Name | Description | |||
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_msgs |
Package containing message files
Package containing message files
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_server |
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_suite |
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_test_msgs |
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
1 | rosbuild | |||
1 | rosclean | |||
1 | roscompile | |||
1 | rosconsole | |||
1 | rosconsole_bridge | |||
1 | roscpp | |||
1 | roscpp_core | |||
1 | roscpp_serialization | |||
1 | roscpp_traits | |||
1 | 2022-05-17 | roscpp_tutorials |
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
1 | roscreate | |||
1 | rosdiagnostic | |||
1 | rosdoc_lite | |||
1 | rose2 | |||
1 | rosee_msg | |||
1 | rosemacs | |||
1 | roseus | |||
1 | roseus_mongo | |||
1 | roseus_smach | |||
1 | roseus_tutorials | |||
1 | rosfmt | |||
1 | rosgraph | |||
2 | 2022-11-07 | rosgraph_msgs |
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph.
These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph.
These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_adapter |
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_cli |
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_cmake |
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
1 | rosidl_core_generators | |||
1 | rosidl_core_runtime | |||
1 | 2022-03-31 | rosidl_default_generators |
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
1 | 2022-03-31 | rosidl_default_runtime |
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
1 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport | |||
1 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps | |||
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_generator_c |
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_generator_cpp |
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
1 | 2022-03-30 | rosidl_generator_dds_idl |
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
1 | 2022-11-08 | rosidl_generator_py |
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
1 | rosidl_generator_tests | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_type_description | |||
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_parser |
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
1 | rosidl_pycommon | |||
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_runtime_c |
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_runtime_cpp |
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
1 | 2022-11-07 | rosidl_runtime_py |
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_typesupport_c |
Generate the type support for C messages.
Generate the type support for C messages.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_typesupport_cpp |
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
1 | 2023-11-13 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c |
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 | 2023-11-13 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp |
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_typesupport_interface |
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c |
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp |
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests |
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
1 | rosidl_typesupport_tests | |||
1 | roslang | |||
1 | roslaunch | |||
1 | roslib | |||
1 | roslint | |||
1 | roslisp | |||
1 | roslisp_common | |||
1 | roslisp_repl | |||
1 | roslisp_utilities | |||
1 | roslz4 | |||
1 | rosmake | |||
1 | rosmaster | |||
1 | rosmon | |||
1 | rosmon_core | |||
1 | rosmon_msgs | |||
1 | rosmsg | |||
1 | rosmsg_cpp | |||
1 | rosnode | |||
1 | rosnode_rtc | |||
1 | rosout | |||
1 | rospack | |||
1 | rosparam | |||
1 | rosparam_handler | |||
1 | rosparam_shortcuts | |||
1 | rospatlite | |||
1 | rospilot | |||
1 | rosping | |||
1 | rospy | |||
1 | rospy_message_converter | |||
1 | 2022-05-17 | rospy_tutorials |
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
1 | rosrt | |||
1 | rosserial | |||
1 | rosserial_arduino | |||
1 | rosserial_chibios | |||
1 | rosserial_client | |||
1 | rosserial_embeddedlinux | |||
1 | rosserial_leonardo_cmake | |||
1 | rosserial_mbed | |||
1 | rosserial_msgs | |||
1 | rosserial_python | |||
1 | rosserial_server | |||
1 | rosserial_test | |||
1 | rosserial_tivac | |||
1 | rosserial_vex_cortex | |||
1 | rosserial_vex_v5 | |||
1 | rosserial_windows | |||
1 | rosserial_xbee | |||
1 | rosservice | |||
0 | rossmbus | |||
1 | rostate_machine | |||
1 | rostest | |||
1 | rostest_node_interface_validation | |||
1 | rosthrottle | |||
1 | rostime | |||
1 | rostopic | |||
1 | rostwitter | |||
1 | rosunit | |||
1 | roswtf | |||
1 | roswww | |||
1 | roswww_static | |||
1 | 2024-08-29 | rosx_introspection |
Successor of ros_type_introspection
Successor of ros_type_introspection
1 | rotate_recovery | |||
1 | rotors_comm | |||
1 | rotors_control | |||
1 | rotors_description | |||
1 | rotors_driver | |||
1 | rotors_evaluation | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo_plugins | |||
0 | rotors_hil_interface | |||
1 | rotors_joy_interface | |||
1 | rotors_simulator | |||
1 | route_network | |||
2 | 2025-02-17 | rplidar_ros |
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A1/A2/A3/S1/S2/S3/T1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A1/A2/A3/S1/S2/S3/T1
1 | 2022-03-01 | rpyutils |
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
1 | 2024-02-17 | rqt |
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
1 | 2022-01-14 | rqt_action |
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS
action types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is
unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin
is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt
instance connects to.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS
action types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is
unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin
is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt
instance connects to.
1 | 2024-05-15 | rqt_bag |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | rqt_bag_exporter | |||
1 | 2024-05-15 | rqt_bag_plugins |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | 2022-05-11 | rqt_common_plugins |
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 | 2024-02-17 | rqt_console |
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
2 | 2024-12-19 | rqt_controller_manager |
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
1 | rqt_dep | |||
1 | 2025-02-24 | rqt_dotgraph |
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
1 | rqt_drone_teleop | |||
1 | rqt_dwb_plugin | |||
1 | rqt_ez_publisher | |||
1 | 2024-03-14 | rqt_gauges |
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
1 | 2024-05-15 | rqt_graph |
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
1 | rqt_ground_robot_teleop | |||
1 | 2024-02-17 | rqt_gui |
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 | 2024-02-17 | rqt_gui_cpp |
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 | 2024-02-17 | rqt_gui_py |
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 | rqt_human_radar | |||
1 | 2024-12-08 | rqt_image_overlay |
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
1 | 2024-12-08 | rqt_image_overlay_layer |
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
1 | 2022-04-07 | rqt_image_view |
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
2 | 2025-03-08 | rqt_joint_trajectory_controller |
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
1 | rqt_joint_trajectory_plot | |||
1 | rqt_launch | |||
1 | rqt_launchtree | |||
1 | rqt_logger_level | |||
1 | 2024-10-29 | rqt_mocap4r2_control |
Control tools GUI
Control tools GUI
1 | 2021-09-10 | rqt_moveit |
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
1 | 2022-09-13 | rqt_msg |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 | rqt_multiplot | |||
1 | rqt_nav_view | |||
1 | rqt_paramedit | |||
1 | rqt_play_motion_builder | |||
1 | 2025-02-11 | rqt_plot |
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 | rqt_pose_view | |||
1 | rqt_pr2_dashboard | |||
1 | 2022-08-02 | rqt_publisher |
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 | 2024-02-17 | rqt_py_common |
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_py_console |
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 | rqt_py_trees | |||
1 | 2023-11-13 | rqt_reconfigure |
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
1 | 2022-02-17 | rqt_robot_dashboard |
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 | 2020-06-11 | rqt_robot_monitor |
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
1 | rqt_robot_plugins | |||
1 | 2019-11-19 | rqt_robot_steering |
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 | rqt_rosbag_fancy | |||
1 | rqt_rosmon | |||
1 | rqt_rotors | |||
1 | 2021-09-23 | rqt_runtime_monitor |
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 | rqt_rviz | |||
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_service_caller |
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_shell |
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_srv |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 | 2024-06-14 | rqt_tf_tree |
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 | rqt_top | |||
1 | 2022-09-13 | rqt_topic |
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 | rqt_virtual_joy | |||
1 | rqt_web | |||
1 | rr_control_input_manager | |||
1 | rr_openrover_description | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver_msgs | |||
1 | rr_openrover_simulation | |||
1 | rr_openrover_stack | |||
1 | rr_rover_zero_driver | |||
1 | rrt_planner | |||
1 | 2025-03-02 | rsl |
ROS Support Library
ROS Support Library
1 | rslidar |
Name | Description | |||
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_msgs |
Package containing message files
Package containing message files
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_server |
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_suite |
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_test_msgs |
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
1 | rosbuild | |||
1 | rosclean | |||
1 | roscompile | |||
1 | rosconsole | |||
1 | rosconsole_bridge | |||
1 | roscpp | |||
1 | roscpp_core | |||
1 | roscpp_serialization | |||
1 | roscpp_traits | |||
1 | roscpp_tutorials | |||
1 | roscreate | |||
1 | rosdiagnostic | |||
1 | rosdoc_lite | |||
1 | rose2 | |||
1 | rosee_msg | |||
1 | rosemacs | |||
1 | roseus | |||
1 | roseus_mongo | |||
1 | roseus_smach | |||
1 | roseus_tutorials | |||
1 | rosfmt | |||
1 | rosgraph | |||
2 | 2024-11-27 | rosgraph_msgs |
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph.
These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph.
These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_adapter |
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_cli |
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_cmake |
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rosidl_core_generators |
A configuration package defining core ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining core ROS interface generators.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rosidl_core_runtime |
A configuration package defining runtime dependencies for core ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining runtime dependencies for core ROS interfaces.
1 | 2024-11-27 | rosidl_default_generators |
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
1 | 2024-11-27 | rosidl_default_runtime |
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
1 | 2023-09-07 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport |
Unified serialization support interface for dynamic typesupport in C.
Unified serialization support interface for dynamic typesupport in C.
1 | 2023-04-28 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps |
FastDDS serialization support implementation for use with C/C++.
FastDDS serialization support implementation for use with C/C++.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_generator_c |
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_generator_cpp |
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
1 | 2024-02-07 | rosidl_generator_dds_idl |
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
1 | 2024-11-27 | rosidl_generator_py |
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_generator_tests |
Integration tests for rosidl_generator_c and rosidl_generator_cpp packages.
Integration tests for rosidl_generator_c and rosidl_generator_cpp packages.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_generator_type_description |
Generate hashes and descriptions of ROS 2 interface types, per REP-2011.
Generate hashes and descriptions of ROS 2 interface types, per REP-2011.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_parser |
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_pycommon |
Common Python functions used by rosidl packages.
Common Python functions used by rosidl packages.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_runtime_c |
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_runtime_cpp |
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
1 | 2024-11-27 | rosidl_runtime_py |
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
1 | 2024-11-27 | rosidl_typesupport_c |
Generate the type support for C messages.
Generate the type support for C messages.
1 | 2024-11-27 | rosidl_typesupport_cpp |
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
1 | 2024-12-27 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c |
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 | 2024-12-27 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp |
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_typesupport_interface |
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c |
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp |
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
1 | 2024-12-18 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests |
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
1 | 2024-11-27 | rosidl_typesupport_tests |
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
1 | roslang | |||
1 | roslaunch | |||
1 | roslib | |||
1 | roslint | |||
1 | roslisp | |||
1 | roslisp_common | |||
1 | roslisp_repl | |||
1 | roslisp_utilities | |||
1 | roslz4 | |||
1 | rosmake | |||
1 | rosmaster | |||
1 | rosmon | |||
1 | rosmon_core | |||
1 | rosmon_msgs | |||
1 | rosmsg | |||
1 | rosmsg_cpp | |||
1 | rosnode | |||
1 | rosnode_rtc | |||
1 | rosout | |||
1 | rospack | |||
1 | rosparam | |||
1 | rosparam_handler | |||
1 | rosparam_shortcuts | |||
1 | rospatlite | |||
1 | rospilot | |||
1 | rosping | |||
1 | rospy | |||
1 | rospy_message_converter | |||
1 | rospy_tutorials | |||
1 | rosrt | |||
1 | rosserial | |||
1 | rosserial_arduino | |||
1 | rosserial_chibios | |||
1 | rosserial_client | |||
1 | rosserial_embeddedlinux | |||
1 | rosserial_leonardo_cmake | |||
1 | rosserial_mbed | |||
1 | rosserial_msgs | |||
1 | rosserial_python | |||
1 | rosserial_server | |||
1 | rosserial_test | |||
1 | rosserial_tivac | |||
1 | rosserial_vex_cortex | |||
1 | rosserial_vex_v5 | |||
1 | rosserial_windows | |||
1 | rosserial_xbee | |||
1 | rosservice | |||
0 | rossmbus | |||
1 | rostate_machine | |||
1 | rostest | |||
1 | rostest_node_interface_validation | |||
1 | rosthrottle | |||
1 | rostime | |||
1 | rostopic | |||
1 | rostwitter | |||
1 | rosunit | |||
1 | roswtf | |||
1 | roswww | |||
1 | roswww_static | |||
1 | 2024-08-29 | rosx_introspection |
Successor of ros_type_introspection
Successor of ros_type_introspection
1 | rotate_recovery | |||
1 | rotors_comm | |||
1 | rotors_control | |||
1 | rotors_description | |||
1 | rotors_driver | |||
1 | rotors_evaluation | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo_plugins | |||
0 | rotors_hil_interface | |||
1 | rotors_joy_interface | |||
1 | rotors_simulator | |||
1 | route_network | |||
2 | 2022-09-06 | rplidar_ros |
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
1 | 2024-11-27 | rpyutils |
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt |
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_action |
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_bag |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | rqt_bag_exporter | |||
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_bag_plugins |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | 2022-05-11 | rqt_common_plugins |
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_console |
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
2 | 2025-03-05 | rqt_controller_manager |
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
1 | rqt_dep | |||
1 | 2025-02-24 | rqt_dotgraph |
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
1 | rqt_drone_teleop | |||
1 | rqt_dwb_plugin | |||
1 | rqt_ez_publisher | |||
1 | 2024-03-14 | rqt_gauges |
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_graph |
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
1 | rqt_ground_robot_teleop | |||
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_gui |
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_gui_cpp |
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_gui_py |
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 | rqt_human_radar | |||
1 | 2024-12-08 | rqt_image_overlay |
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
1 | 2024-12-08 | rqt_image_overlay_layer |
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
1 | 2024-04-17 | rqt_image_view |
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
2 | 2025-03-07 | rqt_joint_trajectory_controller |
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
1 | rqt_joint_trajectory_plot | |||
1 | rqt_launch | |||
1 | rqt_launchtree | |||
1 | rqt_logger_level | |||
1 | rqt_mocap4r2_control | |||
1 | 2021-09-10 | rqt_moveit |
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_msg |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
1 | rqt_multiplot | |||
1 | rqt_nav_view | |||
1 | rqt_paramedit | |||
1 | rqt_play_motion_builder | |||
1 | 2025-02-13 | rqt_plot |
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 | rqt_pose_view | |||
1 | rqt_pr2_dashboard | |||
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_publisher |
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_py_common |
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_py_console |
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 | rqt_py_trees | |||
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_reconfigure |
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
1 | 2022-02-17 | rqt_robot_dashboard |
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 | 2020-06-11 | rqt_robot_monitor |
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
1 | rqt_robot_plugins | |||
1 | 2019-11-19 | rqt_robot_steering |
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 | rqt_rosbag_fancy | |||
1 | rqt_rosmon | |||
1 | rqt_rotors | |||
1 | 2021-09-23 | rqt_runtime_monitor |
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 | rqt_rviz | |||
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_service_caller |
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_shell |
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_srv |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS service types.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS service types.
1 | 2024-06-14 | rqt_tf_tree |
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 | rqt_top | |||
1 | 2024-12-09 | rqt_topic |
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 | rqt_virtual_joy | |||
1 | rqt_web | |||
1 | rr_control_input_manager | |||
1 | rr_openrover_description | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver_msgs | |||
1 | rr_openrover_simulation | |||
1 | rr_openrover_stack | |||
1 | rr_rover_zero_driver | |||
1 | rrt_planner | |||
1 | 2025-03-02 | rsl |
ROS Support Library
ROS Support Library
1 | rslidar |
Name | Description | |||
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_msgs |
Package containing message files
Package containing message files
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_server |
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_suite |
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_test_msgs |
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
1 | rosbuild | |||
1 | rosclean | |||
1 | roscompile | |||
1 | rosconsole | |||
1 | rosconsole_bridge | |||
1 | roscpp | |||
1 | roscpp_core | |||
1 | roscpp_serialization | |||
1 | roscpp_traits | |||
1 | roscpp_tutorials | |||
1 | roscreate | |||
1 | rosdiagnostic | |||
1 | rosdoc_lite | |||
1 | rose2 | |||
1 | rosee_msg | |||
1 | rosemacs | |||
1 | roseus | |||
1 | roseus_mongo | |||
1 | roseus_smach | |||
1 | roseus_tutorials | |||
1 | rosfmt | |||
1 | rosgraph | |||
2 | 2024-11-27 | rosgraph_msgs |
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph.
These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph.
These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_adapter |
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_cli |
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_cmake |
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rosidl_core_generators |
A configuration package defining core ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining core ROS interface generators.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rosidl_core_runtime |
A configuration package defining runtime dependencies for core ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining runtime dependencies for core ROS interfaces.
1 | 2024-11-26 | rosidl_default_generators |
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
1 | 2024-11-26 | rosidl_default_runtime |
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
1 | 2025-02-05 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport |
Unified serialization support interface for dynamic typesupport in C.
Unified serialization support interface for dynamic typesupport in C.
1 | 2025-03-06 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps |
FastDDS serialization support implementation for use with C/C++.
FastDDS serialization support implementation for use with C/C++.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_generator_c |
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_generator_cpp |
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
1 | 2024-11-28 | rosidl_generator_dds_idl |
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
1 | 2025-02-16 | rosidl_generator_py |
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_generator_tests |
Integration tests for rosidl_generator_c and rosidl_generator_cpp packages.
Integration tests for rosidl_generator_c and rosidl_generator_cpp packages.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_generator_type_description |
Generate hashes and descriptions of ROS 2 interface types, per REP-2011.
Generate hashes and descriptions of ROS 2 interface types, per REP-2011.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_parser |
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_pycommon |
Common Python functions used by rosidl packages.
Common Python functions used by rosidl packages.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_runtime_c |
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_runtime_cpp |
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
1 | 2024-11-27 | rosidl_runtime_py |
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
1 | 2025-02-02 | rosidl_typesupport_c |
Generate the type support for C messages.
Generate the type support for C messages.
1 | 2025-02-02 | rosidl_typesupport_cpp |
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
1 | 2025-01-22 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c |
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 | 2025-01-22 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp |
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_typesupport_interface |
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c |
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp |
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
1 | 2025-02-06 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests |
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
1 | 2025-02-02 | rosidl_typesupport_tests |
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
1 | roslang | |||
1 | roslaunch | |||
1 | roslib | |||
1 | roslint | |||
1 | roslisp | |||
1 | roslisp_common | |||
1 | roslisp_repl | |||
1 | roslisp_utilities | |||
1 | roslz4 | |||
1 | rosmake | |||
1 | rosmaster | |||
1 | rosmon | |||
1 | rosmon_core | |||
1 | rosmon_msgs | |||
1 | rosmsg | |||
1 | rosmsg_cpp | |||
1 | rosnode | |||
1 | rosnode_rtc | |||
1 | rosout | |||
1 | rospack | |||
1 | rosparam | |||
1 | rosparam_handler | |||
1 | rosparam_shortcuts | |||
1 | rospatlite | |||
1 | rospilot | |||
1 | rosping | |||
1 | rospy | |||
1 | rospy_message_converter | |||
1 | rospy_tutorials | |||
1 | rosrt | |||
1 | rosserial | |||
1 | rosserial_arduino | |||
1 | rosserial_chibios | |||
1 | rosserial_client | |||
1 | rosserial_embeddedlinux | |||
1 | rosserial_leonardo_cmake | |||
1 | rosserial_mbed | |||
1 | rosserial_msgs | |||
1 | rosserial_python | |||
1 | rosserial_server | |||
1 | rosserial_test | |||
1 | rosserial_tivac | |||
1 | rosserial_vex_cortex | |||
1 | rosserial_vex_v5 | |||
1 | rosserial_windows | |||
1 | rosserial_xbee | |||
1 | rosservice | |||
0 | rossmbus | |||
1 | rostate_machine | |||
1 | rostest | |||
1 | rostest_node_interface_validation | |||
1 | rosthrottle | |||
1 | rostime | |||
1 | rostopic | |||
1 | rostwitter | |||
1 | rosunit | |||
1 | roswtf | |||
1 | roswww | |||
1 | roswww_static | |||
1 | 2024-08-29 | rosx_introspection |
Successor of ros_type_introspection
Successor of ros_type_introspection
1 | rotate_recovery | |||
1 | rotors_comm | |||
1 | rotors_control | |||
1 | rotors_description | |||
1 | rotors_driver | |||
1 | rotors_evaluation | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo_plugins | |||
0 | rotors_hil_interface | |||
1 | rotors_joy_interface | |||
1 | rotors_simulator | |||
1 | route_network | |||
2 | 2022-09-06 | rplidar_ros |
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
1 | 2024-12-20 | rpyutils |
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
1 | 2025-02-02 | rqt |
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_action |
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
1 | 2025-01-07 | rqt_bag |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | rqt_bag_exporter | |||
1 | 2025-01-07 | rqt_bag_plugins |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | 2022-05-11 | rqt_common_plugins |
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 | 2025-01-07 | rqt_console |
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
2 | 2025-03-05 | rqt_controller_manager |
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
1 | rqt_dep | |||
1 | 2025-02-24 | rqt_dotgraph |
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
1 | rqt_drone_teleop | |||
1 | rqt_dwb_plugin | |||
1 | rqt_ez_publisher | |||
1 | 2024-03-14 | rqt_gauges |
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
1 | 2025-02-02 | rqt_graph |
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
1 | rqt_ground_robot_teleop | |||
1 | 2025-02-02 | rqt_gui |
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 | 2025-02-02 | rqt_gui_cpp |
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 | 2025-02-02 | rqt_gui_py |
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 | rqt_human_radar | |||
1 | 2024-12-08 | rqt_image_overlay |
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
1 | 2024-12-08 | rqt_image_overlay_layer |
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
1 | 2024-04-17 | rqt_image_view |
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
2 | 2025-03-07 | rqt_joint_trajectory_controller |
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
1 | rqt_joint_trajectory_plot | |||
1 | rqt_launch | |||
1 | rqt_launchtree | |||
1 | rqt_logger_level | |||
1 | rqt_mocap4r2_control | |||
1 | 2021-09-10 | rqt_moveit |
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_msg |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
1 | rqt_multiplot | |||
1 | rqt_nav_view | |||
1 | rqt_paramedit | |||
1 | rqt_play_motion_builder | |||
1 | 2025-02-13 | rqt_plot |
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 | rqt_pose_view | |||
1 | rqt_pr2_dashboard | |||
1 | 2024-12-20 | rqt_publisher |
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 | 2025-02-02 | rqt_py_common |
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 | 2025-02-02 | rqt_py_console |
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 | rqt_py_trees | |||
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_reconfigure |
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
1 | 2022-02-17 | rqt_robot_dashboard |
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 | 2020-06-11 | rqt_robot_monitor |
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
1 | rqt_robot_plugins | |||
1 | 2019-11-19 | rqt_robot_steering |
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 | rqt_rosbag_fancy | |||
1 | rqt_rosmon | |||
1 | rqt_rotors | |||
1 | 2021-09-23 | rqt_runtime_monitor |
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 | rqt_rviz | |||
1 | 2025-02-02 | rqt_service_caller |
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 | 2025-01-07 | rqt_shell |
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 | 2024-12-02 | rqt_srv |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS service types.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS service types.
1 | 2024-06-14 | rqt_tf_tree |
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 | rqt_top | |||
1 | 2024-12-06 | rqt_topic |
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 | rqt_virtual_joy | |||
1 | rqt_web | |||
1 | rr_control_input_manager | |||
1 | rr_openrover_description | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver_msgs | |||
1 | rr_openrover_simulation | |||
1 | rr_openrover_stack | |||
1 | rr_rover_zero_driver | |||
1 | rrt_planner | |||
1 | 2025-03-02 | rsl |
ROS Support Library
ROS Support Library
1 | rslidar |
Name | Description | |||
1 | 2025-02-10 | rosbridge_msgs |
Package containing message files
Package containing message files
1 | 2025-02-10 | rosbridge_server |
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
1 | 2025-02-10 | rosbridge_suite |
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
1 | rosbridge_test_msgs | |||
1 | 2024-02-20 | rosbuild |
rosbuild contains scripts for managing the CMake-based build system for ROS.
rosbuild contains scripts for managing the CMake-based build system for ROS.
1 | 2024-02-20 | rosclean |
rosclean: cleanup filesystem resources (e.g. log files).
rosclean: cleanup filesystem resources (e.g. log files).
1 | 2022-06-20 | roscompile |
The roscompile package
The roscompile package
1 | 2021-09-10 | rosconsole |
ROS console output library.
ROS console output library.
1 | 2020-10-08 | rosconsole_bridge |
rosconsole_bridge is a package used in conjunction with console_bridge and rosconsole for connecting console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging.
rosconsole_bridge is a package used in conjunction with console_bridge and rosconsole for connecting console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging.
1 | 2024-09-13 | roscpp |
roscpp is a C++ implementation of ROS. It provides
roscpp is a C++ implementation of ROS. It provides
1 | 2023-06-15 | roscpp_core |
Underlying data libraries for roscpp messages.
Underlying data libraries for roscpp messages.
1 | 2023-06-15 | roscpp_serialization |
roscpp_serialization contains the code for serialization as described in
roscpp_serialization contains the code for serialization as described in
1 | 2023-06-15 | roscpp_traits |
roscpp_traits contains the message traits code as described in
roscpp_traits contains the message traits code as described in
1 | 2022-06-21 | roscpp_tutorials |
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
1 | 2024-02-20 | roscreate |
roscreate contains a tool that assists in the creation of ROS filesystem resources.
It provides:
roscreate contains a tool that assists in the creation of ROS filesystem resources.
It provides:
1 | 2024-04-26 | rosdiagnostic |
Command to print aggregated diagnostic contents to the command line
Command to print aggregated diagnostic contents to the command line
1 | 2024-04-16 | rosdoc_lite |
This ROS package wraps documentation tools like doxygen, sphinx,
and epydoc, making it convenient to generate ROS package
It also generates online documentation for the ROS wiki.
This ROS package wraps documentation tools like doxygen, sphinx,
and epydoc, making it convenient to generate ROS package
It also generates online documentation for the ROS wiki.
1 | 2023-06-27 | rose2 |
rose2 is a package used to find the structural parts given a map of an indoor environment. rose2 is capable
of removing the non-structural components of the environment such as clutter, objects and spurious
measurements returning a clean map. It can also be used to find walls and rooms of the environment.
rose2 is a package used to find the structural parts given a map of an indoor environment. rose2 is capable
of removing the non-structural components of the environment such as clutter, objects and spurious
measurements returning a clean map. It can also be used to find walls and rooms of the environment.
1 | 2021-10-04 | rosee_msg |
The rosee_msg package
The rosee_msg package
1 | 2022-02-18 | rosemacs |
ROS tools for those who live in Emacs.
ROS tools for those who live in Emacs.
1 | 2025-02-13 | roseus |
EusLisp client for ROS Robot Operating System.
EusLisp client for ROS Robot Operating System.
1 | 2025-02-13 | roseus_mongo |
The roseus_mongo package
The roseus_mongo package
1 | 2025-02-13 | roseus_smach |
* Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved.
* Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer.
* Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine.
* Execute state machine as a action server.
* Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved.
* Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer.
* Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine.
* Execute state machine as a action server.
1 | 2025-02-13 | roseus_tutorials |
1 | 2023-07-10 | rosfmt |
fmt is an open-source formatting library for C++.
It can be used as a safe and fast alternative to (s)printf and IOStreams.
fmt is an open-source formatting library for C++.
It can be used as a safe and fast alternative to (s)printf and IOStreams.
1 | 2024-09-13 | rosgraph |
rosgraph contains the rosgraph command-line tool, which prints
information about the ROS Computation Graph. It also provides an
internal library that can be used by graphical tools.
rosgraph contains the rosgraph command-line tool, which prints
information about the ROS Computation Graph. It also provides an
internal library that can be used by graphical tools.
2 | 2020-10-08 | rosgraph_msgs |
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 | rosidl_adapter | |||
1 | rosidl_cli | |||
1 | rosidl_cmake | |||
1 | rosidl_core_generators | |||
1 | rosidl_core_runtime | |||
1 | rosidl_default_generators | |||
1 | rosidl_default_runtime | |||
1 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport | |||
1 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_c | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_cpp | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_dds_idl | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_py | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_tests | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_type_description | |||
1 | rosidl_parser | |||
1 | rosidl_pycommon | |||
1 | rosidl_runtime_c | |||
1 | rosidl_runtime_cpp | |||
1 | rosidl_runtime_py | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_c | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_cpp | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_interface | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_tests | |||
1 | 2024-02-20 | roslang |
roslang is a common package that all
roslang is a common package that all
1 | 2024-09-13 | roslaunch |
roslaunch is a tool for easily launching multiple ROS
roslaunch is a tool for easily launching multiple ROS
1 | 2024-02-20 | roslib |
Base dependencies and support libraries for ROS.
roslib contains many of the common data structures and tools that are shared across ROS client library implementations.
Base dependencies and support libraries for ROS.
roslib contains many of the common data structures and tools that are shared across ROS client library implementations.
1 | 2023-03-05 | roslint |
CMake lint commands for ROS packages.
The lint commands perform static checking of Python or C++ source
code for errors and standards compliance.
CMake lint commands for ROS packages.
The lint commands perform static checking of Python or C++ source
code for errors and standards compliance.
1 | 2023-02-15 | roslisp |
Lisp client library for ROS, the Robot Operating System.
Lisp client library for ROS, the Robot Operating System.
1 | 2023-03-28 | roslisp_common |
Common libraries to control ROS based robots. This stack contains
an implementation of actionlib (client and server) in Common Lisp,
a transformation library and an implementation of tf in Common
Common libraries to control ROS based robots. This stack contains
an implementation of actionlib (client and server) in Common Lisp,
a transformation library and an implementation of tf in Common
1 | 2022-02-18 | roslisp_repl |
This package provides a script that launches Emacs with Slime (the
Superior Lisp Interaction Mode) ready for Lisp development and
This package provides a script that launches Emacs with Slime (the
Superior Lisp Interaction Mode) ready for Lisp development and
1 | 2023-03-28 | roslisp_utilities |
Some utility functionality to interact with ROS using roslisp.
Some utility functionality to interact with ROS using roslisp.
1 | 2024-09-13 | roslz4 |
A Python and C++ implementation of the LZ4 streaming format. Large data
streams are split into blocks which are compressed using the very fast LZ4
compression algorithm.
A Python and C++ implementation of the LZ4 streaming format. Large data
streams are split into blocks which are compressed using the very fast LZ4
compression algorithm.
1 | 2024-02-20 | rosmake |
rosmake is a ros dependency aware build tool which can be used to
build all dependencies in the correct order.
rosmake is a ros dependency aware build tool which can be used to
build all dependencies in the correct order.
1 | 2024-09-13 | rosmaster |
1 | 2024-02-19 | rosmon |
Node launcher and monitor for ROS. rosmon is a replacement
for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance, remote
monitoring, and usability.
Node launcher and monitor for ROS. rosmon is a replacement
for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance, remote
monitoring, and usability.
1 | 2024-02-19 | rosmon_core |
Node launcher and monitor for ROS. rosmon is a replacement
for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance, remote
monitoring, and usability.
Node launcher and monitor for ROS. rosmon is a replacement
for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance, remote
monitoring, and usability.
1 | 2024-02-19 | rosmon_msgs |
Messages for rosmon, the node launcher and monitor for ROS.
rosmon is a replacement for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance,
remote monitoring, and usability.
Messages for rosmon, the node launcher and monitor for ROS.
rosmon is a replacement for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance,
remote monitoring, and usability.
1 | 2024-09-13 | rosmsg |
rosmsg contains two command-line tools:
rosmsg contains two command-line tools:
1 | 2023-04-16 | rosmsg_cpp |
C++ library for getting full message definition or MD5 sum given message type as string
C++ library for getting full message definition or MD5 sum given message type as string
1 | 2024-09-13 | rosnode |
rosnode is a command-line tool for displaying debug information
about ROS
rosnode is a command-line tool for displaying debug information
about ROS
1 | rosnode_rtc | |||
1 | 2024-09-13 | rosout |
System-wide logging mechanism for messages sent to the /rosout topic.
System-wide logging mechanism for messages sent to the /rosout topic.
1 | 2021-03-26 | rospack |
ROS Package Tool
ROS Package Tool
1 | 2024-09-13 | rosparam |
rosparam contains the rosparam command-line tool for getting and
setting ROS Parameters on the
rosparam contains the rosparam command-line tool for getting and
setting ROS Parameters on the
1 | rosparam_handler | |||
1 | 2024-11-25 | rosparam_shortcuts |
Quickly load variables from rosparam with good command line error checking.
Quickly load variables from rosparam with good command line error checking.
1 | 2025-01-09 | rospatlite |
1 | 2021-02-22 | rospilot |
1 | 2025-01-09 | rosping |
rosping is the tool to send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts where roscore is running, and send back to you as rostopic message.
rosping is the tool to send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts where roscore is running, and send back to you as rostopic message.
1 | 2024-09-13 | rospy |
rospy is a pure Python client library for ROS. The rospy client
API enables Python programmers to quickly interface with ROS
rospy is a pure Python client library for ROS. The rospy client
API enables Python programmers to quickly interface with ROS
1 | 2024-04-26 | rospy_message_converter |
Converts between Python dictionaries and JSON to rospy messages.
Converts between Python dictionaries and JSON to rospy messages.
1 | 2022-06-21 | rospy_tutorials |
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
1 | 2021-05-15 | rosrt |
rosrt provides classes for interfacing with ROS from within realtime systems, such as realtime-safe Publisher and Subscriber classes.
rosrt provides classes for interfacing with ROS from within realtime systems, such as realtime-safe Publisher and Subscriber classes.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial |
Metapackage for core of rosserial.
Metapackage for core of rosserial.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_arduino |
rosserial for Arduino/AVR platforms.
rosserial for Arduino/AVR platforms.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_chibios |
rosserial for ChibiOS/HAL platforms.
rosserial for ChibiOS/HAL platforms.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_client |
Generalized client side source for rosserial.
Generalized client side source for rosserial.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_embeddedlinux |
rosserial for embedded Linux enviroments
rosserial for embedded Linux enviroments
1 | rosserial_leonardo_cmake | |||
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_mbed |
rosserial for mbed platforms.
rosserial for mbed platforms.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_msgs |
Messages for automatic topic configuration using rosserial.
Messages for automatic topic configuration using rosserial.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_python |
A Python-based implementation of the rosserial protocol.
A Python-based implementation of the rosserial protocol.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_server |
A more performance- and stability-oriented server alternative implemented
in C++ to rosserial_python.
A more performance- and stability-oriented server alternative implemented
in C++ to rosserial_python.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_test |
A specialized harness which allows end-to-end integration testing of the
rosserial client and server components.
A specialized harness which allows end-to-end integration testing of the
rosserial client and server components.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_tivac |
rosserial for TivaC Launchpad evaluation boards.
rosserial for TivaC Launchpad evaluation boards.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_vex_cortex |
rosserial for Cortex/AVR platforms.
rosserial for Cortex/AVR platforms.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_vex_v5 |
rosserial for the VEX Cortex V5 Robot Brain platform.
rosserial for the VEX Cortex V5 Robot Brain platform.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_windows |
rosserial for Windows platforms.
rosserial for Windows platforms.
1 | 2021-06-16 | rosserial_xbee |
Allows multipoint communication between rosserial
nodes connected to an xbee. All nodes communicate back
to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS.
This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees.
This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
Allows multipoint communication between rosserial
nodes connected to an xbee. All nodes communicate back
to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS.
This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees.
This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
1 | 2024-09-13 | rosservice |
rosservice contains the rosservice command-line tool for listing
and querying ROS
rosservice contains the rosservice command-line tool for listing
and querying ROS
0 | rossmbus | |||
1 | rostate_machine | |||
1 | 2024-09-13 | rostest |
Integration test suite based on roslaunch that is compatible with xUnit frameworks.
Integration test suite based on roslaunch that is compatible with xUnit frameworks.
1 | rostest_node_interface_validation | |||
1 | rosthrottle | |||
1 | 2023-06-15 | rostime |
Time and Duration implementations for C++ libraries, including roscpp.
Time and Duration implementations for C++ libraries, including roscpp.
1 | 2024-09-13 | rostopic |
rostopic contains the rostopic command-line tool for displaying
debug information about
rostopic contains the rostopic command-line tool for displaying
debug information about
1 | 2025-01-09 | rostwitter |
The rostwitter package
The rostwitter package
1 | 2024-02-20 | rosunit |
Unit-testing package for ROS. This is a lower-level library for rostest and handles unit tests, whereas rostest handles integration tests.
Unit-testing package for ROS. This is a lower-level library for rostest and handles unit tests, whereas rostest handles integration tests.
1 | 2024-09-13 | roswtf |
roswtf is a tool for diagnosing issues with a running ROS system. Think of it as a FAQ implemented in code.
roswtf is a tool for diagnosing issues with a running ROS system. Think of it as a FAQ implemented in code.
1 | 2021-10-28 | roswww |
Feathery lightweight web server for ROS, that is based on
Feathery lightweight web server for ROS, that is based on
1 | roswww_static | |||
1 | rosx_introspection | |||
1 | 2023-03-04 | rotate_recovery |
This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by performing a 360 degree rotation of the robot.
This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by performing a 360 degree rotation of the robot.
1 | rotors_comm | |||
1 | rotors_control | |||
1 | rotors_description | |||
1 | 2023-06-04 | rotors_driver |
The rotors_driver package
The rotors_driver package
1 | rotors_evaluation | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo_plugins | |||
0 | rotors_hil_interface | |||
1 | rotors_joy_interface | |||
1 | rotors_simulator | |||
1 | 2021-06-03 | route_network |
Route network graphing and path planning.
Route network graphing and path planning.
2 | 2024-05-20 | rplidar_ros |
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A1/A2/A3/S1/S2/S3/T1/C1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A1/A2/A3/S1/S2/S3/T1/C1
1 | rpyutils | |||
1 | 2024-07-10 | rqt |
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
1 | 2023-03-16 | rqt_action |
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS
action (from actionlib) types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is
unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin
is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt
instance connects to.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS
action (from actionlib) types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is
unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin
is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt
instance connects to.
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_bag |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | rqt_bag_exporter | |||
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_bag_plugins |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | 2022-11-28 | rqt_common_plugins |
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 | 2023-10-12 | rqt_console |
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
2 | 2024-10-12 | rqt_controller_manager |
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
1 | 2023-10-04 | rqt_dep |
rqt_dep provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS dependency graph.
rqt_dep provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS dependency graph.
1 | rqt_dotgraph | |||
1 | 2023-06-04 | rqt_drone_teleop |
A common drone teleop interface for all drone exercises in the JdeRobot Robotics Academy
A common drone teleop interface for all drone exercises in the JdeRobot Robotics Academy
1 | 2022-06-27 | rqt_dwb_plugin |
View dwb_msgs/LocalPlanEvaluation information visually using rqt
View dwb_msgs/LocalPlanEvaluation information visually using rqt
1 | 2020-12-01 | rqt_ez_publisher |
The rqt_ez_publisher package
The rqt_ez_publisher package
1 | rqt_gauges | |||
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_graph |
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
1 | 2023-06-04 | rqt_ground_robot_teleop |
A common ground robot teleop interface for all ground robot exercises in the JdeRobot Robotics Academy
A common ground robot teleop interface for all ground robot exercises in the JdeRobot Robotics Academy
1 | 2024-07-10 | rqt_gui |
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 | 2024-07-10 | rqt_gui_cpp |
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 | 2024-07-10 | rqt_gui_py |
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 | 2022-12-13 | rqt_human_radar |
A radar-like visualization for humans in the scene, representing their position, orientation, engagement level
A radar-like visualization for humans in the scene, representing their position, orientation, engagement level
1 | rqt_image_overlay | |||
1 | rqt_image_overlay_layer | |||
1 | 2023-05-24 | rqt_image_view |
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
2 | 2024-05-22 | rqt_joint_trajectory_controller |
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
1 | rqt_joint_trajectory_plot | |||
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_launch |
This rqt plugin ROS package provides easy view of .launch files.
User can also start and end node by node that are defined in those files.
This rqt plugin ROS package provides easy view of .launch files.
User can also start and end node by node that are defined in those files.
1 | rqt_launchtree | |||
1 | 2023-10-02 | rqt_logger_level |
rqt_logger_level provides a GUI plugin for configuring the logger level of ROS nodes.
rqt_logger_level provides a GUI plugin for configuring the logger level of ROS nodes.
1 | rqt_mocap4r2_control | |||
1 | 2020-06-02 | rqt_moveit |
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
1 | 2023-03-02 | rqt_msg |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 | 2025-02-15 | rqt_multiplot |
rqt_multiplot provides a GUI plugin for visualizing numeric values in multiple 2D plots using the Qwt plotting backend.
rqt_multiplot provides a GUI plugin for visualizing numeric values in multiple 2D plots using the Qwt plotting backend.
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_nav_view |
rqt_nav_view provides a gui for viewing navigation maps and paths.
rqt_nav_view provides a gui for viewing navigation maps and paths.
1 | rqt_paramedit | |||
1 | rqt_play_motion_builder | |||
1 | 2021-02-23 | rqt_plot |
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 | 2023-03-16 | rqt_pose_view |
rqt_pose_view provides a GUI plugin for visualizing 3D poses.
rqt_pose_view provides a GUI plugin for visualizing 3D poses.
1 | 2024-07-25 | rqt_pr2_dashboard |
rqt_pr2_dashboard is a GUI for debugging and controlling low-level state of the PR2. It shows things like battery status and breaker states, as well as integrating tools like rqt_console and robot_monitor.
rqt_pr2_dashboard is a GUI for debugging and controlling low-level state of the PR2. It shows things like battery status and breaker states, as well as integrating tools like rqt_console and robot_monitor.
1 | 2023-10-04 | rqt_publisher |
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 | 2024-07-10 | rqt_py_common |
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 | 2023-03-02 | rqt_py_console |
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 | 2021-05-09 | rqt_py_trees |
rqt_py_trees provides a GUI plugin for visualizing py_trees behaviour trees based on rqt_tf_tree.
rqt_py_trees provides a GUI plugin for visualizing py_trees behaviour trees based on rqt_tf_tree.
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_reconfigure |
This rqt plugin succeeds former dynamic_reconfigure's GUI
(reconfigure_gui), and provides the way to view and edit the parameters
that are accessible via dynamic_reconfigure.
This rqt plugin succeeds former dynamic_reconfigure's GUI
(reconfigure_gui), and provides the way to view and edit the parameters
that are accessible via dynamic_reconfigure.
1 | 2021-07-27 | rqt_robot_dashboard |
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 | 2020-06-02 | rqt_robot_monitor |
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
1 | 2021-07-27 | rqt_robot_plugins |
Metapackage of rqt plugins that are particularly used with robots
during its operation.
Metapackage of rqt plugins that are particularly used with robots
during its operation.
1 | 2023-10-04 | rqt_robot_steering |
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 | 2024-03-19 | rqt_rosbag_fancy |
rqt GUI for rosbag_fancy
rqt GUI for rosbag_fancy
1 | 2024-02-19 | rqt_rosmon |
rqt GUI for rosmon, the node launcher and monitor for ROS.
rosmon is a replacement for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance,
remote monitoring, and usability.
rqt GUI for rosmon, the node launcher and monitor for ROS.
rosmon is a replacement for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance,
remote monitoring, and usability.
1 | rqt_rotors | |||
1 | 2023-10-02 | rqt_runtime_monitor |
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 | 2021-06-23 | rqt_rviz |
rqt_rviz provides a GUI plugin embedding
rqt_rviz provides a GUI plugin embedding
1 | 2023-03-02 | rqt_service_caller |
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 | 2024-04-16 | rqt_shell |
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 | 2023-03-16 | rqt_srv |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 | 2023-10-02 | rqt_tf_tree |
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 | 2023-03-02 | rqt_top |
RQT plugin for monitoring ROS processes.
RQT plugin for monitoring ROS processes.
1 | 2023-03-16 | rqt_topic |
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 | rqt_virtual_joy | |||
1 | 2023-03-16 | rqt_web |
rqt_web is a simple web content viewer for rqt. Users can show web content in Qt-based window by specifying its URL.
rqt_web is a simple web content viewer for rqt. Users can show web content in Qt-based window by specifying its URL.
1 | rr_control_input_manager | |||
1 | rr_openrover_description | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver_msgs | |||
1 | rr_openrover_simulation | |||
1 | rr_openrover_stack | |||
1 | rr_rover_zero_driver | |||
1 | rrt_planner | |||
1 | rsl | |||
1 | rslidar |
Name | Description | |||
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_msgs |
Package containing message files
Package containing message files
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_server |
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_suite |
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_test_msgs |
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
1 | rosbuild | |||
1 | rosclean | |||
1 | roscompile | |||
1 | rosconsole | |||
1 | rosconsole_bridge | |||
1 | roscpp | |||
1 | roscpp_core | |||
1 | roscpp_serialization | |||
1 | roscpp_traits | |||
1 | 2022-04-28 | roscpp_tutorials |
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
1 | roscreate | |||
1 | rosdiagnostic | |||
1 | rosdoc_lite | |||
1 | rose2 | |||
1 | rosee_msg | |||
1 | rosemacs | |||
1 | roseus | |||
1 | roseus_mongo | |||
1 | roseus_smach | |||
1 | roseus_tutorials | |||
1 | rosfmt | |||
1 | rosgraph | |||
2 | 2021-04-06 | rosgraph_msgs |
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph.
These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph.
These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_adapter |
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_cli |
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_cmake |
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
1 | rosidl_core_generators | |||
1 | rosidl_core_runtime | |||
1 | 2021-04-06 | rosidl_default_generators |
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
1 | 2021-04-06 | rosidl_default_runtime |
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
1 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport | |||
1 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps | |||
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_generator_c |
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_generator_cpp |
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
1 | 2021-05-12 | rosidl_generator_dds_idl |
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_generator_py |
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
1 | rosidl_generator_tests | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_type_description | |||
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_parser |
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
1 | rosidl_pycommon | |||
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_runtime_c |
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_runtime_cpp |
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
1 | 2021-03-18 | rosidl_runtime_py |
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
1 | 2021-04-06 | rosidl_typesupport_c |
Generate the type support for C messages.
Generate the type support for C messages.
1 | 2021-04-06 | rosidl_typesupport_cpp |
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
1 | 2021-04-06 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c |
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 | 2021-04-06 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp |
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_typesupport_interface |
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c |
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
1 | 2022-12-03 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp |
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
1 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_tests | |||
1 | roslang | |||
1 | roslaunch | |||
1 | roslib | |||
1 | roslint | |||
1 | roslisp | |||
1 | roslisp_common | |||
1 | roslisp_repl | |||
1 | roslisp_utilities | |||
1 | roslz4 | |||
1 | rosmake | |||
1 | rosmaster | |||
1 | rosmon | |||
1 | rosmon_core | |||
1 | rosmon_msgs | |||
1 | rosmsg | |||
1 | rosmsg_cpp | |||
1 | rosnode | |||
1 | rosnode_rtc | |||
1 | rosout | |||
1 | rospack | |||
1 | rosparam | |||
1 | rosparam_handler | |||
1 | rosparam_shortcuts | |||
1 | rospatlite | |||
1 | rospilot | |||
1 | rosping | |||
1 | rospy | |||
1 | rospy_message_converter | |||
1 | 2022-04-28 | rospy_tutorials |
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
1 | rosrt | |||
1 | rosserial | |||
1 | rosserial_arduino | |||
1 | rosserial_chibios | |||
1 | rosserial_client | |||
1 | rosserial_embeddedlinux | |||
1 | rosserial_leonardo_cmake | |||
1 | rosserial_mbed | |||
1 | rosserial_msgs | |||
1 | rosserial_python | |||
1 | rosserial_server | |||
1 | rosserial_test | |||
1 | rosserial_tivac | |||
1 | rosserial_vex_cortex | |||
1 | rosserial_vex_v5 | |||
1 | rosserial_windows | |||
1 | rosserial_xbee | |||
1 | rosservice | |||
0 | rossmbus | |||
1 | rostate_machine | |||
1 | rostest | |||
1 | rostest_node_interface_validation | |||
1 | rosthrottle | |||
1 | rostime | |||
1 | rostopic | |||
1 | rostwitter | |||
1 | rosunit | |||
1 | roswtf | |||
1 | roswww | |||
1 | roswww_static | |||
1 | rosx_introspection | |||
1 | rotate_recovery | |||
1 | rotors_comm | |||
1 | rotors_control | |||
1 | rotors_description | |||
1 | rotors_driver | |||
1 | rotors_evaluation | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo_plugins | |||
0 | rotors_hil_interface | |||
1 | rotors_joy_interface | |||
1 | rotors_simulator | |||
1 | route_network | |||
2 | 2022-09-06 | rplidar_ros |
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
1 | 2020-09-11 | rpyutils |
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt |
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
1 | 2022-01-14 | rqt_action |
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS
action types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is
unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin
is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt
instance connects to.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS
action types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is
unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin
is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt
instance connects to.
1 | 2022-11-17 | rqt_bag |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | rqt_bag_exporter | |||
1 | 2022-11-17 | rqt_bag_plugins |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | 2021-04-08 | rqt_common_plugins |
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 | 2022-02-17 | rqt_console |
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
2 | rqt_controller_manager | |||
1 | rqt_dep | |||
1 | rqt_dotgraph | |||
1 | rqt_drone_teleop | |||
1 | rqt_dwb_plugin | |||
1 | rqt_ez_publisher | |||
1 | rqt_gauges | |||
1 | 2022-09-13 | rqt_graph |
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
1 | rqt_ground_robot_teleop | |||
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_gui |
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_gui_cpp |
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_gui_py |
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 | rqt_human_radar | |||
1 | 2022-10-28 | rqt_image_overlay |
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
1 | 2022-10-28 | rqt_image_overlay_layer |
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
1 | 2021-03-19 | rqt_image_view |
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
2 | rqt_joint_trajectory_controller | |||
1 | rqt_joint_trajectory_plot | |||
1 | rqt_launch | |||
1 | rqt_launchtree | |||
1 | rqt_logger_level | |||
1 | rqt_mocap4r2_control | |||
1 | 2021-09-10 | rqt_moveit |
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
1 | 2022-05-11 | rqt_msg |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 | rqt_multiplot | |||
1 | rqt_nav_view | |||
1 | rqt_paramedit | |||
1 | rqt_play_motion_builder | |||
1 | 2022-01-14 | rqt_plot |
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 | rqt_pose_view | |||
1 | rqt_pr2_dashboard | |||
1 | 2022-08-02 | rqt_publisher |
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_py_common |
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_py_console |
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 | rqt_py_trees | |||
1 | 2021-05-10 | rqt_reconfigure |
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
1 | 2022-02-17 | rqt_robot_dashboard |
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 | 2020-06-11 | rqt_robot_monitor |
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
1 | rqt_robot_plugins | |||
1 | 2019-11-19 | rqt_robot_steering |
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 | rqt_rosbag_fancy | |||
1 | rqt_rosmon | |||
1 | rqt_rotors | |||
1 | 2021-09-23 | rqt_runtime_monitor |
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 | rqt_rviz | |||
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_service_caller |
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_shell |
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_srv |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 | 2022-03-31 | rqt_tf_tree |
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 | 2021-08-31 | rqt_top |
RQT plugin for monitoring ROS processes.
RQT plugin for monitoring ROS processes.
1 | 2022-09-13 | rqt_topic |
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 | rqt_virtual_joy | |||
1 | rqt_web | |||
1 | rr_control_input_manager | |||
1 | rr_openrover_description | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver_msgs | |||
1 | rr_openrover_simulation | |||
1 | rr_openrover_stack | |||
1 | rr_rover_zero_driver | |||
1 | rrt_planner | |||
1 | rsl | |||
1 | rslidar |
Name | Description | |||
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_msgs |
Package containing message files
Package containing message files
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_server |
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_suite |
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
1 | 2025-02-26 | rosbridge_test_msgs |
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
Message and service definitions used in internal tests for rosbridge packages.
1 | rosbuild | |||
1 | rosclean | |||
1 | roscompile | |||
1 | rosconsole | |||
1 | rosconsole_bridge | |||
1 | roscpp | |||
1 | roscpp_core | |||
1 | roscpp_serialization | |||
1 | roscpp_traits | |||
1 | 2023-05-11 | roscpp_tutorials |
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
1 | roscreate | |||
1 | rosdiagnostic | |||
1 | rosdoc_lite | |||
1 | rose2 | |||
1 | rosee_msg | |||
1 | rosemacs | |||
1 | roseus | |||
1 | roseus_mongo | |||
1 | roseus_smach | |||
1 | roseus_tutorials | |||
1 | rosfmt | |||
1 | rosgraph | |||
2 | 2023-04-18 | rosgraph_msgs |
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph.
These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph.
These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_adapter |
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
API and scripts to parse .msg/.srv/.action files and convert them to .idl.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_cli |
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
Command line tools for ROS interface generation.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_cmake |
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files.
1 | 2023-02-13 | rosidl_core_generators |
A configuration package defining core ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining core ROS interface generators.
1 | 2023-02-13 | rosidl_core_runtime |
A configuration package defining runtime dependencies for core ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining runtime dependencies for core ROS interfaces.
1 | 2023-02-13 | rosidl_default_generators |
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators.
1 | 2023-02-13 | rosidl_default_runtime |
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces.
1 | 2023-11-17 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport |
Unified serialization support interface for dynamic typesupport in C.
Unified serialization support interface for dynamic typesupport in C.
1 | 2023-04-11 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps |
FastDDS serialization support implementation for use with C/C++.
FastDDS serialization support implementation for use with C/C++.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_generator_c |
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_generator_cpp |
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
1 | 2023-02-13 | rosidl_generator_dds_idl |
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
1 | 2023-04-11 | rosidl_generator_py |
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_generator_tests |
Integration tests for rosidl_generator_c and rosidl_generator_cpp packages.
Integration tests for rosidl_generator_c and rosidl_generator_cpp packages.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_generator_type_description |
Generate hashes and descriptions of ROS 2 interface types, per REP-2011.
Generate hashes and descriptions of ROS 2 interface types, per REP-2011.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_parser |
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
The parser for `.idl` ROS interface files.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_pycommon |
Common Python functions used by rosidl packages.
Common Python functions used by rosidl packages.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_runtime_c |
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
Provides definitions, initialization and finalization functions, and macros for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_runtime_cpp |
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
Provides definitions and templated functions for getting and working with rosidl typesupport types in C++.
1 | 2023-04-11 | rosidl_runtime_py |
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
Runtime utilities for working with generated ROS interfaces in Python.
1 | 2023-07-13 | rosidl_typesupport_c |
Generate the type support for C messages.
Generate the type support for C messages.
1 | 2023-07-13 | rosidl_typesupport_cpp |
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
Generate the type support for C++ messages.
1 | 2023-11-17 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c |
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 | 2023-11-17 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp |
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_typesupport_interface |
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
The interface for rosidl typesupport packages.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c |
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp |
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++.
1 | 2024-07-19 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests |
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
Integration tests of the rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c/cpp packages.
1 | 2023-07-13 | rosidl_typesupport_tests |
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
Test rosidl_typesupport_c and rosidl_typesupport_cpp packages
1 | roslang | |||
1 | roslaunch | |||
1 | roslib | |||
1 | roslint | |||
1 | roslisp | |||
1 | roslisp_common | |||
1 | roslisp_repl | |||
1 | roslisp_utilities | |||
1 | roslz4 | |||
1 | rosmake | |||
1 | rosmaster | |||
1 | rosmon | |||
1 | rosmon_core | |||
1 | rosmon_msgs | |||
1 | rosmsg | |||
1 | rosmsg_cpp | |||
1 | rosnode | |||
1 | rosnode_rtc | |||
1 | rosout | |||
1 | rospack | |||
1 | rosparam | |||
1 | rosparam_handler | |||
1 | rosparam_shortcuts | |||
1 | rospatlite | |||
1 | rospilot | |||
1 | rosping | |||
1 | rospy | |||
1 | rospy_message_converter | |||
1 | 2023-05-11 | rospy_tutorials |
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
1 | rosrt | |||
1 | rosserial | |||
1 | rosserial_arduino | |||
1 | rosserial_chibios | |||
1 | rosserial_client | |||
1 | rosserial_embeddedlinux | |||
1 | rosserial_leonardo_cmake | |||
1 | rosserial_mbed | |||
1 | rosserial_msgs | |||
1 | rosserial_python | |||
1 | rosserial_server | |||
1 | rosserial_test | |||
1 | rosserial_tivac | |||
1 | rosserial_vex_cortex | |||
1 | rosserial_vex_v5 | |||
1 | rosserial_windows | |||
1 | rosserial_xbee | |||
1 | rosservice | |||
0 | rossmbus | |||
1 | rostate_machine | |||
1 | rostest | |||
1 | rostest_node_interface_validation | |||
1 | rosthrottle | |||
1 | rostime | |||
1 | rostopic | |||
1 | rostwitter | |||
1 | rosunit | |||
1 | roswtf | |||
1 | roswww | |||
1 | roswww_static | |||
1 | 2024-08-29 | rosx_introspection |
Successor of ros_type_introspection
Successor of ros_type_introspection
1 | rotate_recovery | |||
1 | rotors_comm | |||
1 | rotors_control | |||
1 | rotors_description | |||
1 | rotors_driver | |||
1 | rotors_evaluation | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo | |||
1 | rotors_gazebo_plugins | |||
0 | rotors_hil_interface | |||
1 | rotors_joy_interface | |||
1 | rotors_simulator | |||
1 | route_network | |||
2 | 2022-09-06 | rplidar_ros |
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A2/A1 and A3/S1
1 | 2023-02-13 | rpyutils |
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
Package containing various utility types and functions for Python
1 | 2024-02-15 | rqt |
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS.
1 | 2023-02-14 | rqt_action |
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action types.
1 | 2024-07-11 | rqt_bag |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | rqt_bag_exporter | |||
1 | 2024-07-11 | rqt_bag_plugins |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | 2022-05-11 | rqt_common_plugins |
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 | 2023-02-14 | rqt_console |
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
2 | 2024-11-14 | rqt_controller_manager |
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
1 | rqt_dep | |||
1 | 2025-02-24 | rqt_dotgraph |
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
rqt GUI plugin to visualize dot graphs.
1 | rqt_drone_teleop | |||
1 | rqt_dwb_plugin | |||
1 | rqt_ez_publisher | |||
1 | 2024-03-14 | rqt_gauges |
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
Visualization plugin for several sensors.
1 | 2024-07-11 | rqt_graph |
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
1 | rqt_ground_robot_teleop | |||
1 | 2024-02-15 | rqt_gui |
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 | 2024-02-15 | rqt_gui_cpp |
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 | 2024-02-15 | rqt_gui_py |
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 | rqt_human_radar | |||
1 | 2022-10-28 | rqt_image_overlay |
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
An rqt plugin to display overlays for custom msgs on an image using plugins.
1 | 2022-10-28 | rqt_image_overlay_layer |
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
Provides an rqt_image_overlay_layer plugin interface, and a template impelementation class
1 | 2024-04-17 | rqt_image_view |
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
2 | 2024-11-13 | rqt_joint_trajectory_controller |
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
1 | rqt_joint_trajectory_plot | |||
1 | rqt_launch | |||
1 | rqt_launchtree | |||
1 | rqt_logger_level | |||
1 | rqt_mocap4r2_control | |||
1 | 2021-09-10 | rqt_moveit |
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
1 | 2023-02-14 | rqt_msg |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 | rqt_multiplot | |||
1 | rqt_nav_view | |||
1 | rqt_paramedit | |||
1 | rqt_play_motion_builder | |||
1 | 2023-05-11 | rqt_plot |
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 | rqt_pose_view | |||
1 | rqt_pr2_dashboard | |||
1 | 2023-04-11 | rqt_publisher |
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 | 2024-02-15 | rqt_py_common |
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 | 2023-02-14 | rqt_py_console |
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 | rqt_py_trees | |||
1 | 2023-11-17 | rqt_reconfigure |
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes.
1 | 2022-02-17 | rqt_robot_dashboard |
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 | 2020-06-11 | rqt_robot_monitor |
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
1 | rqt_robot_plugins | |||
1 | 2019-11-19 | rqt_robot_steering |
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 | rqt_rosbag_fancy | |||
1 | rqt_rosmon | |||
1 | rqt_rotors | |||
1 | 2021-09-23 | rqt_runtime_monitor |
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 | rqt_rviz | |||
1 | 2023-02-14 | rqt_service_caller |
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 | 2023-02-14 | rqt_shell |
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 | 2023-02-14 | rqt_srv |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 | 2024-06-14 | rqt_tf_tree |
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 | rqt_top | |||
1 | 2023-02-14 | rqt_topic |
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 | rqt_virtual_joy | |||
1 | rqt_web | |||
1 | rr_control_input_manager | |||
1 | rr_openrover_description | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver | |||
1 | rr_openrover_driver_msgs | |||
1 | rr_openrover_simulation | |||
1 | rr_openrover_stack | |||
1 | rr_rover_zero_driver | |||
1 | 2023-12-04 | rrt_planner |
RRT exploration in 2D and 3D
RRT exploration in 2D and 3D
1 | 2025-03-02 | rsl |
ROS Support Library
ROS Support Library
1 | rslidar |
Name | Description | |||
1 | 2025-02-10 | rosbridge_msgs |
Package containing message files
Package containing message files
1 | 2025-02-10 | rosbridge_server |
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
A WebSocket interface to rosbridge.
1 | 2025-02-10 | rosbridge_suite |
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including
a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
Rosbridge_suite is a meta-package containing rosbridge, various front end
packages for rosbridge like a WebSocket package, and helper packages.
1 | rosbridge_test_msgs | |||
1 | 2021-07-23 | rosbuild |
rosbuild contains scripts for managing the CMake-based build system for ROS.
rosbuild contains scripts for managing the CMake-based build system for ROS.
1 | 2021-07-23 | rosclean |
rosclean: cleanup filesystem resources (e.g. log files).
rosclean: cleanup filesystem resources (e.g. log files).
1 | 2022-06-20 | roscompile |
The roscompile package
The roscompile package
1 | 2020-10-14 | rosconsole |
ROS console output library.
ROS console output library.
1 | 2020-10-08 | rosconsole_bridge |
rosconsole_bridge is a package used in conjunction with console_bridge and rosconsole for connecting console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging.
rosconsole_bridge is a package used in conjunction with console_bridge and rosconsole for connecting console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging.
1 | 2022-01-26 | roscpp |
roscpp is a C++ implementation of ROS. It provides
roscpp is a C++ implementation of ROS. It provides
1 | 2020-07-24 | roscpp_core |
Underlying data libraries for roscpp messages.
Underlying data libraries for roscpp messages.
1 | 2020-07-24 | roscpp_serialization |
roscpp_serialization contains the code for serialization as described in
roscpp_serialization contains the code for serialization as described in
1 | 2020-07-24 | roscpp_traits |
roscpp_traits contains the message traits code as described in
roscpp_traits contains the message traits code as described in
1 | 2020-10-13 | roscpp_tutorials |
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc.
1 | 2021-07-23 | roscreate |
roscreate contains a tool that assists in the creation of ROS filesystem resources.
It provides:
roscreate contains a tool that assists in the creation of ROS filesystem resources.
It provides:
1 | 2020-10-06 | rosdiagnostic |
Command to print aggregated diagnostic contents to the command line
Command to print aggregated diagnostic contents to the command line
1 | 2024-04-16 | rosdoc_lite |
This ROS package wraps documentation tools like doxygen, sphinx,
and epydoc, making it convenient to generate ROS package
It also generates online documentation for the ROS wiki.
This ROS package wraps documentation tools like doxygen, sphinx,
and epydoc, making it convenient to generate ROS package
It also generates online documentation for the ROS wiki.
1 | rose2 | |||
1 | 2021-10-04 | rosee_msg |
The rosee_msg package
The rosee_msg package
1 | 2022-02-18 | rosemacs |
ROS tools for those who live in Emacs.
ROS tools for those who live in Emacs.
1 | 2025-02-13 | roseus |
EusLisp client for ROS Robot Operating System.
EusLisp client for ROS Robot Operating System.
1 | 2025-02-13 | roseus_mongo |
The roseus_mongo package
The roseus_mongo package
1 | 2025-02-13 | roseus_smach |
* Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved.
* Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer.
* Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine.
* Execute state machine as a action server.
* Euslisp state machine class. it will be moved.
* Message publisher for visualizing current state by smach_viewer.
* Simple pickle dump script for debugging state machine.
* Execute state machine as a action server.
1 | 2025-02-13 | roseus_tutorials |
1 | 2023-07-10 | rosfmt |
fmt is an open-source formatting library for C++.
It can be used as a safe and fast alternative to (s)printf and IOStreams.
fmt is an open-source formatting library for C++.
It can be used as a safe and fast alternative to (s)printf and IOStreams.
1 | 2022-01-26 | rosgraph |
rosgraph contains the rosgraph command-line tool, which prints
information about the ROS Computation Graph. It also provides an
internal library that can be used by graphical tools.
rosgraph contains the rosgraph command-line tool, which prints
information about the ROS Computation Graph. It also provides an
internal library that can be used by graphical tools.
2 | 2020-10-08 | rosgraph_msgs |
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with.
1 | rosidl_adapter | |||
1 | rosidl_cli | |||
1 | rosidl_cmake | |||
1 | rosidl_core_generators | |||
1 | rosidl_core_runtime | |||
1 | rosidl_default_generators | |||
1 | rosidl_default_runtime | |||
1 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport | |||
1 | rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_c | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_cpp | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_dds_idl | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_py | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_tests | |||
1 | rosidl_generator_type_description | |||
1 | rosidl_parser | |||
1 | rosidl_pycommon | |||
1 | rosidl_runtime_c | |||
1 | rosidl_runtime_cpp | |||
1 | rosidl_runtime_py | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_c | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_cpp | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_interface | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_introspection_tests | |||
1 | rosidl_typesupport_tests | |||
1 | 2021-07-23 | roslang |
roslang is a common package that all
roslang is a common package that all
1 | 2022-01-26 | roslaunch |
roslaunch is a tool for easily launching multiple ROS
roslaunch is a tool for easily launching multiple ROS
1 | 2021-07-23 | roslib |
Base dependencies and support libraries for ROS.
roslib contains many of the common data structures and tools that are shared across ROS client library implementations.
Base dependencies and support libraries for ROS.
roslib contains many of the common data structures and tools that are shared across ROS client library implementations.
1 | 2023-03-05 | roslint |
CMake lint commands for ROS packages.
The lint commands perform static checking of Python or C++ source
code for errors and standards compliance.
CMake lint commands for ROS packages.
The lint commands perform static checking of Python or C++ source
code for errors and standards compliance.
1 | 2023-02-15 | roslisp |
Lisp client library for ROS, the Robot Operating System.
Lisp client library for ROS, the Robot Operating System.
1 | 2023-03-28 | roslisp_common |
Common libraries to control ROS based robots. This stack contains
an implementation of actionlib (client and server) in Common Lisp,
a transformation library and an implementation of tf in Common
Common libraries to control ROS based robots. This stack contains
an implementation of actionlib (client and server) in Common Lisp,
a transformation library and an implementation of tf in Common
1 | 2022-02-18 | roslisp_repl |
This package provides a script that launches Emacs with Slime (the
Superior Lisp Interaction Mode) ready for Lisp development and
This package provides a script that launches Emacs with Slime (the
Superior Lisp Interaction Mode) ready for Lisp development and
1 | 2023-03-28 | roslisp_utilities |
Some utility functionality to interact with ROS using roslisp.
Some utility functionality to interact with ROS using roslisp.
1 | 2022-01-26 | roslz4 |
A Python and C++ implementation of the LZ4 streaming format. Large data
streams are split into blocks which are compressed using the very fast LZ4
compression algorithm.
A Python and C++ implementation of the LZ4 streaming format. Large data
streams are split into blocks which are compressed using the very fast LZ4
compression algorithm.
1 | 2021-07-23 | rosmake |
rosmake is a ros dependency aware build tool which can be used to
build all dependencies in the correct order.
rosmake is a ros dependency aware build tool which can be used to
build all dependencies in the correct order.
1 | 2022-01-26 | rosmaster |
1 | 2024-02-19 | rosmon |
Node launcher and monitor for ROS. rosmon is a replacement
for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance, remote
monitoring, and usability.
Node launcher and monitor for ROS. rosmon is a replacement
for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance, remote
monitoring, and usability.
1 | 2024-02-19 | rosmon_core |
Node launcher and monitor for ROS. rosmon is a replacement
for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance, remote
monitoring, and usability.
Node launcher and monitor for ROS. rosmon is a replacement
for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance, remote
monitoring, and usability.
1 | 2024-02-19 | rosmon_msgs |
Messages for rosmon, the node launcher and monitor for ROS.
rosmon is a replacement for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance,
remote monitoring, and usability.
Messages for rosmon, the node launcher and monitor for ROS.
rosmon is a replacement for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance,
remote monitoring, and usability.
1 | 2022-01-26 | rosmsg |
rosmsg contains two command-line tools:
rosmsg contains two command-line tools:
1 | 2023-04-16 | rosmsg_cpp |
C++ library for getting full message definition or MD5 sum given message type as string
C++ library for getting full message definition or MD5 sum given message type as string
1 | 2022-01-26 | rosnode |
rosnode is a command-line tool for displaying debug information
about ROS
rosnode is a command-line tool for displaying debug information
about ROS
1 | 2023-08-04 | rosnode_rtc |
This package gives transparency between RTM and ROS. is a RT-Component for dataport/topic.
This automatically convert ROS/topic into RTM/dataport.
This package gives transparency between RTM and ROS. is a RT-Component for dataport/topic.
This automatically convert ROS/topic into RTM/dataport.
1 | 2022-01-26 | rosout |
System-wide logging mechanism for messages sent to the /rosout topic.
System-wide logging mechanism for messages sent to the /rosout topic.
1 | 2020-05-13 | rospack |
ROS Package Tool
ROS Package Tool
1 | 2022-01-26 | rosparam |
rosparam contains the rosparam command-line tool for getting and
setting ROS Parameters on the
rosparam contains the rosparam command-line tool for getting and
setting ROS Parameters on the
1 | 2018-09-02 | rosparam_handler |
An easy wrapper for using parameters in ROS.
An easy wrapper for using parameters in ROS.
1 | 2021-09-04 | rosparam_shortcuts |
Quickly load variables from rosparam with good command line error checking.
Quickly load variables from rosparam with good command line error checking.
1 | 2025-01-09 | rospatlite |
1 | 2020-05-09 | rospilot |
1 | 2025-01-09 | rosping |
rosping is the tool to send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts where roscore is running, and send back to you as rostopic message.
rosping is the tool to send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts where roscore is running, and send back to you as rostopic message.
1 | 2022-01-26 | rospy |
rospy is a pure Python client library for ROS. The rospy client
API enables Python programmers to quickly interface with ROS
rospy is a pure Python client library for ROS. The rospy client
API enables Python programmers to quickly interface with ROS
1 | 2024-04-26 | rospy_message_converter |
Converts between Python dictionaries and JSON to rospy messages.
Converts between Python dictionaries and JSON to rospy messages.
1 | 2020-10-13 | rospy_tutorials |
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step,
including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial.
1 | 2015-02-06 | rosrt |
rosrt provides classes for interfacing with ROS from within realtime systems, such as realtime-safe Publisher and Subscriber classes.
rosrt provides classes for interfacing with ROS from within realtime systems, such as realtime-safe Publisher and Subscriber classes.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial |
Metapackage for core of rosserial.
Metapackage for core of rosserial.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_arduino |
rosserial for Arduino/AVR platforms.
rosserial for Arduino/AVR platforms.
1 | rosserial_chibios | |||
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_client |
Generalized client side source for rosserial.
Generalized client side source for rosserial.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_embeddedlinux |
rosserial for embedded Linux enviroments
rosserial for embedded Linux enviroments
1 | 2021-03-16 | rosserial_leonardo_cmake |
CMake scripts for building Arduino Leonardo (atmega32u4) Firmwares
CMake scripts for building Arduino Leonardo (atmega32u4) Firmwares
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_mbed |
rosserial for mbed platforms.
rosserial for mbed platforms.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_msgs |
Messages for automatic topic configuration using rosserial.
Messages for automatic topic configuration using rosserial.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_python |
A Python-based implementation of the rosserial protocol.
A Python-based implementation of the rosserial protocol.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_server |
A more performance- and stability-oriented server alternative implemented
in C++ to rosserial_python.
A more performance- and stability-oriented server alternative implemented
in C++ to rosserial_python.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_test |
A specialized harness which allows end-to-end integration testing of the
rosserial client and server components.
A specialized harness which allows end-to-end integration testing of the
rosserial client and server components.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_tivac |
rosserial for TivaC Launchpad evaluation boards.
rosserial for TivaC Launchpad evaluation boards.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_vex_cortex |
rosserial for Cortex/AVR platforms.
rosserial for Cortex/AVR platforms.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_vex_v5 |
rosserial for the VEX Cortex V5 Robot Brain platform.
rosserial for the VEX Cortex V5 Robot Brain platform.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_windows |
rosserial for Windows platforms.
rosserial for Windows platforms.
1 | 2020-08-21 | rosserial_xbee |
Allows multipoint communication between rosserial
nodes connected to an xbee. All nodes communicate back
to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS.
This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees.
This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
Allows multipoint communication between rosserial
nodes connected to an xbee. All nodes communicate back
to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS.
This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees.
This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
1 | 2022-01-26 | rosservice |
rosservice contains the rosservice command-line tool for listing
and querying ROS
rosservice contains the rosservice command-line tool for listing
and querying ROS
0 | rossmbus | |||
1 | 2019-09-03 | rostate_machine |
The rostate_machine package
The rostate_machine package
1 | 2022-01-26 | rostest |
Integration test suite based on roslaunch that is compatible with xUnit frameworks.
Integration test suite based on roslaunch that is compatible with xUnit frameworks.
1 | 2020-11-04 | rostest_node_interface_validation |
Additiional testing tools at node level
Additiional testing tools at node level
1 | 2019-05-06 | rosthrottle |
ROS Python package for throttling ROS topics programatically in Python. Sits on top of the
ros_comm topic_tools throttle utility.
ROS Python package for throttling ROS topics programatically in Python. Sits on top of the
ros_comm topic_tools throttle utility.
1 | 2020-07-24 | rostime |
Time and Duration implementations for C++ libraries, including roscpp.
Time and Duration implementations for C++ libraries, including roscpp.
1 | 2022-01-26 | rostopic |
rostopic contains the rostopic command-line tool for displaying
debug information about
rostopic contains the rostopic command-line tool for displaying
debug information about
1 | 2025-01-09 | rostwitter |
The rostwitter package
The rostwitter package
1 | 2021-07-23 | rosunit |
Unit-testing package for ROS. This is a lower-level library for rostest and handles unit tests, whereas rostest handles integration tests.
Unit-testing package for ROS. This is a lower-level library for rostest and handles unit tests, whereas rostest handles integration tests.
1 | 2022-01-26 | roswtf |
roswtf is a tool for diagnosing issues with a running ROS system. Think of it as a FAQ implemented in code.
roswtf is a tool for diagnosing issues with a running ROS system. Think of it as a FAQ implemented in code.
1 | 2021-10-28 | roswww |
Feathery lightweight web server for ROS, that is based on
Feathery lightweight web server for ROS, that is based on
1 | 2021-05-26 | roswww_static |
Static web pages for ROS packages
Static web pages for ROS packages
1 | rosx_introspection | |||
1 | 2022-06-20 | rotate_recovery |
This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by performing a 360 degree rotation of the robot.
This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by performing a 360 degree rotation of the robot.
1 | 2019-03-14 | rotors_comm |
RotorS specific messages and services.
RotorS specific messages and services.
1 | 2019-03-14 | rotors_control |
RotorS control package
RotorS control package
1 | 2019-03-14 | rotors_description |
The rotors_description package provides URDF models of the AscTec multicopters.
The rotors_description package provides URDF models of the AscTec multicopters.
1 | rotors_driver | |||
1 | 2019-03-14 | rotors_evaluation |
The dataset evaluation package for the RotorS simulator.
The dataset evaluation package for the RotorS simulator.
1 | 2019-03-14 | rotors_gazebo |
The rotors_gazebo package
The rotors_gazebo package
1 | 2019-03-14 | rotors_gazebo_plugins |
The rotors_gazebo_plugins package
The rotors_gazebo_plugins package
0 | rotors_hil_interface | |||
1 | 2019-03-14 | rotors_joy_interface |
The rotors_joy_interface package to control MAVs with a joystick
The rotors_joy_interface package to control MAVs with a joystick
1 | 2019-03-14 | rotors_simulator |
RotorS is a MAV gazebo simulator.
RotorS is a MAV gazebo simulator.
1 | 2021-06-03 | route_network |
Route network graphing and path planning.
Route network graphing and path planning.
2 | 2024-05-20 | rplidar_ros |
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A1/A2/A3/S1/S2/S3/T1/C1
The rplidar ros package, support rplidar A1/A2/A3/S1/S2/S3/T1/C1
1 | rpyutils | |||
1 | 2024-07-10 | rqt |
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
rqt is a Qt-based framework for GUI development for ROS. It consists of three parts/metapackages
1 | 2023-03-16 | rqt_action |
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS
action (from actionlib) types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is
unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin
is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt
instance connects to.
rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS
action (from actionlib) types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is
unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin
is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt
instance connects to.
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_bag |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | 2021-02-22 | rqt_bag_exporter |
Export data (images, numerics) from a bag file to create CSV and video files
Export data (images, numerics) from a bag file to create CSV and video files
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_bag_plugins |
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files.
1 | 2022-11-28 | rqt_common_plugins |
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
rqt_common_plugins metapackage provides ROS backend graphical tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime.
1 | 2023-10-12 | rqt_console |
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages.
2 | 2023-10-27 | rqt_controller_manager |
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.
1 | 2023-10-04 | rqt_dep |
rqt_dep provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS dependency graph.
rqt_dep provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS dependency graph.
1 | rqt_dotgraph | |||
1 | rqt_drone_teleop | |||
1 | 2021-07-30 | rqt_dwb_plugin |
View dwb_msgs/LocalPlanEvaluation information visually using rqt
View dwb_msgs/LocalPlanEvaluation information visually using rqt
1 | 2019-07-09 | rqt_ez_publisher |
The rqt_ez_publisher package
The rqt_ez_publisher package
1 | rqt_gauges | |||
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_graph |
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS
computation graph.
1 | rqt_ground_robot_teleop | |||
1 | 2024-07-10 | rqt_gui |
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui.
1 | 2024-07-10 | rqt_gui_cpp |
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS.
1 | 2024-07-10 | rqt_gui_py |
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS.
1 | rqt_human_radar | |||
1 | rqt_image_overlay | |||
1 | rqt_image_overlay_layer | |||
1 | 2023-05-24 | rqt_image_view |
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport.
2 | 2023-11-13 | rqt_joint_trajectory_controller |
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.
1 | 2025-01-07 | rqt_joint_trajectory_plot |
The rqt_joint_trajectory_plot package
The rqt_joint_trajectory_plot package
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_launch |
This rqt plugin ROS package provides easy view of .launch files.
User can also start and end node by node that are defined in those files.
This rqt plugin ROS package provides easy view of .launch files.
User can also start and end node by node that are defined in those files.
1 | 2020-04-07 | rqt_launchtree |
An RQT plugin for hierarchical launchfile configuration introspection.
An RQT plugin for hierarchical launchfile configuration introspection.
1 | 2023-10-02 | rqt_logger_level |
rqt_logger_level provides a GUI plugin for configuring the logger level of ROS nodes.
rqt_logger_level provides a GUI plugin for configuring the logger level of ROS nodes.
1 | rqt_mocap4r2_control | |||
1 | 2020-06-02 | rqt_moveit |
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks
1 | 2023-03-02 | rqt_msg |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 | 2025-02-15 | rqt_multiplot |
rqt_multiplot provides a GUI plugin for visualizing numeric values in multiple 2D plots using the Qwt plotting backend.
rqt_multiplot provides a GUI plugin for visualizing numeric values in multiple 2D plots using the Qwt plotting backend.
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_nav_view |
rqt_nav_view provides a gui for viewing navigation maps and paths.
rqt_nav_view provides a gui for viewing navigation maps and paths.
1 | 2021-08-26 | rqt_paramedit |
rqt_paramedit - a rqt plugin for editing parameters using qt_paramedit.
rqt_paramedit - a rqt plugin for editing parameters using qt_paramedit.
1 | 2024-05-14 | rqt_play_motion_builder |
The rqt_play_motion_builder package, a front-end interface for play_motion_builder
The rqt_play_motion_builder package, a front-end interface for play_motion_builder
1 | 2021-02-23 | rqt_plot |
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
rqt_plot provides a GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot using different plotting backends.
1 | 2023-03-16 | rqt_pose_view |
rqt_pose_view provides a GUI plugin for visualizing 3D poses.
rqt_pose_view provides a GUI plugin for visualizing 3D poses.
1 | rqt_pr2_dashboard | |||
1 | 2023-10-04 | rqt_publisher |
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values.
1 | 2024-07-10 | rqt_py_common |
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python.
Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins
repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins
into this package as easy as possible.
Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and
should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base".
1 | 2023-03-02 | rqt_py_console |
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console.
1 | 2017-04-11 | rqt_py_trees |
rqt_py_trees provides a GUI plugin for visualizing py_trees behaviour trees based on rqt_tf_tree.
rqt_py_trees provides a GUI plugin for visualizing py_trees behaviour trees based on rqt_tf_tree.
1 | 2023-03-01 | rqt_reconfigure |
This rqt plugin succeeds former dynamic_reconfigure's GUI
(reconfigure_gui), and provides the way to view and edit the parameters
that are accessible via dynamic_reconfigure.
This rqt plugin succeeds former dynamic_reconfigure's GUI
(reconfigure_gui), and provides the way to view and edit the parameters
that are accessible via dynamic_reconfigure.
1 | 2021-07-27 | rqt_robot_dashboard |
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt.
1 | 2020-06-02 | rqt_robot_monitor |
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
are published by
1 | 2021-07-27 | rqt_robot_plugins |
Metapackage of rqt plugins that are particularly used with robots
during its operation.
Metapackage of rqt plugins that are particularly used with robots
during its operation.
1 | 2023-10-04 | rqt_robot_steering |
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages.
1 | 2024-03-19 | rqt_rosbag_fancy |
rqt GUI for rosbag_fancy
rqt GUI for rosbag_fancy
1 | 2024-02-19 | rqt_rosmon |
rqt GUI for rosmon, the node launcher and monitor for ROS.
rosmon is a replacement for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance,
remote monitoring, and usability.
rqt GUI for rosmon, the node launcher and monitor for ROS.
rosmon is a replacement for the roslaunch tool, focused on performance,
remote monitoring, and usability.
1 | 2019-03-14 | rqt_rotors |
The rqt_rotors package
The rqt_rotors package
1 | 2023-10-02 | rqt_runtime_monitor |
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages.
1 | 2021-06-23 | rqt_rviz |
rqt_rviz provides a GUI plugin embedding
rqt_rviz provides a GUI plugin embedding
1 | 2023-03-02 | rqt_service_caller |
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services.
1 | 2024-04-16 | rqt_shell |
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell.
1 | 2023-03-16 | rqt_srv |
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types.
Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored
on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to.
1 | 2023-10-02 | rqt_tf_tree |
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree.
1 | 2023-03-02 | rqt_top |
RQT plugin for monitoring ROS processes.
RQT plugin for monitoring ROS processes.
1 | 2023-03-16 | rqt_topic |
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.
1 | 2020-05-14 | rqt_virtual_joy |
The rqt_virtual_joy package
The rqt_virtual_joy package
1 | 2023-03-16 | rqt_web |
rqt_web is a simple web content viewer for rqt. Users can show web content in Qt-based window by specifying its URL.
rqt_web is a simple web content viewer for rqt. Users can show web content in Qt-based window by specifying its URL.
1 | 2021-04-15 | rr_control_input_manager |
Filter velocity commands by ensuring that message time stamps do not exceed given timeout thresholds.
Filter velocity commands by ensuring that message time stamps do not exceed given timeout thresholds.
1 | 2021-04-15 | rr_openrover_description |
The rr_openrover_description package
The rr_openrover_description package
1 | 2021-04-15 | rr_openrover_driver |
Provides an interface between ros and Rover Robotics rover hardware. Inputs to rr_openrover_driver
include emergency stop and velocity commands. It outputs diagnostic data such as encoder
readings and battery charge.
Provides an interface between ros and Rover Robotics rover hardware. Inputs to rr_openrover_driver
include emergency stop and velocity commands. It outputs diagnostic data such as encoder
readings and battery charge.
1 | 2021-04-15 | rr_openrover_driver_msgs |
The rr_openrover_driver_msgs package
The rr_openrover_driver_msgs package
1 | 2021-04-15 | rr_openrover_simulation |
The rr_openrover_simulation package
The rr_openrover_simulation package
1 | 2021-04-15 | rr_openrover_stack |
Packages related to the operation of Rover Robotics rover hardware. This includes a client
for interfacing with the hardware (rr_openrover_driver) and a tool for filtering time stamped
velocity commands (rr_control_input_manager).
Packages related to the operation of Rover Robotics rover hardware. This includes a client
for interfacing with the hardware (rr_openrover_driver) and a tool for filtering time stamped
velocity commands (rr_control_input_manager).
1 | 2021-04-15 | rr_rover_zero_driver |
The rover_zero_driver package
The rover_zero_driver package
1 | rrt_planner | |||
1 | rsl | |||
1 | 2019-03-25 | rslidar |
Basic ROS support for the Robosense 3D LIDARs.
Basic ROS support for the Robosense 3D LIDARs.