
Name Description
1 cob_docker_control
2 cob_driver
2 cob_elmo_homing
1 cob_environments
1 cob_extern
1 cob_fiducials
2 cob_footprint_observer
2 cob_frame_tracker
1 cob_gazebo
1 cob_gazebo_objects
1 cob_gazebo_plugins
1 cob_gazebo_ros_control
1 cob_gazebo_tools
1 cob_gazebo_worlds
2 cob_generic_can
1 cob_grasp_generation
1 cob_hand
1 cob_hand_bridge
1 cob_hardware_config
2 cob_hardware_emulation
2 cob_helper_tools
1 cob_image_flip
1 cob_interactive_teleop
2 cob_light
1 cob_linear_nav
1 cob_lookat_action
1 cob_manipulation
1 cob_manipulation_msgs
1 cob_map_accessibility_analysis
1 cob_mapping_slam
2 cob_mecanum_controller
2 cob_mimic
2 cob_model_identifier
2 cob_monitoring
1 cob_moveit_bringup
1 cob_moveit_config
1 cob_moveit_interface
2 2024-11-25 cob_msgs
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
1 cob_navigation
1 cob_navigation_config
1 cob_navigation_global
1 cob_navigation_local
1 cob_navigation_slam
1 cob_object_detection_msgs
1 cob_object_detection_visualizer
2 cob_obstacle_distance
1 cob_obstacle_distance_moveit
2 cob_omni_drive_controller
1 cob_perception_common
1 cob_perception_msgs
2 cob_phidget_em_state
2 cob_phidget_power_state
2 cob_phidgets
1 cob_reflector_referencing
2 cob_relayboard
1 cob_robots
1 cob_safety_controller
2 cob_scan_unifier
2 cob_script_server
2 cob_sick_lms1xx
2 cob_sick_s300
1 cob_simulation
2 cob_sound
2 2024-11-25 cob_srvs
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
1 cob_substitute
1 cob_supported_robots
2 cob_teleop
2 cob_trajectory_controller
2 cob_tricycle_controller
2 cob_twist_controller
2 cob_undercarriage_ctrl
2 cob_utilities
1 cob_vision_utils
2 cob_voltage_control
1 code_coverage
1 codec_image_transport
1 cognitao_ros
1 collada_parser
1 collada_urdf
1 collada_urdf_jsk_patch
0 collision_aware_joint_trajectory_wrapper
0 collision_detection
0 collision_detection_fcl
0 collision_distance_field
0 collision_distance_field_ros
1 2025-01-08 collision_log_msgs
Messages for describing collisions (simulated or not)
Messages for describing collisions (simulated or not)
0 collision_msgs
2 2025-01-08 color_util
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
1 combined_robot_hw
1 combined_robot_hw_tests
1 2024-05-20 common_interfaces
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
1 common_msgs
0 common_rosdeps
1 common_tutorials
1 comms_bridge
1 compass_conversions
1 compass_msgs
1 compass_stack
1 2024-07-26 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2022-11-07 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2025-02-10 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2025-02-10 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
1 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 2023-01-10 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_states_observer
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2025-03-10 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2025-03-10 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2024-12-19 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2024-12-19 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2024-12-19 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 controller_manager_tests
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
2 2025-02-06 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 cpp_common
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus
ROS 2 package suite of CRANE+ V2
ROS 2 package suite of CRANE+ V2
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus_control
CRANE+ V2 control package
CRANE+ V2 control package
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus_description
CRANE+ V2 description package
CRANE+ V2 description package
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus_examples
CRANE+ V2 examples package
CRANE+ V2 examples package
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus_gazebo
CRANE+ V2 gazebo simulation package
CRANE+ V2 gazebo simulation package
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus_moveit_config
CRANE+ V2 move_group config package
CRANE+ V2 move_group config package
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 2024-08-20 create3_coverage
C++ action server exposing a non-systematic coverage behavior
C++ action server exposing a non-systematic coverage behavior
1 2024-08-20 create3_examples_msgs
Package containing action, message and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 examples
Package containing action, message and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 examples
1 2024-08-20 create3_examples_py
Python examples for interacting with the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot
Python examples for interacting with the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot
1 2024-08-20 create3_lidar_slam
Example for using an RPLIDAR A1 with a Create 3
Example for using an RPLIDAR A1 with a Create 3
1 2024-08-20 create3_republisher
C++ action server exposing a non-systematic coverage behavior
C++ action server exposing a non-systematic coverage behavior
1 2024-08-20 create3_teleop
Example launch files for teleoperating the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Example launch files for teleoperating the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 2023-05-21 create_bringup
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
1 2023-05-21 create_description
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
1 2023-05-21 create_driver
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
1 2023-05-21 create_msgs
Common message definitions for create_robot
Common message definitions for create_robot
1 2023-05-21 create_robot
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 criutils
1 csm
1 ctl
1 2022-01-19 cudnn_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
0 current_limit_controller
1 2024-12-02 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
0 cyberglove
1 2024-11-12 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
0 cydoomgeneric
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 data_bagger
1 2025-03-03 data_tamer_cpp
DataTamer data logging library
DataTamer data logging library
1 2025-03-03 data_tamer_msgs
Interfaces for data_tamer
Interfaces for data_tamer
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 cob_docker_control
2 cob_driver
2 cob_elmo_homing
1 cob_environments
1 cob_extern
1 cob_fiducials
2 cob_footprint_observer
2 cob_frame_tracker
1 cob_gazebo
1 cob_gazebo_objects
1 cob_gazebo_plugins
1 cob_gazebo_ros_control
1 cob_gazebo_tools
1 cob_gazebo_worlds
2 cob_generic_can
1 cob_grasp_generation
1 cob_hand
1 cob_hand_bridge
1 cob_hardware_config
2 cob_hardware_emulation
2 cob_helper_tools
1 cob_image_flip
1 cob_interactive_teleop
2 cob_light
1 cob_linear_nav
1 cob_lookat_action
1 cob_manipulation
1 cob_manipulation_msgs
1 cob_map_accessibility_analysis
1 cob_mapping_slam
2 cob_mecanum_controller
2 cob_mimic
2 cob_model_identifier
2 cob_monitoring
1 cob_moveit_bringup
1 cob_moveit_config
1 cob_moveit_interface
2 2024-11-25 cob_msgs
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
1 cob_navigation
1 cob_navigation_config
1 cob_navigation_global
1 cob_navigation_local
1 cob_navigation_slam
1 cob_object_detection_msgs
1 cob_object_detection_visualizer
2 cob_obstacle_distance
1 cob_obstacle_distance_moveit
2 cob_omni_drive_controller
1 cob_perception_common
1 cob_perception_msgs
2 cob_phidget_em_state
2 cob_phidget_power_state
2 cob_phidgets
1 cob_reflector_referencing
2 cob_relayboard
1 cob_robots
1 cob_safety_controller
2 cob_scan_unifier
2 cob_script_server
2 cob_sick_lms1xx
2 cob_sick_s300
1 cob_simulation
2 cob_sound
2 2024-11-25 cob_srvs
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
1 cob_substitute
1 cob_supported_robots
2 cob_teleop
2 cob_trajectory_controller
2 cob_tricycle_controller
2 cob_twist_controller
2 cob_undercarriage_ctrl
2 cob_utilities
1 cob_vision_utils
2 cob_voltage_control
1 code_coverage
1 codec_image_transport
1 cognitao_ros
1 collada_parser
1 collada_urdf
1 collada_urdf_jsk_patch
0 collision_aware_joint_trajectory_wrapper
0 collision_detection
0 collision_detection_fcl
0 collision_distance_field
0 collision_distance_field_ros
1 collision_log_msgs
0 collision_msgs
2 2025-01-08 color_util
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
1 combined_robot_hw
1 combined_robot_hw_tests
1 2024-11-27 common_interfaces
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
1 common_msgs
0 common_rosdeps
1 common_tutorials
1 comms_bridge
1 compass_conversions
1 compass_msgs
1 compass_stack
1 2024-11-27 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2024-11-27 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2025-02-10 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2025-02-10 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
1 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 2024-11-28 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_states_observer
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2025-03-10 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2025-03-10 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2025-03-05 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2025-03-05 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2025-03-05 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 controller_manager_tests
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
2 2025-02-13 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 cpp_common
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 2025-01-31 crane_plus
ROS 2 package suite of CRANE+ V2
ROS 2 package suite of CRANE+ V2
1 2025-01-31 crane_plus_control
CRANE+ V2 control package
CRANE+ V2 control package
1 2025-01-31 crane_plus_description
CRANE+ V2 description package
CRANE+ V2 description package
1 2025-01-31 crane_plus_examples
CRANE+ V2 examples package
CRANE+ V2 examples package
1 2025-01-31 crane_plus_gazebo
CRANE+ V2 gazebo simulation package
CRANE+ V2 gazebo simulation package
1 2025-01-31 crane_plus_moveit_config
CRANE+ V2 move_group config package
CRANE+ V2 move_group config package
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 2024-09-28 create3_coverage
C++ action server exposing a non-systematic coverage behavior
C++ action server exposing a non-systematic coverage behavior
1 2024-09-28 create3_examples_msgs
Package containing action, message and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 examples
Package containing action, message and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 examples
1 2024-09-28 create3_examples_py
Python examples for interacting with the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot
Python examples for interacting with the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot
1 2024-09-28 create3_lidar_slam
Example for using an RPLIDAR A1 with a Create 3
Example for using an RPLIDAR A1 with a Create 3
1 2024-09-28 create3_republisher
C++ action server exposing a non-systematic coverage behavior
C++ action server exposing a non-systematic coverage behavior
1 2024-09-28 create3_teleop
Example launch files for teleoperating the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Example launch files for teleoperating the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 create_bringup
1 create_description
1 create_driver
1 create_msgs
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 csm
1 ctl
1 2022-01-19 cudnn_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
0 current_limit_controller
1 2024-12-02 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
0 cyberglove
1 2024-11-12 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
0 cydoomgeneric
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 data_bagger
1 2025-03-03 data_tamer_cpp
DataTamer data logging library
DataTamer data logging library
1 2025-03-03 data_tamer_msgs
Interfaces for data_tamer
Interfaces for data_tamer
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 cob_docker_control
2 cob_driver
2 cob_elmo_homing
1 cob_environments
1 cob_extern
1 cob_fiducials
2 cob_footprint_observer
2 cob_frame_tracker
1 cob_gazebo
1 cob_gazebo_objects
1 cob_gazebo_plugins
1 cob_gazebo_ros_control
1 cob_gazebo_tools
1 cob_gazebo_worlds
2 cob_generic_can
1 cob_grasp_generation
1 cob_hand
1 cob_hand_bridge
1 cob_hardware_config
2 cob_hardware_emulation
2 cob_helper_tools
1 cob_image_flip
1 cob_interactive_teleop
2 cob_light
1 cob_linear_nav
1 cob_lookat_action
1 cob_manipulation
1 cob_manipulation_msgs
1 cob_map_accessibility_analysis
1 cob_mapping_slam
2 cob_mecanum_controller
2 cob_mimic
2 cob_model_identifier
2 cob_monitoring
1 cob_moveit_bringup
1 cob_moveit_config
1 cob_moveit_interface
2 2024-11-25 cob_msgs
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
1 cob_navigation
1 cob_navigation_config
1 cob_navigation_global
1 cob_navigation_local
1 cob_navigation_slam
1 cob_object_detection_msgs
1 cob_object_detection_visualizer
2 cob_obstacle_distance
1 cob_obstacle_distance_moveit
2 cob_omni_drive_controller
1 cob_perception_common
1 cob_perception_msgs
2 cob_phidget_em_state
2 cob_phidget_power_state
2 cob_phidgets
1 cob_reflector_referencing
2 cob_relayboard
1 cob_robots
1 cob_safety_controller
2 cob_scan_unifier
2 cob_script_server
2 cob_sick_lms1xx
2 cob_sick_s300
1 cob_simulation
2 cob_sound
2 2024-11-25 cob_srvs
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
1 cob_substitute
1 cob_supported_robots
2 cob_teleop
2 cob_trajectory_controller
2 cob_tricycle_controller
2 cob_twist_controller
2 cob_undercarriage_ctrl
2 cob_utilities
1 cob_vision_utils
2 cob_voltage_control
1 code_coverage
1 codec_image_transport
1 cognitao_ros
1 collada_parser
1 collada_urdf
1 collada_urdf_jsk_patch
0 collision_aware_joint_trajectory_wrapper
0 collision_detection
0 collision_detection_fcl
0 collision_distance_field
0 collision_distance_field_ros
1 collision_log_msgs
0 collision_msgs
2 2025-01-08 color_util
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
1 combined_robot_hw
1 combined_robot_hw_tests
1 2025-03-03 common_interfaces
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
1 common_msgs
0 common_rosdeps
1 common_tutorials
1 comms_bridge
1 compass_conversions
1 compass_msgs
1 compass_stack
1 2025-02-10 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2024-11-27 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2025-02-10 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2025-02-10 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
1 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 2024-11-28 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_states_observer
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2025-03-10 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2025-03-10 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2025-03-05 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2025-03-05 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2025-03-05 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 controller_manager_tests
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
2 costmap_queue
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 cpp_common
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create3_coverage
1 create3_examples_msgs
1 create3_examples_py
1 create3_lidar_slam
1 create3_republisher
1 create3_teleop
1 create_bringup
1 create_description
1 create_driver
1 create_msgs
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 csm
1 ctl
1 2022-01-19 cudnn_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
0 current_limit_controller
1 2024-12-02 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
0 cyberglove
1 2024-11-12 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
0 cydoomgeneric
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 data_bagger
1 2025-03-03 data_tamer_cpp
DataTamer data logging library
DataTamer data logging library
1 2025-03-03 data_tamer_msgs
Interfaces for data_tamer
Interfaces for data_tamer
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 2024-04-17 cob_docker_control
Autonomous docking
Autonomous docking
2 2024-04-30 cob_driver
The cob_driver stack includes packages that provide access to the Care-O-bot hardware through ROS messages, services and actions. E.g. for mobile base, arm, camera sensors, laser scanners, etc...
The cob_driver stack includes packages that provide access to the Care-O-bot hardware through ROS messages, services and actions. E.g. for mobile base, arm, camera sensors, laser scanners, etc...
2 2024-04-30 cob_elmo_homing
This packagae implements the special homing procedure that is needed for old cob4/raw bases
This packagae implements the special homing procedure that is needed for old cob4/raw bases
1 2024-02-19 cob_environments
This stack holds packages for IPA default environment configuration.
This stack holds packages for IPA default environment configuration.
1 2024-02-19 cob_extern
The cob_extern stack contains third party libraries needed for operating Care-O-bot. The packages are downloaded from the manufactorers website and not changed in any way.
The cob_extern stack contains third party libraries needed for operating Care-O-bot. The packages are downloaded from the manufactorers website and not changed in any way.
1 2024-03-18 cob_fiducials
Fiducial recognition. Implementation of different 2D tags like PI-tag from Bergamasco et al. for recognition with a single 2D camera.
Fiducial recognition. Implementation of different 2D tags like PI-tag from Bergamasco et al. for recognition with a single 2D camera.
2 2024-04-30 cob_footprint_observer
The cob_footprint_observer package adjusts the footprint of the robot based on the setup (e.g. arm and/or tray).
The cob_footprint_observer package adjusts the footprint of the robot based on the setup (e.g. arm and/or tray).
2 2024-04-30 cob_frame_tracker
The cob_frame_tracker package contains nodes that publish Twist commands based on the distance to the desired tf frame target.
The cob_frame_tracker package contains nodes that publish Twist commands based on the distance to the desired tf frame target.
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo
Launch files and tools for 3D simulation of Care-O-bot in gazebo simulator.
Launch files and tools for 3D simulation of Care-O-bot in gazebo simulator.
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo_objects
This package provides some objects and furniture for gazebo simulation.
This package provides some objects and furniture for gazebo simulation.
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo_plugins
Additional gazebo plugins used with Care-O-bot
Additional gazebo plugins used with Care-O-bot
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo_ros_control
This package contains a specialization of the gazebo_ros_control plugin. The cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin allows Multi-HardwareInterface-Support.
This package contains a specialization of the gazebo_ros_control plugin. The cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin allows Multi-HardwareInterface-Support.
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo_tools
The cob_gazebo_tools package provides helper tools for the gazebo simulation
The cob_gazebo_tools package provides helper tools for the gazebo simulation
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo_worlds
This package provides some worlds for gazebo simulation.
This package provides some worlds for gazebo simulation.
2 2024-04-30 cob_generic_can
The package cob_generic_can provides an interface for nodes on a can-bus and examplary wrappers for two PeakSys-can-libs. When a can-bus-device is generated (for an example see base_dirve_chain) you can use generic_can to create as many itfs as there will be components communicating via this can-bus. Assign type of the can communication device (e.g. usb-to-can or can-card of a specific vendor) and can-address of the target device. This package comes with wrappers for PeakSys and PeakSysUSB adapters.
The package cob_generic_can provides an interface for nodes on a can-bus and examplary wrappers for two PeakSys-can-libs. When a can-bus-device is generated (for an example see base_dirve_chain) you can use generic_can to create as many itfs as there will be components communicating via this can-bus. Assign type of the can communication device (e.g. usb-to-can or can-card of a specific vendor) and can-address of the target device. This package comes with wrappers for PeakSys and PeakSysUSB adapters.
1 2024-02-19 cob_grasp_generation
Grasp generation for Care-O-bot based on OpenRAVE
Grasp generation for Care-O-bot based on OpenRAVE
1 2024-02-19 cob_hand
The cob_hand stack includes packages that provide access to the Care-O-bot hand through ROS serial.
The cob_hand stack includes packages that provide access to the Care-O-bot hand through ROS serial.
1 2024-02-19 cob_hand_bridge
The cob_hand_bridge package provides a driver for the gripper of Care-O-bot4.
The cob_hand_bridge package provides a driver for the gripper of Care-O-bot4.
1 2024-02-19 cob_hardware_config
This package contains configuration for each robot instance (e.g. cob4-X, raw3-X). There is a directory for each robot with configuration about urdf and hardware/device configurations.
This package contains configuration for each robot instance (e.g. cob4-X, raw3-X). There is a directory for each robot with configuration about urdf and hardware/device configurations.
2 2024-04-30 cob_hardware_emulation
The cob_hardware_emulation package provides idealized nodes emulating real robot hardware and/or physics simulation.
The cob_hardware_emulation package provides idealized nodes emulating real robot hardware and/or physics simulation.
2 2024-04-30 cob_helper_tools
Helper scripts for Care-O-bot
Helper scripts for Care-O-bot
1 2024-02-19 cob_image_flip
Flips the image of Care-O-bots kinect in dependence of the viewing direction of the cameras to receive an upright image all the time.
Flips the image of Care-O-bots kinect in dependence of the viewing direction of the cameras to receive an upright image all the time.
1 cob_interactive_teleop
2 2024-04-30 cob_light
This package contains scripts to operate the LED lights on Care-O-bot.
This package contains scripts to operate the LED lights on Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_linear_nav
cob_linear_nav provides a simple navigation instrument driving on a linear path from current position to goal without any planning or obstacle avoidance capabilites. Obstacle avoidance should be carried out in other package, e.g.
cob_linear_nav provides a simple navigation instrument driving on a linear path from current position to goal without any planning or obstacle avoidance capabilites. Obstacle avoidance should be carried out in other package, e.g.
1 2024-02-19 cob_lookat_action
1 2024-02-19 cob_manipulation
The cob_manipulation stack includes packages that provide manipulation capabilities for Care-O-bot.
The cob_manipulation stack includes packages that provide manipulation capabilities for Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_manipulation_msgs
Messages for cob_manipulation
Messages for cob_manipulation
1 2024-02-19 cob_map_accessibility_analysis
cob_map_accessibility_analysis receives the map from navigation as well as obstacles and inflates_obstacles topics to assemble a common obstacle map. Upon request, this node checks the accessibility of poses within thin map by (i) checking whether the pose itself is free and by (ii) checking whether there is a closed path from robot to the goal pose.
cob_map_accessibility_analysis receives the map from navigation as well as obstacles and inflates_obstacles topics to assemble a common obstacle map. Upon request, this node checks the accessibility of poses within thin map by (i) checking whether the pose itself is free and by (ii) checking whether there is a closed path from robot to the goal pose.
1 2024-02-19 cob_mapping_slam
cob_mapping_slam holds launch files for running SLAM using the
cob_mapping_slam holds launch files for running SLAM using the
2 2024-04-30 cob_mecanum_controller
The cob_mecanum_controller_node provides a lightweight base controller for mecanum drive robots. The out/input for the wheel command/state are wheel velocities in rad/s for the wheels [front left, front right, rear left, rear right]
The cob_mecanum_controller_node provides a lightweight base controller for mecanum drive robots. The out/input for the wheel command/state are wheel velocities in rad/s for the wheels [front left, front right, rear left, rear right]
2 2024-04-30 cob_mimic
This package implements the Care-O-bot mimic
This package implements the Care-O-bot mimic
2 2024-04-30 cob_model_identifier
The cob_model_identifier package provides nodes to analyse the system response behavior of actuators to optimally tune PID controllers to be used with cob_twist_controller framework.
The cob_model_identifier package provides nodes to analyse the system response behavior of actuators to optimally tune PID controllers to be used with cob_twist_controller framework.
2 2024-04-30 cob_monitoring
1 2024-02-19 cob_moveit_bringup
MoveIt launch files
MoveIt launch files
1 2024-02-19 cob_moveit_config
MoveIt config files for all cob and raw
MoveIt config files for all cob and raw
1 2024-02-19 cob_moveit_interface
2 2024-04-30 cob_msgs
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
1 2024-02-19 cob_navigation
The cob_navigation stack provides different navigation packages for
The cob_navigation stack provides different navigation packages for
1 2024-02-19 cob_navigation_config
This package holds common configuration files for running the
This package holds common configuration files for running the
1 2024-02-19 cob_navigation_global
This package holds config and launch files for running the
This package holds config and launch files for running the
1 2024-02-19 cob_navigation_local
This package holds config and launch files for running the
This package holds config and launch files for running the
1 2024-02-19 cob_navigation_slam
This package provides launch files for running
This package provides launch files for running
1 2024-02-19 cob_object_detection_msgs
This package contains message type definitions for object detection
This package contains message type definitions for object detection
1 2024-02-19 cob_object_detection_visualizer
The cob_object_detection_visualizer package visualizes the object detection result.
The cob_object_detection_visualizer package visualizes the object detection result.
2 2024-04-30 cob_obstacle_distance
The cob_obstacle_distance package calculates distances between both robot links and obstacles to be used for obstacle avoidance within cob_twist_controller framework.
The cob_obstacle_distance package calculates distances between both robot links and obstacles to be used for obstacle avoidance within cob_twist_controller framework.
1 2024-02-19 cob_obstacle_distance_moveit
This package provides nodes for calculating the minimal distance to robot links, obstacles and octomap using MoveIt!'s PlanningSceneMonitor
This package provides nodes for calculating the minimal distance to robot links, obstacles and octomap using MoveIt!'s PlanningSceneMonitor
2 2024-04-30 cob_omni_drive_controller
The cob_omni_drive_controller package provides a ros_controller plugin for the Care-O-bot omni-directional base platform.
The cob_omni_drive_controller package provides a ros_controller plugin for the Care-O-bot omni-directional base platform.
1 2024-02-19 cob_perception_common
This stack provides utilities commonly needed for a variety of computer vision tasks.
This stack provides utilities commonly needed for a variety of computer vision tasks.
1 2024-02-19 cob_perception_msgs
This package contains common message type definitions for perception tasks.
This package contains common message type definitions for perception tasks.
2 2024-04-30 cob_phidget_em_state
The cob_phidget_em_state package publishes emergency state based on phidgets signals.
The cob_phidget_em_state package publishes emergency state based on phidgets signals.
2 2024-04-30 cob_phidget_power_state
The cob_phidget_power_state package publishes power state based on phidgets signals.
The cob_phidget_power_state package publishes power state based on phidgets signals.
2 2024-04-30 cob_phidgets
1 2024-04-17 cob_reflector_referencing
This package provides a node broadcasting a tf frame based on reflector markers detected within sensor_msgs::LaserScan messages. It can be used to position/reference a robot wrt to the reflektor markers.
This package provides a node broadcasting a tf frame based on reflector markers detected within sensor_msgs::LaserScan messages. It can be used to position/reference a robot wrt to the reflektor markers.
2 2024-04-30 cob_relayboard
1 2024-02-19 cob_robots
This stack holds packages for hardware configuration as well as launch files for starting up the basic layer for operating Care-O-bot.
This stack holds packages for hardware configuration as well as launch files for starting up the basic layer for operating Care-O-bot.
1 2024-04-17 cob_safety_controller
This package is a substitute for the private implementation of cob_safety_controller package
This package is a substitute for the private implementation of cob_safety_controller package
2 2024-04-30 cob_scan_unifier
The cob_scan_unifier package holds code to unify two or more laser-scans to one unified scan-message
The cob_scan_unifier package holds code to unify two or more laser-scans to one unified scan-message
2 2024-04-30 cob_script_server
The cob_script_server package provides a simple interface to operate Care-O-bot. It can be used via the python API or the actionlib interface.
The cob_script_server package provides a simple interface to operate Care-O-bot. It can be used via the python API or the actionlib interface.
2 2024-04-30 cob_sick_lms1xx
This package published a laser scan message out of a Sick LMS1xx laser scanner. This version is made by fusion of ipa320/RCPRG_laser_drivers and ipa320/libLMS1xx repository. This package shuld have clearer structure and be easier to install.
This package published a laser scan message out of a Sick LMS1xx laser scanner. This version is made by fusion of ipa320/RCPRG_laser_drivers and ipa320/libLMS1xx repository. This package shuld have clearer structure and be easier to install.
2 2024-04-30 cob_sick_s300
This package published a laser scan message out of a Sick S300 laser scanner.
This package published a laser scan message out of a Sick S300 laser scanner.
1 2024-02-19 cob_simulation
The cob_simulation stack includes packages to work with Care-O-bot within simulation environments, e.g. gazebo.
The cob_simulation stack includes packages to work with Care-O-bot within simulation environments, e.g. gazebo.
2 2024-04-30 cob_sound
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
2 2024-04-30 cob_srvs
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
1 2024-04-17 cob_substitute
1 2024-02-19 cob_supported_robots
This package contains the list of supported robots within the care-o-bot family.
This package contains the list of supported robots within the care-o-bot family.
2 2024-04-30 cob_teleop
Teleop node
Teleop node
2 2024-04-30 cob_trajectory_controller
This package provides a trajectory controller which controlls velocities for a chain of joints. This controller can be used e.g. with [[schunk_powercube_chain]].
This package provides a trajectory controller which controlls velocities for a chain of joints. This controller can be used e.g. with [[schunk_powercube_chain]].
2 2024-04-30 cob_tricycle_controller
The cob_omni_drive_controller package provides a ros_controller plugin for the Care-O-bot tricycle base platform.
The cob_omni_drive_controller package provides a ros_controller plugin for the Care-O-bot tricycle base platform.
2 2024-04-30 cob_twist_controller
The main purpose of the cob_twist_controller is to convert target twists into joint velocities. Therefore it makes use of several implemented inverse kinematics approaches at the first order differential level. The inverse differential kinematics solver considers kinematic chain extensions, singularity robustness, redundancy resolution and priority-based methods. To avoid hardware destruction there is a limiter interface active as well. Via parameter server users can dynamically configure the solving strategy.
The main purpose of the cob_twist_controller is to convert target twists into joint velocities. Therefore it makes use of several implemented inverse kinematics approaches at the first order differential level. The inverse differential kinematics solver considers kinematic chain extensions, singularity robustness, redundancy resolution and priority-based methods. To avoid hardware destruction there is a limiter interface active as well. Via parameter server users can dynamically configure the solving strategy.
2 2024-04-30 cob_undercarriage_ctrl
cob_undercarriage_ctrl implements a controller for the omnidirectional base of Care-O-bot 3 on joint level. For a given Pltf-Twist the according wheel steering angles and linear wheel velocities are calculated based on the principle of rigid body motion. Each joint is than controlled individually to achieve the computed position and velocity
cob_undercarriage_ctrl implements a controller for the omnidirectional base of Care-O-bot 3 on joint level. For a given Pltf-Twist the according wheel steering angles and linear wheel velocities are calculated based on the principle of rigid body motion. Each joint is than controlled individually to achieve the computed position and velocity
2 2024-04-30 cob_utilities
Deprecated "cob_utilities" subsumes a number of classes, which are used in the original COb3 software. E.g. "IniFile.h" supports the original inifile structure of Care-O-bot 3. "MathSup.h" provides some basic functions like conversion from degree to radion or norming of angles within +/- PI. The package is currently used while the drivers are ported to ROS and Orocos respectively. Midterm it shall be removed and the ROS structures shall be used for reading parameters during initialization. So, don't use this package in new code!
Deprecated "cob_utilities" subsumes a number of classes, which are used in the original COb3 software. E.g. "IniFile.h" supports the original inifile structure of Care-O-bot 3. "MathSup.h" provides some basic functions like conversion from degree to radion or norming of angles within +/- PI. The package is currently used while the drivers are ported to ROS and Orocos respectively. Midterm it shall be removed and the ROS structures shall be used for reading parameters during initialization. So, don't use this package in new code!
1 2024-02-19 cob_vision_utils
Contains utilities used within the object detection tool chain.
Contains utilities used within the object detection tool chain.
2 2024-04-30 cob_voltage_control
Interface to IO board that manages emergency stop and battery voltage on rob@work 3
Interface to IO board that manages emergency stop and battery voltage on rob@work 3
1 2023-08-29 code_coverage
CMake configuration to run coverage
CMake configuration to run coverage
1 2020-05-27 codec_image_transport
The codec_image_transport package
The codec_image_transport package
1 cognitao_ros
1 2020-07-14 collada_parser
This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package.
1 2020-07-14 collada_urdf
This package contains a tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. Implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by
This package contains a tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. Implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by
1 2025-01-09 collada_urdf_jsk_patch
unaccepted patch for collada_urdf
unaccepted patch for collada_urdf
0 collision_aware_joint_trajectory_wrapper
0 collision_detection
0 collision_detection_fcl
0 collision_distance_field
0 collision_distance_field_ros
1 collision_log_msgs
0 collision_msgs
2 2022-06-27 color_util
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
1 2024-10-12 combined_robot_hw
Combined Robot HW class.
Combined Robot HW class.
1 2024-10-12 combined_robot_hw_tests
Tests for the combined Robot HW class.
Tests for the combined Robot HW class.
1 common_interfaces
1 2021-01-11 common_msgs
common_msgs contains messages that are widely used by other ROS packages. These includes messages for actions (
common_msgs contains messages that are widely used by other ROS packages. These includes messages for actions (
0 common_rosdeps
1 2020-07-23 common_tutorials
Metapackage that contains common tutorials
Metapackage that contains common tutorials
1 2024-07-03 comms_bridge
The comms_bridge package
The comms_bridge package
1 2025-01-06 compass_conversions
Common conversions for compass data.
Common conversions for compass data.
1 2025-01-06 compass_msgs
Messages related to compass
Messages related to compass
1 2025-01-06 compass_stack
Tools for working with azimuths, compasses and magnetometers.
Tools for working with azimuths, compasses and magnetometers.
1 composition
1 composition_interfaces
1 2024-01-25 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2024-01-25 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
1 2020-09-19 computer_status_msgs
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 2024-07-03 config_reader
Package for ff nodelet stuff
Package for ff nodelet stuff
1 console_bridge_vendor
0 constraint_samplers
1 2024-12-09 contact_states_observer
The contact_states_observer package
The contact_states_observer package
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2021-02-02 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2022-05-10 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2024-10-12 controller_interface
Interface base class for controllers.
Interface base class for controllers.
2 2024-10-12 controller_manager
The controller manager.
The controller manager.
2 2024-10-12 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 2024-10-12 controller_manager_tests
Tests for the controller manager.
Tests for the controller manager.
1 2020-04-24 convex_decomposition
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 2023-03-04 costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 2024-09-20 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 2025-02-26 costmap_cspace
3-dof configuration space costmap package
3-dof configuration space costmap package
1 2024-02-19 costmap_cspace_msgs
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
1 2024-05-23 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
2 2022-06-27 costmap_queue
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 2023-06-15 cpp_common
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 2024-10-01 cpr_onav_description
Clearpath OutdoorNav URDF description
Clearpath OutdoorNav URDF description
1 2024-07-03 cpu_mem_monitor
Measure the processor stats and periodically publish it over ROS.
Measure the processor stats and periodically publish it over ROS.
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7
ROS package suite of CRANE-X7
ROS package suite of CRANE-X7
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_bringup
The CRANE-X7 bringup package
The CRANE-X7 bringup package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_control
The CRANE-X7 control package
The CRANE-X7 control package
0 crane_x7_description
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_examples
examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package
examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_gazebo
The crane_x7_gazebo package
The crane_x7_gazebo package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crane_x7 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crane_x7 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_msgs
The crane_x7_msgs package
The crane_x7_msgs package
1 2025-02-27 cras_bag_tools
Various utilities to work with bag files
Various utilities to work with bag files
1 2025-02-27 cras_cpp_common
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in C++.
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in C++.
1 2025-02-27 cras_docs_common
Common configuration for CRAS packages documentation.
Common configuration for CRAS packages documentation.
1 2023-06-19 cras_imu_tools
Tools for working with IMU data
Tools for working with IMU data
1 2024-01-12 cras_joy_tools
Joystick and gamepad handling tools.
Joystick and gamepad handling tools.
1 2024-01-26 cras_laser_geometry
Tools for working with laser scans.
Tools for working with laser scans.
1 2023-08-25 cras_msgs
Common messages used by CRAS
Common messages used by CRAS
1 2025-02-27 cras_py_common
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in Python.
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in Python.
1 2023-08-29 cras_relative_positional_controller
Action server for moving the robot with relative positional commands
Action server for moving the robot with relative positional commands
1 2025-02-27 cras_topic_tools
Nodes and nodeletes for safe and efficient manipulation with topics
Nodes and nodeletes for safe and efficient manipulation with topics
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create3_coverage
1 create3_examples_msgs
1 create3_examples_py
1 create3_lidar_slam
1 create3_republisher
1 create3_teleop
1 2023-05-21 create_bringup
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
1 2023-05-21 create_description
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
1 2023-05-21 create_driver
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
1 2023-05-21 create_msgs
Common message definitions for create_robot
Common message definitions for create_robot
1 2023-05-21 create_robot
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 2020-10-25 criutils
The criutils package
The criutils package
1 2022-08-16 csm
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
1 2024-07-03 ctl
Calls the GNC simulink auto-generated control code, and passes inputs and outputs to and from ros messages.
Calls the GNC simulink auto-generated control code, and passes inputs and outputs to and from ros messages.
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 2024-08-20 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 2022-01-26 cv_camera
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
0 cydoomgeneric
1 2021-06-30 darknet_ros
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
1 2021-06-30 darknet_ros_msgs
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
Darknet is an open source neural network framework that runs on CPU and GPU. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system.
1 2024-07-03 data_bagger
The data bagger is responsible for bagging data that the ground wants to see. It is also responsible for downloading the bagged data to the ground.
The data bagger is responsible for bagging data that the ground wants to see. It is also responsible for downloading the bagged data to the ground.
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 cob_docker_control
2 cob_driver
2 cob_elmo_homing
1 cob_environments
1 cob_extern
1 cob_fiducials
2 cob_footprint_observer
2 cob_frame_tracker
1 cob_gazebo
1 cob_gazebo_objects
1 cob_gazebo_plugins
1 cob_gazebo_ros_control
1 cob_gazebo_tools
1 cob_gazebo_worlds
2 cob_generic_can
1 cob_grasp_generation
1 cob_hand
1 cob_hand_bridge
1 cob_hardware_config
2 cob_hardware_emulation
2 cob_helper_tools
1 cob_image_flip
1 cob_interactive_teleop
2 cob_light
1 cob_linear_nav
1 cob_lookat_action
1 cob_manipulation
1 cob_manipulation_msgs
1 cob_map_accessibility_analysis
1 cob_mapping_slam
2 cob_mecanum_controller
2 cob_mimic
2 cob_model_identifier
2 cob_monitoring
1 cob_moveit_bringup
1 cob_moveit_config
1 cob_moveit_interface
2 cob_msgs
1 cob_navigation
1 cob_navigation_config
1 cob_navigation_global
1 cob_navigation_local
1 cob_navigation_slam
1 cob_object_detection_msgs
1 cob_object_detection_visualizer
2 cob_obstacle_distance
1 cob_obstacle_distance_moveit
2 cob_omni_drive_controller
1 cob_perception_common
1 cob_perception_msgs
2 cob_phidget_em_state
2 cob_phidget_power_state
2 cob_phidgets
1 cob_reflector_referencing
2 cob_relayboard
1 cob_robots
1 cob_safety_controller
2 cob_scan_unifier
2 cob_script_server
2 cob_sick_lms1xx
2 cob_sick_s300
1 cob_simulation
2 cob_sound
2 cob_srvs
1 cob_substitute
1 cob_supported_robots
2 cob_teleop
2 cob_trajectory_controller
2 cob_tricycle_controller
2 cob_twist_controller
2 cob_undercarriage_ctrl
2 cob_utilities
1 cob_vision_utils
2 cob_voltage_control
1 code_coverage
1 codec_image_transport
1 cognitao_ros
1 collada_parser
1 collada_urdf
1 collada_urdf_jsk_patch
0 collision_aware_joint_trajectory_wrapper
0 collision_detection
0 collision_detection_fcl
0 collision_distance_field
0 collision_distance_field_ros
1 collision_log_msgs
0 collision_msgs
2 color_util
1 combined_robot_hw
1 combined_robot_hw_tests
1 2022-01-12 common_interfaces
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
1 common_msgs
0 common_rosdeps
1 common_tutorials
1 comms_bridge
1 compass_conversions
1 compass_msgs
1 compass_stack
1 2022-12-07 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2021-04-06 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2022-11-10 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2022-11-10 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
1 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 2021-04-06 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_states_observer
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2022-08-01 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2025-03-10 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2022-08-03 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2022-08-03 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2022-08-03 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 controller_manager_tests
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
2 2022-09-15 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 cpp_common
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create3_coverage
1 create3_examples_msgs
1 create3_examples_py
1 create3_lidar_slam
1 create3_republisher
1 create3_teleop
1 create_bringup
1 create_description
1 create_driver
1 create_msgs
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 csm
1 ctl
1 2022-01-19 cudnn_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
0 current_limit_controller
1 2022-10-15 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
0 cyberglove
1 2022-02-03 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
0 cydoomgeneric
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 cob_docker_control
2 cob_driver
2 cob_elmo_homing
1 cob_environments
1 cob_extern
1 cob_fiducials
2 cob_footprint_observer
2 cob_frame_tracker
1 cob_gazebo
1 cob_gazebo_objects
1 cob_gazebo_plugins
1 cob_gazebo_ros_control
1 cob_gazebo_tools
1 cob_gazebo_worlds
2 cob_generic_can
1 cob_grasp_generation
1 cob_hand
1 cob_hand_bridge
1 cob_hardware_config
2 cob_hardware_emulation
2 cob_helper_tools
1 cob_image_flip
1 cob_interactive_teleop
2 cob_light
1 cob_linear_nav
1 cob_lookat_action
1 cob_manipulation
1 cob_manipulation_msgs
1 cob_map_accessibility_analysis
1 cob_mapping_slam
2 cob_mecanum_controller
2 cob_mimic
2 cob_model_identifier
2 cob_monitoring
1 cob_moveit_bringup
1 cob_moveit_config
1 cob_moveit_interface
2 cob_msgs
1 cob_navigation
1 cob_navigation_config
1 cob_navigation_global
1 cob_navigation_local
1 cob_navigation_slam
1 cob_object_detection_msgs
1 cob_object_detection_visualizer
2 cob_obstacle_distance
1 cob_obstacle_distance_moveit
2 cob_omni_drive_controller
1 cob_perception_common
1 cob_perception_msgs
2 cob_phidget_em_state
2 cob_phidget_power_state
2 cob_phidgets
1 cob_reflector_referencing
2 cob_relayboard
1 cob_robots
1 cob_safety_controller
2 cob_scan_unifier
2 cob_script_server
2 cob_sick_lms1xx
2 cob_sick_s300
1 cob_simulation
2 cob_sound
2 cob_srvs
1 cob_substitute
1 cob_supported_robots
2 cob_teleop
2 cob_trajectory_controller
2 cob_tricycle_controller
2 cob_twist_controller
2 cob_undercarriage_ctrl
2 cob_utilities
1 cob_vision_utils
2 cob_voltage_control
1 code_coverage
1 codec_image_transport
1 cognitao_ros
1 collada_parser
1 collada_urdf
1 collada_urdf_jsk_patch
0 collision_aware_joint_trajectory_wrapper
0 collision_detection
0 collision_detection_fcl
0 collision_distance_field
0 collision_distance_field_ros
1 collision_log_msgs
0 collision_msgs
2 2025-01-08 color_util
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
1 combined_robot_hw
1 combined_robot_hw_tests
1 2024-05-20 common_interfaces
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
1 common_msgs
0 common_rosdeps
1 common_tutorials
1 comms_bridge
1 compass_conversions
1 compass_msgs
1 compass_stack
1 2024-07-11 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2023-04-18 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2023-05-08 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2023-05-08 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
1 computer_status_msgs
1 concert_msgs
1 concert_service_msgs
1 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
1 config_reader
1 2023-02-14 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
0 constraint_samplers
1 contact_states_observer
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2025-03-10 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2025-03-10 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2024-11-14 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
2 2024-11-14 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2024-11-14 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 controller_manager_tests
1 convex_decomposition
1 copernicus_base
1 copernicus_control
1 copernicus_description
1 copernicus_localization
1 copernicus_msgs
1 copernicus_navigation
1 copernicus_rules
1 copernicus_teleoperator
1 costmap_2d
1 costmap_converter
1 costmap_cspace
1 costmap_cspace_msgs
1 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
2 2024-10-02 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
1 costmap_tf_layer
1 cpp_common
1 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 cpr_multimaster_tools
1 cpr_onav_description
1 cpu_mem_monitor
1 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 crane_x7
1 crane_x7_bringup
1 crane_x7_control
0 crane_x7_description
1 crane_x7_examples
1 crane_x7_gazebo
1 crane_x7_moveit_config
1 crane_x7_msgs
1 cras_bag_tools
1 cras_cpp_common
1 cras_docs_common
1 cras_imu_tools
1 cras_joy_tools
1 cras_laser_geometry
1 cras_msgs
1 cras_py_common
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 cras_topic_tools
1 crazyflie
1 crazyflie_controller
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 crazyflie_demo
1 crazyflie_description
1 crazyflie_driver
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create3_coverage
1 create3_examples_msgs
1 create3_examples_py
1 create3_lidar_slam
1 create3_republisher
1 create3_teleop
1 create_bringup
1 create_description
1 create_driver
1 create_msgs
1 create_robot
1 criutils
1 csm
1 ctl
1 2022-01-19 cudnn_cmake_module
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN.
0 current_limit_controller
1 2024-04-13 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 cv_bridge_python3
1 cv_camera
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
0 cyberglove
1 2024-11-12 cyclonedds
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS implementation. Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open as an Eclipse IoT project.
0 cydoomgeneric
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 data_bagger
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 dataflow_lite


Name Description
1 2024-04-17 cob_docker_control
Autonomous docking
Autonomous docking
2 2024-04-17 cob_driver
The cob_driver stack includes packages that provide access to the Care-O-bot hardware through ROS messages, services and actions. E.g. for mobile base, arm, camera sensors, laser scanners, etc...
The cob_driver stack includes packages that provide access to the Care-O-bot hardware through ROS messages, services and actions. E.g. for mobile base, arm, camera sensors, laser scanners, etc...
2 2024-04-17 cob_elmo_homing
This packagae implements the special homing procedure that is needed for old cob4/raw bases
This packagae implements the special homing procedure that is needed for old cob4/raw bases
1 2024-02-19 cob_environments
This stack holds packages for IPA default environment configuration.
This stack holds packages for IPA default environment configuration.
1 2024-02-19 cob_extern
The cob_extern stack contains third party libraries needed for operating Care-O-bot. The packages are downloaded from the manufactorers website and not changed in any way.
The cob_extern stack contains third party libraries needed for operating Care-O-bot. The packages are downloaded from the manufactorers website and not changed in any way.
1 cob_fiducials
2 2024-04-17 cob_footprint_observer
The cob_footprint_observer package adjusts the footprint of the robot based on the setup (e.g. arm and/or tray).
The cob_footprint_observer package adjusts the footprint of the robot based on the setup (e.g. arm and/or tray).
2 2024-04-17 cob_frame_tracker
The cob_frame_tracker package contains nodes that publish Twist commands based on the distance to the desired tf frame target.
The cob_frame_tracker package contains nodes that publish Twist commands based on the distance to the desired tf frame target.
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo
Launch files and tools for 3D simulation of Care-O-bot in gazebo simulator.
Launch files and tools for 3D simulation of Care-O-bot in gazebo simulator.
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo_objects
This package provides some objects and furniture for gazebo simulation.
This package provides some objects and furniture for gazebo simulation.
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo_plugins
Additional gazebo plugins used with Care-O-bot
Additional gazebo plugins used with Care-O-bot
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo_ros_control
This package contains a specialization of the gazebo_ros_control plugin. The cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin allows Multi-HardwareInterface-Support.
This package contains a specialization of the gazebo_ros_control plugin. The cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin allows Multi-HardwareInterface-Support.
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo_tools
The cob_gazebo_tools package provides helper tools for the gazebo simulation
The cob_gazebo_tools package provides helper tools for the gazebo simulation
1 2024-02-19 cob_gazebo_worlds
This package provides some worlds for gazebo simulation.
This package provides some worlds for gazebo simulation.
2 2024-04-17 cob_generic_can
The package cob_generic_can provides an interface for nodes on a can-bus and examplary wrappers for two PeakSys-can-libs. When a can-bus-device is generated (for an example see base_dirve_chain) you can use generic_can to create as many itfs as there will be components communicating via this can-bus. Assign type of the can communication device (e.g. usb-to-can or can-card of a specific vendor) and can-address of the target device. This package comes with wrappers for PeakSys and PeakSysUSB adapters.
The package cob_generic_can provides an interface for nodes on a can-bus and examplary wrappers for two PeakSys-can-libs. When a can-bus-device is generated (for an example see base_dirve_chain) you can use generic_can to create as many itfs as there will be components communicating via this can-bus. Assign type of the can communication device (e.g. usb-to-can or can-card of a specific vendor) and can-address of the target device. This package comes with wrappers for PeakSys and PeakSysUSB adapters.
1 2024-02-19 cob_grasp_generation
Grasp generation for Care-O-bot based on OpenRAVE
Grasp generation for Care-O-bot based on OpenRAVE
1 2024-02-19 cob_hand
The cob_hand stack includes packages that provide access to the Care-O-bot hand through ROS serial.
The cob_hand stack includes packages that provide access to the Care-O-bot hand through ROS serial.
1 2024-02-19 cob_hand_bridge
The cob_hand_bridge package provides a driver for the gripper of Care-O-bot4.
The cob_hand_bridge package provides a driver for the gripper of Care-O-bot4.
1 2024-02-19 cob_hardware_config
This package contains configuration for each robot instance (e.g. cob4-X, raw3-X). There is a directory for each robot with configuration about urdf and hardware/device configurations.
This package contains configuration for each robot instance (e.g. cob4-X, raw3-X). There is a directory for each robot with configuration about urdf and hardware/device configurations.
2 2024-04-17 cob_hardware_emulation
The cob_hardware_emulation package provides idealized nodes emulating real robot hardware and/or physics simulation.
The cob_hardware_emulation package provides idealized nodes emulating real robot hardware and/or physics simulation.
2 2024-04-17 cob_helper_tools
Helper scripts for Care-O-bot
Helper scripts for Care-O-bot
1 2024-02-19 cob_image_flip
Flips the image of Care-O-bots kinect in dependence of the viewing direction of the cameras to receive an upright image all the time.
Flips the image of Care-O-bots kinect in dependence of the viewing direction of the cameras to receive an upright image all the time.
1 2024-04-17 cob_interactive_teleop
COB teleop interactive marker for RViz provided by dcgm-robotics@FIT group.
COB teleop interactive marker for RViz provided by dcgm-robotics@FIT group.
2 2024-04-17 cob_light
This package contains scripts to operate the LED lights on Care-O-bot.
This package contains scripts to operate the LED lights on Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_linear_nav
cob_linear_nav provides a simple navigation instrument driving on a linear path from current position to goal without any planning or obstacle avoidance capabilites. Obstacle avoidance should be carried out in other package, e.g.
cob_linear_nav provides a simple navigation instrument driving on a linear path from current position to goal without any planning or obstacle avoidance capabilites. Obstacle avoidance should be carried out in other package, e.g.
1 2024-02-19 cob_lookat_action
1 2024-02-19 cob_manipulation
The cob_manipulation stack includes packages that provide manipulation capabilities for Care-O-bot.
The cob_manipulation stack includes packages that provide manipulation capabilities for Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_manipulation_msgs
Messages for cob_manipulation
Messages for cob_manipulation
1 2024-02-19 cob_map_accessibility_analysis
cob_map_accessibility_analysis receives the map from navigation as well as obstacles and inflates_obstacles topics to assemble a common obstacle map. Upon request, this node checks the accessibility of poses within thin map by (i) checking whether the pose itself is free and by (ii) checking whether there is a closed path from robot to the goal pose.
cob_map_accessibility_analysis receives the map from navigation as well as obstacles and inflates_obstacles topics to assemble a common obstacle map. Upon request, this node checks the accessibility of poses within thin map by (i) checking whether the pose itself is free and by (ii) checking whether there is a closed path from robot to the goal pose.
1 2024-02-19 cob_mapping_slam
cob_mapping_slam holds launch files for running SLAM using the
cob_mapping_slam holds launch files for running SLAM using the
2 2024-04-17 cob_mecanum_controller
The cob_mecanum_controller_node provides a lightweight base controller for mecanum drive robots. The out/input for the wheel command/state are wheel velocities in rad/s for the wheels [front left, front right, rear left, rear right]
The cob_mecanum_controller_node provides a lightweight base controller for mecanum drive robots. The out/input for the wheel command/state are wheel velocities in rad/s for the wheels [front left, front right, rear left, rear right]
2 2024-04-17 cob_mimic
This package implements the Care-O-bot mimic
This package implements the Care-O-bot mimic
2 2024-04-17 cob_model_identifier
The cob_model_identifier package provides nodes to analyse the system response behavior of actuators to optimally tune PID controllers to be used with cob_twist_controller framework.
The cob_model_identifier package provides nodes to analyse the system response behavior of actuators to optimally tune PID controllers to be used with cob_twist_controller framework.
2 2024-04-17 cob_monitoring
1 2024-02-19 cob_moveit_bringup
MoveIt launch files
MoveIt launch files
1 2024-02-19 cob_moveit_config
MoveIt config files for all cob and raw
MoveIt config files for all cob and raw
1 2024-02-19 cob_moveit_interface
2 2024-04-17 cob_msgs
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
1 2024-02-19 cob_navigation
The cob_navigation stack provides different navigation packages for
The cob_navigation stack provides different navigation packages for
1 2024-02-19 cob_navigation_config
This package holds common configuration files for running the
This package holds common configuration files for running the
1 2024-02-19 cob_navigation_global
This package holds config and launch files for running the
This package holds config and launch files for running the
1 2024-02-19 cob_navigation_local
This package holds config and launch files for running the
This package holds config and launch files for running the
1 2024-02-19 cob_navigation_slam
This package provides launch files for running
This package provides launch files for running
1 2024-02-19 cob_object_detection_msgs
This package contains message type definitions for object detection
This package contains message type definitions for object detection
1 2024-02-19 cob_object_detection_visualizer
The cob_object_detection_visualizer package visualizes the object detection result.
The cob_object_detection_visualizer package visualizes the object detection result.
2 2024-04-17 cob_obstacle_distance
The cob_obstacle_distance package calculates distances between both robot links and obstacles to be used for obstacle avoidance within cob_twist_controller framework.
The cob_obstacle_distance package calculates distances between both robot links and obstacles to be used for obstacle avoidance within cob_twist_controller framework.
1 2024-02-19 cob_obstacle_distance_moveit
This package provides nodes for calculating the minimal distance to robot links, obstacles and octomap using MoveIt!'s PlanningSceneMonitor
This package provides nodes for calculating the minimal distance to robot links, obstacles and octomap using MoveIt!'s PlanningSceneMonitor
2 2024-04-17 cob_omni_drive_controller
The cob_omni_drive_controller package provides a ros_controller plugin for the Care-O-bot omni-directional base platform.
The cob_omni_drive_controller package provides a ros_controller plugin for the Care-O-bot omni-directional base platform.
1 2024-02-19 cob_perception_common
This stack provides utilities commonly needed for a variety of computer vision tasks.
This stack provides utilities commonly needed for a variety of computer vision tasks.
1 2024-02-19 cob_perception_msgs
This package contains common message type definitions for perception tasks.
This package contains common message type definitions for perception tasks.
2 2024-04-17 cob_phidget_em_state
The cob_phidget_em_state package publishes emergency state based on phidgets signals.
The cob_phidget_em_state package publishes emergency state based on phidgets signals.
2 2024-04-17 cob_phidget_power_state
The cob_phidget_power_state package publishes power state based on phidgets signals.
The cob_phidget_power_state package publishes power state based on phidgets signals.
2 2024-04-17 cob_phidgets
1 2024-04-17 cob_reflector_referencing
This package provides a node broadcasting a tf frame based on reflector markers detected within sensor_msgs::LaserScan messages. It can be used to position/reference a robot wrt to the reflektor markers.
This package provides a node broadcasting a tf frame based on reflector markers detected within sensor_msgs::LaserScan messages. It can be used to position/reference a robot wrt to the reflektor markers.
2 2024-04-17 cob_relayboard
1 2024-02-19 cob_robots
This stack holds packages for hardware configuration as well as launch files for starting up the basic layer for operating Care-O-bot.
This stack holds packages for hardware configuration as well as launch files for starting up the basic layer for operating Care-O-bot.
1 2024-04-17 cob_safety_controller
This package is a substitute for the private implementation of cob_safety_controller package
This package is a substitute for the private implementation of cob_safety_controller package
2 2024-04-17 cob_scan_unifier
The cob_scan_unifier package holds code to unify two or more laser-scans to one unified scan-message
The cob_scan_unifier package holds code to unify two or more laser-scans to one unified scan-message
2 2024-04-17 cob_script_server
The cob_script_server package provides a simple interface to operate Care-O-bot. It can be used via the python API or the actionlib interface.
The cob_script_server package provides a simple interface to operate Care-O-bot. It can be used via the python API or the actionlib interface.
2 2024-04-17 cob_sick_lms1xx
This package published a laser scan message out of a Sick LMS1xx laser scanner. This version is made by fusion of ipa320/RCPRG_laser_drivers and ipa320/libLMS1xx repository. This package shuld have clearer structure and be easier to install.
This package published a laser scan message out of a Sick LMS1xx laser scanner. This version is made by fusion of ipa320/RCPRG_laser_drivers and ipa320/libLMS1xx repository. This package shuld have clearer structure and be easier to install.
2 2024-04-17 cob_sick_s300
This package published a laser scan message out of a Sick S300 laser scanner.
This package published a laser scan message out of a Sick S300 laser scanner.
1 2024-02-19 cob_simulation
The cob_simulation stack includes packages to work with Care-O-bot within simulation environments, e.g. gazebo.
The cob_simulation stack includes packages to work with Care-O-bot within simulation environments, e.g. gazebo.
2 2024-04-17 cob_sound
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
This package implements a sound play module using text2wave and aplay through python.
2 2024-04-17 cob_srvs
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
1 2024-04-17 cob_substitute
1 2024-02-19 cob_supported_robots
This package contains the list of supported robots within the care-o-bot family.
This package contains the list of supported robots within the care-o-bot family.
2 2024-04-17 cob_teleop
Teleop node
Teleop node
2 2024-04-17 cob_trajectory_controller
This package provides a trajectory controller which controlls velocities for a chain of joints. This controller can be used e.g. with [[schunk_powercube_chain]].
This package provides a trajectory controller which controlls velocities for a chain of joints. This controller can be used e.g. with [[schunk_powercube_chain]].
2 2024-04-17 cob_tricycle_controller
The cob_omni_drive_controller package provides a ros_controller plugin for the Care-O-bot tricycle base platform.
The cob_omni_drive_controller package provides a ros_controller plugin for the Care-O-bot tricycle base platform.
2 2024-04-17 cob_twist_controller
The main purpose of the cob_twist_controller is to convert target twists into joint velocities. Therefore it makes use of several implemented inverse kinematics approaches at the first order differential level. The inverse differential kinematics solver considers kinematic chain extensions, singularity robustness, redundancy resolution and priority-based methods. To avoid hardware destruction there is a limiter interface active as well. Via parameter server users can dynamically configure the solving strategy.
The main purpose of the cob_twist_controller is to convert target twists into joint velocities. Therefore it makes use of several implemented inverse kinematics approaches at the first order differential level. The inverse differential kinematics solver considers kinematic chain extensions, singularity robustness, redundancy resolution and priority-based methods. To avoid hardware destruction there is a limiter interface active as well. Via parameter server users can dynamically configure the solving strategy.
2 2024-04-17 cob_undercarriage_ctrl
cob_undercarriage_ctrl implements a controller for the omnidirectional base of Care-O-bot 3 on joint level. For a given Pltf-Twist the according wheel steering angles and linear wheel velocities are calculated based on the principle of rigid body motion. Each joint is than controlled individually to achieve the computed position and velocity
cob_undercarriage_ctrl implements a controller for the omnidirectional base of Care-O-bot 3 on joint level. For a given Pltf-Twist the according wheel steering angles and linear wheel velocities are calculated based on the principle of rigid body motion. Each joint is than controlled individually to achieve the computed position and velocity
2 2024-04-17 cob_utilities
Deprecated "cob_utilities" subsumes a number of classes, which are used in the original COb3 software. E.g. "IniFile.h" supports the original inifile structure of Care-O-bot 3. "MathSup.h" provides some basic functions like conversion from degree to radion or norming of angles within +/- PI. The package is currently used while the drivers are ported to ROS and Orocos respectively. Midterm it shall be removed and the ROS structures shall be used for reading parameters during initialization. So, don't use this package in new code!
Deprecated "cob_utilities" subsumes a number of classes, which are used in the original COb3 software. E.g. "IniFile.h" supports the original inifile structure of Care-O-bot 3. "MathSup.h" provides some basic functions like conversion from degree to radion or norming of angles within +/- PI. The package is currently used while the drivers are ported to ROS and Orocos respectively. Midterm it shall be removed and the ROS structures shall be used for reading parameters during initialization. So, don't use this package in new code!
1 2024-02-19 cob_vision_utils
Contains utilities used within the object detection tool chain.
Contains utilities used within the object detection tool chain.
2 2024-04-17 cob_voltage_control
Interface to IO board that manages emergency stop and battery voltage on rob@work 3
Interface to IO board that manages emergency stop and battery voltage on rob@work 3
1 2023-08-29 code_coverage
CMake configuration to run coverage
CMake configuration to run coverage
1 2019-04-07 codec_image_transport
The codec_image_transport package
The codec_image_transport package
1 2020-05-03 cognitao_ros
The cognitao_ros package
The cognitao_ros package
1 2020-07-14 collada_parser
This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package.
This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package.
1 2020-07-14 collada_urdf
This package contains a tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. Implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by
This package contains a tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. Implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by
1 2025-01-09 collada_urdf_jsk_patch
unaccepted patch for collada_urdf
unaccepted patch for collada_urdf
0 collision_aware_joint_trajectory_wrapper
0 collision_detection
0 collision_detection_fcl
0 collision_distance_field
0 collision_distance_field_ros
1 collision_log_msgs
0 collision_msgs
2 2021-07-30 color_util
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
1 2023-10-27 combined_robot_hw
Combined Robot HW class.
Combined Robot HW class.
1 2023-10-27 combined_robot_hw_tests
Tests for the combined Robot HW class.
Tests for the combined Robot HW class.
1 common_interfaces
1 2021-01-12 common_msgs
common_msgs contains messages that are widely used by other ROS packages. These includes messages for actions (
common_msgs contains messages that are widely used by other ROS packages. These includes messages for actions (
0 common_rosdeps
1 2020-04-02 common_tutorials
Metapackage that contains common tutorials
Metapackage that contains common tutorials
1 2024-07-03 comms_bridge
The comms_bridge package
The comms_bridge package
1 compass_conversions
1 compass_msgs
1 compass_stack
1 composition
1 composition_interfaces
1 2023-02-08 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2023-02-08 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
1 2020-09-19 computer_status_msgs
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
Messages definitions for representing computer's hardware state, such as battery information, GPU, some miscellaneous sensors. Format is in ROS. Originally developed at
1 2016-05-06 concert_msgs
Shared communication types for the concert framework.
Shared communication types for the concert framework.
1 2016-05-06 concert_service_msgs
Messages used by official rocon services.
Messages used by official rocon services.
1 2016-05-06 concert_workflow_engine_msgs
Messages used by workflow engine
Messages used by workflow engine
1 2024-07-03 config_reader
Package for ff nodelet stuff
Package for ff nodelet stuff
1 console_bridge_vendor
0 constraint_samplers
1 2024-12-09 contact_states_observer
The contact_states_observer package
The contact_states_observer package
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2021-02-02 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2022-05-10 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
2 2023-10-27 controller_interface
Interface base class for controllers.
Interface base class for controllers.
2 2023-10-27 controller_manager
The controller manager.
The controller manager.
2 2023-10-27 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
1 2023-10-27 controller_manager_tests
Tests for the controller manager.
Tests for the controller manager.
1 2020-04-24 convex_decomposition
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_base
The copernicus_base package
The copernicus_base package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_control
The copernicus_control package
The copernicus_control package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_description
The copernicus_description package
The copernicus_description package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_localization
The copernicus_localization package
The copernicus_localization package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_msgs
The copernicus_msgs package
The copernicus_msgs package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_navigation
The copernicus_navigation package
The copernicus_navigation package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_rules
The copernicus_rules package
The copernicus_rules package
1 2021-06-23 copernicus_teleoperator
The copernicus_teleoperator package
The copernicus_teleoperator package
1 2022-06-20 costmap_2d
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics.
1 2024-09-20 costmap_converter
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types.
1 2025-02-26 costmap_cspace
3-dof configuration space costmap package
3-dof configuration space costmap package
1 2024-02-19 costmap_cspace_msgs
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
Message definitions for costmap_cspace package
1 2024-05-23 costmap_cspace_rviz_plugins
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
Rviz plugins for costmap_cspace_msgs
2 2021-07-30 costmap_queue
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells.
1 2020-08-12 costmap_tf_layer
ROS-package that implements a costmap layer populated by observing tf frames.
ROS-package that implements a costmap layer populated by observing tf frames.
1 2020-07-24 cpp_common
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of
1 2021-05-11 cpr_common_core_msgs
1 2019-07-16 cpr_multimaster_tools
Multi-master tools for configuration and message relaying
Multi-master tools for configuration and message relaying
1 cpr_onav_description
1 2024-07-03 cpu_mem_monitor
Measure the processor stats and periodically publish it over ROS.
Measure the processor stats and periodically publish it over ROS.
1 2021-08-18 cpu_temperature_diagnostics
Collect and diagnose cpu temperature informations
Collect and diagnose cpu temperature informations
1 crane_plus
1 crane_plus_control
1 crane_plus_description
1 crane_plus_examples
1 crane_plus_gazebo
1 crane_plus_moveit_config
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7
ROS package suite of CRANE-X7
ROS package suite of CRANE-X7
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_bringup
The CRANE-X7 bringup package
The CRANE-X7 bringup package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_control
The CRANE-X7 control package
The CRANE-X7 control package
0 crane_x7_description
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_examples
examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package
examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_gazebo
The crane_x7_gazebo package
The crane_x7_gazebo package
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crane_x7 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the crane_x7 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2023-09-29 crane_x7_msgs
The crane_x7_msgs package
The crane_x7_msgs package
1 2025-02-27 cras_bag_tools
Various utilities to work with bag files
Various utilities to work with bag files
1 2025-02-27 cras_cpp_common
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in C++.
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in C++.
1 2025-02-27 cras_docs_common
Common configuration for CRAS packages documentation.
Common configuration for CRAS packages documentation.
1 2023-06-19 cras_imu_tools
Tools for working with IMU data
Tools for working with IMU data
1 cras_joy_tools
1 2024-01-26 cras_laser_geometry
Tools for working with laser scans.
Tools for working with laser scans.
1 2023-08-25 cras_msgs
Common messages used by CRAS
Common messages used by CRAS
1 2025-02-27 cras_py_common
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in Python.
A Czech-army knife for ROS code written in Python.
1 cras_relative_positional_controller
1 2025-02-27 cras_topic_tools
Nodes and nodeletes for safe and efficient manipulation with topics
Nodes and nodeletes for safe and efficient manipulation with topics
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie
ROS integration for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
ROS integration for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_controller
Controller to fly a Crazyflie in a space with location feedback (such as motion capture).
Controller to fly a Crazyflie in a space with location feedback (such as motion capture).
0 crazyflie_cpp
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_demo
Examples on how to use the crazyflie package (teleoperation, rviz integration)
Examples on how to use the crazyflie package (teleoperation, rviz integration)
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_description
URDF Model for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
URDF Model for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
1 2021-08-03 crazyflie_driver
ROS driver for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
ROS driver for Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter from Bitcraze
0 crazyflie_tools
1 create3_coverage
1 create3_examples_msgs
1 create3_examples_py
1 create3_lidar_slam
1 create3_republisher
1 create3_teleop
1 2023-05-21 create_bringup
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
Launch and configuration files for common accessories when working with Create/Roomba platforms.
1 2023-05-21 create_description
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
Robot URDF descriptions for create_robot
1 2023-05-21 create_driver
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
ROS driver for iRobot's Create and Roomba platforms, based on libcreate
1 2023-05-21 create_msgs
Common message definitions for create_robot
Common message definitions for create_robot
1 2023-05-21 create_robot
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
ROS driver for iRobot's Create 1 and 2, based on the libcreate C++ library
1 2020-10-25 criutils
The criutils package
The criutils package
1 2022-08-16 csm
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper
1 2024-07-03 ctl
Calls the GNC simulink auto-generated control code, and passes inputs and outputs to and from ros messages.
Calls the GNC simulink auto-generated control code, and passes inputs and outputs to and from ros messages.
1 cudnn_cmake_module
0 current_limit_controller
1 2022-10-03 cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images.
1 2022-04-08 cv_bridge_python3
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images. == This package intentionally link against boost-python3 and install under /opt/ros/ROS_DISTRO/lib/python3/dist-package Please add import sys, os; sys.path.insert(0,'/opt/ros/' + os.environ['ROS_DISTRO'] + '/lib/python3/dist-packages/') before you call import cv_bridge
This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images. == This package intentionally link against boost-python3 and install under /opt/ros/ROS_DISTRO/lib/python3/dist-package Please add import sys, os; sys.path.insert(0,'/opt/ros/' + os.environ['ROS_DISTRO'] + '/lib/python3/dist-packages/') before you call import cv_bridge
1 2022-01-26 cv_camera
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
cv_camera uses OpenCV capture object to capture camera image. This supports camera_image and nodelet.
0 cv_optimizer
0 cv_wrapper
0 cyberglove
1 cyclonedds
0 cydoomgeneric
1 darknet_ros
1 darknet_ros_msgs
1 2024-07-03 data_bagger
The data bagger is responsible for bagging data that the ground wants to see. It is also responsible for downloading the bagged data to the ground.
The data bagger is responsible for bagging data that the ground wants to see. It is also responsible for downloading the bagged data to the ground.
1 data_tamer_cpp
1 data_tamer_msgs
1 2022-02-08 dataflow_lite
Light version of dataflow libraries
Light version of dataflow libraries