
Name Description
1 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m20ia_support
1 fanuc_m20ib25_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m20ib_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m20ib_support
1 fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m430ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m430ia_support
1 fanuc_m6ib6s_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m6ib_support
1 fanuc_m710ic_support
1 fanuc_m900ia_support
1 fanuc_m900ib_support
1 fanuc_post_processor
1 fanuc_r1000ia80f_moveit_config
1 fanuc_r1000ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_r1000ia_support
2 fanuc_r2000ib_support
2 fanuc_r2000ic_support
1 fanuc_resources
1 2025-02-21 fast_gicp
A collection of fast point cloud registration implementations
A collection of fast point cloud registration implementations
1 fastcdr
1 fastdds
1 2025-02-03 fastrtps
*eprosima Fast DDS* (formerly Fast RTPS) is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
*eprosima Fast DDS* (formerly Fast RTPS) is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
1 2023-11-13 fastrtps_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find eProsima FastRTPS.
Provide CMake module to find eProsima FastRTPS.
2 fath_pivot_mount_description
1 fawkes_msgs
1 fcl
1 fcl_catkin
1 2025-03-01 feetech_ros2_driver
ros2_control hardware interface for Feetech Servos
ros2_control hardware interface for Feetech Servos
1 fetch_auto_dock_msgs
1 fetch_bringup
1 fetch_calibration
1 fetch_depth_layer
1 fetch_description
1 fetch_driver_msgs
1 fetch_drivers
1 fetch_gazebo
1 fetch_gazebo_demo
1 fetch_ikfast_plugin
1 fetch_maps
1 fetch_moveit_config
1 fetch_navigation
1 fetch_open_auto_dock
1 fetch_ros
1 fetch_simple_linear_controller
1 fetch_simulation
1 fetch_teleop
1 fetch_tools
1 fetchit_challenge
1 ff
1 ff_common
1 ff_hw_msgs
1 ff_msgs
1 ff_serial
1 ff_util
1 ffha
1 2024-08-30 ffmpeg_encoder_decoder
ROS2 convenience wrapper around ffmpeg for encoding/decoding
ROS2 convenience wrapper around ffmpeg for encoding/decoding
1 2024-04-17 ffmpeg_image_transport
ffmpeg_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with ffmpeg.
ffmpeg_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with ffmpeg.
1 2024-01-08 ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
messages for ffmpeg image transport plugin
messages for ffmpeg image transport plugin
1 2024-04-12 ffmpeg_image_transport_tools
tools for processing ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
tools for processing ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
1 fiducial_msgs
1 fiducial_slam
1 fiducials
1 2024-11-19 fields2cover
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
1 fields2cover_ros
1 file_management
1 file_uploader_msgs
1 2025-01-14 filters
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
1 2022-12-12 find_object_2d
The find_object_2d package
The find_object_2d package
1 fingertip_pressure
1 fkie_master_discovery
1 fkie_master_sync
1 fkie_message_filters
1 fkie_multimaster
1 fkie_multimaster_msgs
1 fkie_node_manager
1 fkie_node_manager_daemon
1 fkie_potree_rviz_plugin
1 flashlight
1 flatbuffers
1 flatland
1 flatland_msgs
1 flatland_plugins
1 flatland_server
1 flatland_viz
1 2024-06-28 flex_sync
ros2 package for syncing variable number of topics
ros2 package for syncing variable number of topics
2 2024-05-01 flexbe_app
flexbe_app provides a user interface (editor + runtime control) for the FlexBE behavior engine.
flexbe_app provides a user interface (editor + runtime control) for the FlexBE behavior engine.
2 2024-05-31 flexbe_behavior_engine
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
2 2024-05-31 flexbe_core
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
2 2024-05-31 flexbe_input
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
2 2024-05-31 flexbe_mirror
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
2 2024-05-31 flexbe_msgs
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
2 2024-05-31 flexbe_onboard
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
2 2024-05-31 flexbe_states
flexbe_states provides a collection of common generic predefined states.
flexbe_states provides a collection of common generic predefined states.
2 2024-05-31 flexbe_testing
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
2 2024-05-31 flexbe_widget
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
1 flir_boson_usb
1 2024-11-21 flir_camera_description
FLIR camera Description package
FLIR camera Description package
1 flir_camera_driver
1 2024-11-21 flir_camera_msgs
messages related to flir camera driver
messages related to flir camera driver
1 flir_ptu_description
1 flir_ptu_driver
1 flir_ptu_viz
1 floam
1 2023-06-06 fluent_bit_vendor
A vendor package for An End to End Observability Pipeline
A vendor package for An End to End Observability Pipeline
1 2022-06-22 fluent_rviz
A library which makes Rviz fluent. Powered by C++17
A library which makes Rviz fluent. Powered by C++17
1 2025-02-15 fmi_adapter
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
1 2025-02-15 fmi_adapter_examples
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
1 2025-02-15 fmilibrary_vendor
Wrapper (aka vendor package) around the FMILibrary by Modelon AB (
Wrapper (aka vendor package) around the FMILibrary by Modelon AB (
1 2024-04-28 fogros2
A ROS 2 extension for the cloud deployment of computational graphs in a cloud-provider agnostic and security-conscious manner.
A ROS 2 extension for the cloud deployment of computational graphs in a cloud-provider agnostic and security-conscious manner.
1 2024-04-28 fogros2_examples
Examples using FogROS2
Examples using FogROS2
1 2024-10-17 foonathan_memory_vendor
Foonathan/memory vendor package for Fast-RTPS.
Foonathan/memory vendor package for Fast-RTPS.
1 force_torque_sensor
1 2025-03-08 force_torque_sensor_broadcaster
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.
1 force_torque_sensor_controller
1 2023-01-04 foros
Fail Over ROS framework
Fail Over ROS framework
1 2023-01-04 foros_examples
Fail over ROS examples
Fail over ROS examples
1 2023-01-04 foros_inspector
Fail over ROS inspector
Fail over ROS inspector
1 2023-01-04 foros_msgs
Fail over ROS messages (raft RPCs)
Fail over ROS messages (raft RPCs)
2 2025-03-08 forward_command_controller
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
2 2025-02-06 forward_global_planner
The forward_global_planner package.
The forward_global_planner package.
2 2025-02-06 forward_local_planner
forward_local_planner package.
forward_local_planner package.
1 four_wheel_steering_controller
1 2021-12-02 four_wheel_steering_msgs
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
1 2025-03-04 foxglove_bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
1 2024-11-18 foxglove_compressed_video_transport
foxglove_compressed_video_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded in foxglove compressed video packets.
foxglove_compressed_video_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded in foxglove compressed video packets.
1 2025-03-05 foxglove_msgs
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
1 frame_editor
1 framestore
1 2025-03-06 franka_bringup
Package with launch files and run-time configurations for using Franka Robotics research robots with ros2_control
Package with launch files and run-time configurations for using Franka Robotics research robots with ros2_control
1 franka_control
2 2025-03-05 franka_description
franka_description contains URDF files and meshes of Franka robots
franka_description contains URDF files and meshes of Franka robots
2 2025-03-06 franka_example_controllers
franka_example_controllers provides example code for controllingFranka Robotics research robots with ros2_control
franka_example_controllers provides example code for controllingFranka Robotics research robots with ros2_control
1 2025-03-06 franka_fr3_moveit_config
Contains Moveit2 configuration files for Franka Robotics research robots
Contains Moveit2 configuration files for Franka Robotics research robots
1 franka_gazebo
1 2025-03-06 franka_gazebo_bringup
Contains launch files for the franka_gazebo project
Contains launch files for the franka_gazebo project
2 2025-03-06 franka_gripper
This package implements the franka gripper of type Franka Hand for the use in ROS2
This package implements the franka gripper of type Franka Hand for the use in ROS2
1 2025-03-06 franka_hardware
franka_hardware provides hardware interfaces for using Franka Robotics research robots with ros2_control
franka_hardware provides hardware interfaces for using Franka Robotics research robots with ros2_control
1 franka_hw
1 2025-03-06 franka_ign_ros2_control
Ignition ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
Ignition ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
2 2025-03-06 franka_msgs
franka_msgs provides messages and actions specific to Franka Robotics research robots
franka_msgs provides messages and actions specific to Franka Robotics research robots
1 2025-03-06 franka_robot_state_broadcaster
Broadcaster to publish robot states
Broadcaster to publish robot states
1 franka_ros
1 2025-03-06 franka_ros2
Meta package of franka_ros2
Meta package of franka_ros2
1 2025-03-06 franka_semantic_components
franka_semantic_components provides semantic components for using Franka Robotics research robots with ros2_control
franka_semantic_components provides semantic components for using Franka Robotics research robots with ros2_control
1 franka_visualization
1 freenect_camera
1 freenect_launch
1 freenect_stack
1 freight_bringup
1 2025-03-06 fri_configuration_controller
Controller for configuration of FRI
Controller for configuration of FRI
1 2025-03-06 fri_state_broadcaster
Broadcaster for FRI state
Broadcaster for FRI state
1 fsrobo_r
1 fsrobo_r_bringup
1 fsrobo_r_description
1 fsrobo_r_driver
1 fsrobo_r_moveit_config
1 fsrobo_r_msgs
1 fsrobo_r_trajectory_filters
1 fuse
1 fuse_constraints
1 fuse_core
1 fuse_doc
1 fuse_graphs
1 fuse_loss
1 fuse_models
1 fuse_msgs
1 fuse_optimizers
1 fuse_publishers
1 fuse_tutorials
1 fuse_variables
1 fuse_viz
1 2024-12-08 game_controller_spl
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
1 2024-12-08 game_controller_spl_interfaces
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
1 gateway_msgs
1 2025-01-08 gazebo_collision_plugin
Detect and report all collisions in the scene
Detect and report all collisions in the scene
1 gazebo_custom_sensor_preloader
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_dev
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_msgs
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS2.
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS2.
1 2024-02-21 gazebo_no_physics_plugin
Disables physics in gazebo
Disables physics in gazebo
1 gazebo_noisy_depth_camera
1 2024-04-03 gazebo_planar_move_plugin
Planar move of objects in gazebo
Planar move of objects in gazebo
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_plugins
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_ros
Utilities to interface with
Utilities to interface with
1 2025-02-07 gazebo_ros2_control
1 2025-02-07 gazebo_ros2_control_demos
1 gazebo_ros_control
1 gazebo_ros_control_select_joints
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_ros_pkgs
Interface for using ROS with the
Interface for using ROS with the
1 2024-04-03 gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin
Set gazebo robot joint positions
Set gazebo robot joint positions
1 2024-11-20 gazebo_static_camera
Spawn a static camera within a gazebo world
Spawn a static camera within a gazebo world
1 2024-11-20 gazebo_tf_publisher
Node to publish ignition ground truth TF tree
Node to publish ignition ground truth TF tree
1 2023-11-13 gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces
gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces defines interfaces for the gazebo_video_monitor_plugins package.
gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces defines interfaces for the gazebo_video_monitor_plugins package.
1 gazebo_video_monitor_msgs
1 2023-11-13 gazebo_video_monitor_plugins
gazebo_video_monitor_plugins is a package that lets the user record videos of a
gazebo_video_monitor_plugins is a package that lets the user record videos of a


Name Description
1 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m20ia_support
1 fanuc_m20ib25_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m20ib_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m20ib_support
1 fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m430ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m430ia_support
1 fanuc_m6ib6s_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m6ib_support
1 fanuc_m710ic_support
1 fanuc_m900ia_support
1 fanuc_m900ib_support
1 fanuc_post_processor
1 fanuc_r1000ia80f_moveit_config
1 fanuc_r1000ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_r1000ia_support
2 fanuc_r2000ib_support
2 fanuc_r2000ic_support
1 fanuc_resources
1 fast_gicp
1 2025-02-12 fastcdr
*eProsima Fast CDR* is a C++ serialization library implementing the Common Data Representation (CDR) mechanism defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. CDR is the serialization mechanism used in DDS for the DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol (DDSI-RTPS).
*eProsima Fast CDR* is a C++ serialization library implementing the Common Data Representation (CDR) mechanism defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. CDR is the serialization mechanism used in DDS for the DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol (DDSI-RTPS).
1 fastdds
1 2025-03-07 fastrtps
*eprosima Fast DDS* (formerly Fast RTPS) is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
*eprosima Fast DDS* (formerly Fast RTPS) is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
1 2024-12-27 fastrtps_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find eProsima FastRTPS.
Provide CMake module to find eProsima FastRTPS.
2 fath_pivot_mount_description
1 fawkes_msgs
1 fcl
1 fcl_catkin
1 2025-03-01 feetech_ros2_driver
ros2_control hardware interface for Feetech Servos
ros2_control hardware interface for Feetech Servos
1 fetch_auto_dock_msgs
1 fetch_bringup
1 fetch_calibration
1 fetch_depth_layer
1 fetch_description
1 fetch_driver_msgs
1 fetch_drivers
1 fetch_gazebo
1 fetch_gazebo_demo
1 fetch_ikfast_plugin
1 fetch_maps
1 fetch_moveit_config
1 fetch_navigation
1 fetch_open_auto_dock
1 fetch_ros
1 fetch_simple_linear_controller
1 fetch_simulation
1 fetch_teleop
1 fetch_tools
1 fetchit_challenge
1 ff
1 ff_common
1 ff_hw_msgs
1 ff_msgs
1 ff_serial
1 ff_util
1 ffha
1 2024-08-30 ffmpeg_encoder_decoder
ROS2 convenience wrapper around ffmpeg for encoding/decoding
ROS2 convenience wrapper around ffmpeg for encoding/decoding
1 2024-04-17 ffmpeg_image_transport
ffmpeg_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with ffmpeg.
ffmpeg_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with ffmpeg.
1 2024-01-08 ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
messages for ffmpeg image transport plugin
messages for ffmpeg image transport plugin
1 2024-04-18 ffmpeg_image_transport_tools
tools for processing ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
tools for processing ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
1 fiducial_msgs
1 fiducial_slam
1 fiducials
1 2024-11-19 fields2cover
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
1 fields2cover_ros
1 file_management
1 file_uploader_msgs
1 2025-01-14 filters
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
1 2024-06-27 find_object_2d
The find_object_2d package
The find_object_2d package
1 fingertip_pressure
1 fkie_master_discovery
1 fkie_master_sync
1 fkie_message_filters
1 fkie_multimaster
1 fkie_multimaster_msgs
1 fkie_node_manager
1 fkie_node_manager_daemon
1 fkie_potree_rviz_plugin
1 flashlight
1 flatbuffers
1 flatland
1 flatland_msgs
1 flatland_plugins
1 flatland_server
1 flatland_viz
1 2024-06-28 flex_sync
ros2 package for syncing variable number of topics
ros2 package for syncing variable number of topics
2 flexbe_app
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_behavior_engine
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_core
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_input
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_mirror
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_msgs
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_onboard
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_states
flexbe_states provides a collection of common generic predefined states.
flexbe_states provides a collection of common generic predefined states.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_testing
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_widget
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
1 flir_boson_usb
1 2024-11-21 flir_camera_description
FLIR camera Description package
FLIR camera Description package
1 flir_camera_driver
1 2024-11-21 flir_camera_msgs
messages related to flir camera driver
messages related to flir camera driver
1 flir_ptu_description
1 flir_ptu_driver
1 flir_ptu_viz
1 floam
1 fluent_bit_vendor
1 2022-06-22 fluent_rviz
A library which makes Rviz fluent. Powered by C++17
A library which makes Rviz fluent. Powered by C++17
1 2025-02-15 fmi_adapter
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
1 2025-02-15 fmi_adapter_examples
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
1 2025-02-15 fmilibrary_vendor
Wrapper (aka vendor package) around the FMILibrary by Modelon AB (
Wrapper (aka vendor package) around the FMILibrary by Modelon AB (
1 fogros2
1 fogros2_examples
1 2024-10-17 foonathan_memory_vendor
Foonathan/memory vendor package for Fast-RTPS.
Foonathan/memory vendor package for Fast-RTPS.
1 force_torque_sensor
1 2025-03-07 force_torque_sensor_broadcaster
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.
1 force_torque_sensor_controller
1 foros
1 foros_examples
1 foros_inspector
1 foros_msgs
2 2025-03-07 forward_command_controller
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
2 2022-11-28 forward_global_planner
The forward_global_planner package.
The forward_global_planner package.
2 2022-11-28 forward_local_planner
forward_local_planner package.
forward_local_planner package.
1 four_wheel_steering_controller
1 2021-12-02 four_wheel_steering_msgs
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
1 2025-03-04 foxglove_bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
1 2024-11-18 foxglove_compressed_video_transport
foxglove_compressed_video_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded in foxglove compressed video packets.
foxglove_compressed_video_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded in foxglove compressed video packets.
1 2025-03-05 foxglove_msgs
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
1 frame_editor
1 framestore
1 franka_bringup
1 franka_control
2 franka_description
2 franka_example_controllers
1 franka_fr3_moveit_config
1 franka_gazebo
1 franka_gazebo_bringup
2 franka_gripper
1 franka_hardware
1 franka_hw
1 franka_ign_ros2_control
2 franka_msgs
1 franka_robot_state_broadcaster
1 franka_ros
1 franka_ros2
1 franka_semantic_components
1 franka_visualization
1 freenect_camera
1 freenect_launch
1 freenect_stack
1 freight_bringup
1 fri_configuration_controller
1 fri_state_broadcaster
1 fsrobo_r
1 fsrobo_r_bringup
1 fsrobo_r_description
1 fsrobo_r_driver
1 fsrobo_r_moveit_config
1 fsrobo_r_msgs
1 fsrobo_r_trajectory_filters
1 2024-10-31 fuse
The fuse metapackage.
The fuse metapackage.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_constraints
The fuse_constraints package provides a set of commonly used constraint types, such as direct measurements on \ state variables (absolute constraints) or measurements of the state changes (relative constraints).
The fuse_constraints package provides a set of commonly used constraint types, such as direct measurements on \ state variables (absolute constraints) or measurements of the state changes (relative constraints).
1 2024-10-31 fuse_core
The fuse_core package provides the base class interfaces for the various fuse components. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided in other packages.
The fuse_core package provides the base class interfaces for the various fuse components. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided in other packages.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_doc
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package.
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_graphs
The fuse_graphs package provides some concrete implementations of the fuse_core::Graph interface.
The fuse_graphs package provides some concrete implementations of the fuse_core::Graph interface.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_loss
The fuse_loss package provides a set of commonly used loss functions, such as the basic ones provided by Ceres.
The fuse_loss package provides a set of commonly used loss functions, such as the basic ones provided by Ceres.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_models
fuse plugins that implement various kinematic and sensor models
fuse plugins that implement various kinematic and sensor models
1 2024-10-31 fuse_msgs
The fuse_msgs package contains messages capable of holding serialized fuse objects.
The fuse_msgs package contains messages capable of holding serialized fuse objects.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_optimizers
The fuse_optimizers package provides a set of optimizer implementations. An optimizer is the object responsible \ for coordinating the sensors and motion model inputs, computing the optimal state values, and providing access to \ to the optimal state via the publishers.
The fuse_optimizers package provides a set of optimizer implementations. An optimizer is the object responsible \ for coordinating the sensors and motion model inputs, computing the optimal state values, and providing access to \ to the optimal state via the publishers.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_publishers
The fuse_publishers package provides a set of common publisher plugins.
The fuse_publishers package provides a set of common publisher plugins.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_tutorials
Package containing source code for the fuse tutorials.
Package containing source code for the fuse tutorials.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_variables
The fuse_variables package provides a set of commonly used variable types, such as 2D and 3D positions, \ orientations, velocities, and accelerations.
The fuse_variables package provides a set of commonly used variable types, such as 2D and 3D positions, \ orientations, velocities, and accelerations.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_viz
The fuse_viz package provides visualization tools for fuse.
The fuse_viz package provides visualization tools for fuse.
1 2024-12-08 game_controller_spl
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
1 2024-12-08 game_controller_spl_interfaces
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
1 gateway_msgs
1 gazebo_collision_plugin
1 gazebo_custom_sensor_preloader
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_dev
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_msgs
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS2.
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS2.
1 gazebo_no_physics_plugin
1 gazebo_noisy_depth_camera
1 gazebo_planar_move_plugin
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_plugins
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_ros
Utilities to interface with
Utilities to interface with
1 gazebo_ros2_control
1 gazebo_ros2_control_demos
1 gazebo_ros_control
1 gazebo_ros_control_select_joints
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_ros_pkgs
Interface for using ROS with the
Interface for using ROS with the
1 gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin
1 2024-12-18 gazebo_static_camera
Spawn a static camera within a gazebo world
Spawn a static camera within a gazebo world
1 2024-12-18 gazebo_tf_publisher
Node to publish ignition ground truth TF tree
Node to publish ignition ground truth TF tree
1 gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces
1 gazebo_video_monitor_msgs
1 gazebo_video_monitor_plugins


Name Description
1 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m20ia_support
1 fanuc_m20ib25_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m20ib_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m20ib_support
1 fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m430ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m430ia_support
1 fanuc_m6ib6s_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m6ib_support
1 fanuc_m710ic_support
1 fanuc_m900ia_support
1 fanuc_m900ib_support
1 fanuc_post_processor
1 fanuc_r1000ia80f_moveit_config
1 fanuc_r1000ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_r1000ia_support
2 fanuc_r2000ib_support
2 fanuc_r2000ic_support
1 fanuc_resources
1 fast_gicp
1 2025-02-12 fastcdr
*eProsima Fast CDR* is a C++ serialization library implementing the Common Data Representation (CDR) mechanism defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. CDR is the serialization mechanism used in DDS for the DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol (DDSI-RTPS).
*eProsima Fast CDR* is a C++ serialization library implementing the Common Data Representation (CDR) mechanism defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. CDR is the serialization mechanism used in DDS for the DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol (DDSI-RTPS).
1 2025-03-06 fastdds
*eprosima Fast DDS* is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
*eprosima Fast DDS* is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
1 fastrtps
1 fastrtps_cmake_module
2 fath_pivot_mount_description
1 fawkes_msgs
1 fcl
1 fcl_catkin
1 2025-03-01 feetech_ros2_driver
ros2_control hardware interface for Feetech Servos
ros2_control hardware interface for Feetech Servos
1 fetch_auto_dock_msgs
1 fetch_bringup
1 fetch_calibration
1 fetch_depth_layer
1 fetch_description
1 fetch_driver_msgs
1 fetch_drivers
1 fetch_gazebo
1 fetch_gazebo_demo
1 fetch_ikfast_plugin
1 fetch_maps
1 fetch_moveit_config
1 fetch_navigation
1 fetch_open_auto_dock
1 fetch_ros
1 fetch_simple_linear_controller
1 fetch_simulation
1 fetch_teleop
1 fetch_tools
1 fetchit_challenge
1 ff
1 ff_common
1 ff_hw_msgs
1 ff_msgs
1 ff_serial
1 ff_util
1 ffha
1 2024-08-30 ffmpeg_encoder_decoder
ROS2 convenience wrapper around ffmpeg for encoding/decoding
ROS2 convenience wrapper around ffmpeg for encoding/decoding
1 2024-04-17 ffmpeg_image_transport
ffmpeg_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with ffmpeg.
ffmpeg_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with ffmpeg.
1 2024-01-08 ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
messages for ffmpeg image transport plugin
messages for ffmpeg image transport plugin
1 2024-04-18 ffmpeg_image_transport_tools
tools for processing ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
tools for processing ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
1 fiducial_msgs
1 fiducial_slam
1 fiducials
1 2024-11-19 fields2cover
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
1 fields2cover_ros
1 file_management
1 file_uploader_msgs
1 2025-01-14 filters
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
1 2024-06-27 find_object_2d
The find_object_2d package
The find_object_2d package
1 fingertip_pressure
1 fkie_master_discovery
1 fkie_master_sync
1 fkie_message_filters
1 fkie_multimaster
1 fkie_multimaster_msgs
1 fkie_node_manager
1 fkie_node_manager_daemon
1 fkie_potree_rviz_plugin
1 flashlight
1 flatbuffers
1 flatland
1 flatland_msgs
1 flatland_plugins
1 flatland_server
1 flatland_viz
1 2024-06-28 flex_sync
ros2 package for syncing variable number of topics
ros2 package for syncing variable number of topics
2 flexbe_app
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_behavior_engine
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_core
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_input
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_mirror
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_msgs
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_onboard
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_states
flexbe_states provides a collection of common generic predefined states.
flexbe_states provides a collection of common generic predefined states.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_testing
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_widget
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
1 flir_boson_usb
1 2024-11-21 flir_camera_description
FLIR camera Description package
FLIR camera Description package
1 flir_camera_driver
1 2024-11-21 flir_camera_msgs
messages related to flir camera driver
messages related to flir camera driver
1 flir_ptu_description
1 flir_ptu_driver
1 flir_ptu_viz
1 floam
1 fluent_bit_vendor
1 2022-06-22 fluent_rviz
A library which makes Rviz fluent. Powered by C++17
A library which makes Rviz fluent. Powered by C++17
1 2025-02-15 fmi_adapter
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
1 2025-02-15 fmi_adapter_examples
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
1 2025-02-15 fmilibrary_vendor
Wrapper (aka vendor package) around the FMILibrary by Modelon AB (
Wrapper (aka vendor package) around the FMILibrary by Modelon AB (
1 fogros2
1 fogros2_examples
1 2024-10-17 foonathan_memory_vendor
Foonathan/memory vendor package for Fast-RTPS.
Foonathan/memory vendor package for Fast-RTPS.
1 force_torque_sensor
1 2025-03-07 force_torque_sensor_broadcaster
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.
1 force_torque_sensor_controller
1 foros
1 foros_examples
1 foros_inspector
1 foros_msgs
2 2025-03-07 forward_command_controller
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
2 2022-11-28 forward_global_planner
The forward_global_planner package.
The forward_global_planner package.
2 2022-11-28 forward_local_planner
forward_local_planner package.
forward_local_planner package.
1 four_wheel_steering_controller
1 2021-12-02 four_wheel_steering_msgs
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
1 2025-03-04 foxglove_bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
1 2024-11-18 foxglove_compressed_video_transport
foxglove_compressed_video_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded in foxglove compressed video packets.
foxglove_compressed_video_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded in foxglove compressed video packets.
1 2025-03-05 foxglove_msgs
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
1 frame_editor
1 framestore
1 franka_bringup
1 franka_control
2 franka_description
2 franka_example_controllers
1 franka_fr3_moveit_config
1 franka_gazebo
1 franka_gazebo_bringup
2 franka_gripper
1 franka_hardware
1 franka_hw
1 franka_ign_ros2_control
2 franka_msgs
1 franka_robot_state_broadcaster
1 franka_ros
1 franka_ros2
1 franka_semantic_components
1 franka_visualization
1 freenect_camera
1 freenect_launch
1 freenect_stack
1 freight_bringup
1 fri_configuration_controller
1 fri_state_broadcaster
1 fsrobo_r
1 fsrobo_r_bringup
1 fsrobo_r_description
1 fsrobo_r_driver
1 fsrobo_r_moveit_config
1 fsrobo_r_msgs
1 fsrobo_r_trajectory_filters
1 2024-12-11 fuse
The fuse metapackage.
The fuse metapackage.
1 2024-12-11 fuse_constraints
The fuse_constraints package provides a set of commonly used constraint types, such as direct measurements on \ state variables (absolute constraints) or measurements of the state changes (relative constraints).
The fuse_constraints package provides a set of commonly used constraint types, such as direct measurements on \ state variables (absolute constraints) or measurements of the state changes (relative constraints).
1 2024-12-11 fuse_core
The fuse_core package provides the base class interfaces for the various fuse components. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided in other packages.
The fuse_core package provides the base class interfaces for the various fuse components. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided in other packages.
1 2024-12-11 fuse_doc
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package.
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package.
1 2024-12-11 fuse_graphs
The fuse_graphs package provides some concrete implementations of the fuse_core::Graph interface.
The fuse_graphs package provides some concrete implementations of the fuse_core::Graph interface.
1 2024-12-11 fuse_loss
The fuse_loss package provides a set of commonly used loss functions, such as the basic ones provided by Ceres.
The fuse_loss package provides a set of commonly used loss functions, such as the basic ones provided by Ceres.
1 2024-12-11 fuse_models
fuse plugins that implement various kinematic and sensor models
fuse plugins that implement various kinematic and sensor models
1 2024-12-11 fuse_msgs
The fuse_msgs package contains messages capable of holding serialized fuse objects.
The fuse_msgs package contains messages capable of holding serialized fuse objects.
1 2024-12-11 fuse_optimizers
The fuse_optimizers package provides a set of optimizer implementations. An optimizer is the object responsible \ for coordinating the sensors and motion model inputs, computing the optimal state values, and providing access to \ to the optimal state via the publishers.
The fuse_optimizers package provides a set of optimizer implementations. An optimizer is the object responsible \ for coordinating the sensors and motion model inputs, computing the optimal state values, and providing access to \ to the optimal state via the publishers.
1 2024-12-11 fuse_publishers
The fuse_publishers package provides a set of common publisher plugins.
The fuse_publishers package provides a set of common publisher plugins.
1 2024-12-11 fuse_tutorials
Package containing source code for the fuse tutorials.
Package containing source code for the fuse tutorials.
1 2024-12-11 fuse_variables
The fuse_variables package provides a set of commonly used variable types, such as 2D and 3D positions, \ orientations, velocities, and accelerations.
The fuse_variables package provides a set of commonly used variable types, such as 2D and 3D positions, \ orientations, velocities, and accelerations.
1 2024-12-11 fuse_viz
The fuse_viz package provides visualization tools for fuse.
The fuse_viz package provides visualization tools for fuse.
1 2024-12-08 game_controller_spl
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
1 2024-12-08 game_controller_spl_interfaces
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
1 gateway_msgs
1 gazebo_collision_plugin
1 gazebo_custom_sensor_preloader
1 gazebo_dev
1 gazebo_msgs
1 gazebo_no_physics_plugin
1 gazebo_noisy_depth_camera
1 gazebo_planar_move_plugin
1 gazebo_plugins
1 gazebo_ros
1 gazebo_ros2_control
1 gazebo_ros2_control_demos
1 gazebo_ros_control
1 gazebo_ros_control_select_joints
1 gazebo_ros_pkgs
1 gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin
1 gazebo_static_camera
1 gazebo_tf_publisher
1 gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces
1 gazebo_video_monitor_msgs
1 gazebo_video_monitor_plugins


Name Description
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_plugins
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m20ia_support
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m20ib25_moveit_config
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m20ib_moveit_plugins
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m20ib_support
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m430ia_moveit_plugins
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m430ia_support
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m6ib6s_moveit_config
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_config
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_plugins
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m6ib_support
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m710ic_support
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m900ia_support
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_m900ib_support
1 fanuc_post_processor
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_r1000ia80f_moveit_config
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_r1000ia_moveit_plugins
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_r1000ia_support
2 2025-02-19 fanuc_r2000ib_support
2 2025-02-19 fanuc_r2000ic_support
1 2025-02-19 fanuc_resources
1 fast_gicp
1 fastcdr
1 fastdds
1 fastrtps
1 fastrtps_cmake_module
2 2022-04-14 fath_pivot_mount_description
URDF Macro for adding an adjustable, fath pivot mount used for cameras and other sensors
URDF Macro for adding an adjustable, fath pivot mount used for cameras and other sensors
1 fawkes_msgs
1 2023-12-04 fcl
FCL: the Flexible Collision Library
FCL: the Flexible Collision Library
1 2021-04-03 fcl_catkin
1 feetech_ros2_driver
1 2021-02-22 fetch_auto_dock_msgs
Messages for fetch_auto_dock package
Messages for fetch_auto_dock package
1 2022-10-17 fetch_bringup
Bringup for fetch
Bringup for fetch
1 2024-06-07 fetch_calibration
Launch and configuration files for calibrating Fetch using the 'robot_calibration' package.
Launch and configuration files for calibrating Fetch using the 'robot_calibration' package.
1 2024-06-07 fetch_depth_layer
The fetch_depth_layer package
The fetch_depth_layer package
1 2024-06-07 fetch_description
URDF for Fetch Robot.
URDF for Fetch Robot.
1 2021-02-22 fetch_driver_msgs
Messages for the fetch_drivers package
Messages for the fetch_drivers package
1 2022-10-17 fetch_drivers
The public fetch_drivers package is a binary only release. fetch_drivers contains both the drivers and firmware for the fetch and freight research robots. There should be no reason to use these drivers unless you're running on a fetch or a freight research robot. This package, is a cmake/make only package which installs the binaries for the drivers and firmware.
The public fetch_drivers package is a binary only release. fetch_drivers contains both the drivers and firmware for the fetch and freight research robots. There should be no reason to use these drivers unless you're running on a fetch or a freight research robot. This package, is a cmake/make only package which installs the binaries for the drivers and firmware.
1 fetch_gazebo
1 fetch_gazebo_demo
1 2024-06-07 fetch_ikfast_plugin
Kinematics plugin for Fetch robot, generated through IKFast
Kinematics plugin for Fetch robot, generated through IKFast
1 2024-06-07 fetch_maps
The fetch_maps package
The fetch_maps package
1 2024-06-07 fetch_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the fetch_urdf with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the fetch_urdf with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-06-07 fetch_navigation
Configuration and launch files for running ROS navigation on Fetch.
Configuration and launch files for running ROS navigation on Fetch.
1 2021-02-22 fetch_open_auto_dock
An open-source version of the Fetch charge docking system.
An open-source version of the Fetch charge docking system.
1 2024-06-07 fetch_ros
Fetch ROS, packages for working with Fetch and Freight
Fetch ROS, packages for working with Fetch and Freight
1 fetch_simple_linear_controller
1 fetch_simulation
1 2024-06-07 fetch_teleop
Teleoperation for fetch and freight.
Teleoperation for fetch and freight.
1 2024-01-08 fetch_tools
Commands for performing common operations when developing on the robots. For help, run `fetch -h` and `fetch COMMAND -h`.
Commands for performing common operations when developing on the robots. For help, run `fetch -h` and `fetch COMMAND -h`.
1 fetchit_challenge
1 2025-01-09 ff
ff: pddl planner. see
ff: pddl planner. see
1 2024-07-03 ff_common
Package for ff nodelet stuff
Package for ff nodelet stuff
1 2024-07-03 ff_hw_msgs
The ff_hw_msgs package
The ff_hw_msgs package
1 2024-07-03 ff_msgs
The ff_msgs package
The ff_msgs package
1 2024-07-03 ff_serial
The ff_serial package
The ff_serial package
1 2024-07-03 ff_util
Package for ff nodelet stuff
Package for ff nodelet stuff
1 2025-01-09 ffha
ffha: PDDL Planner (
ffha: PDDL Planner (
1 ffmpeg_encoder_decoder
1 ffmpeg_image_transport
1 ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
1 ffmpeg_image_transport_tools
1 2022-09-23 fiducial_msgs
Package containing message definitions for fiducials
Package containing message definitions for fiducials
1 2022-09-23 fiducial_slam
ROS node to build a 3D map of fiducials and estimate robot pose from fiducial transforms
ROS node to build a 3D map of fiducials and estimate robot pose from fiducial transforms
1 2022-09-23 fiducials
Localization using fiducial markers
Localization using fiducial markers
1 2024-11-19 fields2cover
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
1 2023-02-06 fields2cover_ros
The fields2cover_ros package is a wrapper of the fields2cover package
The fields2cover_ros package is a wrapper of the fields2cover package
1 file_management
1 file_uploader_msgs
1 2022-11-09 filters
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
1 2022-12-11 find_object_2d
The find_object_2d package
The find_object_2d package
1 2024-09-24 fingertip_pressure
This package provides access to the PR2 fingertip pressure sensors. This information includes:
This package provides access to the PR2 fingertip pressure sensors. This information includes:
1 2023-03-30 fkie_master_discovery
Discover the running ROS Masters in local network. The discovering is done by sending an echo heartbeat messages to a defined multicast group. The alternative is to use a zeroconf/avahi daemon to register the ROS master as service and discover other ROS masters.
Discover the running ROS Masters in local network. The discovering is done by sending an echo heartbeat messages to a defined multicast group. The alternative is to use a zeroconf/avahi daemon to register the ROS master as service and discover other ROS masters.
1 2023-03-30 fkie_master_sync
Synchronize the local ROS master to the remote masters discovered by fkie_master_discovery node. The registration of topics and services is only perform by local ROS master.
Synchronize the local ROS master to the remote masters discovered by fkie_master_discovery node. The registration of topics and services is only perform by local ROS master.
1 2021-09-10 fkie_message_filters
Improved ROS message filters
Improved ROS message filters
1 2023-03-30 fkie_multimaster
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
The metapackage to combine the nodes required to establish and manage a multimaster network. This requires no or minimal configuration. The changes are automatically detected and synchronized.
1 2023-03-30 fkie_multimaster_msgs
The messages required by multimaster packages.
The messages required by multimaster packages.
1 2023-03-30 fkie_node_manager
Graphical interface, written in PySide, to manage the running and configured ROS nodes on different hosts. For discovering the running ROS master master_discovery node will be used.
Graphical interface, written in PySide, to manage the running and configured ROS nodes on different hosts. For discovering the running ROS master master_discovery node will be used.
1 2023-03-30 fkie_node_manager_daemon
A daemon node to manage ROS launch files and launch nodes from loaded files.
A daemon node to manage ROS launch files and launch nodes from loaded files.
1 2023-07-05 fkie_potree_rviz_plugin
Render large point clouds in rviz
Render large point clouds in rviz
1 2024-07-03 flashlight
Package to control LED flashlights
Package to control LED flashlights
1 flatbuffers
1 2024-05-07 flatland
This is the metapackage for flatland.
This is the metapackage for flatland.
1 2024-05-07 flatland_msgs
The flatland_msgs package
The flatland_msgs package
1 2024-05-07 flatland_plugins
Default plugins for flatland
Default plugins for flatland
1 2024-05-07 flatland_server
The flatland_server package
The flatland_server package
1 2024-05-07 flatland_viz
The flatland gui and visualization
The flatland gui and visualization
1 flex_sync
2 2023-07-19 flexbe_app
flexbe_app provides a user interface (editor + runtime control) for the FlexBE behavior engine.
flexbe_app provides a user interface (editor + runtime control) for the FlexBE behavior engine.
2 2023-07-19 flexbe_behavior_engine
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
2 2023-07-19 flexbe_core
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
2 2023-07-19 flexbe_input
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
2 2023-07-19 flexbe_mirror
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
2 2023-07-19 flexbe_msgs
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
2 2023-07-19 flexbe_onboard
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
2 2023-07-19 flexbe_states
flexbe_states provides a collection of predefined states. Feel free to add new states.
flexbe_states provides a collection of predefined states. Feel free to add new states.
2 2023-07-19 flexbe_testing
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
2 2023-07-19 flexbe_widget
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
1 flir_boson_usb
1 2023-09-22 flir_camera_description
URDF descriptions for Flir cameras
URDF descriptions for Flir cameras
1 2023-09-22 flir_camera_driver
A set of drivers for Flir cameras based on the Spinnaker SDK.
A set of drivers for Flir cameras based on the Spinnaker SDK.
1 flir_camera_msgs
1 flir_ptu_description
1 flir_ptu_driver
1 flir_ptu_viz
1 2021-08-23 floam
A generic Lidar SLAM package based on FLOAM which was based on ALOAM by HKUST and LOAM by CMU
A generic Lidar SLAM package based on FLOAM which was based on ALOAM by HKUST and LOAM by CMU
1 fluent_bit_vendor
1 fluent_rviz
1 2022-11-22 fmi_adapter
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
1 2022-11-22 fmi_adapter_examples
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
1 fmilibrary_vendor
1 fogros2
1 fogros2_examples
1 foonathan_memory_vendor
1 force_torque_sensor
1 force_torque_sensor_broadcaster
1 2024-05-22 force_torque_sensor_controller
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors
1 foros
1 foros_examples
1 foros_inspector
1 foros_msgs
2 2024-05-22 forward_command_controller
2 2023-04-24 forward_global_planner
The forward_global_planner package.
The forward_global_planner package.
2 2023-04-24 forward_local_planner
forward_local_planner package.
forward_local_planner package.
1 2024-05-22 four_wheel_steering_controller
Controller for a four wheel steering mobile base.
Controller for a four wheel steering mobile base.
1 2020-05-13 four_wheel_steering_msgs
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
1 2025-03-04 foxglove_bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
1 foxglove_compressed_video_transport
1 2025-03-05 foxglove_msgs
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
1 2024-12-02 frame_editor
The frame_editor package
The frame_editor package
1 2024-07-03 framestore
Cache for global and local transforms.
Cache for global and local transforms.
1 franka_bringup
1 2022-09-16 franka_control
franka_control provides a hardware node to control a Franka Emika research robot
franka_control provides a hardware node to control a Franka Emika research robot
2 2022-09-16 franka_description
franka_description contains URDF files and meshes of Franka Emika robots
franka_description contains URDF files and meshes of Franka Emika robots
2 2022-09-16 franka_example_controllers
franka_example_controllers provides example code for controlling Franka Emika research robots with ros_control
franka_example_controllers provides example code for controlling Franka Emika research robots with ros_control
1 franka_fr3_moveit_config
1 2022-09-16 franka_gazebo
This package offers the FrankaHWSim Class to simulate a Franka Robot in Gazebo
This package offers the FrankaHWSim Class to simulate a Franka Robot in Gazebo
1 franka_gazebo_bringup
2 2022-09-16 franka_gripper
This package implements the franka gripper of type Franka Hand for the use in ros
This package implements the franka gripper of type Franka Hand for the use in ros
1 franka_hardware
1 2022-09-16 franka_hw
franka_hw provides hardware interfaces for using Franka Emika research robots with ros_control
franka_hw provides hardware interfaces for using Franka Emika research robots with ros_control
1 franka_ign_ros2_control
2 2022-09-16 franka_msgs
franka_msgs provides messages specific to Franka Emika research robots
franka_msgs provides messages specific to Franka Emika research robots
1 franka_robot_state_broadcaster
1 2022-09-16 franka_ros
franka_ros is a metapackage for all Franka Emika ROS packages
franka_ros is a metapackage for all Franka Emika ROS packages
1 franka_ros2
1 franka_semantic_components
1 2022-09-16 franka_visualization
This package contains visualization tools for Franka Emika.
This package contains visualization tools for Franka Emika.
1 freenect_camera
1 freenect_launch
1 freenect_stack
1 2022-10-17 freight_bringup
Bringup for freight
Bringup for freight
1 fri_configuration_controller
1 fri_state_broadcaster
1 fsrobo_r
1 fsrobo_r_bringup
1 fsrobo_r_description
1 fsrobo_r_driver
1 fsrobo_r_moveit_config
1 fsrobo_r_msgs
1 fsrobo_r_trajectory_filters
1 2025-03-03 fuse
The fuse metapackage
The fuse metapackage
1 2025-03-03 fuse_constraints
The fuse_constraints package provides a set of commonly used constraint types, such as direct measurements on state variables (absolute constraints) or measurements of the state changes (relative constraints).
The fuse_constraints package provides a set of commonly used constraint types, such as direct measurements on state variables (absolute constraints) or measurements of the state changes (relative constraints).
1 2025-03-03 fuse_core
The fuse_core package provides the base class interfaces for the various fuse components. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided in other packages.
The fuse_core package provides the base class interfaces for the various fuse components. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided in other packages.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_doc
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package.
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_graphs
The fuse_graphs package provides some concrete implementations of the fuse_core::Graph interface.
The fuse_graphs package provides some concrete implementations of the fuse_core::Graph interface.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_loss
The fuse_loss package provides a set of commonly used loss functions, such as the basic ones provided by Ceres.
The fuse_loss package provides a set of commonly used loss functions, such as the basic ones provided by Ceres.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_models
fuse plugins that implement various kinematic and sensor models
fuse plugins that implement various kinematic and sensor models
1 2025-03-03 fuse_msgs
The fuse_msgs package contains messages capable of holding serialized fuse objects
The fuse_msgs package contains messages capable of holding serialized fuse objects
1 2025-03-03 fuse_optimizers
The fuse_optimizers package provides a set of optimizer implementations. An optimizer is the object responsible for coordinating the sensors and motion model inputs, computing the optimal state values, and providing access to to the optimal state via the publishers.
The fuse_optimizers package provides a set of optimizer implementations. An optimizer is the object responsible for coordinating the sensors and motion model inputs, computing the optimal state values, and providing access to to the optimal state via the publishers.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_publishers
The fuse_publishers package provides a set of common publisher plugins.
The fuse_publishers package provides a set of common publisher plugins.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_tutorials
Package containing source code for the fuse tutorials
Package containing source code for the fuse tutorials
1 2025-03-03 fuse_variables
The fuse_variables package provides a set of commonly used variable types, such as 2D and 3D positions, orientations, velocities, and accelerations.
The fuse_variables package provides a set of commonly used variable types, such as 2D and 3D positions, orientations, velocities, and accelerations.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_viz
The fuse_viz package provides visualization tools for fuse.
The fuse_viz package provides visualization tools for fuse.
1 game_controller_spl
1 game_controller_spl_interfaces
1 gateway_msgs
1 gazebo_collision_plugin
1 2023-08-29 gazebo_custom_sensor_preloader
Gazebo plugin that allows writing custom Gazebo sensors.
Gazebo plugin that allows writing custom Gazebo sensors.
1 2025-02-26 gazebo_dev
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
1 2025-02-26 gazebo_msgs
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS.
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS.
1 gazebo_no_physics_plugin
1 2024-11-16 gazebo_noisy_depth_camera
Gazebo depth camera which supports noise
Gazebo depth camera which supports noise
1 gazebo_planar_move_plugin
1 2025-02-26 gazebo_plugins
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
1 2025-02-26 gazebo_ros
Provides ROS plugins that offer message and service publishers for interfacing with
Provides ROS plugins that offer message and service publishers for interfacing with
1 gazebo_ros2_control
1 gazebo_ros2_control_demos
1 2025-02-26 gazebo_ros_control
1 2023-11-02 gazebo_ros_control_select_joints
1 2025-02-26 gazebo_ros_pkgs
Interface for using ROS with the
Interface for using ROS with the
1 2024-01-16 gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin
Set gazebo robot joint positions
Set gazebo robot joint positions
1 gazebo_static_camera
1 gazebo_tf_publisher
1 gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces
1 2023-10-21 gazebo_video_monitor_msgs
gazebo_video_monitor_msgs defines interfaces for the gazebo_video_monitor_plugins package.
gazebo_video_monitor_msgs defines interfaces for the gazebo_video_monitor_plugins package.
1 2023-10-21 gazebo_video_monitor_plugins
gazebo_video_monitor_plugins is a package that lets the user record videos of a
gazebo_video_monitor_plugins is a package that lets the user record videos of a


Name Description
1 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m20ia_support
1 fanuc_m20ib25_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m20ib_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m20ib_support
1 fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m430ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m430ia_support
1 fanuc_m6ib6s_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m6ib_support
1 fanuc_m710ic_support
1 fanuc_m900ia_support
1 fanuc_m900ib_support
1 fanuc_post_processor
1 fanuc_r1000ia80f_moveit_config
1 fanuc_r1000ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_r1000ia_support
2 fanuc_r2000ib_support
2 fanuc_r2000ic_support
1 fanuc_resources
1 fast_gicp
1 fastcdr
1 fastdds
1 2021-10-11 fastrtps
*eprosima Fast DDS* (formerly Fast RTPS) is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
*eprosima Fast DDS* (formerly Fast RTPS) is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
1 2021-04-06 fastrtps_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find eProsima FastRTPS.
Provide CMake module to find eProsima FastRTPS.
2 fath_pivot_mount_description
1 fawkes_msgs
1 fcl
1 fcl_catkin
1 feetech_ros2_driver
1 fetch_auto_dock_msgs
1 fetch_bringup
1 fetch_calibration
1 fetch_depth_layer
1 fetch_description
1 fetch_driver_msgs
1 fetch_drivers
1 fetch_gazebo
1 fetch_gazebo_demo
1 fetch_ikfast_plugin
1 fetch_maps
1 fetch_moveit_config
1 fetch_navigation
1 fetch_open_auto_dock
1 fetch_ros
1 fetch_simple_linear_controller
1 fetch_simulation
1 fetch_teleop
1 fetch_tools
1 fetchit_challenge
1 ff
1 ff_common
1 ff_hw_msgs
1 ff_msgs
1 ff_serial
1 ff_util
1 ffha
1 ffmpeg_encoder_decoder
1 ffmpeg_image_transport
1 ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
1 ffmpeg_image_transport_tools
1 fiducial_msgs
1 fiducial_slam
1 fiducials
1 fields2cover
1 fields2cover_ros
1 file_management
1 file_uploader_msgs
1 2025-01-14 filters
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
1 find_object_2d
1 fingertip_pressure
1 fkie_master_discovery
1 fkie_master_sync
1 fkie_message_filters
1 fkie_multimaster
1 fkie_multimaster_msgs
1 fkie_node_manager
1 fkie_node_manager_daemon
1 fkie_potree_rviz_plugin
1 flashlight
1 flatbuffers
1 flatland
1 flatland_msgs
1 flatland_plugins
1 flatland_server
1 flatland_viz
1 flex_sync
2 flexbe_app
2 flexbe_behavior_engine
2 flexbe_core
2 flexbe_input
2 flexbe_mirror
2 flexbe_msgs
2 flexbe_onboard
2 flexbe_states
2 flexbe_testing
2 flexbe_widget
1 flir_boson_usb
1 flir_camera_description
1 flir_camera_driver
1 flir_camera_msgs
1 flir_ptu_description
1 flir_ptu_driver
1 flir_ptu_viz
1 floam
1 fluent_bit_vendor
1 2022-06-22 fluent_rviz
A library which makes Rviz fluent. Powered by C++17
A library which makes Rviz fluent. Powered by C++17
1 fmi_adapter
1 fmi_adapter_examples
1 fmilibrary_vendor
1 fogros2
1 fogros2_examples
1 2024-10-17 foonathan_memory_vendor
Foonathan/memory vendor package for Fast-RTPS.
Foonathan/memory vendor package for Fast-RTPS.
1 force_torque_sensor
1 2023-06-11 force_torque_sensor_broadcaster
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.
1 force_torque_sensor_controller
1 2023-01-04 foros
Fail Over ROS framework
Fail Over ROS framework
1 2023-01-04 foros_examples
Fail over ROS examples
Fail over ROS examples
1 2023-01-04 foros_inspector
Fail over ROS inspector
Fail over ROS inspector
1 2023-01-04 foros_msgs
Fail over ROS messages (raft RPCs)
Fail over ROS messages (raft RPCs)
2 2023-06-11 forward_command_controller
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
2 2023-06-09 forward_global_planner
The forward_global_planner package.
The forward_global_planner package.
2 2023-06-09 forward_local_planner
forward_local_planner package.
forward_local_planner package.
1 four_wheel_steering_controller
1 2021-12-02 four_wheel_steering_msgs
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
1 2025-03-04 foxglove_bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
1 foxglove_compressed_video_transport
1 2025-03-05 foxglove_msgs
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
1 frame_editor
1 framestore
1 franka_bringup
1 franka_control
2 franka_description
2 franka_example_controllers
1 franka_fr3_moveit_config
1 franka_gazebo
1 franka_gazebo_bringup
2 franka_gripper
1 franka_hardware
1 franka_hw
1 franka_ign_ros2_control
2 franka_msgs
1 franka_robot_state_broadcaster
1 franka_ros
1 franka_ros2
1 franka_semantic_components
1 franka_visualization
1 freenect_camera
1 freenect_launch
1 freenect_stack
1 freight_bringup
1 fri_configuration_controller
1 fri_state_broadcaster
1 fsrobo_r
1 fsrobo_r_bringup
1 fsrobo_r_description
1 fsrobo_r_driver
1 fsrobo_r_moveit_config
1 fsrobo_r_msgs
1 fsrobo_r_trajectory_filters
1 fuse
1 fuse_constraints
1 fuse_core
1 fuse_doc
1 fuse_graphs
1 fuse_loss
1 fuse_models
1 fuse_msgs
1 fuse_optimizers
1 fuse_publishers
1 fuse_tutorials
1 fuse_variables
1 fuse_viz
1 game_controller_spl
1 game_controller_spl_interfaces
1 gateway_msgs
1 gazebo_collision_plugin
1 gazebo_custom_sensor_preloader
1 2022-11-21 gazebo_dev
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
1 2022-11-21 gazebo_msgs
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS2.
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS2.
1 gazebo_no_physics_plugin
1 gazebo_noisy_depth_camera
1 gazebo_planar_move_plugin
1 2022-11-21 gazebo_plugins
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
1 2022-11-21 gazebo_ros
Utilities to interface with
Utilities to interface with
1 2022-11-25 gazebo_ros2_control
1 2022-11-25 gazebo_ros2_control_demos
1 gazebo_ros_control
1 gazebo_ros_control_select_joints
1 2022-11-21 gazebo_ros_pkgs
Interface for using ROS with the
Interface for using ROS with the
1 gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin
1 gazebo_static_camera
1 gazebo_tf_publisher
1 gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces
1 gazebo_video_monitor_msgs
1 gazebo_video_monitor_plugins


Name Description
1 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m20ia_support
1 fanuc_m20ib25_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m20ib_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m20ib_support
1 fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m430ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m430ia_support
1 fanuc_m6ib6s_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_config
1 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_m6ib_support
1 fanuc_m710ic_support
1 fanuc_m900ia_support
1 fanuc_m900ib_support
1 fanuc_post_processor
1 fanuc_r1000ia80f_moveit_config
1 fanuc_r1000ia_moveit_plugins
1 fanuc_r1000ia_support
2 fanuc_r2000ib_support
2 fanuc_r2000ic_support
1 fanuc_resources
1 2025-02-21 fast_gicp
A collection of fast point cloud registration implementations
A collection of fast point cloud registration implementations
1 fastcdr
1 fastdds
1 2025-03-06 fastrtps
*eprosima Fast DDS* (formerly Fast RTPS) is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
*eprosima Fast DDS* (formerly Fast RTPS) is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
1 2023-11-17 fastrtps_cmake_module
Provide CMake module to find eProsima FastRTPS.
Provide CMake module to find eProsima FastRTPS.
2 fath_pivot_mount_description
1 fawkes_msgs
1 fcl
1 fcl_catkin
1 feetech_ros2_driver
1 fetch_auto_dock_msgs
1 fetch_bringup
1 fetch_calibration
1 fetch_depth_layer
1 fetch_description
1 fetch_driver_msgs
1 fetch_drivers
1 fetch_gazebo
1 fetch_gazebo_demo
1 fetch_ikfast_plugin
1 fetch_maps
1 fetch_moveit_config
1 fetch_navigation
1 fetch_open_auto_dock
1 fetch_ros
1 fetch_simple_linear_controller
1 fetch_simulation
1 fetch_teleop
1 fetch_tools
1 fetchit_challenge
1 ff
1 ff_common
1 ff_hw_msgs
1 ff_msgs
1 ff_serial
1 ff_util
1 ffha
1 2024-08-30 ffmpeg_encoder_decoder
ROS2 convenience wrapper around ffmpeg for encoding/decoding
ROS2 convenience wrapper around ffmpeg for encoding/decoding
1 2024-03-16 ffmpeg_image_transport
ffmpeg_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with ffmpeg.
ffmpeg_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with ffmpeg.
1 2024-01-08 ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
messages for ffmpeg image transport plugin
messages for ffmpeg image transport plugin
1 2024-04-15 ffmpeg_image_transport_tools
tools for processing ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
tools for processing ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
1 fiducial_msgs
1 fiducial_slam
1 fiducials
1 2024-11-19 fields2cover
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
1 fields2cover_ros
1 file_management
1 file_uploader_msgs
1 2025-01-14 filters
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
1 2024-06-27 find_object_2d
The find_object_2d package
The find_object_2d package
1 fingertip_pressure
1 fkie_master_discovery
1 fkie_master_sync
1 fkie_message_filters
1 fkie_multimaster
1 fkie_multimaster_msgs
1 fkie_node_manager
1 fkie_node_manager_daemon
1 fkie_potree_rviz_plugin
1 flashlight
1 flatbuffers
1 flatland
1 flatland_msgs
1 flatland_plugins
1 flatland_server
1 flatland_viz
1 2024-06-28 flex_sync
ros2 package for syncing variable number of topics
ros2 package for syncing variable number of topics
2 flexbe_app
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_behavior_engine
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_core
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_input
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_mirror
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_msgs
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_onboard
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_states
flexbe_states provides a collection of common generic predefined states.
flexbe_states provides a collection of common generic predefined states.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_testing
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
2 2024-07-02 flexbe_widget
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
1 flir_boson_usb
1 2024-11-21 flir_camera_description
FLIR camera Description package
FLIR camera Description package
1 flir_camera_driver
1 2024-11-21 flir_camera_msgs
messages related to flir camera driver
messages related to flir camera driver
1 flir_ptu_description
1 flir_ptu_driver
1 flir_ptu_viz
1 floam
1 fluent_bit_vendor
1 2022-06-22 fluent_rviz
A library which makes Rviz fluent. Powered by C++17
A library which makes Rviz fluent. Powered by C++17
1 2025-02-15 fmi_adapter
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
1 2025-02-15 fmi_adapter_examples
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
1 2025-02-15 fmilibrary_vendor
Wrapper (aka vendor package) around the FMILibrary by Modelon AB (
Wrapper (aka vendor package) around the FMILibrary by Modelon AB (
1 fogros2
1 fogros2_examples
1 2024-10-17 foonathan_memory_vendor
Foonathan/memory vendor package for Fast-RTPS.
Foonathan/memory vendor package for Fast-RTPS.
1 force_torque_sensor
1 2024-11-13 force_torque_sensor_broadcaster
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.
1 force_torque_sensor_controller
1 foros
1 foros_examples
1 foros_inspector
1 foros_msgs
2 2024-11-13 forward_command_controller
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
Generic controller for forwarding commands.
2 2022-11-28 forward_global_planner
The forward_global_planner package.
The forward_global_planner package.
2 2022-11-28 forward_local_planner
forward_local_planner package.
forward_local_planner package.
1 four_wheel_steering_controller
1 2021-12-02 four_wheel_steering_msgs
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
1 2025-03-04 foxglove_bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
1 2024-11-18 foxglove_compressed_video_transport
foxglove_compressed_video_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded in foxglove compressed video packets.
foxglove_compressed_video_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded in foxglove compressed video packets.
1 2025-03-05 foxglove_msgs
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
1 frame_editor
1 framestore
1 franka_bringup
1 franka_control
2 franka_description
2 franka_example_controllers
1 franka_fr3_moveit_config
1 franka_gazebo
1 franka_gazebo_bringup
2 franka_gripper
1 franka_hardware
1 franka_hw
1 franka_ign_ros2_control
2 franka_msgs
1 franka_robot_state_broadcaster
1 franka_ros
1 franka_ros2
1 franka_semantic_components
1 franka_visualization
1 freenect_camera
1 freenect_launch
1 freenect_stack
1 freight_bringup
1 fri_configuration_controller
1 fri_state_broadcaster
1 fsrobo_r
1 fsrobo_r_bringup
1 fsrobo_r_description
1 fsrobo_r_driver
1 fsrobo_r_moveit_config
1 fsrobo_r_msgs
1 fsrobo_r_trajectory_filters
1 2024-10-31 fuse
The fuse metapackage.
The fuse metapackage.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_constraints
The fuse_constraints package provides a set of commonly used constraint types, such as direct measurements on \ state variables (absolute constraints) or measurements of the state changes (relative constraints).
The fuse_constraints package provides a set of commonly used constraint types, such as direct measurements on \ state variables (absolute constraints) or measurements of the state changes (relative constraints).
1 2024-10-31 fuse_core
The fuse_core package provides the base class interfaces for the various fuse components. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided in other packages.
The fuse_core package provides the base class interfaces for the various fuse components. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided in other packages.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_doc
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package.
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_graphs
The fuse_graphs package provides some concrete implementations of the fuse_core::Graph interface.
The fuse_graphs package provides some concrete implementations of the fuse_core::Graph interface.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_loss
The fuse_loss package provides a set of commonly used loss functions, such as the basic ones provided by Ceres.
The fuse_loss package provides a set of commonly used loss functions, such as the basic ones provided by Ceres.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_models
fuse plugins that implement various kinematic and sensor models
fuse plugins that implement various kinematic and sensor models
1 2024-10-31 fuse_msgs
The fuse_msgs package contains messages capable of holding serialized fuse objects.
The fuse_msgs package contains messages capable of holding serialized fuse objects.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_optimizers
The fuse_optimizers package provides a set of optimizer implementations. An optimizer is the object responsible \ for coordinating the sensors and motion model inputs, computing the optimal state values, and providing access to \ to the optimal state via the publishers.
The fuse_optimizers package provides a set of optimizer implementations. An optimizer is the object responsible \ for coordinating the sensors and motion model inputs, computing the optimal state values, and providing access to \ to the optimal state via the publishers.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_publishers
The fuse_publishers package provides a set of common publisher plugins.
The fuse_publishers package provides a set of common publisher plugins.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_tutorials
Package containing source code for the fuse tutorials.
Package containing source code for the fuse tutorials.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_variables
The fuse_variables package provides a set of commonly used variable types, such as 2D and 3D positions, \ orientations, velocities, and accelerations.
The fuse_variables package provides a set of commonly used variable types, such as 2D and 3D positions, \ orientations, velocities, and accelerations.
1 2024-10-31 fuse_viz
The fuse_viz package provides visualization tools for fuse.
The fuse_viz package provides visualization tools for fuse.
1 2024-04-21 game_controller_spl
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
GameController-Robot communication in RoboCup SPL
1 2024-04-21 game_controller_spl_interfaces
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
RoboCup SPL GameController Data ROS msg
1 gateway_msgs
1 gazebo_collision_plugin
1 gazebo_custom_sensor_preloader
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_dev
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_msgs
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS2.
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS2.
1 gazebo_no_physics_plugin
1 gazebo_noisy_depth_camera
1 gazebo_planar_move_plugin
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_plugins
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_ros
Utilities to interface with
Utilities to interface with
1 2024-11-01 gazebo_ros2_control
1 2024-11-01 gazebo_ros2_control_demos
1 gazebo_ros_control
1 gazebo_ros_control_select_joints
1 2025-02-04 gazebo_ros_pkgs
Interface for using ROS with the
Interface for using ROS with the
1 gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin
1 gazebo_static_camera
1 gazebo_tf_publisher
1 2023-11-13 gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces
gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces defines interfaces for the gazebo_video_monitor_plugins package.
gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces defines interfaces for the gazebo_video_monitor_plugins package.
1 gazebo_video_monitor_msgs
1 2023-11-13 gazebo_video_monitor_plugins
gazebo_video_monitor_plugins is a package that lets the user record videos of a
gazebo_video_monitor_plugins is a package that lets the user record videos of a


Name Description
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_config
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m20ia_moveit_plugins
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m20ia_support
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m20ib25_moveit_config
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m20ib_moveit_plugins
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m20ib_support
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m430ia2f_moveit_config
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m430ia_moveit_plugins
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m430ia_support
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m6ib6s_moveit_config
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_config
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m6ib_moveit_plugins
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m6ib_support
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m710ic_support
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m900ia_support
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_m900ib_support
1 2025-01-14 fanuc_post_processor
Fanuc post-processor
Fanuc post-processor
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_r1000ia80f_moveit_config
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_r1000ia_moveit_plugins
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_r1000ia_support
2 2021-06-15 fanuc_r2000ib_support
2 2021-06-15 fanuc_r2000ic_support
1 2021-01-28 fanuc_resources
1 fast_gicp
1 fastcdr
1 fastdds
1 fastrtps
1 fastrtps_cmake_module
2 2022-04-14 fath_pivot_mount_description
URDF Macro for adding an adjustable, fath pivot mount used for cameras and other sensors
URDF Macro for adding an adjustable, fath pivot mount used for cameras and other sensors
1 2018-11-26 fawkes_msgs
Messages used by Fawkes to interact with ROS.
Messages used by Fawkes to interact with ROS.
1 2023-12-04 fcl
FCL: the Flexible Collision Library
FCL: the Flexible Collision Library
1 fcl_catkin
1 feetech_ros2_driver
1 2020-10-24 fetch_auto_dock_msgs
Messages for fetch_auto_dock package
Messages for fetch_auto_dock package
1 2022-03-26 fetch_bringup
Bringup for fetch
Bringup for fetch
1 2021-03-07 fetch_calibration
Launch and configuration files for calibrating Fetch using the 'robot_calibration' package.
Launch and configuration files for calibrating Fetch using the 'robot_calibration' package.
1 2021-03-07 fetch_depth_layer
The fetch_depth_layer package
The fetch_depth_layer package
1 2021-03-07 fetch_description
URDF for Fetch Robot.
URDF for Fetch Robot.
1 2020-10-24 fetch_driver_msgs
Messages for the fetch_drivers package
Messages for the fetch_drivers package
1 2022-03-26 fetch_drivers
The public fetch_drivers package is a binary only release. fetch_drivers contains both the drivers and firmware for the fetch and freight research robots. There should be no reason to use these drivers unless you're running on a fetch or a freight research robot. This package, is a cmake/make only package which installs the binaries for the drivers and firmware.
The public fetch_drivers package is a binary only release. fetch_drivers contains both the drivers and firmware for the fetch and freight research robots. There should be no reason to use these drivers unless you're running on a fetch or a freight research robot. This package, is a cmake/make only package which installs the binaries for the drivers and firmware.
1 2021-05-13 fetch_gazebo
Gazebo package for Fetch.
Gazebo package for Fetch.
1 2021-05-13 fetch_gazebo_demo
Demos for fetch_gazebo package.
Demos for fetch_gazebo package.
1 2021-03-07 fetch_ikfast_plugin
Kinematics plugin for Fetch robot, generated through IKFast
Kinematics plugin for Fetch robot, generated through IKFast
1 2021-03-07 fetch_maps
The fetch_maps package
The fetch_maps package
1 2021-03-07 fetch_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the fetch_urdf with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the fetch_urdf with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2021-03-07 fetch_navigation
Configuration and launch files for running ROS navigation on Fetch.
Configuration and launch files for running ROS navigation on Fetch.
1 2019-10-24 fetch_open_auto_dock
An open-source version of the Fetch charge docking system.
An open-source version of the Fetch charge docking system.
1 2021-03-07 fetch_ros
Fetch ROS, packages for working with Fetch and Freight
Fetch ROS, packages for working with Fetch and Freight
1 2019-06-14 fetch_simple_linear_controller
Position feedback controller for simple linear motion of the fetch robot's end-effector.
Position feedback controller for simple linear motion of the fetch robot's end-effector.
1 2021-05-13 fetch_simulation
Fetch Simulation, packages for working with Fetch and Freight in Gazebo
Fetch Simulation, packages for working with Fetch and Freight in Gazebo
1 2021-03-07 fetch_teleop
Teleoperation for fetch and freight.
Teleoperation for fetch and freight.
1 2020-10-06 fetch_tools
Commands for performing common operations when developing on the robots. For help, run `fetch -h` and `fetch COMMAND -h`.
Commands for performing common operations when developing on the robots. For help, run `fetch -h` and `fetch COMMAND -h`.
1 2021-05-13 fetchit_challenge
The fetchit_challenge package
The fetchit_challenge package
1 2025-01-09 ff
ff: pddl planner. see
ff: pddl planner. see
1 2024-07-03 ff_common
Package for ff nodelet stuff
Package for ff nodelet stuff
1 2024-07-03 ff_hw_msgs
The ff_hw_msgs package
The ff_hw_msgs package
1 2024-07-03 ff_msgs
The ff_msgs package
The ff_msgs package
1 2024-07-03 ff_serial
The ff_serial package
The ff_serial package
1 2024-07-03 ff_util
Package for ff nodelet stuff
Package for ff nodelet stuff
1 2025-01-09 ffha
ffha: PDDL Planner (
ffha: PDDL Planner (
1 ffmpeg_encoder_decoder
1 ffmpeg_image_transport
1 ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs
1 ffmpeg_image_transport_tools
1 2021-07-19 fiducial_msgs
Package containing message definitions for fiducials
Package containing message definitions for fiducials
1 2021-07-19 fiducial_slam
ROS node to build a 3D map of fiducials and estimate robot pose from fiducial transforms
ROS node to build a 3D map of fiducials and estimate robot pose from fiducial transforms
1 2021-07-19 fiducials
Localization using fiducial markers
Localization using fiducial markers
1 fields2cover
1 fields2cover_ros
1 2022-02-08 file_management
AWS CloudWatch management library used to manage offline files.
AWS CloudWatch management library used to manage offline files.
1 2021-06-15 file_uploader_msgs
Messages and actions for S3 file uploader.
Messages and actions for S3 file uploader.
1 2022-05-10 filters
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
1 2022-12-11 find_object_2d
The find_object_2d package
The find_object_2d package
1 2024-09-24 fingertip_pressure
This package provides access to the PR2 fingertip pressure sensors. This information includes:
This package provides access to the PR2 fingertip pressure sensors. This information includes:
1 fkie_master_discovery
1 fkie_master_sync
1 2021-09-10 fkie_message_filters
Improved ROS message filters
Improved ROS message filters
1 fkie_multimaster
1 fkie_multimaster_msgs
1 fkie_node_manager
1 fkie_node_manager_daemon
1 2023-07-05 fkie_potree_rviz_plugin
Render large point clouds in rviz
Render large point clouds in rviz
1 2024-07-03 flashlight
Package to control LED flashlights
Package to control LED flashlights
1 2018-10-07 flatbuffers
Google flatbuffers.
Google flatbuffers.
1 flatland
1 flatland_msgs
1 flatland_plugins
1 flatland_server
1 flatland_viz
1 flex_sync
2 2024-04-29 flexbe_app
flexbe_app provides a user interface (editor + runtime control) for the FlexBE behavior engine.
flexbe_app provides a user interface (editor + runtime control) for the FlexBE behavior engine.
2 2020-12-11 flexbe_behavior_engine
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
A meta-package to aggregate all the FlexBE packages
2 2020-12-11 flexbe_core
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
flexbe_core provides the core components for the FlexBE behavior engine.
2 2020-12-11 flexbe_input
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
flexbe_input enables to send data to onboard behavior when required.
2 2020-12-11 flexbe_mirror
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
flexbe_mirror implements functionality to remotely mirror an executed behavior.
2 2020-12-11 flexbe_msgs
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
flexbe_msgs provides the messages used by FlexBE.
2 2020-12-11 flexbe_onboard
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
flexbe_onboard implements the robot-side of the behavior engine from where all behaviors are started.
2 2020-12-11 flexbe_states
flexbe_states provides a collection of predefined states. Feel free to add new states.
flexbe_states provides a collection of predefined states. Feel free to add new states.
2 2020-12-11 flexbe_testing
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
flexbe_testing provides a framework for unit testing states.
2 2020-12-11 flexbe_widget
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
flexbe_widget implements some smaller scripts for the behavior engine.
1 2021-03-17 flir_boson_usb
A simple USB camera driver for the FLIR BOSON using OpenCV
A simple USB camera driver for the FLIR BOSON using OpenCV
1 flir_camera_description
1 flir_camera_driver
1 flir_camera_msgs
1 2021-03-26 flir_ptu_description
URDF description the FLIR PTUs, currently the D46.
URDF description the FLIR PTUs, currently the D46.
1 2021-03-26 flir_ptu_driver
Driver for the FLIR pan/tilt units.
Driver for the FLIR pan/tilt units.
1 2021-03-26 flir_ptu_viz
Launchfiles and rviz configs to assist with visualizing the FLIR PTUs.
Launchfiles and rviz configs to assist with visualizing the FLIR PTUs.
1 2021-08-23 floam
A generic Lidar SLAM package based on FLOAM which was based on ALOAM by HKUST and LOAM by CMU
A generic Lidar SLAM package based on FLOAM which was based on ALOAM by HKUST and LOAM by CMU
1 fluent_bit_vendor
1 fluent_rviz
1 2022-11-22 fmi_adapter
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
Wraps FMUs for co-simulation
1 2022-11-22 fmi_adapter_examples
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
Provides small examples for use of the fmi_adapter package
1 fmilibrary_vendor
1 fogros2
1 fogros2_examples
1 foonathan_memory_vendor
1 2020-09-15 force_torque_sensor
The force_torque_sensor package
The force_torque_sensor package
1 force_torque_sensor_broadcaster
1 2023-11-13 force_torque_sensor_controller
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors
1 foros
1 foros_examples
1 foros_inspector
1 foros_msgs
2 2023-11-13 forward_command_controller
2 2023-04-24 forward_global_planner
The forward_global_planner package.
The forward_global_planner package.
2 2023-04-24 forward_local_planner
forward_local_planner package.
forward_local_planner package.
1 2023-11-13 four_wheel_steering_controller
Controller for a four wheel steering mobile base.
Controller for a four wheel steering mobile base.
1 2020-05-13 four_wheel_steering_msgs
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
ROS messages for robots using FourWheelSteering.
1 2025-03-04 foxglove_bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
ROS Foxglove Bridge
1 foxglove_compressed_video_transport
1 2025-03-05 foxglove_msgs
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove.
1 2022-03-15 frame_editor
The frame_editor package
The frame_editor package
1 2024-07-03 framestore
Cache for global and local transforms.
Cache for global and local transforms.
1 franka_bringup
1 2022-09-16 franka_control
franka_control provides a hardware node to control a Franka Emika research robot
franka_control provides a hardware node to control a Franka Emika research robot
2 2022-09-16 franka_description
franka_description contains URDF files and meshes of Franka Emika robots
franka_description contains URDF files and meshes of Franka Emika robots
2 2022-09-16 franka_example_controllers
franka_example_controllers provides example code for controlling Franka Emika research robots with ros_control
franka_example_controllers provides example code for controlling Franka Emika research robots with ros_control
1 franka_fr3_moveit_config
1 2022-09-16 franka_gazebo
This package offers the FrankaHWSim Class to simulate a Franka Robot in Gazebo
This package offers the FrankaHWSim Class to simulate a Franka Robot in Gazebo
1 franka_gazebo_bringup
2 2022-09-16 franka_gripper
This package implements the franka gripper of type Franka Hand for the use in ros
This package implements the franka gripper of type Franka Hand for the use in ros
1 franka_hardware
1 2022-09-16 franka_hw
franka_hw provides hardware interfaces for using Franka Emika research robots with ros_control
franka_hw provides hardware interfaces for using Franka Emika research robots with ros_control
1 franka_ign_ros2_control
2 2022-09-16 franka_msgs
franka_msgs provides messages specific to Franka Emika research robots
franka_msgs provides messages specific to Franka Emika research robots
1 franka_robot_state_broadcaster
1 2022-09-16 franka_ros
franka_ros is a metapackage for all Franka Emika ROS packages
franka_ros is a metapackage for all Franka Emika ROS packages
1 franka_ros2
1 franka_semantic_components
1 2022-09-16 franka_visualization
This package contains visualization tools for Franka Emika.
This package contains visualization tools for Franka Emika.
1 2020-03-18 freenect_camera
A libfreenect-based ROS driver for the Microsoft Kinect. This is a port of the OpenNI driver that uses libfreenect instead, because on some systems with some devices it works better.
A libfreenect-based ROS driver for the Microsoft Kinect. This is a port of the OpenNI driver that uses libfreenect instead, because on some systems with some devices it works better.
1 2020-03-18 freenect_launch
Launch files for freenect_camera to produce rectified, registered or disparity images. Also produce point clouds and registered point clouds. Based on the openni_launch package.
Launch files for freenect_camera to produce rectified, registered or disparity images. Also produce point clouds and registered point clouds. Based on the openni_launch package.
1 2020-03-18 freenect_stack
A libfreenect-based ROS driver for the Microsoft Kinect
A libfreenect-based ROS driver for the Microsoft Kinect
1 2022-03-26 freight_bringup
Bringup for freight
Bringup for freight
1 fri_configuration_controller
1 fri_state_broadcaster
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r
Meta package for FSRobo-R
Meta package for FSRobo-R
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_bringup
The fsrobo_r_bringup package
The fsrobo_r_bringup package
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_description
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_driver
The fsrobo_r_driver package
The fsrobo_r_driver package
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the fsrobo_r with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the fsrobo_r with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_msgs
The fsrobo_r_msgs package
The fsrobo_r_msgs package
1 2020-02-07 fsrobo_r_trajectory_filters
plugins for filtering trajectories.
plugins for filtering trajectories.
1 2025-03-03 fuse
The fuse metapackage
The fuse metapackage
1 2025-03-03 fuse_constraints
The fuse_constraints package provides a set of commonly used constraint types, such as direct measurements on state variables (absolute constraints) or measurements of the state changes (relative constraints).
The fuse_constraints package provides a set of commonly used constraint types, such as direct measurements on state variables (absolute constraints) or measurements of the state changes (relative constraints).
1 2025-03-03 fuse_core
The fuse_core package provides the base class interfaces for the various fuse components. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided in other packages.
The fuse_core package provides the base class interfaces for the various fuse components. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided in other packages.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_doc
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package.
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_graphs
The fuse_graphs package provides some concrete implementations of the fuse_core::Graph interface.
The fuse_graphs package provides some concrete implementations of the fuse_core::Graph interface.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_loss
The fuse_loss package provides a set of commonly used loss functions, such as the basic ones provided by Ceres.
The fuse_loss package provides a set of commonly used loss functions, such as the basic ones provided by Ceres.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_models
fuse plugins that implement various kinematic and sensor models
fuse plugins that implement various kinematic and sensor models
1 2025-03-03 fuse_msgs
The fuse_msgs package contains messages capable of holding serialized fuse objects
The fuse_msgs package contains messages capable of holding serialized fuse objects
1 2025-03-03 fuse_optimizers
The fuse_optimizers package provides a set of optimizer implementations. An optimizer is the object responsible for coordinating the sensors and motion model inputs, computing the optimal state values, and providing access to to the optimal state via the publishers.
The fuse_optimizers package provides a set of optimizer implementations. An optimizer is the object responsible for coordinating the sensors and motion model inputs, computing the optimal state values, and providing access to to the optimal state via the publishers.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_publishers
The fuse_publishers package provides a set of common publisher plugins.
The fuse_publishers package provides a set of common publisher plugins.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_tutorials
Package containing source code for the fuse tutorials
Package containing source code for the fuse tutorials
1 2025-03-03 fuse_variables
The fuse_variables package provides a set of commonly used variable types, such as 2D and 3D positions, orientations, velocities, and accelerations.
The fuse_variables package provides a set of commonly used variable types, such as 2D and 3D positions, orientations, velocities, and accelerations.
1 2025-03-03 fuse_viz
The fuse_viz package provides visualization tools for fuse.
The fuse_viz package provides visualization tools for fuse.
1 game_controller_spl
1 game_controller_spl_interfaces
1 2016-05-06 gateway_msgs
Messages used by the gateway model.
Messages used by the gateway model.
1 gazebo_collision_plugin
1 gazebo_custom_sensor_preloader
1 2022-08-23 gazebo_dev
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
Provides a cmake config for the default version of Gazebo for the ROS distribution.
1 2022-08-23 gazebo_msgs
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS.
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS.
1 gazebo_no_physics_plugin
1 gazebo_noisy_depth_camera
1 gazebo_planar_move_plugin
1 2022-08-23 gazebo_plugins
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components.
1 2022-08-23 gazebo_ros
Provides ROS plugins that offer message and service publishers for interfacing with
Provides ROS plugins that offer message and service publishers for interfacing with
1 gazebo_ros2_control
1 gazebo_ros2_control_demos
1 2022-08-23 gazebo_ros_control
1 gazebo_ros_control_select_joints
1 2022-08-23 gazebo_ros_pkgs
Interface for using ROS with the
Interface for using ROS with the
1 gazebo_set_joint_positions_plugin
1 gazebo_static_camera
1 gazebo_tf_publisher
1 gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces
1 2021-08-22 gazebo_video_monitor_msgs
gazebo_video_monitor_msgs defines interfaces for the gazebo_video_monitor_plugins package.
gazebo_video_monitor_msgs defines interfaces for the gazebo_video_monitor_plugins package.
1 2021-08-22 gazebo_video_monitor_plugins
gazebo_video_monitor_plugins is a package that lets the user record videos of a
gazebo_video_monitor_plugins is a package that lets the user record videos of a