1 turtlebot4_cpp_examples
1 turtlebot3_slam
1 turtlebot3_simulations
1 turtlebot3_panorama
1 turtlebot3_navigation
1 turtlebot3_gazebo
1 turtlebot3_follower
1 turtlebot3_follow_filter
1 turtlebot3_fake_node
1 turtlebot3_fake
1 turtlebot3_autorace_detect
1 turtlebot3_autorace_core
1 turtlebot3_autorace_control
1 turtlebot3_autorace_camera
1 turtlebot3_autorace
1 turtlebot3_automatic_parking_vision
1 turtlebot3_automatic_parking
1 turtlebot3_applications_msgs
1 turtlebot3_applications
1 turtle_tf2
1 turtle_tf
1 turtle_teleop_multi_key
1 turtle_actionlib
1 tts
1 tsid
1 trajectory_tracker_rviz_plugins
1 trajectory_tracker_msgs
1 trajectory_tracker
0 trajectory_execution_ros
0 trajectory_execution
1 traj_opt_ros
1 traj_opt_pro
1 traj_opt_msgs
1 traj_opt_basic
1 track_odometry
1 trac_ik_python
1 trac_ik_lib
1 trac_ik_kinematics_plugin
1 trac_ik_examples
1 trac_ik
1 tra1_moveit_config
1 tra1_description
1 tra1_bringup
1 towr_ros
1 towr
1 tork_moveit_tutorial
1 topics_rviz_plugin
1 tof_radar_controller
1 tiny_tf
1 timestamp_tools
2 timed_roslaunch
1 thunder_line_follower_pmr3100
1 tf_static_publisher
1 tf_remapper_cpp
1 tf_conversions
1 tf2_web_republisher
1 tf2_urdf
1 tf2_server
1 tf2_relay
1 tf2_client
1 tf2_2d
1 tf
1 test_rostopic
1 test_rostest
1 test_rosservice
1 test_rospy
1 test_rosparam
1 test_rosmaster
1 test_roslib_comm
1 test_roslaunch
1 test_rosgraph
1 test_roscpp
1 test_rosbag_storage
1 test_rosbag
1 test_ros2trace_analysis
1 test_ros2trace
1 test_osm
1 test_nodelet_topic_tools
1 test_nodelet
1 test_mavros
1 test_grpc
1 test_diagnostic_aggregator
1 test_catkin_virtualenv_inherited
1 test_catkin_virtualenv
1 tesseract_visualization
1 tesseract_urdf
1 tesseract_support
1 tesseract_state_solver
1 tesseract_srdf
1 tesseract_scene_graph
1 tesseract_kinematics
1 tesseract_geometry
1 tesseract_environment
1 tesseract_common
1 tesseract_collision
1 teraranger_array
1 teraranger
1 tensorflow_ros_cpp
0 tensorflow_catkin
1 template_point_cloud_transport
1 temp_monitor
1 tello_driver
1 teleop_twist_keyboard_cpp
1 teleop_legged_robots
1 teleop_keyboard_omni3
1 teb_local_planner_tutorials
1 teb_local_planner
1 task_compiler
1 tablet_socket_msgs
1 sys_monitor
1 swri_yaml_util
1 swri_string_util
1 swri_rospy
1 swri_profiler_tools
1 swri_profiler_msgs
1 swri_profiler
1 swri_prefix_tools
1 swri_nodelet
1 switchbot_ros
1 swarm_ros_bridge
1 strain_gauge_calibration
1 steering_functions
1 std_capabilities
1 staubli_val3_driver
1 staubli_tx90_support
1 staubli_tx90_gazebo
1 staubli_tx60_support
1 staubli_tx60_gazebo
1 staubli_tx2_90_support
1 staubli_tx2_60_support
1 staubli_rx160_support
1 staubli_rx160_moveit_plugins
1 staubli_rx160_moveit_config
1 staubli_rx160_gazebo
1 staubli_resources
1 staubli_experimental
1 staubli
1 static_transform_mux
1 static_tf
1 states
1 stairs_visualizer_pkg
1 stairs_msg
1 stair_step_detector_pkg
1 stage_ros
1 stage
1 stag_ros
1 stag_detect
0 srdf
1 srbot_description
1 sr_visualization_icons
1 sr_visualization
0 sr_utilities_common
1 sr_utilities
1 sr_tools
1 sr_tactile_sensors
1 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
0 sr_system_info
1 sr_robot_msgs
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_multi_moveit_config


Name Description
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_external_dependencies
1 sr_example
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config
1 sr_error_reporter
1 sr_edc_muscle_tools
1 sr_edc_launch
1 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
1 sr_edc_controller_configuration
1 sr_description
1 sr_data_visualization
1 sr_core
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 sr_config
1 sr_common
1 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
1 sr_3dmouse
0 sphinx
1 speed_scaling_state_controller
1 speed_scaling_interface
1 speed_cam
1 speech_recognition_msgs
1 sparse_mapping
1 sparse_bundle_adjustment
1 spacenav_node
1 sound_play
1 sound_classification
1 sot-tools
1 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
1 sot-core
0 softhand_ros
1 soem
1 socketcan_interface
1 socketcan_bridge
0 socket_bridge
1 social_navigation_layers
1 social_nav_util
1 social_nav_msgs
1 social_nav_metrics
1 soccer_object_msgs
1 soccer_marker_generation
1 sob_layer
1 snmp_ros
1 snmp_diagnostics
1 smart_dock
1 smach_viewer
1 smacc_rviz_plugin
1 smacc_runtime_test
1 smacc_msgs
1 smacc
1 sm_viewer_sim
1 sm_update_loop
1 sm_subscriber
1 sm_starcraft_ai
1 sm_simple_action_client
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 sm_packml
1 sm_multi_panda_sim
1 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
1 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
1 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
1 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
1 sm_ferrari
1 sm_dance_bot_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_3
1 sm_coretest_x_y_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_1
1 sm_calendar_week
1 sm_atomic_openai
2 sm_atomic_mode_states
1 sm_atomic_lifecycle
1 sm_atomic_http
1 sm_atomic_cb
1 slime_wrapper
1 slime_ros
1 sliding_window_graph_optimizer
1 slic
1 slg_msgs
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 slam_toolbox_msgs
1 slam_karto
1 slam_gmapping
1 skyway
1 situational_graphs_wrapper
1 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
1 situational_graphs_reasoning
1 situational_graphs_msgs
1 situational_graphs_datasets
1 single_joint_position_action
1 simulators
1 simple_rviz_plugin
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_node
1 simple_navigation_goals_tutorial
1 simple_message
1 simple_desktop_launcher
1 signal_lights
1 sicks300_ros2
1 sick_visionary_ros
1 sick_tim
1 sick_scan
1 sick_safevisionary_msgs
1 sick_safetyscanners
1 sick_ldmrs_tools
1 sick_ldmrs_msgs
1 sick_ldmrs_laser
1 sick_ldmrs_driver
1 sick_ldmrs_description
1 shadow_robot_ethercat
1 settlerlib
1 sesame_ros
2 service_tools
1 service_load_balancing
1 serl_franka_controllers
1 serial
1 sensor_filters
1 sensehat_ros
1 semantic_point_annotator
1 seek_thermal
1 seed_smartactuator_sdk
1 seed_r7_typeg_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typeg_arm_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typeg2_arm_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typef_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_samples
1 seed_r7_ros_pkg
1 seed_r7_ros_controller
1 seed_r7_robot_interface
1 seed_r7_navigation
1 seed_r7_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_gazebo
1 seed_r7_description
1 seed_r7_bringup
1 sdhlibrary_cpp
0 sdformat15
0 sdformat14
1 sciurus17_vision
1 sciurus17_tools
1 sciurus17_msgs
1 sciurus17_moveit_config
1 sciurus17_gazebo
1 sciurus17_examples
0 sciurus17_description
1 sciurus17_control
1 sciurus17_bringup
1 sciurus17
1 schunk_svh_library
1 schunk_simulated_tactile_sensors
1 schunk_sdh
1 schunk_powercube_chain
1 schunk_modular_robotics
1 schunk_libm5api
1 schunk_description
1 scheduler_msgs
2 scenario_test_tools
2 scan_tools
2 scan_to_cloud_converter
1 scaled_joint_trajectory_controller
1 scaled_controllers
1 sbpl_recovery
1 sbpl_lattice_planner
1 sbpl_interface_ros
1 sbpl_interface
1 sbpl
1 sba_python
1 sand_island
1 safety_limiter_msgs
1 safety_limiter
1 safe_teleop_stage
1 safe_teleop_pr2
1 safe_teleop_base
1 s3_file_uploader
1 s3_common
1 rxros_tf
1 rxros
1 rxcpp_vendor
1 rx_service_tools
1 rwt_utils_3rdparty
1 rwt_steer
1 rwt_speech_recognition
1 rwt_robot_monitor
1 rwt_plot
1 rwt_nav
1 rwt_moveit
1 rwt_image_view
1 rwt_app_chooser
1 rviz_tool_path_display
1 rviz_tool_cursor
1 rviz_robot_description_topic
1 rviz_python_tutorial
1 rviz_plugin_tutorials
1 rviz_marker_tools
1 rviz_animated_view_controller
1 rviz
0 rtshell
1 rtmros_nextage
1 rtmros_hironx
1 rtmros_common


Name Description
1 rr_openrover_stack
1 rr_openrover_simulation
1 rr_openrover_driver_msgs
1 rr_openrover_driver
1 rr_openrover_description
1 rr_control_input_manager
1 rqt_web
1 rqt_virtual_joy
1 rqt_top
1 rqt_rviz
1 rqt_rotors
1 rqt_rosmon
1 rqt_rosbag_fancy
1 rqt_robot_plugins
1 rqt_py_trees
1 rqt_pr2_dashboard
1 rqt_pose_view
1 rqt_play_motion_builder
1 rqt_paramedit
1 rqt_nav_view
1 rqt_multiplot
1 rqt_mocap4r2_control
1 rqt_logger_level
1 rqt_launchtree
1 rqt_launch
1 rqt_joint_trajectory_plot
1 rqt_human_radar
1 rqt_ground_robot_teleop
1 rqt_ez_publisher
1 rqt_dwb_plugin
1 rqt_drone_teleop
1 rqt_dep
1 rqt_bag_exporter
1 route_network
1 rotors_simulator
1 rotors_joy_interface
0 rotors_hil_interface
1 rotors_gazebo_plugins
1 rotors_gazebo
1 rotors_evaluation
1 rotors_driver
1 rotors_description
1 rotors_control
1 rotors_comm
1 rotate_recovery
1 roswww_static
1 roswww
1 roswtf
1 rosunit
1 rostwitter
1 rostopic
1 rostime
1 rosthrottle
1 rostest_node_interface_validation
1 rostest
1 rostate_machine
0 rossmbus
1 rosservice
1 rosserial_xbee
1 rosserial_windows
1 rosserial_vex_v5
1 rosserial_vex_cortex
1 rosserial_tivac
1 rosserial_test
1 rosserial_server
1 rosserial_python
1 rosserial_msgs
1 rosserial_mbed
1 rosserial_leonardo_cmake
1 rosserial_embeddedlinux
1 rosserial_client
1 rosserial_chibios
1 rosserial_arduino
1 rosserial
1 rosrt
1 rospy_tutorials
1 rospy_message_converter
1 rospy
1 rosping
1 rospilot
1 rospatlite
1 rosparam_shortcuts
1 rosparam_handler
1 rosparam
1 rospack
1 rosout
1 rosnode_rtc
1 rosnode
1 rosmsg_cpp
1 rosmsg
1 rosmon_msgs
1 rosmon_core
1 rosmon
1 rosmaster
1 rosmake
1 roslz4
1 roslisp_utilities
1 roslisp_repl
1 roslisp_common
1 roslisp
1 roslint
1 roslib
1 roslaunch
1 roslang
1 rosgraph
1 rosfmt
1 roseus_tutorials
1 roseus_smach
1 roseus_mongo
1 roseus
1 rosemacs
1 rosee_msg
1 rose2
1 rosdoc_lite
1 rosdiagnostic
1 roscreate
1 roscpp_tutorials
1 roscpp_traits
1 roscpp_serialization
1 roscpp_core
1 roscpp
1 rosconsole_bridge
1 rosconsole
1 roscompile
1 rosclean
1 rosbuild
1 rosboost_cfg
1 rosbash_params
1 rosbash
1 rosbaglive
1 rosbag_uploader_ros1_integration_tests
1 rosbag_storage
1 rosbag_snapshot_msgs
1 rosbag_snapshot
1 rosbag_rviz_panel
1 rosbag_pandas
1 rosbag_migration_rule
1 rosbag_fancy_msgs
1 rosbag_fancy
1 rosbag_editor
1 rosbag_cloud_recorders
2 rosbag2_storage_mcap_testdata
1 rosbag
1 rosauth
1 rosatomic
1 ros_vosk
1 ros_type_introspection
1 ros_tutorials
1 ros_speech_recognition
1 ros_robodk_post_processors
1 ros_reflexxes
1 ros_realtime
1 ros_pytest
1 ros_pose_extrapolator
1 ros_numpy
1 ros_monitoring_msgs
1 ros_monitoring
1 ros_introspection
1 ros_ign_point_cloud
2 ros_ign_interfaces
2 ros_ign_image
2 ros_ign_gazebo_demos
2 ros_ign_gazebo
2 ros_ign_bridge
2 ros_ign
1 ros_graph_vio
1 ros_graph_localizer
1 ros_google_cloud_language
0 ros_ethercat_model
0 ros_ethercat_loop
0 ros_ethercat_hardware
1 ros_ethercat_eml
1 ros_emacs_utils
1 ros_controllers_cartesian
1 ros_controllers
0 ros_control_robot
1 ros_control_boilerplate
1 ros_control
1 ros_comm
1 ros_canopen
1 ros2caret
2 ros2_ouster
0 ros-kinetic-move-base-msgs
0 ros-kinetic-move-base
0 ros-controllers
1 ros
1 roomba_stage
1 rokubimini_serial
1 rokubimini_msgs
1 rokubimini_ethercat
1 rokubimini_description
1 rokubimini_bus_manager
1 rokubimini
1 rocon_uri
1 rocon_tutorial_msgs
1 rocon_tools
1 rocon_std_msgs
1 rocon_service_pair_msgs
1 rocon_semantic_version
1 rocon_python_wifi


Name Description
1 2021-03-08 visualization_tutorials
Metapackage referencing tutorials related to rviz and visualization.
Metapackage referencing tutorials related to rviz and visualization.
1 2021-03-08 visualization_marker_tutorials
The visulalization_marker_tutorials package
The visulalization_marker_tutorials package
1 2021-03-08 rviz_python_tutorial
Tutorials showing how to call into rviz internals from python scripts.
Tutorials showing how to call into rviz internals from python scripts.
1 2021-03-08 rviz_plugin_tutorials
Tutorials showing how to write plugins for RViz.
Tutorials showing how to write plugins for RViz.
1 2021-03-08 librviz_tutorial
Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features.
Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features.
1 2021-03-08 interactive_marker_tutorials
The interactive_marker_tutorials package
The interactive_marker_tutorials package
1 2021-03-02 robot_pose_ekf
The Robot Pose EKF package is used to estimate the 3D pose of a robot, based on (partial) pose measurements coming from different sources. It uses an extended Kalman filter with a 6D model (3D position and 3D orientation) to combine measurements from wheel odometry, IMU sensor and visual odometry. The basic idea is to offer loosely coupled integration with different sensors, where sensor signals are received as ROS messages.
The Robot Pose EKF package is used to estimate the 3D pose of a robot, based on (partial) pose measurements coming from different sources. It uses an extended Kalman filter with a 6D model (3D position and 3D orientation) to combine measurements from wheel odometry, IMU sensor and visual odometry. The basic idea is to offer loosely coupled integration with different sensors, where sensor signals are received as ROS messages.
1 2021-02-25 z_laser_zlp1
1 2021-02-25 z_laser_viz
1 2021-02-25 z_laser_projector
1 2021-02-25 z_laser_msgs
1 2021-02-25 z_laser_gui
1 2021-02-23 rqt_plot
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 2021-02-22 rospilot
1 2021-02-22 fetch_open_auto_dock
An open-source version of the Fetch charge docking system.
An open-source version of the Fetch charge docking system.
1 2021-02-22 fetch_driver_msgs
Messages for the fetch_drivers package
Messages for the fetch_drivers package
1 2021-02-22 fetch_auto_dock_msgs
Messages for fetch_auto_dock package
Messages for fetch_auto_dock package
1 2021-02-20 libuvc_ros
libuvc_ros metapackage
libuvc_ros metapackage
1 2021-02-20 libuvc_camera
USB Video Class camera driver
USB Video Class camera driver
1 2021-02-18 gpp_update_map
The gpp_update_map plugin will update the map before running the global planner
The gpp_update_map plugin will update the map before running the global planner
1 2021-02-18 gpp_prune_path
The gpp_prune_path plugin will prune the path produced by a global-planner
The gpp_prune_path plugin will prune the path produced by a global-planner
1 2021-02-18 gpp_plugin
The gpp_plugin package offers a pipeline for running global planners together with auxiliary pre- and post-processing functions
The gpp_plugin package offers a pipeline for running global planners together with auxiliary pre- and post-processing functions
1 2021-02-18 gpp_interface
The gpp_interface package defines the interfaces for pre and post-planning inside the global_planner_pipeline framework
The gpp_interface package defines the interfaces for pre and post-planning inside the global_planner_pipeline framework
1 2021-02-15 message_to_tf
message_to_tf translates pose information from different kind of common_msgs message types to tf. Currently the node supports nav_msgs/Odometry, geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and sensor_msgs/Imu messages as input. The resulting transform is divided into three subtransforms with intermediate frames for the footprint and the stabilized base frame (without roll and pitch).
message_to_tf translates pose information from different kind of common_msgs message types to tf. Currently the node supports nav_msgs/Odometry, geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and sensor_msgs/Imu messages as input. The resulting transform is divided into three subtransforms with intermediate frames for the footprint and the stabilized base frame (without roll and pitch).
1 2021-02-15 hector_pose_estimation_core
hector_pose_estimation_core is the core package of the hector_localization stack. It contains the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot. hector_pose_estimation can be used either as a library, as a nodelet or as a standalone node.
hector_pose_estimation_core is the core package of the hector_localization stack. It contains the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot. hector_pose_estimation can be used either as a library, as a nodelet or as a standalone node.
1 2021-02-15 hector_pose_estimation
hector_pose_estimation provides the hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet.
hector_pose_estimation provides the hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet.
1 2021-02-15 hector_localization
The hector_localization stack is a collection of packages, that provide the full 6DOF pose of a robot or platform. It uses various sensor sources, which are fused using an Extended Kalman filter. Acceleration and angular rates from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) serve as primary measurements. The usage of other sensors is application-dependent. The hector_localization stack currently supports GPS, magnetometer, barometric pressure sensors and other external sources that provide a geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance message via the poseupdate topic.
The hector_localization stack is a collection of packages, that provide the full 6DOF pose of a robot or platform. It uses various sensor sources, which are fused using an Extended Kalman filter. Acceleration and angular rates from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) serve as primary measurements. The usage of other sensors is application-dependent. The hector_localization stack currently supports GPS, magnetometer, barometric pressure sensors and other external sources that provide a geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance message via the poseupdate topic.
1 2021-02-04 rc_genicam_camera
The rc_genicam_camera provides images from a GenICam compatible camera.
The rc_genicam_camera provides images from a GenICam compatible camera.
1 2021-02-02 urdf_geometry_parser
Extract geometry value of a vehicle from urdf.
Extract geometry value of a vehicle from urdf.
1 2021-02-02 robotont_nuc_description
The robotont_nuc_description package
The robotont_nuc_description package
1 2021-02-02 robotont_msgs
The robotont_msgs package
The robotont_msgs package
1 2021-02-02 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2021-01-29 teleop_legged_robots
Generic keyboard teleop for legged robots.
Generic keyboard teleop for legged robots.
1 2021-01-28 nonpersistent_voxel_layer
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
1 2021-01-26 remote_rosbag_record
The remote_rosbag_record package
The remote_rosbag_record package
1 2021-01-26 ixblue_ins_msgs
The ixblue INS defined messages package
The ixblue INS defined messages package
1 2021-01-26 ixblue_ins_driver
The iXblue_ins_driver package
The iXblue_ins_driver package
1 2021-01-26 ixblue_ins
Metapackage for iXblue INS driver
Metapackage for iXblue INS driver
2 2021-01-25 lms1xx
The lms1xx package contains a basic ROS driver for the SICK LMS1xx line of LIDARs.
The lms1xx package contains a basic ROS driver for the SICK LMS1xx line of LIDARs.
1 2021-01-19 vrpn_client_ros
ROS client nodes for the
ROS client nodes for the
1 2021-01-18 ddynamic_reconfigure
The ddynamic_reconfigure package
The ddynamic_reconfigure package
2 2021-01-11 visualization_msgs
visualization_msgs is a set of messages used by higher level packages, such as
visualization_msgs is a set of messages used by higher level packages, such as
2 2021-01-11 trajectory_msgs
This package defines messages for defining robot trajectories. These messages are also the building blocks of most of the
This package defines messages for defining robot trajectories. These messages are also the building blocks of most of the
2 2021-01-11 stereo_msgs
stereo_msgs contains messages specific to stereo processing, such as disparity images.
stereo_msgs contains messages specific to stereo processing, such as disparity images.
2 2021-01-11 shape_msgs
This package contains messages for defining shapes, such as simple solid object primitives (cube, sphere, etc), planes, and meshes.
This package contains messages for defining shapes, such as simple solid object primitives (cube, sphere, etc), planes, and meshes.
2 2021-01-11 sensor_msgs
This package defines messages for commonly used sensors, including cameras and scanning laser rangefinders.
This package defines messages for commonly used sensors, including cameras and scanning laser rangefinders.
2 2021-01-11 nav_msgs
nav_msgs defines the common messages used to interact with the
nav_msgs defines the common messages used to interact with the
2 2021-01-11 geometry_msgs
geometry_msgs provides messages for common geometric primitives such as points, vectors, and poses. These primitives are designed to provide a common data type and facilitate interoperability throughout the system.
geometry_msgs provides messages for common geometric primitives such as points, vectors, and poses. These primitives are designed to provide a common data type and facilitate interoperability throughout the system.
2 2021-01-11 diagnostic_msgs
This package holds the diagnostic messages which provide the standardized interface for the diagnostic and runtime monitoring systems in ROS. These messages are currently used by the
This package holds the diagnostic messages which provide the standardized interface for the diagnostic and runtime monitoring systems in ROS. These messages are currently used by the
1 2021-01-11 common_msgs
common_msgs contains messages that are widely used by other ROS packages. These includes messages for actions (
common_msgs contains messages that are widely used by other ROS packages. These includes messages for actions (
2 2021-01-11 actionlib_msgs
actionlib_msgs defines the common messages to interact with an action server and an action client. For full documentation of the actionlib API see the
actionlib_msgs defines the common messages to interact with an action server and an action client. For full documentation of the actionlib API see the
1 2021-01-10 py_trees
Pythonic implementation of behaviour trees.
Pythonic implementation of behaviour trees.
1 2021-01-07 multirobot_map_merge
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
Merging multiple maps without knowledge of initial positions of robots.
1 2021-01-07 explore_lite
Lightweight frontier-based exploration.
Lightweight frontier-based exploration.
1 2021-01-04 arbotix_sensors
Extends the arbotix_node package with a number of more sophisticated ROS wrappers for common devices.
Extends the arbotix_node package with a number of more sophisticated ROS wrappers for common devices.
1 2021-01-04 arbotix_python
Bindings and low-level controllers for ArbotiX-powered robots.
Bindings and low-level controllers for ArbotiX-powered robots.
1 2021-01-04 arbotix_msgs
Messages and Services definitions for the ArbotiX.
Messages and Services definitions for the ArbotiX.
1 2021-01-04 arbotix_firmware
Firmware source code for ArbotiX ROS bindings.
Firmware source code for ArbotiX ROS bindings.
1 2021-01-04 arbotix_controllers
Extends the arbotix_python package with a number of more sophisticated ROS wrappers for common devices.
Extends the arbotix_python package with a number of more sophisticated ROS wrappers for common devices.
1 2021-01-04 arbotix
ArbotiX Drivers
ArbotiX Drivers
1 2021-01-01 ergodic_exploration
Robot agnostic information theoretic exploration strategy
Robot agnostic information theoretic exploration strategy
1 2020-12-20 roboticsgroup_upatras_gazebo_plugins
Collection of gazebo plugins
Collection of gazebo plugins
1 2020-12-18 urdf_sim_tutorial
The urdf_sim_tutorial package
The urdf_sim_tutorial package
1 2020-12-18 tuw_voronoi_graph
Contains different nodes to generate routing graphs for the robot router. voronoi_graph_generator generates a voronoi graph out of a map. dxf_to_graph generates a graph out of a dxf file and segments_to_graph creates a graph using a config file with line segments as input.
Contains different nodes to generate routing graphs for the robot router. voronoi_graph_generator generates a voronoi graph out of a map. dxf_to_graph generates a graph out of a dxf file and segments_to_graph creates a graph using a config file with line segments as input.
1 2020-12-18 tuw_multi_robot_rviz
Presents rviz plugins to set goal positions for the planner and a tool to visualize generated graphs.
Presents rviz plugins to set goal positions for the planner and a tool to visualize generated graphs.
1 2020-12-18 tuw_multi_robot_router
This package contains a MultiRobotRouter using Prioritized Planning in Combination with a collision resolution algorithm to find a routing tabel for a large number of robots.
This package contains a MultiRobotRouter using Prioritized Planning in Combination with a collision resolution algorithm to find a routing tabel for a large number of robots.
1 2020-12-18 tuw_multi_robot_local_behavior_controller
This package presents a node, which converts synchronized robot routes to path segments published sequentially to maintain synchronization
This package presents a node, which converts synchronized robot routes to path segments published sequentially to maintain synchronization
1 2020-12-18 tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator
The tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator package was designed to generate, store, and read goal lists for the tuw_multi_robot_router. The goal_saver is able to store publish goal msgs of type tuw_multi_robot_msgs::RobotGoalsArray in a human readable form. The goal_server is able to read and publish this msgs and to read patches of saved goals for testing. The goals_random node subscribes to the occupancy grid and is able to auto generate valid goals for testing.
The tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator package was designed to generate, store, and read goal lists for the tuw_multi_robot_router. The goal_saver is able to store publish goal msgs of type tuw_multi_robot_msgs::RobotGoalsArray in a human readable form. The goal_server is able to read and publish this msgs and to read patches of saved goals for testing. The goals_random node subscribes to the occupancy grid and is able to auto generate valid goals for testing.
1 2020-12-18 tuw_multi_robot_demo
Contains launch and config files to run a sample demo.
Contains launch and config files to run a sample demo.
1 2020-12-18 tuw_multi_robot_ctrl
A simple multi robot controller using Routes as input, which are used to execute the path synchronized.
A simple multi robot controller using Routes as input, which are used to execute the path synchronized.
1 2020-12-18 tuw_multi_robot
This repository includes ros packages to plan routes for multiple robots on a search graph. It creates a search graph out of a pixel map and tries to find a path for multiple robots using an extended approach for prioritized planning. The inputs are the tuw_multi_robot_msgs/RobotInfo messages which include the robots pose, the map and the desired goal poses. The output are multiple synchronized routes given to the individual robots.
This repository includes ros packages to plan routes for multiple robots on a search graph. It creates a search graph out of a pixel map and tries to find a path for multiple robots using an extended approach for prioritized planning. The inputs are the tuw_multi_robot_msgs/RobotInfo messages which include the robots pose, the map and the desired goal poses. The output are multiple synchronized routes given to the individual robots.
1 2020-12-11 ipcamera_driver
Simple node to publish regular IP camera video streams to a ros topic.
Simple node to publish regular IP camera video streams to a ros topic.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_vis
Visualization for the XPP Motion Framework.
Visualization for the XPP Motion Framework.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_states
Common definitions (positions, velocities, angular angles, angular rates) and robot definitions in Cartesian and joint state used in the Xpp Motion Framework, as well as conversions to/from xpp_msgs.
Common definitions (positions, velocities, angular angles, angular rates) and robot definitions in Cartesian and joint state used in the Xpp Motion Framework, as well as conversions to/from xpp_msgs.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_quadrotor
The URDF file for a quadrotor to be used with the xpp packages and a simple rviz publisher of quadrotor tfs. Adapted from Daniel Mellinger, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar, "Trajectory Generation and Control for Precise Aggressive Maneuvers with Quadrotors".
The URDF file for a quadrotor to be used with the xpp packages and a simple rviz publisher of quadrotor tfs. Adapted from Daniel Mellinger, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar, "Trajectory Generation and Control for Precise Aggressive Maneuvers with Quadrotors".
1 2020-12-07 xpp_msgs
ROS messages used in the XPP framework.
ROS messages used in the XPP framework.
1 2020-12-07 xpp_hyq
HyQ-robot specific functions for visualization in the XPP Motion Framework. These include inverse kinematics as well as urdf files for a one-legged, two-legged and four legged robot with
HyQ-robot specific functions for visualization in the XPP Motion Framework. These include inverse kinematics as well as urdf files for a one-legged, two-legged and four legged robot with
1 2020-12-07 xpp_examples
Examples of how to use the xpp framework.
Examples of how to use the xpp framework.
1 2020-12-07 xpp
Visualization of motion-plans for legged robots. It draws support areas, contact forces and motion trajectories in RVIZ and displays URDFs for specific robots, including a one-legged, a two-legged hopper and
Visualization of motion-plans for legged robots. It draws support areas, contact forces and motion trajectories in RVIZ and displays URDFs for specific robots, including a one-legged, a two-legged hopper and
1 2020-12-01 rqt_ez_publisher
The rqt_ez_publisher package
The rqt_ez_publisher package
1 2020-11-26 omron_os32c_driver
Interface driver for Omron OS32C Lidar via Ethernet/IP (Industrial Protocol)
Interface driver for Omron OS32C Lidar via Ethernet/IP (Industrial Protocol)
1 2020-11-26 odva_ethernetip
Library implementing ODVA EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol).
Library implementing ODVA EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol).
2 2020-11-25 teleop_twist_joy
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
Generic joystick teleop for twist robots.
1 2020-11-24 swri_profiler_tools
Provides tools for viewing data produced by nodes that use the swri_profiler library to output profiling information.
Provides tools for viewing data produced by nodes that use the swri_profiler library to output profiling information.
1 2020-11-24 swri_profiler_msgs
Messages for the swri_profiler tool.
Messages for the swri_profiler tool.
1 2020-11-24 swri_profiler
swri_profiler provides basic tools for real-time selective profiling of ROS C++ nodes.
swri_profiler provides basic tools for real-time selective profiling of ROS C++ nodes.
1 2020-11-24 cnpy
library to read/write .npy and .npz files in C/C++
library to read/write .npy and .npz files in C/C++
1 2020-11-16 basler_tof
Driver for the Basler ToF camera based on GenTL
Driver for the Basler ToF camera based on GenTL
1 2020-11-13 dataspeed_pds_scripts
Test scripts to interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS)
Test scripts to interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS)
1 2020-11-13 dataspeed_pds_rqt
ROS rqt GUI for the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS)
ROS rqt GUI for the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS)
1 2020-11-13 dataspeed_pds_msgs
Messages for the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS)
Messages for the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS)
1 2020-11-13 dataspeed_pds_lcm
Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS) via LCM
Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS) via LCM
1 2020-11-13 dataspeed_pds_can
Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS) via CAN
Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS) via CAN
1 2020-11-13 dataspeed_pds
Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS)
Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS)
1 2020-11-04 py_trees_ros
Ros extensions and behaviours for py_trees.
Ros extensions and behaviours for py_trees.
1 2020-11-02 move_base_msgs
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package.
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package.
1 2020-11-02 map_msgs
This package defines messages commonly used in mapping packages.
This package defines messages commonly used in mapping packages.
1 2020-11-02 genmsg
Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages.
Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages.
1 2020-10-30 ddynamic_reconfigure_python
The ddynamic_reconfigure_python package contains a class to instantiate dynamic reconfigure servers on the fly registering variables
The ddynamic_reconfigure_python package contains a class to instantiate dynamic reconfigure servers on the fly registering variables
2 2020-10-27 std_msgs
Standard ROS Messages including common message types representing primitive data types and other basic message constructs, such as multiarrays. For common, generic robot-specific message types, please see
Standard ROS Messages including common message types representing primitive data types and other basic message constructs, such as multiarrays. For common, generic robot-specific message types, please see
1 2020-10-25 handeye
The handeye package
The handeye package
1 2020-10-25 criutils
The criutils package
The criutils package
1 2020-10-21 lgsvl_msgs
Message definitions for interfacing with the LGSVL Simulator for ROS and ROS 2.
Message definitions for interfacing with the LGSVL Simulator for ROS and ROS 2.
1 2020-10-16 qwt_dependency
This encapsulates the Qwt dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
This encapsulates the Qwt dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
1 2020-10-16 cmake_modules
A common repository for CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages.
A common repository for CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages.
1 2020-10-09 rviz_visual_tools
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
Utility functions for displaying and debugging data in Rviz via published markers
1 2020-10-09 pointcloud_to_laserscan
Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan. This is useful for making devices like the Kinect appear like a laser scanner for 2D-based algorithms (e.g. laser-based SLAM).
Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan. This is useful for making devices like the Kinect appear like a laser scanner for 2D-based algorithms (e.g. laser-based SLAM).
2 2020-10-08 std_srvs
Common service definitions.
Common service definitions.
2 2020-10-08 rosgraph_msgs
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 2020-10-08 rosconsole_bridge
rosconsole_bridge is a package used in conjunction with console_bridge and rosconsole for connecting console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging.
rosconsole_bridge is a package used in conjunction with console_bridge and rosconsole for connecting console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging.
1 2020-10-08 rosbag_migration_rule
This empty package allows to export rosbag migration rule files without depending on rosbag.
This empty package allows to export rosbag migration rule files without depending on rosbag.
1 2020-10-08 gl_dependency
This encapsulates the GL dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
This encapsulates the GL dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
1 2020-09-28 ros_environment
The package provides the environment variables `ROS_VERSION`, `ROS_DISTRO`, `ROS_PACKAGE_PATH`, and `ROS_ETC_DIR`.
The package provides the environment variables `ROS_VERSION`, `ROS_DISTRO`, `ROS_PACKAGE_PATH`, and `ROS_ETC_DIR`.
1 2020-09-21 dnn_detect
DNN based detection
DNN based detection
1 2020-09-19 computer_status_msgs
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
1 2020-09-18 wu_ros_tools
A collection of tools for making a variety of generic ROS-related tasks easier.
A collection of tools for making a variety of generic ROS-related tasks easier.
1 2020-09-18 rosbaglive
Plays rosbags as though they were happening NOW.
Plays rosbags as though they were happening NOW.
1 2020-09-18 kalman_filter
Simple Kalman Filter in Python
Simple Kalman Filter in Python
1 2020-09-18 joy_listener
Translates joy msgs
Translates joy msgs
1 2020-09-18 easy_markers
Python library to assist in publishing markers easily
Python library to assist in publishing markers easily
1 2020-09-16 kobuki_ftdi
Utilities for flashing and enabling Kobuki's USB connection. This package contains tools for flashing the Kobuki's FTDI chip (usually done at the factory). The special firmware for the FTDI chip (USB to serial converter) enables it to appear as /dev/kobuki on the user's PC.
Utilities for flashing and enabling Kobuki's USB connection. This package contains tools for flashing the Kobuki's FTDI chip (usually done at the factory). The special firmware for the FTDI chip (USB to serial converter) enables it to appear as /dev/kobuki on the user's PC.
1 2020-09-16 kobuki_driver
C++ driver library for Kobuki: Pure C++ driver library for Kobuki. This is for those who do not wish to use ROS on their systems.
C++ driver library for Kobuki: Pure C++ driver library for Kobuki. This is for those who do not wish to use ROS on their systems.
1 2020-09-16 kobuki_dock_drive
Dock driving library for Kobuki. Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to develop autonomous docking drive algorithms.
Dock driving library for Kobuki. Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to develop autonomous docking drive algorithms.
2 2020-09-16 kobuki_core
Non-ROS software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
Non-ROS software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
1 2020-09-09 slam_karto
This package pulls in the Karto mapping library, and provides a ROS wrapper for using it.
This package pulls in the Karto mapping library, and provides a ROS wrapper for using it.
1 2020-09-03 ros_type_introspection
The ros_type_introspection package allows the user to parse and deserialize ROS messages which type is unknown at compilation time.
The ros_type_introspection package allows the user to parse and deserialize ROS messages which type is unknown at compilation time.
1 2020-08-28 test_bond
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondpy]] and [[bondcpp]].
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondpy]] and [[bondcpp]].
1 2020-08-28 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 2020-08-28 bondpy
Python implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
Python implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
1 2020-08-28 bondcpp
C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
1 2020-08-28 bond_core
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
1 2020-08-28 bond
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
1 2020-08-25 rosbag_pandas
Create a Pandas data frame from a ros bag file.
Create a Pandas data frame from a ros bag file.
1 2020-08-18 sensehat_ros
sensehat_ros is a ROS package to interact with Astro Pi Sense HAT sensors, stick and LED matrix.
sensehat_ros is a ROS package to interact with Astro Pi Sense HAT sensors, stick and LED matrix.
1 2020-08-13 tf2_web_republisher
Republishing of Selected TFs
Republishing of Selected TFs
2 2020-08-09 pr2_mechanism_msgs
This package defines services that are used to communicate with the realtime control loop. It also defines messages that represent the state of the realtime controllers, the joints and the actuators.
This package defines services that are used to communicate with the realtime control loop. It also defines messages that represent the state of the realtime controllers, the joints and the actuators.
1 2020-08-07 oxford_gps_eth
Ethernet interface to OxTS GPS receivers (NCOM packet structure)
Ethernet interface to OxTS GPS receivers (NCOM packet structure)
1 2020-08-03 soem
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_utilities
Includes various supporting tools and utilities for c++ programming.
Includes various supporting tools and utilities for c++ programming.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_type_traits
Extends c++ type traits and implements a few more to boot.
Extends c++ type traits and implements a few more to boot.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_time
Timing utilities are very dependent on the system api provided for their use. This package provides a means for handling different timing models. Current support - posix rt : complete. - macosx : posix timers only, missing absolute timers. - win : none.
Timing utilities are very dependent on the system api provided for their use. This package provides a means for handling different timing models. Current support - posix rt : complete. - macosx : posix timers only, missing absolute timers. - win : none.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_threads
This package provides the c++ extensions for a variety of threaded programming tools. These are usually different on different platforms, so the architecture for a cross-platform framework is also implemented.
This package provides the c++ extensions for a variety of threaded programming tools. These are usually different on different platforms, so the architecture for a cross-platform framework is also implemented.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_streams
These are lightweight text streaming classes that connect to standardised ecl type devices.
These are lightweight text streaming classes that connect to standardised ecl type devices.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_statistics
Common statistical structures and algorithms for control systems.
Common statistical structures and algorithms for control systems.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_sigslots
Provides a signal/slot mechanism (in the same vein as qt sigslots, boost::signals etc for intra-process communication. These include some improvements - they do not need a preprocessor, are fully type safe, allow for simple connections via a posix style string identifier and are multithread-safe.
Provides a signal/slot mechanism (in the same vein as qt sigslots, boost::signals etc for intra-process communication. These include some improvements - they do not need a preprocessor, are fully type safe, allow for simple connections via a posix style string identifier and are multithread-safe.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_mpl
Metaprogramming tools move alot of runtime calculations to be shifted to compile time. This has only very elementary structures at this stage.
Metaprogramming tools move alot of runtime calculations to be shifted to compile time. This has only very elementary structures at this stage.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_math
This package provides simple support to cmath, filling in holes or redefining in a c++ formulation where desirable.
This package provides simple support to cmath, filling in holes or redefining in a c++ formulation where desirable.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_linear_algebra
Ecl frontend to a linear matrix package (currently eigen).
Ecl frontend to a linear matrix package (currently eigen).
1 2020-07-29 ecl_ipc
Interprocess mechanisms vary greatly across platforms - sysv, posix, win32, there are more than a few. This package provides an infrastructure to allow for developing cross platform c++ wrappers around the lower level c api's that handle these mechanisms. These make it not only easier to utilise such mechanisms, but allow it to be done consistently across platforms.
Interprocess mechanisms vary greatly across platforms - sysv, posix, win32, there are more than a few. This package provides an infrastructure to allow for developing cross platform c++ wrappers around the lower level c api's that handle these mechanisms. These make it not only easier to utilise such mechanisms, but allow it to be done consistently across platforms.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_geometry
Any tools relating to mathematical geometry. Primarily featuring polynomials and interpolations.
Any tools relating to mathematical geometry. Primarily featuring polynomials and interpolations.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_formatters
The formatters here simply format various input types to a specified text format. They can be used with most streaming types (including both ecl and stl streams).
The formatters here simply format various input types to a specified text format. They can be used with most streaming types (including both ecl and stl streams).
1 2020-07-29 ecl_filesystem
Cross platform filesystem utilities (until c++11 makes its way in).
Cross platform filesystem utilities (until c++11 makes its way in).
1 2020-07-29 ecl_exceptions
Template based exceptions - these are simple and practical and avoid the proliferation of exception types. Although not syntatactically ideal, it is convenient and eminently practical.
Template based exceptions - these are simple and practical and avoid the proliferation of exception types. Although not syntatactically ideal, it is convenient and eminently practical.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_eigen
This provides an Eigen implementation for ecl's linear algebra.
This provides an Eigen implementation for ecl's linear algebra.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_devices
Provides an extensible and standardised framework for input-output devices.
Provides an extensible and standardised framework for input-output devices.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_core_apps
This includes a suite of programs demo'ing various aspects of the ecl_core. It also includes various benchmarking and utility programs for use primarily with embedded systems.
This includes a suite of programs demo'ing various aspects of the ecl_core. It also includes various benchmarking and utility programs for use primarily with embedded systems.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_core
A set of tools and interfaces extending the capabilities of c++ to provide a lightweight, consistent interface with a focus for control programming.
A set of tools and interfaces extending the capabilities of c++ to provide a lightweight, consistent interface with a focus for control programming.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_converters
Some fast/convenient type converters, mostly for char strings or strings. These are not really fully fleshed out, alot of them could use the addition for the whole range of fundamental types (e.g. all integers, not just int, unsigned int). They will come as the need arises.
Some fast/convenient type converters, mostly for char strings or strings. These are not really fully fleshed out, alot of them could use the addition for the whole range of fundamental types (e.g. all integers, not just int, unsigned int). They will come as the need arises.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_containers
The containers included here are intended to extend the stl containers. In all cases, these implementations are designed to implement c++ conveniences and safety where speed is not sacrificed. Also includes techniques for memory debugging of common problems such as buffer overruns.
The containers included here are intended to extend the stl containers. In all cases, these implementations are designed to implement c++ conveniences and safety where speed is not sacrificed. Also includes techniques for memory debugging of common problems such as buffer overruns.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_concepts
Introduces a compile time concept checking mechanism that can be used most commonly to check for required functionality when passing template arguments.
Introduces a compile time concept checking mechanism that can be used most commonly to check for required functionality when passing template arguments.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_command_line
Embeds the TCLAP library inside the ecl. This is a very convenient command line parser in templatised c++.
Embeds the TCLAP library inside the ecl. This is a very convenient command line parser in templatised c++.
1 2020-07-23 turtle_actionlib
turtle_actionlib demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim. The shape_server provides and action interface for drawing regular polygons with the turtlesim.
turtle_actionlib demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim. The shape_server provides and action interface for drawing regular polygons with the turtlesim.
1 2020-07-23 pluginlib_tutorials
The pluginlib_tutorials package
The pluginlib_tutorials package
1 2020-07-23 nodelet_tutorial_math
Package for Nodelet tutorial.
Package for Nodelet tutorial.
1 2020-07-23 common_tutorials
Metapackage that contains common tutorials
Metapackage that contains common tutorials
1 2020-07-23 actionlib_tutorials
The actionlib_tutorials package
The actionlib_tutorials package
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner_msgs
This package provides message types that are used by the package mpc_local_planner
This package provides message types that are used by the package mpc_local_planner
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner_examples
The mpc_local_planner_examples package
The mpc_local_planner_examples package
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner
The mpc_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. It provides a generic and versatile model predictive control implementation with minimum-time and quadratic-form receding-horizon configurations.
The mpc_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. It provides a generic and versatile model predictive control implementation with minimum-time and quadratic-form receding-horizon configurations.
1 2020-07-14 collada_urdf
This package contains a tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. Implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by
This package contains a tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. Implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by
1 2020-07-14 collada_parser
This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package.
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_hardware_interface
The usb_cam_hardware_interface package
The usb_cam_hardware_interface package
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_hardware
The usb_cam_hardware package
The usb_cam_hardware package
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_controllers
The usb_cam_controllers package
The usb_cam_controllers package
1 2020-07-08 dual_quaternions_ros
ROS msgs from and to dual quaternions
ROS msgs from and to dual quaternions
1 2020-07-07 auv_msgs
This package provides message types commonly used with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
This package provides message types commonly used with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
1 2020-07-04 pid
Launch a PID control node.
Launch a PID control node.
2 2020-07-01 octomap_msgs
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
1 2020-06-27 jderobot_assets
The jderobot_assets package
The jderobot_assets package
1 2020-06-18 p2os_urdf
URDF file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
URDF file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
1 2020-06-18 p2os_teleop
A teleoperation node for the p2os_driver package.
A teleoperation node for the p2os_driver package.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_msgs
Defines the messages that are used to communicate with the p2os_driver package and the ROS infrastructure.
Defines the messages that are used to communicate with the p2os_driver package and the ROS infrastructure.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_launch
Launch and config files designed for use with the p2os stack.
Launch and config files designed for use with the p2os stack.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_driver
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
1 2020-06-18 p2os_doc
Contains the Documentation for the p2os driver/componenets
Contains the Documentation for the p2os driver/componenets
2 2020-06-17 qpoases_vendor
Wrapper around qpOASES to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
Wrapper around qpOASES to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
1 2020-06-12 dual_quaternions
dual quaternion operations
dual quaternion operations
1 2020-06-07 urg_c
The urg_c package
The urg_c package
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2020-06-02 rqt_robot_monitor
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by
1 2020-06-02 rqt_moveit
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for
1 2020-06-02 ifm3d_core
Library and Utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras
Library and Utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras
1 2020-05-27 codec_image_transport
The codec_image_transport package
The codec_image_transport package
1 2020-05-20 viz
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
1 2020-05-20 simulators
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
2 2020-05-20 ros_core
A metapackage to aggregate the packages required to use publish / subscribe, services, launch files, and other core ROS concepts.
A metapackage to aggregate the packages required to use publish / subscribe, services, launch files, and other core ROS concepts.
2 2020-05-20 ros_base
A metapackage which extends ros_core and includes other basic non-robot tools like actionlib, dynamic reconfigure, nodelets, and pluginlib.
A metapackage which extends ros_core and includes other basic non-robot tools like actionlib, dynamic reconfigure, nodelets, and pluginlib.
1 2020-05-20 robot
A metapackage which extends ros_base and includes ROS libaries for any robot hardware. It may not contain any GUI dependencies.
A metapackage which extends ros_base and includes ROS libaries for any robot hardware. It may not contain any GUI dependencies.
2 2020-05-20 perception
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
2 2020-05-20 desktop_full
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.


Name Description
1 ridgeback_navigation
1 ridgeback_msgs
1 ridgeback_gazebo_plugins
1 ridgeback_gazebo
1 ridgeback_desktop
1 ridgeback_description
1 ridgeback_control
1 ridgeback_cartographer_navigation
1 rgbd_launch
1 rexrov2_gazebo
1 rexrov2_description
1 rexrov2_control
2 respeaker_ros
1 resized_image_transport
1 remote_rosbag_record
1 recorder_msgs
0 realsense_simulation
0 realsense_gazebo_plugin
0 realsense_camera
1 realsense2_description
1 realsense2_camera_msgs
1 realsense2_camera
2 reach_ros
1 reach
1 rdl_urdfreader
1 rdl_msgs
1 rdl_dynamics
1 rdl_benchmark
1 rdl
1 rcss3d_nao
1 rcss3d_agent_msgs_to_soccer_interfaces
0 rclpy.qos
0 rclpy.duration
0 rclpy.clock
1 rcl_logging_rcutils
1 rc_visard_driver
1 rc_visard_description
1 rc_visard
1 rc_tagdetect_client
1 rc_silhouettematch_client
1 rc_pick_client
1 rc_hand_eye_calibration_client
1 rc_genicam_camera
1 rc_cloud_accumulator
0 rbdl
1 razor_imu_9dof
2 raw_description
1 raspimouse_stamped_msgs
1 raspimouse_slam_navigation
1 raspimouse_slam
1 raspimouse_sim
0 raspimouse_ros_2
1 raspimouse_ros2_examples
1 raspimouse_navigation
2 raspimouse_msgs
1 raspimouse_gazebo
1 raspimouse_fake
1 raspimouse_description
1 raspimouse_control
1 raspimouse_bringup
2 raspimouse
1 raptor_dbw_msgs
1 raptor_dbw_joystick_speed_demo
1 raptor_dbw_joystick_demo
1 raptor_dbw_can
1 raptor_dbw
1 range_sensor_layer
1 range_sensor_broadcaster
1 rail_segmentation
1 rail_mesh_icp
1 rail_manipulation_msgs
1 radial_menu_rviz
1 radial_menu_msgs
1 radial_menu_model
1 radial_menu_example
1 radial_menu_backend
1 radial_menu
1 radar_pa_msgs
1 radar_pa
1 radar_omnipresense
1 r2r_spl_test_interfaces
1 r2r_spl_8
1 r2r_spl
1 r12_hardware_interface
1 qwt_dependency
0 qwt
1 quori_teleop
1 quori_nav
1 quori_mapping_odometry
1 quori_launch
1 quori_holonomic_drive_controller
1 quori_face
1 quori_description
1 quori_controller
1 quori_arm_controller
1 quanergy_client_ros
1 quanergy_client
1 qt_tutorials
1 qt_ros
1 qt_qmake
1 qt_paramedit
1 qt_create
1 qt_build
1 qpmad
1 qml_ros2_plugin
1 qb_softhand_industry_utils
1 qb_softhand_industry_srvs
1 qb_softhand_industry_ros2_control
1 qb_softhand_industry_msgs
1 qb_softhand_industry_hardware_interface
1 qb_softhand_industry_driver
1 qb_softhand_industry_description
1 qb_softhand_industry_control
1 qb_softhand_industry_bringup
1 qb_softhand_industry
1 qb_move_hardware_interface
1 qb_move_gazebo
1 qb_move_description
1 qb_move_control
1 qb_move
1 qb_hand_hardware_interface
1 qb_hand_gazebo
1 qb_hand_description
1 qb_hand_control
1 qb_hand
1 qb_device_utils
1 qb_device_test_controllers
1 qb_device_srvs
1 qb_device_ros2_control
1 qb_device_msgs
1 qb_device_hardware_interface
1 qb_device_gazebo
1 qb_device_driver
1 qb_device_description
1 qb_device_control
1 qb_device_bringup
1 qb_device
1 qb_chain_msgs
1 qb_chain_description
1 qb_chain_controllers
1 qb_chain_control
1 qb_chain
1 python_orocos_kdl_vendor
1 python_orocos_kdl
1 python_mrpt
0 python3-mediapipe
0 python3-enum34
1 pyros_test
1 pyquaternion
2 pyhri
1 pybind11_json_vendor
2 pybind11_catkin
1 py_trees_ros_viewer
1 py_trees_ros_tutorials
1 py_trees_ros
2 py_trees_msgs
1 py_trees_js
1 py_trees
1 py_binding_tools
1 px4_msgs
1 puma_motor_msgs
1 puma_motor_driver
1 ptz_action_server_msgs
0 ptu_driver
1 psen_scan_v2
1 psen_scan
1 psdk_wrapper
1 psdk_interfaces
1 ps3joy
1 proxsuite
1 proto2ros_tests
1 proto2ros
1 prosilica_gige_sdk
1 prosilica_camera
1 prbt_support
1 prbt_pg70_support
1 prbt_moveit_config
1 prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin
1 prbt_hardware_support
1 prbt_grippers
1 prbt_gazebo
1 pr2eus_tutorials
1 pr2eus_openrave
1 pr2eus_moveit
1 pr2eus_impedance
1 pr2eus_armnavigation
1 pr2eus
1 pr2_tuckarm
1 pr2_tuck_arms_action
1 pr2_trajectory_execution_tests
1 pr2_tilt_laser_interface
1 pr2_test_sbpl_planner
1 pr2_test_kinematic_constraints
1 pr2_test_collision_distance_field
1 pr2_test_collision_detection
1 pr2_test_chomp_planner
1 pr2_teleop_general
1 pr2_teleop
1 pr2_simulator
1 pr2_simple_benchmark_test


Name Description
1 rwt_robot_monitor
1 rwt_plot
1 rwt_nav
1 rwt_moveit
1 rwt_image_view
1 rwt_app_chooser
1 rviz_tool_path_display
1 rviz_tool_cursor
1 rviz_robot_description_topic
1 rviz_python_tutorial
1 rviz_plugin_tutorials
1 rviz_marker_tools
1 rviz_animated_view_controller
1 rviz
0 rtshell
1 rtmros_nextage
1 rtmros_hironx
1 rtmros_common
1 rtmbuild
1 rtabmap_legacy
1 rtabmap_costmap_plugins
1 rt_usb_9axisimu_driver
1 rsm_rviz_plugins
1 rsm_rqt_plugins
1 rsm_msgs
1 rsm_core
1 rsm_additions
1 rslidar_sdk
1 rslidar_pointcloud
1 rslidar_msgs
1 rslidar_msg
1 rslidar_driver
1 rslidar
1 rr_rover_zero_driver
1 rr_openrover_stack
1 rr_openrover_simulation
1 rr_openrover_driver_msgs
1 rr_openrover_driver
1 rr_openrover_description
1 rr_control_input_manager
1 rqt_web
1 rqt_virtual_joy
1 rqt_top
1 rqt_rviz
1 rqt_rotors
1 rqt_rosmon
1 rqt_rosbag_fancy
1 rqt_robot_plugins
1 rqt_py_trees
1 rqt_pr2_dashboard
1 rqt_pose_view
1 rqt_play_motion_builder
1 rqt_paramedit
1 rqt_nav_view
1 rqt_multiplot
1 rqt_mocap4r2_control
1 rqt_logger_level
1 rqt_launchtree
1 rqt_launch
1 rqt_joint_trajectory_plot
1 rqt_human_radar
1 rqt_ground_robot_teleop
1 rqt_ez_publisher
1 rqt_dwb_plugin
1 rqt_drone_teleop
1 rqt_dep
1 rqt_bag_exporter
1 route_network
1 rotors_simulator
1 rotors_joy_interface
0 rotors_hil_interface
1 rotors_gazebo_plugins
1 rotors_gazebo
1 rotors_evaluation
1 rotors_driver
1 rotors_description
1 rotors_control
1 rotors_comm
1 rotate_recovery
1 roswww_static
1 roswww
1 roswtf
1 rosunit
1 rostwitter
1 rostopic
1 rostime
1 rosthrottle
1 rostest_node_interface_validation
1 rostest
1 rostate_machine
0 rossmbus
1 rosservice
1 rosserial_xbee
1 rosserial_windows
1 rosserial_vex_v5
1 rosserial_vex_cortex
1 rosserial_tivac
1 rosserial_test
1 rosserial_server
1 rosserial_python
1 rosserial_msgs
1 rosserial_mbed
1 rosserial_leonardo_cmake
1 rosserial_embeddedlinux
1 rosserial_client
1 rosserial_chibios
1 rosserial_arduino
1 rosserial
1 rosrt
1 rospy_message_converter
1 rospy
1 rosping
1 rospilot
1 rospatlite
1 rosparam_shortcuts
1 rosparam_handler
1 rosparam
1 rospack
1 rosout
1 rosnode_rtc
1 rosnode
1 rosmsg_cpp
1 rosmsg
1 rosmon_msgs
1 rosmon_core
1 rosmon
1 rosmaster
1 rosmake
1 roslz4
1 roslisp_utilities
1 roslisp_repl
1 roslisp_common
1 roslisp
1 roslint
1 roslib
1 roslaunch
1 roslang
1 rosgraph
1 rosfmt
1 roseus_tutorials
1 roseus_smach
1 roseus_mongo
1 roseus
1 rosemacs
1 rosee_msg
1 rose2
1 rosdoc_lite
1 rosdiagnostic
1 roscreate
1 roscpp_traits
1 roscpp_serialization
1 roscpp_core
1 roscpp
1 rosconsole_bridge
1 rosconsole
1 roscompile
1 rosclean
1 rosbuild
1 rosboost_cfg
1 rosbash_params
1 rosbash
1 rosbaglive
1 rosbag_uploader_ros1_integration_tests
1 rosbag_storage
1 rosbag_snapshot_msgs
1 rosbag_snapshot
1 rosbag_rviz_panel
1 rosbag_pandas
1 rosbag_migration_rule
1 rosbag_fancy_msgs
1 rosbag_fancy
1 rosbag_editor
1 rosbag_cloud_recorders
1 rosbag2_to_video
2 rosbag2_storage_mcap_testdata
1 rosbag
1 rosauth
1 rosatomic
1 ros_vosk
1 ros_type_introspection
1 ros_speech_recognition
1 ros_robodk_post_processors
1 ros_reflexxes
1 ros_realtime
1 ros_pytest
1 ros_pose_extrapolator
1 ros_numpy
1 ros_monitoring_msgs
1 ros_monitoring
1 ros_introspection
1 ros_ign_point_cloud
1 ros_graph_vio
1 ros_graph_localizer
1 ros_google_cloud_language
0 ros_ethercat_model
0 ros_ethercat_loop
0 ros_ethercat_hardware
1 ros_ethercat_eml
1 ros_emacs_utils
1 ros_controllers_cartesian


Name Description
1 2020-11-13 dataspeed_pds
Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS)
Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Intelligent Power Distribution System (iPDS)
1 2020-11-09 robomaker_simulation_msgs
AWS RoboMaker package containing ROS service definitions for service endpoints provided inside of an AWS RoboMaker simulation.
AWS RoboMaker package containing ROS service definitions for service endpoints provided inside of an AWS RoboMaker simulation.
1 2020-11-09 aws_robomaker_simulation_ros_pkgs
AWS RoboMaker package for accessing the simulation service.
AWS RoboMaker package for accessing the simulation service.
1 2020-11-04 rostest_node_interface_validation
Additiional testing tools at node level
Additiional testing tools at node level
1 2020-11-04 py_trees_ros
Ros extensions and behaviours for py_trees.
Ros extensions and behaviours for py_trees.
1 2020-11-02 genmsg
Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages.
Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages.
1 2020-11-01 teleop_keyboard_omni3
Generic keyboard teleop for 3 wheeled omnidirectional robots.
Generic keyboard teleop for 3 wheeled omnidirectional robots.
1 2020-10-30 ddynamic_reconfigure_python
The ddynamic_reconfigure_python package contains a class to instantiate dynamic reconfigure servers on the fly registering variables
The ddynamic_reconfigure_python package contains a class to instantiate dynamic reconfigure servers on the fly registering variables
1 2020-10-29 seed_smartactuator_sdk
The seed_smartactuator_sdk package
The seed_smartactuator_sdk package
2 2020-10-27 std_msgs
Standard ROS Messages including common message types representing primitive data types and other basic message constructs, such as multiarrays. For common, generic robot-specific message types, please see
Standard ROS Messages including common message types representing primitive data types and other basic message constructs, such as multiarrays. For common, generic robot-specific message types, please see
1 2020-10-25 handeye
The handeye package
The handeye package
1 2020-10-25 criutils
The criutils package
The criutils package
1 2020-10-24 fetch_driver_msgs
Messages for the fetch_drivers package
Messages for the fetch_drivers package
1 2020-10-24 fetch_auto_dock_msgs
Messages for fetch_auto_dock package
Messages for fetch_auto_dock package
1 2020-10-23 psen_scan
The psen_scan package for Pilz laser scanner
The psen_scan package for Pilz laser scanner
1 2020-10-21 lgsvl_msgs
Message definitions for interfacing with the LGSVL Simulator for ROS and ROS 2.
Message definitions for interfacing with the LGSVL Simulator for ROS and ROS 2.
1 2020-10-16 qwt_dependency
This encapsulates the Qwt dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
This encapsulates the Qwt dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
1 2020-10-16 nmc_nlp_lite
The nmc_nlp_lite package
The nmc_nlp_lite package
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p_teleop
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P teleoperation
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P teleoperation
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p_libs
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P libraries
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P libraries
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p_description
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P description
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P description
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p_controller
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Controller
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Controller
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p_control_gui
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Control GUI
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Control GUI
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p
Metapackage for OpenMANIPULATOR-P
Metapackage for OpenMANIPULATOR-P
1 2020-10-14 rosconsole
ROS console output library.
ROS console output library.
1 2020-10-14 openrtm_aist_python
1 2020-10-14 catkin
Low-level build system macros and infrastructure for ROS.
Low-level build system macros and infrastructure for ROS.
1 2020-10-13 turtlesim
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.
1 2020-10-13 rospy_tutorials
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
1 2020-10-13 roscpp_tutorials
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
1 2020-10-13 ros_tutorials
ros_tutorials contains packages that demonstrate various features of ROS, as well as support packages which help demonstrate those features.
ros_tutorials contains packages that demonstrate various features of ROS, as well as support packages which help demonstrate those features.
1 2020-10-09 pointcloud_to_laserscan
Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan. This is useful for making devices like the Kinect appear like a laser scanner for 2D-based algorithms (e.g. laser-based SLAM).
Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan. This is useful for making devices like the Kinect appear like a laser scanner for 2D-based algorithms (e.g. laser-based SLAM).
2 2020-10-08 std_srvs
Common service definitions.
Common service definitions.
2 2020-10-08 rosgraph_msgs
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 2020-10-08 rosconsole_bridge
rosconsole_bridge is a package used in conjunction with console_bridge and rosconsole for connecting console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging.
rosconsole_bridge is a package used in conjunction with console_bridge and rosconsole for connecting console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging.
1 2020-10-08 gl_dependency
This encapsulates the GL dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
This encapsulates the GL dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
1 2020-10-07 interactive_markers
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
1 2020-10-06 test_diagnostic_aggregator
Basic diagnostic_aggregator tests are in the
Basic diagnostic_aggregator tests are in the
1 2020-10-06 self_test
1 2020-10-06 rosdiagnostic
Command to print aggregated diagnostic contents to the command line
Command to print aggregated diagnostic contents to the command line
1 2020-10-06 mrp2_robot
MRP2 robot description and launch files
MRP2 robot description and launch files
1 2020-10-06 mrp2_hardware
Hardware files to communicate with MRP2 base.
Hardware files to communicate with MRP2 base.
1 2020-10-06 mrp2_display
Package for managing touch LCD panel on MRP2
Package for managing touch LCD panel on MRP2
1 2020-10-06 mrp2_bringup
Launch files and configurations for starting MRP2 robot in a real environment.
Launch files and configurations for starting MRP2 robot in a real environment.
1 2020-10-06 fetch_tools
Commands for performing common operations when developing on the robots. For help, run `fetch -h` and `fetch COMMAND -h`.
Commands for performing common operations when developing on the robots. For help, run `fetch -h` and `fetch COMMAND -h`.
1 2020-10-06 diagnostics
1 2020-10-06 diagnostic_updater
diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.
diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc.
1 2020-10-06 diagnostic_common_diagnostics
1 2020-10-06 diagnostic_analysis
The diagnostic_analysis package can convert a log of diagnostics data into a series of CSV files. Robot logs are recorded with rosbag, and can be processed offline using the scripts in this package.
The diagnostic_analysis package can convert a log of diagnostics data into a series of CSV files. Robot logs are recorded with rosbag, and can be processed offline using the scripts in this package.
1 2020-10-06 diagnostic_aggregator
1 2020-10-05 robot_state_publisher
This package allows you to publish the state of a robot to
This package allows you to publish the state of a robot to
1 2020-10-01 mrp2_viz
RViz configurations and launch files for visualization.
RViz configurations and launch files for visualization.
1 2020-10-01 mrp2_desktop
Visualization tools and configurations for MRP2 robot.
Visualization tools and configurations for MRP2 robot.
1 2020-09-29 jackal_tutorials
Jackal's tutorials.
Jackal's tutorials.
1 2020-09-29 jackal_navigation
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal
1 2020-09-29 jackal_msgs
Messages exclusive to Jackal, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
Messages exclusive to Jackal, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
1 2020-09-29 jackal_description
URDF robot description for Jackal
URDF robot description for Jackal
1 2020-09-29 jackal_control
Controllers for Jackal
Controllers for Jackal
1 2020-09-28 ros_environment
The package provides the environment variables `ROS_VERSION`, `ROS_DISTRO`, `ROS_PACKAGE_PATH`, and `ROS_ETC_DIR`.
The package provides the environment variables `ROS_VERSION`, `ROS_DISTRO`, `ROS_PACKAGE_PATH`, and `ROS_ETC_DIR`.
1 2020-09-21 mrp2_teleop
Teleoperation and ros controls related launch files and configurations.
Teleoperation and ros controls related launch files and configurations.
1 2020-09-21 mrp2_slam
Launch scripts for mapping operations
Launch scripts for mapping operations
1 2020-09-21 mrp2_simulator
Simulation-related packages for MRP2
Simulation-related packages for MRP2
1 2020-09-21 mrp2_navigation
Launch files, parameters and maps for different navigation applications.
Launch files, parameters and maps for different navigation applications.
1 2020-09-21 mrp2_gazebo
Launch files and simulation files to run MRP2 in Gazebo.
Launch files and simulation files to run MRP2 in Gazebo.
1 2020-09-21 mrp2_description
URDF and xacro description files for MRP2.
URDF and xacro description files for MRP2.
1 2020-09-21 mrp2_common
Necessary packages in common for both simulation and real environment.
Necessary packages in common for both simulation and real environment.
1 2020-09-21 moose_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Moose.
Visualization launchers and helpers for Moose.
1 2020-09-21 moose_desktop
Packages for working with Moose from a ROS desktop.
Packages for working with Moose from a ROS desktop.
1 2020-09-19 computer_status_msgs
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
1 2020-09-16 kobuki_ftdi
Utilities for flashing and enabling Kobuki's USB connection. This package contains tools for flashing the Kobuki's FTDI chip (usually done at the factory). The special firmware for the FTDI chip (USB to serial converter) enables it to appear as /dev/kobuki on the user's PC.
Utilities for flashing and enabling Kobuki's USB connection. This package contains tools for flashing the Kobuki's FTDI chip (usually done at the factory). The special firmware for the FTDI chip (USB to serial converter) enables it to appear as /dev/kobuki on the user's PC.
1 2020-09-16 kobuki_driver
C++ driver library for Kobuki: Pure C++ driver library for Kobuki. This is for those who do not wish to use ROS on their systems.
C++ driver library for Kobuki: Pure C++ driver library for Kobuki. This is for those who do not wish to use ROS on their systems.
1 2020-09-16 kobuki_dock_drive
Dock driving library for Kobuki. Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to develop autonomous docking drive algorithms.
Dock driving library for Kobuki. Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to develop autonomous docking drive algorithms.
2 2020-09-16 kobuki_core
Non-ROS software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
Non-ROS software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
1 2020-09-15 iirob_filters
The iirob_filters package implements following filters: 1) Low-Pass 2) Moving Mean 3) Gravity Compensation (used for force-torque sensors) 4) Threshold Filter 5) Kalman Filter
The iirob_filters package implements following filters: 1) Low-Pass 2) Moving Mean 3) Gravity Compensation (used for force-torque sensors) 4) Threshold Filter 5) Kalman Filter
1 2020-09-15 force_torque_sensor
The force_torque_sensor package
The force_torque_sensor package
1 2020-09-15 ati_force_torque
This package implements driver for ATI force torque sensors up to firmware 3.x. Char and Net CAN devices are supported through cob_generic_can package. The code if based on cob_forcetorque package.
This package implements driver for ATI force torque sensors up to firmware 3.x. Char and Net CAN devices are supported through cob_generic_can package. The code if based on cob_forcetorque package.
1 2020-09-11 ariles_ros
Catkin package Ariles serialization/configuration library
Catkin package Ariles serialization/configuration library
1 2020-09-09 slam_karto
This package pulls in the Karto mapping library, and provides a ROS wrapper for using it.
This package pulls in the Karto mapping library, and provides a ROS wrapper for using it.
1 2020-09-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_pi_moveit
This package is deprecated. An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the om_with_tb3 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
This package is deprecated. An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the om_with_tb3 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2020-09-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_moveit
This package is deprecated. An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the om_with_tb3 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
This package is deprecated. An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the om_with_tb3 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2020-09-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_tools
This package is deprecated. The tools package(including SLAM, Navigation, Manipulation) for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
This package is deprecated. The tools package(including SLAM, Navigation, Manipulation) for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
1 2020-09-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_description
This package is deprecated. OpenManipulator 3D model description for visualization and simulation
This package is deprecated. OpenManipulator 3D model description for visualization and simulation
1 2020-09-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3
This package is deprecated. ROS-enabled OpenManipulator is a full open robot platform consisting of OpenSoftware​, OpenHardware and OpenCR(Embedded board)​. The OpenManipulator is allowed users to control it more easily by linking with the MoveIt! package. Moreover it has full hardware compatibility with TurtleBot3​. Even if you do not have a real robot, you can control the robot in the Gazebo simulator​.
This package is deprecated. ROS-enabled OpenManipulator is a full open robot platform consisting of OpenSoftware​, OpenHardware and OpenCR(Embedded board)​. The OpenManipulator is allowed users to control it more easily by linking with the MoveIt! package. Moreover it has full hardware compatibility with TurtleBot3​. Even if you do not have a real robot, you can control the robot in the Gazebo simulator​.
1 2020-09-04 geos_cmake_module
cmake module for using the libgeos geometry library with ROS
cmake module for using the libgeos geometry library with ROS
1 2020-09-03 ros_type_introspection
The ros_type_introspection package allows the user to parse and deserialize ROS messages which type is unknown at compilation time.
The ros_type_introspection package allows the user to parse and deserialize ROS messages which type is unknown at compilation time.
1 2020-09-01 keypress_monitor
Keypress monitor listens to keyboard events and publishes keypress status on a topic
Keypress monitor listens to keyboard events and publishes keypress status on a topic
1 2020-08-28 test_bond
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondpy]] and [[bondcpp]].
Contains tests for [[bond]], including tests for [[bondpy]] and [[bondcpp]].
1 2020-08-28 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 2020-08-28 gundam_rx78_gazebo
gundam_rx78_gazebo contains launch scripts for simulating the GUNDAM RX-78 robot in the gazebo simulation
gundam_rx78_gazebo contains launch scripts for simulating the GUNDAM RX-78 robot in the gazebo simulation
1 2020-08-28 gundam_rx78_description
gundam_rx78_description contains the ROS URDF file of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
gundam_rx78_description contains the ROS URDF file of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
1 2020-08-28 gundam_rx78_control
gundam_rx78_control contains launch and configuration scripts for the ros controller of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
gundam_rx78_control contains launch and configuration scripts for the ros controller of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
1 2020-08-28 gundam_robot
gundam_robot is a meta package for GUNDAM RX-78 robot controller and simulator
gundam_robot is a meta package for GUNDAM RX-78 robot controller and simulator
1 2020-08-28 bondpy
Python implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
Python implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
1 2020-08-28 bondcpp
C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
1 2020-08-28 bond_core
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
1 2020-08-28 bond
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
1 2020-08-26 radial_menu_rviz
The radial_menu_rviz package
The radial_menu_rviz package
1 2020-08-26 radial_menu_msgs
The radial_menu_msgs package
The radial_menu_msgs package
1 2020-08-26 radial_menu_model
The radial_menu_model package
The radial_menu_model package
1 2020-08-26 radial_menu_example
The radial_menu_example package
The radial_menu_example package
1 2020-08-26 radial_menu_backend
The radial_menu_backend package
The radial_menu_backend package
1 2020-08-26 radial_menu
The radial_menu package
The radial_menu package
1 2020-08-25 rosbag_pandas
Create a Pandas data frame from a ros bag file.
Create a Pandas data frame from a ros bag file.
2 2020-08-24 tf2_py
The tf2_py package
The tf2_py package
1 2020-08-24 jackal_simulator
Packages for simulating Jackal.
Packages for simulating Jackal.
1 2020-08-24 jackal_gazebo
Launchfiles to use Jackal in Gazebo.
Launchfiles to use Jackal in Gazebo.
1 2020-08-22 tf2_urdf
1 2020-08-21 turtle_teleop_multi_key
Provides teleoperation using multi-key input for Turtlesim/Turtlebot3.
Provides teleoperation using multi-key input for Turtlesim/Turtlebot3.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_xbee
Allows multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
Allows multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_windows
rosserial for Windows platforms.
rosserial for Windows platforms.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_vex_v5
rosserial for the VEX Cortex V5 Robot Brain platform.
rosserial for the VEX Cortex V5 Robot Brain platform.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_vex_cortex
rosserial for Cortex/AVR platforms.
rosserial for Cortex/AVR platforms.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_tivac
rosserial for TivaC Launchpad evaluation boards.
rosserial for TivaC Launchpad evaluation boards.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_test
A specialized harness which allows end-to-end integration testing of the rosserial client and server components.
A specialized harness which allows end-to-end integration testing of the rosserial client and server components.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_server
A more performance- and stability-oriented server alternative implemented in C++ to rosserial_python.
A more performance- and stability-oriented server alternative implemented in C++ to rosserial_python.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_python
A Python-based implementation of the rosserial protocol.
A Python-based implementation of the rosserial protocol.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_msgs
Messages for automatic topic configuration using rosserial.
Messages for automatic topic configuration using rosserial.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_mbed
rosserial for mbed platforms.
rosserial for mbed platforms.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_embeddedlinux
rosserial for embedded Linux enviroments
rosserial for embedded Linux enviroments
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_client
Generalized client side source for rosserial.
Generalized client side source for rosserial.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial_arduino
rosserial for Arduino/AVR platforms.
rosserial for Arduino/AVR platforms.
1 2020-08-21 rosserial
Metapackage for core of rosserial.
Metapackage for core of rosserial.
1 2020-08-21 actionlib
The actionlib stack provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks. Examples of this include moving the base to a target location, performing a laser scan and returning the resulting point cloud, detecting the handle of a door, etc.
The actionlib stack provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks. Examples of this include moving the base to a target location, performing a laser scan and returning the resulting point cloud, detecting the handle of a door, etc.
1 2020-08-18 sensehat_ros
sensehat_ros is a ROS package to interact with Astro Pi Sense HAT sensors, stick and LED matrix.
sensehat_ros is a ROS package to interact with Astro Pi Sense HAT sensors, stick and LED matrix.
1 2020-08-17 neo_local_planner
This package provides a spline based implementation to local robot navigation on a plane. This package's ROS wrapper adheres to the BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the
This package provides a spline based implementation to local robot navigation on a plane. This package's ROS wrapper adheres to the BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the
1 2020-08-14 moose_simulator
Packages for simulating Moose
Packages for simulating Moose
1 2020-08-14 moose_gazebo
Launch files to use Moose in Gazebo.
Launch files to use Moose in Gazebo.
1 2020-08-13 tf2_web_republisher
Republishing of Selected TFs
Republishing of Selected TFs
1 2020-08-12 costmap_tf_layer
ROS-package that implements a costmap layer populated by observing tf frames.
ROS-package that implements a costmap layer populated by observing tf frames.
2 2020-08-09 pr2_mechanism_msgs
This package defines services that are used to communicate with the realtime control loop. It also defines messages that represent the state of the realtime controllers, the joints and the actuators.
This package defines services that are used to communicate with the realtime control loop. It also defines messages that represent the state of the realtime controllers, the joints and the actuators.
1 2020-08-07 oxford_gps_eth
Ethernet interface to OxTS GPS receivers (NCOM packet structure)
Ethernet interface to OxTS GPS receivers (NCOM packet structure)
1 2020-08-03 topics_rviz_plugin
Display topics values in a RViz plugin
Display topics values in a RViz plugin
1 2020-08-03 soem
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
1 2020-08-03 moveit_visual_tools
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
1 2020-07-30 simple_qt_gui
A simple Qt GUI as a ROS package
A simple Qt GUI as a ROS package
1 2020-07-29 optris_drivers
ROS nodes wrapping the binary driver for Optris thermal imager devices.
ROS nodes wrapping the binary driver for Optris thermal imager devices.
1 2020-07-24 rostime
Time and Duration implementations for C++ libraries, including roscpp.
Time and Duration implementations for C++ libraries, including roscpp.
1 2020-07-24 roscpp_traits
roscpp_traits contains the message traits code as described in
roscpp_traits contains the message traits code as described in
1 2020-07-24 roscpp_serialization
roscpp_serialization contains the code for serialization as described in
roscpp_serialization contains the code for serialization as described in
1 2020-07-24 roscpp_core
Underlying data libraries for roscpp messages.
Underlying data libraries for roscpp messages.
1 2020-07-24 cpp_common
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
1 2020-07-19 wiimote
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern.
1 2020-07-19 spacenav_node
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
1 2020-07-19 ps3joy
Playstation 3 SIXAXIS or DUAL SHOCK 3 joystick driver. Driver for the Sony PlayStation 3 SIXAXIS or DUAL SHOCK 3 joysticks. In its current state, this driver is not compatible with the use of other Bluetooth HID devices. The driver listens for a connection on the HID ports, starts the joystick streaming data, and passes the data to the Linux uinput device so that it shows up as a normal joystick.
Playstation 3 SIXAXIS or DUAL SHOCK 3 joystick driver. Driver for the Sony PlayStation 3 SIXAXIS or DUAL SHOCK 3 joysticks. In its current state, this driver is not compatible with the use of other Bluetooth HID devices. The driver listens for a connection on the HID ports, starts the joystick streaming data, and passes the data to the Linux uinput device so that it shows up as a normal joystick.
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner_msgs
This package provides message types that are used by the package mpc_local_planner
This package provides message types that are used by the package mpc_local_planner
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner_examples
The mpc_local_planner_examples package
The mpc_local_planner_examples package
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner
The mpc_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. It provides a generic and versatile model predictive control implementation with minimum-time and quadratic-form receding-horizon configurations.
The mpc_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. It provides a generic and versatile model predictive control implementation with minimum-time and quadratic-form receding-horizon configurations.
1 2020-07-19 joystick_drivers
This metapackage depends on packages for interfacing common joysticks and human input devices with ROS.
This metapackage depends on packages for interfacing common joysticks and human input devices with ROS.
1 2020-07-19 joy
ROS driver for a generic Linux joystick. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes.
ROS driver for a generic Linux joystick. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes.
1 2020-07-14 collada_urdf
This package contains a tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. Implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by
This package contains a tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. Implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by
1 2020-07-14 collada_parser
This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package.
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_hardware_interface
The usb_cam_hardware_interface package
The usb_cam_hardware_interface package
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_hardware
The usb_cam_hardware package
The usb_cam_hardware package
1 2020-07-12 usb_cam_controllers
The usb_cam_controllers package
The usb_cam_controllers package
1 2020-07-10 simple_navigation_goals_tutorial
The simple_navigation_goals_tutorial package
The simple_navigation_goals_tutorial package
1 2020-07-10 roomba_stage
The roomba_stage package
The roomba_stage package
1 2020-07-10 robot_setup_tf_tutorial
The robot_setup_tf_tutorial package
The robot_setup_tf_tutorial package
1 2020-07-10 point_cloud_publisher_tutorial
The point_cloud_publisher_tutorial package
The point_cloud_publisher_tutorial package
1 2020-07-10 odometry_publisher_tutorial
The odometry_publisher_tutorial package
The odometry_publisher_tutorial package
1 2020-07-10 navigation_tutorials
Navigation related tutorials.
Navigation related tutorials.
1 2020-07-10 navigation_stage
This package holds example launch files for running the ROS navigation stack in stage.
This package holds example launch files for running the ROS navigation stack in stage.
1 2020-07-10 laser_scan_publisher_tutorial
The laser_scan_publisher_tutorial package
The laser_scan_publisher_tutorial package
1 2020-07-08 dual_quaternions_ros
ROS msgs from and to dual quaternions
ROS msgs from and to dual quaternions
1 2020-07-07 auv_msgs
This package provides message types commonly used with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
This package provides message types commonly used with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
1 2020-07-04 pid
Launch a PID control node.
Launch a PID control node.
2 2020-07-01 octomap_msgs
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
1 2020-06-28 datmo
The LIDAR Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects package
The LIDAR Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects package
1 2020-06-18 p2os_urdf
URDF file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
URDF file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
1 2020-06-18 p2os_teleop
A teleoperation node for the p2os_driver package.
A teleoperation node for the p2os_driver package.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_msgs
Defines the messages that are used to communicate with the p2os_driver package and the ROS infrastructure.
Defines the messages that are used to communicate with the p2os_driver package and the ROS infrastructure.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_launch
Launch and config files designed for use with the p2os stack.
Launch and config files designed for use with the p2os stack.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_driver
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
1 2020-06-18 p2os_doc
Contains the Documentation for the p2os driver/componenets
Contains the Documentation for the p2os driver/componenets
2 2020-06-17 qpoases_vendor
Wrapper around qpOASES to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
Wrapper around qpOASES to make it available to the ROS ecosystem.
1 2020-06-16 asr_halcon_bridge
This package is used to convert between image-messages of the ROS environment and HALCON-images.
This package is used to convert between image-messages of the ROS environment and HALCON-images.
1 2020-06-15 uuv_world_ros_plugins_msgs
The uuv_world_ros_plugins_msgs package
The uuv_world_ros_plugins_msgs package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_world_ros_plugins
The uuv_world_ros_plugins package
The uuv_world_ros_plugins package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_world_plugins
The uuv_world_plugins package
The uuv_world_plugins package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_tutorials
Meta package for all templates and tutorials.
Meta package for all templates and tutorials.
1 2020-06-15 uuv_tutorial_seabed_world
A simple tutorial on how to create a new Gazebo model with a seabed and how to configure it as a simulation scenario
A simple tutorial on how to create a new Gazebo model with a seabed and how to configure it as a simulation scenario
1 2020-06-15 uuv_tutorial_dp_controller
Tutorial that shows how to inherit the controller interface modules from the uuv_trajectory_control package to develop a custom controlller.
Tutorial that shows how to inherit the controller interface modules from the uuv_trajectory_control package to develop a custom controlller.
1 2020-06-15 uuv_tutorial_disturbances
Tutorial that shows how to use the uuv_control_utils tools to schedule disturbances to be applied during the simulation
Tutorial that shows how to use the uuv_control_utils tools to schedule disturbances to be applied during the simulation
1 2020-06-15 uuv_trajectory_control
The uuv_trajectory_control package
The uuv_trajectory_control package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_thruster_manager
The thruster manager package
The thruster manager package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_teleop
ROS nodes to generate command topics for vehicles and manipulators using a joystick input
ROS nodes to generate command topics for vehicles and manipulators using a joystick input
1 2020-06-15 uuv_simulator
uuv_simulator contains Gazebo plugins and ROS packages for modeling and simulating unmanned underwater vehicles
uuv_simulator contains Gazebo plugins and ROS packages for modeling and simulating unmanned underwater vehicles
1 2020-06-15 uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs
The uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs package
The uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_sensor_ros_plugins
The uuv_sensor_ros_plugins package
The uuv_sensor_ros_plugins package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_gazebo_worlds
The uuv_gazebo_worlds package
The uuv_gazebo_worlds package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins_msgs
The uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins_msgs package
The uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins_msgs package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins
UUV Simulator's extended ROS plugins for generation of the necessary ROS services and topics during the simulation.
UUV Simulator's extended ROS plugins for generation of the necessary ROS services and topics during the simulation.
1 2020-06-15 uuv_gazebo_plugins
UUV Simulator's Gazebo plugins for simulation of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces, and underwater actuators (e.g. thrusters and fins).
UUV Simulator's Gazebo plugins for simulation of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces, and underwater actuators (e.g. thrusters and fins).
1 2020-06-15 uuv_gazebo
The uuv_gazebo package
The uuv_gazebo package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_descriptions
The uuv_descriptions package
The uuv_descriptions package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_control_utils
The uuv_control_utils package
The uuv_control_utils package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_control_msgs
The uuv_control_msgs package
The uuv_control_msgs package
1 2020-06-15 uuv_control_cascaded_pid
A cascade of PID controllers for acceleration, velocity, and position control.
A cascade of PID controllers for acceleration, velocity, and position control.
1 2020-06-15 uuv_auv_control_allocator
Optimal allocation of forces and torques to thruster and fins of AUVs
Optimal allocation of forces and torques to thruster and fins of AUVs
1 2020-06-15 uuv_assistants
Tools and utilities to monitor and analyze the simulation
Tools and utilities to monitor and analyze the simulation
1 2020-06-15 rexrov2_gazebo
Package with launch files for demonstrations with the RexROV 2 vehicle with different positioning controllers.
Package with launch files for demonstrations with the RexROV 2 vehicle with different positioning controllers.