
Name Description
0 node_updaters
1 nodelet
1 nodelet_core
1 nodelet_topic_tools
1 nodelet_tutorial_math
1 nodes
1 2022-11-17 nodl_python
Implementation of the NoDL API in Python.
Implementation of the NoDL API in Python.
1 2021-10-27 nodl_to_policy
Package to generate a ROS 2 Access Control Policy from the NoDL description of a ROS system
Package to generate a ROS 2 Access Control Policy from the NoDL description of a ROS system
1 2025-02-04 nonpersistent_voxel_layer
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
1 2024-12-09 novatel_gps_driver
Driver for NovAtel receivers
Driver for NovAtel receivers
1 2024-12-09 novatel_gps_msgs
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
1 novatel_msgs
1 2025-01-30 novatel_oem7_driver
NovAtel Oem7 ROS Driver
NovAtel Oem7 ROS Driver
1 2025-01-30 novatel_oem7_msgs
Messages for NovAtel Oem7 family of receivers.
Messages for NovAtel Oem7 family of receivers.
1 novatel_span_driver
1 2022-12-30 ntpd_driver
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
1 2024-12-18 ntrip_client
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
1 2025-02-27 ntrip_client_node
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint
1 obj_to_pointcloud
1 2023-10-15 object_recognition_msgs
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
1 ocean_battery_driver
2 2024-04-01 octomap
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
1 2024-07-02 octomap_mapping
Mapping tools to be used with the
Mapping tools to be used with the
2 2024-11-08 octomap_msgs
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
1 octomap_pa
1 octomap_pa_matlab
1 octomap_pa_msgs
1 2024-07-02 octomap_ros
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
1 2024-10-19 octomap_rviz_plugins
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
1 2024-07-02 octomap_server
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
2 2024-04-01 octovis
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
1 2025-01-22 odom_to_tf_ros2
A simple ros2 package (node) that reads an odom topic and generates the equivalent tf connection (transformation). It also provides options to override frame names, or just use the ones in the original odom topic.
A simple ros2 package (node) that reads an odom topic and generates the equivalent tf connection (transformation). It also provides options to override frame names, or just use the ones in the original odom topic.
1 odometry_publisher_tutorial
1 odri_master_board_sdk
1 odva_ethernetip
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_can
The off_highway_can package
The off_highway_can package
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_general_purpose_radar
The off_highway_general_purpose_radar package
The off_highway_general_purpose_radar package
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_general_purpose_radar_msgs
The off_highway_general_purpose_radar_msgs package
The off_highway_general_purpose_radar_msgs package
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_premium_radar_sample
The off_highway_premium_radar_sample package
The off_highway_premium_radar_sample package
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_premium_radar_sample_msgs
The off_highway_premium_radar_sample_msgs package
The off_highway_premium_radar_sample_msgs package
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_radar
The off_highway_radar package
The off_highway_radar package
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_radar_msgs
The off_highway_radar_msgs package
The off_highway_radar_msgs package
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_sensor_drivers
The off_highway_sensor_drivers package
The off_highway_sensor_drivers package
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_sensor_drivers_examples
The off_highway_sensor_drivers_examples package
The off_highway_sensor_drivers_examples package
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_uss
The off_highway_uss package
The off_highway_uss package
1 2025-02-04 off_highway_uss_msgs
The off_highway_uss_msgs package
The off_highway_uss_msgs package
1 oled_display_node
1 2025-02-10 omni_base_2dnav
omni_base-specific launch files needed to run navigation on the omni_base robot.
omni_base-specific launch files needed to run navigation on the omni_base robot.
1 2025-02-24 omni_base_bringup
The omni_base_bringup package
The omni_base_bringup package
1 2025-02-24 omni_base_controller_configuration
The omni_base_controller_configuration package
The omni_base_controller_configuration package
1 2025-02-24 omni_base_description
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the omni_base robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the omni_base robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
1 2025-01-23 omni_base_gazebo
The omni_base_gazebo package
The omni_base_gazebo package
1 2025-02-10 omni_base_laser_sensors
omni_base-specific laser sensors launch and config files.
omni_base-specific laser sensors launch and config files.
1 2025-02-10 omni_base_navigation
The omni_base Navigatgion metapackage
The omni_base Navigatgion metapackage
1 2025-02-10 omni_base_rgbd_sensors
omni_base-specific RGBD sensors module and params files.
omni_base-specific RGBD sensors module and params files.
1 2025-02-24 omni_base_robot
The omni_base_robot package
The omni_base_robot package
1 2025-01-23 omni_base_simulation
The omni_base_simulation package
The omni_base_simulation package
0 omni_drive_controller
1 omnibase_control
1 omnibase_description
1 omnibase_gazebo
1 2025-03-06 ompl
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
0 ompl_interface_ros
0 ompl_ros_interface
1 omron_os32c_driver
1 omronsentech_camera
1 2022-06-08 open3d_conversions
Provides conversion functions to and from Open3D datatypes
Provides conversion functions to and from Open3D datatypes
1 open_karto
1 open_manipulator
1 open_manipulator_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_controller
1 open_manipulator_description
1 open_manipulator_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_libs
1 open_manipulator_msgs
1 open_manipulator_p
1 open_manipulator_p_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_p_controller
1 open_manipulator_p_description
1 open_manipulator_p_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_p_libs
1 open_manipulator_p_simulations
1 open_manipulator_p_teleop
1 open_manipulator_simulations
1 open_manipulator_teleop
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_description
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_simulations
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_tools
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_moveit
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_pi_moveit
1 2024-04-23 open_manipulator_x_description
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
0 opencv
0 opencv3
1 opencv_apps
2 2024-12-02 opencv_tests
OpenCV tests for the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge with Image message in ROS2.
OpenCV tests for the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge with Image message in ROS2.
1 2025-03-08 openeb_vendor
Wrapper around openeb
Wrapper around openeb
1 opengm
1 openhrp3
2 2024-12-20 opennav_docking
A Task Server for robot charger docking
A Task Server for robot charger docking
2 2024-12-20 opennav_docking_bt
A set of BT nodes and XMLs for docking
A set of BT nodes and XMLs for docking
2 2024-12-20 opennav_docking_core
A set of headers for plugins core to the opennav docking framework
A set of headers for plugins core to the opennav docking framework
1 2024-12-20 opennav_docking_msgs
A set of ROS interfaces for docking and undocking
A set of ROS interfaces for docking and undocking
1 2024-11-03 openni2_camera
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
1 openni2_launch
1 openni_camera
1 openni_description
1 openni_launch
1 openrtm_aist
1 openrtm_aist_python
1 openrtm_ros_bridge
1 openrtm_tools
1 openslam_gmapping
1 opensw
1 opensw_ros
1 2025-02-12 openvdb_vendor
Wrapper around OpenVDB, if not found on the system, will compile from source
Wrapper around OpenVDB, if not found on the system, will compile from source
1 openzen_sensor
1 opt_camera
1 optimization_common
1 optimizers
1 optpp_catkin
1 optris_drivers
1 opw_kinematics
1 orb_slam2_ros
3 orocos_kdl
1 2023-01-20 orocos_kdl_vendor
Wrapper around orocos_kdl, providing nothing but a dependency on orocos_kdl on some systems. On others, it fetches and builds orocos_kdl locally.
Wrapper around orocos_kdl, providing nothing but a dependency on orocos_kdl on some systems. On others, it fetches and builds orocos_kdl locally.
1 orocos_kinematics_dynamics
0 orrosplanning
1 2024-06-08 ortools_vendor
Wrapper around ortools, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
Wrapper around ortools, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
1 osg_interactive_markers
1 osg_markers
1 osg_utils
1 osm_cartography
1 osqp
1 2022-10-23 osqp_vendor
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
1 2025-02-24 osrf_pycommon
Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF.
Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF.
1 2022-11-07 osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects.
Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects.
1 ouster_driver
2 2020-11-30 ouster_msgs
ROS2 messages for ouster lidar driver
ROS2 messages for ouster lidar driver
1 ouster_ros
1 ouster_sensor_msgs
1 outsight_alb_driver
1 2025-01-19 ouxt_common
common settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
common settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
1 2025-01-19 ouxt_lint_common
common linter settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
common linter settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
1 ov_core
1 ov_data
1 ov_eval
1 ov_init
1 ov_msckf
1 oxford_gps_eth
1 p2os_doc
1 p2os_driver
1 p2os_launch
1 p2os_msgs
1 p2os_teleop
1 p2os_urdf
1 pacmod2
1 pacmod3
0 pacmod3_msgs
1 pacmod_game_control
1 pacmod_msgs
0 paho-mqtt-cpp
1 2025-02-05 pal_carbon_collector
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
1 2023-11-14 pal_gazebo_plugins
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins used by PAL Robotics.
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins used by PAL Robotics.
1 2024-08-27 pal_gazebo_worlds
Simulation worlds for PAL robots.
Simulation worlds for PAL robots.
0 pal_gazebo_worlds_private
1 2024-12-16 pal_gripper
The pal_gripper package
The pal_gripper package
1 2024-12-16 pal_gripper_controller_configuration
The pal_gripper_controller_configuration package
The pal_gripper_controller_configuration package
1 2024-12-16 pal_gripper_description
The pal_gripper_description package
The pal_gripper_description package
1 2024-12-16 pal_gripper_gazebo
The pal_gripper_gazebo package
The pal_gripper_gazebo package
1 2024-12-16 pal_gripper_simulation
Pal gripper simulation package
Pal gripper simulation package
0 pal_hardware_gazebo
1 2024-08-07 pal_hey5
The pal_hey5 package
The pal_hey5 package
1 2024-08-07 pal_hey5_controller_configuration
The pal_hey5_controller_configuration package
The pal_hey5_controller_configuration package
1 2024-08-07 pal_hey5_description
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the Hey5 hand. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the Hey5 hand. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
0 pal_laser_filters
1 2024-10-31 pal_maps
Public Maps used for the Navigation of PAL Robotics robots.
Public Maps used for the Navigation of PAL Robotics robots.
0 pal_module_cmake
1 2023-11-14 pal_navigation_cfg
PAL Navigation Configuration metapackage
PAL Navigation Configuration metapackage
1 2023-11-14 pal_navigation_cfg_bringup
Central storage of PAL Navigation launch files
Central storage of PAL Navigation launch files
0 pal_navigation_cfg_cmake
1 2023-11-14 pal_navigation_cfg_params
Central storage of navigation configuration parameters
Central storage of navigation configuration parameters
0 pal_navigation_cfg_utils
1 2024-12-16 pal_parallel_gripper_wrapper
The pal_parallel_gripper_wrapper package
The pal_parallel_gripper_wrapper package
1 2025-01-07 pal_robotiq_controller_configuration
The pal_robotiq_controller_configuration package
The pal_robotiq_controller_configuration package
1 2025-01-07 pal_robotiq_description
The pal_robotiq_description package
The pal_robotiq_description package
1 2025-01-07 pal_robotiq_epick_description
The pal_robotiq_epick_description package
The pal_robotiq_epick_description package
1 2025-01-07 pal_robotiq_epick_gripper
Robotiq Gripper Epick Definition Packages
Robotiq Gripper Epick Definition Packages
1 2025-01-07 pal_robotiq_gripper
Robotiq Gripper Definition Packages
Robotiq Gripper Definition Packages
1 2025-01-07 pal_robotiq_gripper_wrapper
The pal_robotiq_gripper_wrapper package
The pal_robotiq_gripper_wrapper package
0 pal_ros_utils
1 2025-02-05 pal_statistics
The pal_statistics package
The pal_statistics package
1 2025-02-05 pal_statistics_msgs
Statistics msgs package
Statistics msgs package
1 2023-12-19 pal_urdf_utils
This package contains the color materials of common elements of PAL Robotics' robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains the color materials of common elements of PAL Robotics' robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
1 2025-02-06 panda_arm_1_moveit_config
1 2025-02-06 panda_arm_2_moveit_config
1 panda_moveit_config
1 2025-03-09 pangolin
Pangolin is a set of lightweight and portable utility libraries for prototyping 3D, numeric or video based programs and algorithms.
Pangolin is a set of lightweight and portable utility libraries for prototyping 3D, numeric or video based programs and algorithms.
1 2024-04-23 pantilt_bot_description
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description


Name Description
0 node_updaters
1 nodelet
1 nodelet_core
1 nodelet_topic_tools
1 nodelet_tutorial_math
1 nodes
1 2022-11-17 nodl_python
Implementation of the NoDL API in Python.
Implementation of the NoDL API in Python.
1 2021-10-27 nodl_to_policy
Package to generate a ROS 2 Access Control Policy from the NoDL description of a ROS system
Package to generate a ROS 2 Access Control Policy from the NoDL description of a ROS system
1 2025-02-04 nonpersistent_voxel_layer
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
1 2024-12-09 novatel_gps_driver
Driver for NovAtel receivers
Driver for NovAtel receivers
1 2024-12-09 novatel_gps_msgs
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
1 novatel_msgs
1 2025-02-12 novatel_oem7_driver
NovAtel Oem7 ROS Driver
NovAtel Oem7 ROS Driver
1 2025-02-12 novatel_oem7_msgs
Messages for NovAtel Oem7 family of receivers.
Messages for NovAtel Oem7 family of receivers.
1 novatel_span_driver
1 2022-12-30 ntpd_driver
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
1 2024-12-18 ntrip_client
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
1 2025-02-27 ntrip_client_node
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint
1 obj_to_pointcloud
1 2023-10-15 object_recognition_msgs
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
1 ocean_battery_driver
2 2024-04-01 octomap
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
1 2024-07-02 octomap_mapping
Mapping tools to be used with the
Mapping tools to be used with the
2 2024-11-08 octomap_msgs
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
1 octomap_pa
1 octomap_pa_matlab
1 octomap_pa_msgs
1 2024-07-02 octomap_ros
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
1 2024-10-19 octomap_rviz_plugins
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
1 2024-07-02 octomap_server
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
2 2024-04-01 octovis
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
1 2025-01-22 odom_to_tf_ros2
A simple ros2 package (node) that reads an odom topic and generates the equivalent tf connection (transformation). It also provides options to override frame names, or just use the ones in the original odom topic.
A simple ros2 package (node) that reads an odom topic and generates the equivalent tf connection (transformation). It also provides options to override frame names, or just use the ones in the original odom topic.
1 odometry_publisher_tutorial
1 2024-07-05 odri_master_board_sdk
This project contains the sdk for the communication between a computer and the master-board
This project contains the sdk for the communication between a computer and the master-board
1 odva_ethernetip
1 off_highway_can
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample_msgs
1 off_highway_radar
1 off_highway_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers_examples
1 off_highway_uss
1 off_highway_uss_msgs
1 oled_display_node
1 omni_base_2dnav
1 omni_base_bringup
1 omni_base_controller_configuration
1 omni_base_description
1 omni_base_gazebo
1 omni_base_laser_sensors
1 omni_base_navigation
1 omni_base_rgbd_sensors
1 omni_base_robot
1 omni_base_simulation
0 omni_drive_controller
1 omnibase_control
1 omnibase_description
1 omnibase_gazebo
1 2025-03-06 ompl
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
0 ompl_interface_ros
0 ompl_ros_interface
1 omron_os32c_driver
1 omronsentech_camera
1 2024-07-09 open3d_conversions
Provides conversion functions to and from Open3D datatypes
Provides conversion functions to and from Open3D datatypes
1 open_karto
1 open_manipulator
1 open_manipulator_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_controller
1 open_manipulator_description
1 open_manipulator_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_libs
1 open_manipulator_msgs
1 open_manipulator_p
1 open_manipulator_p_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_p_controller
1 open_manipulator_p_description
1 open_manipulator_p_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_p_libs
1 open_manipulator_p_simulations
1 open_manipulator_p_teleop
1 open_manipulator_simulations
1 open_manipulator_teleop
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_description
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_simulations
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_tools
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_moveit
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_pi_moveit
1 open_manipulator_x_description
0 opencv
0 opencv3
1 opencv_apps
2 2024-12-02 opencv_tests
OpenCV tests for the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge with Image message in ROS2.
OpenCV tests for the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge with Image message in ROS2.
1 2025-03-08 openeb_vendor
Wrapper around openeb
Wrapper around openeb
1 opengm
1 openhrp3
2 2025-02-13 opennav_docking
A Task Server for robot charger docking
A Task Server for robot charger docking
2 2025-02-13 opennav_docking_bt
A set of BT nodes and XMLs for docking
A set of BT nodes and XMLs for docking
2 2025-02-13 opennav_docking_core
A set of headers for plugins core to the opennav docking framework
A set of headers for plugins core to the opennav docking framework
1 opennav_docking_msgs
1 2024-11-03 openni2_camera
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
1 openni2_launch
1 openni_camera
1 openni_description
1 openni_launch
1 openrtm_aist
1 openrtm_aist_python
1 openrtm_ros_bridge
1 openrtm_tools
1 openslam_gmapping
1 2022-10-12 opensw
Open SDK for communicating with SlamTec Slamware devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
Open SDK for communicating with SlamTec Slamware devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
1 2022-10-12 opensw_ros
Open driver communicating with SlamTec rpos framework devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
Open driver communicating with SlamTec rpos framework devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
1 2025-02-12 openvdb_vendor
Wrapper around OpenVDB, if not found on the system, will compile from source
Wrapper around OpenVDB, if not found on the system, will compile from source
1 openzen_sensor
1 opt_camera
1 optimization_common
1 optimizers
1 optpp_catkin
1 optris_drivers
1 opw_kinematics
1 orb_slam2_ros
3 orocos_kdl
1 2024-12-02 orocos_kdl_vendor
Wrapper around orocos_kdl, providing nothing but a dependency on orocos_kdl on some systems. On others, it fetches and builds orocos_kdl locally.
Wrapper around orocos_kdl, providing nothing but a dependency on orocos_kdl on some systems. On others, it fetches and builds orocos_kdl locally.
1 orocos_kinematics_dynamics
0 orrosplanning
1 2024-06-08 ortools_vendor
Wrapper around ortools, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
Wrapper around ortools, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
1 osg_interactive_markers
1 osg_markers
1 osg_utils
1 osm_cartography
1 osqp
1 2022-10-23 osqp_vendor
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
1 2025-02-24 osrf_pycommon
Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF.
Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF.
1 2024-02-07 osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects.
Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects.
1 ouster_driver
2 2024-06-18 ouster_msgs
ROS2 messages for ouster lidar driver
ROS2 messages for ouster lidar driver
1 2023-11-01 ouster_ros
Ouster ROS2 driver
Ouster ROS2 driver
1 2023-11-01 ouster_sensor_msgs
ouster_ros message and service definitions
ouster_ros message and service definitions
1 outsight_alb_driver
1 2025-01-19 ouxt_common
common settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
common settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
1 2025-01-19 ouxt_lint_common
common linter settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
common linter settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
1 ov_core
1 ov_data
1 ov_eval
1 ov_init
1 ov_msckf
1 oxford_gps_eth
1 p2os_doc
1 p2os_driver
1 p2os_launch
1 p2os_msgs
1 p2os_teleop
1 p2os_urdf
1 pacmod2
1 pacmod3
0 pacmod3_msgs
1 pacmod_game_control
1 pacmod_msgs
0 paho-mqtt-cpp
1 2025-02-05 pal_carbon_collector
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
1 pal_gazebo_plugins
1 pal_gazebo_worlds
0 pal_gazebo_worlds_private
1 pal_gripper
1 pal_gripper_controller_configuration
1 pal_gripper_description
1 pal_gripper_gazebo
1 pal_gripper_simulation
0 pal_hardware_gazebo
1 pal_hey5
1 pal_hey5_controller_configuration
1 pal_hey5_description
0 pal_laser_filters
1 pal_maps
0 pal_module_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg
1 pal_navigation_cfg_bringup
0 pal_navigation_cfg_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg_params
0 pal_navigation_cfg_utils
1 pal_parallel_gripper_wrapper
1 pal_robotiq_controller_configuration
1 pal_robotiq_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper_wrapper
0 pal_ros_utils
1 2025-02-05 pal_statistics
The pal_statistics package
The pal_statistics package
1 2025-02-05 pal_statistics_msgs
Statistics msgs package
Statistics msgs package
1 pal_urdf_utils
1 panda_arm_1_moveit_config
1 panda_arm_2_moveit_config
1 panda_moveit_config
1 2025-03-09 pangolin
Pangolin is a set of lightweight and portable utility libraries for prototyping 3D, numeric or video based programs and algorithms.
Pangolin is a set of lightweight and portable utility libraries for prototyping 3D, numeric or video based programs and algorithms.
1 pantilt_bot_description


Name Description
0 node_updaters
1 nodelet
1 nodelet_core
1 nodelet_topic_tools
1 nodelet_tutorial_math
1 nodes
1 2022-11-17 nodl_python
Implementation of the NoDL API in Python.
Implementation of the NoDL API in Python.
1 2021-10-27 nodl_to_policy
Package to generate a ROS 2 Access Control Policy from the NoDL description of a ROS system
Package to generate a ROS 2 Access Control Policy from the NoDL description of a ROS system
1 nonpersistent_voxel_layer
1 2024-12-09 novatel_gps_driver
Driver for NovAtel receivers
Driver for NovAtel receivers
1 2024-12-09 novatel_gps_msgs
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
1 novatel_msgs
1 novatel_oem7_driver
1 novatel_oem7_msgs
1 novatel_span_driver
1 2022-12-30 ntpd_driver
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
1 2024-12-18 ntrip_client
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
1 2025-02-27 ntrip_client_node
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint
1 obj_to_pointcloud
1 2023-10-15 object_recognition_msgs
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
1 ocean_battery_driver
2 octomap
1 2024-07-02 octomap_mapping
Mapping tools to be used with the
Mapping tools to be used with the
2 2024-11-08 octomap_msgs
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
1 octomap_pa
1 octomap_pa_matlab
1 octomap_pa_msgs
1 2024-07-02 octomap_ros
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
1 2024-10-19 octomap_rviz_plugins
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
1 2024-07-02 octomap_server
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
2 octovis
1 2025-01-22 odom_to_tf_ros2
A simple ros2 package (node) that reads an odom topic and generates the equivalent tf connection (transformation). It also provides options to override frame names, or just use the ones in the original odom topic.
A simple ros2 package (node) that reads an odom topic and generates the equivalent tf connection (transformation). It also provides options to override frame names, or just use the ones in the original odom topic.
1 odometry_publisher_tutorial
1 2024-07-05 odri_master_board_sdk
This project contains the sdk for the communication between a computer and the master-board
This project contains the sdk for the communication between a computer and the master-board
1 odva_ethernetip
1 off_highway_can
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample_msgs
1 off_highway_radar
1 off_highway_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers_examples
1 off_highway_uss
1 off_highway_uss_msgs
1 oled_display_node
1 omni_base_2dnav
1 omni_base_bringup
1 omni_base_controller_configuration
1 omni_base_description
1 omni_base_gazebo
1 omni_base_laser_sensors
1 omni_base_navigation
1 omni_base_rgbd_sensors
1 omni_base_robot
1 omni_base_simulation
0 omni_drive_controller
1 omnibase_control
1 omnibase_description
1 omnibase_gazebo
1 2025-03-06 ompl
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
0 ompl_interface_ros
0 ompl_ros_interface
1 omron_os32c_driver
1 omronsentech_camera
1 2024-07-09 open3d_conversions
Provides conversion functions to and from Open3D datatypes
Provides conversion functions to and from Open3D datatypes
1 open_karto
1 open_manipulator
1 open_manipulator_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_controller
1 open_manipulator_description
1 open_manipulator_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_libs
1 open_manipulator_msgs
1 open_manipulator_p
1 open_manipulator_p_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_p_controller
1 open_manipulator_p_description
1 open_manipulator_p_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_p_libs
1 open_manipulator_p_simulations
1 open_manipulator_p_teleop
1 open_manipulator_simulations
1 open_manipulator_teleop
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_description
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_simulations
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_tools
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_moveit
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_pi_moveit
1 open_manipulator_x_description
0 opencv
0 opencv3
1 opencv_apps
2 2024-12-02 opencv_tests
OpenCV tests for the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge with Image message in ROS2.
OpenCV tests for the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge with Image message in ROS2.
1 2025-03-08 openeb_vendor
Wrapper around openeb
Wrapper around openeb
1 opengm
1 openhrp3
2 opennav_docking
2 opennav_docking_bt
2 opennav_docking_core
1 opennav_docking_msgs
1 2024-11-03 openni2_camera
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
1 openni2_launch
1 openni_camera
1 openni_description
1 openni_launch
1 openrtm_aist
1 openrtm_aist_python
1 openrtm_ros_bridge
1 openrtm_tools
1 openslam_gmapping
1 2022-10-12 opensw
Open SDK for communicating with SlamTec Slamware devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
Open SDK for communicating with SlamTec Slamware devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
1 2022-10-12 opensw_ros
Open driver communicating with SlamTec rpos framework devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
Open driver communicating with SlamTec rpos framework devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
1 openvdb_vendor
1 openzen_sensor
1 opt_camera
1 optimization_common
1 optimizers
1 optpp_catkin
1 optris_drivers
1 opw_kinematics
1 orb_slam2_ros
3 orocos_kdl
1 2024-12-02 orocos_kdl_vendor
Wrapper around orocos_kdl, providing nothing but a dependency on orocos_kdl on some systems. On others, it fetches and builds orocos_kdl locally.
Wrapper around orocos_kdl, providing nothing but a dependency on orocos_kdl on some systems. On others, it fetches and builds orocos_kdl locally.
1 orocos_kinematics_dynamics
0 orrosplanning
1 2024-06-08 ortools_vendor
Wrapper around ortools, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
Wrapper around ortools, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
1 osg_interactive_markers
1 osg_markers
1 osg_utils
1 osm_cartography
1 osqp
1 2022-10-23 osqp_vendor
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
1 2025-02-24 osrf_pycommon
Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF.
Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF.
1 2024-12-02 osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects.
Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects.
1 ouster_driver
2 ouster_msgs
1 2023-11-01 ouster_ros
Ouster ROS2 driver
Ouster ROS2 driver
1 2023-11-01 ouster_sensor_msgs
ouster_ros message and service definitions
ouster_ros message and service definitions
1 outsight_alb_driver
1 2025-01-19 ouxt_common
common settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
common settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
1 2025-01-19 ouxt_lint_common
common linter settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
common linter settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
1 ov_core
1 ov_data
1 ov_eval
1 ov_init
1 ov_msckf
1 oxford_gps_eth
1 p2os_doc
1 p2os_driver
1 p2os_launch
1 p2os_msgs
1 p2os_teleop
1 p2os_urdf
1 pacmod2
1 pacmod3
0 pacmod3_msgs
1 pacmod_game_control
1 pacmod_msgs
0 paho-mqtt-cpp
1 2025-02-05 pal_carbon_collector
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
1 pal_gazebo_plugins
1 pal_gazebo_worlds
0 pal_gazebo_worlds_private
1 pal_gripper
1 pal_gripper_controller_configuration
1 pal_gripper_description
1 pal_gripper_gazebo
1 pal_gripper_simulation
0 pal_hardware_gazebo
1 pal_hey5
1 pal_hey5_controller_configuration
1 pal_hey5_description
0 pal_laser_filters
1 pal_maps
0 pal_module_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg
1 pal_navigation_cfg_bringup
0 pal_navigation_cfg_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg_params
0 pal_navigation_cfg_utils
1 pal_parallel_gripper_wrapper
1 pal_robotiq_controller_configuration
1 pal_robotiq_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper_wrapper
0 pal_ros_utils
1 2025-02-05 pal_statistics
The pal_statistics package
The pal_statistics package
1 2025-02-05 pal_statistics_msgs
Statistics msgs package
Statistics msgs package
1 pal_urdf_utils
1 panda_arm_1_moveit_config
1 panda_arm_2_moveit_config
1 panda_moveit_config
1 2025-03-09 pangolin
Pangolin is a set of lightweight and portable utility libraries for prototyping 3D, numeric or video based programs and algorithms.
Pangolin is a set of lightweight and portable utility libraries for prototyping 3D, numeric or video based programs and algorithms.
1 pantilt_bot_description


Name Description
0 node_updaters
1 2024-11-13 nodelet
The nodelet package is designed to provide a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport between algorithms. This package provides both the nodelet base class needed for implementing a nodelet, as well as the NodeletLoader class used for instantiating nodelets.
The nodelet package is designed to provide a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport between algorithms. This package provides both the nodelet base class needed for implementing a nodelet, as well as the NodeletLoader class used for instantiating nodelets.
1 2024-11-13 nodelet_core
Nodelet Core Metapackage
Nodelet Core Metapackage
1 2024-11-13 nodelet_topic_tools
This package contains common nodelet tools such as a mux, demux and throttle.
This package contains common nodelet tools such as a mux, demux and throttle.
1 2020-07-23 nodelet_tutorial_math
Package for Nodelet tutorial.
Package for Nodelet tutorial.
1 2024-07-03 nodes
The nodes package
The nodes package
1 nodl_python
1 nodl_to_policy
1 2021-01-28 nonpersistent_voxel_layer
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
1 2023-09-29 novatel_gps_driver
Driver for NovAtel receivers
Driver for NovAtel receivers
1 2023-09-29 novatel_gps_msgs
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
1 novatel_msgs
1 2024-01-30 novatel_oem7_driver
NovAtel Oem7 ROS Driver
NovAtel Oem7 ROS Driver
1 2024-01-30 novatel_oem7_msgs
Messages for NovAtel Oem7 family of receivers.
Messages for NovAtel Oem7 family of receivers.
1 novatel_span_driver
1 2022-12-30 ntpd_driver
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
1 2024-12-18 ntrip_client
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
1 ntrip_client_node
1 2025-02-26 obj_to_pointcloud
OBJ file to pointcloud message converter package
OBJ file to pointcloud message converter package
1 2020-04-23 object_recognition_msgs
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
1 2023-03-06 ocean_battery_driver
This is an interface to the Ocean Server Technology Intelligent Battery and Power System.
This is an interface to the Ocean Server Technology Intelligent Battery and Power System.
2 2024-04-01 octomap
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
1 2024-03-24 octomap_mapping
Mapping tools to be used with the
Mapping tools to be used with the
2 2020-07-01 octomap_msgs
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
1 2021-06-08 octomap_pa
ProAut octomap package
ProAut octomap package
1 2021-06-08 octomap_pa_matlab
This package contains the source code and the messages for the matlab wrapper.
This package contains the source code and the messages for the matlab wrapper.
1 2021-06-08 octomap_pa_msgs
ProAut octomap package (only messages)
ProAut octomap package (only messages)
1 2023-03-21 octomap_ros
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
1 2023-01-28 octomap_rviz_plugins
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
1 2024-03-24 octomap_server
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
2 2024-04-01 octovis
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
1 odom_to_tf_ros2
1 odometry_publisher_tutorial
1 odri_master_board_sdk
1 2020-11-26 odva_ethernetip
Library implementing ODVA EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol).
Library implementing ODVA EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol).
1 off_highway_can
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample_msgs
1 off_highway_radar
1 off_highway_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers_examples
1 off_highway_uss
1 off_highway_uss_msgs
1 2023-11-06 oled_display_node
OLED I2C display node package
OLED I2C display node package
1 omni_base_2dnav
1 omni_base_bringup
1 omni_base_controller_configuration
1 omni_base_description
1 omni_base_gazebo
1 omni_base_laser_sensors
1 omni_base_navigation
1 omni_base_rgbd_sensors
1 omni_base_robot
1 omni_base_simulation
0 omni_drive_controller
1 omnibase_control
1 omnibase_description
1 omnibase_gazebo
1 2023-01-07 ompl
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
0 ompl_interface_ros
0 ompl_ros_interface
1 2020-11-26 omron_os32c_driver
Interface driver for Omron OS32C Lidar via Ethernet/IP (Industrial Protocol)
Interface driver for Omron OS32C Lidar via Ethernet/IP (Industrial Protocol)
1 omronsentech_camera
1 open3d_conversions
1 2024-07-22 open_karto
Catkinized ROS packaging of the OpenKarto library
Catkinized ROS packaging of the OpenKarto library
1 open_manipulator
1 open_manipulator_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_controller
1 open_manipulator_description
1 2021-06-25 open_manipulator_gazebo
Gazebo configurations package for OpenManipulator
Gazebo configurations package for OpenManipulator
1 open_manipulator_libs
1 2021-06-24 open_manipulator_msgs
Messages and services package for OpenManipulator to send information about state or pose
Messages and services package for OpenManipulator to send information about state or pose
1 open_manipulator_p
1 open_manipulator_p_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_p_controller
1 open_manipulator_p_description
1 2021-06-30 open_manipulator_p_gazebo
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Gazebo
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Gazebo
1 open_manipulator_p_libs
1 2021-06-30 open_manipulator_p_simulations
Metapackage for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Simulations
Metapackage for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Simulations
1 open_manipulator_p_teleop
1 2021-06-25 open_manipulator_simulations
Simulation packages for OpenManipulator
Simulation packages for OpenManipulator
1 open_manipulator_teleop
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_description
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_simulations
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_tools
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_moveit
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_pi_moveit
1 open_manipulator_x_description
0 opencv
0 opencv3
1 2025-02-21 opencv_apps
2 2024-08-20 opencv_tests
Tests the enumerants of the ROS Image message, and functionally tests the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge.
Tests the enumerants of the ROS Image message, and functionally tests the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge.
1 openeb_vendor
1 2024-02-19 opengm
This package wraps the external c++ library opengm in a ROS package, so other packages can use it. It downloads the source code of it and then unzips it. The library is a header-only library with command line interfaces, which aren't used, so it doesn't gets build. For further descriptions and tutorials see the Makefile.tarball and . Copyright (C) 2013 Bjoern Andres, Thorsten Beier and Joerg H.~Kappes.
This package wraps the external c++ library opengm in a ROS package, so other packages can use it. It downloads the source code of it and then unzips it. The library is a header-only library with command line interfaces, which aren't used, so it doesn't gets build. For further descriptions and tutorials see the Makefile.tarball and . Copyright (C) 2013 Bjoern Andres, Thorsten Beier and Joerg H.~Kappes.
1 2022-09-07 openhrp3
2 opennav_docking
2 opennav_docking_bt
2 opennav_docking_core
1 opennav_docking_msgs
1 2023-10-25 openni2_camera
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
1 2023-10-25 openni2_launch
Launch files to start the openni2_camera drivers using rgbd_launch.
Launch files to start the openni2_camera drivers using rgbd_launch.
1 2018-09-13 openni_camera
A ROS driver for OpenNI depth (+ RGB) cameras. These include: Microsoft Kinect, PrimeSense PSDK, ASUS Xtion Pro and Pro Live The driver publishes raw depth, RGB, and IR image streams.
A ROS driver for OpenNI depth (+ RGB) cameras. These include: Microsoft Kinect, PrimeSense PSDK, ASUS Xtion Pro and Pro Live The driver publishes raw depth, RGB, and IR image streams.
1 2018-09-13 openni_description
Model files of OpenNI device.
Model files of OpenNI device.
1 2018-09-13 openni_launch
Launch files to open an OpenNI device and load all nodelets to convert raw depth/RGB/IR streams to depth images, disparity images, and (registered) point clouds.
Launch files to open an OpenNI device and load all nodelets to convert raw depth/RGB/IR streams to depth images, disparity images, and (registered) point clouds.
1 2020-04-14 openrtm_aist
1 2023-09-29 openrtm_aist_python
1 openrtm_ros_bridge
1 openrtm_tools
1 2023-10-18 openslam_gmapping
The catkinized verseion of openslam_gmapping package (
The catkinized verseion of openslam_gmapping package (
1 opensw
1 opensw_ros
1 openvdb_vendor
1 2025-03-05 openzen_sensor
ROS driver for LP-Research inertial measurement units and satellite navigation senors
ROS driver for LP-Research inertial measurement units and satellite navigation senors
1 2025-01-09 opt_camera
1 2024-07-03 optimization_common
The optimization_common package
The optimization_common package
1 2024-07-03 optimizers
The optimizers package
The optimizers package
1 optpp_catkin
1 optris_drivers
1 2025-01-15 opw_kinematics
A simple, analytical inverse kinematic library for industrial robots with parallel bases and spherical wrists. Based on the paper "An Analytical Solution of the Inverse Kinematics Problem of Industrial Serial Manipulators with an Ortho-parallel Basis and a Spherical Wrist" by Mathias Brandstötter, Arthur Angerer, and Michael Hofbaur.
A simple, analytical inverse kinematic library for industrial robots with parallel bases and spherical wrists. Based on the paper "An Analytical Solution of the Inverse Kinematics Problem of Industrial Serial Manipulators with an Ortho-parallel Basis and a Spherical Wrist" by Mathias Brandstötter, Arthur Angerer, and Michael Hofbaur.
1 orb_slam2_ros
3 orocos_kdl
1 orocos_kdl_vendor
1 orocos_kinematics_dynamics
0 orrosplanning
1 2024-06-08 ortools_vendor
Wrapper around ortools, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
Wrapper around ortools, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
1 osg_interactive_markers
1 osg_markers
1 osg_utils
1 2021-06-03 osm_cartography
Geographic mapping using Open Street Map data.
Geographic mapping using Open Street Map data.
1 2025-01-09 osqp
ROS wrapper for OSQP
ROS wrapper for OSQP
1 2022-10-23 osqp_vendor
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
1 osrf_pycommon
1 osrf_testing_tools_cpp
1 ouster_driver
2 ouster_msgs
1 ouster_ros
1 ouster_sensor_msgs
1 2022-10-12 outsight_alb_driver
ROS driver to interface with ALB device.
ROS driver to interface with ALB device.
1 ouxt_common
1 ouxt_lint_common
1 2024-12-15 ov_core
Core algorithms for visual-inertial navigation algorithms.
Core algorithms for visual-inertial navigation algorithms.
1 2024-12-15 ov_data
Data for the OpenVINS project, mostly just groundtruth files...
Data for the OpenVINS project, mostly just groundtruth files...
1 2024-12-15 ov_eval
Evaluation methods and scripts for visual-inertial odometry systems.
Evaluation methods and scripts for visual-inertial odometry systems.
1 2024-12-15 ov_init
Initialization package which handles static and dynamic initialization.
Initialization package which handles static and dynamic initialization.
1 2024-12-15 ov_msckf
Implementation of a type-based error-state Kalman filter.
Implementation of a type-based error-state Kalman filter.
1 2020-08-07 oxford_gps_eth
Ethernet interface to OxTS GPS receivers (NCOM packet structure)
Ethernet interface to OxTS GPS receivers (NCOM packet structure)
1 2020-06-18 p2os_doc
Contains the Documentation for the p2os driver/componenets
Contains the Documentation for the p2os driver/componenets
1 2020-06-18 p2os_driver
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
1 2020-06-18 p2os_launch
Launch and config files designed for use with the p2os stack.
Launch and config files designed for use with the p2os stack.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_msgs
Defines the messages that are used to communicate with the p2os_driver package and the ROS infrastructure.
Defines the messages that are used to communicate with the p2os_driver package and the ROS infrastructure.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_teleop
A teleoperation node for the p2os_driver package.
A teleoperation node for the p2os_driver package.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_urdf
URDF file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
URDF file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
1 pacmod2
1 pacmod3
0 pacmod3_msgs
1 pacmod_game_control
1 pacmod_msgs
0 paho-mqtt-cpp
1 2024-06-18 pal_carbon_collector
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
1 pal_gazebo_plugins
1 pal_gazebo_worlds
0 pal_gazebo_worlds_private
1 pal_gripper
1 pal_gripper_controller_configuration
1 pal_gripper_description
1 pal_gripper_gazebo
1 pal_gripper_simulation
0 pal_hardware_gazebo
1 pal_hey5
1 pal_hey5_controller_configuration
1 pal_hey5_description
0 pal_laser_filters
1 pal_maps
0 pal_module_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg
1 pal_navigation_cfg_bringup
0 pal_navigation_cfg_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg_params
0 pal_navigation_cfg_utils
1 pal_parallel_gripper_wrapper
1 pal_robotiq_controller_configuration
1 pal_robotiq_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper_wrapper
0 pal_ros_utils
1 2024-06-18 pal_statistics
The pal_statistics package
The pal_statistics package
1 2024-06-18 pal_statistics_msgs
Statistics msgs package
Statistics msgs package
1 pal_urdf_utils
1 panda_arm_1_moveit_config
1 panda_arm_2_moveit_config
1 2025-02-06 panda_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the panda with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the panda with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 pangolin
1 pantilt_bot_description


Name Description
0 node_updaters
1 nodelet
1 nodelet_core
1 nodelet_topic_tools
1 nodelet_tutorial_math
1 nodes
1 2022-11-17 nodl_python
Implementation of the NoDL API in Python.
Implementation of the NoDL API in Python.
1 2021-10-27 nodl_to_policy
Package to generate a ROS 2 Access Control Policy from the NoDL description of a ROS system
Package to generate a ROS 2 Access Control Policy from the NoDL description of a ROS system
1 2021-11-29 nonpersistent_voxel_layer
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
1 novatel_gps_driver
1 novatel_gps_msgs
1 novatel_msgs
1 novatel_oem7_driver
1 novatel_oem7_msgs
1 novatel_span_driver
1 2022-12-30 ntpd_driver
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
1 2024-12-18 ntrip_client
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
1 2025-02-27 ntrip_client_node
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint
1 obj_to_pointcloud
1 2023-10-15 object_recognition_msgs
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
1 ocean_battery_driver
2 2024-04-01 octomap
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
1 2024-07-02 octomap_mapping
Mapping tools to be used with the
Mapping tools to be used with the
2 2024-11-08 octomap_msgs
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
1 octomap_pa
1 octomap_pa_matlab
1 octomap_pa_msgs
1 2024-07-02 octomap_ros
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
1 2024-10-19 octomap_rviz_plugins
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
1 2024-07-02 octomap_server
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
2 2024-04-01 octovis
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
1 odom_to_tf_ros2
1 odometry_publisher_tutorial
1 odri_master_board_sdk
1 odva_ethernetip
1 off_highway_can
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample_msgs
1 off_highway_radar
1 off_highway_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers_examples
1 off_highway_uss
1 off_highway_uss_msgs
1 oled_display_node
1 omni_base_2dnav
1 omni_base_bringup
1 omni_base_controller_configuration
1 omni_base_description
1 omni_base_gazebo
1 omni_base_laser_sensors
1 omni_base_navigation
1 omni_base_rgbd_sensors
1 omni_base_robot
1 omni_base_simulation
0 omni_drive_controller
1 omnibase_control
1 omnibase_description
1 omnibase_gazebo
1 2021-01-31 ompl
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
0 ompl_interface_ros
0 ompl_ros_interface
1 omron_os32c_driver
1 omronsentech_camera
1 open3d_conversions
1 open_karto
1 open_manipulator
1 open_manipulator_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_controller
1 open_manipulator_description
1 open_manipulator_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_libs
1 open_manipulator_msgs
1 open_manipulator_p
1 open_manipulator_p_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_p_controller
1 open_manipulator_p_description
1 open_manipulator_p_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_p_libs
1 open_manipulator_p_simulations
1 open_manipulator_p_teleop
1 open_manipulator_simulations
1 open_manipulator_teleop
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_description
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_simulations
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_tools
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_moveit
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_pi_moveit
1 open_manipulator_x_description
0 opencv
0 opencv3
1 opencv_apps
2 2022-10-15 opencv_tests
OpenCV tests for the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge with Image message in ROS2.
OpenCV tests for the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge with Image message in ROS2.
1 openeb_vendor
1 opengm
1 openhrp3
2 opennav_docking
2 opennav_docking_bt
2 opennav_docking_core
1 opennav_docking_msgs
1 openni2_camera
1 openni2_launch
1 openni_camera
1 openni_description
1 openni_launch
1 openrtm_aist
1 openrtm_aist_python
1 openrtm_ros_bridge
1 openrtm_tools
1 openslam_gmapping
1 opensw
1 opensw_ros
1 openvdb_vendor
1 openzen_sensor
1 opt_camera
1 optimization_common
1 optimizers
1 optpp_catkin
1 optris_drivers
1 opw_kinematics
1 orb_slam2_ros
3 2022-09-21 orocos_kdl
This package contains a recent version of the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project.
This package contains a recent version of the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project.
1 orocos_kdl_vendor
1 orocos_kinematics_dynamics
0 orrosplanning
1 ortools_vendor
1 osg_interactive_markers
1 osg_markers
1 osg_utils
1 osm_cartography
1 osqp
1 2022-10-23 osqp_vendor
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
1 2025-02-24 osrf_pycommon
Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF.
Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF.
1 2023-03-08 osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects.
Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects.
1 ouster_driver
2 2020-11-30 ouster_msgs
ROS2 messages for ouster lidar driver
ROS2 messages for ouster lidar driver
1 ouster_ros
1 ouster_sensor_msgs
1 outsight_alb_driver
1 2025-01-19 ouxt_common
common settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
common settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
1 2025-01-19 ouxt_lint_common
common linter settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
common linter settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
1 2024-12-15 ov_core
Core algorithms for visual-inertial navigation algorithms.
Core algorithms for visual-inertial navigation algorithms.
1 2024-12-15 ov_data
Data for the OpenVINS project, mostly just groundtruth files...
Data for the OpenVINS project, mostly just groundtruth files...
1 2024-12-15 ov_eval
Evaluation methods and scripts for visual-inertial odometry systems.
Evaluation methods and scripts for visual-inertial odometry systems.
1 2024-12-15 ov_init
Initialization package which handles static and dynamic initialization.
Initialization package which handles static and dynamic initialization.
1 2024-12-15 ov_msckf
Implementation of a type-based error-state Kalman filter.
Implementation of a type-based error-state Kalman filter.
1 oxford_gps_eth
1 p2os_doc
1 p2os_driver
1 p2os_launch
1 p2os_msgs
1 p2os_teleop
1 p2os_urdf
1 pacmod2
1 pacmod3
0 pacmod3_msgs
1 pacmod_game_control
1 pacmod_msgs
0 paho-mqtt-cpp
1 2022-09-05 pal_carbon_collector
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
1 pal_gazebo_plugins
1 pal_gazebo_worlds
0 pal_gazebo_worlds_private
1 pal_gripper
1 pal_gripper_controller_configuration
1 pal_gripper_description
1 pal_gripper_gazebo
1 pal_gripper_simulation
0 pal_hardware_gazebo
1 pal_hey5
1 pal_hey5_controller_configuration
1 pal_hey5_description
0 pal_laser_filters
1 pal_maps
0 pal_module_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg
1 pal_navigation_cfg_bringup
0 pal_navigation_cfg_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg_params
0 pal_navigation_cfg_utils
1 pal_parallel_gripper_wrapper
1 pal_robotiq_controller_configuration
1 pal_robotiq_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper_wrapper
0 pal_ros_utils
1 2022-09-05 pal_statistics
The pal_statistics package
The pal_statistics package
1 2022-09-05 pal_statistics_msgs
Statistics msgs package
Statistics msgs package
1 pal_urdf_utils
1 panda_arm_1_moveit_config
1 panda_arm_2_moveit_config
1 panda_moveit_config
1 pangolin
1 pantilt_bot_description


Name Description
0 node_updaters
1 nodelet
1 nodelet_core
1 nodelet_topic_tools
1 nodelet_tutorial_math
1 nodes
1 2022-11-17 nodl_python
Implementation of the NoDL API in Python.
Implementation of the NoDL API in Python.
1 2021-10-27 nodl_to_policy
Package to generate a ROS 2 Access Control Policy from the NoDL description of a ROS system
Package to generate a ROS 2 Access Control Policy from the NoDL description of a ROS system
1 2024-05-24 nonpersistent_voxel_layer
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
1 2024-12-09 novatel_gps_driver
Driver for NovAtel receivers
Driver for NovAtel receivers
1 2024-12-09 novatel_gps_msgs
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
1 novatel_msgs
1 novatel_oem7_driver
1 novatel_oem7_msgs
1 novatel_span_driver
1 2022-12-30 ntpd_driver
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
1 2024-12-18 ntrip_client
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
1 2025-02-27 ntrip_client_node
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint
1 obj_to_pointcloud
1 2023-10-15 object_recognition_msgs
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
1 ocean_battery_driver
2 2024-04-01 octomap
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
1 2024-07-02 octomap_mapping
Mapping tools to be used with the
Mapping tools to be used with the
2 2024-11-08 octomap_msgs
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
1 octomap_pa
1 octomap_pa_matlab
1 octomap_pa_msgs
1 2024-07-02 octomap_ros
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
1 2024-10-19 octomap_rviz_plugins
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
1 2024-07-02 octomap_server
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
2 2024-04-01 octovis
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
1 2025-01-22 odom_to_tf_ros2
A simple ros2 package (node) that reads an odom topic and generates the equivalent tf connection (transformation). It also provides options to override frame names, or just use the ones in the original odom topic.
A simple ros2 package (node) that reads an odom topic and generates the equivalent tf connection (transformation). It also provides options to override frame names, or just use the ones in the original odom topic.
1 odometry_publisher_tutorial
1 odri_master_board_sdk
1 odva_ethernetip
1 off_highway_can
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample_msgs
1 off_highway_radar
1 off_highway_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers_examples
1 off_highway_uss
1 off_highway_uss_msgs
1 oled_display_node
1 omni_base_2dnav
1 omni_base_bringup
1 omni_base_controller_configuration
1 omni_base_description
1 omni_base_gazebo
1 omni_base_laser_sensors
1 omni_base_navigation
1 omni_base_rgbd_sensors
1 omni_base_robot
1 omni_base_simulation
0 omni_drive_controller
1 omnibase_control
1 omnibase_description
1 omnibase_gazebo
1 2025-03-06 ompl
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
0 ompl_interface_ros
0 ompl_ros_interface
1 omron_os32c_driver
1 omronsentech_camera
1 2024-07-09 open3d_conversions
Provides conversion functions to and from Open3D datatypes
Provides conversion functions to and from Open3D datatypes
1 open_karto
1 open_manipulator
1 open_manipulator_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_controller
1 open_manipulator_description
1 open_manipulator_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_libs
1 open_manipulator_msgs
1 open_manipulator_p
1 open_manipulator_p_control_gui
1 open_manipulator_p_controller
1 open_manipulator_p_description
1 open_manipulator_p_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_p_libs
1 open_manipulator_p_simulations
1 open_manipulator_p_teleop
1 open_manipulator_simulations
1 open_manipulator_teleop
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_description
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_gazebo
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_simulations
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_tools
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_moveit
1 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_pi_moveit
1 open_manipulator_x_description
0 opencv
0 opencv3
1 opencv_apps
2 2024-04-13 opencv_tests
OpenCV tests for the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge with Image message in ROS2.
OpenCV tests for the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge with Image message in ROS2.
1 2025-03-08 openeb_vendor
Wrapper around openeb
Wrapper around openeb
1 opengm
1 openhrp3
2 opennav_docking
2 opennav_docking_bt
2 opennav_docking_core
1 opennav_docking_msgs
1 2024-11-03 openni2_camera
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
1 openni2_launch
1 openni_camera
1 openni_description
1 openni_launch
1 openrtm_aist
1 openrtm_aist_python
1 openrtm_ros_bridge
1 openrtm_tools
1 openslam_gmapping
1 2022-10-12 opensw
Open SDK for communicating with SlamTec Slamware devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
Open SDK for communicating with SlamTec Slamware devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
1 2022-10-12 opensw_ros
Open driver communicating with SlamTec rpos framework devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
Open driver communicating with SlamTec rpos framework devices such as the M2M1 mapper.
1 2024-05-14 openvdb_vendor
Wrapper around OpenVDB, if not found on the system, will compile from source
Wrapper around OpenVDB, if not found on the system, will compile from source
1 openzen_sensor
1 opt_camera
1 optimization_common
1 optimizers
1 optpp_catkin
1 optris_drivers
1 opw_kinematics
1 orb_slam2_ros
3 orocos_kdl
1 2022-09-13 orocos_kdl_vendor
Wrapper around orocos_kdl, providing nothing but a dependency on orocos_kdl on some systems. On others, it fetches and builds orocos_kdl locally.
Wrapper around orocos_kdl, providing nothing but a dependency on orocos_kdl on some systems. On others, it fetches and builds orocos_kdl locally.
1 orocos_kinematics_dynamics
0 orrosplanning
1 2024-06-08 ortools_vendor
Wrapper around ortools, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
Wrapper around ortools, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it.
1 osg_interactive_markers
1 osg_markers
1 osg_utils
1 osm_cartography
1 osqp
1 2022-10-23 osqp_vendor
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
Wrapper around osqp that ships with a CMake module
1 2025-02-24 osrf_pycommon
Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF.
Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF.
1 2023-04-28 osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects.
Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects.
1 ouster_driver
2 ouster_msgs
1 2023-11-01 ouster_ros
Ouster ROS2 driver
Ouster ROS2 driver
1 2023-11-01 ouster_sensor_msgs
ouster_ros message and service definitions
ouster_ros message and service definitions
1 outsight_alb_driver
1 2025-01-19 ouxt_common
common settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
common settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
1 2025-01-19 ouxt_lint_common
common linter settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
common linter settings for OUXT Polaris ROS2 packages
1 ov_core
1 ov_data
1 ov_eval
1 ov_init
1 ov_msckf
1 oxford_gps_eth
1 p2os_doc
1 p2os_driver
1 p2os_launch
1 p2os_msgs
1 p2os_teleop
1 p2os_urdf
1 pacmod2
1 pacmod3
0 pacmod3_msgs
1 pacmod_game_control
1 pacmod_msgs
0 paho-mqtt-cpp
1 pal_carbon_collector
1 pal_gazebo_plugins
1 pal_gazebo_worlds
0 pal_gazebo_worlds_private
1 pal_gripper
1 pal_gripper_controller_configuration
1 pal_gripper_description
1 pal_gripper_gazebo
1 pal_gripper_simulation
0 pal_hardware_gazebo
1 pal_hey5
1 pal_hey5_controller_configuration
1 pal_hey5_description
0 pal_laser_filters
1 pal_maps
0 pal_module_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg
1 pal_navigation_cfg_bringup
0 pal_navigation_cfg_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg_params
0 pal_navigation_cfg_utils
1 pal_parallel_gripper_wrapper
1 pal_robotiq_controller_configuration
1 pal_robotiq_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper_wrapper
0 pal_ros_utils
1 pal_statistics
1 pal_statistics_msgs
1 pal_urdf_utils
1 panda_arm_1_moveit_config
1 panda_arm_2_moveit_config
1 panda_moveit_config
1 pangolin
1 pantilt_bot_description


Name Description
0 node_updaters
1 2019-02-15 nodelet
The nodelet package is designed to provide a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport between algorithms. This package provides both the nodelet base class needed for implementing a nodelet, as well as the NodeletLoader class used for instantiating nodelets.
The nodelet package is designed to provide a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport between algorithms. This package provides both the nodelet base class needed for implementing a nodelet, as well as the NodeletLoader class used for instantiating nodelets.
1 2019-02-15 nodelet_core
Nodelet Core Metapackage
Nodelet Core Metapackage
1 2019-02-15 nodelet_topic_tools
This package contains common nodelet tools such as a mux, demux and throttle.
This package contains common nodelet tools such as a mux, demux and throttle.
1 2020-04-02 nodelet_tutorial_math
Package for Nodelet tutorial.
Package for Nodelet tutorial.
1 2024-07-03 nodes
The nodes package
The nodes package
1 nodl_python
1 nodl_to_policy
1 2021-01-28 nonpersistent_voxel_layer
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
include This package provides an implementation of a 3D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 3D occupancy grid of the data for only one iteration.
1 2023-09-29 novatel_gps_driver
Driver for NovAtel receivers
Driver for NovAtel receivers
1 2023-09-29 novatel_gps_msgs
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
Messages for proprietary (non-NMEA) sentences from Novatel GPS receivers.
1 2019-08-27 novatel_msgs
ROS messages which represent raw Novatel SPAN data.
ROS messages which represent raw Novatel SPAN data.
1 2024-01-30 novatel_oem7_driver
NovAtel Oem7 ROS Driver
NovAtel Oem7 ROS Driver
1 2024-01-30 novatel_oem7_msgs
Messages for NovAtel Oem7 family of receivers.
Messages for NovAtel Oem7 family of receivers.
1 2019-08-27 novatel_span_driver
Python driver for NovAtel SPAN devices.
Python driver for NovAtel SPAN devices.
1 2022-12-30 ntpd_driver
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
ntpd_driver sends TimeReference message time to ntpd server
1 2024-12-18 ntrip_client
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
NTRIP client that will publish RTCM corrections to a ROS topic, and optionally subscribe to NMEA messages to send to an NTRIP server
1 ntrip_client_node
1 2025-02-26 obj_to_pointcloud
OBJ file to pointcloud message converter package
OBJ file to pointcloud message converter package
1 2014-05-11 object_recognition_msgs
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core
1 2023-03-06 ocean_battery_driver
This is an interface to the Ocean Server Technology Intelligent Battery and Power System.
This is an interface to the Ocean Server Technology Intelligent Battery and Power System.
2 2024-04-01 octomap
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details.
1 2024-03-24 octomap_mapping
Mapping tools to be used with the
Mapping tools to be used with the
2 2020-07-01 octomap_msgs
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the
1 2021-06-08 octomap_pa
ProAut octomap package
ProAut octomap package
1 2021-06-08 octomap_pa_matlab
This package contains the source code and the messages for the matlab wrapper.
This package contains the source code and the messages for the matlab wrapper.
1 2021-06-08 octomap_pa_msgs
ProAut octomap package (only messages)
ProAut octomap package (only messages)
1 2023-03-21 octomap_ros
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
octomap_ros provides conversion functions between ROS and OctoMap's native types. This enables a convenvient use of the octomap package in ROS.
1 2023-01-28 octomap_rviz_plugins
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
A set of plugins for displaying occupancy information decoded from binary octomap messages.
1 2024-03-24 octomap_server
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver.
2 2024-04-01 octovis
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
octovis is visualization tool for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer. See for details.
1 odom_to_tf_ros2
1 2020-07-10 odometry_publisher_tutorial
The odometry_publisher_tutorial package
The odometry_publisher_tutorial package
1 odri_master_board_sdk
1 2018-04-13 odva_ethernetip
Library implementing ODVA EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol).
Library implementing ODVA EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol).
1 off_highway_can
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar
1 off_highway_general_purpose_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample
1 off_highway_premium_radar_sample_msgs
1 off_highway_radar
1 off_highway_radar_msgs
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers
1 off_highway_sensor_drivers_examples
1 off_highway_uss
1 off_highway_uss_msgs
1 oled_display_node
1 omni_base_2dnav
1 omni_base_bringup
1 omni_base_controller_configuration
1 omni_base_description
1 omni_base_gazebo
1 omni_base_laser_sensors
1 omni_base_navigation
1 omni_base_rgbd_sensors
1 omni_base_robot
1 omni_base_simulation
0 omni_drive_controller
1 2021-01-20 omnibase_control
The omnibase_control package
The omnibase_control package
1 2021-01-20 omnibase_description
This package constains the model files of the omnibase(omniwheeled robot)
This package constains the model files of the omnibase(omniwheeled robot)
1 2021-01-20 omnibase_gazebo
The omnibase_gazebo package
The omnibase_gazebo package
1 ompl
0 ompl_interface_ros
0 ompl_ros_interface
1 2020-11-26 omron_os32c_driver
Interface driver for Omron OS32C Lidar via Ethernet/IP (Industrial Protocol)
Interface driver for Omron OS32C Lidar via Ethernet/IP (Industrial Protocol)
1 2023-09-22 omronsentech_camera
omronsentech_camera package contains a basic functionality to access OMRON SENTECH Camera. This package requires installation of SentechSDK.
omronsentech_camera package contains a basic functionality to access OMRON SENTECH Camera. This package requires installation of SentechSDK.
1 open3d_conversions
1 2024-07-22 open_karto
Catkinized ROS packaging of the OpenKarto library
Catkinized ROS packaging of the OpenKarto library
1 2021-07-13 open_manipulator
ROS-enabled OpenManipulator is a full open robot platform consisting of OpenSoftware​, OpenHardware and OpenCR(Embedded board)​. The OpenManipulator is allowed users to control it more easily by linking with the MoveIt! package. Moreover it has full hardware compatibility with TurtleBot3​. Even if you do not have a real robot, you can control the robot in the Gazebo simulator​.
ROS-enabled OpenManipulator is a full open robot platform consisting of OpenSoftware​, OpenHardware and OpenCR(Embedded board)​. The OpenManipulator is allowed users to control it more easily by linking with the MoveIt! package. Moreover it has full hardware compatibility with TurtleBot3​. Even if you do not have a real robot, you can control the robot in the Gazebo simulator​.
1 2021-07-13 open_manipulator_control_gui
OpenManipulator GUI control package based on QT
OpenManipulator GUI control package based on QT
1 2021-07-13 open_manipulator_controller
OpenManipulator controller package
OpenManipulator controller package
1 2021-07-13 open_manipulator_description
OpenManipulator 3D model description for visualization and simulation
OpenManipulator 3D model description for visualization and simulation
1 2021-06-25 open_manipulator_gazebo
Gazebo configurations package for OpenManipulator
Gazebo configurations package for OpenManipulator
1 2021-07-13 open_manipulator_libs
OpenManipulator library (Kinematics lib., Dynamixel lib., Drawing path lib.)
OpenManipulator library (Kinematics lib., Dynamixel lib., Drawing path lib.)
1 2021-06-24 open_manipulator_msgs
Messages and services package for OpenManipulator to send information about state or pose
Messages and services package for OpenManipulator to send information about state or pose
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p
Metapackage for OpenMANIPULATOR-P
Metapackage for OpenMANIPULATOR-P
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p_control_gui
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Control GUI
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Control GUI
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p_controller
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Controller
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Controller
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p_description
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P description
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P description
1 2021-06-30 open_manipulator_p_gazebo
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Gazebo
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Gazebo
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p_libs
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P libraries
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P libraries
1 2021-06-30 open_manipulator_p_simulations
Metapackage for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Simulations
Metapackage for OpenMANIPULATOR-P Simulations
1 2020-10-15 open_manipulator_p_teleop
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P teleoperation
Package for OpenMANIPULATOR-P teleoperation
1 2021-06-25 open_manipulator_simulations
Simulation packages for OpenManipulator
Simulation packages for OpenManipulator
1 2021-07-13 open_manipulator_teleop
Provides teleoperation using keyboard for OpenManipulator.
Provides teleoperation using keyboard for OpenManipulator.
1 2020-09-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3
This package is deprecated. ROS-enabled OpenManipulator is a full open robot platform consisting of OpenSoftware​, OpenHardware and OpenCR(Embedded board)​. The OpenManipulator is allowed users to control it more easily by linking with the MoveIt! package. Moreover it has full hardware compatibility with TurtleBot3​. Even if you do not have a real robot, you can control the robot in the Gazebo simulator​.
This package is deprecated. ROS-enabled OpenManipulator is a full open robot platform consisting of OpenSoftware​, OpenHardware and OpenCR(Embedded board)​. The OpenManipulator is allowed users to control it more easily by linking with the MoveIt! package. Moreover it has full hardware compatibility with TurtleBot3​. Even if you do not have a real robot, you can control the robot in the Gazebo simulator​.
1 2020-09-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_description
This package is deprecated. OpenManipulator 3D model description for visualization and simulation
This package is deprecated. OpenManipulator 3D model description for visualization and simulation
1 2019-02-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_gazebo
Simulation package using gazebo for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
Simulation package using gazebo for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
1 2019-02-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_simulations
Simulation packages for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
Simulation packages for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
1 2020-09-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_tools
This package is deprecated. The tools package(including SLAM, Navigation, Manipulation) for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
This package is deprecated. The tools package(including SLAM, Navigation, Manipulation) for OpenManipulator with TurtleBot3
1 2020-09-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_moveit
This package is deprecated. An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the om_with_tb3 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
This package is deprecated. An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the om_with_tb3 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2020-09-08 open_manipulator_with_tb3_waffle_pi_moveit
This package is deprecated. An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the om_with_tb3 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
This package is deprecated. An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the om_with_tb3 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 open_manipulator_x_description
0 opencv
0 opencv3
1 2025-02-21 opencv_apps
2 2022-04-08 opencv_tests
Tests the enumerants of the ROS Image message, and functionally tests the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge.
Tests the enumerants of the ROS Image message, and functionally tests the Python and C++ implementations of CvBridge.
1 openeb_vendor
1 2024-02-19 opengm
This package wraps the external c++ library opengm in a ROS package, so other packages can use it. It downloads the source code of it and then unzips it. The library is a header-only library with command line interfaces, which aren't used, so it doesn't gets build. For further descriptions and tutorials see the Makefile.tarball and . Copyright (C) 2013 Bjoern Andres, Thorsten Beier and Joerg H.~Kappes.
This package wraps the external c++ library opengm in a ROS package, so other packages can use it. It downloads the source code of it and then unzips it. The library is a header-only library with command line interfaces, which aren't used, so it doesn't gets build. For further descriptions and tutorials see the Makefile.tarball and . Copyright (C) 2013 Bjoern Andres, Thorsten Beier and Joerg H.~Kappes.
1 2022-09-07 openhrp3
2 opennav_docking
2 opennav_docking_bt
2 opennav_docking_core
1 opennav_docking_msgs
1 2023-10-25 openni2_camera
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the
1 2023-10-25 openni2_launch
Launch files to start the openni2_camera drivers using rgbd_launch.
Launch files to start the openni2_camera drivers using rgbd_launch.
1 2018-09-13 openni_camera
A ROS driver for OpenNI depth (+ RGB) cameras. These include: Microsoft Kinect, PrimeSense PSDK, ASUS Xtion Pro and Pro Live The driver publishes raw depth, RGB, and IR image streams.
A ROS driver for OpenNI depth (+ RGB) cameras. These include: Microsoft Kinect, PrimeSense PSDK, ASUS Xtion Pro and Pro Live The driver publishes raw depth, RGB, and IR image streams.
1 2018-09-13 openni_description
Model files of OpenNI device.
Model files of OpenNI device.
1 2018-09-13 openni_launch
Launch files to open an OpenNI device and load all nodelets to convert raw depth/RGB/IR streams to depth images, disparity images, and (registered) point clouds.
Launch files to open an OpenNI device and load all nodelets to convert raw depth/RGB/IR streams to depth images, disparity images, and (registered) point clouds.
1 2020-04-14 openrtm_aist
1 2020-10-14 openrtm_aist_python
1 2023-08-04 openrtm_ros_bridge
openrtm_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind two robotics framework:
openrtm_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind two robotics framework:
1 2023-08-04 openrtm_tools
The openrtm_tools package
The openrtm_tools package
1 2023-10-18 openslam_gmapping
The catkinized verseion of openslam_gmapping package (
The catkinized verseion of openslam_gmapping package (
1 opensw
1 opensw_ros
1 openvdb_vendor
1 2025-03-05 openzen_sensor
ROS driver for LP-Research inertial measurement units and satellite navigation senors
ROS driver for LP-Research inertial measurement units and satellite navigation senors
1 2025-01-09 opt_camera
1 2024-07-03 optimization_common
The optimization_common package
The optimization_common package
1 2024-07-03 optimizers
The optimizers package
The optimizers package
1 2019-01-08 optpp_catkin
The OPT++ catkin wrapper package
The OPT++ catkin wrapper package
1 2020-07-29 optris_drivers
ROS nodes wrapping the binary driver for Optris thermal imager devices.
ROS nodes wrapping the binary driver for Optris thermal imager devices.
1 2025-01-15 opw_kinematics
A simple, analytical inverse kinematic library for industrial robots with parallel bases and spherical wrists. Based on the paper "An Analytical Solution of the Inverse Kinematics Problem of Industrial Serial Manipulators with an Ortho-parallel Basis and a Spherical Wrist" by Mathias Brandstötter, Arthur Angerer, and Michael Hofbaur.
A simple, analytical inverse kinematic library for industrial robots with parallel bases and spherical wrists. Based on the paper "An Analytical Solution of the Inverse Kinematics Problem of Industrial Serial Manipulators with an Ortho-parallel Basis and a Spherical Wrist" by Mathias Brandstötter, Arthur Angerer, and Michael Hofbaur.
1 2021-08-15 orb_slam2_ros
ORB SLAM2 ros implementation.
ORB SLAM2 ros implementation.
3 2025-02-14 orocos_kdl
This package contains a recent version of the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project.
This package contains a recent version of the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project.
1 orocos_kdl_vendor
1 2022-06-23 orocos_kinematics_dynamics
This package depends on a recent version of the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project. It is a meta-package that depends on kdl which contains the c++ version and pykdl which contains the generated python bindings.
This package depends on a recent version of the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project. It is a meta-package that depends on kdl which contains the c++ version and pykdl which contains the generated python bindings.
0 orrosplanning
1 ortools_vendor
1 2019-11-10 osg_interactive_markers
This package is basically an OpenSceneGraph (OSG) adaptation of the Interactive Markers client writen for rviz/Ogre.
This package is basically an OpenSceneGraph (OSG) adaptation of the Interactive Markers client writen for rviz/Ogre.
1 2019-11-10 osg_markers
osg_markers can be used to create Markers geometry in OSG.
osg_markers can be used to create Markers geometry in OSG.
1 2019-11-10 osg_utils
osg_utils is a library that contains some classes that may be useful in ROS-OSG applications.
osg_utils is a library that contains some classes that may be useful in ROS-OSG applications.
1 2021-06-03 osm_cartography
Geographic mapping using Open Street Map data.
Geographic mapping using Open Street Map data.
1 2025-01-09 osqp
ROS wrapper for OSQP
ROS wrapper for OSQP
1 osqp_vendor
1 osrf_pycommon
1 osrf_testing_tools_cpp
1 2019-03-28 ouster_driver
OS1 ROS client
OS1 ROS client
2 ouster_msgs
1 ouster_ros
1 ouster_sensor_msgs
1 2022-10-12 outsight_alb_driver
ROS driver to interface with ALB device.
ROS driver to interface with ALB device.
1 ouxt_common
1 ouxt_lint_common
1 2024-12-15 ov_core
Core algorithms for visual-inertial navigation algorithms.
Core algorithms for visual-inertial navigation algorithms.
1 2024-12-15 ov_data
Data for the OpenVINS project, mostly just groundtruth files...
Data for the OpenVINS project, mostly just groundtruth files...
1 2024-12-15 ov_eval
Evaluation methods and scripts for visual-inertial odometry systems.
Evaluation methods and scripts for visual-inertial odometry systems.
1 2024-12-15 ov_init
Initialization package which handles static and dynamic initialization.
Initialization package which handles static and dynamic initialization.
1 2024-12-15 ov_msckf
Implementation of a type-based error-state Kalman filter.
Implementation of a type-based error-state Kalman filter.
1 2020-08-07 oxford_gps_eth
Ethernet interface to OxTS GPS receivers (NCOM packet structure)
Ethernet interface to OxTS GPS receivers (NCOM packet structure)
1 2020-06-18 p2os_doc
Contains the Documentation for the p2os driver/componenets
Contains the Documentation for the p2os driver/componenets
1 2020-06-18 p2os_driver
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
1 2020-06-18 p2os_launch
Launch and config files designed for use with the p2os stack.
Launch and config files designed for use with the p2os stack.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_msgs
Defines the messages that are used to communicate with the p2os_driver package and the ROS infrastructure.
Defines the messages that are used to communicate with the p2os_driver package and the ROS infrastructure.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_teleop
A teleoperation node for the p2os_driver package.
A teleoperation node for the p2os_driver package.
1 2020-06-18 p2os_urdf
URDF file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
URDF file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
1 2022-01-06 pacmod2
AutonomouStuff PACMod driver package
AutonomouStuff PACMod driver package
1 2021-03-22 pacmod3
AutonomouStuff PACMod v3 Driver Package
AutonomouStuff PACMod v3 Driver Package
0 pacmod3_msgs
1 2021-10-06 pacmod_game_control
ROS Package for controlling the AStuff PACMod with a Joystick
ROS Package for controlling the AStuff PACMod with a Joystick
1 2021-06-18 pacmod_msgs
Message definition files for the PACMod driver
Message definition files for the PACMod driver
0 paho-mqtt-cpp
1 2024-06-18 pal_carbon_collector
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon
1 pal_gazebo_plugins
1 pal_gazebo_worlds
0 pal_gazebo_worlds_private
1 pal_gripper
1 pal_gripper_controller_configuration
1 pal_gripper_description
1 pal_gripper_gazebo
1 pal_gripper_simulation
0 pal_hardware_gazebo
1 pal_hey5
1 pal_hey5_controller_configuration
1 pal_hey5_description
0 pal_laser_filters
1 pal_maps
0 pal_module_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg
1 pal_navigation_cfg_bringup
0 pal_navigation_cfg_cmake
1 pal_navigation_cfg_params
0 pal_navigation_cfg_utils
1 pal_parallel_gripper_wrapper
1 pal_robotiq_controller_configuration
1 pal_robotiq_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_description
1 pal_robotiq_epick_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper
1 pal_robotiq_gripper_wrapper
0 pal_ros_utils
1 2024-06-18 pal_statistics
The pal_statistics package
The pal_statistics package
1 2024-06-18 pal_statistics_msgs
Statistics msgs package
Statistics msgs package
1 pal_urdf_utils
1 panda_arm_1_moveit_config
1 panda_arm_2_moveit_config
1 2022-09-11 panda_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the panda with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the panda with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 pangolin
1 pantilt_bot_description