
Name Description
1 2025-01-08 metro_benchmark_pub
Utilities for publishing / processing metro_benchmark_msgs
Utilities for publishing / processing metro_benchmark_msgs
1 2025-01-08 metro_nav_demo_utils
Some utilities for testing out different parts of navigation
Some utilities for testing out different parts of navigation
1 mia_hand_bringup
1 mia_hand_description
1 mia_hand_driver
1 mia_hand_gazebo
1 mia_hand_moveit_config
1 mia_hand_msgs
1 mia_hand_ros_control
1 mia_hand_ros_pkgs
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_common_diagnostics
Common microcontroller-specific diagnostics and monitors.
Common microcontroller-specific diagnostics and monitors.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_bridge
Translates micro-ROS diagnostic messages to vanilla ROS 2 diagnostic messages.
Translates micro-ROS diagnostic messages to vanilla ROS 2 diagnostic messages.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_msgs
Ccontains messages and service definitions for micro-ROS diagnostics.
Ccontains messages and service definitions for micro-ROS diagnostics.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_updater
Diagnostic updaters for micro-ROS.
Diagnostic updaters for micro-ROS.
1 2024-02-01 micro_ros_msgs
Definitions for the ROS 2 msgs entities information used by micro-ROS to leverage its functionality to the same level as ROS 2, by means of a dedicated graph manager
Definitions for the ROS 2 msgs entities information used by micro-ROS to leverage its functionality to the same level as ROS 2, by means of a dedicated graph manager
1 microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_description
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_driver
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_examples
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_msgs
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_rqt
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
1 microstrain_mips
1 microstrain_mips_client
1 mikrotik_swos_tools
0 mild_base_launch_files
0 mild_fake_odom
1 mimic_joint_controller
1 2022-03-25 mimick_vendor
Wrapper around mimick, it provides an ExternalProject build of mimick.
Wrapper around mimick, it provides an ExternalProject build of mimick.
1 minas
1 minas_control
1 mini_maxwell
1 mini_tof
1 mini_tof_interfaces
2 2021-06-11 mir_actions
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_description
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_driver
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_dwb_critics
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_gazebo
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_msgs
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_navigation
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_robot
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
1 mitch_v2_driver
1 mk
1 ml_classifiers
1 mlx90640_thermal_camera
1 mobile_robot_simulator
1 2023-04-25 mobileye_560_660_msgs
Message definitions for the Mobileye 560/660
Message definitions for the Mobileye 560/660
1 mobility
1 2024-10-29 mocap4r2_control
Control protocol for MOCAP4ROS2 Project
Control protocol for MOCAP4ROS2 Project
1 2024-10-29 mocap4r2_control_msgs
1 2024-10-29 mocap4r2_dummy_driver
This is a MOCAP4ROS2 Dummy driver for testing.
This is a MOCAP4ROS2 Dummy driver for testing.
1 2024-10-29 mocap4r2_marker_publisher
Node for publishing some simple marker data for testing purposes
Node for publishing some simple marker data for testing purposes
1 2024-10-29 mocap4r2_marker_viz
Node for visualizing markers
Node for visualizing markers
1 2024-10-29 mocap4r2_marker_viz_srvs
Service definitions for the marker visualization node
Service definitions for the marker visualization node
1 2024-06-13 mocap4r2_msgs
1 2024-10-29 mocap4r2_robot_gt
Package that provides Ground Truth tools for robots
Package that provides Ground Truth tools for robots
1 2024-10-29 mocap4r2_robot_gt_msgs
1 mocap_nokov
1 2023-10-26 mocap_optitrack
Streaming of OptiTrack mocap data to tf
Streaming of OptiTrack mocap data to tf
1 2024-07-25 mod
Maps of Dynamics Package
Maps of Dynamics Package
1 2025-03-02 mola
Metapackage with all core open-sourced MOLA packages.
Metapackage with all core open-sourced MOLA packages.
1 2025-03-02 mola_bridge_ros2
Bidirectional bridge ROS2-MOLA
Bidirectional bridge ROS2-MOLA
1 2024-08-19 mola_common
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules
1 2025-03-02 mola_demos
Demo and example launch files for MOLA
Demo and example launch files for MOLA
1 2025-02-26 mola_gnss_to_markers
Takes GNSS (GPS) readings, a MOLA georeferenced map, and publishes markers to visualize the datums as ellipsoids on the map
Takes GNSS (GPS) readings, a MOLA georeferenced map, and publishes markers to visualize the datums as ellipsoids on the map
1 2025-02-25 mola_imu_preintegration
Integrator of IMU angular velocity readings
Integrator of IMU angular velocity readings
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_euroc_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from EUROC SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from EUROC SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_kitti360_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti-360 datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti-360 datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_kitti_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti odometry/SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti odometry/SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_mulran_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from MulRan datasets
Offline RawDataSource from MulRan datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_paris_luco_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Paris LUCO (CT-ICP) odometry/SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Paris LUCO (CT-ICP) odometry/SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_rawlog
Offline RawDataSource from MRPT rawlog datasets
Offline RawDataSource from MRPT rawlog datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_rosbag2
Offline RawDataSource from rosbag2 datasets
Offline RawDataSource from rosbag2 datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_kernel
Fundamental C++ virtual interfaces and data types for the rest of MOLA modules
Fundamental C++ virtual interfaces and data types for the rest of MOLA modules
1 2025-03-02 mola_launcher
Launcher app for MOLA systems
Launcher app for MOLA systems
1 2025-03-02 mola_lidar_odometry
LIDAR odometry system based on MOLA and MRPT components
LIDAR odometry system based on MOLA and MRPT components
1 2025-03-02 mola_metric_maps
Advanced metric map classes, using the generic `mrpt::maps::CMetricMap` interface, for use in other MOLA odometry and SLAM modules.
Advanced metric map classes, using the generic `mrpt::maps::CMetricMap` interface, for use in other MOLA odometry and SLAM modules.
1 2025-03-02 mola_msgs
ROS message, services, and actions used in other MOLA packages.
ROS message, services, and actions used in other MOLA packages.
1 2025-03-02 mola_pose_list
C++ library for searchable pose lists
C++ library for searchable pose lists
1 2025-03-02 mola_relocalization
C++ library with algorithms for relocalization, global localization, or pose estimation given a large initial uncertainty
C++ library with algorithms for relocalization, global localization, or pose estimation given a large initial uncertainty
1 2025-02-25 mola_state_estimation
Metapackage with all MOLA state estimation packages.
Metapackage with all MOLA state estimation packages.
1 2025-02-25 mola_state_estimation_simple
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
1 2025-02-25 mola_state_estimation_smoother
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
1 2025-01-11 mola_test_datasets
Small SLAM dataset extracts used for demos or unit tests in the rest of MOLA packages
Small SLAM dataset extracts used for demos or unit tests in the rest of MOLA packages
1 2025-03-02 mola_traj_tools
CLI tools to manipulate trajectory files as a complement to the evo package
CLI tools to manipulate trajectory files as a complement to the evo package
1 2025-03-02 mola_viz
1 2025-03-02 mola_yaml
YAML helper library common to MOLA modules
YAML helper library common to MOLA modules
1 mongodb_log
1 mongodb_store
1 mongodb_store_msgs
1 monkeywrench
1 monocam_settler
1 moose_control
1 moose_description
1 moose_desktop
1 moose_gazebo
1 moose_msgs
1 moose_simulator
1 moose_viz
1 2024-09-05 motion_capture_tracking
ROS Package for different motion capture systems, including custom rigid body tracking support
ROS Package for different motion capture systems, including custom rigid body tracking support
1 2024-09-05 motion_capture_tracking_interfaces
Interfaces for motion_capture_tracking package.
Interfaces for motion_capture_tracking package.
1 2024-11-06 mouse_teleop
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
1 move_base
1 move_base_flex
1 move_base_msgs
1 move_base_sequence
1 move_base_swp
1 move_base_z_client_plugin
1 move_basic
1 move_eye_client
0 move_group
0 move_group_interface
2 move_group_interface_client
1 move_slow_and_clear
1 moveback_recovery
2 2025-03-06 moveit
Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2
Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2
1 2025-02-06 moveit2z_client
The moveit2z_client package
The moveit2z_client package
0 moveit_benchmarks
1 moveit_calibration_gui
1 moveit_calibration_plugins
1 moveit_chomp_optimizer_adapter
1 moveit_commander
1 2025-03-06 moveit_common
Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt
Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt
1 2025-03-06 moveit_configs_utils
Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files
Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files
1 moveit_controller_manager_example
2 2025-03-06 moveit_core
Core libraries used by MoveIt
Core libraries used by MoveIt
1 moveit_fake_controller_manager
1 2025-03-06 moveit_hybrid_planning
Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2
Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2
2 2025-03-06 moveit_kinematics
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
1 2024-10-17 moveit_msgs
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
1 moveit_opw_kinematics_plugin
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners
Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt
Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_chomp
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_ompl
MoveIt interface to OMPL
MoveIt interface to OMPL
1 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_stomp
STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt
STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_plugins
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
1 moveit_pr2
1 2025-03-06 moveit_py
Python binding for MoveIt 2
Python binding for MoveIt 2
1 moveit_python
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources
Resources used for MoveIt testing
Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_description
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_panda_description
panda Resources used for MoveIt testing
panda Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_pr2_description
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_pg70_support
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_support
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_benchmarks
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_control_interface
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
1 moveit_ros_manipulation
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_move_group
The move_group node for MoveIt
The move_group node for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_occupancy_map_monitor
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_planning
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_planning_interface
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_robot_interaction
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
1 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_tests
Integration tests for moveit_ros
Integration tests for moveit_ros
1 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_trajectory_cache
A trajectory cache for MoveIt 2 motion plans and cartesian plans.
A trajectory cache for MoveIt 2 motion plans and cartesian plans.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_warehouse
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
2 2025-03-06 moveit_runtime
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
2 2025-03-06 moveit_servo
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_app_plugins
Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
2 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_assistant
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_controllers
MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control
MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_core_plugins
Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_framework
C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant
C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_simulation
MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation
MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_srdf_plugins
SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 moveit_sim_controller
2 2025-03-06 moveit_simple_controller_manager
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
1 moveit_task_constructor_capabilities
1 moveit_task_constructor_core
1 moveit_task_constructor_demo
1 moveit_task_constructor_msgs
1 moveit_task_constructor_visualization
1 moveit_tutorials
1 2025-02-01 moveit_visual_tools
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
2 movie_publisher
2 movie_publisher_plugins
2 movie_publisher_plugins_copyleft
2 movie_publisher_plugins_nonfree
2 movie_publisher_plugins_permissive
1 moving_average
1 2025-02-26 mp2p_icp
A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
1 mpc_local_planner
1 mpc_local_planner_examples
1 mpc_local_planner_msgs
1 mqtt_bridge
1 2024-10-28 mqtt_client
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol.
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol.
1 2024-10-28 mqtt_client_interfaces
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client
1 mrp2_bringup
1 mrp2_common
1 mrp2_description
1 mrp2_desktop
1 mrp2_display


Name Description
1 metro_benchmark_pub
1 metro_nav_demo_utils
1 mia_hand_bringup
1 mia_hand_description
1 mia_hand_driver
1 mia_hand_gazebo
1 mia_hand_moveit_config
1 mia_hand_msgs
1 mia_hand_ros_control
1 mia_hand_ros_pkgs
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_common_diagnostics
Common microcontroller-specific diagnostics and monitors.
Common microcontroller-specific diagnostics and monitors.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_bridge
Translates micro-ROS diagnostic messages to vanilla ROS 2 diagnostic messages.
Translates micro-ROS diagnostic messages to vanilla ROS 2 diagnostic messages.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_msgs
Ccontains messages and service definitions for micro-ROS diagnostics.
Ccontains messages and service definitions for micro-ROS diagnostics.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_updater
Diagnostic updaters for micro-ROS.
Diagnostic updaters for micro-ROS.
1 2024-05-31 micro_ros_msgs
Definitions for the ROS 2 msgs entities information used by micro-ROS to leverage its functionality to the same level as ROS 2, by means of a dedicated graph manager
Definitions for the ROS 2 msgs entities information used by micro-ROS to leverage its functionality to the same level as ROS 2, by means of a dedicated graph manager
1 microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_description
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_driver
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_examples
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_msgs
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_rqt
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
1 microstrain_mips
1 microstrain_mips_client
1 mikrotik_swos_tools
0 mild_base_launch_files
0 mild_fake_odom
1 mimic_joint_controller
1 2024-11-28 mimick_vendor
Wrapper around mimick, it provides an ExternalProject build of mimick.
Wrapper around mimick, it provides an ExternalProject build of mimick.
1 minas
1 minas_control
1 mini_maxwell
1 mini_tof
1 mini_tof_interfaces
2 2021-06-11 mir_actions
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_description
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_driver
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_dwb_critics
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_gazebo
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_msgs
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_navigation
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_robot
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
1 mitch_v2_driver
1 mk
1 ml_classifiers
1 mlx90640_thermal_camera
1 mobile_robot_simulator
1 2023-04-25 mobileye_560_660_msgs
Message definitions for the Mobileye 560/660
Message definitions for the Mobileye 560/660
1 mobility
1 mocap4r2_control
1 mocap4r2_control_msgs
1 mocap4r2_dummy_driver
1 mocap4r2_marker_publisher
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz_srvs
1 mocap4r2_msgs
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt_msgs
1 mocap_nokov
1 mocap_optitrack
1 mod
1 2025-03-02 mola
Metapackage with all core open-sourced MOLA packages.
Metapackage with all core open-sourced MOLA packages.
1 2025-03-02 mola_bridge_ros2
Bidirectional bridge ROS2-MOLA
Bidirectional bridge ROS2-MOLA
1 2024-08-19 mola_common
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules
1 2025-03-02 mola_demos
Demo and example launch files for MOLA
Demo and example launch files for MOLA
1 2025-02-26 mola_gnss_to_markers
Takes GNSS (GPS) readings, a MOLA georeferenced map, and publishes markers to visualize the datums as ellipsoids on the map
Takes GNSS (GPS) readings, a MOLA georeferenced map, and publishes markers to visualize the datums as ellipsoids on the map
1 2025-02-25 mola_imu_preintegration
Integrator of IMU angular velocity readings
Integrator of IMU angular velocity readings
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_euroc_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from EUROC SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from EUROC SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_kitti360_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti-360 datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti-360 datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_kitti_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti odometry/SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti odometry/SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_mulran_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from MulRan datasets
Offline RawDataSource from MulRan datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_paris_luco_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Paris LUCO (CT-ICP) odometry/SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Paris LUCO (CT-ICP) odometry/SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_rawlog
Offline RawDataSource from MRPT rawlog datasets
Offline RawDataSource from MRPT rawlog datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_rosbag2
Offline RawDataSource from rosbag2 datasets
Offline RawDataSource from rosbag2 datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_kernel
Fundamental C++ virtual interfaces and data types for the rest of MOLA modules
Fundamental C++ virtual interfaces and data types for the rest of MOLA modules
1 2025-03-02 mola_launcher
Launcher app for MOLA systems
Launcher app for MOLA systems
1 2025-03-02 mola_lidar_odometry
LIDAR odometry system based on MOLA and MRPT components
LIDAR odometry system based on MOLA and MRPT components
1 2025-03-02 mola_metric_maps
Advanced metric map classes, using the generic `mrpt::maps::CMetricMap` interface, for use in other MOLA odometry and SLAM modules.
Advanced metric map classes, using the generic `mrpt::maps::CMetricMap` interface, for use in other MOLA odometry and SLAM modules.
1 2025-03-02 mola_msgs
ROS message, services, and actions used in other MOLA packages.
ROS message, services, and actions used in other MOLA packages.
1 2025-03-02 mola_pose_list
C++ library for searchable pose lists
C++ library for searchable pose lists
1 2025-03-02 mola_relocalization
C++ library with algorithms for relocalization, global localization, or pose estimation given a large initial uncertainty
C++ library with algorithms for relocalization, global localization, or pose estimation given a large initial uncertainty
1 2025-02-25 mola_state_estimation
Metapackage with all MOLA state estimation packages.
Metapackage with all MOLA state estimation packages.
1 2025-02-25 mola_state_estimation_simple
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
1 2025-02-25 mola_state_estimation_smoother
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
1 2025-01-11 mola_test_datasets
Small SLAM dataset extracts used for demos or unit tests in the rest of MOLA packages
Small SLAM dataset extracts used for demos or unit tests in the rest of MOLA packages
1 2025-03-02 mola_traj_tools
CLI tools to manipulate trajectory files as a complement to the evo package
CLI tools to manipulate trajectory files as a complement to the evo package
1 2025-03-02 mola_viz
1 2025-03-02 mola_yaml
YAML helper library common to MOLA modules
YAML helper library common to MOLA modules
1 mongodb_log
1 mongodb_store
1 mongodb_store_msgs
1 monkeywrench
1 monocam_settler
1 moose_control
1 moose_description
1 moose_desktop
1 moose_gazebo
1 moose_msgs
1 moose_simulator
1 moose_viz
1 2024-09-05 motion_capture_tracking
ROS Package for different motion capture systems, including custom rigid body tracking support
ROS Package for different motion capture systems, including custom rigid body tracking support
1 2024-09-05 motion_capture_tracking_interfaces
Interfaces for motion_capture_tracking package.
Interfaces for motion_capture_tracking package.
1 2024-11-06 mouse_teleop
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
1 move_base
1 move_base_flex
1 move_base_msgs
1 move_base_sequence
1 move_base_swp
1 move_base_z_client_plugin
1 move_basic
1 move_eye_client
0 move_group
0 move_group_interface
2 2022-11-28 move_group_interface_client
The move_group_interface_client package
The move_group_interface_client package
1 move_slow_and_clear
1 moveback_recovery
2 2025-03-06 moveit
Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2
Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2
1 moveit2z_client
0 moveit_benchmarks
1 moveit_calibration_gui
1 moveit_calibration_plugins
1 moveit_chomp_optimizer_adapter
1 moveit_commander
1 2025-03-06 moveit_common
Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt
Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt
1 2025-03-06 moveit_configs_utils
Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files
Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files
1 moveit_controller_manager_example
2 2025-03-06 moveit_core
Core libraries used by MoveIt
Core libraries used by MoveIt
1 moveit_fake_controller_manager
1 2025-03-06 moveit_hybrid_planning
Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2
Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2
2 2025-03-06 moveit_kinematics
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
1 2024-10-17 moveit_msgs
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
1 moveit_opw_kinematics_plugin
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners
Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt
Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_chomp
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_ompl
MoveIt interface to OMPL
MoveIt interface to OMPL
1 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_stomp
STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt
STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_plugins
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
1 moveit_pr2
1 2025-03-06 moveit_py
Python binding for MoveIt 2
Python binding for MoveIt 2
1 moveit_python
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources
Resources used for MoveIt testing
Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_description
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_panda_description
panda Resources used for MoveIt testing
panda Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_pr2_description
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_pg70_support
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_support
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_benchmarks
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_control_interface
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
1 moveit_ros_manipulation
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_move_group
The move_group node for MoveIt
The move_group node for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_occupancy_map_monitor
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_planning
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_planning_interface
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_robot_interaction
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
1 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_tests
Integration tests for moveit_ros
Integration tests for moveit_ros
1 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_trajectory_cache
A trajectory cache for MoveIt 2 motion plans and cartesian plans.
A trajectory cache for MoveIt 2 motion plans and cartesian plans.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_warehouse
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
2 2025-03-06 moveit_runtime
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
2 2025-03-06 moveit_servo
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_app_plugins
Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
2 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_assistant
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_controllers
MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control
MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_core_plugins
Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_framework
C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant
C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_simulation
MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation
MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_srdf_plugins
SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 moveit_sim_controller
2 2025-03-06 moveit_simple_controller_manager
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
1 moveit_task_constructor_capabilities
1 moveit_task_constructor_core
1 moveit_task_constructor_demo
1 moveit_task_constructor_msgs
1 moveit_task_constructor_visualization
1 moveit_tutorials
1 2025-02-01 moveit_visual_tools
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
2 movie_publisher
2 movie_publisher_plugins
2 movie_publisher_plugins_copyleft
2 movie_publisher_plugins_nonfree
2 movie_publisher_plugins_permissive
1 moving_average
1 2025-02-26 mp2p_icp
A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
1 mpc_local_planner
1 mpc_local_planner_examples
1 mpc_local_planner_msgs
1 mqtt_bridge
1 2024-10-28 mqtt_client
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol.
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol.
1 2024-10-28 mqtt_client_interfaces
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client
1 mrp2_bringup
1 mrp2_common
1 mrp2_description
1 mrp2_desktop
1 mrp2_display


Name Description
1 metro_benchmark_pub
1 metro_nav_demo_utils
1 mia_hand_bringup
1 mia_hand_description
1 mia_hand_driver
1 mia_hand_gazebo
1 mia_hand_moveit_config
1 mia_hand_msgs
1 mia_hand_ros_control
1 mia_hand_ros_pkgs
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_common_diagnostics
Common microcontroller-specific diagnostics and monitors.
Common microcontroller-specific diagnostics and monitors.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_bridge
Translates micro-ROS diagnostic messages to vanilla ROS 2 diagnostic messages.
Translates micro-ROS diagnostic messages to vanilla ROS 2 diagnostic messages.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_msgs
Ccontains messages and service definitions for micro-ROS diagnostics.
Ccontains messages and service definitions for micro-ROS diagnostics.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_updater
Diagnostic updaters for micro-ROS.
Diagnostic updaters for micro-ROS.
1 2024-05-31 micro_ros_msgs
Definitions for the ROS 2 msgs entities information used by micro-ROS to leverage its functionality to the same level as ROS 2, by means of a dedicated graph manager
Definitions for the ROS 2 msgs entities information used by micro-ROS to leverage its functionality to the same level as ROS 2, by means of a dedicated graph manager
1 microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_description
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_driver
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_examples
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_msgs
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_rqt
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
1 microstrain_mips
1 microstrain_mips_client
1 mikrotik_swos_tools
0 mild_base_launch_files
0 mild_fake_odom
1 mimic_joint_controller
1 2024-11-28 mimick_vendor
Wrapper around mimick, it provides an ExternalProject build of mimick.
Wrapper around mimick, it provides an ExternalProject build of mimick.
1 minas
1 minas_control
1 mini_maxwell
1 2024-11-18 mini_tof
ROS 2 Package for interfacing with miniature ToF sensors
ROS 2 Package for interfacing with miniature ToF sensors
1 2024-11-18 mini_tof_interfaces
Message definitions for the mini_tof package.
Message definitions for the mini_tof package.
2 2021-06-11 mir_actions
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_description
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_driver
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_dwb_critics
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_gazebo
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_msgs
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_navigation
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_robot
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
1 mitch_v2_driver
1 mk
1 ml_classifiers
1 mlx90640_thermal_camera
1 mobile_robot_simulator
1 2023-04-25 mobileye_560_660_msgs
Message definitions for the Mobileye 560/660
Message definitions for the Mobileye 560/660
1 mobility
1 mocap4r2_control
1 mocap4r2_control_msgs
1 mocap4r2_dummy_driver
1 mocap4r2_marker_publisher
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz_srvs
1 mocap4r2_msgs
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt_msgs
1 mocap_nokov
1 mocap_optitrack
1 mod
1 2025-03-02 mola
Metapackage with all core open-sourced MOLA packages.
Metapackage with all core open-sourced MOLA packages.
1 2025-03-02 mola_bridge_ros2
Bidirectional bridge ROS2-MOLA
Bidirectional bridge ROS2-MOLA
1 2024-08-19 mola_common
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules
1 2025-03-02 mola_demos
Demo and example launch files for MOLA
Demo and example launch files for MOLA
1 2025-02-26 mola_gnss_to_markers
Takes GNSS (GPS) readings, a MOLA georeferenced map, and publishes markers to visualize the datums as ellipsoids on the map
Takes GNSS (GPS) readings, a MOLA georeferenced map, and publishes markers to visualize the datums as ellipsoids on the map
1 2025-02-25 mola_imu_preintegration
Integrator of IMU angular velocity readings
Integrator of IMU angular velocity readings
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_euroc_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from EUROC SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from EUROC SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_kitti360_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti-360 datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti-360 datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_kitti_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti odometry/SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti odometry/SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_mulran_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from MulRan datasets
Offline RawDataSource from MulRan datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_paris_luco_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Paris LUCO (CT-ICP) odometry/SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Paris LUCO (CT-ICP) odometry/SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_rawlog
Offline RawDataSource from MRPT rawlog datasets
Offline RawDataSource from MRPT rawlog datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_rosbag2
Offline RawDataSource from rosbag2 datasets
Offline RawDataSource from rosbag2 datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_kernel
Fundamental C++ virtual interfaces and data types for the rest of MOLA modules
Fundamental C++ virtual interfaces and data types for the rest of MOLA modules
1 2025-03-02 mola_launcher
Launcher app for MOLA systems
Launcher app for MOLA systems
1 2025-03-02 mola_lidar_odometry
LIDAR odometry system based on MOLA and MRPT components
LIDAR odometry system based on MOLA and MRPT components
1 2025-03-02 mola_metric_maps
Advanced metric map classes, using the generic `mrpt::maps::CMetricMap` interface, for use in other MOLA odometry and SLAM modules.
Advanced metric map classes, using the generic `mrpt::maps::CMetricMap` interface, for use in other MOLA odometry and SLAM modules.
1 2025-03-02 mola_msgs
ROS message, services, and actions used in other MOLA packages.
ROS message, services, and actions used in other MOLA packages.
1 2025-03-02 mola_pose_list
C++ library for searchable pose lists
C++ library for searchable pose lists
1 2025-03-02 mola_relocalization
C++ library with algorithms for relocalization, global localization, or pose estimation given a large initial uncertainty
C++ library with algorithms for relocalization, global localization, or pose estimation given a large initial uncertainty
1 2025-02-25 mola_state_estimation
Metapackage with all MOLA state estimation packages.
Metapackage with all MOLA state estimation packages.
1 2025-02-25 mola_state_estimation_simple
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
1 2025-02-25 mola_state_estimation_smoother
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
SE(3) pose and twist path data fusion estimator
1 2025-01-11 mola_test_datasets
Small SLAM dataset extracts used for demos or unit tests in the rest of MOLA packages
Small SLAM dataset extracts used for demos or unit tests in the rest of MOLA packages
1 2025-03-02 mola_traj_tools
CLI tools to manipulate trajectory files as a complement to the evo package
CLI tools to manipulate trajectory files as a complement to the evo package
1 2025-03-02 mola_viz
1 2025-03-02 mola_yaml
YAML helper library common to MOLA modules
YAML helper library common to MOLA modules
1 mongodb_log
1 mongodb_store
1 mongodb_store_msgs
1 monkeywrench
1 monocam_settler
1 moose_control
1 moose_description
1 moose_desktop
1 moose_gazebo
1 moose_msgs
1 moose_simulator
1 moose_viz
1 2024-09-05 motion_capture_tracking
ROS Package for different motion capture systems, including custom rigid body tracking support
ROS Package for different motion capture systems, including custom rigid body tracking support
1 2024-09-05 motion_capture_tracking_interfaces
Interfaces for motion_capture_tracking package.
Interfaces for motion_capture_tracking package.
1 2024-11-06 mouse_teleop
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
1 move_base
1 move_base_flex
1 move_base_msgs
1 move_base_sequence
1 move_base_swp
1 move_base_z_client_plugin
1 move_basic
1 move_eye_client
0 move_group
0 move_group_interface
2 2022-11-28 move_group_interface_client
The move_group_interface_client package
The move_group_interface_client package
1 move_slow_and_clear
1 moveback_recovery
2 2025-03-06 moveit
Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2
Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2
1 moveit2z_client
0 moveit_benchmarks
1 moveit_calibration_gui
1 moveit_calibration_plugins
1 moveit_chomp_optimizer_adapter
1 moveit_commander
1 2025-03-06 moveit_common
Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt
Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt
1 2025-03-06 moveit_configs_utils
Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files
Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files
1 moveit_controller_manager_example
2 2025-03-06 moveit_core
Core libraries used by MoveIt
Core libraries used by MoveIt
1 moveit_fake_controller_manager
1 2025-03-06 moveit_hybrid_planning
Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2
Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2
2 2025-03-06 moveit_kinematics
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
1 2024-10-17 moveit_msgs
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
1 moveit_opw_kinematics_plugin
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners
Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt
Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_chomp
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_ompl
MoveIt interface to OMPL
MoveIt interface to OMPL
1 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_stomp
STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt
STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_plugins
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
1 moveit_pr2
1 2025-03-06 moveit_py
Python binding for MoveIt 2
Python binding for MoveIt 2
1 moveit_python
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources
Resources used for MoveIt testing
Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_description
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_panda_description
panda Resources used for MoveIt testing
panda Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_pr2_description
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_pg70_support
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_support
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_benchmarks
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_control_interface
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
1 moveit_ros_manipulation
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_move_group
The move_group node for MoveIt
The move_group node for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_occupancy_map_monitor
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_planning
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_planning_interface
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_robot_interaction
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
1 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_tests
Integration tests for moveit_ros
Integration tests for moveit_ros
1 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_trajectory_cache
A trajectory cache for MoveIt 2 motion plans and cartesian plans.
A trajectory cache for MoveIt 2 motion plans and cartesian plans.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_warehouse
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
2 2025-03-06 moveit_runtime
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
2 2025-03-06 moveit_servo
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_app_plugins
Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
2 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_assistant
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_controllers
MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control
MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_core_plugins
Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_framework
C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant
C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_simulation
MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation
MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_srdf_plugins
SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 moveit_sim_controller
2 2025-03-06 moveit_simple_controller_manager
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
1 moveit_task_constructor_capabilities
1 moveit_task_constructor_core
1 moveit_task_constructor_demo
1 moveit_task_constructor_msgs
1 moveit_task_constructor_visualization
1 moveit_tutorials
1 2025-02-01 moveit_visual_tools
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
2 movie_publisher
2 movie_publisher_plugins
2 movie_publisher_plugins_copyleft
2 movie_publisher_plugins_nonfree
2 movie_publisher_plugins_permissive
1 moving_average
1 2025-02-26 mp2p_icp
A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
1 mpc_local_planner
1 mpc_local_planner_examples
1 mpc_local_planner_msgs
1 mqtt_bridge
1 2024-10-28 mqtt_client
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol.
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol.
1 2024-10-28 mqtt_client_interfaces
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client
1 mrp2_bringup
1 mrp2_common
1 mrp2_description
1 mrp2_desktop
1 mrp2_display


Name Description
1 metro_benchmark_pub
1 metro_nav_demo_utils
1 2024-01-15 mia_hand_bringup
Package for grouping together all Mia Hand config and launch files.
Package for grouping together all Mia Hand config and launch files.
1 2024-01-15 mia_hand_description
Package containing Mia Hand URDF model. Includes Gazebo tags that allow for URDF usage in Gazebo simulator. Includes description of the index_thumb opposition passive joint.
Package containing Mia Hand URDF model. Includes Gazebo tags that allow for URDF usage in Gazebo simulator. Includes description of the index_thumb opposition passive joint.
1 2024-01-15 mia_hand_driver
Package containing code for driving Mia Hand.
Package containing code for driving Mia Hand.
1 2024-01-15 mia_hand_gazebo
Package for simulating Mia Hand in Gazebo, interfacing simulation with ROS Control.
Package for simulating Mia Hand in Gazebo, interfacing simulation with ROS Control.
1 2024-01-15 mia_hand_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the mia_hand with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the mia_hand with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-01-15 mia_hand_msgs
Package containing Mia Hand msg and srv files.
Package containing Mia Hand msg and srv files.
1 2024-01-15 mia_hand_ros_control
Package for interfacing Mia Hand to ROS Control. Tested under ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS and 20.04.01 and ROS Noetic.
Package for interfacing Mia Hand to ROS Control. Tested under ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS and 20.04.01 and ROS Noetic.
1 2024-01-15 mia_hand_ros_pkgs
ROS packages to use Mia Hand with ROS tools and ROS control.
ROS packages to use Mia Hand with ROS tools and ROS control.
1 micro_ros_common_diagnostics
1 micro_ros_diagnostic_bridge
1 micro_ros_diagnostic_msgs
1 micro_ros_diagnostic_updater
1 micro_ros_msgs
1 2019-07-02 microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
A driver for IMUs compatible the microstrain 3DM-GX2 and 3DM-GX3 protocol. Includes a heavily modified standalone driver pulled from the player distribution, and a ROS node.
A driver for IMUs compatible the microstrain 3DM-GX2 and 3DM-GX3 protocol. Includes a heavily modified standalone driver pulled from the player distribution, and a ROS node.
1 2024-11-07 microstrain_inertial_description
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-07 microstrain_inertial_driver
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
1 2024-11-07 microstrain_inertial_examples
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-07 microstrain_inertial_msgs
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
1 2024-11-07 microstrain_inertial_rqt
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
1 microstrain_mips
1 microstrain_mips_client
1 2023-04-16 mikrotik_swos_tools
Integration between ROS (Robot Operating System) and Mikrotik SwOS
Integration between ROS (Robot Operating System) and Mikrotik SwOS
0 mild_base_launch_files
0 mild_fake_odom
1 2025-01-12 mimic_joint_controller
The mimic_joint_controller package
The mimic_joint_controller package
1 mimick_vendor
1 minas
1 minas_control
1 2025-01-09 mini_maxwell
1 mini_tof
1 mini_tof_interfaces
2 2024-11-12 mir_actions
Action definitions for the MiR robot
Action definitions for the MiR robot
2 2024-11-12 mir_description
URDF description of the MiR robot
URDF description of the MiR robot
2 2024-11-12 mir_driver
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR robot
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR robot
2 2024-11-12 mir_dwb_critics
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
2 2024-11-12 mir_gazebo
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR robot.
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR robot.
2 2024-11-12 mir_msgs
Message definitions for the MiR robot
Message definitions for the MiR robot
2 2024-11-12 mir_navigation
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
2 2024-11-12 mir_robot
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR robot.
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR robot.
1 2022-01-21 mitch_v2_driver
ROS driver for the 221e Multisensor InerTial CHamaleon (MITCH) device
ROS driver for the 221e Multisensor InerTial CHamaleon (MITCH) device
1 2024-02-20 mk
A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements. Most package authors should use cmake .mk, which calls CMake for the build of the package. The other files in this package are intended for use in exotic situations that mostly arise when importing 3rdparty code.
A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements. Most package authors should use cmake .mk, which calls CMake for the build of the package. The other files in this package are intended for use in exotic situations that mostly arise when importing 3rdparty code.
1 ml_classifiers
1 2023-09-13 mlx90640_thermal_camera
The mlx90640_thermal_camera package
The mlx90640_thermal_camera package
1 2022-05-27 mobile_robot_simulator
The mobile_robot_simulator package
The mobile_robot_simulator package
1 2023-04-25 mobileye_560_660_msgs
Message definitions for the Mobileye 560/660
Message definitions for the Mobileye 560/660
1 2024-07-03 mobility
The mobility system
The mobility system
1 mocap4r2_control
1 mocap4r2_control_msgs
1 mocap4r2_dummy_driver
1 mocap4r2_marker_publisher
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz_srvs
1 mocap4r2_msgs
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt_msgs
1 2025-02-28 mocap_nokov
Streaming of Nokov mocap data to tf
Streaming of Nokov mocap data to tf
1 2022-01-18 mocap_optitrack
Streaming of OptiTrack mocap data to tf
Streaming of OptiTrack mocap data to tf
1 mod
1 mola
1 mola_bridge_ros2
1 2024-08-19 mola_common
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules
1 mola_demos
1 mola_gnss_to_markers
1 mola_imu_preintegration
1 mola_input_euroc_dataset
1 mola_input_kitti360_dataset
1 mola_input_kitti_dataset
1 mola_input_mulran_dataset
1 mola_input_paris_luco_dataset
1 mola_input_rawlog
1 mola_input_rosbag2
1 mola_kernel
1 mola_launcher
1 mola_lidar_odometry
1 mola_metric_maps
1 mola_msgs
1 mola_pose_list
1 mola_relocalization
1 mola_state_estimation
1 mola_state_estimation_simple
1 mola_state_estimation_smoother
1 mola_test_datasets
1 mola_traj_tools
1 mola_viz
1 mola_yaml
1 2023-02-27 mongodb_log
The mongodb_log package
The mongodb_log package
1 2023-02-27 mongodb_store
A package to support MongoDB-based storage and analysis for data from a ROS system, eg. saved messages, configurations etc
A package to support MongoDB-based storage and analysis for data from a ROS system, eg. saved messages, configurations etc
1 2023-02-27 mongodb_store_msgs
The mongodb_store_msgs package
The mongodb_store_msgs package
1 2022-06-03 monkeywrench
throw a monkeywrench in your robot code
throw a monkeywrench in your robot code
1 2021-05-15 monocam_settler
Listens on a ImageFeatures topic, and waits for the data to settle. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Listens on a ImageFeatures topic, and waits for the data to settle. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
1 moose_control
1 moose_description
1 moose_desktop
1 moose_gazebo
1 moose_msgs
1 moose_simulator
1 moose_viz
1 motion_capture_tracking
1 motion_capture_tracking_interfaces
1 2023-05-04 mouse_teleop
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
1 2023-03-04 move_base
The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the
The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the
1 2021-10-26 move_base_flex
Move Base Flex (MBF) is a backwards-compatible replacement for move_base. MBF can use existing plugins for move_base, and provides an enhanced version of the planner, controller and recovery plugin ROS interfaces. It exposes action servers for planning, controlling and recovering, providing detailed information of the current state and the plugin’s feedback. An external executive logic can use MBF and its actions to perform smart and flexible navigation strategies. Furthermore, MBF enables the use of other map representations, e.g. meshes or grid_map This package is a meta package and refers to the Move Base Flex stack packages.The abstract core of MBF – without any binding to a map representation – is represented by the
Move Base Flex (MBF) is a backwards-compatible replacement for move_base. MBF can use existing plugins for move_base, and provides an enhanced version of the planner, controller and recovery plugin ROS interfaces. It exposes action servers for planning, controlling and recovering, providing detailed information of the current state and the plugin’s feedback. An external executive logic can use MBF and its actions to perform smart and flexible navigation strategies. Furthermore, MBF enables the use of other map representations, e.g. meshes or grid_map This package is a meta package and refers to the Move Base Flex stack packages.The abstract core of MBF – without any binding to a map representation – is represented by the
1 2020-11-02 move_base_msgs
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package.
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package.
1 2021-09-19 move_base_sequence
The move_base_sequence package
The move_base_sequence package
1 2022-04-19 move_base_swp
A spinoff from move_base package that is better suited for sparsw-waypoint goals. Original description: The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the
A spinoff from move_base package that is better suited for sparsw-waypoint goals. Original description: The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the
1 2023-04-24 move_base_z_client_plugin
The move_base_z_client_plugin package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
The move_base_z_client_plugin package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 2025-01-31 move_basic
Simple navigation package
Simple navigation package
1 2023-04-24 move_eye_client
The move_eye_client package
The move_eye_client package
0 move_group
0 move_group_interface
2 2023-04-24 move_group_interface_client
The move_group_interface_client package
The move_group_interface_client package
1 2023-03-04 move_slow_and_clear
1 moveback_recovery
2 2025-02-25 moveit
Meta package that contains all essential package of MoveIt. Until Summer 2016 MoveIt had been developed over multiple repositories, where developers' usability and maintenance effort was non-trivial. See
Meta package that contains all essential package of MoveIt. Until Summer 2016 MoveIt had been developed over multiple repositories, where developers' usability and maintenance effort was non-trivial. See
1 moveit2z_client
0 moveit_benchmarks
1 2024-10-13 moveit_calibration_gui
MoveIt calibration gui
MoveIt calibration gui
1 2024-10-13 moveit_calibration_plugins
Plugins of MoveIt calibration
Plugins of MoveIt calibration
1 2025-02-25 moveit_chomp_optimizer_adapter
MoveIt planning request adapter utilizing chomp for solution optimization
MoveIt planning request adapter utilizing chomp for solution optimization
1 2025-02-25 moveit_commander
Python interfaces to MoveIt
Python interfaces to MoveIt
1 moveit_common
1 moveit_configs_utils
1 moveit_controller_manager_example
2 2025-02-25 moveit_core
Core libraries used by MoveIt
Core libraries used by MoveIt
1 2025-02-25 moveit_fake_controller_manager
A fake controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
A fake controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
1 moveit_hybrid_planning
2 2025-02-25 moveit_kinematics
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
1 2024-10-13 moveit_msgs
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
1 2024-09-03 moveit_opw_kinematics_plugin
2 2025-02-25 moveit_planners
Metapacakge that installs all available planners for MoveIt
Metapacakge that installs all available planners for MoveIt
2 2025-02-25 moveit_planners_chomp
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
2 2025-02-25 moveit_planners_ompl
MoveIt interface to OMPL
MoveIt interface to OMPL
1 moveit_planners_stomp
2 2025-02-25 moveit_plugins
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
1 moveit_pr2
1 moveit_py
1 2023-01-07 moveit_python
A pure-python interaface to the MoveIt! ROS API.
A pure-python interaface to the MoveIt! ROS API.
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources
Resources used for MoveIt! testing
Resources used for MoveIt! testing
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the panda with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the panda with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_description
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt! testing
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt! testing
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_panda_description
panda Resources used for MoveIt! testing
panda Resources used for MoveIt! testing
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_pr2_description
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
2 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
2 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config
2 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_prbt_pg70_support
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
2 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_prbt_support
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_benchmarks
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_control_interface
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
1 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_manipulation
Components of MoveIt used for manipulation
Components of MoveIt used for manipulation
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_move_group
The move_group node for MoveIt
The move_group node for MoveIt
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_occupancy_map_monitor
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_planning
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_planning_interface
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler interfaces to planning and execution
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler interfaces to planning and execution
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_robot_interaction
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
1 moveit_ros_tests
1 moveit_ros_trajectory_cache
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
2 2025-02-25 moveit_ros_warehouse
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
2 2025-02-25 moveit_runtime
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
2 2025-02-25 moveit_servo
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
1 moveit_setup_app_plugins
2 2025-02-25 moveit_setup_assistant
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
1 moveit_setup_controllers
1 moveit_setup_core_plugins
1 moveit_setup_framework
1 moveit_setup_simulation
1 moveit_setup_srdf_plugins
1 2025-02-11 moveit_sim_controller
A simulation interface for a hardware interface for ros_control, and loads default joint values from SRDF
A simulation interface for a hardware interface for ros_control, and loads default joint values from SRDF
2 2025-02-25 moveit_simple_controller_manager
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
1 2025-02-25 moveit_task_constructor_capabilities
MoveGroupCapabilites to interact with MoveIt
MoveGroupCapabilites to interact with MoveIt
1 2025-02-25 moveit_task_constructor_core
MoveIt Task Pipeline
MoveIt Task Pipeline
1 2025-02-25 moveit_task_constructor_demo
demo tasks illustrating various capabilities of MTC.
demo tasks illustrating various capabilities of MTC.
1 2025-02-25 moveit_task_constructor_msgs
Messages for MoveIt Task Pipeline
Messages for MoveIt Task Pipeline
1 2025-02-25 moveit_task_constructor_visualization
Visualization tools for MoveIt Task Pipeline
Visualization tools for MoveIt Task Pipeline
1 moveit_tutorials
1 2024-10-14 moveit_visual_tools
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
2 2025-02-26 movie_publisher
Using a video file as image topic source.
Using a video file as image topic source.
2 2025-02-26 movie_publisher_plugins
movie_publisher metadata plugins (all licenses)
movie_publisher metadata plugins (all licenses)
2 2025-02-26 movie_publisher_plugins_copyleft
movie_publisher metadata plugins with copyleft licenses
movie_publisher metadata plugins with copyleft licenses
2 2025-02-26 movie_publisher_plugins_nonfree
movie_publisher metadata plugins with nonfree licenses. exiftool is free for personal use.
movie_publisher metadata plugins with nonfree licenses. exiftool is free for personal use.
2 2025-02-26 movie_publisher_plugins_permissive
movie_publisher metadata plugins with permissive licenses
movie_publisher metadata plugins with permissive licenses
1 moving_average
1 2025-02-26 mp2p_icp
A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner
The mpc_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. It provides a generic and versatile model predictive control implementation with minimum-time and quadratic-form receding-horizon configurations.
The mpc_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. It provides a generic and versatile model predictive control implementation with minimum-time and quadratic-form receding-horizon configurations.
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner_examples
The mpc_local_planner_examples package
The mpc_local_planner_examples package
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner_msgs
This package provides message types that are used by the package mpc_local_planner
This package provides message types that are used by the package mpc_local_planner
1 2023-01-26 mqtt_bridge
The mqtt_bridge package
The mqtt_bridge package
1 2024-10-28 mqtt_client
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol.
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol.
1 2024-10-28 mqtt_client_interfaces
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client
1 mrp2_bringup
1 mrp2_common
1 mrp2_description
1 mrp2_desktop
1 mrp2_display


Name Description
1 metro_benchmark_pub
1 metro_nav_demo_utils
1 mia_hand_bringup
1 mia_hand_description
1 mia_hand_driver
1 mia_hand_gazebo
1 mia_hand_moveit_config
1 mia_hand_msgs
1 mia_hand_ros_control
1 mia_hand_ros_pkgs
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_common_diagnostics
Common microcontroller-specific diagnostics and monitors.
Common microcontroller-specific diagnostics and monitors.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_bridge
Translates micro-ROS diagnostic messages to vanilla ROS 2 diagnostic messages.
Translates micro-ROS diagnostic messages to vanilla ROS 2 diagnostic messages.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_msgs
Ccontains messages and service definitions for micro-ROS diagnostics.
Ccontains messages and service definitions for micro-ROS diagnostics.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_updater
Diagnostic updaters for micro-ROS.
Diagnostic updaters for micro-ROS.
1 2021-08-30 micro_ros_msgs
Definitions for the ROS 2 msgs entities information used by micro-ROS to leverage its functionality to the same level as ROS 2, by means of a dedicated graph manager
Definitions for the ROS 2 msgs entities information used by micro-ROS to leverage its functionality to the same level as ROS 2, by means of a dedicated graph manager
1 microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_description
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_driver
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_examples
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_msgs
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_rqt
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
1 microstrain_mips
1 microstrain_mips_client
1 mikrotik_swos_tools
0 mild_base_launch_files
0 mild_fake_odom
1 mimic_joint_controller
1 2021-03-18 mimick_vendor
Wrapper around mimick, it provides an ExternalProject build of mimick.
Wrapper around mimick, it provides an ExternalProject build of mimick.
1 minas
1 minas_control
1 mini_maxwell
1 mini_tof
1 mini_tof_interfaces
2 2021-06-11 mir_actions
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_description
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_driver
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_dwb_critics
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_gazebo
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_msgs
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_navigation
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_robot
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
1 mitch_v2_driver
1 mk
1 ml_classifiers
1 mlx90640_thermal_camera
1 mobile_robot_simulator
1 mobileye_560_660_msgs
1 mobility
1 mocap4r2_control
1 mocap4r2_control_msgs
1 mocap4r2_dummy_driver
1 mocap4r2_marker_publisher
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz_srvs
1 mocap4r2_msgs
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt_msgs
1 mocap_nokov
1 mocap_optitrack
1 mod
1 mola
1 mola_bridge_ros2
1 mola_common
1 mola_demos
1 mola_gnss_to_markers
1 mola_imu_preintegration
1 mola_input_euroc_dataset
1 mola_input_kitti360_dataset
1 mola_input_kitti_dataset
1 mola_input_mulran_dataset
1 mola_input_paris_luco_dataset
1 mola_input_rawlog
1 mola_input_rosbag2
1 mola_kernel
1 mola_launcher
1 mola_lidar_odometry
1 mola_metric_maps
1 mola_msgs
1 mola_pose_list
1 mola_relocalization
1 mola_state_estimation
1 mola_state_estimation_simple
1 mola_state_estimation_smoother
1 mola_test_datasets
1 mola_traj_tools
1 mola_viz
1 mola_yaml
1 mongodb_log
1 mongodb_store
1 mongodb_store_msgs
1 monkeywrench
1 monocam_settler
1 moose_control
1 moose_description
1 moose_desktop
1 moose_gazebo
1 moose_msgs
1 moose_simulator
1 moose_viz
1 motion_capture_tracking
1 motion_capture_tracking_interfaces
1 2022-11-23 mouse_teleop
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
1 move_base
1 move_base_flex
1 move_base_msgs
1 move_base_sequence
1 move_base_swp
1 move_base_z_client_plugin
1 move_basic
1 move_eye_client
0 move_group
0 move_group_interface
2 2023-06-09 move_group_interface_client
The move_group_interface_client package
The move_group_interface_client package
1 move_slow_and_clear
1 moveback_recovery
2 2025-03-06 moveit
Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2
Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2
1 moveit2z_client
0 moveit_benchmarks
1 moveit_calibration_gui
1 moveit_calibration_plugins
1 moveit_chomp_optimizer_adapter
1 moveit_commander
1 2025-03-06 moveit_common
Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt
Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt
1 2025-03-06 moveit_configs_utils
Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files
Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files
1 moveit_controller_manager_example
2 2025-03-06 moveit_core
Core libraries used by MoveIt
Core libraries used by MoveIt
1 moveit_fake_controller_manager
1 2025-03-06 moveit_hybrid_planning
Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2
Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2
2 2025-03-06 moveit_kinematics
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
1 2024-10-17 moveit_msgs
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
1 moveit_opw_kinematics_plugin
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners
Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt
Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_chomp
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_ompl
MoveIt interface to OMPL
MoveIt interface to OMPL
1 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_stomp
STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt
STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_plugins
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
1 moveit_pr2
1 2025-03-06 moveit_py
Python binding for MoveIt 2
Python binding for MoveIt 2
1 moveit_python
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources
Resources used for MoveIt testing
Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_description
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_panda_description
panda Resources used for MoveIt testing
panda Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_pr2_description
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_pg70_support
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_support
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_benchmarks
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_control_interface
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
1 moveit_ros_manipulation
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_move_group
The move_group node for MoveIt
The move_group node for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_occupancy_map_monitor
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_planning
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_planning_interface
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_robot_interaction
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
1 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_tests
Integration tests for moveit_ros
Integration tests for moveit_ros
1 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_trajectory_cache
A trajectory cache for MoveIt 2 motion plans and cartesian plans.
A trajectory cache for MoveIt 2 motion plans and cartesian plans.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_warehouse
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
2 2025-03-06 moveit_runtime
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
2 2025-03-06 moveit_servo
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_app_plugins
Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
2 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_assistant
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_controllers
MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control
MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_core_plugins
Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_framework
C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant
C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_simulation
MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation
MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_srdf_plugins
SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 moveit_sim_controller
2 2025-03-06 moveit_simple_controller_manager
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
1 moveit_task_constructor_capabilities
1 moveit_task_constructor_core
1 moveit_task_constructor_demo
1 moveit_task_constructor_msgs
1 moveit_task_constructor_visualization
1 moveit_tutorials
1 2025-02-01 moveit_visual_tools
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
2 movie_publisher
2 movie_publisher_plugins
2 movie_publisher_plugins_copyleft
2 movie_publisher_plugins_nonfree
2 movie_publisher_plugins_permissive
1 moving_average
1 mp2p_icp
1 mpc_local_planner
1 mpc_local_planner_examples
1 mpc_local_planner_msgs
1 mqtt_bridge
1 mqtt_client
1 mqtt_client_interfaces
1 mrp2_bringup
1 mrp2_common
1 mrp2_description
1 mrp2_desktop
1 mrp2_display


Name Description
1 metro_benchmark_pub
1 metro_nav_demo_utils
1 mia_hand_bringup
1 mia_hand_description
1 mia_hand_driver
1 mia_hand_gazebo
1 mia_hand_moveit_config
1 mia_hand_msgs
1 mia_hand_ros_control
1 mia_hand_ros_pkgs
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_common_diagnostics
Common microcontroller-specific diagnostics and monitors.
Common microcontroller-specific diagnostics and monitors.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_bridge
Translates micro-ROS diagnostic messages to vanilla ROS 2 diagnostic messages.
Translates micro-ROS diagnostic messages to vanilla ROS 2 diagnostic messages.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_msgs
Ccontains messages and service definitions for micro-ROS diagnostics.
Ccontains messages and service definitions for micro-ROS diagnostics.
1 2023-06-07 micro_ros_diagnostic_updater
Diagnostic updaters for micro-ROS.
Diagnostic updaters for micro-ROS.
1 2024-02-01 micro_ros_msgs
Definitions for the ROS 2 msgs entities information used by micro-ROS to leverage its functionality to the same level as ROS 2, by means of a dedicated graph manager
Definitions for the ROS 2 msgs entities information used by micro-ROS to leverage its functionality to the same level as ROS 2, by means of a dedicated graph manager
1 microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_description
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_driver
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_examples
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_msgs
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
1 2024-11-22 microstrain_inertial_rqt
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
1 microstrain_mips
1 microstrain_mips_client
1 mikrotik_swos_tools
0 mild_base_launch_files
0 mild_fake_odom
1 mimic_joint_controller
1 2023-02-14 mimick_vendor
Wrapper around mimick, it provides an ExternalProject build of mimick.
Wrapper around mimick, it provides an ExternalProject build of mimick.
1 minas
1 minas_control
1 mini_maxwell
1 mini_tof
1 mini_tof_interfaces
2 2021-06-11 mir_actions
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_description
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_driver
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_dwb_critics
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_gazebo
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_msgs
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_navigation
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_robot
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
1 mitch_v2_driver
1 mk
1 ml_classifiers
1 mlx90640_thermal_camera
1 mobile_robot_simulator
1 mobileye_560_660_msgs
1 mobility
1 mocap4r2_control
1 mocap4r2_control_msgs
1 mocap4r2_dummy_driver
1 mocap4r2_marker_publisher
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz_srvs
1 mocap4r2_msgs
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt_msgs
1 mocap_nokov
1 mocap_optitrack
1 mod
1 2025-03-02 mola
Metapackage with all core open-sourced MOLA packages.
Metapackage with all core open-sourced MOLA packages.
1 2025-03-02 mola_bridge_ros2
Bidirectional bridge ROS2-MOLA
Bidirectional bridge ROS2-MOLA
1 2024-08-19 mola_common
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules
1 2025-03-02 mola_demos
Demo and example launch files for MOLA
Demo and example launch files for MOLA
1 mola_gnss_to_markers
1 mola_imu_preintegration
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_euroc_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from EUROC SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from EUROC SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_kitti360_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti-360 datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti-360 datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_kitti_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti odometry/SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Kitti odometry/SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_mulran_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from MulRan datasets
Offline RawDataSource from MulRan datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_paris_luco_dataset
Offline RawDataSource from Paris LUCO (CT-ICP) odometry/SLAM datasets
Offline RawDataSource from Paris LUCO (CT-ICP) odometry/SLAM datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_rawlog
Offline RawDataSource from MRPT rawlog datasets
Offline RawDataSource from MRPT rawlog datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_input_rosbag2
Offline RawDataSource from rosbag2 datasets
Offline RawDataSource from rosbag2 datasets
1 2025-03-02 mola_kernel
Fundamental C++ virtual interfaces and data types for the rest of MOLA modules
Fundamental C++ virtual interfaces and data types for the rest of MOLA modules
1 2025-03-02 mola_launcher
Launcher app for MOLA systems
Launcher app for MOLA systems
1 2025-03-02 mola_lidar_odometry
LIDAR odometry system based on MOLA and MRPT components
LIDAR odometry system based on MOLA and MRPT components
1 2025-03-02 mola_metric_maps
Advanced metric map classes, using the generic `mrpt::maps::CMetricMap` interface, for use in other MOLA odometry and SLAM modules.
Advanced metric map classes, using the generic `mrpt::maps::CMetricMap` interface, for use in other MOLA odometry and SLAM modules.
1 2025-03-02 mola_msgs
ROS message, services, and actions used in other MOLA packages.
ROS message, services, and actions used in other MOLA packages.
1 2025-03-02 mola_pose_list
C++ library for searchable pose lists
C++ library for searchable pose lists
1 2025-03-02 mola_relocalization
C++ library with algorithms for relocalization, global localization, or pose estimation given a large initial uncertainty
C++ library with algorithms for relocalization, global localization, or pose estimation given a large initial uncertainty
1 mola_state_estimation
1 mola_state_estimation_simple
1 mola_state_estimation_smoother
1 2025-01-11 mola_test_datasets
Small SLAM dataset extracts used for demos or unit tests in the rest of MOLA packages
Small SLAM dataset extracts used for demos or unit tests in the rest of MOLA packages
1 2025-03-02 mola_traj_tools
CLI tools to manipulate trajectory files as a complement to the evo package
CLI tools to manipulate trajectory files as a complement to the evo package
1 2025-03-02 mola_viz
1 2025-03-02 mola_yaml
YAML helper library common to MOLA modules
YAML helper library common to MOLA modules
1 mongodb_log
1 mongodb_store
1 mongodb_store_msgs
1 monkeywrench
1 monocam_settler
1 moose_control
1 moose_description
1 moose_desktop
1 moose_gazebo
1 moose_msgs
1 moose_simulator
1 moose_viz
1 2024-09-05 motion_capture_tracking
ROS Package for different motion capture systems, including custom rigid body tracking support
ROS Package for different motion capture systems, including custom rigid body tracking support
1 2024-09-05 motion_capture_tracking_interfaces
Interfaces for motion_capture_tracking package.
Interfaces for motion_capture_tracking package.
1 2024-11-06 mouse_teleop
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
1 move_base
1 move_base_flex
1 move_base_msgs
1 move_base_sequence
1 move_base_swp
1 move_base_z_client_plugin
1 move_basic
1 move_eye_client
0 move_group
0 move_group_interface
2 2022-11-28 move_group_interface_client
The move_group_interface_client package
The move_group_interface_client package
1 move_slow_and_clear
1 moveback_recovery
2 2025-03-06 moveit
Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2
Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2
1 moveit2z_client
0 moveit_benchmarks
1 moveit_calibration_gui
1 moveit_calibration_plugins
1 moveit_chomp_optimizer_adapter
1 moveit_commander
1 2025-03-06 moveit_common
Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt
Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt
1 2025-03-06 moveit_configs_utils
Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files
Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files
1 moveit_controller_manager_example
2 2025-03-06 moveit_core
Core libraries used by MoveIt
Core libraries used by MoveIt
1 moveit_fake_controller_manager
1 2025-03-06 moveit_hybrid_planning
Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2
Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2
2 2025-03-06 moveit_kinematics
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt
1 2024-10-17 moveit_msgs
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
1 moveit_opw_kinematics_plugin
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners
Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt
Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_chomp
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_ompl
MoveIt interface to OMPL
MoveIt interface to OMPL
1 2025-03-06 moveit_planners_stomp
STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt
STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_plugins
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.
1 moveit_pr2
1 2025-03-06 moveit_py
Python binding for MoveIt 2
Python binding for MoveIt 2
1 moveit_python
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources
Resources used for MoveIt testing
Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_description
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_panda_description
panda Resources used for MoveIt testing
panda Resources used for MoveIt testing
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-11-29 moveit_resources_pr2_description
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_pg70_support
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_resources_prbt_support
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
Components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_benchmarks
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_control_interface
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt
1 moveit_ros_manipulation
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_move_group
The move_group node for MoveIt
The move_group node for MoveIt
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_occupancy_map_monitor
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
Components of MoveIt connecting to perception
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_planning
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_planning_interface
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution
Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_robot_interaction
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers
1 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_tests
Integration tests for moveit_ros
Integration tests for moveit_ros
1 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_trajectory_cache
A trajectory cache for MoveIt 2 motion plans and cartesian plans.
A trajectory cache for MoveIt 2 motion plans and cartesian plans.
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
Components of MoveIt that offer visualization
2 2025-03-06 moveit_ros_warehouse
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB
2 2025-03-06 moveit_runtime
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).
2 2025-03-06 moveit_servo
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_app_plugins
Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
2 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_assistant
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_controllers
MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control
MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_core_plugins
Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_framework
C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant
C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_simulation
MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation
MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation
1 2025-03-06 moveit_setup_srdf_plugins
SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant
1 moveit_sim_controller
2 2025-03-06 moveit_simple_controller_manager
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
1 moveit_task_constructor_capabilities
1 moveit_task_constructor_core
1 moveit_task_constructor_demo
1 moveit_task_constructor_msgs
1 moveit_task_constructor_visualization
1 moveit_tutorials
1 2025-02-01 moveit_visual_tools
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
2 movie_publisher
2 movie_publisher_plugins
2 movie_publisher_plugins_copyleft
2 movie_publisher_plugins_nonfree
2 movie_publisher_plugins_permissive
1 moving_average
1 2025-02-26 mp2p_icp
A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
A repertory of multi primitive-to-primitive (MP2P) ICP algorithms in C++
1 mpc_local_planner
1 mpc_local_planner_examples
1 mpc_local_planner_msgs
1 mqtt_bridge
1 2024-10-28 mqtt_client
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol.
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol.
1 2024-10-28 mqtt_client_interfaces
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client
1 mrp2_bringup
1 mrp2_common
1 mrp2_description
1 mrp2_desktop
1 mrp2_display


Name Description
1 metro_benchmark_pub
1 metro_nav_demo_utils
1 mia_hand_bringup
1 mia_hand_description
1 mia_hand_driver
1 mia_hand_gazebo
1 mia_hand_moveit_config
1 mia_hand_msgs
1 mia_hand_ros_control
1 mia_hand_ros_pkgs
1 micro_ros_common_diagnostics
1 micro_ros_diagnostic_bridge
1 micro_ros_diagnostic_msgs
1 micro_ros_diagnostic_updater
1 micro_ros_msgs
1 2019-07-02 microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
A driver for IMUs compatible the microstrain 3DM-GX2 and 3DM-GX3 protocol. Includes a heavily modified standalone driver pulled from the player distribution, and a ROS node.
A driver for IMUs compatible the microstrain 3DM-GX2 and 3DM-GX3 protocol. Includes a heavily modified standalone driver pulled from the player distribution, and a ROS node.
1 2024-11-07 microstrain_inertial_description
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
URDF and stl files for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-07 microstrain_inertial_driver
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products.
1 2024-11-07 microstrain_inertial_examples
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
Simple examples using the microstrain_inertial_driver for MicroStrain sensors.
1 2024-11-07 microstrain_inertial_msgs
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.
1 2024-11-07 microstrain_inertial_rqt
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices
1 2019-12-19 microstrain_mips
The microstrain_mips package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain 3DM_GX5_XX GPS-aided IMU sensor.
The microstrain_mips package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain 3DM_GX5_XX GPS-aided IMU sensor.
1 2023-04-24 microstrain_mips_client
The microstrain_mips_client package
The microstrain_mips_client package
1 2023-04-16 mikrotik_swos_tools
Integration between ROS (Robot Operating System) and Mikrotik SwOS
Integration between ROS (Robot Operating System) and Mikrotik SwOS
0 mild_base_launch_files
0 mild_fake_odom
1 mimic_joint_controller
1 mimick_vendor
1 2018-06-16 minas
Meta package for minas for PANASONIC MINAS EtherCAT Motor Driver Control System
Meta package for minas for PANASONIC MINAS EtherCAT Motor Driver Control System
1 2018-06-16 minas_control
This package contains ros_control based robot controller for PANASONIC MINAS EtherCAT Motor Driver Control System
This package contains ros_control based robot controller for PANASONIC MINAS EtherCAT Motor Driver Control System
1 2025-01-09 mini_maxwell
1 mini_tof
1 mini_tof_interfaces
2 2021-06-11 mir_actions
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_description
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_driver
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_dwb_critics
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_gazebo
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_msgs
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-06-11 mir_navigation
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
2 2021-06-11 mir_robot
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
1 mitch_v2_driver
1 2021-07-23 mk
A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements. Most package authors should use cmake .mk, which calls CMake for the build of the package. The other files in this package are intended for use in exotic situations that mostly arise when importing 3rdparty code.
A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements. Most package authors should use cmake .mk, which calls CMake for the build of the package. The other files in this package are intended for use in exotic situations that mostly arise when importing 3rdparty code.
1 2019-11-20 ml_classifiers
1 mlx90640_thermal_camera
1 2022-05-27 mobile_robot_simulator
The mobile_robot_simulator package
The mobile_robot_simulator package
1 2021-06-18 mobileye_560_660_msgs
Message definitions for the Mobileye 560/660
Message definitions for the Mobileye 560/660
1 2024-07-03 mobility
The mobility system
The mobility system
1 mocap4r2_control
1 mocap4r2_control_msgs
1 mocap4r2_dummy_driver
1 mocap4r2_marker_publisher
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz
1 mocap4r2_marker_viz_srvs
1 mocap4r2_msgs
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt
1 mocap4r2_robot_gt_msgs
1 2025-02-28 mocap_nokov
Streaming of Nokov mocap data to tf
Streaming of Nokov mocap data to tf
1 2022-01-18 mocap_optitrack
Streaming of OptiTrack mocap data to tf
Streaming of OptiTrack mocap data to tf
1 mod
1 mola
1 mola_bridge_ros2
1 mola_common
1 mola_demos
1 mola_gnss_to_markers
1 mola_imu_preintegration
1 mola_input_euroc_dataset
1 mola_input_kitti360_dataset
1 mola_input_kitti_dataset
1 mola_input_mulran_dataset
1 mola_input_paris_luco_dataset
1 mola_input_rawlog
1 mola_input_rosbag2
1 mola_kernel
1 mola_launcher
1 mola_lidar_odometry
1 mola_metric_maps
1 mola_msgs
1 mola_pose_list
1 mola_relocalization
1 mola_state_estimation
1 mola_state_estimation_simple
1 mola_state_estimation_smoother
1 mola_test_datasets
1 mola_traj_tools
1 mola_viz
1 mola_yaml
1 2023-05-24 mongodb_log
The mongodb_log package
The mongodb_log package
1 2023-05-24 mongodb_store
A package to support MongoDB-based storage and analysis for data from a ROS system, eg. saved messages, configurations etc
A package to support MongoDB-based storage and analysis for data from a ROS system, eg. saved messages, configurations etc
1 2023-05-24 mongodb_store_msgs
The mongodb_store_msgs package
The mongodb_store_msgs package
1 monkeywrench
1 2021-03-30 monocam_settler
Listens on a ImageFeatures topic, and waits for the data to settle. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Listens on a ImageFeatures topic, and waits for the data to settle. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
1 2022-12-26 moose_control
Controllers for Moose
Controllers for Moose
1 2022-12-26 moose_description
URDF robot description for Moose
URDF robot description for Moose
1 2020-09-21 moose_desktop
Packages for working with Moose from a ROS desktop.
Packages for working with Moose from a ROS desktop.
1 2020-08-14 moose_gazebo
Launch files to use Moose in Gazebo.
Launch files to use Moose in Gazebo.
1 2022-12-26 moose_msgs
Messages exclusive to Moose, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
Messages exclusive to Moose, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
1 2020-08-14 moose_simulator
Packages for simulating Moose
Packages for simulating Moose
1 2020-09-21 moose_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Moose.
Visualization launchers and helpers for Moose.
1 motion_capture_tracking
1 motion_capture_tracking_interfaces
1 2023-05-04 mouse_teleop
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
1 2022-06-20 move_base
The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the
The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the
1 2021-10-26 move_base_flex
Move Base Flex (MBF) is a backwards-compatible replacement for move_base. MBF can use existing plugins for move_base, and provides an enhanced version of the planner, controller and recovery plugin ROS interfaces. It exposes action servers for planning, controlling and recovering, providing detailed information of the current state and the plugin’s feedback. An external executive logic can use MBF and its actions to perform smart and flexible navigation strategies. Furthermore, MBF enables the use of other map representations, e.g. meshes or grid_map This package is a meta package and refers to the Move Base Flex stack packages.The abstract core of MBF – without any binding to a map representation – is represented by the
Move Base Flex (MBF) is a backwards-compatible replacement for move_base. MBF can use existing plugins for move_base, and provides an enhanced version of the planner, controller and recovery plugin ROS interfaces. It exposes action servers for planning, controlling and recovering, providing detailed information of the current state and the plugin’s feedback. An external executive logic can use MBF and its actions to perform smart and flexible navigation strategies. Furthermore, MBF enables the use of other map representations, e.g. meshes or grid_map This package is a meta package and refers to the Move Base Flex stack packages.The abstract core of MBF – without any binding to a map representation – is represented by the
1 2015-03-16 move_base_msgs
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
1 2021-09-19 move_base_sequence
The move_base_sequence package
The move_base_sequence package
1 2022-04-19 move_base_swp
A spinoff from move_base package that is better suited for sparsw-waypoint goals. Original description: The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the
A spinoff from move_base package that is better suited for sparsw-waypoint goals. Original description: The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the
1 2023-04-24 move_base_z_client_plugin
The move_base_z_client_plugin package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
The move_base_z_client_plugin package implements SMACC Action Client Plugin for the ROS Navigation State - move_base node. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 2025-01-31 move_basic
Simple navigation package
Simple navigation package
1 2023-04-24 move_eye_client
The move_eye_client package
The move_eye_client package
0 move_group
0 move_group_interface
2 2023-04-24 move_group_interface_client
The move_group_interface_client package
The move_group_interface_client package
1 2022-06-20 move_slow_and_clear
1 2020-05-03 moveback_recovery
The Move Base Flex (MBF) recovery behavior moves the robot back for specified length. It also checks the costmap for a possible collision behind the robot while moving and stops the robot if necessary.
The Move Base Flex (MBF) recovery behavior moves the robot back for specified length. It also checks the costmap for a possible collision behind the robot while moving and stops the robot if necessary.
2 2022-09-13 moveit
Meta package that contains all essential package of MoveIt!. Until Summer 2016 MoveIt! had been developed over multiple repositories, where developers' usability and maintenance effort was non-trivial. See
Meta package that contains all essential package of MoveIt!. Until Summer 2016 MoveIt! had been developed over multiple repositories, where developers' usability and maintenance effort was non-trivial. See
1 moveit2z_client
0 moveit_benchmarks
1 moveit_calibration_gui
1 moveit_calibration_plugins
1 2022-09-13 moveit_chomp_optimizer_adapter
MoveIt planning request adapter utilizing chomp for solution optimization
MoveIt planning request adapter utilizing chomp for solution optimization
1 2022-09-13 moveit_commander
Python interfaces to MoveIt
Python interfaces to MoveIt
1 moveit_common
1 moveit_configs_utils
1 2022-09-13 moveit_controller_manager_example
An example controller manager plugin for MoveIt. This is not functional code.
An example controller manager plugin for MoveIt. This is not functional code.
2 2022-09-13 moveit_core
Core libraries used by MoveIt!
Core libraries used by MoveIt!
1 2022-09-13 moveit_fake_controller_manager
A fake controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
A fake controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
1 moveit_hybrid_planning
2 2022-09-13 moveit_kinematics
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt!
Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt!
1 2022-09-09 moveit_msgs
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt
1 2021-12-15 moveit_opw_kinematics_plugin
2 2022-09-13 moveit_planners
Metapacakge that installs all available planners for MoveIt
Metapacakge that installs all available planners for MoveIt
2 2022-09-13 moveit_planners_chomp
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt!
The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt!
2 2022-09-13 moveit_planners_ompl
MoveIt! interface to OMPL
MoveIt! interface to OMPL
1 moveit_planners_stomp
2 2022-09-13 moveit_plugins
Metapackage for MoveIt! plugins.
Metapackage for MoveIt! plugins.
1 2020-05-07 moveit_pr2
All PR2-specific packages for MoveIt
All PR2-specific packages for MoveIt
1 moveit_py
1 2023-01-07 moveit_python
A pure-python interaface to the MoveIt! ROS API.
A pure-python interaface to the MoveIt! ROS API.
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources
Resources used for MoveIt! testing
Resources used for MoveIt! testing
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_dual_panda_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the panda with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the panda with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_description
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt! testing
Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt! testing
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_panda_description
panda Resources used for MoveIt! testing
panda Resources used for MoveIt! testing
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config
1 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_pr2_description
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing
2 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package
2 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config
2 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_prbt_pg70_support
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.
2 2024-08-29 moveit_resources_prbt_support
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros
Components of MoveIt! that use ROS
Components of MoveIt! that use ROS
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_benchmarks
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt!
Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt!
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_control_interface
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt!
ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt!
1 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_manipulation
Components of MoveIt! used for manipulation
Components of MoveIt! used for manipulation
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_move_group
The move_group node for MoveIt
The move_group node for MoveIt
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_occupancy_map_monitor
Components of MoveIt! connecting to occupancy map
Components of MoveIt! connecting to occupancy map
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_perception
Components of MoveIt! connecting to perception
Components of MoveIt! connecting to perception
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_planning
Planning components of MoveIt! that use ROS
Planning components of MoveIt! that use ROS
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_planning_interface
Components of MoveIt! that offer simpler interfaces to planning and execution
Components of MoveIt! that offer simpler interfaces to planning and execution
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_robot_interaction
Components of MoveIt! that offer interaction via interactive markers
Components of MoveIt! that offer interaction via interactive markers
1 moveit_ros_tests
1 moveit_ros_trajectory_cache
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_visualization
Components of MoveIt! that offer visualization
Components of MoveIt! that offer visualization
2 2022-09-13 moveit_ros_warehouse
Components of MoveIt! connecting to MongoDB
Components of MoveIt! connecting to MongoDB
2 2022-09-13 moveit_runtime
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt! packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt! on robots).
moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt! packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt! on robots).
2 2022-09-13 moveit_servo
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.
1 moveit_setup_app_plugins
2 2022-09-13 moveit_setup_assistant
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt!
Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt!
1 moveit_setup_controllers
1 moveit_setup_core_plugins
1 moveit_setup_framework
1 moveit_setup_simulation
1 moveit_setup_srdf_plugins
1 2020-06-11 moveit_sim_controller
A simulation interface for a hardware interface for ros_control, and loads default joint values from SRDF
A simulation interface for a hardware interface for ros_control, and loads default joint values from SRDF
2 2022-09-13 moveit_simple_controller_manager
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.
1 moveit_task_constructor_capabilities
1 moveit_task_constructor_core
1 moveit_task_constructor_demo
1 moveit_task_constructor_msgs
1 moveit_task_constructor_visualization
1 2023-01-19 moveit_tutorials
The moveit_tutorials package
The moveit_tutorials package
1 2020-08-03 moveit_visual_tools
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt data in Rviz via published markers
2 2025-02-26 movie_publisher
Using a video file as image topic source.
Using a video file as image topic source.
2 2025-02-26 movie_publisher_plugins
movie_publisher metadata plugins (all licenses)
movie_publisher metadata plugins (all licenses)
2 2025-02-26 movie_publisher_plugins_copyleft
movie_publisher metadata plugins with copyleft licenses
movie_publisher metadata plugins with copyleft licenses
2 2025-02-26 movie_publisher_plugins_nonfree
movie_publisher metadata plugins with nonfree licenses. exiftool is free for personal use.
movie_publisher metadata plugins with nonfree licenses. exiftool is free for personal use.
2 2025-02-26 movie_publisher_plugins_permissive
movie_publisher metadata plugins with permissive licenses
movie_publisher metadata plugins with permissive licenses
1 2021-01-15 moving_average
Compute and publish moving average values of ROS topics
Compute and publish moving average values of ROS topics
1 mp2p_icp
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner
The mpc_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. It provides a generic and versatile model predictive control implementation with minimum-time and quadratic-form receding-horizon configurations.
The mpc_local_planner package implements a plugin to the base_local_planner of the 2D navigation stack. It provides a generic and versatile model predictive control implementation with minimum-time and quadratic-form receding-horizon configurations.
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner_examples
The mpc_local_planner_examples package
The mpc_local_planner_examples package
1 2020-07-19 mpc_local_planner_msgs
This package provides message types that are used by the package mpc_local_planner
This package provides message types that are used by the package mpc_local_planner
1 2023-01-26 mqtt_bridge
The mqtt_bridge package
The mqtt_bridge package
1 mqtt_client
1 mqtt_client_interfaces
1 2020-10-06 mrp2_bringup
Launch files and configurations for starting MRP2 robot in a real environment.
Launch files and configurations for starting MRP2 robot in a real environment.
1 2020-09-21 mrp2_common
Necessary packages in common for both simulation and real environment.
Necessary packages in common for both simulation and real environment.
1 2020-09-21 mrp2_description
URDF and xacro description files for MRP2.
URDF and xacro description files for MRP2.
1 2020-10-01 mrp2_desktop
Visualization tools and configurations for MRP2 robot.
Visualization tools and configurations for MRP2 robot.
1 2020-10-06 mrp2_display
Package for managing touch LCD panel on MRP2
Package for managing touch LCD panel on MRP2