Name | Description | |||
1 | heifu_safety | |||
1 | heifu_simple_waypoint | |||
1 | heifu_tools | |||
1 | 2025-01-30 | heightmap_spawner |
Gazebo Harmonic heightmap spawner from ROS2 map
Gazebo Harmonic heightmap spawner from ROS2 map
1 | heron_control | |||
1 | heron_controller | |||
1 | heron_description | |||
1 | heron_desktop | |||
1 | heron_gazebo | |||
1 | heron_msgs | |||
1 | heron_simulator | |||
1 | heron_viz | |||
1 | 2023-12-18 | hey5_description |
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual,
etc.) of the Hey5 hand. The files in this package are parsed and used by
a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly
with this package.
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual,
etc.) of the Hey5 hand. The files in this package are parsed and used by
a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly
with this package.
1 | hfl_driver | |||
1 | hironx_calibration | |||
1 | hironx_moveit_config | |||
1 | hironx_ros_bridge | |||
1 | 2021-07-15 | hls_lfcd_lds_driver |
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
1 | hokuyo3d | |||
1 | 2024-06-29 | homing_local_planner |
The homing_local_planner package
The homing_local_planner package
0 | hongfu_bms | |||
1 | hostapd_access_point | |||
0 | hpp-fcl | |||
1 | 2024-09-10 | hri |
A wrapper library around the ROS4HRI ROS topics
A wrapper library around the ROS4HRI ROS topics
1 | 2024-10-31 | hri_actions_msgs |
Action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
Action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
1 | 2024-11-19 | hri_face_body_matcher |
The hri_face_body_matcher package
The hri_face_body_matcher package
1 | 2024-12-05 | hri_face_detect |
Google Mediapipe-based face detection for ROS4HRI
Google Mediapipe-based face detection for ROS4HRI
1 | 2024-11-06 | hri_msgs |
Messages, services and action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
Messages, services and action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
1 | 2024-11-19 | hri_privacy_msgs |
ROS message definitions for declaring privacy-sensitive data flows
ROS message definitions for declaring privacy-sensitive data flows
1 | 2024-09-19 | hri_rviz |
Set of rviz plugins for ROS4HRI data visualization
Set of rviz plugins for ROS4HRI data visualization
1 | hrpsys | |||
1 | hrpsys_ros_bridge | |||
1 | hrpsys_tools | |||
1 | 2025-02-06 | http_client |
The http_client package
The http_client package
1 | 2024-02-05 | human_description |
This package contains a parametric kinematic description of humans.
The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other
components, notably in the context of human-robot interaction.
Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains a parametric kinematic description of humans.
The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other
components, notably in the context of human-robot interaction.
Most users will not interact directly with this package.
1 | husky_base | |||
1 | husky_bringup | |||
1 | husky_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | husky_control | |||
1 | husky_description | |||
1 | husky_desktop | |||
1 | husky_gazebo | |||
1 | husky_msgs | |||
1 | husky_navigation | |||
1 | husky_robot | |||
1 | husky_simulator | |||
1 | husky_viz | |||
1 | hyveos_bridge | |||
1 | hyveos_msgs | |||
1 | i2c | |||
1 | ibeo_core | |||
1 | ibeo_lux | |||
1 | 2023-04-25 | ibeo_msgs |
The ibeo_msgs package
The ibeo_msgs package
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_binding_c |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_hoofs |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_integrationtest |
iceoryx Software Integrationtest
iceoryx Software Integrationtest
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_introspection |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware introspection client
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware introspection client
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_posh |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi)
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi)
1 | iceoryx_utils | |||
1 | ieee80211_channels | |||
1 | ifm3d-ros | |||
1 | ifm3d_core | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_driver | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_examples | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_msgs | |||
1 | ifopt | |||
2 | 2022-05-25 | ign_ros2_control |
Ignition ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
Ignition ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
2 | 2022-05-25 | ign_ros2_control_demos |
1 | ign_ros_control | |||
1 | ign_ros_control_demos | |||
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz |
RViz developed using Ignition libraries
RViz developed using Ignition libraries
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz_common |
Common libraries for ign_rviz and ign_rviz_plugins
Common libraries for ign_rviz and ign_rviz_plugins
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz_plugins |
This package contains visualization plugins for ign-rviz
This package contains visualization plugins for ign-rviz
0 | ignition-gazebo2 | |||
0 | ignition-rendering2 | |||
0 | ignition-sensors2 | |||
1 | 2022-03-29 | ignition_cmake2_vendor |
This package provides the Ignition CMake 2.x library.
This package provides the Ignition CMake 2.x library.
1 | 2022-03-29 | ignition_math6_vendor |
This package provides the Ignition Math 6.x library.
This package provides the Ignition Math 6.x library.
1 | igvc_self_drive_description | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo_plugins | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_sim | |||
1 | 2025-03-06 | iiqka_moveit_example |
ROS example package using the iiQKA driver and moveit
ROS example package using the iiQKA driver and moveit
1 | iirob_filters | |||
1 | image_cb_detector | |||
1 | 2025-02-12 | image_common |
Common code for working with images in ROS.
Common code for working with images in ROS.
1 | image_exposure_msgs | |||
2 | 2024-12-02 | image_geometry |
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_pipeline |
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_proc |
Single image rectification and color processing.
Single image rectification and color processing.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_publisher |
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file
or avi motion file.
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file
or avi motion file.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_rotate |
1 | image_sampler | |||
1 | 2024-07-26 | image_tools |
Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.
Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.
1 | 2025-02-12 | image_transport |
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
1 | image_transport_codecs | |||
1 | 2025-02-10 | image_transport_plugins |
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
1 | image_transport_py | |||
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_view |
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
1 | image_view2 | |||
1 | imagesift | |||
1 | imagezero | |||
1 | imagezero_image_transport | |||
1 | imagezero_ros | |||
0 | imu_augmentor | |||
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_complementary_filter |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_filter_madgwick |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
1 | imu_from_ios_sensorlog | |||
1 | imu_integration | |||
1 | imu_monitor | |||
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_pipeline |
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_processors |
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
1 | 2025-03-08 | imu_sensor_broadcaster |
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.
1 | imu_sensor_controller | |||
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_tools |
Various tools for IMU devices
Various tools for IMU devices
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_transformer |
Node/components to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
Node/components to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
1 | industrial_core | |||
1 | industrial_deprecated | |||
1 | industrial_modbus_tcp | |||
1 | industrial_msgs | |||
1 | industrial_robot_angle_conversions | |||
1 | industrial_robot_client | |||
1 | industrial_robot_simulator | |||
1 | industrial_robot_status_controller | |||
1 | industrial_robot_status_interface | |||
1 | industrial_trajectory_filters | |||
1 | industrial_utils | |||
1 | inertial_sense_ros | |||
1 | influxdb_store | |||
1 | inno_sim_interface | |||
1 | innopolis_vtol_dynamics | |||
1 | inorbit_republisher | |||
1 | insight_gui | |||
1 | 2025-03-06 | integration_launch_testing |
Functional integration tests for franka controllers
Functional integration tests for franka controllers
1 | interactive_marker_proxy | |||
1 | interactive_marker_teleop | |||
1 | interactive_marker_tutorials | |||
1 | 2024-11-19 | interactive_marker_twist_server |
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
1 | 2022-04-08 | interactive_markers |
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
1 | interest_point | |||
1 | interval_intersection | |||
1 | 2024-07-26 | intra_process_demo |
Demonstrations of intra process communication.
Demonstrations of intra process communication.
1 | 2023-06-22 | io_context |
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications
1 | iotbot | |||
1 | ipa_3d_fov_visualization | |||
1 | ipa_differential_docking | |||
1 | ipcamera_driver | |||
1 | ipr_extern | |||
1 | ira_laser_tools | |||
1 | iris_lama | |||
1 | iris_lama_ros | |||
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_common_bringup |
Provides common launch and configuration scripts for a simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides common launch and configuration scripts for a simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_control |
Provides the diff-drive controller for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides the diff-drive controller for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_description |
Provides the model description for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides the model description for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_gz_bringup |
Provides launch and configuration scripts for a Ignition simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides launch and configuration scripts for a Ignition simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_gz_plugins |
Ignition plugins for simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Ignition plugins for simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_gz_sim |
Metapackage for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 robot Ignition simulator
Metapackage for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 robot Ignition simulator
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_gz_toolbox |
Nodes and tools for simulating in Ignition iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Nodes and tools for simulating in Ignition iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
0 | irobot_create_ignition_bringup | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_toolbox | |||
1 | 2022-09-15 | irobot_create_msgs |
Package containing action, message, and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) platform
Package containing action, message, and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) platform
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_nodes |
ROS 2 Nodes for the simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
ROS 2 Nodes for the simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_toolbox |
Components and helpers for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Components and helpers for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | is_camera | |||
1 | ivcon | |||
1 | ixblue_ins | |||
1 | ixblue_ins_driver | |||
1 | ixblue_ins_msgs | |||
1 | ixblue_stdbin_decoder | |||
1 | jackal_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | jackal_control | |||
1 | jackal_description | |||
1 | jackal_desktop | |||
1 | jackal_gazebo | |||
1 | jackal_msgs | |||
1 | jackal_navigation | |||
1 | jackal_simulator | |||
1 | jackal_tutorials | |||
1 | jackal_viz | |||
1 | 2024-11-13 | jacro |
TODO: Project Short Description
TODO: Project Short Description
1 | jason_ros | |||
1 | jason_ros_comm | |||
1 | jason_ros_msgs | |||
1 | jderobot_assets | |||
1 | jderobot_color_tuner | |||
1 | jderobot_drones | |||
1 | jlb_pid | |||
1 | 2025-03-06 | joint_group_impedance_controller |
Controller for modifying impedance (stiffness and damping) interfaces of a joint group
Controller for modifying impedance (stiffness and damping) interfaces of a joint group
1 | 2024-12-19 | joint_limits |
Interfaces for handling of joint limits for controllers or hardware.
Interfaces for handling of joint limits for controllers or hardware.
2 | 2024-12-19 | joint_limits_interface |
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
1 | joint_qualification_controllers | |||
1 | 2025-03-08 | joint_state_broadcaster |
Broadcaster to publish joint state
Broadcaster to publish joint state
1 | joint_state_controller | |||
1 | 2024-12-09 | joint_state_publisher |
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | 2024-12-09 | joint_state_publisher_gui |
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | joint_states_settler | |||
1 | joint_trajectory_action | |||
1 | joint_trajectory_action_tools | |||
2 | 2025-03-08 | joint_trajectory_controller |
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
1 | joint_trajectory_generator |
Name | Description | |||
1 | heifu_safety | |||
1 | heifu_simple_waypoint | |||
1 | heifu_tools | |||
1 | 2025-01-30 | heightmap_spawner |
Gazebo Harmonic heightmap spawner from ROS2 map
Gazebo Harmonic heightmap spawner from ROS2 map
1 | heron_control | |||
1 | heron_controller | |||
1 | heron_description | |||
1 | heron_desktop | |||
1 | heron_gazebo | |||
1 | heron_msgs | |||
1 | heron_simulator | |||
1 | heron_viz | |||
1 | hey5_description | |||
1 | hfl_driver | |||
1 | hironx_calibration | |||
1 | hironx_moveit_config | |||
1 | hironx_ros_bridge | |||
1 | 2021-07-15 | hls_lfcd_lds_driver |
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
1 | hokuyo3d | |||
1 | homing_local_planner | |||
0 | hongfu_bms | |||
1 | hostapd_access_point | |||
0 | hpp-fcl | |||
1 | hri | |||
1 | hri_actions_msgs | |||
1 | hri_face_body_matcher | |||
1 | hri_face_detect | |||
1 | hri_msgs | |||
1 | hri_privacy_msgs | |||
1 | hri_rviz | |||
1 | hrpsys | |||
1 | hrpsys_ros_bridge | |||
1 | hrpsys_tools | |||
1 | http_client | |||
1 | human_description | |||
1 | husky_base | |||
1 | husky_bringup | |||
1 | husky_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | husky_control | |||
1 | husky_description | |||
1 | husky_desktop | |||
1 | husky_gazebo | |||
1 | husky_msgs | |||
1 | husky_navigation | |||
1 | husky_robot | |||
1 | husky_simulator | |||
1 | husky_viz | |||
1 | 2025-01-13 | hyveos_bridge |
The HyveOS ROS 2 bridge
The HyveOS ROS 2 bridge
1 | 2025-01-13 | hyveos_msgs |
Message and service definitions for interacting with the HyveOS ROS 2 bridge
Message and service definitions for interacting with the HyveOS ROS 2 bridge
1 | i2c | |||
1 | ibeo_core | |||
1 | ibeo_lux | |||
1 | 2023-04-25 | ibeo_msgs |
The ibeo_msgs package
The ibeo_msgs package
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_binding_c |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_hoofs |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_integrationtest |
iceoryx Software Integrationtest
iceoryx Software Integrationtest
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_introspection |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware introspection client
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware introspection client
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_posh |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi)
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi)
1 | iceoryx_utils | |||
1 | ieee80211_channels | |||
1 | ifm3d-ros | |||
1 | ifm3d_core | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_driver | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_examples | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_msgs | |||
1 | ifopt | |||
2 | ign_ros2_control | |||
2 | ign_ros2_control_demos | |||
1 | ign_ros_control | |||
1 | ign_ros_control_demos | |||
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz |
RViz developed using Ignition libraries
RViz developed using Ignition libraries
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz_common |
Common libraries for ign_rviz and ign_rviz_plugins
Common libraries for ign_rviz and ign_rviz_plugins
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz_plugins |
This package contains visualization plugins for ign-rviz
This package contains visualization plugins for ign-rviz
0 | ignition-gazebo2 | |||
0 | ignition-rendering2 | |||
0 | ignition-sensors2 | |||
1 | ignition_cmake2_vendor | |||
1 | ignition_math6_vendor | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_description | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo_plugins | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_sim | |||
1 | iiqka_moveit_example | |||
1 | iirob_filters | |||
1 | image_cb_detector | |||
1 | 2025-03-04 | image_common |
Common code for working with images in ROS.
Common code for working with images in ROS.
1 | image_exposure_msgs | |||
2 | 2024-12-02 | image_geometry |
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_pipeline |
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_proc |
Single image rectification and color processing.
Single image rectification and color processing.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_publisher |
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file
or avi motion file.
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file
or avi motion file.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_rotate |
1 | image_sampler | |||
1 | 2024-11-27 | image_tools |
Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.
Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.
1 | 2025-03-04 | image_transport |
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
1 | image_transport_codecs | |||
1 | 2025-02-10 | image_transport_plugins |
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
1 | image_transport_py | |||
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_view |
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
1 | image_view2 | |||
1 | imagesift | |||
1 | imagezero | |||
1 | imagezero_image_transport | |||
1 | imagezero_ros | |||
0 | imu_augmentor | |||
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_complementary_filter |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_filter_madgwick |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
1 | imu_from_ios_sensorlog | |||
1 | imu_integration | |||
1 | imu_monitor | |||
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_pipeline |
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_processors |
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
1 | 2025-03-07 | imu_sensor_broadcaster |
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.
1 | imu_sensor_controller | |||
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_tools |
Various tools for IMU devices
Various tools for IMU devices
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_transformer |
Node/components to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
Node/components to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
1 | industrial_core | |||
1 | industrial_deprecated | |||
1 | industrial_modbus_tcp | |||
1 | industrial_msgs | |||
1 | industrial_robot_angle_conversions | |||
1 | industrial_robot_client | |||
1 | industrial_robot_simulator | |||
1 | industrial_robot_status_controller | |||
1 | industrial_robot_status_interface | |||
1 | industrial_trajectory_filters | |||
1 | industrial_utils | |||
1 | inertial_sense_ros | |||
1 | influxdb_store | |||
1 | inno_sim_interface | |||
1 | innopolis_vtol_dynamics | |||
1 | inorbit_republisher | |||
1 | 2025-01-13 | insight_gui |
Insight is a minimalist GUI alternative to rqt. It is a GTK4-based tool for exploring ROS2 topics, services, and messages, featuring the GNOME Adwaita style.
Insight is a minimalist GUI alternative to rqt. It is a GTK4-based tool for exploring ROS2 topics, services, and messages, featuring the GNOME Adwaita style.
1 | integration_launch_testing | |||
1 | interactive_marker_proxy | |||
1 | interactive_marker_teleop | |||
1 | interactive_marker_tutorials | |||
1 | 2024-11-19 | interactive_marker_twist_server |
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
1 | 2024-12-02 | interactive_markers |
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
1 | interest_point | |||
1 | interval_intersection | |||
1 | 2024-11-27 | intra_process_demo |
Demonstrations of intra process communication.
Demonstrations of intra process communication.
1 | 2023-06-22 | io_context |
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications
1 | iotbot | |||
1 | ipa_3d_fov_visualization | |||
1 | ipa_differential_docking | |||
1 | ipcamera_driver | |||
1 | ipr_extern | |||
1 | ira_laser_tools | |||
1 | iris_lama | |||
1 | iris_lama_ros | |||
1 | 2024-10-24 | irobot_create_common_bringup |
Provides common launch and configuration scripts for a simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides common launch and configuration scripts for a simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-10-24 | irobot_create_control |
Provides the diff-drive controller for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides the diff-drive controller for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-10-24 | irobot_create_description |
Provides the model description for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides the model description for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-10-24 | irobot_create_gz_bringup |
Provides launch and configuration scripts for a Ignition simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides launch and configuration scripts for a Ignition simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-10-24 | irobot_create_gz_plugins |
Ignition plugins for simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Ignition plugins for simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-10-24 | irobot_create_gz_sim |
Metapackage for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 robot Ignition simulator
Metapackage for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 robot Ignition simulator
1 | 2024-10-24 | irobot_create_gz_toolbox |
Nodes and tools for simulating in Ignition iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Nodes and tools for simulating in Ignition iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
0 | irobot_create_ignition_bringup | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_toolbox | |||
1 | 2024-06-05 | irobot_create_msgs |
Package containing action, message, and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) platform
Package containing action, message, and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) platform
1 | 2024-10-24 | irobot_create_nodes |
ROS 2 Nodes for the simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
ROS 2 Nodes for the simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-10-24 | irobot_create_toolbox |
Components and helpers for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Components and helpers for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | is_camera | |||
1 | ivcon | |||
1 | ixblue_ins | |||
1 | ixblue_ins_driver | |||
1 | ixblue_ins_msgs | |||
1 | ixblue_stdbin_decoder | |||
1 | jackal_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | jackal_control | |||
1 | jackal_description | |||
1 | jackal_desktop | |||
1 | jackal_gazebo | |||
1 | jackal_msgs | |||
1 | jackal_navigation | |||
1 | jackal_simulator | |||
1 | jackal_tutorials | |||
1 | jackal_viz | |||
1 | 2024-11-13 | jacro |
TODO: Project Short Description
TODO: Project Short Description
1 | jason_ros | |||
1 | jason_ros_comm | |||
1 | jason_ros_msgs | |||
1 | jderobot_assets | |||
1 | jderobot_color_tuner | |||
1 | jderobot_drones | |||
1 | jlb_pid | |||
1 | joint_group_impedance_controller | |||
1 | 2025-03-05 | joint_limits |
Package with interfaces for handling of joint limits in controllers or in hardware. The package also implements Saturation Joint Limiter for position-velocity-acceleration set and other individual interfaces.
Package with interfaces for handling of joint limits in controllers or in hardware. The package also implements Saturation Joint Limiter for position-velocity-acceleration set and other individual interfaces.
2 | joint_limits_interface | |||
1 | joint_qualification_controllers | |||
1 | 2025-03-07 | joint_state_broadcaster |
Broadcaster to publish joint state
Broadcaster to publish joint state
1 | joint_state_controller | |||
1 | 2024-12-09 | joint_state_publisher |
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | 2024-12-09 | joint_state_publisher_gui |
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | joint_states_settler | |||
1 | joint_trajectory_action | |||
1 | joint_trajectory_action_tools | |||
2 | 2025-03-07 | joint_trajectory_controller |
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
1 | joint_trajectory_generator |
Name | Description | |||
1 | heifu_safety | |||
1 | heifu_simple_waypoint | |||
1 | heifu_tools | |||
1 | heightmap_spawner | |||
1 | heron_control | |||
1 | heron_controller | |||
1 | heron_description | |||
1 | heron_desktop | |||
1 | heron_gazebo | |||
1 | heron_msgs | |||
1 | heron_simulator | |||
1 | heron_viz | |||
1 | hey5_description | |||
1 | hfl_driver | |||
1 | hironx_calibration | |||
1 | hironx_moveit_config | |||
1 | hironx_ros_bridge | |||
1 | 2021-07-15 | hls_lfcd_lds_driver |
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
1 | hokuyo3d | |||
1 | homing_local_planner | |||
0 | hongfu_bms | |||
1 | hostapd_access_point | |||
0 | hpp-fcl | |||
1 | hri | |||
1 | hri_actions_msgs | |||
1 | hri_face_body_matcher | |||
1 | hri_face_detect | |||
1 | hri_msgs | |||
1 | hri_privacy_msgs | |||
1 | hri_rviz | |||
1 | hrpsys | |||
1 | hrpsys_ros_bridge | |||
1 | hrpsys_tools | |||
1 | http_client | |||
1 | human_description | |||
1 | husky_base | |||
1 | husky_bringup | |||
1 | husky_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | husky_control | |||
1 | husky_description | |||
1 | husky_desktop | |||
1 | husky_gazebo | |||
1 | husky_msgs | |||
1 | husky_navigation | |||
1 | husky_robot | |||
1 | husky_simulator | |||
1 | husky_viz | |||
1 | 2025-01-13 | hyveos_bridge |
The HyveOS ROS 2 bridge
The HyveOS ROS 2 bridge
1 | 2025-01-13 | hyveos_msgs |
Message and service definitions for interacting with the HyveOS ROS 2 bridge
Message and service definitions for interacting with the HyveOS ROS 2 bridge
1 | i2c | |||
1 | ibeo_core | |||
1 | ibeo_lux | |||
1 | 2023-04-25 | ibeo_msgs |
The ibeo_msgs package
The ibeo_msgs package
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_binding_c |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_hoofs |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_integrationtest |
iceoryx Software Integrationtest
iceoryx Software Integrationtest
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_introspection |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware introspection client
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware introspection client
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_posh |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi)
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi)
1 | iceoryx_utils | |||
1 | ieee80211_channels | |||
1 | ifm3d-ros | |||
1 | ifm3d_core | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_driver | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_examples | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_msgs | |||
1 | ifopt | |||
2 | ign_ros2_control | |||
2 | ign_ros2_control_demos | |||
1 | ign_ros_control | |||
1 | ign_ros_control_demos | |||
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz |
RViz developed using Ignition libraries
RViz developed using Ignition libraries
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz_common |
Common libraries for ign_rviz and ign_rviz_plugins
Common libraries for ign_rviz and ign_rviz_plugins
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz_plugins |
This package contains visualization plugins for ign-rviz
This package contains visualization plugins for ign-rviz
0 | ignition-gazebo2 | |||
0 | ignition-rendering2 | |||
0 | ignition-sensors2 | |||
1 | ignition_cmake2_vendor | |||
1 | ignition_math6_vendor | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_description | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo_plugins | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_sim | |||
1 | iiqka_moveit_example | |||
1 | iirob_filters | |||
1 | image_cb_detector | |||
1 | 2025-03-04 | image_common |
Common code for working with images in ROS.
Common code for working with images in ROS.
1 | image_exposure_msgs | |||
2 | 2024-12-02 | image_geometry |
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_pipeline |
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_proc |
Single image rectification and color processing.
Single image rectification and color processing.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_publisher |
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file
or avi motion file.
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file
or avi motion file.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_rotate |
1 | image_sampler | |||
1 | 2025-02-10 | image_tools |
Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.
Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.
1 | 2025-03-04 | image_transport |
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
1 | image_transport_codecs | |||
1 | 2025-02-10 | image_transport_plugins |
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
1 | 2025-03-04 | image_transport_py |
Python API for image_transport
Python API for image_transport
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_view |
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
1 | image_view2 | |||
1 | imagesift | |||
1 | imagezero | |||
1 | imagezero_image_transport | |||
1 | imagezero_ros | |||
0 | imu_augmentor | |||
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_complementary_filter |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_filter_madgwick |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
1 | imu_from_ios_sensorlog | |||
1 | imu_integration | |||
1 | imu_monitor | |||
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_pipeline |
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_processors |
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
1 | 2025-03-07 | imu_sensor_broadcaster |
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.
1 | imu_sensor_controller | |||
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_tools |
Various tools for IMU devices
Various tools for IMU devices
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_transformer |
Node/components to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
Node/components to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
1 | industrial_core | |||
1 | industrial_deprecated | |||
1 | industrial_modbus_tcp | |||
1 | industrial_msgs | |||
1 | industrial_robot_angle_conversions | |||
1 | industrial_robot_client | |||
1 | industrial_robot_simulator | |||
1 | industrial_robot_status_controller | |||
1 | industrial_robot_status_interface | |||
1 | industrial_trajectory_filters | |||
1 | industrial_utils | |||
1 | inertial_sense_ros | |||
1 | influxdb_store | |||
1 | inno_sim_interface | |||
1 | innopolis_vtol_dynamics | |||
1 | inorbit_republisher | |||
1 | insight_gui | |||
1 | integration_launch_testing | |||
1 | interactive_marker_proxy | |||
1 | interactive_marker_teleop | |||
1 | interactive_marker_tutorials | |||
1 | 2024-11-19 | interactive_marker_twist_server |
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
1 | 2024-12-20 | interactive_markers |
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
1 | interest_point | |||
1 | interval_intersection | |||
1 | 2025-02-10 | intra_process_demo |
Demonstrations of intra process communication.
Demonstrations of intra process communication.
1 | 2023-06-22 | io_context |
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications
1 | iotbot | |||
1 | ipa_3d_fov_visualization | |||
1 | ipa_differential_docking | |||
1 | ipcamera_driver | |||
1 | ipr_extern | |||
1 | ira_laser_tools | |||
1 | iris_lama | |||
1 | iris_lama_ros | |||
1 | irobot_create_common_bringup | |||
1 | irobot_create_control | |||
1 | irobot_create_description | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_bringup | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_plugins | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_sim | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_toolbox | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_bringup | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_toolbox | |||
1 | 2024-06-05 | irobot_create_msgs |
Package containing action, message, and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) platform
Package containing action, message, and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) platform
1 | irobot_create_nodes | |||
1 | irobot_create_toolbox | |||
1 | is_camera | |||
1 | ivcon | |||
1 | ixblue_ins | |||
1 | ixblue_ins_driver | |||
1 | ixblue_ins_msgs | |||
1 | ixblue_stdbin_decoder | |||
1 | jackal_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | jackal_control | |||
1 | jackal_description | |||
1 | jackal_desktop | |||
1 | jackal_gazebo | |||
1 | jackal_msgs | |||
1 | jackal_navigation | |||
1 | jackal_simulator | |||
1 | jackal_tutorials | |||
1 | jackal_viz | |||
1 | 2024-11-13 | jacro |
TODO: Project Short Description
TODO: Project Short Description
1 | jason_ros | |||
1 | jason_ros_comm | |||
1 | jason_ros_msgs | |||
1 | jderobot_assets | |||
1 | jderobot_color_tuner | |||
1 | jderobot_drones | |||
1 | jlb_pid | |||
1 | joint_group_impedance_controller | |||
1 | 2025-03-05 | joint_limits |
Package with interfaces for handling of joint limits in controllers or in hardware. The package also implements Saturation Joint Limiter for position-velocity-acceleration set and other individual interfaces.
Package with interfaces for handling of joint limits in controllers or in hardware. The package also implements Saturation Joint Limiter for position-velocity-acceleration set and other individual interfaces.
2 | joint_limits_interface | |||
1 | joint_qualification_controllers | |||
1 | 2025-03-07 | joint_state_broadcaster |
Broadcaster to publish joint state
Broadcaster to publish joint state
1 | joint_state_controller | |||
1 | 2024-12-09 | joint_state_publisher |
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | 2024-12-09 | joint_state_publisher_gui |
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | joint_states_settler | |||
1 | joint_trajectory_action | |||
1 | joint_trajectory_action_tools | |||
2 | 2025-03-07 | joint_trajectory_controller |
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
1 | joint_trajectory_generator |
Name | Description | |||
1 | heifu_safety | |||
1 | heifu_simple_waypoint | |||
1 | heifu_tools | |||
1 | heightmap_spawner | |||
1 | heron_control | |||
1 | heron_controller | |||
1 | heron_description | |||
1 | heron_desktop | |||
1 | heron_gazebo | |||
1 | heron_msgs | |||
1 | heron_simulator | |||
1 | heron_viz | |||
1 | hey5_description | |||
1 | 2021-03-18 | hfl_driver |
The hfl package
The hfl package
1 | hironx_calibration | |||
1 | hironx_moveit_config | |||
1 | hironx_ros_bridge | |||
1 | 2021-04-16 | hls_lfcd_lds_driver |
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
1 | 2024-02-19 | hokuyo3d |
ROS driver node for HOKUYO 3D LIDARs
ROS driver node for HOKUYO 3D LIDARs
1 | homing_local_planner | |||
0 | hongfu_bms | |||
1 | hostapd_access_point | |||
0 | hpp-fcl | |||
1 | 2023-07-05 | hri |
A wrapper library around the ROS4HRI ROS topics
A wrapper library around the ROS4HRI ROS topics
1 | 2023-12-18 | hri_actions_msgs |
Action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
Action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
1 | hri_face_body_matcher | |||
1 | hri_face_detect | |||
1 | 2023-12-18 | hri_msgs |
Messages, services and action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
Messages, services and action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
1 | hri_privacy_msgs | |||
1 | 2023-10-18 | hri_rviz |
This package contains several rviz plugins to visualize HRI-related topics (like face/body region of interests, 3D skeletons...)
This package contains several rviz plugins to visualize HRI-related topics (like face/body region of interests, 3D skeletons...)
1 | hrpsys | |||
1 | hrpsys_ros_bridge | |||
1 | hrpsys_tools | |||
1 | http_client | |||
1 | 2024-02-05 | human_description |
This package contains a parametric kinematic description of humans.
The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other
components, notably in the context of human-robot interaction.
Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains a parametric kinematic description of humans.
The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other
components, notably in the context of human-robot interaction.
Most users will not interact directly with this package.
1 | husky_base | |||
1 | husky_bringup | |||
1 | husky_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | 2024-04-26 | husky_control |
Clearpath Husky controller configurations
Clearpath Husky controller configurations
1 | 2024-04-26 | husky_description |
Clearpath Husky URDF description
Clearpath Husky URDF description
1 | 2024-04-26 | husky_desktop |
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky visualization software
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky visualization software
1 | 2024-04-26 | husky_gazebo |
Clearpath Husky Simulator bringup
Clearpath Husky Simulator bringup
1 | 2024-04-26 | husky_msgs |
Messages for Clearpath Husky
Messages for Clearpath Husky
1 | 2024-04-26 | husky_navigation |
Autonomous mapping and navigation demos for the Clearpath Husky
Autonomous mapping and navigation demos for the Clearpath Husky
1 | husky_robot | |||
1 | 2024-04-26 | husky_simulator |
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky simulation software
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky simulation software
1 | 2024-04-26 | husky_viz |
Visualization configuration for Clearpath Husky
Visualization configuration for Clearpath Husky
1 | hyveos_bridge | |||
1 | hyveos_msgs | |||
1 | 2024-07-03 | i2c |
The i2c package
The i2c package
1 | ibeo_core | |||
1 | ibeo_lux | |||
1 | 2023-04-25 | ibeo_msgs |
The ibeo_msgs package
The ibeo_msgs package
1 | iceoryx_binding_c | |||
1 | iceoryx_hoofs | |||
1 | iceoryx_integrationtest | |||
1 | iceoryx_introspection | |||
1 | iceoryx_posh | |||
1 | iceoryx_utils | |||
1 | ieee80211_channels | |||
1 | 2024-06-25 | ifm3d-ros |
metapackage for the ifm3d-ros package group which interacts with the ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS package
metapackage for the ifm3d-ros package group which interacts with the ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS package
1 | 2020-06-02 | ifm3d_core |
Library and Utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras
Library and Utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras
1 | 2024-06-25 | ifm3d_ros_driver |
ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS main driver package
ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS main driver package
1 | 2024-06-25 | ifm3d_ros_examples |
ifm3d_ros examples subpackage
ifm3d_ros examples subpackage
1 | 2024-06-25 | ifm3d_ros_msgs |
ifm3d_ros messages subpackage
ifm3d_ros messages subpackage
1 | 2025-01-17 | ifopt |
2 | ign_ros2_control | |||
2 | ign_ros2_control_demos | |||
1 | 2022-08-09 | ign_ros_control |
Ignition ros_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros_control framework.
Ignition ros_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros_control framework.
1 | 2022-08-09 | ign_ros_control_demos |
Ignition ros_control package demos.
Ignition ros_control package demos.
1 | ign_rviz | |||
1 | ign_rviz_common | |||
1 | ign_rviz_plugins | |||
0 | ignition-gazebo2 | |||
0 | ignition-rendering2 | |||
0 | ignition-sensors2 | |||
1 | ignition_cmake2_vendor | |||
1 | ignition_math6_vendor | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_description | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo_plugins | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_sim | |||
1 | iiqka_moveit_example | |||
1 | iirob_filters | |||
1 | 2021-05-15 | image_cb_detector |
Provide a node that extracts checkerboard corners from ROS images.
This package is still experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
Provide a node that extracts checkerboard corners from ROS images.
This package is still experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
1 | 2024-01-18 | image_common |
Common code for working with images in ROS.
Common code for working with images in ROS.
1 | 2022-01-31 | image_exposure_msgs |
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
2 | 2024-08-20 | image_geometry |
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
1 | 2024-01-22 | image_pipeline |
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
1 | 2024-01-22 | image_proc |
Single image rectification and color processing.
Single image rectification and color processing.
1 | 2024-01-22 | image_publisher |
1 | 2024-01-22 | image_rotate |
1 | 2024-07-03 | image_sampler |
The image sampler node downsamples images from a camera in both resolution and rate.
The image sampler node downsamples images from a camera in both resolution and rate.
1 | image_tools | |||
1 | 2024-01-18 | image_transport |
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_transport_codecs |
Image transport plugins available as C, C++ and Python libraries
Image transport plugins available as C, C++ and Python libraries
1 | 2024-01-25 | image_transport_plugins |
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
1 | image_transport_py | |||
1 | 2024-01-22 | image_view |
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
1 | 2025-01-06 | image_view2 |
A simple viewer for ROS image topics with draw-on features
A simple viewer for ROS image topics with draw-on features
1 | 2025-02-21 | imagesift |
For every image, computes its sift features and send a new message with the image, its intrinsic parameters, and the features.
Parameters include:
display - shows the image on the local computer
For every image, computes its sift features and send a new message with the image, its intrinsic parameters, and the features.
Parameters include:
display - shows the image on the local computer
1 | 2022-02-09 | imagezero |
ImageZero is a fast lossless image compression algorithm for RGB color photos.
ImageZero is a fast lossless image compression algorithm for RGB color photos.
1 | 2022-02-09 | imagezero_image_transport |
A plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded with ImageZero.
A plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded with ImageZero.
1 | 2022-02-09 | imagezero_ros |
A library that provides convenient methods for manipulating ROS images with ImageZero
A library that provides convenient methods for manipulating ROS images with ImageZero
0 | imu_augmentor | |||
1 | 2024-04-26 | imu_complementary_filter |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
1 | 2024-04-26 | imu_filter_madgwick |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
1 | 2021-06-21 | imu_from_ios_sensorlog |
The imu_from_ios_sensorlog package
The imu_from_ios_sensorlog package
1 | 2024-07-03 | imu_integration |
Imu integration package
Imu integration package
1 | 2024-09-24 | imu_monitor |
This package contains a single node that monitors the drift of the IMU
gyroscopes. The results are published to the '/diagnostics' topic and
are aggregated in the PR2 dashboard.
This package contains a single node that monitors the drift of the IMU
gyroscopes. The results are published to the '/diagnostics' topic and
are aggregated in the PR2 dashboard.
1 | 2022-11-22 | imu_pipeline |
1 | 2022-11-22 | imu_processors |
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
1 | imu_sensor_broadcaster | |||
1 | 2024-05-22 | imu_sensor_controller |
Controller to publish state of IMU sensors
Controller to publish state of IMU sensors
1 | 2024-04-26 | imu_tools |
Various tools for IMU devices
Various tools for IMU devices
1 | 2022-11-22 | imu_transformer |
Node/nodelet combination to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
Node/nodelet combination to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_core |
ROS-Industrial core stack contains packages and libraries for supporing industrial systems
ROS-Industrial core stack contains packages and libraries for supporing industrial systems
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_deprecated |
The Industrial deprecated package contains nodes, launch files, etc... that are slated for
deprecation. This package is the last place something will end up before being deleted.
If you are missing a package/node and find it's contents here, then you should consider
a replacement.
The Industrial deprecated package contains nodes, launch files, etc... that are slated for
deprecation. This package is the last place something will end up before being deleted.
If you are missing a package/node and find it's contents here, then you should consider
a replacement.
1 | industrial_modbus_tcp | |||
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_msgs |
The industrial message package containes industrial specific messages
definitions. This package is part of the ROS-Industrial program.
The industrial message package containes industrial specific messages
definitions. This package is part of the ROS-Industrial program.
1 | industrial_robot_angle_conversions | |||
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_robot_client |
industrial robot client contains generic clients for connecting
to industrial robot controllers with servers that adhere to the
simple message protocol.
industrial robot client contains generic clients for connecting
to industrial robot controllers with servers that adhere to the
simple message protocol.
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_robot_simulator |
The industrial robot simulator is a stand in for industrial robot driver node(s). It adheres to the driver specification for industrial robot controllers.
The industrial robot simulator is a stand in for industrial robot driver node(s). It adheres to the driver specification for industrial robot controllers.
1 | 2023-06-28 | industrial_robot_status_controller |
A ros_control controller that reports robot status using the ROS-Industrial RobotStatus message.
A ros_control controller that reports robot status using the ROS-Industrial RobotStatus message.
1 | 2023-06-28 | industrial_robot_status_interface |
Exposes ROS-Industrial's RobotStatus info from hardware_interfaces for consumption by ros_control controllers.
Exposes ROS-Industrial's RobotStatus info from hardware_interfaces for consumption by ros_control controllers.
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_trajectory_filters |
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_utils |
Industrial utils is a library package that captures common funcitonality for the ROS-Industrial distribution.
Industrial utils is a library package that captures common funcitonality for the ROS-Industrial distribution.
1 | inertial_sense_ros | |||
1 | 2025-01-09 | influxdb_store |
The influxdb_store package
The influxdb_store package
1 | 2023-12-27 | inno_sim_interface |
The inno_sim_interface package
The inno_sim_interface package
1 | 2024-12-08 | innopolis_vtol_dynamics |
The innopolis_vtol_dynamics package
The innopolis_vtol_dynamics package
1 | 2025-01-28 | inorbit_republisher |
ROS to InOrbit topic republisher
ROS to InOrbit topic republisher
1 | insight_gui | |||
1 | integration_launch_testing | |||
1 | interactive_marker_proxy | |||
1 | 2024-07-03 | interactive_marker_teleop |
The interactive_marker_teleop package. Used to send movement commands from rviz.
The interactive_marker_teleop package. Used to send movement commands from rviz.
1 | 2021-03-08 | interactive_marker_tutorials |
The interactive_marker_tutorials package
The interactive_marker_tutorials package
1 | 2021-10-26 | interactive_marker_twist_server |
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
1 | 2023-10-26 | interactive_markers |
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
1 | 2024-07-03 | interest_point |
This package localizes the Astrobee on a map.
This package localizes the Astrobee on a map.
1 | 2021-05-15 | interval_intersection |
Tools for calculating the intersection of interval messages coming
in on several topics. This package is experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
Tools for calculating the intersection of interval messages coming
in on several topics. This package is experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
1 | intra_process_demo | |||
1 | io_context | |||
1 | 2023-05-23 | iotbot |
ROS interface to IOT2050 robotic extension shield
ROS interface to IOT2050 robotic extension shield
1 | 2024-02-19 | ipa_3d_fov_visualization |
The ipa_3d_fov_visualization package allows to visualize the field-of-view of a camera.
The ipa_3d_fov_visualization package allows to visualize the field-of-view of a camera.
1 | 2024-04-17 | ipa_differential_docking |
This package is a substitute for the private implementation of ipa_differential_docking package
This package is a substitute for the private implementation of ipa_differential_docking package
1 | 2020-12-11 | ipcamera_driver |
Simple node to publish regular IP camera video streams to a ros topic.
Simple node to publish regular IP camera video streams to a ros topic.
1 | ipr_extern | |||
1 | 2021-10-30 | ira_laser_tools |
The ira_laser_tools package. These nodes are meant to provide some utils for lasers, like listen to different laser scan sources and merge them in a single scan or generate virtual laser scans from a pointcloud.
The ira_laser_tools package. These nodes are meant to provide some utils for lasers, like listen to different laser scan sources and merge them in a single scan or generate virtual laser scans from a pointcloud.
1 | 2024-03-11 | iris_lama |
IRIS package for Localization and Mapping (LaMa).
This packages includes the sparse-dense library for grid mapping,
a 2D localization algorithm based on scan matching, an online SLAM solution
with a dynamic likelihood field and a 2D RB Particle Filter SLAM solution
with multithreading.
IRIS package for Localization and Mapping (LaMa).
This packages includes the sparse-dense library for grid mapping,
a 2D localization algorithm based on scan matching, an online SLAM solution
with a dynamic likelihood field and a 2D RB Particle Filter SLAM solution
with multithreading.
1 | 2021-04-10 | iris_lama_ros |
ROS package of IRIS Localization and Mapping (LaMa).
ROS package of IRIS Localization and Mapping (LaMa).
1 | irobot_create_common_bringup | |||
1 | irobot_create_control | |||
1 | irobot_create_description | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_bringup | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_plugins | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_sim | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_toolbox | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_bringup | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_toolbox | |||
1 | irobot_create_msgs | |||
1 | irobot_create_nodes | |||
1 | irobot_create_toolbox | |||
1 | 2024-07-03 | is_camera |
The is_camera package provides a camera reading from a uvc variant of a Imaging Source USB camera.
The is_camera package provides a camera reading from a uvc variant of a Imaging Source USB camera.
1 | 2020-04-26 | ivcon |
Mesh Conversion Utility
Used to generate '.iv' files from '.stl' files. This package has not
been changed since 2001 and appears to be very stable. We plan on
keeping this package in this revision for mesh conversions. This
package is only available as a single source file for download. There
are no local modifications to this package.
Mesh Conversion Utility
Used to generate '.iv' files from '.stl' files. This package has not
been changed since 2001 and appears to be very stable. We plan on
keeping this package in this revision for mesh conversions. This
package is only available as a single source file for download. There
are no local modifications to this package.
1 | 2021-01-26 | ixblue_ins |
Metapackage for iXblue INS driver
Metapackage for iXblue INS driver
1 | 2021-01-26 | ixblue_ins_driver |
The iXblue_ins_driver package
The iXblue_ins_driver package
1 | 2021-01-26 | ixblue_ins_msgs |
The ixblue INS defined messages package
The ixblue INS defined messages package
1 | 2022-04-05 | ixblue_stdbin_decoder |
iXblue parsing library for protocol iXblue stdbin
iXblue parsing library for protocol iXblue stdbin
1 | jackal_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | 2024-05-24 | jackal_control |
Controllers for Jackal
Controllers for Jackal
1 | 2024-05-24 | jackal_description |
URDF robot description for Jackal
URDF robot description for Jackal
1 | 2022-01-16 | jackal_desktop |
Packages for working with Jackal from a ROS desktop.
Packages for working with Jackal from a ROS desktop.
1 | 2022-01-24 | jackal_gazebo |
Launchfiles to use Jackal in Gazebo.
Launchfiles to use Jackal in Gazebo.
1 | 2024-05-24 | jackal_msgs |
Messages exclusive to Jackal, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
Messages exclusive to Jackal, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
1 | 2024-05-24 | jackal_navigation |
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal
1 | 2022-01-24 | jackal_simulator |
Packages for simulating Jackal.
Packages for simulating Jackal.
1 | 2024-05-24 | jackal_tutorials |
Jackal's tutorials.
Jackal's tutorials.
1 | 2022-01-16 | jackal_viz |
Visualization launchers and helpers for Jackal.
Visualization launchers and helpers for Jackal.
1 | jacro | |||
1 | jason_ros | |||
1 | jason_ros_comm | |||
1 | jason_ros_msgs | |||
1 | 2020-06-27 | jderobot_assets |
The jderobot_assets package
The jderobot_assets package
1 | jderobot_color_tuner | |||
1 | 2023-06-04 | jderobot_drones |
The jderobot_drones stack
The jderobot_drones stack
1 | jlb_pid | |||
1 | joint_group_impedance_controller | |||
1 | joint_limits | |||
2 | 2024-10-12 | joint_limits_interface |
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
1 | 2024-07-19 | joint_qualification_controllers |
Controllers used in PR2 hardware testing. For testing counterbalance of PR2, and for internal WG use.
Controllers used in PR2 hardware testing. For testing counterbalance of PR2, and for internal WG use.
1 | joint_state_broadcaster | |||
1 | 2024-05-22 | joint_state_controller |
Controller to publish joint state
Controller to publish joint state
1 | 2023-05-04 | joint_state_publisher |
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | 2023-05-04 | joint_state_publisher_gui |
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | 2021-05-15 | joint_states_settler |
Provides a node that reports how long a subset of joints has been
settled. That is, it calculates how long a set of joints has remained
within a specified threshold. This package is experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
Provides a node that reports how long a subset of joints has been
settled. That is, it calculates how long a set of joints has remained
within a specified threshold. This package is experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
1 | 2022-11-09 | joint_trajectory_action |
The joint_trajectory_action is a node that exposes an action interface
to a joint trajectory controller.
The joint_trajectory_action is a node that exposes an action interface
to a joint trajectory controller.
1 | 2024-08-06 | joint_trajectory_action_tools |
2 | 2024-05-22 | joint_trajectory_controller |
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints.
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints.
1 | 2024-08-06 | joint_trajectory_generator |
joint_trajectory_generator action takes in a trajectory specified
by a number of joint positions, and it generates a new smooth trajectory
through these joint positions.
joint_trajectory_generator action takes in a trajectory specified
by a number of joint positions, and it generates a new smooth trajectory
through these joint positions.
Name | Description | |||
1 | heifu_safety | |||
1 | heifu_simple_waypoint | |||
1 | heifu_tools | |||
1 | heightmap_spawner | |||
1 | heron_control | |||
1 | heron_controller | |||
1 | heron_description | |||
1 | heron_desktop | |||
1 | heron_gazebo | |||
1 | heron_msgs | |||
1 | heron_simulator | |||
1 | heron_viz | |||
1 | hey5_description | |||
1 | hfl_driver | |||
1 | hironx_calibration | |||
1 | hironx_moveit_config | |||
1 | hironx_ros_bridge | |||
1 | 2021-07-15 | hls_lfcd_lds_driver |
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
1 | hokuyo3d | |||
1 | homing_local_planner | |||
0 | hongfu_bms | |||
1 | hostapd_access_point | |||
0 | hpp-fcl | |||
1 | hri | |||
1 | hri_actions_msgs | |||
1 | hri_face_body_matcher | |||
1 | hri_face_detect | |||
1 | hri_msgs | |||
1 | hri_privacy_msgs | |||
1 | hri_rviz | |||
1 | hrpsys | |||
1 | hrpsys_ros_bridge | |||
1 | hrpsys_tools | |||
1 | http_client | |||
1 | human_description | |||
1 | husky_base | |||
1 | husky_bringup | |||
1 | husky_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | husky_control | |||
1 | husky_description | |||
1 | husky_desktop | |||
1 | husky_gazebo | |||
1 | husky_msgs | |||
1 | husky_navigation | |||
1 | husky_robot | |||
1 | husky_simulator | |||
1 | husky_viz | |||
1 | hyveos_bridge | |||
1 | hyveos_msgs | |||
1 | i2c | |||
1 | ibeo_core | |||
1 | ibeo_lux | |||
1 | ibeo_msgs | |||
1 | 2022-04-08 | iceoryx_binding_c |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding
1 | iceoryx_hoofs | |||
1 | 2022-04-08 | iceoryx_integrationtest |
iceoryx Software Integrationtest
iceoryx Software Integrationtest
1 | iceoryx_introspection | |||
1 | 2022-04-08 | iceoryx_posh |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi)
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi)
1 | 2022-04-08 | iceoryx_utils |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks
1 | ieee80211_channels | |||
1 | ifm3d-ros | |||
1 | ifm3d_core | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_driver | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_examples | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_msgs | |||
1 | ifopt | |||
2 | 2022-11-25 | ign_ros2_control |
Ignition ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
Ignition ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework.
2 | 2022-11-25 | ign_ros2_control_demos |
1 | ign_ros_control | |||
1 | ign_ros_control_demos | |||
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz |
RViz developed using Ignition libraries
RViz developed using Ignition libraries
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz_common |
Common libraries for ign_rviz and ign_rviz_plugins
Common libraries for ign_rviz and ign_rviz_plugins
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz_plugins |
This package contains visualization plugins for ign-rviz
This package contains visualization plugins for ign-rviz
0 | ignition-gazebo2 | |||
0 | ignition-rendering2 | |||
0 | ignition-sensors2 | |||
1 | ignition_cmake2_vendor | |||
1 | ignition_math6_vendor | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_description | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo_plugins | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_sim | |||
1 | iiqka_moveit_example | |||
1 | iirob_filters | |||
1 | image_cb_detector | |||
1 | 2022-11-16 | image_common |
Common code for working with images in ROS.
Common code for working with images in ROS.
1 | image_exposure_msgs | |||
2 | 2022-10-15 | image_geometry |
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
1 | 2024-01-17 | image_pipeline |
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
1 | 2024-01-17 | image_proc |
Single image rectification and color processing.
Single image rectification and color processing.
1 | 2024-01-17 | image_publisher |
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file
or avi motion file.
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file
or avi motion file.
1 | 2024-01-17 | image_rotate |
1 | image_sampler | |||
1 | 2022-12-07 | image_tools |
Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.
Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.
1 | 2022-11-16 | image_transport |
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
1 | image_transport_codecs | |||
1 | 2022-11-10 | image_transport_plugins |
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
1 | image_transport_py | |||
1 | 2024-01-17 | image_view |
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
1 | image_view2 | |||
1 | imagesift | |||
1 | imagezero | |||
1 | imagezero_image_transport | |||
1 | imagezero_ros | |||
0 | imu_augmentor | |||
1 | 2022-07-14 | imu_complementary_filter |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
1 | 2022-07-14 | imu_filter_madgwick |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
1 | imu_from_ios_sensorlog | |||
1 | imu_integration | |||
1 | imu_monitor | |||
1 | imu_pipeline | |||
1 | imu_processors | |||
1 | 2023-06-11 | imu_sensor_broadcaster |
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.
1 | imu_sensor_controller | |||
1 | 2022-07-14 | imu_tools |
Various tools for IMU devices
Various tools for IMU devices
1 | imu_transformer | |||
1 | industrial_core | |||
1 | industrial_deprecated | |||
1 | industrial_modbus_tcp | |||
1 | industrial_msgs | |||
1 | industrial_robot_angle_conversions | |||
1 | industrial_robot_client | |||
1 | industrial_robot_simulator | |||
1 | industrial_robot_status_controller | |||
1 | industrial_robot_status_interface | |||
1 | industrial_trajectory_filters | |||
1 | industrial_utils | |||
1 | inertial_sense_ros | |||
1 | influxdb_store | |||
1 | inno_sim_interface | |||
1 | innopolis_vtol_dynamics | |||
1 | inorbit_republisher | |||
1 | insight_gui | |||
1 | integration_launch_testing | |||
1 | interactive_marker_proxy | |||
1 | interactive_marker_teleop | |||
1 | interactive_marker_tutorials | |||
1 | 2022-04-26 | interactive_marker_twist_server |
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
1 | 2021-03-18 | interactive_markers |
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
1 | interest_point | |||
1 | interval_intersection | |||
1 | 2022-12-07 | intra_process_demo |
Demonstrations of intra process communication.
Demonstrations of intra process communication.
1 | 2023-06-22 | io_context |
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications
1 | iotbot | |||
1 | ipa_3d_fov_visualization | |||
1 | ipa_differential_docking | |||
1 | ipcamera_driver | |||
1 | ipr_extern | |||
1 | ira_laser_tools | |||
1 | iris_lama | |||
1 | iris_lama_ros | |||
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_common_bringup |
Provides common launch and configuration scripts for a simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides common launch and configuration scripts for a simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_control |
Provides the diff-drive controller for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides the diff-drive controller for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_description |
Provides the model description for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides the model description for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_gz_bringup |
Provides launch and configuration scripts for a Ignition simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Provides launch and configuration scripts for a Ignition simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_gz_plugins |
Ignition plugins for simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Ignition plugins for simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_gz_sim |
Metapackage for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 robot Ignition simulator
Metapackage for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 robot Ignition simulator
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_gz_toolbox |
Nodes and tools for simulating in Ignition iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Nodes and tools for simulating in Ignition iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
0 | irobot_create_ignition_bringup | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_toolbox | |||
1 | irobot_create_msgs | |||
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_nodes |
ROS 2 Nodes for the simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
ROS 2 Nodes for the simulated iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | 2024-09-19 | irobot_create_toolbox |
Components and helpers for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
Components and helpers for the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 Educational Robot.
1 | is_camera | |||
1 | ivcon | |||
1 | ixblue_ins | |||
1 | ixblue_ins_driver | |||
1 | ixblue_ins_msgs | |||
1 | ixblue_stdbin_decoder | |||
1 | jackal_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | jackal_control | |||
1 | jackal_description | |||
1 | jackal_desktop | |||
1 | jackal_gazebo | |||
1 | jackal_msgs | |||
1 | jackal_navigation | |||
1 | jackal_simulator | |||
1 | jackal_tutorials | |||
1 | jackal_viz | |||
1 | jacro | |||
1 | jason_ros | |||
1 | jason_ros_comm | |||
1 | jason_ros_msgs | |||
1 | jderobot_assets | |||
1 | jderobot_color_tuner | |||
1 | jderobot_drones | |||
1 | 2022-01-19 | jlb_pid |
PID controller for ROS2.
PID controller for ROS2.
1 | joint_group_impedance_controller | |||
1 | joint_limits | |||
2 | 2022-08-03 | joint_limits_interface |
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
1 | joint_qualification_controllers | |||
1 | 2023-06-11 | joint_state_broadcaster |
Broadcaster to publish joint state
Broadcaster to publish joint state
1 | joint_state_controller | |||
1 | 2021-09-28 | joint_state_publisher |
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | 2021-09-28 | joint_state_publisher_gui |
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | joint_states_settler | |||
1 | joint_trajectory_action | |||
1 | joint_trajectory_action_tools | |||
2 | 2023-06-11 | joint_trajectory_controller |
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
1 | joint_trajectory_generator |
Name | Description | |||
1 | heifu_safety | |||
1 | heifu_simple_waypoint | |||
1 | heifu_tools | |||
1 | heightmap_spawner | |||
1 | heron_control | |||
1 | heron_controller | |||
1 | heron_description | |||
1 | heron_desktop | |||
1 | heron_gazebo | |||
1 | heron_msgs | |||
1 | heron_simulator | |||
1 | heron_viz | |||
1 | hey5_description | |||
1 | hfl_driver | |||
1 | hironx_calibration | |||
1 | hironx_moveit_config | |||
1 | hironx_ros_bridge | |||
1 | 2021-07-15 | hls_lfcd_lds_driver |
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
1 | hokuyo3d | |||
1 | homing_local_planner | |||
0 | hongfu_bms | |||
1 | hostapd_access_point | |||
0 | hpp-fcl | |||
1 | hri | |||
1 | hri_actions_msgs | |||
1 | hri_face_body_matcher | |||
1 | hri_face_detect | |||
1 | hri_msgs | |||
1 | hri_privacy_msgs | |||
1 | hri_rviz | |||
1 | hrpsys | |||
1 | hrpsys_ros_bridge | |||
1 | hrpsys_tools | |||
1 | http_client | |||
1 | human_description | |||
1 | husky_base | |||
1 | husky_bringup | |||
1 | husky_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | husky_control | |||
1 | husky_description | |||
1 | husky_desktop | |||
1 | husky_gazebo | |||
1 | husky_msgs | |||
1 | husky_navigation | |||
1 | husky_robot | |||
1 | husky_simulator | |||
1 | husky_viz | |||
1 | hyveos_bridge | |||
1 | hyveos_msgs | |||
1 | i2c | |||
1 | ibeo_core | |||
1 | ibeo_lux | |||
1 | ibeo_msgs | |||
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_binding_c |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_hoofs |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_integrationtest |
iceoryx Software Integrationtest
iceoryx Software Integrationtest
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_introspection |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware introspection client
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware introspection client
1 | 2025-03-03 | iceoryx_posh |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi)
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi)
1 | iceoryx_utils | |||
1 | ieee80211_channels | |||
1 | ifm3d-ros | |||
1 | ifm3d_core | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_driver | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_examples | |||
1 | ifm3d_ros_msgs | |||
1 | ifopt | |||
2 | ign_ros2_control | |||
2 | ign_ros2_control_demos | |||
1 | ign_ros_control | |||
1 | ign_ros_control_demos | |||
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz |
RViz developed using Ignition libraries
RViz developed using Ignition libraries
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz_common |
Common libraries for ign_rviz and ign_rviz_plugins
Common libraries for ign_rviz and ign_rviz_plugins
1 | 2022-05-09 | ign_rviz_plugins |
This package contains visualization plugins for ign-rviz
This package contains visualization plugins for ign-rviz
0 | ignition-gazebo2 | |||
0 | ignition-rendering2 | |||
0 | ignition-sensors2 | |||
1 | 2024-03-08 | ignition_cmake2_vendor |
This package provides the Ignition CMake 2.x library.
This package provides the Ignition CMake 2.x library.
1 | 2024-03-08 | ignition_math6_vendor |
This package provides the Ignition Math 6.x library.
This package provides the Ignition Math 6.x library.
1 | igvc_self_drive_description | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo_plugins | |||
1 | igvc_self_drive_sim | |||
1 | iiqka_moveit_example | |||
1 | iirob_filters | |||
1 | image_cb_detector | |||
1 | 2024-03-26 | image_common |
Common code for working with images in ROS.
Common code for working with images in ROS.
1 | image_exposure_msgs | |||
2 | 2024-04-13 | image_geometry |
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
1 | 2024-08-20 | image_pipeline |
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
1 | 2024-08-20 | image_proc |
Single image rectification and color processing.
Single image rectification and color processing.
1 | 2024-08-20 | image_publisher |
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file
or avi motion file.
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file
or avi motion file.
1 | 2024-08-20 | image_rotate |
1 | image_sampler | |||
1 | 2024-07-11 | image_tools |
Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.
Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.
1 | 2024-03-26 | image_transport |
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
1 | image_transport_codecs | |||
1 | 2023-05-08 | image_transport_plugins |
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
1 | image_transport_py | |||
1 | 2024-08-20 | image_view |
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
1 | image_view2 | |||
1 | imagesift | |||
1 | imagezero | |||
1 | imagezero_image_transport | |||
1 | imagezero_ros | |||
0 | imu_augmentor | |||
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_complementary_filter |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_filter_madgwick |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
1 | imu_from_ios_sensorlog | |||
1 | imu_integration | |||
1 | imu_monitor | |||
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_pipeline |
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_processors |
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
1 | 2024-11-13 | imu_sensor_broadcaster |
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.
1 | imu_sensor_controller | |||
1 | 2024-10-01 | imu_tools |
Various tools for IMU devices
Various tools for IMU devices
1 | 2024-12-27 | imu_transformer |
Node/components to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
Node/components to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
1 | industrial_core | |||
1 | industrial_deprecated | |||
1 | industrial_modbus_tcp | |||
1 | industrial_msgs | |||
1 | industrial_robot_angle_conversions | |||
1 | industrial_robot_client | |||
1 | industrial_robot_simulator | |||
1 | industrial_robot_status_controller | |||
1 | industrial_robot_status_interface | |||
1 | industrial_trajectory_filters | |||
1 | industrial_utils | |||
1 | inertial_sense_ros | |||
1 | influxdb_store | |||
1 | inno_sim_interface | |||
1 | innopolis_vtol_dynamics | |||
1 | inorbit_republisher | |||
1 | insight_gui | |||
1 | integration_launch_testing | |||
1 | interactive_marker_proxy | |||
1 | interactive_marker_teleop | |||
1 | interactive_marker_tutorials | |||
1 | 2024-11-19 | interactive_marker_twist_server |
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
1 | 2023-02-14 | interactive_markers |
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
1 | interest_point | |||
1 | interval_intersection | |||
1 | 2024-07-11 | intra_process_demo |
Demonstrations of intra process communication.
Demonstrations of intra process communication.
1 | 2023-06-22 | io_context |
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications
1 | iotbot | |||
1 | ipa_3d_fov_visualization | |||
1 | ipa_differential_docking | |||
1 | ipcamera_driver | |||
1 | ipr_extern | |||
1 | ira_laser_tools | |||
1 | iris_lama | |||
1 | iris_lama_ros | |||
1 | irobot_create_common_bringup | |||
1 | irobot_create_control | |||
1 | irobot_create_description | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_bringup | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_plugins | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_sim | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_toolbox | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_bringup | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_toolbox | |||
1 | 2024-06-05 | irobot_create_msgs |
Package containing action, message, and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) platform
Package containing action, message, and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) platform
1 | irobot_create_nodes | |||
1 | irobot_create_toolbox | |||
1 | is_camera | |||
1 | ivcon | |||
1 | ixblue_ins | |||
1 | ixblue_ins_driver | |||
1 | ixblue_ins_msgs | |||
1 | ixblue_stdbin_decoder | |||
1 | jackal_cartographer_navigation | |||
1 | jackal_control | |||
1 | jackal_description | |||
1 | jackal_desktop | |||
1 | jackal_gazebo | |||
1 | jackal_msgs | |||
1 | jackal_navigation | |||
1 | jackal_simulator | |||
1 | jackal_tutorials | |||
1 | jackal_viz | |||
1 | jacro | |||
1 | jason_ros | |||
1 | jason_ros_comm | |||
1 | jason_ros_msgs | |||
1 | jderobot_assets | |||
1 | jderobot_color_tuner | |||
1 | jderobot_drones | |||
1 | jlb_pid | |||
1 | joint_group_impedance_controller | |||
1 | 2024-11-14 | joint_limits |
Interfaces for handling of joint limits for controllers or hardware.
Interfaces for handling of joint limits for controllers or hardware.
2 | 2024-11-14 | joint_limits_interface |
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
1 | joint_qualification_controllers | |||
1 | 2024-11-13 | joint_state_broadcaster |
Broadcaster to publish joint state
Broadcaster to publish joint state
1 | joint_state_controller | |||
1 | 2024-12-09 | joint_state_publisher |
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | 2024-12-09 | joint_state_publisher_gui |
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | joint_states_settler | |||
1 | joint_trajectory_action | |||
1 | joint_trajectory_action_tools | |||
2 | 2024-11-13 | joint_trajectory_controller |
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
1 | joint_trajectory_generator |
Name | Description | |||
1 | 2021-01-26 | heifu_safety |
This package enables an allowable safety zone to control the drone with a joystick.
This package enables an allowable safety zone to control the drone with a joystick.
1 | 2021-01-26 | heifu_simple_waypoint |
Heifu mavros interface
Heifu mavros interface
1 | 2021-01-26 | heifu_tools |
Heifu Tools
Heifu Tools
1 | heightmap_spawner | |||
1 | 2021-10-29 | heron_control |
Control package for Heron
Control package for Heron
1 | 2021-03-12 | heron_controller |
The heron_controller package
The heron_controller package
1 | 2021-10-29 | heron_description |
URDF description for Heron
URDF description for Heron
1 | 2019-01-31 | heron_desktop |
The heron_desktop metapackage
The heron_desktop metapackage
1 | 2022-03-16 | heron_gazebo |
Simulator package for Heron
Simulator package for Heron
1 | 2021-10-29 | heron_msgs |
Provides standard messages specific to Heron, especially for
the microcontroller's rosserial interface.
Provides standard messages specific to Heron, especially for
the microcontroller's rosserial interface.
1 | 2022-03-16 | heron_simulator |
Simulator package for Heron
Simulator package for Heron
1 | 2019-01-31 | heron_viz |
Visualization and rviz helpers for Heron.
Visualization and rviz helpers for Heron.
1 | hey5_description | |||
1 | 2021-03-18 | hfl_driver |
The hfl package
The hfl package
1 | 2020-05-13 | hironx_calibration |
Launch and configuration files for calibrating hironx using the generic
Launch and configuration files for calibrating hironx using the generic
1 | 2020-05-13 | hironx_moveit_config |
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the HiroNX with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the HiroNX with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 | 2020-05-13 | hironx_ros_bridge |
ROS-OpenRTM interfacing package for the opensource version of Kawada's Hiro/NEXTAGE dual-arm robot.
NOTE: This package is multi-license -- pay attention to file header in each file where license is declared. For Creative Commons nc 4.0 applied, see
ROS-OpenRTM interfacing package for the opensource version of Kawada's Hiro/NEXTAGE dual-arm robot.
NOTE: This package is multi-license -- pay attention to file header in each file where license is declared. For Creative Commons nc 4.0 applied, see
1 | 2021-04-16 | hls_lfcd_lds_driver |
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2).
The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
1 | 2024-02-19 | hokuyo3d |
ROS driver node for HOKUYO 3D LIDARs
ROS driver node for HOKUYO 3D LIDARs
1 | homing_local_planner | |||
0 | hongfu_bms | |||
1 | 2021-03-02 | hostapd_access_point |
A ROS node that controls a hostapd-based access
point. It is mainly intended for use with a wireless
network adapter running in master mode. It implements
the dynamic_reconfigure interface defined
in the [[access_point_control]] package.
A ROS node that controls a hostapd-based access
point. It is mainly intended for use with a wireless
network adapter running in master mode. It implements
the dynamic_reconfigure interface defined
in the [[access_point_control]] package.
0 | hpp-fcl | |||
1 | 2023-07-05 | hri |
A wrapper library around the ROS4HRI ROS topics
A wrapper library around the ROS4HRI ROS topics
1 | hri_actions_msgs | |||
1 | hri_face_body_matcher | |||
1 | hri_face_detect | |||
1 | 2023-12-18 | hri_msgs |
Messages, services and action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
Messages, services and action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
1 | hri_privacy_msgs | |||
1 | hri_rviz | |||
1 | 2022-12-15 | hrpsys |
1 | 2023-08-04 | hrpsys_ros_bridge |
hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind
hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind
1 | 2023-08-04 | hrpsys_tools |
The hrpsys_tools package
The hrpsys_tools package
1 | http_client | |||
1 | 2024-02-05 | human_description |
This package contains a parametric kinematic description of humans.
The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other
components, notably in the context of human-robot interaction.
Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains a parametric kinematic description of humans.
The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other
components, notably in the context of human-robot interaction.
Most users will not interact directly with this package.
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_base |
Clearpath Husky robot driver
Clearpath Husky robot driver
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_bringup |
Clearpath Husky installation and integration package
Clearpath Husky installation and integration package
1 | 2022-11-01 | husky_cartographer_navigation |
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Husky using Google Cartographer
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Husky using Google Cartographer
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_control |
Clearpath Husky controller configurations
Clearpath Husky controller configurations
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_description |
Clearpath Husky URDF description
Clearpath Husky URDF description
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_desktop |
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky visualization software
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky visualization software
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_gazebo |
Clearpath Husky Simulator bringup
Clearpath Husky Simulator bringup
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_msgs |
Messages for Clearpath Husky
Messages for Clearpath Husky
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_navigation |
Autonomous mapping and navigation demos for the Clearpath Husky
Autonomous mapping and navigation demos for the Clearpath Husky
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_robot |
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky robot software
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky robot software
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_simulator |
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky simulation software
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky simulation software
1 | 2022-11-25 | husky_viz |
Visualization configuration for Clearpath Husky
Visualization configuration for Clearpath Husky
1 | hyveos_bridge | |||
1 | hyveos_msgs | |||
1 | 2024-07-03 | i2c |
The i2c package
The i2c package
1 | 2019-09-03 | ibeo_core |
The ibeo_core package
The ibeo_core package
1 | 2019-09-04 | ibeo_lux |
ROS driver for IBEO LUX
ROS driver for IBEO LUX
1 | 2021-06-18 | ibeo_msgs |
The ibeo_msgs package
The ibeo_msgs package
1 | iceoryx_binding_c | |||
1 | iceoryx_hoofs | |||
1 | iceoryx_integrationtest | |||
1 | iceoryx_introspection | |||
1 | iceoryx_posh | |||
1 | iceoryx_utils | |||
1 | 2021-03-02 | ieee80211_channels |
This package provides mapping from frequencies to
IEEE802.11 channels and vice-versa.
This package provides mapping from frequencies to
IEEE802.11 channels and vice-versa.
1 | 2024-06-25 | ifm3d-ros |
metapackage for the ifm3d-ros package group which interacts with the ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS package
metapackage for the ifm3d-ros package group which interacts with the ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS package
1 | 2019-10-16 | ifm3d_core |
Library and Utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras
Library and Utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras
1 | 2024-06-25 | ifm3d_ros_driver |
ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS main driver package
ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS main driver package
1 | 2024-06-25 | ifm3d_ros_examples |
ifm3d_ros examples subpackage
ifm3d_ros examples subpackage
1 | 2024-06-25 | ifm3d_ros_msgs |
ifm3d_ros messages subpackage
ifm3d_ros messages subpackage
1 | 2025-01-17 | ifopt |
2 | ign_ros2_control | |||
2 | ign_ros2_control_demos | |||
1 | ign_ros_control | |||
1 | ign_ros_control_demos | |||
1 | ign_rviz | |||
1 | ign_rviz_common | |||
1 | ign_rviz_plugins | |||
0 | ignition-gazebo2 | |||
0 | ignition-rendering2 | |||
0 | ignition-sensors2 | |||
1 | ignition_cmake2_vendor | |||
1 | ignition_math6_vendor | |||
1 | 2018-10-07 | igvc_self_drive_description |
Meshes and URDF descriptions for Gem vehicle
Meshes and URDF descriptions for Gem vehicle
1 | 2018-10-07 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo |
Gazebo models and runtime configuration for igvc_self_drive simulator
Gazebo models and runtime configuration for igvc_self_drive simulator
1 | 2018-10-07 | igvc_self_drive_gazebo_plugins |
Gazebo plugins for IGVC Self-Drive simulator
Gazebo plugins for IGVC Self-Drive simulator
1 | 2018-10-07 | igvc_self_drive_sim |
Metapackage for igvc_self_drive_sim
Metapackage for igvc_self_drive_sim
1 | iiqka_moveit_example | |||
1 | 2020-09-15 | iirob_filters |
The iirob_filters package implements following filters:
1) Low-Pass
2) Moving Mean
3) Gravity Compensation (used for force-torque sensors)
4) Threshold Filter
5) Kalman Filter
The iirob_filters package implements following filters:
1) Low-Pass
2) Moving Mean
3) Gravity Compensation (used for force-torque sensors)
4) Threshold Filter
5) Kalman Filter
1 | 2021-03-30 | image_cb_detector |
Provide a node that extracts checkerboard corners from ROS images.
This package is still experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
Provide a node that extracts checkerboard corners from ROS images.
This package is still experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
1 | 2020-04-03 | image_common |
Common code for working with images in ROS.
Common code for working with images in ROS.
1 | 2022-01-27 | image_exposure_msgs |
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
2 | 2022-04-08 | image_geometry |
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images
geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge
interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
1 | 2022-12-04 | image_pipeline |
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
1 | 2022-12-04 | image_proc |
Single image rectification and color processing.
Single image rectification and color processing.
1 | 2022-12-04 | image_publisher |
1 | 2022-12-04 | image_rotate |
1 | 2024-07-03 | image_sampler |
The image sampler node downsamples images from a camera in both resolution and rate.
The image sampler node downsamples images from a camera in both resolution and rate.
1 | image_tools | |||
1 | 2020-04-03 | image_transport |
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent
support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate
plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
1 | 2025-02-27 | image_transport_codecs |
Image transport plugins available as C, C++ and Python libraries
Image transport plugins available as C, C++ and Python libraries
1 | 2023-02-08 | image_transport_plugins |
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics
in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a
stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth
and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you
might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
1 | image_transport_py | |||
1 | 2022-12-04 | image_view |
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer
for stereo + disparity images.
1 | 2025-01-06 | image_view2 |
A simple viewer for ROS image topics with draw-on features
A simple viewer for ROS image topics with draw-on features
1 | 2025-02-21 | imagesift |
For every image, computes its sift features and send a new message with the image, its intrinsic parameters, and the features.
Parameters include:
display - shows the image on the local computer
For every image, computes its sift features and send a new message with the image, its intrinsic parameters, and the features.
Parameters include:
display - shows the image on the local computer
1 | 2022-02-09 | imagezero |
ImageZero is a fast lossless image compression algorithm for RGB color photos.
ImageZero is a fast lossless image compression algorithm for RGB color photos.
1 | 2022-02-09 | imagezero_image_transport |
A plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded with ImageZero.
A plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded with ImageZero.
1 | 2022-02-09 | imagezero_ros |
A library that provides convenient methods for manipulating ROS images with ImageZero
A library that provides convenient methods for manipulating ROS images with ImageZero
0 | imu_augmentor | |||
1 | 2022-08-19 | imu_complementary_filter |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
1 | 2022-08-19 | imu_filter_madgwick |
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
1 | imu_from_ios_sensorlog | |||
1 | 2024-07-03 | imu_integration |
Imu integration package
Imu integration package
1 | 2024-09-24 | imu_monitor |
This package contains a single node that monitors the drift of the IMU
gyroscopes. The results are published to the '/diagnostics' topic and
are aggregated in the PR2 dashboard.
This package contains a single node that monitors the drift of the IMU
gyroscopes. The results are published to the '/diagnostics' topic and
are aggregated in the PR2 dashboard.
1 | 2022-11-22 | imu_pipeline |
1 | 2022-11-22 | imu_processors |
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
1 | imu_sensor_broadcaster | |||
1 | 2023-11-13 | imu_sensor_controller |
Controller to publish state of IMU sensors
Controller to publish state of IMU sensors
1 | 2022-08-19 | imu_tools |
Various tools for IMU devices
Various tools for IMU devices
1 | 2022-11-22 | imu_transformer |
Node/nodelet combination to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
Node/nodelet combination to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_core |
ROS-Industrial core stack contains packages and libraries for supporing industrial systems
ROS-Industrial core stack contains packages and libraries for supporing industrial systems
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_deprecated |
The Industrial deprecated package contains nodes, launch files, etc... that are slated for
deprecation. This package is the last place something will end up before being deleted.
If you are missing a package/node and find it's contents here, then you should consider
a replacement.
The Industrial deprecated package contains nodes, launch files, etc... that are slated for
deprecation. This package is the last place something will end up before being deleted.
If you are missing a package/node and find it's contents here, then you should consider
a replacement.
1 | 2024-08-06 | industrial_modbus_tcp |
Fetch values over Modbus TCP and publish them on ROS topics
Fetch values over Modbus TCP and publish them on ROS topics
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_msgs |
The industrial message package containes industrial specific messages
definitions. This package is part of the ROS-Industrial program.
The industrial message package containes industrial specific messages
definitions. This package is part of the ROS-Industrial program.
1 | 2020-06-04 | industrial_robot_angle_conversions |
Header only package to convert angles and poses using industrial robots conventions
Header only package to convert angles and poses using industrial robots conventions
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_robot_client |
industrial robot client contains generic clients for connecting
to industrial robot controllers with servers that adhere to the
simple message protocol.
industrial robot client contains generic clients for connecting
to industrial robot controllers with servers that adhere to the
simple message protocol.
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_robot_simulator |
The industrial robot simulator is a stand in for industrial robot driver node(s). It adheres to the driver specification for industrial robot controllers.
The industrial robot simulator is a stand in for industrial robot driver node(s). It adheres to the driver specification for industrial robot controllers.
1 | 2023-06-28 | industrial_robot_status_controller |
A ros_control controller that reports robot status using the ROS-Industrial RobotStatus message.
A ros_control controller that reports robot status using the ROS-Industrial RobotStatus message.
1 | 2023-06-28 | industrial_robot_status_interface |
Exposes ROS-Industrial's RobotStatus info from hardware_interfaces for consumption by ros_control controllers.
Exposes ROS-Industrial's RobotStatus info from hardware_interfaces for consumption by ros_control controllers.
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_trajectory_filters |
1 | 2021-07-15 | industrial_utils |
Industrial utils is a library package that captures common funcitonality for the ROS-Industrial distribution.
Industrial utils is a library package that captures common funcitonality for the ROS-Industrial distribution.
1 | 2021-11-18 | inertial_sense_ros |
This package provides a ROS interface to the InertialSense GPS-INS sensor
This package provides a ROS interface to the InertialSense GPS-INS sensor
1 | 2025-01-09 | influxdb_store |
The influxdb_store package
The influxdb_store package
1 | 2023-12-27 | inno_sim_interface |
The inno_sim_interface package
The inno_sim_interface package
1 | 2024-12-08 | innopolis_vtol_dynamics |
The innopolis_vtol_dynamics package
The innopolis_vtol_dynamics package
1 | 2022-08-25 | inorbit_republisher |
ROS to InOrbit topic republisher
ROS to InOrbit topic republisher
1 | insight_gui | |||
1 | integration_launch_testing | |||
1 | 2014-06-09 | interactive_marker_proxy |
A Proxy Server for Interactive Markers
A Proxy Server for Interactive Markers
1 | 2024-07-03 | interactive_marker_teleop |
The interactive_marker_teleop package. Used to send movement commands from rviz.
The interactive_marker_teleop package. Used to send movement commands from rviz.
1 | 2020-05-13 | interactive_marker_tutorials |
The interactive_marker_tutorials package
The interactive_marker_tutorials package
1 | 2021-10-26 | interactive_marker_twist_server |
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
1 | 2020-10-07 | interactive_markers |
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
1 | 2024-07-03 | interest_point |
This package localizes the Astrobee on a map.
This package localizes the Astrobee on a map.
1 | 2021-03-30 | interval_intersection |
Tools for calculating the intersection of interval messages coming
in on several topics. This package is experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
Tools for calculating the intersection of interval messages coming
in on several topics. This package is experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
1 | intra_process_demo | |||
1 | io_context | |||
1 | iotbot | |||
1 | 2024-02-19 | ipa_3d_fov_visualization |
The ipa_3d_fov_visualization package allows to visualize the field-of-view of a camera.
The ipa_3d_fov_visualization package allows to visualize the field-of-view of a camera.
1 | 2024-04-17 | ipa_differential_docking |
This package is a substitute for the private implementation of ipa_differential_docking package
This package is a substitute for the private implementation of ipa_differential_docking package
1 | ipcamera_driver | |||
1 | 2020-11-18 | ipr_extern |
Package with external libraries used in Industrial and Service workspaces. Currentlly supported Libraries: Reflexxes, Libmodbus.
Package with external libraries used in Industrial and Service workspaces. Currentlly supported Libraries: Reflexxes, Libmodbus.
1 | 2021-10-30 | ira_laser_tools |
The ira_laser_tools package. These nodes are meant to provide some utils for lasers, like listen to different laser scan sources and merge them in a single scan or generate virtual laser scans from a pointcloud.
The ira_laser_tools package. These nodes are meant to provide some utils for lasers, like listen to different laser scan sources and merge them in a single scan or generate virtual laser scans from a pointcloud.
1 | 2024-03-11 | iris_lama |
IRIS package for Localization and Mapping (LaMa).
This packages includes the sparse-dense library for grid mapping,
a 2D localization algorithm based on scan matching, an online SLAM solution
with a dynamic likelihood field and a 2D RB Particle Filter SLAM solution
with multithreading.
IRIS package for Localization and Mapping (LaMa).
This packages includes the sparse-dense library for grid mapping,
a 2D localization algorithm based on scan matching, an online SLAM solution
with a dynamic likelihood field and a 2D RB Particle Filter SLAM solution
with multithreading.
1 | 2021-04-10 | iris_lama_ros |
ROS package of IRIS Localization and Mapping (LaMa).
ROS package of IRIS Localization and Mapping (LaMa).
1 | irobot_create_common_bringup | |||
1 | irobot_create_control | |||
1 | irobot_create_description | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_bringup | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_plugins | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_sim | |||
1 | irobot_create_gz_toolbox | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_bringup | |||
0 | irobot_create_ignition_toolbox | |||
1 | irobot_create_msgs | |||
1 | irobot_create_nodes | |||
1 | irobot_create_toolbox | |||
1 | 2024-07-03 | is_camera |
The is_camera package provides a camera reading from a uvc variant of a Imaging Source USB camera.
The is_camera package provides a camera reading from a uvc variant of a Imaging Source USB camera.
1 | 2020-04-26 | ivcon |
Mesh Conversion Utility
Used to generate '.iv' files from '.stl' files. This package has not
been changed since 2001 and appears to be very stable. We plan on
keeping this package in this revision for mesh conversions. This
package is only available as a single source file for download. There
are no local modifications to this package.
Mesh Conversion Utility
Used to generate '.iv' files from '.stl' files. This package has not
been changed since 2001 and appears to be very stable. We plan on
keeping this package in this revision for mesh conversions. This
package is only available as a single source file for download. There
are no local modifications to this package.
1 | 2021-01-26 | ixblue_ins |
Metapackage for iXblue INS driver
Metapackage for iXblue INS driver
1 | 2021-01-26 | ixblue_ins_driver |
The iXblue_ins_driver package
The iXblue_ins_driver package
1 | 2021-01-26 | ixblue_ins_msgs |
The ixblue INS defined messages package
The ixblue INS defined messages package
1 | 2022-04-05 | ixblue_stdbin_decoder |
iXblue parsing library for protocol iXblue stdbin
iXblue parsing library for protocol iXblue stdbin
1 | 2020-03-02 | jackal_cartographer_navigation |
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal using Google Cartographer
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal using Google Cartographer
1 | 2020-09-29 | jackal_control |
Controllers for Jackal
Controllers for Jackal
1 | 2020-09-29 | jackal_description |
URDF robot description for Jackal
URDF robot description for Jackal
1 | 2016-06-06 | jackal_desktop |
Packages for working with Jackal from a ROS desktop.
Packages for working with Jackal from a ROS desktop.
1 | 2020-08-24 | jackal_gazebo |
Launchfiles to use Jackal in Gazebo.
Launchfiles to use Jackal in Gazebo.
1 | 2020-09-29 | jackal_msgs |
Messages exclusive to Jackal, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
Messages exclusive to Jackal, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
1 | 2020-09-29 | jackal_navigation |
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal
1 | 2020-08-24 | jackal_simulator |
Packages for simulating Jackal.
Packages for simulating Jackal.
1 | 2020-09-29 | jackal_tutorials |
Jackal's tutorials.
Jackal's tutorials.
1 | 2016-06-06 | jackal_viz |
Visualization launchers and helpers for Jackal.
Visualization launchers and helpers for Jackal.
1 | jacro | |||
1 | 2021-11-02 | jason_ros |
The jason_hw_bridge package
The jason_hw_bridge package
1 | 2021-11-02 | jason_ros_comm |
The jason_ros_comm package
The jason_ros_comm package
1 | 2021-11-02 | jason_ros_msgs |
The jason_ros_msgs package
The jason_ros_msgs package
1 | 2020-06-10 | jderobot_assets |
The jderobot_assets package
The jderobot_assets package
1 | 2021-04-06 | jderobot_color_tuner |
The jderobot_color_tuner tool package
The jderobot_color_tuner tool package
1 | jderobot_drones | |||
1 | jlb_pid | |||
1 | joint_group_impedance_controller | |||
1 | joint_limits | |||
2 | 2023-10-27 | joint_limits_interface |
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
1 | 2021-01-08 | joint_qualification_controllers |
Controllers used in PR2 hardware testing. For testing counterbalance of PR2, and for internal WG use.
Controllers used in PR2 hardware testing. For testing counterbalance of PR2, and for internal WG use.
1 | joint_state_broadcaster | |||
1 | 2023-11-13 | joint_state_controller |
Controller to publish joint state
Controller to publish joint state
1 | 2020-12-11 | joint_state_publisher |
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | 2020-12-11 | joint_state_publisher_gui |
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
1 | 2021-03-30 | joint_states_settler |
Provides a node that reports how long a subset of joints has been
settled. That is, it calculates how long a set of joints has remained
within a specified threshold. This package is experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
Provides a node that reports how long a subset of joints has been
settled. That is, it calculates how long a set of joints has remained
within a specified threshold. This package is experimental and unstable.
Expect its APIs to change.
1 | 2022-11-09 | joint_trajectory_action |
The joint_trajectory_action is a node that exposes an action interface
to a joint trajectory controller.
The joint_trajectory_action is a node that exposes an action interface
to a joint trajectory controller.
1 | 2024-08-06 | joint_trajectory_action_tools |
2 | 2023-11-13 | joint_trajectory_controller |
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints.
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints.
1 | 2024-08-06 | joint_trajectory_generator |
joint_trajectory_generator action takes in a trajectory specified
by a number of joint positions, and it generates a new smooth trajectory
through these joint positions.
joint_trajectory_generator action takes in a trajectory specified
by a number of joint positions, and it generates a new smooth trajectory
through these joint positions.