
Name Description
1 2024-12-11 bosch_locator_bridge
ROS interface to Rexroth ROKIT Locator
ROS interface to Rexroth ROKIT Locator
1 2024-12-11 bosch_locator_bridge_utils
Utilities to use bosch_locator_bridge with Nav2
Utilities to use bosch_locator_bridge with Nav2
1 bota_driver
1 bota_driver_testing
1 bota_node
1 bota_signal_handler
1 bota_worker
1 brics_actuator
1 bta_tof_driver
1 2022-11-07 builtin_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
2 calibration
1 calibration_estimation
1 calibration_launch
1 calibration_msgs
1 calibration_setup_helper
1 cam2lidar
1 camera
1 camera_aravis
1 2024-12-12 camera_aravis2
ROS2 camera driver for [GenICam]( GigEVision and USB3Vision cameras.
ROS2 camera driver for [GenICam]( GigEVision and USB3Vision cameras.
1 2024-12-12 camera_aravis2_msgs
Messages and service definitions for the camera_aravis2 package.
Messages and service definitions for the camera_aravis2 package.
1 2025-02-27 camera_calibration
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
1 2025-02-12 camera_calibration_parsers
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
1 2025-02-12 camera_info_manager
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
2 camera_info_manager_lib
2 camera_info_manager_metadata_extractor
2 2025-02-12 camera_info_manager_py
Python interface for camera calibration information. This ROS package provides a CameraInfo interface for Python camera drivers similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package.
Python interface for camera calibration information. This ROS package provides a CameraInfo interface for Python camera drivers similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package.
1 2025-02-27 camera_ros
node for libcamera supported cameras (V4L2, Raspberry Pi Camera Modules)
node for libcamera supported cameras (V4L2, Raspberry Pi Camera Modules)
1 camera_throttle
1 camera_umd
1 can_dbc_parser
1 2020-12-18 can_msgs
CAN related message types.
CAN related message types.
1 2024-04-22 canopen
Meta-package aggregating the ros2_canopen packages and documentation
Meta-package aggregating the ros2_canopen packages and documentation
1 canopen_402
1 2024-04-22 canopen_402_driver
Driiver for devices implementing CIA402 profile
Driiver for devices implementing CIA402 profile
1 2024-04-22 canopen_base_driver
Library containing abstract CANopen driver class for ros2_canopen
Library containing abstract CANopen driver class for ros2_canopen
1 canopen_chain_node
1 2024-04-22 canopen_core
Core ros2_canopen functionalities such as DeviceContainer and master
Core ros2_canopen functionalities such as DeviceContainer and master
1 2024-04-22 canopen_fake_slaves
Package with mock canopen slave
Package with mock canopen slave
1 2024-04-22 canopen_interfaces
Services and Messages for ros2_canopen stack
Services and Messages for ros2_canopen stack
1 canopen_master
1 2024-04-22 canopen_master_driver
Basic canopen master implementation
Basic canopen master implementation
1 canopen_motor_node
1 2024-04-22 canopen_proxy_driver
Simple proxy driver for the ros2_canopen stack
Simple proxy driver for the ros2_canopen stack
1 2024-04-22 canopen_ros2_control
ros2_control wrapper for ros2_canopen functionalities
ros2_control wrapper for ros2_canopen functionalities
1 2024-04-22 canopen_ros2_controllers
ros2_control controllers for ros2_canopen functionalities
ros2_control controllers for ros2_canopen functionalities
1 2024-04-22 canopen_tests
Package with tests for ros2_canopen
Package with tests for ros2_canopen
1 2024-04-22 canopen_utils
Utils for working with ros2_canopen.
Utils for working with ros2_canopen.
1 capabilities
1 care_o_bot
1 care_o_bot_desktop
1 care_o_bot_robot
1 care_o_bot_simulation
1 2025-03-05 caret_analyze
CARET's tools for analyzing trace results
CARET's tools for analyzing trace results
1 2025-02-25 caret_analyze_cpp_impl
c++ implementation of caret_analyze
c++ implementation of caret_analyze
0 caret_lint_common
1 2025-02-25 caret_msgs
Message definitions for CARET
Message definitions for CARET
1 2025-02-25 caret_trace
Library to add tracepoints for CARET
Library to add tracepoints for CARET
1 carla_msgs
1 carrot_planner
1 cartesian_control_msgs
1 cartesian_interface
1 cartesian_msgs
1 cartesian_trajectory_controller
1 cartesian_trajectory_interpolation
1 2024-03-15 cartographer
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_ros
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_ros_msgs
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_rviz
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
1 2024-04-04 cascade_lifecycle_msgs
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
1 caster_app
1 caster_base
1 caster_control
1 caster_description
1 caster_desktop
1 caster_navigation
1 caster_robot
1 caster_teleop
1 caster_viz
1 catch_ros
1 2024-05-24 catch_ros2
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests.
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests.
1 catkin
1 catkin_lint_cmake
1 catkin_pip
0 catkin_simple
1 catkin_virtualenv
1 chaplus_ros
1 checkerboard_detector
2 2025-03-06 chomp_motion_planner
1 choreographer
1 cis_camera
1 cl_tf
1 cl_tf2
1 cl_transforms
1 cl_transforms_stamped
1 cl_urdf
1 cl_utils
1 2022-01-14 class_loader
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
1 2024-07-11 classic_bags
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
1 clear_costmap_recovery
1 clearpath_bt_joy
1 clearpath_camera_msgs
1 2025-03-07 clearpath_common
Clearpath Common Metapackage
Clearpath Common Metapackage
1 2024-09-29 clearpath_config
Clearpath Configuration YAML Parser and Writer
Clearpath Configuration YAML Parser and Writer
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_config_live
Live URDF Updater from Clearpath Configuration.
Live URDF Updater from Clearpath Configuration.
1 clearpath_configuration_msgs
1 2025-03-07 clearpath_control
Controllers for Clearpath Robotics platforms
Controllers for Clearpath Robotics platforms
1 clearpath_control_msgs
1 2025-03-07 clearpath_customization
Clearpath customization packages.
Clearpath customization packages.
1 2025-03-07 clearpath_description
Clearpath URDF descriptions metapackage
Clearpath URDF descriptions metapackage
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_desktop
Packages for working with Clearpath Platforms from a ROS 2 desktop.
Packages for working with Clearpath Platforms from a ROS 2 desktop.
1 clearpath_dock_msgs
1 2025-03-07 clearpath_generator_common
Clearpath Common Generator
Clearpath Common Generator
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_generator_gz
Clearpath Gazebo Generator
Clearpath Gazebo Generator
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_gz
Clearpath Gazebo Simulator
Clearpath Gazebo Simulator
1 clearpath_localization_msgs
1 clearpath_logger_msgs
1 2025-03-07 clearpath_manipulators
MoveIt configuration built around Clearpath Configuration
MoveIt configuration built around Clearpath Configuration
1 2025-03-07 clearpath_manipulators_description
Clearpath manipulator URDF descriptions
Clearpath manipulator URDF descriptions
1 2024-08-13 clearpath_mecanum_drive_controller
Clearpath fork of mecanum drive controller for 4 wheel drive.
Clearpath fork of mecanum drive controller for 4 wheel drive.
1 clearpath_mission_manager_msgs
1 clearpath_mission_scheduler_msgs
0 clearpath_motor_msgs
1 2025-03-07 clearpath_mounts_description
Clearpath mounts URDF descriptions
Clearpath mounts URDF descriptions
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_msgs
Metapackage for Clearapth messages.
Metapackage for Clearapth messages.
1 2024-01-22 clearpath_nav2_demos
Nav2 demos for Clearpath robots
Nav2 demos for Clearpath robots
1 clearpath_navigation_msgs
1 clearpath_offboard_sensors
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples_lib
1 clearpath_onav_examples
1 2025-03-07 clearpath_platform_description
Clearpath Platform URDF descriptions
Clearpath Platform URDF descriptions
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_platform_msgs
Messages for Clearpath Platforms.
Messages for Clearpath Platforms.
1 2025-01-20 clearpath_ros2_socketcan_interface
A ROS 2 socketcan interface.
A ROS 2 socketcan interface.
1 clearpath_safety_msgs
1 2025-03-07 clearpath_sensors_description
Clearpath sensors URDF descriptions
Clearpath sensors URDF descriptions
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_simulator
Clearpath Simulator Metapackage
Clearpath Simulator Metapackage
1 2024-10-09 clearpath_socketcan_interface
Clearpath's CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
Clearpath's CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
1 clearpath_tests
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_viz
Visualization launchers for Clearpath Platforms.
Visualization launchers for Clearpath Platforms.
1 2024-11-24 clips_vendor
Vendor package for the CLIPS rule based production system
Vendor package for the CLIPS rule based production system
1 clober
1 clober_bringup
1 clober_description
1 clober_msgs
1 clober_navigation
1 clober_serial
1 clober_simulation
1 clober_slam
1 clober_teleop
1 clober_tools
1 clock_relay
1 cloudwatch_logger
1 cloudwatch_logs_common
1 cloudwatch_metrics_collector
1 cloudwatch_metrics_common
1 clover
1 clover_blocks
1 clover_description
1 clover_simulation
0 clpe
1 clpe_ros
1 clpe_ros_msgs
1 2025-02-13 cmake_generate_parameter_module_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module with cmake.
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module with cmake.
1 cmake_modules
1 cmd_vel_smoother
1 cmvision
1 cnn_bridge
1 cnpy
1 co_scan
2 2025-03-04 coal
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
1 cob_3d_mapping_msgs
2 2024-11-25 cob_actions
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
1 cob_android
1 cob_android_msgs
1 cob_android_resource_server
1 cob_android_script_server
1 cob_android_settings
2 cob_base_controller_utils
2 cob_base_drive_chain
2 cob_base_velocity_smoother
2 cob_bms_driver
1 cob_bringup
1 cob_bringup_sim
1 cob_calibration_data
1 cob_cam3d_throttle
2 cob_canopen_motor
2 cob_cartesian_controller
1 cob_collision_monitor
2 cob_collision_velocity_filter
2 cob_command_gui
2 cob_command_tools
2 2024-11-25 cob_common
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
2 cob_control
2 cob_control_mode_adapter
2 cob_control_msgs
2 cob_dashboard
1 cob_default_env_config
1 cob_default_robot_behavior
1 cob_default_robot_config
2 cob_description


Name Description
1 bosch_locator_bridge
1 bosch_locator_bridge_utils
1 bota_driver
1 bota_driver_testing
1 bota_node
1 bota_signal_handler
1 bota_worker
1 brics_actuator
1 bta_tof_driver
1 2024-11-27 builtin_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
2 calibration
1 calibration_estimation
1 calibration_launch
1 calibration_msgs
1 calibration_setup_helper
1 cam2lidar
1 camera
1 camera_aravis
1 2024-12-12 camera_aravis2
ROS2 camera driver for [GenICam]( GigEVision and USB3Vision cameras.
ROS2 camera driver for [GenICam]( GigEVision and USB3Vision cameras.
1 2024-12-12 camera_aravis2_msgs
Messages and service definitions for the camera_aravis2 package.
Messages and service definitions for the camera_aravis2 package.
1 2025-02-27 camera_calibration
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
1 2025-03-04 camera_calibration_parsers
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
1 2025-03-04 camera_info_manager
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
2 camera_info_manager_lib
2 camera_info_manager_metadata_extractor
2 2025-03-04 camera_info_manager_py
Python interface for camera calibration information. This ROS package provides a CameraInfo interface for Python camera drivers similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package.
Python interface for camera calibration information. This ROS package provides a CameraInfo interface for Python camera drivers similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package.
1 2025-02-27 camera_ros
node for libcamera supported cameras (V4L2, Raspberry Pi Camera Modules)
node for libcamera supported cameras (V4L2, Raspberry Pi Camera Modules)
1 camera_throttle
1 camera_umd
1 can_dbc_parser
1 2020-12-18 can_msgs
CAN related message types.
CAN related message types.
1 2025-02-05 canopen
Meta-package aggregating the ros2_canopen packages and documentation
Meta-package aggregating the ros2_canopen packages and documentation
1 canopen_402
1 2025-02-05 canopen_402_driver
Driiver for devices implementing CIA402 profile
Driiver for devices implementing CIA402 profile
1 2025-02-05 canopen_base_driver
Library containing abstract CANopen driver class for ros2_canopen
Library containing abstract CANopen driver class for ros2_canopen
1 canopen_chain_node
1 2025-02-05 canopen_core
Core ros2_canopen functionalities such as DeviceContainer and master
Core ros2_canopen functionalities such as DeviceContainer and master
1 2025-02-05 canopen_fake_slaves
Package with mock canopen slave
Package with mock canopen slave
1 2025-02-05 canopen_interfaces
Services and Messages for ros2_canopen stack
Services and Messages for ros2_canopen stack
1 canopen_master
1 2025-02-05 canopen_master_driver
Basic canopen master implementation
Basic canopen master implementation
1 canopen_motor_node
1 2025-02-05 canopen_proxy_driver
Simple proxy driver for the ros2_canopen stack
Simple proxy driver for the ros2_canopen stack
1 2025-02-05 canopen_ros2_control
ros2_control wrapper for ros2_canopen functionalities
ros2_control wrapper for ros2_canopen functionalities
1 2025-02-05 canopen_ros2_controllers
ros2_control controllers for ros2_canopen functionalities
ros2_control controllers for ros2_canopen functionalities
1 2025-02-05 canopen_tests
Package with tests for ros2_canopen
Package with tests for ros2_canopen
1 2025-02-05 canopen_utils
Utils for working with ros2_canopen.
Utils for working with ros2_canopen.
1 capabilities
1 care_o_bot
1 care_o_bot_desktop
1 care_o_bot_robot
1 care_o_bot_simulation
1 caret_analyze
1 caret_analyze_cpp_impl
0 caret_lint_common
1 caret_msgs
1 caret_trace
1 carla_msgs
1 carrot_planner
1 cartesian_control_msgs
1 cartesian_interface
1 cartesian_msgs
1 cartesian_trajectory_controller
1 cartesian_trajectory_interpolation
1 2024-03-15 cartographer
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_ros
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_ros_msgs
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_rviz
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
1 2024-04-04 cascade_lifecycle_msgs
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
1 caster_app
1 caster_base
1 caster_control
1 caster_description
1 caster_desktop
1 caster_navigation
1 caster_robot
1 caster_teleop
1 caster_viz
1 catch_ros
1 2024-05-24 catch_ros2
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests.
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests.
1 catkin
1 catkin_lint_cmake
1 catkin_pip
0 catkin_simple
1 catkin_virtualenv
1 chaplus_ros
1 checkerboard_detector
2 2025-03-06 chomp_motion_planner
1 choreographer
1 cis_camera
1 cl_tf
1 cl_tf2
1 cl_transforms
1 cl_transforms_stamped
1 cl_urdf
1 cl_utils
1 2023-12-26 class_loader
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
1 2025-01-08 classic_bags
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
1 clear_costmap_recovery
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_bt_joy
Clearpath bluetooth joy controller signal quality monitoring node
Clearpath bluetooth joy controller signal quality monitoring node
1 clearpath_camera_msgs
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_common
Clearpath Common Metapackage
Clearpath Common Metapackage
1 2025-02-05 clearpath_config
Clearpath Configuration YAML Parser and Writer
Clearpath Configuration YAML Parser and Writer
1 2025-01-30 clearpath_config_live
Live URDF Updater from Clearpath Configuration.
Live URDF Updater from Clearpath Configuration.
1 clearpath_configuration_msgs
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_control
Controllers for Clearpath Robotics platforms
Controllers for Clearpath Robotics platforms
1 clearpath_control_msgs
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_customization
Clearpath customization packages.
Clearpath customization packages.
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_description
Clearpath URDF descriptions metapackage
Clearpath URDF descriptions metapackage
1 2025-01-30 clearpath_desktop
Packages for working with Clearpath Platforms from a ROS 2 desktop.
Packages for working with Clearpath Platforms from a ROS 2 desktop.
1 clearpath_dock_msgs
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_generator_common
Clearpath Common Generator
Clearpath Common Generator
1 clearpath_generator_gz
1 clearpath_gz
1 clearpath_localization_msgs
1 clearpath_logger_msgs
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_manipulators
MoveIt configuration built around Clearpath Configuration
MoveIt configuration built around Clearpath Configuration
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_manipulators_description
Clearpath manipulator URDF descriptions
Clearpath manipulator URDF descriptions
1 clearpath_mecanum_drive_controller
1 clearpath_mission_manager_msgs
1 clearpath_mission_scheduler_msgs
0 clearpath_motor_msgs
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_mounts_description
Clearpath mounts URDF descriptions
Clearpath mounts URDF descriptions
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_msgs
Metapackage for Clearapth messages.
Metapackage for Clearapth messages.
1 2025-03-10 clearpath_nav2_demos
Nav2 demos for Clearpath robots
Nav2 demos for Clearpath robots
1 clearpath_navigation_msgs
1 2025-01-30 clearpath_offboard_sensors
Launch files for decompressing and consuming high-bandwidth sensor data on offboard computers
Launch files for decompressing and consuming high-bandwidth sensor data on offboard computers
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples_lib
1 clearpath_onav_examples
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_platform_description
Clearpath Platform URDF descriptions
Clearpath Platform URDF descriptions
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_platform_msgs
Messages for Clearpath Platforms.
Messages for Clearpath Platforms.
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_ros2_socketcan_interface
A ROS 2 socketcan interface.
A ROS 2 socketcan interface.
1 clearpath_safety_msgs
1 2025-01-31 clearpath_sensors_description
Clearpath sensors URDF descriptions
Clearpath sensors URDF descriptions
1 clearpath_simulator
1 clearpath_socketcan_interface
1 2025-03-10 clearpath_tests
Clearpath Tests
Clearpath Tests
1 2025-01-30 clearpath_viz
Visualization launchers for Clearpath Platforms.
Visualization launchers for Clearpath Platforms.
1 2024-11-24 clips_vendor
Vendor package for the CLIPS rule based production system
Vendor package for the CLIPS rule based production system
1 clober
1 clober_bringup
1 clober_description
1 clober_msgs
1 clober_navigation
1 clober_serial
1 clober_simulation
1 clober_slam
1 clober_teleop
1 clober_tools
1 clock_relay
1 cloudwatch_logger
1 cloudwatch_logs_common
1 cloudwatch_metrics_collector
1 cloudwatch_metrics_common
1 clover
1 clover_blocks
1 clover_description
1 clover_simulation
0 clpe
1 clpe_ros
1 clpe_ros_msgs
1 2025-02-13 cmake_generate_parameter_module_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module with cmake.
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module with cmake.
1 cmake_modules
1 cmd_vel_smoother
1 cmvision
1 cnn_bridge
1 cnpy
1 co_scan
2 2025-03-04 coal
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
1 cob_3d_mapping_msgs
2 2024-11-25 cob_actions
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
1 cob_android
1 cob_android_msgs
1 cob_android_resource_server
1 cob_android_script_server
1 cob_android_settings
2 cob_base_controller_utils
2 cob_base_drive_chain
2 cob_base_velocity_smoother
2 cob_bms_driver
1 cob_bringup
1 cob_bringup_sim
1 cob_calibration_data
1 cob_cam3d_throttle
2 cob_canopen_motor
2 cob_cartesian_controller
1 cob_collision_monitor
2 cob_collision_velocity_filter
2 cob_command_gui
2 cob_command_tools
2 2024-11-25 cob_common
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
2 cob_control
2 cob_control_mode_adapter
2 cob_control_msgs
2 cob_dashboard
1 cob_default_env_config
1 cob_default_robot_behavior
1 cob_default_robot_config
2 cob_description


Name Description
1 bosch_locator_bridge
1 bosch_locator_bridge_utils
1 bota_driver
1 bota_driver_testing
1 bota_node
1 bota_signal_handler
1 bota_worker
1 brics_actuator
1 bta_tof_driver
1 2024-11-27 builtin_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
2 calibration
1 calibration_estimation
1 calibration_launch
1 calibration_msgs
1 calibration_setup_helper
1 cam2lidar
1 camera
1 camera_aravis
1 camera_aravis2
1 camera_aravis2_msgs
1 2025-02-27 camera_calibration
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
1 2025-03-04 camera_calibration_parsers
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
1 2025-03-04 camera_info_manager
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
2 camera_info_manager_lib
2 camera_info_manager_metadata_extractor
2 2025-03-04 camera_info_manager_py
Python interface for camera calibration information. This ROS package provides a CameraInfo interface for Python camera drivers similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package.
Python interface for camera calibration information. This ROS package provides a CameraInfo interface for Python camera drivers similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package.
1 2025-02-27 camera_ros
node for libcamera supported cameras (V4L2, Raspberry Pi Camera Modules)
node for libcamera supported cameras (V4L2, Raspberry Pi Camera Modules)
1 camera_throttle
1 camera_umd
1 can_dbc_parser
1 2020-12-18 can_msgs
CAN related message types.
CAN related message types.
1 2025-02-05 canopen
Meta-package aggregating the ros2_canopen packages and documentation
Meta-package aggregating the ros2_canopen packages and documentation
1 canopen_402
1 2025-02-05 canopen_402_driver
Driiver for devices implementing CIA402 profile
Driiver for devices implementing CIA402 profile
1 2025-02-05 canopen_base_driver
Library containing abstract CANopen driver class for ros2_canopen
Library containing abstract CANopen driver class for ros2_canopen
1 canopen_chain_node
1 2025-02-05 canopen_core
Core ros2_canopen functionalities such as DeviceContainer and master
Core ros2_canopen functionalities such as DeviceContainer and master
1 2025-02-05 canopen_fake_slaves
Package with mock canopen slave
Package with mock canopen slave
1 2025-02-05 canopen_interfaces
Services and Messages for ros2_canopen stack
Services and Messages for ros2_canopen stack
1 canopen_master
1 2025-02-05 canopen_master_driver
Basic canopen master implementation
Basic canopen master implementation
1 canopen_motor_node
1 2025-02-05 canopen_proxy_driver
Simple proxy driver for the ros2_canopen stack
Simple proxy driver for the ros2_canopen stack
1 2025-02-05 canopen_ros2_control
ros2_control wrapper for ros2_canopen functionalities
ros2_control wrapper for ros2_canopen functionalities
1 2025-02-05 canopen_ros2_controllers
ros2_control controllers for ros2_canopen functionalities
ros2_control controllers for ros2_canopen functionalities
1 2025-02-05 canopen_tests
Package with tests for ros2_canopen
Package with tests for ros2_canopen
1 2025-02-05 canopen_utils
Utils for working with ros2_canopen.
Utils for working with ros2_canopen.
1 capabilities
1 care_o_bot
1 care_o_bot_desktop
1 care_o_bot_robot
1 care_o_bot_simulation
1 caret_analyze
1 caret_analyze_cpp_impl
0 caret_lint_common
1 caret_msgs
1 caret_trace
1 carla_msgs
1 carrot_planner
1 cartesian_control_msgs
1 cartesian_interface
1 cartesian_msgs
1 cartesian_trajectory_controller
1 cartesian_trajectory_interpolation
1 2024-03-15 cartographer
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_ros
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_ros_msgs
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_rviz
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
1 2024-04-04 cascade_lifecycle_msgs
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
1 caster_app
1 caster_base
1 caster_control
1 caster_description
1 caster_desktop
1 caster_navigation
1 caster_robot
1 caster_teleop
1 caster_viz
1 catch_ros
1 2024-05-24 catch_ros2
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests.
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests.
1 catkin
1 catkin_lint_cmake
1 catkin_pip
0 catkin_simple
1 catkin_virtualenv
1 chaplus_ros
1 checkerboard_detector
2 2025-03-06 chomp_motion_planner
1 choreographer
1 cis_camera
1 cl_tf
1 cl_tf2
1 cl_transforms
1 cl_transforms_stamped
1 cl_urdf
1 cl_utils
1 2024-12-02 class_loader
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
1 2025-01-08 classic_bags
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
1 clear_costmap_recovery
1 clearpath_bt_joy
1 clearpath_camera_msgs
1 clearpath_common
1 clearpath_config
1 clearpath_config_live
1 clearpath_configuration_msgs
1 clearpath_control
1 clearpath_control_msgs
1 clearpath_customization
1 clearpath_description
1 clearpath_desktop
1 clearpath_dock_msgs
1 clearpath_generator_common
1 clearpath_generator_gz
1 clearpath_gz
1 clearpath_localization_msgs
1 clearpath_logger_msgs
1 clearpath_manipulators
1 clearpath_manipulators_description
1 clearpath_mecanum_drive_controller
1 clearpath_mission_manager_msgs
1 clearpath_mission_scheduler_msgs
0 clearpath_motor_msgs
1 clearpath_mounts_description
1 clearpath_msgs
1 clearpath_nav2_demos
1 clearpath_navigation_msgs
1 clearpath_offboard_sensors
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples_lib
1 clearpath_onav_examples
1 clearpath_platform_description
1 clearpath_platform_msgs
1 clearpath_ros2_socketcan_interface
1 clearpath_safety_msgs
1 clearpath_sensors_description
1 clearpath_simulator
1 clearpath_socketcan_interface
1 clearpath_tests
1 clearpath_viz
1 2024-11-24 clips_vendor
Vendor package for the CLIPS rule based production system
Vendor package for the CLIPS rule based production system
1 clober
1 clober_bringup
1 clober_description
1 clober_msgs
1 clober_navigation
1 clober_serial
1 clober_simulation
1 clober_slam
1 clober_teleop
1 clober_tools
1 clock_relay
1 cloudwatch_logger
1 cloudwatch_logs_common
1 cloudwatch_metrics_collector
1 cloudwatch_metrics_common
1 clover
1 clover_blocks
1 clover_description
1 clover_simulation
0 clpe
1 clpe_ros
1 clpe_ros_msgs
1 2025-02-13 cmake_generate_parameter_module_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module with cmake.
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module with cmake.
1 cmake_modules
1 cmd_vel_smoother
1 cmvision
1 cnn_bridge
1 cnpy
1 co_scan
2 2025-03-04 coal
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
1 cob_3d_mapping_msgs
2 2024-11-25 cob_actions
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
1 cob_android
1 cob_android_msgs
1 cob_android_resource_server
1 cob_android_script_server
1 cob_android_settings
2 cob_base_controller_utils
2 cob_base_drive_chain
2 cob_base_velocity_smoother
2 cob_bms_driver
1 cob_bringup
1 cob_bringup_sim
1 cob_calibration_data
1 cob_cam3d_throttle
2 cob_canopen_motor
2 cob_cartesian_controller
1 cob_collision_monitor
2 cob_collision_velocity_filter
2 cob_command_gui
2 cob_command_tools
2 2024-11-25 cob_common
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
2 cob_control
2 cob_control_mode_adapter
2 cob_control_msgs
2 cob_dashboard
1 cob_default_env_config
1 cob_default_robot_behavior
1 cob_default_robot_config
2 cob_description


Name Description
1 2024-11-11 bosch_locator_bridge
ROS interface to Rexroth ROKIT Locator
ROS interface to Rexroth ROKIT Locator
1 bosch_locator_bridge_utils
1 2021-10-05 bota_driver
Meta package that contains all essential packages of BOTA driver.
Meta package that contains all essential packages of BOTA driver.
1 2021-10-05 bota_driver_testing
ROS node for communicating with rokubimini sensors
ROS node for communicating with rokubimini sensors
1 2021-10-05 bota_node
ROS node wrapper with some convenience functions using *bota_worker*.
ROS node wrapper with some convenience functions using *bota_worker*.
1 2021-10-05 bota_signal_handler
Contains a static signal handling helper class.
Contains a static signal handling helper class.
1 2021-10-05 bota_worker
High resolution version of the ROS worker.
High resolution version of the ROS worker.
1 brics_actuator
1 bta_tof_driver
1 builtin_interfaces
2 2021-05-15 calibration
Provides a toolchain running through the robot calibration process. This involves capturing calibration data, estimating parameters, and then updating the URDF.
Provides a toolchain running through the robot calibration process. This involves capturing calibration data, estimating parameters, and then updating the URDF.
1 2021-05-15 calibration_estimation
Runs an optimization to estimate the a robot's kinematic parameters. This package is a generic rewrite of pr2_calibration_estimation.
Runs an optimization to estimate the a robot's kinematic parameters. This package is a generic rewrite of pr2_calibration_estimation.
1 2021-05-15 calibration_launch
This package contains a collection of launch files that can be helpful in configuring the calibration stack to run on your robot.
This package contains a collection of launch files that can be helpful in configuring the calibration stack to run on your robot.
1 2021-05-15 calibration_msgs
This package defines messages for storing calibration samples to be used in full robot calibration procedures. This package is still unstable. Expect the messages to change.
This package defines messages for storing calibration samples to be used in full robot calibration procedures. This package is still unstable. Expect the messages to change.
1 2021-05-15 calibration_setup_helper
This package contains a script to generate calibration launch and configurationfiles for your robot. which is based on Michael Ferguson's calibration code
This package contains a script to generate calibration launch and configurationfiles for your robot. which is based on Michael Ferguson's calibration code
1 2024-10-08 cam2lidar
The cam2lidar package
The cam2lidar package
1 2024-07-03 camera
This package provides camera utilities.
This package provides camera utilities.
1 2024-09-23 camera_aravis
camera_aravis: A complete and comfortable GenICam (USB3Vision and GigEVision) based camera driver for ROS (ethernet and usb).
camera_aravis: A complete and comfortable GenICam (USB3Vision and GigEVision) based camera driver for ROS (ethernet and usb).
1 camera_aravis2
1 camera_aravis2_msgs
1 2024-01-22 camera_calibration
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
1 2024-01-18 camera_calibration_parsers
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
1 2024-01-18 camera_info_manager
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
2 2025-02-26 camera_info_manager_lib
camera_info_manager API without an active ROS node.
camera_info_manager API without an active ROS node.
2 2025-02-26 camera_info_manager_metadata_extractor
Metadata extractor that matches existing camera info to a particular camera and lens.
Metadata extractor that matches existing camera info to a particular camera and lens.
2 camera_info_manager_py
1 camera_ros
1 2025-02-27 camera_throttle
Utilities for throttling cameras
Utilities for throttling cameras
1 camera_umd
1 2022-04-07 can_dbc_parser
DBC file interface. Read a DBC file, unpack CAN messages and convert to engineering units, pack values into CAN messages for publishing.
DBC file interface. Read a DBC file, unpack CAN messages and convert to engineering units, pack values into CAN messages for publishing.
1 2024-05-02 can_msgs
CAN related message types.
CAN related message types.
1 canopen
1 2024-05-02 canopen_402
This implements the CANopen device profile for drives and motion control. CiA(r) 402
This implements the CANopen device profile for drives and motion control. CiA(r) 402
1 canopen_402_driver
1 canopen_base_driver
1 2024-05-02 canopen_chain_node
Base implementation for CANopen chains node with support for management services and diagnostics
Base implementation for CANopen chains node with support for management services and diagnostics
1 canopen_core
1 canopen_fake_slaves
1 canopen_interfaces
1 2024-05-02 canopen_master
CiA(r) CANopen 301 master implementation with support for interprocess master synchronisation.
CiA(r) CANopen 301 master implementation with support for interprocess master synchronisation.
1 canopen_master_driver
1 2024-05-02 canopen_motor_node
canopen_chain_node specialization for handling of canopen_402 motor devices. It facilitates interface abstraction with ros_control.
canopen_chain_node specialization for handling of canopen_402 motor devices. It facilitates interface abstraction with ros_control.
1 canopen_proxy_driver
1 canopen_ros2_control
1 canopen_ros2_controllers
1 canopen_tests
1 canopen_utils
1 2020-04-30 capabilities
Package which implements capabilities, including code to parse capability interface specs, to parse capability provider specs, and implement the capability server.
Package which implements capabilities, including code to parse capability interface specs, to parse capability provider specs, and implement the capability server.
1 2024-02-19 care_o_bot
The care-o-bot meta-package
The care-o-bot meta-package
1 2024-02-19 care_o_bot_desktop
The care-o-bot-desktop meta-package
The care-o-bot-desktop meta-package
1 2024-02-19 care_o_bot_robot
The care-o-bot-robot meta-package
The care-o-bot-robot meta-package
1 2024-02-19 care_o_bot_simulation
The care-o-bot-simulation meta-package
The care-o-bot-simulation meta-package
1 caret_analyze
1 caret_analyze_cpp_impl
0 caret_lint_common
1 caret_msgs
1 caret_trace
1 2020-03-07 carla_msgs
The carla_msgs package
The carla_msgs package
1 2023-03-04 carrot_planner
This planner attempts to find a legal place to put a carrot for the robot to follow. It does this by moving back along the vector between the robot and the goal point.
This planner attempts to find a legal place to put a carrot for the robot to follow. It does this by moving back along the vector between the robot and the goal point.
1 2024-04-09 cartesian_control_msgs
Cartesian trajectory execution interface.
Cartesian trajectory execution interface.
1 2024-10-14 cartesian_interface
Defines a hardware interface to send Cartesian commands to a robot hardware and read Cartesian states.
Defines a hardware interface to send Cartesian commands to a robot hardware and read Cartesian states.
1 2015-12-10 cartesian_msgs
Stream cartesian commands
Stream cartesian commands
1 2024-10-14 cartesian_trajectory_controller
A Cartesian trajectory controller with multiple hardware interface support
A Cartesian trajectory controller with multiple hardware interface support
1 2024-10-14 cartesian_trajectory_interpolation
Cartesian trajectory interpolation as a standalone library
Cartesian trajectory interpolation as a standalone library
1 cartographer
2 cartographer_ros
2 cartographer_ros_msgs
2 cartographer_rviz
1 cascade_lifecycle_msgs
1 caster_app
1 caster_base
1 caster_control
1 caster_description
1 caster_desktop
1 caster_navigation
1 caster_robot
1 caster_teleop
1 caster_viz
1 2021-10-25 catch_ros
ROS integration for the Catch unit test framework
ROS integration for the Catch unit test framework
1 catch_ros2
1 2024-09-13 catkin
Low-level build system macros and infrastructure for ROS.
Low-level build system macros and infrastructure for ROS.
1 2023-09-06 catkin_lint_cmake
CMake macro to run catkin_lint as a catkin_run_test.
CMake macro to run catkin_lint as a catkin_run_test.
1 catkin_pip
0 catkin_simple
1 2025-02-24 catkin_virtualenv
Bundle python requirements in a catkin package via virtualenv.
Bundle python requirements in a catkin package via virtualenv.
1 2025-01-09 chaplus_ros
The ROS package for chaplus service
The ROS package for chaplus service
1 2025-02-21 checkerboard_detector
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.
2 2025-02-25 chomp_motion_planner
1 2024-07-03 choreographer
Interface for the choreographer subsystem
Interface for the choreographer subsystem
1 cis_camera
1 2023-03-28 cl_tf
Client implementation to use TF from Common Lisp
Client implementation to use TF from Common Lisp
1 2023-03-28 cl_tf2
Client implementation to use TF2 from Common Lisp
Client implementation to use TF2 from Common Lisp
1 2023-03-28 cl_transforms
Homogeneous transform library for Common Lisp.
Homogeneous transform library for Common Lisp.
1 2023-03-28 cl_transforms_stamped
Implementation of TF datatypes
Implementation of TF datatypes
1 2023-03-28 cl_urdf
1 2023-03-28 cl_utils
Common Lisp utility libraries
Common Lisp utility libraries
1 2024-01-09 class_loader
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of said exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of said exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
1 classic_bags
1 2023-03-04 clear_costmap_recovery
This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by reverting the costmaps used by the navigation stack to the static map outside of a given area.
This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by reverting the costmaps used by the navigation stack to the static map outside of a given area.
1 clearpath_bt_joy
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_camera_msgs
ROS package containing the message definitions for camera related calls.
ROS package containing the message definitions for camera related calls.
1 clearpath_common
1 clearpath_config
1 clearpath_config_live
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_configuration_msgs
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav configuration module.
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav configuration module.
1 clearpath_control
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_control_msgs
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav control selection module.
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav control selection module.
1 clearpath_customization
1 clearpath_description
1 clearpath_desktop
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_dock_msgs
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav dock module.
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav dock module.
1 clearpath_generator_common
1 clearpath_generator_gz
1 clearpath_gz
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_localization_msgs
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav localization module.
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav localization module.
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_logger_msgs
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav logging module.
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav logging module.
1 clearpath_manipulators
1 clearpath_manipulators_description
1 clearpath_mecanum_drive_controller
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_mission_manager_msgs
The clearpath_mission_manager_msgs package
The clearpath_mission_manager_msgs package
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_mission_scheduler_msgs
The clearpath_mission_scheduler_msgs package
The clearpath_mission_scheduler_msgs package
0 clearpath_motor_msgs
1 clearpath_mounts_description
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_msgs
Metapackage for Clearapth messages.
Metapackage for Clearapth messages.
1 clearpath_nav2_demos
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_navigation_msgs
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav navigation module.
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav navigation module.
1 clearpath_offboard_sensors
1 2023-11-09 clearpath_onav_api_examples
Examples to show how to use CPR OutdoorNav API
Examples to show how to use CPR OutdoorNav API
1 2023-11-09 clearpath_onav_api_examples_lib
Examples library to show how to use CPR OutdoorNav API
Examples library to show how to use CPR OutdoorNav API
1 2023-11-09 clearpath_onav_examples
Examples to show how to use CPR OutdoorNav API
Examples to show how to use CPR OutdoorNav API
1 clearpath_platform_description
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_platform_msgs
Messages for Clearpath Platforms.
Messages for Clearpath Platforms.
1 clearpath_ros2_socketcan_interface
1 2024-08-07 clearpath_safety_msgs
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav safety module.
ROS package containing the message definitions for the Clearpath Robotics OutdoorNav safety module.
1 clearpath_sensors_description
1 clearpath_simulator
1 clearpath_socketcan_interface
1 clearpath_tests
1 clearpath_viz
1 clips_vendor
1 2021-10-06 clober
The meta package for Clober
The meta package for Clober
1 2021-10-06 clober_bringup
The clober_bringup package
The clober_bringup package
1 2021-10-06 clober_description
This package includes urdf files of Clober
This package includes urdf files of Clober
1 2021-09-14 clober_msgs
The messages for Clober
The messages for Clober
1 2021-10-06 clober_navigation
This package includes launch files for navigation
This package includes launch files for navigation
1 2021-10-06 clober_serial
The clober_serial package
The clober_serial package
1 2021-10-06 clober_simulation
The clober_simulation package
The clober_simulation package
1 2021-10-06 clober_slam
This package includes launch files for slam
This package includes launch files for slam
1 2021-10-06 clober_teleop
The meta package for Clober Teleoperator
The meta package for Clober Teleoperator
1 2021-10-06 clober_tools
The clober_tools package
The clober_tools package
1 clock_relay
1 cloudwatch_logger
1 cloudwatch_logs_common
1 cloudwatch_metrics_collector
1 cloudwatch_metrics_common
1 clover
1 clover_blocks
1 clover_description
1 clover_simulation
0 clpe
1 2024-12-18 clpe_ros
ROS driver for CANLAB CLPE-G-NVP2650D
ROS driver for CANLAB CLPE-G-NVP2650D
1 2022-11-25 clpe_ros_msgs
Messages used by clpe_ros
Messages used by clpe_ros
1 cmake_generate_parameter_module_example
1 2020-10-16 cmake_modules
A common repository for CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages.
A common repository for CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages.
1 2024-12-09 cmd_vel_smoother
The cmd_vel_smoother package
The cmd_vel_smoother package
1 2021-08-28 cmvision
Node for fast color blob detection
Node for fast color blob detection
1 cnn_bridge
1 2020-11-24 cnpy
library to read/write .npy and .npz files in C/C++
library to read/write .npy and .npz files in C/C++
1 co_scan
2 2025-03-04 coal
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
1 2024-02-19 cob_3d_mapping_msgs
Message, service and action definitions for environment perception.
Message, service and action definitions for environment perception.
2 2024-04-30 cob_actions
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
1 2024-02-19 cob_android
cob_android package provides tools for android apps operation.
cob_android package provides tools for android apps operation.
1 2024-02-19 cob_android_msgs
1 2024-02-19 cob_android_resource_server
1 2024-02-19 cob_android_script_server
1 2024-02-19 cob_android_settings
2 2024-04-30 cob_base_controller_utils
The cob_base_controller_utils package contains common utils for various base_controllers.
The cob_base_controller_utils package contains common utils for various base_controllers.
2 2024-04-30 cob_base_drive_chain
This package contains classes that are able to control the platform of the Care-O-Bot. This means to establish a CAN communication to drive and steering motors of the platform and later send motion commands and receive motor information.
This package contains classes that are able to control the platform of the Care-O-Bot. This means to establish a CAN communication to drive and steering motors of the platform and later send motion commands and receive motor information.
2 2024-04-30 cob_base_velocity_smoother
The 'cob_base_velocity_smoother' reads velocity messages and publishes messages of the same type for "smoothed" velocity to avoid shaking behavior.
The 'cob_base_velocity_smoother' reads velocity messages and publishes messages of the same type for "smoothed" velocity to avoid shaking behavior.
2 2024-04-30 cob_bms_driver
Driver package for interfacing the battery management system (BMS) on Care-O-bot.
Driver package for interfacing the battery management system (BMS) on Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_bringup
This package provides launch files for operating Care-O-bot.
This package provides launch files for operating Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_bringup_sim
This package provides launch files for starting a simulated Care-O-bot.
This package provides launch files for starting a simulated Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_calibration_data
This repository holds the current calibration data for Care-O-bot.
This repository holds the current calibration data for Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_cam3d_throttle
cob_cam3d_throttle: only for Trottel
cob_cam3d_throttle: only for Trottel
2 2024-04-30 cob_canopen_motor
The package cob_canopen_motor implements a controller-drive component which is connected to a can-bus and works with a canopen-interface. "CanDriveItf" provides a - more or less - generic interface to the controller-drive components. "CanDrvie..." then implements a specific setup, e.g. an ELMO Harmonica Controller in case of the "CanDriveHarmonica".
The package cob_canopen_motor implements a controller-drive component which is connected to a can-bus and works with a canopen-interface. "CanDriveItf" provides a - more or less - generic interface to the controller-drive components. "CanDrvie..." then implements a specific setup, e.g. an ELMO Harmonica Controller in case of the "CanDriveHarmonica".
2 2024-04-30 cob_cartesian_controller
This package provides nodes that broadcast tf-frames along various (model-based) Cartesian paths (e.g. Linear, Circular). The tf-frames are interpolated using a given velocity profile (e.g. Ramp, Sinoid) and can be used as targets for the cob_frame_tracker/cob_twist_controller.
This package provides nodes that broadcast tf-frames along various (model-based) Cartesian paths (e.g. Linear, Circular). The tf-frames are interpolated using a given velocity profile (e.g. Ramp, Sinoid) and can be used as targets for the cob_frame_tracker/cob_twist_controller.
1 2024-02-19 cob_collision_monitor
The collision monitor uses the planning scene monitor to read the state of the robot and check it for collision with itselt or the environment. It addition a ground plane is added in any case. Can be used as a stand-aloan node or a move_group capability.
The collision monitor uses the planning scene monitor to read the state of the robot and check it for collision with itselt or the environment. It addition a ground plane is added in any case. Can be used as a stand-aloan node or a move_group capability.
2 2024-04-30 cob_collision_velocity_filter
The cob_collision_velocity_filter package is a package for collision avoidance using teleoperation.
The cob_collision_velocity_filter package is a package for collision avoidance using teleoperation.
2 2024-04-30 cob_command_gui
This package provides a simple GUI for operating Care-O-bot.
This package provides a simple GUI for operating Care-O-bot.
2 2024-04-30 cob_command_tools
The cob_command_tools stack provides tools, for operating Care-O-bot.
The cob_command_tools stack provides tools, for operating Care-O-bot.
2 2024-04-30 cob_common
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
2 2024-04-30 cob_control
cob_control meta-package
cob_control meta-package
2 2024-04-30 cob_control_mode_adapter
The cob_control_mode_adapter package provides a node that automatically loads respective ros_controllers depending on required control mode.
The cob_control_mode_adapter package provides a node that automatically loads respective ros_controllers depending on required control mode.
2 2024-04-30 cob_control_msgs
Common messages and services used in various packages within cob_control.
Common messages and services used in various packages within cob_control.
2 2024-04-30 cob_dashboard
cob_dashboard is a modified version of [[pr2_dashboard]].
cob_dashboard is a modified version of [[pr2_dashboard]].
1 2024-02-19 cob_default_env_config
This package contains configuration files for the default environments for Care-O-bot supported by IPA.
This package contains configuration files for the default environments for Care-O-bot supported by IPA.
1 2024-02-19 cob_default_robot_behavior
The cob_default_robot_behavior package provides helper scripts for standard robot behaviors.
The cob_default_robot_behavior package provides helper scripts for standard robot behaviors.
1 2024-02-19 cob_default_robot_config
Default configuration of the different robots supported by the Care-O-bot stacks. Configuration is e.g. preconfigured joint positions.
Default configuration of the different robots supported by the Care-O-bot stacks. Configuration is e.g. preconfigured joint positions.
2 2024-04-30 cob_description
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the Care-O-bot robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the Care-O-bot robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.


Name Description
1 bosch_locator_bridge
1 bosch_locator_bridge_utils
1 bota_driver
1 bota_driver_testing
1 bota_node
1 bota_signal_handler
1 bota_worker
1 brics_actuator
1 bta_tof_driver
1 2021-04-06 builtin_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
2 calibration
1 calibration_estimation
1 calibration_launch
1 calibration_msgs
1 calibration_setup_helper
1 cam2lidar
1 camera
1 camera_aravis
1 camera_aravis2
1 camera_aravis2_msgs
1 2024-01-17 camera_calibration
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
1 2022-11-16 camera_calibration_parsers
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
1 2022-11-16 camera_info_manager
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
2 camera_info_manager_lib
2 camera_info_manager_metadata_extractor
2 camera_info_manager_py
1 camera_ros
1 camera_throttle
1 camera_umd
1 can_dbc_parser
1 2020-12-18 can_msgs
CAN related message types.
CAN related message types.
1 canopen
1 canopen_402
1 canopen_402_driver
1 canopen_base_driver
1 canopen_chain_node
1 canopen_core
1 canopen_fake_slaves
1 canopen_interfaces
1 canopen_master
1 canopen_master_driver
1 canopen_motor_node
1 canopen_proxy_driver
1 canopen_ros2_control
1 canopen_ros2_controllers
1 canopen_tests
1 canopen_utils
1 capabilities
1 care_o_bot
1 care_o_bot_desktop
1 care_o_bot_robot
1 care_o_bot_simulation
1 caret_analyze
1 caret_analyze_cpp_impl
0 caret_lint_common
1 caret_msgs
1 caret_trace
1 carla_msgs
1 carrot_planner
1 cartesian_control_msgs
1 cartesian_interface
1 cartesian_msgs
1 cartesian_trajectory_controller
1 cartesian_trajectory_interpolation
1 2020-05-29 cartographer
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
2 2021-10-29 cartographer_ros
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
2 2021-10-29 cartographer_ros_msgs
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
2 2021-10-29 cartographer_rviz
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
1 2022-05-27 cascade_lifecycle_msgs
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
1 caster_app
1 caster_base
1 caster_control
1 caster_description
1 caster_desktop
1 caster_navigation
1 caster_robot
1 caster_teleop
1 caster_viz
1 catch_ros
1 catch_ros2
1 catkin
1 catkin_lint_cmake
1 catkin_pip
0 catkin_simple
1 catkin_virtualenv
1 chaplus_ros
1 checkerboard_detector
2 2025-03-06 chomp_motion_planner
1 choreographer
1 cis_camera
1 cl_tf
1 cl_tf2
1 cl_transforms
1 cl_transforms_stamped
1 cl_urdf
1 cl_utils
1 2021-04-12 class_loader
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
1 classic_bags
1 clear_costmap_recovery
1 clearpath_bt_joy
1 clearpath_camera_msgs
1 clearpath_common
1 clearpath_config
1 clearpath_config_live
1 clearpath_configuration_msgs
1 clearpath_control
1 clearpath_control_msgs
1 clearpath_customization
1 clearpath_description
1 clearpath_desktop
1 clearpath_dock_msgs
1 clearpath_generator_common
1 clearpath_generator_gz
1 clearpath_gz
1 clearpath_localization_msgs
1 clearpath_logger_msgs
1 clearpath_manipulators
1 clearpath_manipulators_description
1 clearpath_mecanum_drive_controller
1 clearpath_mission_manager_msgs
1 clearpath_mission_scheduler_msgs
0 clearpath_motor_msgs
1 clearpath_mounts_description
1 clearpath_msgs
1 clearpath_nav2_demos
1 clearpath_navigation_msgs
1 clearpath_offboard_sensors
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples_lib
1 clearpath_onav_examples
1 clearpath_platform_description
1 clearpath_platform_msgs
1 clearpath_ros2_socketcan_interface
1 clearpath_safety_msgs
1 clearpath_sensors_description
1 clearpath_simulator
1 clearpath_socketcan_interface
1 clearpath_tests
1 clearpath_viz
1 clips_vendor
1 clober
1 clober_bringup
1 clober_description
1 clober_msgs
1 clober_navigation
1 clober_serial
1 clober_simulation
1 clober_slam
1 clober_teleop
1 clober_tools
1 clock_relay
1 cloudwatch_logger
1 cloudwatch_logs_common
1 cloudwatch_metrics_collector
1 cloudwatch_metrics_common
1 clover
1 clover_blocks
1 clover_description
1 clover_simulation
0 clpe
1 clpe_ros
1 clpe_ros_msgs
1 cmake_generate_parameter_module_example
1 cmake_modules
1 cmd_vel_smoother
1 cmvision
1 cnn_bridge
1 cnpy
1 co_scan
2 2025-03-04 coal
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
1 cob_3d_mapping_msgs
2 cob_actions
1 cob_android
1 cob_android_msgs
1 cob_android_resource_server
1 cob_android_script_server
1 cob_android_settings
2 cob_base_controller_utils
2 cob_base_drive_chain
2 cob_base_velocity_smoother
2 cob_bms_driver
1 cob_bringup
1 cob_bringup_sim
1 cob_calibration_data
1 cob_cam3d_throttle
2 cob_canopen_motor
2 cob_cartesian_controller
1 cob_collision_monitor
2 cob_collision_velocity_filter
2 cob_command_gui
2 cob_command_tools
2 cob_common
2 cob_control
2 cob_control_mode_adapter
2 cob_control_msgs
2 cob_dashboard
1 cob_default_env_config
1 cob_default_robot_behavior
1 cob_default_robot_config
2 cob_description


Name Description
1 2024-12-11 bosch_locator_bridge
ROS interface to Rexroth ROKIT Locator
ROS interface to Rexroth ROKIT Locator
1 2024-12-11 bosch_locator_bridge_utils
Utilities to use bosch_locator_bridge with Nav2
Utilities to use bosch_locator_bridge with Nav2
1 bota_driver
1 bota_driver_testing
1 bota_node
1 bota_signal_handler
1 bota_worker
1 brics_actuator
1 bta_tof_driver
1 2023-04-18 builtin_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
2 calibration
1 calibration_estimation
1 calibration_launch
1 calibration_msgs
1 calibration_setup_helper
1 cam2lidar
1 camera
1 camera_aravis
1 2024-12-12 camera_aravis2
ROS2 camera driver for [GenICam]( GigEVision and USB3Vision cameras.
ROS2 camera driver for [GenICam]( GigEVision and USB3Vision cameras.
1 2024-12-12 camera_aravis2_msgs
Messages and service definitions for the camera_aravis2 package.
Messages and service definitions for the camera_aravis2 package.
1 2024-08-20 camera_calibration
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
1 2024-03-26 camera_calibration_parsers
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
1 2024-03-26 camera_info_manager
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
2 camera_info_manager_lib
2 camera_info_manager_metadata_extractor
2 camera_info_manager_py
1 camera_ros
1 camera_throttle
1 camera_umd
1 can_dbc_parser
1 2020-12-18 can_msgs
CAN related message types.
CAN related message types.
1 canopen
1 canopen_402
1 canopen_402_driver
1 canopen_base_driver
1 canopen_chain_node
1 canopen_core
1 canopen_fake_slaves
1 canopen_interfaces
1 canopen_master
1 canopen_master_driver
1 canopen_motor_node
1 canopen_proxy_driver
1 canopen_ros2_control
1 canopen_ros2_controllers
1 canopen_tests
1 canopen_utils
1 capabilities
1 care_o_bot
1 care_o_bot_desktop
1 care_o_bot_robot
1 care_o_bot_simulation
1 caret_analyze
1 caret_analyze_cpp_impl
0 caret_lint_common
1 caret_msgs
1 caret_trace
1 carla_msgs
1 carrot_planner
1 cartesian_control_msgs
1 cartesian_interface
1 cartesian_msgs
1 cartesian_trajectory_controller
1 cartesian_trajectory_interpolation
1 2024-03-15 cartographer
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_ros
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_ros_msgs
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_rviz
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
1 2024-04-04 cascade_lifecycle_msgs
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
1 caster_app
1 caster_base
1 caster_control
1 caster_description
1 caster_desktop
1 caster_navigation
1 caster_robot
1 caster_teleop
1 caster_viz
1 catch_ros
1 2024-05-24 catch_ros2
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests.
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests.
1 catkin
1 catkin_lint_cmake
1 catkin_pip
0 catkin_simple
1 catkin_virtualenv
1 chaplus_ros
1 checkerboard_detector
2 2025-03-06 chomp_motion_planner
1 choreographer
1 cis_camera
1 cl_tf
1 cl_tf2
1 cl_transforms
1 cl_transforms_stamped
1 cl_urdf
1 cl_utils
1 2023-02-13 class_loader
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
1 2024-07-11 classic_bags
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
1 clear_costmap_recovery
1 clearpath_bt_joy
1 clearpath_camera_msgs
1 clearpath_common
1 clearpath_config
1 clearpath_config_live
1 clearpath_configuration_msgs
1 clearpath_control
1 clearpath_control_msgs
1 clearpath_customization
1 clearpath_description
1 clearpath_desktop
1 clearpath_dock_msgs
1 clearpath_generator_common
1 clearpath_generator_gz
1 clearpath_gz
1 clearpath_localization_msgs
1 clearpath_logger_msgs
1 clearpath_manipulators
1 clearpath_manipulators_description
1 clearpath_mecanum_drive_controller
1 clearpath_mission_manager_msgs
1 clearpath_mission_scheduler_msgs
0 clearpath_motor_msgs
1 clearpath_mounts_description
1 clearpath_msgs
1 clearpath_nav2_demos
1 clearpath_navigation_msgs
1 clearpath_offboard_sensors
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples_lib
1 clearpath_onav_examples
1 clearpath_platform_description
1 clearpath_platform_msgs
1 clearpath_ros2_socketcan_interface
1 clearpath_safety_msgs
1 clearpath_sensors_description
1 clearpath_simulator
1 clearpath_socketcan_interface
1 clearpath_tests
1 clearpath_viz
1 clips_vendor
1 clober
1 clober_bringup
1 clober_description
1 clober_msgs
1 clober_navigation
1 clober_serial
1 clober_simulation
1 clober_slam
1 clober_teleop
1 clober_tools
1 clock_relay
1 cloudwatch_logger
1 cloudwatch_logs_common
1 cloudwatch_metrics_collector
1 cloudwatch_metrics_common
1 clover
1 clover_blocks
1 clover_description
1 clover_simulation
0 clpe
1 clpe_ros
1 clpe_ros_msgs
1 2025-02-13 cmake_generate_parameter_module_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module with cmake.
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module with cmake.
1 cmake_modules
1 cmd_vel_smoother
1 cmvision
1 cnn_bridge
1 cnpy
1 co_scan
2 2025-03-04 coal
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
1 cob_3d_mapping_msgs
2 cob_actions
1 cob_android
1 cob_android_msgs
1 cob_android_resource_server
1 cob_android_script_server
1 cob_android_settings
2 cob_base_controller_utils
2 cob_base_drive_chain
2 cob_base_velocity_smoother
2 cob_bms_driver
1 cob_bringup
1 cob_bringup_sim
1 cob_calibration_data
1 cob_cam3d_throttle
2 cob_canopen_motor
2 cob_cartesian_controller
1 cob_collision_monitor
2 cob_collision_velocity_filter
2 cob_command_gui
2 cob_command_tools
2 cob_common
2 cob_control
2 cob_control_mode_adapter
2 cob_control_msgs
2 cob_dashboard
1 cob_default_env_config
1 cob_default_robot_behavior
1 cob_default_robot_config
2 cob_description


Name Description
1 bosch_locator_bridge
1 bosch_locator_bridge_utils
1 2023-04-12 bota_driver
Meta package that contains all essential packages of BOTA driver.
Meta package that contains all essential packages of BOTA driver.
1 2023-04-12 bota_driver_testing
ROS node for communicating with rokubimini sensors
ROS node for communicating with rokubimini sensors
1 2023-04-12 bota_node
ROS node wrapper with some convenience functions using *bota_worker*.
ROS node wrapper with some convenience functions using *bota_worker*.
1 2023-04-12 bota_signal_handler
Contains a static signal handling helper class.
Contains a static signal handling helper class.
1 2023-04-12 bota_worker
High resolution version of the ROS worker.
High resolution version of the ROS worker.
1 2015-10-16 brics_actuator
Message defined in the BRICS project
Message defined in the BRICS project
1 2024-11-28 bta_tof_driver
The BTA ROS driver
The BTA ROS driver
1 builtin_interfaces
2 2021-03-30 calibration
Provides a toolchain running through the robot calibration process. This involves capturing calibration data, estimating parameters, and then updating the URDF.
Provides a toolchain running through the robot calibration process. This involves capturing calibration data, estimating parameters, and then updating the URDF.
1 2021-03-30 calibration_estimation
Runs an optimization to estimate the a robot's kinematic parameters. This package is a generic rewrite of pr2_calibration_estimation.
Runs an optimization to estimate the a robot's kinematic parameters. This package is a generic rewrite of pr2_calibration_estimation.
1 2021-03-30 calibration_launch
This package contains a collection of launch files that can be helpful in configuring the calibration stack to run on your robot.
This package contains a collection of launch files that can be helpful in configuring the calibration stack to run on your robot.
1 2021-03-30 calibration_msgs
This package defines messages for storing calibration samples to be used in full robot calibration procedures. This package is still unstable. Expect the messages to change.
This package defines messages for storing calibration samples to be used in full robot calibration procedures. This package is still unstable. Expect the messages to change.
1 2021-03-30 calibration_setup_helper
This package contains a script to generate calibration launch and configurationfiles for your robot. which is based on Michael Ferguson's calibration code
This package contains a script to generate calibration launch and configurationfiles for your robot. which is based on Michael Ferguson's calibration code
1 cam2lidar
1 2024-07-03 camera
This package provides camera utilities.
This package provides camera utilities.
1 camera_aravis
1 camera_aravis2
1 camera_aravis2_msgs
1 2022-12-04 camera_calibration
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
1 2020-04-03 camera_calibration_parsers
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
1 2020-04-03 camera_info_manager
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
2 2025-02-26 camera_info_manager_lib
camera_info_manager API without an active ROS node.
camera_info_manager API without an active ROS node.
2 2025-02-26 camera_info_manager_metadata_extractor
Metadata extractor that matches existing camera info to a particular camera and lens.
Metadata extractor that matches existing camera info to a particular camera and lens.
2 2016-08-17 camera_info_manager_py
Python interface for camera calibration information. This ROS package provides a CameraInfo interface for Python camera drivers similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package.
Python interface for camera calibration information. This ROS package provides a CameraInfo interface for Python camera drivers similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package.
1 camera_ros
1 2025-02-27 camera_throttle
Utilities for throttling cameras
Utilities for throttling cameras
1 2018-08-30 camera_umd
UMD camera metapackage
UMD camera metapackage
1 2022-04-07 can_dbc_parser
DBC file interface. Read a DBC file, unpack CAN messages and convert to engineering units, pack values into CAN messages for publishing.
DBC file interface. Read a DBC file, unpack CAN messages and convert to engineering units, pack values into CAN messages for publishing.
1 2024-05-02 can_msgs
CAN related message types.
CAN related message types.
1 canopen
1 2024-05-02 canopen_402
This implements the CANopen device profile for drives and motion control. CiA(r) 402
This implements the CANopen device profile for drives and motion control. CiA(r) 402
1 canopen_402_driver
1 canopen_base_driver
1 2024-05-02 canopen_chain_node
Base implementation for CANopen chains node with support for management services and diagnostics
Base implementation for CANopen chains node with support for management services and diagnostics
1 canopen_core
1 canopen_fake_slaves
1 canopen_interfaces
1 2024-05-02 canopen_master
CiA(r) CANopen 301 master implementation with support for interprocess master synchronisation.
CiA(r) CANopen 301 master implementation with support for interprocess master synchronisation.
1 canopen_master_driver
1 2024-05-02 canopen_motor_node
canopen_chain_node specialization for handling of canopen_402 motor devices. It facilitates interface abstraction with ros_control.
canopen_chain_node specialization for handling of canopen_402 motor devices. It facilitates interface abstraction with ros_control.
1 canopen_proxy_driver
1 canopen_ros2_control
1 canopen_ros2_controllers
1 canopen_tests
1 canopen_utils
1 2020-04-30 capabilities
Package which implements capabilities, including code to parse capability interface specs, to parse capability provider specs, and implement the capability server.
Package which implements capabilities, including code to parse capability interface specs, to parse capability provider specs, and implement the capability server.
1 care_o_bot
1 care_o_bot_desktop
1 care_o_bot_robot
1 care_o_bot_simulation
1 caret_analyze
1 caret_analyze_cpp_impl
0 caret_lint_common
1 caret_msgs
1 caret_trace
1 2020-03-07 carla_msgs
The carla_msgs package
The carla_msgs package
1 2022-06-20 carrot_planner
This planner attempts to find a legal place to put a carrot for the robot to follow. It does this by moving back along the vector between the robot and the goal point.
This planner attempts to find a legal place to put a carrot for the robot to follow. It does this by moving back along the vector between the robot and the goal point.
1 2024-04-09 cartesian_control_msgs
Cartesian trajectory execution interface.
Cartesian trajectory execution interface.
1 2024-10-14 cartesian_interface
Defines a hardware interface to send Cartesian commands to a robot hardware and read Cartesian states.
Defines a hardware interface to send Cartesian commands to a robot hardware and read Cartesian states.
1 2015-12-10 cartesian_msgs
Stream cartesian commands
Stream cartesian commands
1 2024-10-14 cartesian_trajectory_controller
A Cartesian trajectory controller with multiple hardware interface support
A Cartesian trajectory controller with multiple hardware interface support
1 2024-10-14 cartesian_trajectory_interpolation
Cartesian trajectory interpolation as a standalone library
Cartesian trajectory interpolation as a standalone library
1 cartographer
2 2018-06-08 cartographer_ros
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
2 2018-06-08 cartographer_ros_msgs
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
2 2018-06-08 cartographer_rviz
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
1 cascade_lifecycle_msgs
1 2019-12-15 caster_app
The caster_app package
The caster_app package
1 2019-12-15 caster_base
The caster_base package
The caster_base package
1 2019-12-15 caster_control
The caster_control package
The caster_control package
1 2019-12-15 caster_description
The caster_description package
The caster_description package
1 2019-12-15 caster_desktop
The caster_desktop package
The caster_desktop package
1 2019-12-15 caster_navigation
The caster_navigation package
The caster_navigation package
1 2019-12-15 caster_robot
The caster_robot package
The caster_robot package
1 2019-12-15 caster_teleop
The caster_teleop package
The caster_teleop package
1 2019-12-15 caster_viz
The caster_viz package
The caster_viz package
1 2021-10-25 catch_ros
ROS integration for the Catch unit test framework
ROS integration for the Catch unit test framework
1 catch_ros2
1 2020-10-14 catkin
Low-level build system macros and infrastructure for ROS.
Low-level build system macros and infrastructure for ROS.
1 catkin_lint_cmake
1 2018-08-27 catkin_pip
Catkin macros to allow using pure python packages in usual catkin workspaces with normal python workflow.
Catkin macros to allow using pure python packages in usual catkin workspaces with normal python workflow.
0 catkin_simple
1 2025-02-24 catkin_virtualenv
Bundle python requirements in a catkin package via virtualenv.
Bundle python requirements in a catkin package via virtualenv.
1 2025-01-09 chaplus_ros
The ROS package for chaplus service
The ROS package for chaplus service
1 2025-02-21 checkerboard_detector
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.
2 2022-09-13 chomp_motion_planner
1 2024-07-03 choreographer
Interface for the choreographer subsystem
Interface for the choreographer subsystem
1 2020-01-21 cis_camera
The cis_camera package
The cis_camera package
1 2023-03-28 cl_tf
Client implementation to use TF from Common Lisp
Client implementation to use TF from Common Lisp
1 2023-03-28 cl_tf2
Client implementation to use TF2 from Common Lisp
Client implementation to use TF2 from Common Lisp
1 2023-03-28 cl_transforms
Homogeneous transform library for Common Lisp.
Homogeneous transform library for Common Lisp.
1 2023-03-28 cl_transforms_stamped
Implementation of TF datatypes
Implementation of TF datatypes
1 2023-03-28 cl_urdf
1 2023-03-28 cl_utils
Common Lisp utility libraries
Common Lisp utility libraries
1 2021-12-07 class_loader
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of said exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of said exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
1 classic_bags
1 2022-06-20 clear_costmap_recovery
This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by reverting the costmaps used by the navigation stack to the static map outside of a given area.
This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by reverting the costmaps used by the navigation stack to the static map outside of a given area.
1 clearpath_bt_joy
1 clearpath_camera_msgs
1 clearpath_common
1 clearpath_config
1 clearpath_config_live
1 clearpath_configuration_msgs
1 clearpath_control
1 clearpath_control_msgs
1 clearpath_customization
1 clearpath_description
1 clearpath_desktop
1 clearpath_dock_msgs
1 clearpath_generator_common
1 clearpath_generator_gz
1 clearpath_gz
1 clearpath_localization_msgs
1 clearpath_logger_msgs
1 clearpath_manipulators
1 clearpath_manipulators_description
1 clearpath_mecanum_drive_controller
1 clearpath_mission_manager_msgs
1 clearpath_mission_scheduler_msgs
0 clearpath_motor_msgs
1 clearpath_mounts_description
1 clearpath_msgs
1 clearpath_nav2_demos
1 clearpath_navigation_msgs
1 clearpath_offboard_sensors
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples
1 clearpath_onav_api_examples_lib
1 clearpath_onav_examples
1 clearpath_platform_description
1 clearpath_platform_msgs
1 clearpath_ros2_socketcan_interface
1 clearpath_safety_msgs
1 clearpath_sensors_description
1 clearpath_simulator
1 clearpath_socketcan_interface
1 clearpath_tests
1 clearpath_viz
1 clips_vendor
1 clober
1 clober_bringup
1 clober_description
1 clober_msgs
1 clober_navigation
1 clober_serial
1 clober_simulation
1 clober_slam
1 clober_teleop
1 clober_tools
1 2019-07-16 clock_relay
Specialization of message_relay for clock
Specialization of message_relay for clock
1 2022-02-08 cloudwatch_logger
CloudWatch Logger node for publishing logs to AWS CloudWatch Logs
CloudWatch Logger node for publishing logs to AWS CloudWatch Logs
1 2022-02-08 cloudwatch_logs_common
AWS CloudWatch management library used by ROS1/2 node to publish logs to CloudWatch service
AWS CloudWatch management library used by ROS1/2 node to publish logs to CloudWatch service
1 2022-02-08 cloudwatch_metrics_collector
Subscriber node for the aws/monitoring topic to publish metrics to AWS Cloudwatch
Subscriber node for the aws/monitoring topic to publish metrics to AWS Cloudwatch
1 2022-02-08 cloudwatch_metrics_common
Library used by ROS1/2 node to publish metrics
Library used by ROS1/2 node to publish metrics
1 2021-05-26 clover
The Clover package
The Clover package
1 2021-05-26 clover_blocks
Blockly programming support for Clover
Blockly programming support for Clover
1 2021-05-26 clover_description
The clover_description package provides URDF models of the Clover series of quadcopters.
The clover_description package provides URDF models of the Clover series of quadcopters.
1 2021-05-26 clover_simulation
The clover_simulation package provides worlds and launch files for Gazebo.
The clover_simulation package provides worlds and launch files for Gazebo.
0 clpe
1 clpe_ros
1 clpe_ros_msgs
1 cmake_generate_parameter_module_example
1 2019-03-19 cmake_modules
A common repository for CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages.
A common repository for CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages.
1 2024-12-09 cmd_vel_smoother
The cmd_vel_smoother package
The cmd_vel_smoother package
1 cmvision
1 2019-05-17 cnn_bridge
The cnn_bridge package take freeze graphs and publishes them as ROS messages
The cnn_bridge package take freeze graphs and publishes them as ROS messages
1 cnpy
1 2020-04-01 co_scan
The co_scan package
The co_scan package
2 2025-03-04 coal
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
1 2024-02-19 cob_3d_mapping_msgs
Message, service and action definitions for environment perception.
Message, service and action definitions for environment perception.
2 2024-04-17 cob_actions
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
1 2024-02-19 cob_android
cob_android package provides tools for android apps operation.
cob_android package provides tools for android apps operation.
1 2024-02-19 cob_android_msgs
1 2024-02-19 cob_android_resource_server
1 2024-02-19 cob_android_script_server
1 2024-02-19 cob_android_settings
2 2024-04-17 cob_base_controller_utils
The cob_base_controller_utils package contains common utils for various base_controllers.
The cob_base_controller_utils package contains common utils for various base_controllers.
2 2024-04-17 cob_base_drive_chain
This package contains classes that are able to control the platform of the Care-O-Bot. This means to establish a CAN communication to drive and steering motors of the platform and later send motion commands and receive motor information.
This package contains classes that are able to control the platform of the Care-O-Bot. This means to establish a CAN communication to drive and steering motors of the platform and later send motion commands and receive motor information.
2 2024-04-17 cob_base_velocity_smoother
The 'cob_base_velocity_smoother' reads velocity messages and publishes messages of the same type for "smoothed" velocity to avoid shaking behavior.
The 'cob_base_velocity_smoother' reads velocity messages and publishes messages of the same type for "smoothed" velocity to avoid shaking behavior.
2 2024-04-17 cob_bms_driver
Driver package for interfacing the battery management system (BMS) on Care-O-bot.
Driver package for interfacing the battery management system (BMS) on Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_bringup
This package provides launch files for operating Care-O-bot.
This package provides launch files for operating Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_bringup_sim
This package provides launch files for starting a simulated Care-O-bot.
This package provides launch files for starting a simulated Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_calibration_data
This repository holds the current calibration data for Care-O-bot.
This repository holds the current calibration data for Care-O-bot.
1 2024-02-19 cob_cam3d_throttle
cob_cam3d_throttle: only for Trottel
cob_cam3d_throttle: only for Trottel
2 2024-04-17 cob_canopen_motor
The package cob_canopen_motor implements a controller-drive component which is connected to a can-bus and works with a canopen-interface. "CanDriveItf" provides a - more or less - generic interface to the controller-drive components. "CanDrvie..." then implements a specific setup, e.g. an ELMO Harmonica Controller in case of the "CanDriveHarmonica".
The package cob_canopen_motor implements a controller-drive component which is connected to a can-bus and works with a canopen-interface. "CanDriveItf" provides a - more or less - generic interface to the controller-drive components. "CanDrvie..." then implements a specific setup, e.g. an ELMO Harmonica Controller in case of the "CanDriveHarmonica".
2 2024-04-17 cob_cartesian_controller
This package provides nodes that broadcast tf-frames along various (model-based) Cartesian paths (e.g. Linear, Circular). The tf-frames are interpolated using a given velocity profile (e.g. Ramp, Sinoid) and can be used as targets for the cob_frame_tracker/cob_twist_controller.
This package provides nodes that broadcast tf-frames along various (model-based) Cartesian paths (e.g. Linear, Circular). The tf-frames are interpolated using a given velocity profile (e.g. Ramp, Sinoid) and can be used as targets for the cob_frame_tracker/cob_twist_controller.
1 2024-02-19 cob_collision_monitor
The collision monitor uses the planning scene monitor to read the state of the robot and check it for collision with itselt or the environment. It addition a ground plane is added in any case. Can be used as a stand-aloan node or a move_group capability.
The collision monitor uses the planning scene monitor to read the state of the robot and check it for collision with itselt or the environment. It addition a ground plane is added in any case. Can be used as a stand-aloan node or a move_group capability.
2 2024-04-17 cob_collision_velocity_filter
The cob_collision_velocity_filter package is a package for collision avoidance using teleoperation.
The cob_collision_velocity_filter package is a package for collision avoidance using teleoperation.
2 2024-04-17 cob_command_gui
This package provides a simple GUI for operating Care-O-bot.
This package provides a simple GUI for operating Care-O-bot.
2 2024-04-17 cob_command_tools
The cob_command_tools stack provides tools, for operating Care-O-bot.
The cob_command_tools stack provides tools, for operating Care-O-bot.
2 2024-04-17 cob_common
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
2 2024-04-17 cob_control
cob_control meta-package
cob_control meta-package
2 2024-04-17 cob_control_mode_adapter
The cob_control_mode_adapter package provides a node that automatically loads respective ros_controllers depending on required control mode.
The cob_control_mode_adapter package provides a node that automatically loads respective ros_controllers depending on required control mode.
2 2024-04-17 cob_control_msgs
Common messages and services used in various packages within cob_control.
Common messages and services used in various packages within cob_control.
2 2024-04-17 cob_dashboard
cob_dashboard is a modified version of [[pr2_dashboard]].
cob_dashboard is a modified version of [[pr2_dashboard]].
1 2024-02-19 cob_default_env_config
This package contains configuration files for the default environments for Care-O-bot supported by IPA.
This package contains configuration files for the default environments for Care-O-bot supported by IPA.
1 2024-02-19 cob_default_robot_behavior
The cob_default_robot_behavior package provides helper scripts for standard robot behaviors.
The cob_default_robot_behavior package provides helper scripts for standard robot behaviors.
1 2024-02-19 cob_default_robot_config
Default configuration of the different robots supported by the Care-O-bot stacks. Configuration is e.g. preconfigured joint positions.
Default configuration of the different robots supported by the Care-O-bot stacks. Configuration is e.g. preconfigured joint positions.
2 2024-04-17 cob_description
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the Care-O-bot robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the Care-O-bot robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.