
Name Description
1 2023-11-13 gazebo_video_monitor_utils
Contains utility scripts that are meant to interact with the gazebo video monitor plugins.
Contains utility scripts that are meant to interact with the gazebo video monitor plugins.
1 2023-11-13 gazebo_video_monitors
Metapackage that groups together the gazebo_video_monitors packages.
Metapackage that groups together the gazebo_video_monitors packages.
1 gazesense_bridge
1 gazesense_msgs
1 2024-12-08 gc_spl
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
2 2024-12-08 gc_spl_2022
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL at RoboCup2022
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL at RoboCup2022
1 2024-12-08 gc_spl_interfaces
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
1 gdrive_ros
1 gds_helper
1 gencpp
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library
CMake to generate ROS parameter library.
CMake to generate ROS parameter library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library.
Example usage of generate_parameter_library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_example_external
Example usage of a parameter header generated in another package.
Example usage of a parameter header generated in another package.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_py
Python to generate ROS parameter library.
Python to generate ROS parameter library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_module_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module
1 generic_control_toolbox
2 generic_throttle
1 geneus
1 genlisp
1 genmsg
1 genmypy
1 gennodejs
1 genpy
1 2024-04-04 geodesy
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
1 2024-04-04 geographic_info
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
1 2024-04-04 geographic_msgs
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
1 2025-01-24 geometric_shapes
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
1 geometry
3 2025-01-17 geometry2
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
2 2024-05-20 geometry_msgs
A package containing some geometry related message definitions.
A package containing some geometry related message definitions.
1 2024-07-10 geometry_tutorials
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
1 geos_cmake_module
1 gl_dependency
1 global_planner
1 global_planner_tests
1 gmapping
1 gmcl
1 2024-07-26 gmock_vendor
The package provides GoogleMock.
The package provides GoogleMock.
1 gnc_visualizer
1 gnss_info
1 gnss_info_msgs
0 gnsstk
1 gnsstk_ros
1 goal_passer
1 2023-07-18 google_benchmark_vendor
This package provides Google Benchmark.
This package provides Google Benchmark.
1 google_chat_ros
1 google_cloud_texttospeech
1 gpio
1 gpio_control
1 gpio_controller
1 2025-03-08 gpio_controllers
Controllers to interact with gpios.
Controllers to interact with gpios.
1 gpp_interface
1 gpp_plugin
1 gpp_prune_path
1 gpp_update_map
1 gps_common
1 2024-12-09 gps_msgs
GPS messages for use in GPS drivers
GPS messages for use in GPS drivers
1 2024-12-09 gps_tools
GPS routines for use in GPS drivers
GPS routines for use in GPS drivers
1 2024-12-09 gps_umd
gps_umd metapackage
gps_umd metapackage
1 2024-12-09 gpsd_client
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
1 graceful_controller
1 graceful_controller_ros
1 graft
1 graph_factors
1 graph_localizer
1 2022-05-26 graph_msgs
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
1 graph_optimizer
1 graph_rviz_plugin
1 graph_vio
1 2024-09-27 grasping_msgs
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
0 gravity_compensation_controller2
1 2020-10-12 grbl_msgs
ROS2 Messages package for GRBL devices
ROS2 Messages package for GRBL devices
1 2023-05-07 grbl_ros
ROS2 package to interface with a GRBL serial device
ROS2 package to interface with a GRBL serial device
1 grepros
2 2025-01-18 grid_map
Meta-package for the universal grid map library.
Meta-package for the universal grid map library.
1 2025-01-18 grid_map_cmake_helpers
CMake support functionality used throughout grid_map
CMake support functionality used throughout grid_map
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_core
Universal grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
Universal grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_costmap_2d
Interface for grid maps to the costmap_2d format.
Interface for grid maps to the costmap_2d format.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_cv
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_demos
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_filters
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
1 2024-11-29 grid_map_geo
Georeferenced grid map
Georeferenced grid map
1 2024-11-29 grid_map_geo_msgs
geomap_msgs includes the definition for custom services and messages for the grid_map_geo package.
geomap_msgs includes the definition for custom services and messages for the grid_map_geo package.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_loader
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_msgs
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_octomap
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_pcl
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_ros
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_rviz_plugin
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_sdf
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_visualization
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
1 gripper_action_controller
1 2025-03-08 gripper_controllers
The gripper_controllers package
The gripper_controllers package
1 ground_dds_ros_bridge
1 ground_truth_localizer
1 grpc
1 2022-12-19 gscam
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
1 2024-07-26 gtest_vendor
The package provides GoogleTest.
The package provides GoogleTest.
1 2025-03-10 gtsam
1 gundam_robot
1 gundam_rx78_control
1 gundam_rx78_description
1 gundam_rx78_gazebo
0 gurumdds-3.1
0 gurumdds-3.2
2 2024-04-19 gurumdds_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find GurumNetworks GurumDDS.
Provide CMake module to find GurumNetworks GurumDDS.
0 gz-cmake4
0 gz-common6
0 gz-fuel_tools10
0 gz-fuel_tools9
0 gz-gui8
0 gz-gui9
0 gz-launch7
0 gz-launch8
0 gz-math8
0 gz-msgs10
0 gz-msgs11
0 gz-physics7
0 gz-physics8
0 gz-plugin3
0 gz-rendering8
0 gz-rendering9
0 gz-sensors8
0 gz-sensors9
0 gz-sim8
0 gz-sim9
0 gz-transport13
0 gz-transport14
0 gz-utils3
1 gz_cmake_vendor
1 gz_common_vendor
1 gz_dartsim_vendor
1 gz_fuel_tools_vendor
1 gz_gui_vendor
1 gz_launch_vendor
1 gz_math_vendor
1 gz_msgs_vendor
1 gz_ogre_next_vendor
1 gz_physics_vendor
1 gz_plugin_vendor
1 gz_rendering_vendor
1 gz_ros2_control
1 gz_ros2_control_demos
1 gz_ros2_control_tests
1 gz_sensors_vendor
1 gz_sim_vendor
1 gz_tools_vendor
1 gz_transport_vendor
1 gz_utils_vendor
1 h264_encoder_core
1 h264_video_encoder
1 haf_grasping
1 hand_kinematics
1 handeye
1 handrail_detect
2 2024-12-19 hardware_interface
ros2_control hardware interface
ros2_control hardware interface
1 2024-12-19 hardware_interface_testing
ros2_control hardware interface testing
ros2_control hardware interface testing
1 haros_catkin
1 2022-10-07 hash_library_vendor
ROS2 vendor package for stbrumme/hash-library
ROS2 vendor package for stbrumme/hash-library
1 2024-11-24 hatchbed_common
Common Hatchbed C++ utility code for ROS, such registering and handling updates to ros parameters.
Common Hatchbed C++ utility code for ROS, such registering and handling updates to ros parameters.
0 head_action
1 health_metric_collector
1 2024-06-04 heaphook
Replace all the dynamic heap allocation functions by LD_PRELOAD
Replace all the dynamic heap allocation functions by LD_PRELOAD
1 2025-02-18 hebi_cpp_api
A ROS 2 package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
A ROS 2 package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
1 hebi_description
1 hector_components_description
1 hector_compressed_map_transport
1 hector_gazebo
1 hector_gazebo_plugins
1 hector_gazebo_thermal_camera
1 hector_gazebo_worlds
1 hector_geotiff
1 hector_geotiff_launch
1 hector_geotiff_plugins
1 hector_imu_attitude_to_tf
1 hector_imu_tools
1 hector_localization
1 hector_map_server
1 hector_map_tools
1 hector_mapping
1 hector_marker_drawing
1 hector_models
1 hector_nav_msgs
1 hector_pose_estimation
1 hector_pose_estimation_core
1 hector_rviz_overlay
1 hector_rviz_overlay_controls
1 hector_rviz_overlay_demo
1 hector_sensors_description
1 hector_sensors_gazebo
1 hector_slam
1 hector_slam_launch
1 hector_trajectory_server
1 hector_xacro_tools
1 heifu
1 heifu_bringup
1 heifu_description
1 heifu_diagnostic
1 heifu_mavros
1 heifu_msgs


Name Description
1 gazebo_video_monitor_utils
1 gazebo_video_monitors
1 gazesense_bridge
1 gazesense_msgs
1 gc_spl
2 gc_spl_2022
1 gc_spl_interfaces
1 gdrive_ros
1 gds_helper
1 gencpp
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library
CMake to generate ROS parameter library.
CMake to generate ROS parameter library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library.
Example usage of generate_parameter_library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_example_external
Example usage of a parameter header generated in another package.
Example usage of a parameter header generated in another package.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_py
Python to generate ROS parameter library.
Python to generate ROS parameter library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_module_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module
1 generic_control_toolbox
2 generic_throttle
1 geneus
1 genlisp
1 genmsg
1 genmypy
1 gennodejs
1 genpy
1 2024-04-04 geodesy
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
1 2024-04-04 geographic_info
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
1 2024-04-04 geographic_msgs
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
1 2025-01-24 geometric_shapes
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
1 geometry
3 2025-03-04 geometry2
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
2 2024-11-27 geometry_msgs
A package containing some geometry related message definitions.
A package containing some geometry related message definitions.
1 2024-07-10 geometry_tutorials
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
1 geos_cmake_module
1 gl_dependency
1 global_planner
1 global_planner_tests
1 gmapping
1 gmcl
1 2024-02-09 gmock_vendor
The package provides GoogleMock.
The package provides GoogleMock.
1 gnc_visualizer
1 gnss_info
1 gnss_info_msgs
0 gnsstk
1 gnsstk_ros
1 goal_passer
1 2024-12-02 google_benchmark_vendor
This package provides Google Benchmark.
This package provides Google Benchmark.
1 google_chat_ros
1 google_cloud_texttospeech
1 gpio
1 gpio_control
1 gpio_controller
1 2025-03-07 gpio_controllers
Controllers to interact with gpios.
Controllers to interact with gpios.
1 gpp_interface
1 gpp_plugin
1 gpp_prune_path
1 gpp_update_map
1 gps_common
1 2024-12-09 gps_msgs
GPS messages for use in GPS drivers
GPS messages for use in GPS drivers
1 2024-12-09 gps_tools
GPS routines for use in GPS drivers
GPS routines for use in GPS drivers
1 2024-12-09 gps_umd
gps_umd metapackage
gps_umd metapackage
1 2024-12-09 gpsd_client
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
1 graceful_controller
1 graceful_controller_ros
1 graft
1 graph_factors
1 graph_localizer
1 2022-05-26 graph_msgs
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
1 graph_optimizer
1 graph_rviz_plugin
1 graph_vio
1 2024-09-27 grasping_msgs
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
0 gravity_compensation_controller2
1 2020-10-12 grbl_msgs
ROS2 Messages package for GRBL devices
ROS2 Messages package for GRBL devices
1 2023-05-07 grbl_ros
ROS2 package to interface with a GRBL serial device
ROS2 package to interface with a GRBL serial device
1 grepros
2 2025-01-18 grid_map
Meta-package for the universal grid map library.
Meta-package for the universal grid map library.
1 2025-01-18 grid_map_cmake_helpers
CMake support functionality used throughout grid_map
CMake support functionality used throughout grid_map
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_core
Universal grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
Universal grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_costmap_2d
Interface for grid maps to the costmap_2d format.
Interface for grid maps to the costmap_2d format.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_cv
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_demos
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_filters
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
1 grid_map_geo
1 grid_map_geo_msgs
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_loader
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_msgs
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_octomap
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_pcl
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_ros
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_rviz_plugin
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_sdf
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_visualization
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
1 gripper_action_controller
1 2025-03-07 gripper_controllers
The gripper_controllers package
The gripper_controllers package
1 ground_dds_ros_bridge
1 ground_truth_localizer
1 grpc
1 2022-12-19 gscam
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
1 2024-02-09 gtest_vendor
The package provides GoogleTest.
The package provides GoogleTest.
1 2025-03-10 gtsam
1 gundam_robot
1 gundam_rx78_control
1 gundam_rx78_description
1 gundam_rx78_gazebo
0 gurumdds-3.1
0 gurumdds-3.2
2 2025-01-08 gurumdds_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find GurumNetworks GurumDDS.
Provide CMake module to find GurumNetworks GurumDDS.
0 gz-cmake4
0 gz-common6
0 gz-fuel_tools10
0 gz-fuel_tools9
0 gz-gui8
0 gz-gui9
0 gz-launch7
0 gz-launch8
0 gz-math8
0 gz-msgs10
0 gz-msgs11
0 gz-physics7
0 gz-physics8
0 gz-plugin3
0 gz-rendering8
0 gz-rendering9
0 gz-sensors8
0 gz-sensors9
0 gz-sim8
0 gz-sim9
0 gz-transport13
0 gz-transport14
0 gz-utils3
1 2025-02-05 gz_cmake_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-cmake3 3.5.4 Gazebo CMake : CMake Modules for Gazebo Projects
Vendor package for: gz-cmake3 3.5.4 Gazebo CMake : CMake Modules for Gazebo Projects
1 2025-02-07 gz_common_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-common5 5.7.1 Gazebo Common : AV, Graphics, Events, and much more.
Vendor package for: gz-common5 5.7.1 Gazebo Common : AV, Graphics, Events, and much more.
1 2024-11-26 gz_dartsim_vendor
Vendor package for the DART physics engine v6.13.2
Vendor package for the DART physics engine v6.13.2
1 2025-02-10 gz_fuel_tools_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-fuel_tools9 9.1.1 Gazebo Fuel Tools: Classes and tools for interacting with Gazebo Fuel
Vendor package for: gz-fuel_tools9 9.1.1 Gazebo Fuel Tools: Classes and tools for interacting with Gazebo Fuel
1 2025-02-11 gz_gui_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-gui8 8.4.0 Gazebo GUI : Graphical interfaces for robotics applications
Vendor package for: gz-gui8 8.4.0 Gazebo GUI : Graphical interfaces for robotics applications
1 2025-02-20 gz_launch_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-launch7 7.1.1 Gazebo Launch : Run and manage programs and plugins
Vendor package for: gz-launch7 7.1.1 Gazebo Launch : Run and manage programs and plugins
1 2025-02-05 gz_math_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-math7 7.5.2 Gazebo Math : Math classes and functions for robot applications
Vendor package for: gz-math7 7.5.2 Gazebo Math : Math classes and functions for robot applications
1 2025-02-19 gz_msgs_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-msgs10 10.3.2 Gazebo Messages: Protobuf messages and functions for robot applications
Vendor package for: gz-msgs10 10.3.2 Gazebo Messages: Protobuf messages and functions for robot applications
1 2024-05-07 gz_ogre_next_vendor
Vendor package for Ogre-next v2.3.3
Vendor package for Ogre-next v2.3.3
1 2025-02-10 gz_physics_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-physics7 7.5.0 Gazebo Physics : Physics classes and functions for robot applications
Vendor package for: gz-physics7 7.5.0 Gazebo Physics : Physics classes and functions for robot applications
1 2025-02-05 gz_plugin_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-plugin2 2.0.4 Gazebo Plugin : Cross-platform C++ library for dynamically loading plugins.
Vendor package for: gz-plugin2 2.0.4 Gazebo Plugin : Cross-platform C++ library for dynamically loading plugins.
1 2025-02-10 gz_rendering_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-rendering8 8.2.2 Gazebo Rendering: Rendering library for robot applications
Vendor package for: gz-rendering8 8.2.2 Gazebo Rendering: Rendering library for robot applications
1 2025-03-01 gz_ros2_control
Gazebo ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
Gazebo ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
1 2025-03-01 gz_ros2_control_demos
1 2025-03-01 gz_ros2_control_tests
Gazebo ros2 control tests
Gazebo ros2 control tests
1 2025-02-11 gz_sensors_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-sensors8 8.2.2 Gazebo Sensors : Sensor models for simulation
Vendor package for: gz-sensors8 8.2.2 Gazebo Sensors : Sensor models for simulation
1 2025-02-20 gz_sim_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-sim8 8.9.0 Gazebo Sim : A Robotic Simulator
Vendor package for: gz-sim8 8.9.0 Gazebo Sim : A Robotic Simulator
1 2025-02-05 gz_tools_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-tools2 2.0.2 Gazebo Tools: Entrypoint to Gazebo's command line interface
Vendor package for: gz-tools2 2.0.2 Gazebo Tools: Entrypoint to Gazebo's command line interface
1 2025-02-11 gz_transport_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-transport13 13.4.1 Gazebo Transport: Provides fast and efficient asynchronous message passing, services, and data logging.
Vendor package for: gz-transport13 13.4.1 Gazebo Transport: Provides fast and efficient asynchronous message passing, services, and data logging.
1 2025-02-05 gz_utils_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-utils2 2.2.1 Gazebo Utils : Classes and functions for robot applications
Vendor package for: gz-utils2 2.2.1 Gazebo Utils : Classes and functions for robot applications
1 h264_encoder_core
1 h264_video_encoder
1 haf_grasping
1 hand_kinematics
1 handeye
1 handrail_detect
2 2025-03-05 hardware_interface
ros2_control hardware interface
ros2_control hardware interface
1 2025-03-05 hardware_interface_testing
ros2_control hardware interface testing
ros2_control hardware interface testing
1 haros_catkin
1 2022-10-07 hash_library_vendor
ROS2 vendor package for stbrumme/hash-library
ROS2 vendor package for stbrumme/hash-library
1 2024-11-24 hatchbed_common
Common Hatchbed C++ utility code for ROS, such registering and handling updates to ros parameters.
Common Hatchbed C++ utility code for ROS, such registering and handling updates to ros parameters.
0 head_action
1 health_metric_collector
1 2024-06-04 heaphook
Replace all the dynamic heap allocation functions by LD_PRELOAD
Replace all the dynamic heap allocation functions by LD_PRELOAD
1 2025-02-18 hebi_cpp_api
A ROS 2 package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
A ROS 2 package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
1 hebi_description
1 hector_components_description
1 hector_compressed_map_transport
1 hector_gazebo
1 hector_gazebo_plugins
1 hector_gazebo_thermal_camera
1 hector_gazebo_worlds
1 hector_geotiff
1 hector_geotiff_launch
1 hector_geotiff_plugins
1 hector_imu_attitude_to_tf
1 hector_imu_tools
1 hector_localization
1 hector_map_server
1 hector_map_tools
1 hector_mapping
1 hector_marker_drawing
1 hector_models
1 hector_nav_msgs
1 hector_pose_estimation
1 hector_pose_estimation_core
1 2025-03-10 hector_rviz_overlay
Provides an Overlay that can be used i.e. in a Display plugin to display additional information on top of the rivz RenderPanel.
Provides an Overlay that can be used i.e. in a Display plugin to display additional information on top of the rivz RenderPanel.
1 2025-03-10 hector_rviz_overlay_controls
Provides a display to render a QML file on top of the render panel and the tools panel as an overlay for the render panel.
Provides a display to render a QML file on top of the render panel and the tools panel as an overlay for the render panel.
1 2025-03-10 hector_rviz_overlay_demo
Some examples on how to use hector_rviz_overlay.
Some examples on how to use hector_rviz_overlay.
1 hector_sensors_description
1 hector_sensors_gazebo
1 hector_slam
1 hector_slam_launch
1 hector_trajectory_server
1 hector_xacro_tools
1 heifu
1 heifu_bringup
1 heifu_description
1 heifu_diagnostic
1 heifu_mavros
1 heifu_msgs


Name Description
1 gazebo_video_monitor_utils
1 gazebo_video_monitors
1 gazesense_bridge
1 gazesense_msgs
1 gc_spl
2 gc_spl_2022
1 gc_spl_interfaces
1 gdrive_ros
1 gds_helper
1 gencpp
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library
CMake to generate ROS parameter library.
CMake to generate ROS parameter library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library.
Example usage of generate_parameter_library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_example_external
Example usage of a parameter header generated in another package.
Example usage of a parameter header generated in another package.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_py
Python to generate ROS parameter library.
Python to generate ROS parameter library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_module_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module
1 generic_control_toolbox
2 generic_throttle
1 geneus
1 genlisp
1 genmsg
1 genmypy
1 gennodejs
1 genpy
1 2024-04-04 geodesy
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
1 2024-04-04 geographic_info
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
1 2024-04-04 geographic_msgs
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
1 2025-01-24 geometric_shapes
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
1 geometry
3 2025-03-04 geometry2
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
2 2025-03-03 geometry_msgs
A package containing some geometry related message definitions.
A package containing some geometry related message definitions.
1 2024-12-27 geometry_tutorials
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
1 geos_cmake_module
1 gl_dependency
1 global_planner
1 global_planner_tests
1 gmapping
1 gmcl
1 2025-01-16 gmock_vendor
The package provides GoogleMock.
The package provides GoogleMock.
1 gnc_visualizer
1 gnss_info
1 gnss_info_msgs
0 gnsstk
1 gnsstk_ros
1 goal_passer
1 2024-12-01 google_benchmark_vendor
This package provides Google Benchmark.
This package provides Google Benchmark.
1 google_chat_ros
1 google_cloud_texttospeech
1 gpio
1 gpio_control
1 gpio_controller
1 2025-03-07 gpio_controllers
Controllers to interact with gpios.
Controllers to interact with gpios.
1 gpp_interface
1 gpp_plugin
1 gpp_prune_path
1 gpp_update_map
1 gps_common
1 2024-12-09 gps_msgs
GPS messages for use in GPS drivers
GPS messages for use in GPS drivers
1 2024-12-09 gps_tools
GPS routines for use in GPS drivers
GPS routines for use in GPS drivers
1 2024-12-09 gps_umd
gps_umd metapackage
gps_umd metapackage
1 2024-12-09 gpsd_client
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
1 graceful_controller
1 graceful_controller_ros
1 graft
1 graph_factors
1 graph_localizer
1 2022-05-26 graph_msgs
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
1 graph_optimizer
1 graph_rviz_plugin
1 graph_vio
1 2024-09-27 grasping_msgs
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
0 gravity_compensation_controller2
1 2020-10-12 grbl_msgs
ROS2 Messages package for GRBL devices
ROS2 Messages package for GRBL devices
1 2023-05-07 grbl_ros
ROS2 package to interface with a GRBL serial device
ROS2 package to interface with a GRBL serial device
1 grepros
2 grid_map
1 grid_map_cmake_helpers
2 grid_map_core
2 grid_map_costmap_2d
2 grid_map_cv
2 grid_map_demos
2 grid_map_filters
1 grid_map_geo
1 grid_map_geo_msgs
2 grid_map_loader
2 grid_map_msgs
2 grid_map_octomap
2 grid_map_pcl
2 grid_map_ros
2 grid_map_rviz_plugin
2 grid_map_sdf
2 grid_map_visualization
1 gripper_action_controller
1 2025-03-07 gripper_controllers
The gripper_controllers package
The gripper_controllers package
1 ground_dds_ros_bridge
1 ground_truth_localizer
1 grpc
1 2022-12-19 gscam
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
1 2025-01-16 gtest_vendor
The package provides GoogleTest.
The package provides GoogleTest.
1 2025-03-10 gtsam
1 gundam_robot
1 gundam_rx78_control
1 gundam_rx78_description
1 gundam_rx78_gazebo
0 gurumdds-3.1
0 gurumdds-3.2
2 2025-01-08 gurumdds_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find GurumNetworks GurumDDS.
Provide CMake module to find GurumNetworks GurumDDS.
0 gz-cmake4
0 gz-common6
0 gz-fuel_tools10
0 gz-fuel_tools9
0 gz-gui8
0 gz-gui9
0 gz-launch7
0 gz-launch8
0 gz-math8
0 gz-msgs10
0 gz-msgs11
0 gz-physics7
0 gz-physics8
0 gz-plugin3
0 gz-rendering8
0 gz-rendering9
0 gz-sensors8
0 gz-sensors9
0 gz-sim8
0 gz-sim9
0 gz-transport13
0 gz-transport14
0 gz-utils3
1 2025-02-26 gz_cmake_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-cmake4 4.1.1 Gazebo CMake : CMake Modules for Gazebo Projects
Vendor package for: gz-cmake4 4.1.1 Gazebo CMake : CMake Modules for Gazebo Projects
1 2025-02-19 gz_common_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-common6 6.0.2 Gazebo Common : AV, Graphics, Events, and much more.
Vendor package for: gz-common6 6.0.2 Gazebo Common : AV, Graphics, Events, and much more.
1 2024-11-26 gz_dartsim_vendor
Vendor package for the DART physics engine v6.13.2
Vendor package for the DART physics engine v6.13.2
1 2025-02-19 gz_fuel_tools_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-fuel_tools10 10.0.1 Gazebo Fuel Tools: Classes and tools for interacting with Gazebo Fuel
Vendor package for: gz-fuel_tools10 10.0.1 Gazebo Fuel Tools: Classes and tools for interacting with Gazebo Fuel
1 2025-02-19 gz_gui_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-gui9 9.0.1 Gazebo GUI : Graphical interfaces for robotics applications
Vendor package for: gz-gui9 9.0.1 Gazebo GUI : Graphical interfaces for robotics applications
1 2025-02-20 gz_launch_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-launch8 8.0.1 Gazebo Launch : Run and manage programs and plugins
Vendor package for: gz-launch8 8.0.1 Gazebo Launch : Run and manage programs and plugins
1 2025-02-20 gz_math_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-math8 8.1.1 Gazebo Math : Math classes and functions for robot applications
Vendor package for: gz-math8 8.1.1 Gazebo Math : Math classes and functions for robot applications
1 2025-01-11 gz_msgs_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-msgs11 11.0.2 Gazebo Messages: Protobuf messages and functions for robot applications
Vendor package for: gz-msgs11 11.0.2 Gazebo Messages: Protobuf messages and functions for robot applications
1 2024-09-05 gz_ogre_next_vendor
Vendor package for Ogre-next v2.3.3
Vendor package for Ogre-next v2.3.3
1 2025-02-19 gz_physics_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-physics8 8.1.0 Gazebo Physics : Physics classes and functions for robot applications
Vendor package for: gz-physics8 8.1.0 Gazebo Physics : Physics classes and functions for robot applications
1 2025-02-19 gz_plugin_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-plugin3 3.0.1 Gazebo Plugin : Cross-platform C++ library for dynamically loading plugins.
Vendor package for: gz-plugin3 3.0.1 Gazebo Plugin : Cross-platform C++ library for dynamically loading plugins.
1 2025-01-28 gz_rendering_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-rendering9 9.1.0 Gazebo Rendering: Rendering library for robot applications
Vendor package for: gz-rendering9 9.1.0 Gazebo Rendering: Rendering library for robot applications
1 2025-03-01 gz_ros2_control
Gazebo ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
Gazebo ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
1 2025-03-01 gz_ros2_control_demos
1 2025-03-01 gz_ros2_control_tests
Gazebo ros2 control tests
Gazebo ros2 control tests
1 2025-02-19 gz_sensors_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-sensors9 9.1.0 Gazebo Sensors : Sensor models for simulation
Vendor package for: gz-sensors9 9.1.0 Gazebo Sensors : Sensor models for simulation
1 2025-02-19 gz_sim_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-sim9 9.1.0 Gazebo Sim : A Robotic Simulator
Vendor package for: gz-sim9 9.1.0 Gazebo Sim : A Robotic Simulator
1 2025-02-05 gz_tools_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-tools2 2.0.2 Gazebo Tools: Entrypoint to Gazebo's command line interface
Vendor package for: gz-tools2 2.0.2 Gazebo Tools: Entrypoint to Gazebo's command line interface
1 2025-02-19 gz_transport_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-transport14 14.0.1 Gazebo Transport: Provides fast and efficient asynchronous message passing, services, and data logging.
Vendor package for: gz-transport14 14.0.1 Gazebo Transport: Provides fast and efficient asynchronous message passing, services, and data logging.
1 2025-02-20 gz_utils_vendor
Vendor package for: gz-utils3 3.1.1 Gazebo Utils : Classes and functions for robot applications
Vendor package for: gz-utils3 3.1.1 Gazebo Utils : Classes and functions for robot applications
1 h264_encoder_core
1 h264_video_encoder
1 haf_grasping
1 hand_kinematics
1 handeye
1 handrail_detect
2 2025-03-05 hardware_interface
ros2_control hardware interface
ros2_control hardware interface
1 2025-03-05 hardware_interface_testing
ros2_control hardware interface testing
ros2_control hardware interface testing
1 haros_catkin
1 2022-10-07 hash_library_vendor
ROS2 vendor package for stbrumme/hash-library
ROS2 vendor package for stbrumme/hash-library
1 2024-11-24 hatchbed_common
Common Hatchbed C++ utility code for ROS, such registering and handling updates to ros parameters.
Common Hatchbed C++ utility code for ROS, such registering and handling updates to ros parameters.
0 head_action
1 health_metric_collector
1 2024-06-04 heaphook
Replace all the dynamic heap allocation functions by LD_PRELOAD
Replace all the dynamic heap allocation functions by LD_PRELOAD
1 2025-02-18 hebi_cpp_api
A ROS 2 package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
A ROS 2 package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
1 hebi_description
1 hector_components_description
1 hector_compressed_map_transport
1 hector_gazebo
1 hector_gazebo_plugins
1 hector_gazebo_thermal_camera
1 hector_gazebo_worlds
1 hector_geotiff
1 hector_geotiff_launch
1 hector_geotiff_plugins
1 hector_imu_attitude_to_tf
1 hector_imu_tools
1 hector_localization
1 hector_map_server
1 hector_map_tools
1 hector_mapping
1 hector_marker_drawing
1 hector_models
1 hector_nav_msgs
1 hector_pose_estimation
1 hector_pose_estimation_core
1 hector_rviz_overlay
1 hector_rviz_overlay_controls
1 hector_rviz_overlay_demo
1 hector_sensors_description
1 hector_sensors_gazebo
1 hector_slam
1 hector_slam_launch
1 hector_trajectory_server
1 hector_xacro_tools
1 heifu
1 heifu_bringup
1 heifu_description
1 heifu_diagnostic
1 heifu_mavros
1 heifu_msgs


Name Description
1 2023-10-21 gazebo_video_monitor_utils
gazebo_video_monitor_utils contains utility scripts that are meant to interact with the gazebo video monitor plugins.
gazebo_video_monitor_utils contains utility scripts that are meant to interact with the gazebo video monitor plugins.
1 2023-10-21 gazebo_video_monitors
Metapackage that groups together the gazebo_video_monitors packages.
Metapackage that groups together the gazebo_video_monitors packages.
1 gazesense_bridge
1 gazesense_msgs
1 gc_spl
2 gc_spl_2022
1 gc_spl_interfaces
1 2025-01-09 gdrive_ros
Google drive upload and download package
Google drive upload and download package
1 2024-07-03 gds_helper
The gds_helper package
The gds_helper package
1 2022-05-05 gencpp
C++ ROS message and service generators.
C++ ROS message and service generators.
1 generate_parameter_library
1 generate_parameter_library_example
1 generate_parameter_library_example_external
1 generate_parameter_library_py
1 generate_parameter_module_example
1 generic_control_toolbox
2 2024-04-30 generic_throttle
This package provides a throttle for ROS topics
This package provides a throttle for ROS topics
1 2020-01-27 geneus
EusLisp ROS message and service generators.
EusLisp ROS message and service generators.
1 2020-01-25 genlisp
Common-Lisp ROS message and service generators.
Common-Lisp ROS message and service generators.
1 2020-11-02 genmsg
Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages.
Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages.
1 2023-04-08 genmypy
Python stub generator from genmsg specs
Python stub generator from genmsg specs
1 2020-01-25 gennodejs
Javascript ROS message and service generators.
Javascript ROS message and service generators.
1 2023-03-15 genpy
Python ROS message and service generators.
Python ROS message and service generators.
1 2022-01-28 geodesy
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
1 2022-01-28 geographic_info
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
1 2022-01-28 geographic_msgs
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
1 2024-08-11 geometric_shapes
Generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
Generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
1 2023-08-17 geometry
3 2025-02-07 geometry2
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
2 2021-01-11 geometry_msgs
geometry_msgs provides messages for common geometric primitives such as points, vectors, and poses. These primitives are designed to provide a common data type and facilitate interoperability throughout the system.
geometry_msgs provides messages for common geometric primitives such as points, vectors, and poses. These primitives are designed to provide a common data type and facilitate interoperability throughout the system.
1 2020-04-02 geometry_tutorials
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
1 geos_cmake_module
1 2020-10-08 gl_dependency
This encapsulates the GL dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
This encapsulates the GL dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
1 2023-03-04 global_planner
A path planner library and node.
A path planner library and node.
1 2022-06-27 global_planner_tests
A collection of tests for checking the validity and completeness of global planners.
A collection of tests for checking the validity and completeness of global planners.
1 2024-08-21 gmapping
This package contains a ROS wrapper for OpenSlam's Gmapping. The gmapping package provides laser-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), as a ROS node called slam_gmapping. Using slam_gmapping, you can create a 2-D occupancy grid map (like a building floorplan) from laser and pose data collected by a mobile robot.
This package contains a ROS wrapper for OpenSlam's Gmapping. The gmapping package provides laser-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), as a ROS node called slam_gmapping. Using slam_gmapping, you can create a 2-D occupancy grid map (like a building floorplan) from laser and pose data collected by a mobile robot.
1 2021-08-02 gmcl
1 gmock_vendor
1 2024-07-03 gnc_visualizer
Tool for visualizing GNC outputs and inputs in real time.
Tool for visualizing GNC outputs and inputs in real time.
1 2024-02-27 gnss_info
Information about GNSS satellites and their constellations.
Information about GNSS satellites and their constellations.
1 2024-02-27 gnss_info_msgs
Messages containing information about GNSS satellites and their constellations.
Messages containing information about GNSS satellites and their constellations.
0 gnsstk
1 2024-02-27 gnsstk_ros
ROS bindings for GNSSTk library.
ROS bindings for GNSSTk library.
1 2022-08-24 goal_passer
A global planner plugin for move_base that simply passes the target pose on as a global plan. Useful for debugging local planners.
A global planner plugin for move_base that simply passes the target pose on as a global plan. Useful for debugging local planners.
1 google_benchmark_vendor
1 2025-01-09 google_chat_ros
Use Google Chat API clients via ROS
Use Google Chat API clients via ROS
1 2025-01-09 google_cloud_texttospeech
The google_cloud_texttospeech package
The google_cloud_texttospeech package
1 2024-07-03 gpio
GPIO library for accessing pins directly through memory without a kernel context switch
GPIO library for accessing pins directly through memory without a kernel context switch
1 gpio_control
1 2025-01-12 gpio_controller
The gpio_controller package
The gpio_controller package
1 gpio_controllers
1 2021-02-18 gpp_interface
The gpp_interface package defines the interfaces for pre and post-planning inside the global_planner_pipeline framework
The gpp_interface package defines the interfaces for pre and post-planning inside the global_planner_pipeline framework
1 2021-02-18 gpp_plugin
The gpp_plugin package offers a pipeline for running global planners together with auxiliary pre- and post-processing functions
The gpp_plugin package offers a pipeline for running global planners together with auxiliary pre- and post-processing functions
1 2021-02-18 gpp_prune_path
The gpp_prune_path plugin will prune the path produced by a global-planner
The gpp_prune_path plugin will prune the path produced by a global-planner
1 2021-02-18 gpp_update_map
The gpp_update_map plugin will update the map before running the global planner
The gpp_update_map plugin will update the map before running the global planner
1 2024-05-15 gps_common
GPS messages and common routines for use in GPS drivers
GPS messages and common routines for use in GPS drivers
1 gps_msgs
1 gps_tools
1 2024-05-15 gps_umd
gps_umd metapackage
gps_umd metapackage
1 2024-05-15 gpsd_client
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
1 2024-10-22 graceful_controller
A controller.
A controller.
1 2024-10-22 graceful_controller_ros
A controller. Some say it might be graceful.
A controller. Some say it might be graceful.
1 2015-05-20 graft
Graft is not yet finished. It's intended to be a full replacement to robot_pose_ekf, including native absolute references, and arbitrary topic configuration. If you try to use Graft now, please note that not all parameters are configured and you will not always see a change in behavior by modifying the parameters.
Graft is not yet finished. It's intended to be a full replacement to robot_pose_ekf, including native absolute references, and arbitrary topic configuration. If you try to use Graft now, please note that not all parameters are configured and you will not always see a change in behavior by modifying the parameters.
1 2024-07-03 graph_factors
The graph factors package
The graph factors package
1 2024-07-03 graph_localizer
The graph localizer package
The graph localizer package
1 2021-04-06 graph_msgs
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
1 2024-07-03 graph_optimizer
The graph optimizer package
The graph optimizer package
1 graph_rviz_plugin
1 2024-07-03 graph_vio
The graph VIO package
The graph VIO package
1 2022-06-21 grasping_msgs
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
0 gravity_compensation_controller2
1 grbl_msgs
1 grbl_ros
1 2024-05-06 grepros
grep for ROS bag files and live topics: read, filter, export
grep for ROS bag files and live topics: read, filter, export
2 2025-02-22 grid_map
Meta-package for the universal grid map library.
Meta-package for the universal grid map library.
1 grid_map_cmake_helpers
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_core
Universal grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
Universal grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_costmap_2d
Interface for grid maps to the costmap_2d format.
Interface for grid maps to the costmap_2d format.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_cv
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_demos
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_filters
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
1 grid_map_geo
1 grid_map_geo_msgs
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_loader
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_msgs
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_octomap
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_pcl
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_ros
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_rviz_plugin
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_sdf
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_visualization
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
1 2024-05-22 gripper_action_controller
The gripper_action_controller package
The gripper_action_controller package
1 gripper_controllers
1 2024-07-03 ground_dds_ros_bridge
The ground_dds_ros_bridge package provides a bridge between dds messages and ros messages
The ground_dds_ros_bridge package provides a bridge between dds messages and ros messages
1 2024-07-03 ground_truth_localizer
The ground_truth localizer package
The ground_truth localizer package
1 2025-03-10 grpc
Catkinized gRPC Package
Catkinized gRPC Package
1 gscam
1 gtest_vendor
1 2025-03-10 gtsam
1 gundam_robot
1 gundam_rx78_control
1 gundam_rx78_description
1 gundam_rx78_gazebo
0 gurumdds-3.1
0 gurumdds-3.2
2 gurumdds_cmake_module
0 gz-cmake4
0 gz-common6
0 gz-fuel_tools10
0 gz-fuel_tools9
0 gz-gui8
0 gz-gui9
0 gz-launch7
0 gz-launch8
0 gz-math8
0 gz-msgs10
0 gz-msgs11
0 gz-physics7
0 gz-physics8
0 gz-plugin3
0 gz-rendering8
0 gz-rendering9
0 gz-sensors8
0 gz-sensors9
0 gz-sim8
0 gz-sim9
0 gz-transport13
0 gz-transport14
0 gz-utils3
1 gz_cmake_vendor
1 gz_common_vendor
1 gz_dartsim_vendor
1 gz_fuel_tools_vendor
1 gz_gui_vendor
1 gz_launch_vendor
1 gz_math_vendor
1 gz_msgs_vendor
1 gz_ogre_next_vendor
1 gz_physics_vendor
1 gz_plugin_vendor
1 gz_rendering_vendor
1 gz_ros2_control
1 gz_ros2_control_demos
1 gz_ros2_control_tests
1 gz_sensors_vendor
1 gz_sim_vendor
1 gz_tools_vendor
1 gz_transport_vendor
1 gz_utils_vendor
1 h264_encoder_core
1 h264_video_encoder
1 2023-03-29 haf_grasping
The haf_grasping package: calculates grasps for a given point cloud using Height Accumulated Features (HAF)
The haf_grasping package: calculates grasps for a given point cloud using Height Accumulated Features (HAF)
1 hand_kinematics
1 2020-10-25 handeye
The handeye package
The handeye package
1 2024-07-03 handrail_detect
The handrail_detect package
The handrail_detect package
2 2024-10-12 hardware_interface
Hardware Interface base class.
Hardware Interface base class.
1 hardware_interface_testing
1 haros_catkin
1 hash_library_vendor
1 2024-11-24 hatchbed_common
Common Hatchbed C++ utility code for ROS, such registering and handling updates to ros parameters.
Common Hatchbed C++ utility code for ROS, such registering and handling updates to ros parameters.
0 head_action
1 health_metric_collector
1 heaphook
1 2024-06-06 hebi_cpp_api
A ROS package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
A ROS package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
1 hebi_description
1 2024-11-15 hector_components_description
hector_components_description contains URDF xacro macros for robot components, so they are easily attachable to robot models.
hector_components_description contains URDF xacro macros for robot components, so they are easily attachable to robot models.
1 2024-11-13 hector_compressed_map_transport
hector_compressed_map_transport provides means for transporting compressed map data through the use of image_transport.
hector_compressed_map_transport provides means for transporting compressed map data through the use of image_transport.
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo
hector_gazebo provides packages related to to simulation of robots using gazebo (gazebo plugins, world files etc.)
hector_gazebo provides packages related to to simulation of robots using gazebo (gazebo plugins, world files etc.)
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo_plugins
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo_thermal_camera
hector_gazebo_thermal_camera provides a gazebo plugin that produces simulated thermal camera images. The plugin uses modified code from the gazebo_ros_camera plugin.
hector_gazebo_thermal_camera provides a gazebo plugin that produces simulated thermal camera images. The plugin uses modified code from the gazebo_ros_camera plugin.
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo_worlds
hector_gazebo_worlds provides gazebo scenarios used by Team Hector Darmstadt
hector_gazebo_worlds provides gazebo scenarios used by Team Hector Darmstadt
1 2024-11-13 hector_geotiff
hector_geotiff provides a node that can be used to save occupancy grid map, robot trajectory and object of interest data to RoboCup Rescue compliant GeoTiff images.
hector_geotiff provides a node that can be used to save occupancy grid map, robot trajectory and object of interest data to RoboCup Rescue compliant GeoTiff images.
1 2024-11-13 hector_geotiff_launch
Contains launch files for the hector_geotiff mapper.
Contains launch files for the hector_geotiff mapper.
1 2024-11-13 hector_geotiff_plugins
hector_geotiff_plugins contains plugins that extend geotiff maps generated by hector_geotiff.
hector_geotiff_plugins contains plugins that extend geotiff maps generated by hector_geotiff.
1 2024-11-13 hector_imu_attitude_to_tf
hector_imu_attitude_to_tf is a lightweight node that can be used to publish the roll/pitch attitude angles reported via a imu message to tf.
hector_imu_attitude_to_tf is a lightweight node that can be used to publish the roll/pitch attitude angles reported via a imu message to tf.
1 2024-11-13 hector_imu_tools
hector_imu_tools provides some tools for processing IMU messages
hector_imu_tools provides some tools for processing IMU messages
1 2021-02-15 hector_localization
The hector_localization stack is a collection of packages, that provide the full 6DOF pose of a robot or platform. It uses various sensor sources, which are fused using an Extended Kalman filter. Acceleration and angular rates from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) serve as primary measurements. The usage of other sensors is application-dependent. The hector_localization stack currently supports GPS, magnetometer, barometric pressure sensors and other external sources that provide a geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance message via the poseupdate topic.
The hector_localization stack is a collection of packages, that provide the full 6DOF pose of a robot or platform. It uses various sensor sources, which are fused using an Extended Kalman filter. Acceleration and angular rates from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) serve as primary measurements. The usage of other sensors is application-dependent. The hector_localization stack currently supports GPS, magnetometer, barometric pressure sensors and other external sources that provide a geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance message via the poseupdate topic.
1 2024-11-13 hector_map_server
hector_map_server provides a service for retrieving the map, as well as for raycasting based obstacle queries (finds next obstacle in the map, given start and endpoint in any tf coordinate frame).
hector_map_server provides a service for retrieving the map, as well as for raycasting based obstacle queries (finds next obstacle in the map, given start and endpoint in any tf coordinate frame).
1 2024-11-13 hector_map_tools
hector_map_tools contains some functions related to accessing information from OccupancyGridMap maps. Currently consists of a single header.
hector_map_tools contains some functions related to accessing information from OccupancyGridMap maps. Currently consists of a single header.
1 2024-11-13 hector_mapping
hector_mapping is a SLAM approach that can be used without odometry as well as on platforms that exhibit roll/pitch motion (of the sensor, the platform or both). It leverages the high update rate of modern LIDAR systems like the Hokuyo UTM-30LX and provides 2D pose estimates at scan rate of the sensors (40Hz for the UTM-30LX). While the system does not provide explicit loop closing ability, it is sufficiently accurate for many real world scenarios. The system has successfully been used on Unmanned Ground Robots, Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Handheld Mapping Devices and logged data from quadrotor UAVs.
hector_mapping is a SLAM approach that can be used without odometry as well as on platforms that exhibit roll/pitch motion (of the sensor, the platform or both). It leverages the high update rate of modern LIDAR systems like the Hokuyo UTM-30LX and provides 2D pose estimates at scan rate of the sensors (40Hz for the UTM-30LX). While the system does not provide explicit loop closing ability, it is sufficiently accurate for many real world scenarios. The system has successfully been used on Unmanned Ground Robots, Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Handheld Mapping Devices and logged data from quadrotor UAVs.
1 2024-11-13 hector_marker_drawing
hector_marker_drawing provides convenience functions for easier publishing of visualization markers.
hector_marker_drawing provides convenience functions for easier publishing of visualization markers.
1 2024-11-15 hector_models
hector_models contains (urdf) models of robots, sensors etc.
hector_models contains (urdf) models of robots, sensors etc.
1 2024-11-13 hector_nav_msgs
hector_nav_msgs contains messages and services used in the hector_slam stack.
hector_nav_msgs contains messages and services used in the hector_slam stack.
1 2021-02-15 hector_pose_estimation
hector_pose_estimation provides the hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet.
hector_pose_estimation provides the hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet.
1 2021-02-15 hector_pose_estimation_core
hector_pose_estimation_core is the core package of the hector_localization stack. It contains the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot. hector_pose_estimation can be used either as a library, as a nodelet or as a standalone node.
hector_pose_estimation_core is the core package of the hector_localization stack. It contains the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot. hector_pose_estimation can be used either as a library, as a nodelet or as a standalone node.
1 hector_rviz_overlay
1 hector_rviz_overlay_controls
1 hector_rviz_overlay_demo
1 2024-11-15 hector_sensors_description
hector_sensors_description contains URDF xacro macros for sensors, so they are easily attachable to robot models and usable in gazebo.
hector_sensors_description contains URDF xacro macros for sensors, so they are easily attachable to robot models and usable in gazebo.
1 2022-08-08 hector_sensors_gazebo
hector_sensors_gazebo depends on the necessary plugins for using the sensors from the hector_models repository.
hector_sensors_gazebo depends on the necessary plugins for using the sensors from the hector_models repository.
1 2024-11-13 hector_slam
The hector_slam metapackage that installs hector_mapping and related packages.
The hector_slam metapackage that installs hector_mapping and related packages.
1 2024-11-13 hector_slam_launch
hector_slam_launch contains launch files for launching hector_slam with different robot systems/setups/postprocessing scenarios.
hector_slam_launch contains launch files for launching hector_slam with different robot systems/setups/postprocessing scenarios.
1 2024-11-13 hector_trajectory_server
hector_trajectory_server keeps track of tf trajectories extracted from tf data and makes this data accessible via a service and topic.
hector_trajectory_server keeps track of tf trajectories extracted from tf data and makes this data accessible via a service and topic.
1 2024-11-15 hector_xacro_tools
1 heifu
1 heifu_bringup
1 heifu_description
1 heifu_diagnostic
1 heifu_mavros
1 heifu_msgs


Name Description
1 gazebo_video_monitor_utils
1 gazebo_video_monitors
1 gazesense_bridge
1 gazesense_msgs
1 gc_spl
2 2022-10-06 gc_spl_2022
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL at RoboCup2022
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL at RoboCup2022
1 gc_spl_interfaces
1 gdrive_ros
1 gds_helper
1 gencpp
1 generate_parameter_library
1 generate_parameter_library_example
1 generate_parameter_library_example_external
1 generate_parameter_library_py
1 generate_parameter_module_example
1 generic_control_toolbox
2 generic_throttle
1 geneus
1 genlisp
1 genmsg
1 genmypy
1 gennodejs
1 genpy
1 2024-04-04 geodesy
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
1 2024-04-04 geographic_info
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
1 2024-04-04 geographic_msgs
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
1 2025-01-24 geometric_shapes
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
1 geometry
3 2022-12-03 geometry2
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
2 2022-01-12 geometry_msgs
A package containing some geometry related message definitions.
A package containing some geometry related message definitions.
1 2024-01-10 geometry_tutorials
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
1 geos_cmake_module
1 gl_dependency
1 global_planner
1 global_planner_tests
1 gmapping
1 gmcl
1 2021-06-04 gmock_vendor
The package provides GoogleMock.
The package provides GoogleMock.
1 gnc_visualizer
1 gnss_info
1 gnss_info_msgs
0 gnsstk
1 gnsstk_ros
1 goal_passer
1 2021-04-12 google_benchmark_vendor
This package provides Google Benchmark.
This package provides Google Benchmark.
1 google_chat_ros
1 google_cloud_texttospeech
1 gpio
1 gpio_control
1 gpio_controller
1 gpio_controllers
1 gpp_interface
1 gpp_plugin
1 gpp_prune_path
1 gpp_update_map
1 gps_common
1 gps_msgs
1 gps_tools
1 gps_umd
1 gpsd_client
1 graceful_controller
1 graceful_controller_ros
1 graft
1 graph_factors
1 graph_localizer
1 2022-05-26 graph_msgs
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
1 graph_optimizer
1 graph_rviz_plugin
1 graph_vio
1 grasping_msgs
0 gravity_compensation_controller2
1 2020-10-12 grbl_msgs
ROS2 Messages package for GRBL devices
ROS2 Messages package for GRBL devices
1 grbl_ros
1 grepros
2 grid_map
1 grid_map_cmake_helpers
2 grid_map_core
2 grid_map_costmap_2d
2 grid_map_cv
2 grid_map_demos
2 grid_map_filters
1 grid_map_geo
1 grid_map_geo_msgs
2 grid_map_loader
2 grid_map_msgs
2 grid_map_octomap
2 grid_map_pcl
2 grid_map_ros
2 grid_map_rviz_plugin
2 grid_map_sdf
2 grid_map_visualization
1 gripper_action_controller
1 2023-06-11 gripper_controllers
The gripper_controllers package
The gripper_controllers package
1 ground_dds_ros_bridge
1 ground_truth_localizer
1 grpc
1 2022-12-19 gscam
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
1 2021-06-04 gtest_vendor
The package provides GoogleTest.
The package provides GoogleTest.
1 gtsam
1 gundam_robot
1 gundam_rx78_control
1 gundam_rx78_description
1 gundam_rx78_gazebo
0 gurumdds-3.1
0 gurumdds-3.2
2 2022-05-09 gurumdds_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find GurumNetworks GurumDDS.
Provide CMake module to find GurumNetworks GurumDDS.
0 gz-cmake4
0 gz-common6
0 gz-fuel_tools10
0 gz-fuel_tools9
0 gz-gui8
0 gz-gui9
0 gz-launch7
0 gz-launch8
0 gz-math8
0 gz-msgs10
0 gz-msgs11
0 gz-physics7
0 gz-physics8
0 gz-plugin3
0 gz-rendering8
0 gz-rendering9
0 gz-sensors8
0 gz-sensors9
0 gz-sim8
0 gz-sim9
0 gz-transport13
0 gz-transport14
0 gz-utils3
1 gz_cmake_vendor
1 gz_common_vendor
1 gz_dartsim_vendor
1 gz_fuel_tools_vendor
1 gz_gui_vendor
1 gz_launch_vendor
1 gz_math_vendor
1 gz_msgs_vendor
1 gz_ogre_next_vendor
1 gz_physics_vendor
1 gz_plugin_vendor
1 gz_rendering_vendor
1 gz_ros2_control
1 gz_ros2_control_demos
1 gz_ros2_control_tests
1 gz_sensors_vendor
1 gz_sim_vendor
1 gz_tools_vendor
1 gz_transport_vendor
1 gz_utils_vendor
1 h264_encoder_core
1 h264_video_encoder
1 haf_grasping
1 hand_kinematics
1 handeye
1 handrail_detect
2 2022-08-03 hardware_interface
ROS2 ros_control hardware interface
ROS2 ros_control hardware interface
1 hardware_interface_testing
1 haros_catkin
1 2022-10-07 hash_library_vendor
ROS2 vendor package for stbrumme/hash-library
ROS2 vendor package for stbrumme/hash-library
1 hatchbed_common
0 head_action
1 health_metric_collector
1 heaphook
1 hebi_cpp_api
1 hebi_description
1 hector_components_description
1 hector_compressed_map_transport
1 hector_gazebo
1 hector_gazebo_plugins
1 hector_gazebo_thermal_camera
1 hector_gazebo_worlds
1 hector_geotiff
1 hector_geotiff_launch
1 hector_geotiff_plugins
1 hector_imu_attitude_to_tf
1 hector_imu_tools
1 hector_localization
1 hector_map_server
1 hector_map_tools
1 hector_mapping
1 hector_marker_drawing
1 hector_models
1 hector_nav_msgs
1 hector_pose_estimation
1 hector_pose_estimation_core
1 hector_rviz_overlay
1 hector_rviz_overlay_controls
1 hector_rviz_overlay_demo
1 hector_sensors_description
1 hector_sensors_gazebo
1 hector_slam
1 hector_slam_launch
1 hector_trajectory_server
1 hector_xacro_tools
1 heifu
1 heifu_bringup
1 heifu_description
1 heifu_diagnostic
1 heifu_mavros
1 heifu_msgs


Name Description
1 2023-11-13 gazebo_video_monitor_utils
Contains utility scripts that are meant to interact with the gazebo video monitor plugins.
Contains utility scripts that are meant to interact with the gazebo video monitor plugins.
1 2023-11-13 gazebo_video_monitors
Metapackage that groups together the gazebo_video_monitors packages.
Metapackage that groups together the gazebo_video_monitors packages.
1 gazesense_bridge
1 gazesense_msgs
1 2024-04-21 gc_spl
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
2 2024-04-21 gc_spl_2022
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL at RoboCup2022
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL at RoboCup2022
1 2024-04-21 gc_spl_interfaces
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
1 gdrive_ros
1 gds_helper
1 gencpp
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library
CMake to generate ROS parameter library.
CMake to generate ROS parameter library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library.
Example usage of generate_parameter_library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_example_external
Example usage of a parameter header generated in another package.
Example usage of a parameter header generated in another package.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_library_py
Python to generate ROS parameter library.
Python to generate ROS parameter library.
1 2025-02-13 generate_parameter_module_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module
1 generic_control_toolbox
2 generic_throttle
1 geneus
1 genlisp
1 genmsg
1 genmypy
1 gennodejs
1 genpy
1 2024-04-04 geodesy
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
1 2024-04-04 geographic_info
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
1 2024-04-04 geographic_msgs
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
1 2025-01-24 geometric_shapes
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
1 geometry
3 2024-08-30 geometry2
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
2 2024-05-20 geometry_msgs
A package containing some geometry related message definitions.
A package containing some geometry related message definitions.
1 2024-07-10 geometry_tutorials
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
1 geos_cmake_module
1 gl_dependency
1 global_planner
1 global_planner_tests
1 gmapping
1 gmcl
1 2023-04-11 gmock_vendor
The package provides GoogleMock.
The package provides GoogleMock.
1 gnc_visualizer
1 gnss_info
1 gnss_info_msgs
0 gnsstk
1 gnsstk_ros
1 goal_passer
1 2023-02-14 google_benchmark_vendor
This package provides Google Benchmark.
This package provides Google Benchmark.
1 google_chat_ros
1 google_cloud_texttospeech
1 gpio
1 gpio_control
1 gpio_controller
1 gpio_controllers
1 gpp_interface
1 gpp_plugin
1 gpp_prune_path
1 gpp_update_map
1 gps_common
1 2024-12-09 gps_msgs
GPS messages for use in GPS drivers
GPS messages for use in GPS drivers
1 2024-12-09 gps_tools
GPS routines for use in GPS drivers
GPS routines for use in GPS drivers
1 2024-12-09 gps_umd
gps_umd metapackage
gps_umd metapackage
1 2024-12-09 gpsd_client
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
1 graceful_controller
1 graceful_controller_ros
1 graft
1 graph_factors
1 graph_localizer
1 2022-05-26 graph_msgs
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
1 graph_optimizer
1 graph_rviz_plugin
1 graph_vio
1 2024-09-27 grasping_msgs
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
0 gravity_compensation_controller2
1 2020-10-12 grbl_msgs
ROS2 Messages package for GRBL devices
ROS2 Messages package for GRBL devices
1 2023-05-07 grbl_ros
ROS2 package to interface with a GRBL serial device
ROS2 package to interface with a GRBL serial device
1 grepros
2 2025-01-18 grid_map
Meta-package for the universal grid map library.
Meta-package for the universal grid map library.
1 2025-01-18 grid_map_cmake_helpers
CMake support functionality used throughout grid_map
CMake support functionality used throughout grid_map
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_core
Universal grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
Universal grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_costmap_2d
Interface for grid maps to the costmap_2d format.
Interface for grid maps to the costmap_2d format.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_cv
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_demos
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_filters
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
1 grid_map_geo
1 grid_map_geo_msgs
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_loader
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_msgs
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_octomap
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_pcl
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_ros
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_rviz_plugin
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_sdf
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
2 2025-01-18 grid_map_visualization
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
1 gripper_action_controller
1 2024-11-13 gripper_controllers
The gripper_controllers package
The gripper_controllers package
1 ground_dds_ros_bridge
1 ground_truth_localizer
1 grpc
1 2022-12-19 gscam
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
1 2023-04-11 gtest_vendor
The package provides GoogleTest.
The package provides GoogleTest.
1 2025-03-10 gtsam
1 gundam_robot
1 gundam_rx78_control
1 gundam_rx78_description
1 gundam_rx78_gazebo
0 gurumdds-3.1
0 gurumdds-3.2
2 2025-01-08 gurumdds_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find GurumNetworks GurumDDS.
Provide CMake module to find GurumNetworks GurumDDS.
0 gz-cmake4
0 gz-common6
0 gz-fuel_tools10
0 gz-fuel_tools9
0 gz-gui8
0 gz-gui9
0 gz-launch7
0 gz-launch8
0 gz-math8
0 gz-msgs10
0 gz-msgs11
0 gz-physics7
0 gz-physics8
0 gz-plugin3
0 gz-rendering8
0 gz-rendering9
0 gz-sensors8
0 gz-sensors9
0 gz-sim8
0 gz-sim9
0 gz-transport13
0 gz-transport14
0 gz-utils3
1 gz_cmake_vendor
1 gz_common_vendor
1 gz_dartsim_vendor
1 gz_fuel_tools_vendor
1 gz_gui_vendor
1 gz_launch_vendor
1 gz_math_vendor
1 gz_msgs_vendor
1 gz_ogre_next_vendor
1 gz_physics_vendor
1 gz_plugin_vendor
1 gz_rendering_vendor
1 2024-11-01 gz_ros2_control
Gazebo ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
Gazebo ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
1 2024-11-01 gz_ros2_control_demos
1 2024-11-01 gz_ros2_control_tests
Gazebo ros2 control tests
Gazebo ros2 control tests
1 gz_sensors_vendor
1 gz_sim_vendor
1 gz_tools_vendor
1 gz_transport_vendor
1 gz_utils_vendor
1 h264_encoder_core
1 h264_video_encoder
1 haf_grasping
1 hand_kinematics
1 handeye
1 handrail_detect
2 2024-11-14 hardware_interface
ros2_control hardware interface
ros2_control hardware interface
1 2024-11-14 hardware_interface_testing
ros2_control hardware interface testing
ros2_control hardware interface testing
1 haros_catkin
1 2022-10-07 hash_library_vendor
ROS2 vendor package for stbrumme/hash-library
ROS2 vendor package for stbrumme/hash-library
1 2024-11-24 hatchbed_common
Common Hatchbed C++ utility code for ROS, such registering and handling updates to ros parameters.
Common Hatchbed C++ utility code for ROS, such registering and handling updates to ros parameters.
0 head_action
1 health_metric_collector
1 2024-06-04 heaphook
Replace all the dynamic heap allocation functions by LD_PRELOAD
Replace all the dynamic heap allocation functions by LD_PRELOAD
1 hebi_cpp_api
1 hebi_description
1 hector_components_description
1 hector_compressed_map_transport
1 hector_gazebo
1 hector_gazebo_plugins
1 hector_gazebo_thermal_camera
1 hector_gazebo_worlds
1 hector_geotiff
1 hector_geotiff_launch
1 hector_geotiff_plugins
1 hector_imu_attitude_to_tf
1 hector_imu_tools
1 hector_localization
1 hector_map_server
1 hector_map_tools
1 hector_mapping
1 hector_marker_drawing
1 hector_models
1 hector_nav_msgs
1 hector_pose_estimation
1 hector_pose_estimation_core
1 hector_rviz_overlay
1 hector_rviz_overlay_controls
1 hector_rviz_overlay_demo
1 hector_sensors_description
1 hector_sensors_gazebo
1 hector_slam
1 hector_slam_launch
1 hector_trajectory_server
1 hector_xacro_tools
1 heifu
1 heifu_bringup
1 heifu_description
1 heifu_diagnostic
1 heifu_mavros
1 heifu_msgs


Name Description
1 2021-08-22 gazebo_video_monitor_utils
gazebo_video_monitor_utils contains utility scripts that are meant to interact with the gazebo video monitor plugins.
gazebo_video_monitor_utils contains utility scripts that are meant to interact with the gazebo video monitor plugins.
1 2021-08-22 gazebo_video_monitors
Metapackage that groups together the gazebo_video_monitors packages.
Metapackage that groups together the gazebo_video_monitors packages.
1 2021-05-19 gazesense_bridge
ROS gazesense_bridge package
ROS gazesense_bridge package
1 2021-05-19 gazesense_msgs
ROS gazesense_msgs package
ROS gazesense_msgs package
1 gc_spl
2 gc_spl_2022
1 gc_spl_interfaces
1 2025-01-09 gdrive_ros
Google drive upload and download package
Google drive upload and download package
1 2024-07-03 gds_helper
The gds_helper package
The gds_helper package
1 2022-05-05 gencpp
C++ ROS message and service generators.
C++ ROS message and service generators.
1 generate_parameter_library
1 generate_parameter_library_example
1 generate_parameter_library_example_external
1 generate_parameter_library_py
1 generate_parameter_module_example
1 2021-04-27 generic_control_toolbox
Implements libraries useful for developing controllers for robotic manipulators.
Implements libraries useful for developing controllers for robotic manipulators.
2 2024-04-17 generic_throttle
This package provides a throttle for ROS topics
This package provides a throttle for ROS topics
1 2020-01-27 geneus
EusLisp ROS message and service generators.
EusLisp ROS message and service generators.
1 2020-01-25 genlisp
Common-Lisp ROS message and service generators.
Common-Lisp ROS message and service generators.
1 2020-11-02 genmsg
Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages.
Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages.
1 2023-04-08 genmypy
Python stub generator from genmsg specs
Python stub generator from genmsg specs
1 2020-01-25 gennodejs
Javascript ROS message and service generators.
Javascript ROS message and service generators.
1 2023-03-15 genpy
Python ROS message and service generators.
Python ROS message and service generators.
1 2022-01-28 geodesy
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates.
1 2022-01-28 geographic_info
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
Geographic information metapackage. Not needed for wet packages, use only to resolve dry stack dependencies.
1 2022-01-28 geographic_msgs
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.
1 2023-04-12 geometric_shapes
Generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
Generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.
1 2021-09-02 geometry
3 2022-06-23 geometry2
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2.
2 2021-01-12 geometry_msgs
geometry_msgs provides messages for common geometric primitives such as points, vectors, and poses. These primitives are designed to provide a common data type and facilitate interoperability throughout the system.
geometry_msgs provides messages for common geometric primitives such as points, vectors, and poses. These primitives are designed to provide a common data type and facilitate interoperability throughout the system.
1 2017-08-07 geometry_tutorials
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS.
1 2020-09-04 geos_cmake_module
cmake module for using the libgeos geometry library with ROS
cmake module for using the libgeos geometry library with ROS
1 2020-10-08 gl_dependency
This encapsulates the GL dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
This encapsulates the GL dependency for a specific ROS distribution and its Qt version
1 2022-06-20 global_planner
A path planner library and node.
A path planner library and node.
1 2021-07-30 global_planner_tests
A collection of tests for checking the validity and completeness of global planners.
A collection of tests for checking the validity and completeness of global planners.
1 2024-08-21 gmapping
This package contains a ROS wrapper for OpenSlam's Gmapping. The gmapping package provides laser-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), as a ROS node called slam_gmapping. Using slam_gmapping, you can create a 2-D occupancy grid map (like a building floorplan) from laser and pose data collected by a mobile robot.
This package contains a ROS wrapper for OpenSlam's Gmapping. The gmapping package provides laser-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), as a ROS node called slam_gmapping. Using slam_gmapping, you can create a 2-D occupancy grid map (like a building floorplan) from laser and pose data collected by a mobile robot.
1 gmcl
1 gmock_vendor
1 2024-07-03 gnc_visualizer
Tool for visualizing GNC outputs and inputs in real time.
Tool for visualizing GNC outputs and inputs in real time.
1 gnss_info
1 gnss_info_msgs
0 gnsstk
1 gnsstk_ros
1 2022-08-24 goal_passer
A global planner plugin for move_base that simply passes the target pose on as a global plan. Useful for debugging local planners.
A global planner plugin for move_base that simply passes the target pose on as a global plan. Useful for debugging local planners.
1 google_benchmark_vendor
1 2025-01-09 google_chat_ros
Use Google Chat API clients via ROS
Use Google Chat API clients via ROS
1 2025-01-09 google_cloud_texttospeech
The google_cloud_texttospeech package
The google_cloud_texttospeech package
1 2024-07-03 gpio
GPIO library for accessing pins directly through memory without a kernel context switch
GPIO library for accessing pins directly through memory without a kernel context switch
1 2021-04-21 gpio_control
Control GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson, and other Linux devices with GPIO pins
Control GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson, and other Linux devices with GPIO pins
1 gpio_controller
1 gpio_controllers
1 gpp_interface
1 gpp_plugin
1 gpp_prune_path
1 gpp_update_map
1 2024-05-15 gps_common
GPS messages and common routines for use in GPS drivers
GPS messages and common routines for use in GPS drivers
1 gps_msgs
1 gps_tools
1 2024-05-15 gps_umd
gps_umd metapackage
gps_umd metapackage
1 2024-05-15 gpsd_client
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
connects to a GPSd server and broadcasts GPS fixes using the NavSatFix message
1 2024-10-22 graceful_controller
A controller.
A controller.
1 2024-10-22 graceful_controller_ros
A controller. Some say it might be graceful.
A controller. Some say it might be graceful.
1 2015-05-20 graft
Graft is not yet finished. It's intended to be a full replacement to robot_pose_ekf, including native absolute references, and arbitrary topic configuration. If you try to use Graft now, please note that not all parameters are configured and you will not always see a change in behavior by modifying the parameters.
Graft is not yet finished. It's intended to be a full replacement to robot_pose_ekf, including native absolute references, and arbitrary topic configuration. If you try to use Graft now, please note that not all parameters are configured and you will not always see a change in behavior by modifying the parameters.
1 2024-07-03 graph_factors
The graph factors package
The graph factors package
1 2024-07-03 graph_localizer
The graph localizer package
The graph localizer package
1 2021-04-06 graph_msgs
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
ROS messages for publishing graphs of different data types
1 2024-07-03 graph_optimizer
The graph optimizer package
The graph optimizer package
1 2021-02-22 graph_rviz_plugin
An RViz plugin to draw graphs from topics values
An RViz plugin to draw graphs from topics values
1 2024-07-03 graph_vio
The graph VIO package
The graph VIO package
1 2022-06-21 grasping_msgs
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
Messages for describing objects and how to grasp them.
0 gravity_compensation_controller2
1 grbl_msgs
1 grbl_ros
1 grepros
2 2025-02-22 grid_map
Meta-package for the universal grid map library.
Meta-package for the universal grid map library.
1 grid_map_cmake_helpers
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_core
Universal grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
Universal grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_costmap_2d
Interface for grid maps to the costmap_2d format.
Interface for grid maps to the costmap_2d format.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_cv
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_demos
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_filters
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
1 grid_map_geo
1 grid_map_geo_msgs
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_loader
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_msgs
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_octomap
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_pcl
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_ros
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_rviz_plugin
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_sdf
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
2 2025-02-22 grid_map_visualization
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
1 2023-11-13 gripper_action_controller
The gripper_action_controller package
The gripper_action_controller package
1 gripper_controllers
1 2024-07-03 ground_dds_ros_bridge
The ground_dds_ros_bridge package provides a bridge between dds messages and ros messages
The ground_dds_ros_bridge package provides a bridge between dds messages and ros messages
1 2024-07-03 ground_truth_localizer
The ground_truth localizer package
The ground_truth localizer package
1 2025-03-10 grpc
Catkinized gRPC Package
Catkinized gRPC Package
1 2018-09-06 gscam
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
1 gtest_vendor
1 2025-03-10 gtsam
1 2020-08-28 gundam_robot
gundam_robot is a meta package for GUNDAM RX-78 robot controller and simulator
gundam_robot is a meta package for GUNDAM RX-78 robot controller and simulator
1 2020-08-28 gundam_rx78_control
gundam_rx78_control contains launch and configuration scripts for the ros controller of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
gundam_rx78_control contains launch and configuration scripts for the ros controller of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
1 2020-08-28 gundam_rx78_description
gundam_rx78_description contains the ROS URDF file of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
gundam_rx78_description contains the ROS URDF file of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
1 2020-08-28 gundam_rx78_gazebo
gundam_rx78_gazebo contains launch scripts for simulating the GUNDAM RX-78 robot in the gazebo simulation
gundam_rx78_gazebo contains launch scripts for simulating the GUNDAM RX-78 robot in the gazebo simulation
0 gurumdds-3.1
0 gurumdds-3.2
2 gurumdds_cmake_module
0 gz-cmake4
0 gz-common6
0 gz-fuel_tools10
0 gz-fuel_tools9
0 gz-gui8
0 gz-gui9
0 gz-launch7
0 gz-launch8
0 gz-math8
0 gz-msgs10
0 gz-msgs11
0 gz-physics7
0 gz-physics8
0 gz-plugin3
0 gz-rendering8
0 gz-rendering9
0 gz-sensors8
0 gz-sensors9
0 gz-sim8
0 gz-sim9
0 gz-transport13
0 gz-transport14
0 gz-utils3
1 gz_cmake_vendor
1 gz_common_vendor
1 gz_dartsim_vendor
1 gz_fuel_tools_vendor
1 gz_gui_vendor
1 gz_launch_vendor
1 gz_math_vendor
1 gz_msgs_vendor
1 gz_ogre_next_vendor
1 gz_physics_vendor
1 gz_plugin_vendor
1 gz_rendering_vendor
1 gz_ros2_control
1 gz_ros2_control_demos
1 gz_ros2_control_tests
1 gz_sensors_vendor
1 gz_sim_vendor
1 gz_tools_vendor
1 gz_transport_vendor
1 gz_utils_vendor
1 2022-02-08 h264_encoder_core
Common base code for ROS1/ROS2 H264 encoder node
Common base code for ROS1/ROS2 H264 encoder node
1 2022-02-08 h264_video_encoder
ROS1 H264 encoder node
ROS1 H264 encoder node
1 2023-03-29 haf_grasping
The haf_grasping package: calculates grasps for a given point cloud using Height Accumulated Features (HAF)
The haf_grasping package: calculates grasps for a given point cloud using Height Accumulated Features (HAF)
1 2021-12-10 hand_kinematics
Computation of forward and inverse kinematics for the fingers of the Shadow Hand, including coupling.
Computation of forward and inverse kinematics for the fingers of the Shadow Hand, including coupling.
1 2020-10-25 handeye
The handeye package
The handeye package
1 2024-07-03 handrail_detect
The handrail_detect package
The handrail_detect package
2 2023-10-27 hardware_interface
Hardware Interface base class.
Hardware Interface base class.
1 hardware_interface_testing
1 2019-09-22 haros_catkin
Catkin integration for HAROS (version 3.6.0)
Catkin integration for HAROS (version 3.6.0)
1 hash_library_vendor
1 hatchbed_common
0 head_action
1 2022-02-08 health_metric_collector
The health_metric_collector package
The health_metric_collector package
1 heaphook
1 2024-06-06 hebi_cpp_api
A ROS package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
A ROS package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
1 2019-09-06 hebi_description
ROS models for HEBI components
ROS models for HEBI components
1 2024-02-17 hector_components_description
hector_components_description contains URDF xacro macros for robot components, so they are easily attachable to robot models.
hector_components_description contains URDF xacro macros for robot components, so they are easily attachable to robot models.
1 2022-03-11 hector_compressed_map_transport
hector_compressed_map_transport provides means for transporting compressed map data through the use of image_transport.
hector_compressed_map_transport provides means for transporting compressed map data through the use of image_transport.
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo
hector_gazebo provides packages related to to simulation of robots using gazebo (gazebo plugins, world files etc.)
hector_gazebo provides packages related to to simulation of robots using gazebo (gazebo plugins, world files etc.)
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo_plugins
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo_thermal_camera
hector_gazebo_thermal_camera provides a gazebo plugin that produces simulated thermal camera images. The plugin uses modified code from the gazebo_ros_camera plugin.
hector_gazebo_thermal_camera provides a gazebo plugin that produces simulated thermal camera images. The plugin uses modified code from the gazebo_ros_camera plugin.
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo_worlds
hector_gazebo_worlds provides gazebo scenarios used by Team Hector Darmstadt
hector_gazebo_worlds provides gazebo scenarios used by Team Hector Darmstadt
1 2022-03-11 hector_geotiff
hector_geotiff provides a node that can be used to save occupancy grid map, robot trajectory and object of interest data to RoboCup Rescue compliant GeoTiff images.
hector_geotiff provides a node that can be used to save occupancy grid map, robot trajectory and object of interest data to RoboCup Rescue compliant GeoTiff images.
1 hector_geotiff_launch
1 2022-03-11 hector_geotiff_plugins
hector_geotiff_plugins contains plugins that extend geotiff maps generated by hector_geotiff.
hector_geotiff_plugins contains plugins that extend geotiff maps generated by hector_geotiff.
1 2022-03-11 hector_imu_attitude_to_tf
hector_imu_attitude_to_tf is a lightweight node that can be used to publish the roll/pitch attitude angles reported via a imu message to tf.
hector_imu_attitude_to_tf is a lightweight node that can be used to publish the roll/pitch attitude angles reported via a imu message to tf.
1 2022-03-11 hector_imu_tools
hector_imu_tools provides some tools for processing IMU messages
hector_imu_tools provides some tools for processing IMU messages
1 2021-02-15 hector_localization
The hector_localization stack is a collection of packages, that provide the full 6DOF pose of a robot or platform. It uses various sensor sources, which are fused using an Extended Kalman filter. Acceleration and angular rates from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) serve as primary measurements. The usage of other sensors is application-dependent. The hector_localization stack currently supports GPS, magnetometer, barometric pressure sensors and other external sources that provide a geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance message via the poseupdate topic.
The hector_localization stack is a collection of packages, that provide the full 6DOF pose of a robot or platform. It uses various sensor sources, which are fused using an Extended Kalman filter. Acceleration and angular rates from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) serve as primary measurements. The usage of other sensors is application-dependent. The hector_localization stack currently supports GPS, magnetometer, barometric pressure sensors and other external sources that provide a geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance message via the poseupdate topic.
1 2022-03-11 hector_map_server
hector_map_server provides a service for retrieving the map, as well as for raycasting based obstacle queries (finds next obstacle in the map, given start and endpoint in any tf coordinate frame).
hector_map_server provides a service for retrieving the map, as well as for raycasting based obstacle queries (finds next obstacle in the map, given start and endpoint in any tf coordinate frame).
1 2022-03-11 hector_map_tools
hector_map_tools contains some functions related to accessing information from OccupancyGridMap maps. Currently consists of a single header.
hector_map_tools contains some functions related to accessing information from OccupancyGridMap maps. Currently consists of a single header.
1 2022-03-11 hector_mapping
hector_mapping is a SLAM approach that can be used without odometry as well as on platforms that exhibit roll/pitch motion (of the sensor, the platform or both). It leverages the high update rate of modern LIDAR systems like the Hokuyo UTM-30LX and provides 2D pose estimates at scan rate of the sensors (40Hz for the UTM-30LX). While the system does not provide explicit loop closing ability, it is sufficiently accurate for many real world scenarios. The system has successfully been used on Unmanned Ground Robots, Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Handheld Mapping Devices and logged data from quadrotor UAVs.
hector_mapping is a SLAM approach that can be used without odometry as well as on platforms that exhibit roll/pitch motion (of the sensor, the platform or both). It leverages the high update rate of modern LIDAR systems like the Hokuyo UTM-30LX and provides 2D pose estimates at scan rate of the sensors (40Hz for the UTM-30LX). While the system does not provide explicit loop closing ability, it is sufficiently accurate for many real world scenarios. The system has successfully been used on Unmanned Ground Robots, Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Handheld Mapping Devices and logged data from quadrotor UAVs.
1 2022-03-11 hector_marker_drawing
hector_marker_drawing provides convenience functions for easier publishing of visualization markers.
hector_marker_drawing provides convenience functions for easier publishing of visualization markers.
1 2024-02-17 hector_models
hector_models contains (urdf) models of robots, sensors etc.
hector_models contains (urdf) models of robots, sensors etc.
1 2022-03-11 hector_nav_msgs
hector_nav_msgs contains messages and services used in the hector_slam stack.
hector_nav_msgs contains messages and services used in the hector_slam stack.
1 2021-02-15 hector_pose_estimation
hector_pose_estimation provides the hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet.
hector_pose_estimation provides the hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet.
1 2021-02-15 hector_pose_estimation_core
hector_pose_estimation_core is the core package of the hector_localization stack. It contains the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot. hector_pose_estimation can be used either as a library, as a nodelet or as a standalone node.
hector_pose_estimation_core is the core package of the hector_localization stack. It contains the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot. hector_pose_estimation can be used either as a library, as a nodelet or as a standalone node.
1 hector_rviz_overlay
1 hector_rviz_overlay_controls
1 hector_rviz_overlay_demo
1 2024-02-17 hector_sensors_description
hector_sensors_description contains URDF xacro macros for sensors, so they are easily attachable to robot models and usable in gazebo.
hector_sensors_description contains URDF xacro macros for sensors, so they are easily attachable to robot models and usable in gazebo.
1 2022-08-08 hector_sensors_gazebo
hector_sensors_gazebo depends on the necessary plugins for using the sensors from the hector_models repository.
hector_sensors_gazebo depends on the necessary plugins for using the sensors from the hector_models repository.
1 2022-03-11 hector_slam
The hector_slam metapackage that installs hector_mapping and related packages.
The hector_slam metapackage that installs hector_mapping and related packages.
1 2022-03-11 hector_slam_launch
hector_slam_launch contains launch files for launching hector_slam with different robot systems/setups/postprocessing scenarios.
hector_slam_launch contains launch files for launching hector_slam with different robot systems/setups/postprocessing scenarios.
1 2022-03-11 hector_trajectory_server
hector_trajectory_server keeps track of tf trajectories extracted from tf data and makes this data accessible via a service and topic.
hector_trajectory_server keeps track of tf trajectories extracted from tf data and makes this data accessible via a service and topic.
1 2024-02-17 hector_xacro_tools
1 2021-01-26 heifu
The heifu metapackage that installs all heifu related packages.
The heifu metapackage that installs all heifu related packages.
1 2021-01-26 heifu_bringup
Heifu is a ROS driver for PDMFC and BEV drone
Heifu is a ROS driver for PDMFC and BEV drone
1 2021-01-26 heifu_description
SDF robot description for HEIFU
SDF robot description for HEIFU
1 2021-01-26 heifu_diagnostic
Heifu diagnostic to get GPS status
Heifu diagnostic to get GPS status
1 2021-01-26 heifu_mavros
Heifu mavros interface
Heifu mavros interface
1 2021-01-26 heifu_msgs
Common message definitions for heifu
Common message definitions for heifu