
Name Description
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_rviz_plugin
1 2022-12-19 simple_term_menu_vendor
A Python package which creates simple interactive menus on the command line.
A Python package which creates simple interactive menus on the command line.
1 2022-05-11 simulation
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
1 simulators
1 single_joint_position_action
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_datasets
Graph datasets for situational_graphs_reasoning repo
Graph datasets for situational_graphs_reasoning repo
1 2024-09-18 situational_graphs_msgs
Custom messages for s_graphs
Custom messages for s_graphs
1 2024-08-05 situational_graphs_reasoning
Graph reasoning for extracting semantic concepts using GNNs
Graph reasoning for extracting semantic concepts using GNNs
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
Custom reasoning msgs
Custom reasoning msgs
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_wrapper
Graph wrapper for situational_graphs_wrapper repo
Graph wrapper for situational_graphs_wrapper repo
1 skyway
1 slam_gmapping
1 slam_karto
1 2025-01-21 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 slam_toolbox_msgs
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 2024-11-11 slg_msgs
This package provides classes and messages to interact with laser related geometry.
This package provides classes and messages to interact with laser related geometry.
1 slic
1 2024-05-17 slider_publisher
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
1 sliding_window_graph_optimizer
1 slime_ros
1 slime_wrapper
1 2025-02-06 sm_advanced_recovery_1
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
2 2025-02-06 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_24hr
The sm_atomic_24hr package
The sm_atomic_24hr package
1 sm_atomic_cb
1 sm_atomic_hierarchy
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_http
The sm_atomic_http package
The sm_atomic_http package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_lifecycle
The sm_atomic_lifecycle package
The sm_atomic_lifecycle package
2 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_mode_states
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_openai
The sm_atomic_openai package
The sm_atomic_openai package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
2 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic services package
The sm_atomic services package
1 2025-02-06 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
1 sm_autoware_avp
1 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
1 2025-02-06 sm_branching
The sm_branching package
The sm_branching package
1 sm_calendar_week
2 2025-02-06 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 sm_coretest_x_y_1
1 sm_coretest_x_y_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_3
2 2025-02-06 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 sm_dance_bot_2
2 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
1 2025-02-06 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2025-02-06 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2025-02-06 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 sm_ferrari
1 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
1 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
1 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
1 2025-02-06 sm_multi_panda_sim
The sm_multi_panda_sim package
The sm_multi_panda_sim package
1 2025-02-06 sm_multi_stage_1
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
1 sm_multi_ur5_sim
1 2025-02-06 sm_pack_ml
The sm_pack_ml package
The sm_pack_ml package
1 sm_packml
1 2025-02-06 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
The sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory package
The sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory package
1 2025-02-06 sm_pubsub_1
The sm_pubsub_1 package
The sm_pubsub_1 package
2 sm_respira_1
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
1 2025-02-06 sm_simple_action_client
The sm_simple_action_client package
The sm_simple_action_client package
1 sm_starcraft_ai
1 sm_subscriber
1 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
2 2025-02-06 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 sm_update_loop
1 sm_viewer_sim
1 smacc
1 2025-02-06 smacc2
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
1 2025-02-06 smacc2_msgs
Messages and services used in smacc2.
Messages and services used in smacc2.
1 smacc_msgs
1 smacc_runtime_test
1 smacc_rviz_plugin
1 2024-09-23 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2024-09-23 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2024-09-23 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 smach_viewer
1 smart_dock
1 2025-01-24 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 snmp_diagnostics
1 snmp_ros
1 2021-12-02 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 2024-12-17 soar_ros
An interface library to connect ROS2 with the Soar cognitive architecture.
An interface library to connect ROS2 with the Soar cognitive architecture.
1 sob_layer
1 soccer_geometry_msgs
1 2022-06-14 soccer_interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
1 2023-07-25 soccer_marker_generation
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
1 soccer_model_msgs
1 2023-07-25 soccer_object_msgs
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
1 2022-06-14 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2022-06-14 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
1 2022-06-14 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_metrics
Navigation metrics for navigating around people
Navigation metrics for navigating around people
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_msgs
ROS interfaces for social navigation
ROS interfaces for social navigation
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_util
Utilities for social navigation work
Utilities for social navigation work
1 social_navigation_layers
0 socket_bridge
1 socketcan_bridge
1 socketcan_interface
1 soem
0 softhand_ros
1 2025-01-19 sol_vendor
vendor package for the sol2 library
vendor package for the sol2 library
2 2024-03-18 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 sot-core
1 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
1 sot-tools
1 sound_classification
1 sound_play
1 2024-12-04 spacenav
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
1 spacenav_node
1 sparse_bundle_adjustment
1 sparse_mapping
1 2025-02-12 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 2023-01-10 spdlog_vendor
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
1 speech_recognition_msgs
1 speed_cam
1 speed_scaling_interface
1 speed_scaling_state_controller
0 sphinx
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
1 2024-04-14 splsm_7
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
1 2024-04-14 splsm_7_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-04-14 splsm_8
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
1 2024-04-14 splsm_8_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2025-02-17 sqlite3_vendor
SQLite 3 vendor package
SQLite 3 vendor package
1 sr_3dmouse
2 2025-02-06 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
1 sr_common
2 2025-02-06 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
1 sr_config
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 sr_core
1 sr_data_visualization
1 sr_description
1 sr_edc_controller_configuration
1 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
1 sr_edc_launch
1 sr_edc_muscle_tools
1 sr_error_reporter
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config
2 2025-02-06 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
1 sr_example
1 sr_external_dependencies
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_grasp
1 sr_grasp_fast_planner
1 sr_grasp_stability
1 sr_gui_advanced_controls
1 sr_gui_biotac
1 sr_gui_bootloader
1 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
1 sr_gui_controller_tuner
1 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
1 sr_gui_hand_calibration
1 sr_gui_motor_resetter
1 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
1 sr_hand
1 sr_hand_detector
1 sr_hand_health_report
1 sr_hardware_interface
1 sr_interface
0 sr_interpolation
1 sr_mechanism_controllers
1 sr_mechanism_model
1 sr_moveit_hand_config
1 sr_movements
1 sr_multi_description
1 sr_multi_moveit_config
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_msgs
0 sr_system_info
1 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
1 sr_tactile_sensors
1 sr_tools
1 sr_utilities
0 sr_utilities_common
1 sr_visualization
1 sr_visualization_icons
1 srbot_description
0 srdf
1 2024-10-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
1 2025-01-28 sros2
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
1 2025-01-28 sros2_cmake
CMake macros to configure security
CMake macros to configure security
1 stag_detect
1 stag_ros
1 stage
1 stage_ros
1 stair_step_detector_pkg
1 stairs_msg


Name Description
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_rviz_plugin
1 2022-12-19 simple_term_menu_vendor
A Python package which creates simple interactive menus on the command line.
A Python package which creates simple interactive menus on the command line.
1 2024-04-30 simulation
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
1 simulators
1 single_joint_position_action
1 situational_graphs_datasets
1 situational_graphs_msgs
1 situational_graphs_reasoning
1 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
1 situational_graphs_wrapper
1 skyway
1 slam_gmapping
1 slam_karto
1 2025-01-21 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 slam_toolbox_msgs
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 slg_msgs
1 slic
1 2024-05-17 slider_publisher
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
1 sliding_window_graph_optimizer
1 slime_ros
1 slime_wrapper
1 2022-11-28 sm_advanced_recovery_1
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_24hr
The sm_atomic_24hr package
The sm_atomic_24hr package
1 sm_atomic_cb
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_hierarchy
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
1 sm_atomic_http
1 sm_atomic_lifecycle
2 sm_atomic_mode_states
1 sm_atomic_openai
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic services package
The sm_atomic services package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
1 2022-11-28 sm_autoware_avp
The sm_autoware_avp package
The sm_autoware_avp package
1 2022-11-28 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2022-11-28 sm_branching
The sm_branching package
The sm_branching package
1 sm_calendar_week
2 2022-11-28 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 sm_coretest_x_y_1
1 sm_coretest_x_y_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_3
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 sm_dance_bot_2
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 sm_ferrari
1 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
1 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
1 2022-11-28 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
1 sm_multi_panda_sim
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_stage_1
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_ur5_sim
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
1 2022-11-28 sm_pack_ml
The sm_pack_ml package
The sm_pack_ml package
1 sm_packml
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 2022-11-28 sm_pubsub_1
The sm_pubsub_1 package
The sm_pubsub_1 package
2 2022-11-28 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
1 sm_simple_action_client
1 sm_starcraft_ai
1 sm_subscriber
1 2022-11-28 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
2 2022-11-28 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 sm_update_loop
1 sm_viewer_sim
1 smacc
1 2022-11-28 smacc2
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
1 2022-11-28 smacc2_msgs
Messages and services used in smacc2.
Messages and services used in smacc2.
1 smacc_msgs
1 smacc_runtime_test
1 smacc_rviz_plugin
1 2024-09-23 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2024-09-23 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2024-09-23 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 smach_viewer
1 smart_dock
1 2025-01-24 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 snmp_diagnostics
1 snmp_ros
1 2021-12-02 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 2024-12-17 soar_ros
An interface library to connect ROS2 with the Soar cognitive architecture.
An interface library to connect ROS2 with the Soar cognitive architecture.
1 sob_layer
1 2025-02-17 soccer_geometry_msgs
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
1 2025-02-17 soccer_interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
1 soccer_marker_generation
1 2025-02-17 soccer_model_msgs
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 soccer_object_msgs
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-19 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
1 social_nav_metrics
1 social_nav_msgs
1 social_nav_util
1 social_navigation_layers
0 socket_bridge
1 socketcan_bridge
1 socketcan_interface
1 soem
0 softhand_ros
1 2025-01-19 sol_vendor
vendor package for the sol2 library
vendor package for the sol2 library
2 2024-06-06 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 sot-core
1 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
1 sot-tools
1 sound_classification
1 sound_play
1 2024-12-04 spacenav
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
1 spacenav_node
1 sparse_bundle_adjustment
1 sparse_mapping
1 2025-02-12 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 2024-11-27 spdlog_vendor
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
1 speech_recognition_msgs
1 speed_cam
1 speed_scaling_interface
1 speed_scaling_state_controller
0 sphinx
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
1 2024-01-21 splsm_7
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
1 2024-01-21 splsm_7_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-01-21 splsm_8
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
1 2024-01-21 splsm_8_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2025-03-04 sqlite3_vendor
SQLite 3 vendor package
SQLite 3 vendor package
1 sr_3dmouse
2 2022-11-28 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
1 sr_common
2 2022-11-28 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
1 sr_config
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 sr_core
1 sr_data_visualization
1 sr_description
1 sr_edc_controller_configuration
1 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
1 sr_edc_launch
1 sr_edc_muscle_tools
1 sr_error_reporter
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config
2 2022-11-28 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
1 sr_example
1 sr_external_dependencies
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_grasp
1 sr_grasp_fast_planner
1 sr_grasp_stability
1 sr_gui_advanced_controls
1 sr_gui_biotac
1 sr_gui_bootloader
1 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
1 sr_gui_controller_tuner
1 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
1 sr_gui_hand_calibration
1 sr_gui_motor_resetter
1 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
1 sr_hand
1 sr_hand_detector
1 sr_hand_health_report
1 sr_hardware_interface
1 sr_interface
0 sr_interpolation
1 sr_mechanism_controllers
1 sr_mechanism_model
1 sr_moveit_hand_config
1 sr_movements
1 sr_multi_description
1 sr_multi_moveit_config
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_msgs
0 sr_system_info
1 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
1 sr_tactile_sensors
1 sr_tools
1 sr_utilities
0 sr_utilities_common
1 sr_visualization
1 sr_visualization_icons
1 srbot_description
0 srdf
1 2024-10-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
1 2025-01-28 sros2
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
1 2025-01-28 sros2_cmake
CMake macros to configure security
CMake macros to configure security
1 stag_detect
1 stag_ros
1 stage
1 stage_ros
1 stair_step_detector_pkg
1 stairs_msg


Name Description
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_rviz_plugin
1 simple_term_menu_vendor
1 2024-10-09 simulation
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
1 simulators
1 single_joint_position_action
1 situational_graphs_datasets
1 situational_graphs_msgs
1 situational_graphs_reasoning
1 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
1 situational_graphs_wrapper
1 skyway
1 slam_gmapping
1 slam_karto
1 slam_toolbox
1 slam_toolbox_msgs
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 2025-02-07 slg_msgs
This package provides classes and messages to interact with laser related geometry.
This package provides classes and messages to interact with laser related geometry.
1 slic
1 2024-05-17 slider_publisher
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
1 sliding_window_graph_optimizer
1 slime_ros
1 slime_wrapper
1 2022-11-28 sm_advanced_recovery_1
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_24hr
The sm_atomic_24hr package
The sm_atomic_24hr package
1 sm_atomic_cb
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_hierarchy
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
1 sm_atomic_http
1 sm_atomic_lifecycle
2 sm_atomic_mode_states
1 sm_atomic_openai
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic services package
The sm_atomic services package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
1 2022-11-28 sm_autoware_avp
The sm_autoware_avp package
The sm_autoware_avp package
1 2022-11-28 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2022-11-28 sm_branching
The sm_branching package
The sm_branching package
1 sm_calendar_week
2 2022-11-28 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 sm_coretest_x_y_1
1 sm_coretest_x_y_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_3
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 sm_dance_bot_2
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 sm_ferrari
1 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
1 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
1 2022-11-28 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
1 sm_multi_panda_sim
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_stage_1
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_ur5_sim
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
1 2022-11-28 sm_pack_ml
The sm_pack_ml package
The sm_pack_ml package
1 sm_packml
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 2022-11-28 sm_pubsub_1
The sm_pubsub_1 package
The sm_pubsub_1 package
2 2022-11-28 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
1 sm_simple_action_client
1 sm_starcraft_ai
1 sm_subscriber
1 2022-11-28 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
2 2022-11-28 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 sm_update_loop
1 sm_viewer_sim
1 smacc
1 2022-11-28 smacc2
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
1 2022-11-28 smacc2_msgs
Messages and services used in smacc2.
Messages and services used in smacc2.
1 smacc_msgs
1 smacc_runtime_test
1 smacc_rviz_plugin
1 2024-09-23 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2024-09-23 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2024-09-23 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 smach_viewer
1 smart_dock
1 2025-01-24 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 snmp_diagnostics
1 snmp_ros
1 2021-12-02 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 2024-12-17 soar_ros
An interface library to connect ROS2 with the Soar cognitive architecture.
An interface library to connect ROS2 with the Soar cognitive architecture.
1 sob_layer
1 2025-02-17 soccer_geometry_msgs
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
1 2025-02-17 soccer_interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
1 soccer_marker_generation
1 2025-02-17 soccer_model_msgs
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 soccer_object_msgs
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-19 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
1 social_nav_metrics
1 social_nav_msgs
1 social_nav_util
1 social_navigation_layers
0 socket_bridge
1 socketcan_bridge
1 socketcan_interface
1 soem
0 softhand_ros
1 2025-01-19 sol_vendor
vendor package for the sol2 library
vendor package for the sol2 library
2 2024-06-06 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 sot-core
1 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
1 sot-tools
1 sound_classification
1 sound_play
1 2024-12-04 spacenav
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
1 spacenav_node
1 sparse_bundle_adjustment
1 sparse_mapping
1 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
1 2024-11-27 spdlog_vendor
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
1 speech_recognition_msgs
1 speed_cam
1 speed_scaling_interface
1 speed_scaling_state_controller
0 sphinx
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
1 2024-01-21 splsm_7
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
1 2024-01-21 splsm_7_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-01-21 splsm_8
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
1 2024-01-21 splsm_8_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2025-03-04 sqlite3_vendor
SQLite 3 vendor package
SQLite 3 vendor package
1 sr_3dmouse
2 2022-11-28 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
1 sr_common
2 2022-11-28 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
1 sr_config
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 sr_core
1 sr_data_visualization
1 sr_description
1 sr_edc_controller_configuration
1 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
1 sr_edc_launch
1 sr_edc_muscle_tools
1 sr_error_reporter
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config
2 2022-11-28 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
1 sr_example
1 sr_external_dependencies
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_grasp
1 sr_grasp_fast_planner
1 sr_grasp_stability
1 sr_gui_advanced_controls
1 sr_gui_biotac
1 sr_gui_bootloader
1 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
1 sr_gui_controller_tuner
1 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
1 sr_gui_hand_calibration
1 sr_gui_motor_resetter
1 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
1 sr_hand
1 sr_hand_detector
1 sr_hand_health_report
1 sr_hardware_interface
1 sr_interface
0 sr_interpolation
1 sr_mechanism_controllers
1 sr_mechanism_model
1 sr_moveit_hand_config
1 sr_movements
1 sr_multi_description
1 sr_multi_moveit_config
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_msgs
0 sr_system_info
1 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
1 sr_tactile_sensors
1 sr_tools
1 sr_utilities
0 sr_utilities_common
1 sr_visualization
1 sr_visualization_icons
1 srbot_description
0 srdf
1 2024-10-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
1 2025-03-10 sros2
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
1 2025-03-10 sros2_cmake
CMake macros to configure security
CMake macros to configure security
1 stag_detect
1 stag_ros
1 stage
1 stage_ros
1 stair_step_detector_pkg
1 stairs_msg


Name Description
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_rviz_plugin
1 simple_term_menu_vendor
1 simulation
1 2020-05-20 simulators
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
1 2022-11-09 single_joint_position_action
The single joint position action is a node that provides an action interface for commanding a trajectory to move a joint to a particular position. The action reports success when the joint reaches the desired position.
The single joint position action is a node that provides an action interface for commanding a trajectory to move a joint to a particular position. The action reports success when the joint reaches the desired position.
1 situational_graphs_datasets
1 situational_graphs_msgs
1 situational_graphs_reasoning
1 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
1 situational_graphs_wrapper
1 2023-10-25 skyway
Package for using SkyWay from ROS
Package for using SkyWay from ROS
1 2024-08-21 slam_gmapping
slam_gmapping contains a wrapper around gmapping which provides SLAM capabilities.
slam_gmapping contains a wrapper around gmapping which provides SLAM capabilities.
1 2020-09-09 slam_karto
This package pulls in the Karto mapping library, and provides a ROS wrapper for using it.
This package pulls in the Karto mapping library, and provides a ROS wrapper for using it.
1 2025-01-21 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 2025-01-21 slam_toolbox_msgs
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 2025-01-21 slam_toolbox_rviz
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 slg_msgs
1 2025-01-09 slic
SLIC-Superpizel ROS Wrapper This file contains the class elements of the class Slic. This class is an implementation of the SLIC Superpixel algorithm by Achanta et al. [PAMI'12, vol. 34, num. 11, pp. 2274-2282]. This implementation is created for the specific purpose of creating over-segmentations in an OpenCV-based environment.
SLIC-Superpizel ROS Wrapper This file contains the class elements of the class Slic. This class is an implementation of the SLIC Superpixel algorithm by Achanta et al. [PAMI'12, vol. 34, num. 11, pp. 2274-2282]. This implementation is created for the specific purpose of creating over-segmentations in an OpenCV-based environment.
1 2022-12-19 slider_publisher
The slider_publisher package
The slider_publisher package
1 2024-07-03 sliding_window_graph_optimizer
The sliding window graph optimizer package
The sliding window graph optimizer package
1 2022-02-18 slime_ros
Extensions for slime to assist in working with ROS packages
Extensions for slime to assist in working with ROS packages
1 2022-02-18 slime_wrapper
ROS wrapper for slime
ROS wrapper for slime
1 sm_advanced_recovery_1
2 2023-04-24 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 sm_atomic_24hr
1 2023-04-24 sm_atomic_cb
The sm_atomic_cb package
The sm_atomic_cb package
1 sm_atomic_hierarchy
1 sm_atomic_http
1 sm_atomic_lifecycle
2 2023-04-24 sm_atomic_mode_states
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
1 sm_atomic_openai
1 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
2 2023-04-24 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic_services package
The sm_atomic_services package
1 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
1 sm_autoware_avp
1 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
1 sm_branching
1 2023-04-24 sm_calendar_week
The sm_calendar_week package
The sm_calendar_week package
2 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_x_y_1
The sm_coretest_x_y_1 package
The sm_coretest_x_y_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_x_y_2
The sm_coretest_x_y_2 package
The sm_coretest_x_y_2 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_x_y_3
The sm_coretest_x_y_3 package
The sm_coretest_x_y_3 package
2 2023-04-24 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2023-04-24 sm_dance_bot_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2023-04-24 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
1 2023-04-24 sm_ferrari
The sm_ferrari package
The sm_ferrari package
1 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
1 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
1 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
1 sm_multi_panda_sim
1 sm_multi_stage_1
1 sm_multi_ur5_sim
1 sm_pack_ml
1 2023-04-24 sm_packml
The sm_packml package
The sm_packml package
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 sm_pubsub_1
2 2023-04-24 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2 package
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2 package
1 sm_simple_action_client
1 2023-04-24 sm_starcraft_ai
The sm_starcraft_ai package
The sm_starcraft_ai package
1 2023-04-24 sm_subscriber
The sm_subscriber package
The sm_subscriber package
1 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
2 2023-04-24 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 2023-04-24 sm_update_loop
The sm_update_loop package
The sm_update_loop package
1 2023-04-24 sm_viewer_sim
The sm_viewer_sim package
The sm_viewer_sim package
1 2023-04-24 smacc
SMACC is a ROS/C++ library to implement in easy and systematic way UML StateCharts (AKA state machines). SMACC is inspired by the SMACH ROS package and it is built on top of Boost StateChart library. Developed by Reel Robotics.
SMACC is a ROS/C++ library to implement in easy and systematic way UML StateCharts (AKA state machines). SMACC is inspired by the SMACH ROS package and it is built on top of Boost StateChart library. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 smacc2
1 smacc2_msgs
1 2023-04-24 smacc_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smacc.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smacc.
1 2023-04-24 smacc_runtime_test
The smacc_runtime_test package
The smacc_runtime_test package
1 2023-04-24 smacc_rviz_plugin
The smacc_rviz_plugin package
The smacc_rviz_plugin package
1 2025-02-13 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2025-02-13 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2025-02-13 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 2025-02-20 smach_viewer
The smach viewer is a GUI that shows the state of hierarchical SMACH state machines. It can visualize the possible transitions between states, as well as the currently active state and the values of user data that is passed around between states. The smach viewer uses the SMACH debugging interface based on the
The smach viewer is a GUI that shows the state of hierarchical SMACH state machines. It can visualize the possible transitions between states, as well as the currently active state and the values of user data that is passed around between states. The smach viewer uses the SMACH debugging interface based on the
1 2024-07-03 smart_dock
Package to control the signal lights
Package to control the signal lights
1 2020-08-28 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 2024-09-09 snmp_diagnostics
ROS diagnostics created from SNMP agent data
ROS diagnostics created from SNMP agent data
1 2023-04-16 snmp_ros
Utilities for working with SNMP from ROS
Utilities for working with SNMP from ROS
1 2021-12-07 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 soar_ros
1 2021-11-22 sob_layer
Plugin-replacement for the default costmap_2d::InflationLayer.
Plugin-replacement for the default costmap_2d::InflationLayer.
1 soccer_geometry_msgs
1 soccer_interfaces
1 soccer_marker_generation
1 soccer_model_msgs
1 soccer_object_msgs
1 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
1 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
1 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
1 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
1 social_nav_metrics
1 social_nav_msgs
1 social_nav_util
1 social_navigation_layers
0 socket_bridge
1 2024-05-02 socketcan_bridge
Conversion nodes for messages from SocketCAN to a ROS Topic and vice versa.
Conversion nodes for messages from SocketCAN to a ROS Topic and vice versa.
1 2024-05-02 socketcan_interface
Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
1 2020-08-03 soem
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
0 softhand_ros
1 sol_vendor
2 2019-10-13 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 2023-10-24 sot-core
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph
1 2023-07-28 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
Pinocchio bindings for dynamic-graph
Pinocchio bindings for dynamic-graph
1 2023-07-28 sot-tools
Miscellanous entities for the stack of tasks
Miscellanous entities for the stack of tasks
1 2025-02-21 sound_classification
The sound_classification package
The sound_classification package
1 2024-08-13 sound_play
sound_play provides a ROS node that translates commands on a ROS topic (
sound_play provides a ROS node that translates commands on a ROS topic (
1 spacenav
1 2024-12-04 spacenav_node
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
1 2020-03-28 sparse_bundle_adjustment
ROS wrapper for the sparse bundle adjustment (sba) library (needed for slam_karto)
ROS wrapper for the sparse bundle adjustment (sba) library (needed for slam_karto)
1 2024-07-03 sparse_mapping
This package localizes the Astrobee on a map.
This package localizes the Astrobee on a map.
1 2023-08-14 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 spdlog_vendor
1 2022-05-09 speech_recognition_msgs
1 2024-07-03 speed_cam
Package to read telemetry from the speedcam
Package to read telemetry from the speedcam
1 2024-10-14 speed_scaling_interface
Hardware interface reading a scalar value from robot hardware.
Hardware interface reading a scalar value from robot hardware.
1 2024-10-14 speed_scaling_state_controller
ROS controller providing reading the state of speed scaling on the robot
ROS controller providing reading the state of speed scaling on the robot
0 sphinx
1 2023-09-22 spinnaker_camera_driver
Spinnaker camera driver based on Spinnaker.
Spinnaker camera driver based on Spinnaker.
1 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
1 splsm_7
1 splsm_7_conversion
1 splsm_8
1 splsm_8_conversion
1 sqlite3_vendor
1 sr_3dmouse
2 2023-04-24 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
1 sr_common
2 2023-04-24 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
1 sr_config
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 sr_core
1 sr_data_visualization
1 sr_description
1 sr_edc_controller_configuration
1 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
1 sr_edc_launch
1 sr_edc_muscle_tools
1 sr_error_reporter
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config
2 2023-04-24 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
1 sr_example
1 sr_external_dependencies
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_grasp
1 sr_grasp_fast_planner
1 sr_grasp_stability
1 sr_gui_advanced_controls
1 sr_gui_biotac
1 sr_gui_bootloader
1 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
1 sr_gui_controller_tuner
1 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
1 sr_gui_hand_calibration
1 sr_gui_motor_resetter
1 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
1 sr_hand
1 2022-09-21 sr_hand_detector
The sr_hand_detector package
The sr_hand_detector package
1 sr_hand_health_report
1 sr_hardware_interface
1 sr_interface
0 sr_interpolation
1 sr_mechanism_controllers
1 sr_mechanism_model
1 sr_moveit_hand_config
1 sr_movements
1 sr_multi_description
1 sr_multi_moveit_config
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_msgs
0 sr_system_info
1 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
1 sr_tactile_sensors
1 sr_tools
1 sr_utilities
0 sr_utilities_common
1 sr_visualization
1 sr_visualization_icons
1 srbot_description
0 srdf
1 2024-10-13 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
1 sros2
1 sros2_cmake
1 2022-09-23 stag_detect
Fiducial detection based on the stag library
Fiducial detection based on the stag library
1 2023-11-01 stag_ros
The stag_ros package
The stag_ros package
1 2020-05-07 stage
Mobile robot simulator
Mobile robot simulator
1 2017-05-01 stage_ros
This package provides ROS specific hooks for stage
This package provides ROS specific hooks for stage
1 stair_step_detector_pkg
1 stairs_msg


Name Description
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_rviz_plugin
1 simple_term_menu_vendor
1 simulation
1 simulators
1 single_joint_position_action
1 situational_graphs_datasets
1 situational_graphs_msgs
1 situational_graphs_reasoning
1 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
1 situational_graphs_wrapper
1 skyway
1 slam_gmapping
1 slam_karto
1 2022-09-23 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 slam_toolbox_msgs
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 2023-04-25 slg_msgs
This package provides classes and messages to interact with laser related geometry.
This package provides classes and messages to interact with laser related geometry.
1 slic
1 2024-05-17 slider_publisher
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
1 sliding_window_graph_optimizer
1 slime_ros
1 slime_wrapper
1 2023-06-09 sm_advanced_recovery_1
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
2 2023-06-09 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_24hr
The sm_atomic_24hr package
The sm_atomic_24hr package
1 sm_atomic_cb
1 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_hierarchy
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
1 sm_atomic_http
1 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_lifecycle
The sm_atomic_lifecycle package
The sm_atomic_lifecycle package
2 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_mode_states
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
1 sm_atomic_openai
1 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
2 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic services package
The sm_atomic services package
1 2023-06-09 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
1 sm_autoware_avp
1 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
1 2023-06-09 sm_branching
The sm_branching package
The sm_branching package
1 sm_calendar_week
2 2023-06-09 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 sm_coretest_x_y_1
1 sm_coretest_x_y_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_3
2 2023-06-09 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 sm_dance_bot_2
2 2023-06-09 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
1 2023-06-09 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2023-06-09 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2023-06-09 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 sm_ferrari
1 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
1 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
1 2023-06-09 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
1 sm_multi_panda_sim
1 2023-06-09 sm_multi_stage_1
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
1 sm_multi_ur5_sim
1 2023-06-09 sm_pack_ml
The sm_pack_ml package
The sm_pack_ml package
1 sm_packml
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 2023-06-09 sm_pubsub_1
The sm_pubsub_1 package
The sm_pubsub_1 package
2 2023-06-09 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
1 sm_simple_action_client
1 sm_starcraft_ai
1 sm_subscriber
1 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
2 2023-06-09 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 sm_update_loop
1 sm_viewer_sim
1 smacc
1 2023-06-09 smacc2
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
1 2023-06-09 smacc2_msgs
Messages and services used in smacc2.
Messages and services used in smacc2.
1 smacc_msgs
1 smacc_runtime_test
1 smacc_rviz_plugin
1 smach
1 smach_msgs
1 smach_ros
1 smach_viewer
1 smart_dock
1 2022-04-01 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 snmp_diagnostics
1 snmp_ros
1 2021-12-02 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 soar_ros
1 sob_layer
1 soccer_geometry_msgs
1 soccer_interfaces
1 2023-07-25 soccer_marker_generation
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
1 soccer_model_msgs
1 2023-07-25 soccer_object_msgs
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
1 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
1 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
1 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
1 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
1 social_nav_metrics
1 social_nav_msgs
1 social_nav_util
1 social_navigation_layers
0 socket_bridge
1 socketcan_bridge
1 socketcan_interface
1 soem
0 softhand_ros
1 2025-01-19 sol_vendor
vendor package for the sol2 library
vendor package for the sol2 library
2 2020-07-26 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 sot-core
1 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
1 sot-tools
1 sound_classification
1 sound_play
1 2022-02-14 spacenav
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
1 spacenav_node
1 sparse_bundle_adjustment
1 sparse_mapping
1 2021-12-15 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 2021-04-06 spdlog_vendor
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
1 speech_recognition_msgs
1 speed_cam
1 speed_scaling_interface
1 speed_scaling_state_controller
0 sphinx
1 spinnaker_camera_driver
1 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
1 2022-08-09 splsm_7
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
1 2022-08-09 splsm_7_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 splsm_8
1 splsm_8_conversion
1 2022-09-29 sqlite3_vendor
SQLite 3 vendor package
SQLite 3 vendor package
1 sr_3dmouse
2 2023-06-09 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
1 sr_common
2 2023-06-09 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
1 sr_config
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 sr_core
1 sr_data_visualization
1 sr_description
1 sr_edc_controller_configuration
1 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
1 sr_edc_launch
1 sr_edc_muscle_tools
1 sr_error_reporter
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config
2 2023-06-09 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
1 sr_example
1 sr_external_dependencies
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_grasp
1 sr_grasp_fast_planner
1 sr_grasp_stability
1 sr_gui_advanced_controls
1 sr_gui_biotac
1 sr_gui_bootloader
1 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
1 sr_gui_controller_tuner
1 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
1 sr_gui_hand_calibration
1 sr_gui_motor_resetter
1 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
1 sr_hand
1 sr_hand_detector
1 sr_hand_health_report
1 sr_hardware_interface
1 sr_interface
0 sr_interpolation
1 sr_mechanism_controllers
1 sr_mechanism_model
1 sr_moveit_hand_config
1 sr_movements
1 sr_multi_description
1 sr_multi_moveit_config
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_msgs
0 sr_system_info
1 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
1 sr_tactile_sensors
1 sr_tools
1 sr_utilities
0 sr_utilities_common
1 sr_visualization
1 sr_visualization_icons
1 srbot_description
0 srdf
1 2024-10-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
1 2022-01-13 sros2
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
1 2022-01-13 sros2_cmake
CMake macros to configure security
CMake macros to configure security
1 stag_detect
1 stag_ros
1 stage
1 stage_ros
1 2024-01-02 stair_step_detector_pkg
stair-step-detector node, publishes stairs messages
stair-step-detector node, publishes stairs messages
1 2024-01-02 stairs_msg
Message definition of the stairs data
Message definition of the stairs data


Name Description
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_rviz_plugin
1 simple_term_menu_vendor
1 2022-05-11 simulation
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes simulation packages.
1 simulators
1 single_joint_position_action
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_datasets
Graph datasets for situational_graphs_reasoning repo
Graph datasets for situational_graphs_reasoning repo
1 2024-09-18 situational_graphs_msgs
Custom messages for s_graphs
Custom messages for s_graphs
1 2024-08-05 situational_graphs_reasoning
Graph reasoning for extracting semantic concepts using GNNs
Graph reasoning for extracting semantic concepts using GNNs
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
Custom reasoning msgs
Custom reasoning msgs
1 2024-06-27 situational_graphs_wrapper
Graph wrapper for situational_graphs_wrapper repo
Graph wrapper for situational_graphs_wrapper repo
1 skyway
1 slam_gmapping
1 slam_karto
1 2024-01-24 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 slam_toolbox_msgs
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 slg_msgs
1 slic
1 2024-05-17 slider_publisher
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services.
1 sliding_window_graph_optimizer
1 slime_ros
1 slime_wrapper
1 2022-11-28 sm_advanced_recovery_1
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
The sm_advanced_recovery_1 package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_24hr
The sm_atomic_24hr package
The sm_atomic_24hr package
1 sm_atomic_cb
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_hierarchy
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
The sm_atomic_hierarchy package
1 sm_atomic_http
1 sm_atomic_lifecycle
2 sm_atomic_mode_states
1 sm_atomic_openai
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
The sm_atomic_performance_trace_1 package
2 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic services package
The sm_atomic services package
1 2022-11-28 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package
1 2022-11-28 sm_autoware_avp
The sm_autoware_avp package
The sm_autoware_avp package
1 2022-11-28 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
TODO: Package description
TODO: Package description
1 2022-11-28 sm_branching
The sm_branching package
The sm_branching package
1 sm_calendar_week
2 2022-11-28 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 sm_coretest_x_y_1
1 sm_coretest_x_y_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_3
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 sm_dance_bot_2
2 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2022-11-28 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 sm_ferrari
1 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
1 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
1 2022-11-28 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_husky_barrel_search_1 package
1 sm_multi_panda_sim
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_stage_1
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
The sm_multi_stage_1 package
1 2022-11-28 sm_multi_ur5_sim
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
The sm_multi_ur5_sim package
1 2022-11-28 sm_pack_ml
The sm_pack_ml package
The sm_pack_ml package
1 sm_packml
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 2022-11-28 sm_pubsub_1
The sm_pubsub_1 package
The sm_pubsub_1 package
2 2022-11-28 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
1 sm_simple_action_client
1 sm_starcraft_ai
1 sm_subscriber
1 2022-11-28 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
The sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim package
2 2022-11-28 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 sm_update_loop
1 sm_viewer_sim
1 smacc
1 2022-11-28 smacc2
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
An Event-Driven, Asynchronous, Behavioral State Machine Library for ROS2 (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.
1 2022-11-28 smacc2_msgs
Messages and services used in smacc2.
Messages and services used in smacc2.
1 smacc_msgs
1 smacc_runtime_test
1 smacc_rviz_plugin
1 2024-09-23 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2024-09-23 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2024-09-23 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 smach_viewer
1 smart_dock
1 2025-01-24 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 snmp_diagnostics
1 snmp_ros
1 2021-12-02 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 soar_ros
1 sob_layer
1 2025-02-17 soccer_geometry_msgs
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
A package containing msgs that extend geometry_msgs for use in soccer-related packages
1 2025-02-17 soccer_interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
Metapackage for soccer-related interfaces
1 2023-07-25 soccer_marker_generation
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
Generates rviz display markers from soccer msgs
1 2025-02-17 soccer_model_msgs
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing world model related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2023-07-25 soccer_object_msgs
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
Package providing interfaces for objects in a soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 2D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
A package containing some 3D vision related message definitions in the soccer domain.
1 2025-02-19 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
Package that converts soccer_vision_3d_msgs to RViz markers
1 2025-02-17 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
A package containing attributes of objects in 2d/3d vision in the soccer domain.
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_metrics
Navigation metrics for navigating around people
Navigation metrics for navigating around people
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_msgs
ROS interfaces for social navigation
ROS interfaces for social navigation
1 2025-01-08 social_nav_util
Utilities for social navigation work
Utilities for social navigation work
1 social_navigation_layers
0 socket_bridge
1 socketcan_bridge
1 socketcan_interface
1 soem
0 softhand_ros
1 2025-01-19 sol_vendor
vendor package for the sol2 library
vendor package for the sol2 library
2 2024-06-06 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 sot-core
1 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
1 sot-tools
1 sound_classification
1 sound_play
1 2024-12-04 spacenav
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
1 spacenav_node
1 sparse_bundle_adjustment
1 sparse_mapping
1 2024-05-14 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 2023-04-11 spdlog_vendor
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
Wrapper around spdlog, providing nothing but a dependency on spdlog, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of spdlog.
1 speech_recognition_msgs
1 speed_cam
1 speed_scaling_interface
1 speed_scaling_state_controller
0 sphinx
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk
1 2024-11-21 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
ROS2 driver for synchronized flir cameras using the Spinnaker SDK
1 2024-04-14 splsm_7
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 ROS msg
1 2024-04-14 splsm_7_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V7 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-04-14 splsm_8
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
RoboCup Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 ROS msg
1 2024-04-14 splsm_8_conversion
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
Converts Standard Platform League Standard Message V8 between ROS msg and UDP raw bytes
1 2024-11-11 sqlite3_vendor
SQLite 3 vendor package
SQLite 3 vendor package
1 sr_3dmouse
2 2022-11-28 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
1 sr_common
2 2022-11-28 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
1 sr_config
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 sr_core
1 sr_data_visualization
1 sr_description
1 sr_edc_controller_configuration
1 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
1 sr_edc_launch
1 sr_edc_muscle_tools
1 sr_error_reporter
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config
2 2022-11-28 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
1 sr_example
1 sr_external_dependencies
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_grasp
1 sr_grasp_fast_planner
1 sr_grasp_stability
1 sr_gui_advanced_controls
1 sr_gui_biotac
1 sr_gui_bootloader
1 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
1 sr_gui_controller_tuner
1 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
1 sr_gui_hand_calibration
1 sr_gui_motor_resetter
1 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
1 sr_hand
1 sr_hand_detector
1 sr_hand_health_report
1 sr_hardware_interface
1 sr_interface
0 sr_interpolation
1 sr_mechanism_controllers
1 sr_mechanism_model
1 sr_moveit_hand_config
1 sr_movements
1 sr_multi_description
1 sr_multi_moveit_config
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_msgs
0 sr_system_info
1 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
1 sr_tactile_sensors
1 sr_tools
1 sr_utilities
0 sr_utilities_common
1 sr_visualization
1 sr_visualization_icons
1 srbot_description
0 srdf
1 2024-10-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
1 2024-05-11 sros2
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys
1 2024-05-11 sros2_cmake
CMake macros to configure security
CMake macros to configure security
1 stag_detect
1 stag_ros
1 stage
1 stage_ros
1 stair_step_detector_pkg
1 stairs_msg


Name Description
1 2020-07-30 simple_qt_gui
A simple Qt GUI as a ROS package
A simple Qt GUI as a ROS package
1 2021-02-10 simple_rviz_plugin
Simple RViz plugin
Simple RViz plugin
1 simple_term_menu_vendor
1 simulation
1 2020-04-30 simulators
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
A metapackage to aggregate several packages.
1 2022-11-09 single_joint_position_action
The single joint position action is a node that provides an action interface for commanding a trajectory to move a joint to a particular position. The action reports success when the joint reaches the desired position.
The single joint position action is a node that provides an action interface for commanding a trajectory to move a joint to a particular position. The action reports success when the joint reaches the desired position.
1 situational_graphs_datasets
1 situational_graphs_msgs
1 situational_graphs_reasoning
1 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
1 situational_graphs_wrapper
1 2023-10-25 skyway
Package for using SkyWay from ROS
Package for using SkyWay from ROS
1 2024-08-21 slam_gmapping
slam_gmapping contains a wrapper around gmapping which provides SLAM capabilities.
slam_gmapping contains a wrapper around gmapping which provides SLAM capabilities.
1 2020-09-09 slam_karto
This package pulls in the Karto mapping library, and provides a ROS wrapper for using it.
This package pulls in the Karto mapping library, and provides a ROS wrapper for using it.
1 2024-01-10 slam_toolbox
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 2024-01-10 slam_toolbox_msgs
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
This package provides a sped up improved slam karto with updated SDK and visualization and modification toolsets
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 slg_msgs
1 2025-01-09 slic
SLIC-Superpizel ROS Wrapper This file contains the class elements of the class Slic. This class is an implementation of the SLIC Superpixel algorithm by Achanta et al. [PAMI'12, vol. 34, num. 11, pp. 2274-2282]. This implementation is created for the specific purpose of creating over-segmentations in an OpenCV-based environment.
SLIC-Superpizel ROS Wrapper This file contains the class elements of the class Slic. This class is an implementation of the SLIC Superpixel algorithm by Achanta et al. [PAMI'12, vol. 34, num. 11, pp. 2274-2282]. This implementation is created for the specific purpose of creating over-segmentations in an OpenCV-based environment.
1 slider_publisher
1 2024-07-03 sliding_window_graph_optimizer
The sliding window graph optimizer package
The sliding window graph optimizer package
1 2022-02-18 slime_ros
Extensions for slime to assist in working with ROS packages
Extensions for slime to assist in working with ROS packages
1 2022-02-18 slime_wrapper
ROS wrapper for slime
ROS wrapper for slime
1 sm_advanced_recovery_1
2 2023-04-24 sm_atomic
The sm_atomic package
The sm_atomic package
1 sm_atomic_24hr
1 2023-04-24 sm_atomic_cb
The sm_atomic_cb package
The sm_atomic_cb package
1 sm_atomic_hierarchy
1 sm_atomic_http
1 sm_atomic_lifecycle
2 2023-04-24 sm_atomic_mode_states
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
The sm_atomic_mode_states package
1 sm_atomic_openai
1 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
2 2023-04-24 sm_atomic_services
The sm_atomic_services package
The sm_atomic_services package
1 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
1 sm_autoware_avp
1 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
1 sm_branching
1 2023-04-24 sm_calendar_week
The sm_calendar_week package
The sm_calendar_week package
2 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
The sm_coretest_transition_speed_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_x_y_1
The sm_coretest_x_y_1 package
The sm_coretest_x_y_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_x_y_2
The sm_coretest_x_y_2 package
The sm_coretest_x_y_2 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_coretest_x_y_3
The sm_coretest_x_y_3 package
The sm_coretest_x_y_3 package
2 2023-04-24 sm_dance_bot
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
1 2023-04-24 sm_dance_bot_2
The dance_bot package
The dance_bot package
2 2023-04-24 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
The dance_bot_strikes_back package
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
1 2023-04-24 sm_ferrari
The sm_ferrari package
The sm_ferrari package
1 2023-04-24 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
The sm_fetch_screw_loop_1 package
The sm_fetch_screw_loop_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
The sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1 package
The sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
The sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1 package
The sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
The sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour package
The sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour package
1 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
1 sm_multi_panda_sim
1 sm_multi_stage_1
1 sm_multi_ur5_sim
1 sm_pack_ml
1 2023-04-24 sm_packml
The sm_packml package
The sm_packml package
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 sm_pubsub_1
2 2023-04-24 sm_respira_1
The sm_respira_1 package
The sm_respira_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1 package
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1 package
1 2023-04-24 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2 package
The sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2 package
1 sm_simple_action_client
1 2023-04-24 sm_starcraft_ai
The sm_starcraft_ai package
The sm_starcraft_ai package
1 2023-04-24 sm_subscriber
The sm_subscriber package
The sm_subscriber package
1 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
2 2023-04-24 sm_three_some
The sm_three_some package
The sm_three_some package
1 2023-04-24 sm_update_loop
The sm_update_loop package
The sm_update_loop package
1 2023-04-24 sm_viewer_sim
The sm_viewer_sim package
The sm_viewer_sim package
1 2023-04-24 smacc
SMACC is a ROS/C++ library to implement in easy and systematic way UML StateCharts (AKA state machines). SMACC is inspired by the SMACH ROS package and it is built on top of Boost StateChart library. Developed by Reel Robotics.
SMACC is a ROS/C++ library to implement in easy and systematic way UML StateCharts (AKA state machines). SMACC is inspired by the SMACH ROS package and it is built on top of Boost StateChart library. Developed by Reel Robotics.
1 smacc2
1 smacc2_msgs
1 2023-04-24 smacc_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smacc.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smacc.
1 2023-04-24 smacc_runtime_test
The smacc_runtime_test package
The smacc_runtime_test package
1 2023-04-24 smacc_rviz_plugin
The smacc_rviz_plugin package
The smacc_rviz_plugin package
1 2023-06-13 smach
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2023-06-13 smach_msgs
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach.
1 2023-06-13 smach_ros
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with
1 2025-02-20 smach_viewer
The smach viewer is a GUI that shows the state of hierarchical SMACH state machines. It can visualize the possible transitions between states, as well as the currently active state and the values of user data that is passed around between states. The smach viewer uses the SMACH debugging interface based on the
The smach viewer is a GUI that shows the state of hierarchical SMACH state machines. It can visualize the possible transitions between states, as well as the currently active state and the values of user data that is passed around between states. The smach viewer uses the SMACH debugging interface based on the
1 2024-07-03 smart_dock
Package to control the signal lights
Package to control the signal lights
1 2020-08-28 smclib
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself.
1 snmp_diagnostics
1 2023-04-16 snmp_ros
Utilities for working with SNMP from ROS
Utilities for working with SNMP from ROS
1 2021-12-07 snowbot_operating_system
The weather outside is frightful
The weather outside is frightful
1 soar_ros
1 sob_layer
1 soccer_geometry_msgs
1 soccer_interfaces
1 soccer_marker_generation
1 soccer_model_msgs
1 soccer_object_msgs
1 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
1 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
1 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
1 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
1 social_nav_metrics
1 social_nav_msgs
1 social_nav_util
1 2021-01-07 social_navigation_layers
Plugin-based layers for the navigation stack that implement various social navigation contraints, like proxemic distance.
Plugin-based layers for the navigation stack that implement various social navigation contraints, like proxemic distance.
0 socket_bridge
1 2024-05-02 socketcan_bridge
Conversion nodes for messages from SocketCAN to a ROS Topic and vice versa.
Conversion nodes for messages from SocketCAN to a ROS Topic and vice versa.
1 2024-05-02 socketcan_interface
Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
Generic CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
1 2020-08-03 soem
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
ROS wrapper for the Simple Open EtherCAT Master SOEM. This is an updated version of the original SOEM wrapper released into ROS now including the upstream Repo as a git subtree.
0 softhand_ros
1 sol_vendor
2 2018-09-11 sophus
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
1 2023-10-24 sot-core
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph
1 2023-07-28 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
Pinocchio bindings for dynamic-graph
Pinocchio bindings for dynamic-graph
1 2023-07-28 sot-tools
Miscellanous entities for the stack of tasks
Miscellanous entities for the stack of tasks
1 2025-02-21 sound_classification
The sound_classification package
The sound_classification package
1 2024-08-13 sound_play
sound_play provides a ROS node that translates commands on a ROS topic (
sound_play provides a ROS node that translates commands on a ROS topic (
1 spacenav
1 2020-07-19 spacenav_node
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick.
1 2020-03-28 sparse_bundle_adjustment
ROS wrapper for the sparse bundle adjustment (sba) library (needed for slam_karto)
ROS wrapper for the sparse bundle adjustment (sba) library (needed for slam_karto)
1 2024-07-03 sparse_mapping
This package localizes the Astrobee on a map.
This package localizes the Astrobee on a map.
1 2023-05-02 spatio_temporal_voxel_layer
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
The spatio-temporal 3D obstacle costmap package
1 spdlog_vendor
1 2022-05-09 speech_recognition_msgs
1 2024-07-03 speed_cam
Package to read telemetry from the speedcam
Package to read telemetry from the speedcam
1 2024-10-14 speed_scaling_interface
Hardware interface reading a scalar value from robot hardware.
Hardware interface reading a scalar value from robot hardware.
1 2024-10-14 speed_scaling_state_controller
ROS controller providing reading the state of speed scaling on the robot
ROS controller providing reading the state of speed scaling on the robot
0 sphinx
1 spinnaker_camera_driver
1 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
1 splsm_7
1 splsm_7_conversion
1 splsm_8
1 splsm_8_conversion
1 sqlite3_vendor
1 2022-03-09 sr_3dmouse
The sr_3dmouse package
The sr_3dmouse package
2 2023-04-24 sr_all_events_go
The sr_all_events_go package
The sr_all_events_go package
1 2021-12-10 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
A package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur10 with a box hand with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
A package with all the configuration and launch files for using the ur10 with a box hand with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
1 2021-06-30 sr_common
This metapackage contains the bare minimum for communicating with the Shadow Hand from a remote computer: urdf models and messages.
This metapackage contains the bare minimum for communicating with the Shadow Hand from a remote computer: urdf models and messages.
2 2023-04-24 sr_conditional
The sr_conditional package
The sr_conditional package
1 2021-07-08 sr_config
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 2021-12-13 sr_core
These are the core packages for the Shadow Robot hardware and simulation.
These are the core packages for the Shadow Robot hardware and simulation.
1 2021-12-03 sr_data_visualization
A package to show all the data coming from the dexterous hand.
A package to show all the data coming from the dexterous hand.
1 2021-06-30 sr_description
sr_description contains the description for Shadow Robot's Hand and Arm, as well as some additional models used in our robot (kinect, etc...).
sr_description contains the description for Shadow Robot's Hand and Arm, as well as some additional models used in our robot (kinect, etc...).
1 2020-12-30 sr_edc_controller_configuration
contains the different launch files for Shadow Robot hand controllers. The actual configuration files are stored in the sr_config stack.
contains the different launch files for Shadow Robot hand controllers. The actual configuration files are stored in the sr_config stack.
1 2020-12-30 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
A package implementing a ROS interface for the etherCAT Shadow Robot Dextrous Hand.
A package implementing a ROS interface for the etherCAT Shadow Robot Dextrous Hand.
1 2020-12-30 sr_edc_launch
Package with launch files to start the needed nodes for the Shadow Robot EtherCAT hand.
Package with launch files to start the needed nodes for the Shadow Robot EtherCAT hand.
1 2020-12-30 sr_edc_muscle_tools
sr_edc_muscle_tools - Usefull commands and basic demo for the ethercat muscle hand.
sr_edc_muscle_tools - Usefull commands and basic demo for the ethercat muscle hand.
1 2021-12-10 sr_error_reporter
Package for calculating and publishing various errors.
Package for calculating and publishing various errors.
1 2021-07-08 sr_ethercat_hand_config
sr_ethercat_hand_config contains the different yaml files storing the parameters used on the etherCAT hand.
sr_ethercat_hand_config contains the different yaml files storing the parameters used on the etherCAT hand.
2 2023-04-24 sr_event_countdown
The sr_event_countdown package
The sr_event_countdown package
1 2021-12-10 sr_example
sr_example is an example of a real package interfaced with our robot. Please refer to the tutorial Creating a package to interact with our robots.
sr_example is an example of a real package interfaced with our robot. Please refer to the tutorial Creating a package to interact with our robots.
1 2020-12-30 sr_external_dependencies
sr_external_dependencies package is a "dummy" package used to synchronize the includes for the protocol communication between the host and the PIC for Shadow's EtherCAT hardware. It contains a script that automatically downloads the latest h file from our pic32 git.
sr_external_dependencies package is a "dummy" package used to synchronize the includes for the protocol communication between the host and the PIC for Shadow's EtherCAT hardware. It contains a script that automatically downloads the latest h file from our pic32 git.
1 2021-12-13 sr_gazebo_sim
The sr_gazebo_sim package
The sr_gazebo_sim package
1 2021-12-10 sr_grasp
Execute moveit_msgs/Grasp grasps on the Shadow Hand.
Execute moveit_msgs/Grasp grasps on the Shadow Hand.
1 2022-03-09 sr_grasp_fast_planner
The sr_grasp_fast_planner package
The sr_grasp_fast_planner package
1 2022-03-09 sr_grasp_stability
A grasp stability package
A grasp stability package
1 2021-12-03 sr_gui_advanced_controls
A GUI plugin for a more advanced way of loading the different motor controllers.
A GUI plugin for a more advanced way of loading the different motor controllers.
1 2021-12-03 sr_gui_biotac
The sr_gui_biotac package
The sr_gui_biotac package
1 2021-12-03 sr_gui_bootloader
A GUI plugin for bootloading the motors on the shadow etherCAT hand.
A GUI plugin for bootloading the motors on the shadow etherCAT hand.
1 2021-12-03 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
A GUI plugin for loading the different muscle controllers.
A GUI plugin for loading the different muscle controllers.
1 2021-12-03 sr_gui_controller_tuner
A GUI plugin for tuning the sr_mechanism_controllers
A GUI plugin for tuning the sr_mechanism_controllers
1 2021-12-03 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
A GUI plugin for bootloading the motors on the shadow etherCAT hand.
A GUI plugin for bootloading the motors on the shadow etherCAT hand.
1 2021-12-03 sr_gui_hand_calibration
A GUI plugin for calibrating the Shadow EtherCAT Hand.
A GUI plugin for calibrating the Shadow EtherCAT Hand.
1 2021-12-03 sr_gui_motor_resetter
A GUI plugin for resetting motors on the shadow hand.
A GUI plugin for resetting motors on the shadow hand.
1 2021-12-03 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
A GUI plugin for bootloading the muscle drivers on the etherCAT muscle shadow hand.
A GUI plugin for bootloading the muscle drivers on the etherCAT muscle shadow hand.
1 2021-12-13 sr_hand
This is a ROS interface to the Shadow Robot's robotic hand. It contains both an interface to the real hand (communicating via a CAN interface) and a simulated version of the hand. It also contains an interface to Shadow Robot's muscle arm.
This is a ROS interface to the Shadow Robot's robotic hand. It contains both an interface to the real hand (communicating via a CAN interface) and a simulated version of the hand. It also contains an interface to Shadow Robot's muscle arm.
1 2020-12-08 sr_hand_detector
The sr_hand_detector package
The sr_hand_detector package
1 2022-03-09 sr_hand_health_report
The sr_hand_health_report package
The sr_hand_health_report package
1 2021-12-13 sr_hardware_interface
This package contains the actuator used in the hand model.
This package contains the actuator used in the hand model.
1 2021-12-10 sr_interface
This repository contains the high level interface and its dependencies for interacting simply with our robots.
This repository contains the high level interface and its dependencies for interacting simply with our robots.
0 sr_interpolation
1 2021-12-13 sr_mechanism_controllers
The sr_mechanism_controllers package contains different types of controllers for the etherCAT hand: position controllers, velocity controllers, force controllers, ...
The sr_mechanism_controllers package contains different types of controllers for the etherCAT hand: position controllers, velocity controllers, force controllers, ...
1 2021-12-13 sr_mechanism_model
sr_mechanism_model contains the transmissions used in the robot model. We needed specific transmission as we're using our own actuator. We also needed to take care of the joint 0s which combine the distal and middle phalanges.
sr_mechanism_model contains the transmissions used in the robot model. We needed specific transmission as we're using our own actuator. We also needed to take care of the joint 0s which combine the distal and middle phalanges.
1 2021-12-10 sr_moveit_hand_config
A package with all the configuration and launch files for using every shadow hands with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework Autogenerated config where adapted to generate new config coherent with the current URDF uploaded on the parameter server
A package with all the configuration and launch files for using every shadow hands with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework Autogenerated config where adapted to generate new config coherent with the current URDF uploaded on the parameter server
1 2022-03-09 sr_movements
Contains a node which can be used to take the hand through a series of movements (perfect for tuning controllers for example).
Contains a node which can be used to take the hand through a series of movements (perfect for tuning controllers for example).
1 2021-12-10 sr_multi_description
sr_multi_description contains the description of multi robot systems
sr_multi_description contains the description of multi robot systems
1 2021-12-10 sr_multi_moveit_config
A package with all the configuration and launch files for using combinations of shadow hands and arms with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework Autogenerated config where adapted to generate new config coherent with the current URDF uploaded on the parameter server
A package with all the configuration and launch files for using combinations of shadow hands and arms with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework Autogenerated config where adapted to generate new config coherent with the current URDF uploaded on the parameter server
1 2021-12-10 sr_multi_moveit_test
A package to test the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework on the left_sr_ur10 and right_sr_ur10 arms
A package to test the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework on the left_sr_ur10 and right_sr_ur10 arms
1 2021-12-10 sr_robot_commander
This is a ROS interface to the robotic arm.
This is a ROS interface to the robotic arm.
1 2021-12-10 sr_robot_launch
sr_robot_launch contains the launch file for the UR10 arm and SR hand
sr_robot_launch contains the launch file for the UR10 arm and SR hand
1 2020-12-30 sr_robot_lib
sr_robot_lib contains the robot library used in the sr_edc_ethercat_drivers. The library is used to store the incoming etherCAT messages in an easy to access format, and prepare the messages to be send through etherCAT.
sr_robot_lib contains the robot library used in the sr_edc_ethercat_drivers. The library is used to store the incoming etherCAT messages in an easy to access format, and prepare the messages to be send through etherCAT.
1 2021-06-30 sr_robot_msgs
sr_robot_msgs contains some messages used in the shadow_robot stack.
sr_robot_msgs contains some messages used in the shadow_robot stack.
0 sr_system_info
1 2020-12-30 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
The sr_tactile_sensor_controller package
The sr_tactile_sensor_controller package
1 2021-12-13 sr_tactile_sensors
An interface to the tactile sensors used in the Shadow Dextrous Hand. Also Contains a virtual set of sensors.
An interface to the tactile sensors used in the Shadow Dextrous Hand. Also Contains a virtual set of sensors.
1 2022-03-09 sr_tools
This metapackage contains more advanced tools that might be needed in specific use cases.
This metapackage contains more advanced tools that might be needed in specific use cases.
1 2021-12-13 sr_utilities
sr_utilities contains different useful header libraries (math libraries, etc...).
sr_utilities contains different useful header libraries (math libraries, etc...).
0 sr_utilities_common
1 2021-12-03 sr_visualization
This stack contains the different gui plugins used with the shadow robot stacks.
This stack contains the different gui plugins used with the shadow robot stacks.
1 2021-12-03 sr_visualization_icons
Contains icons used by all guis in sr_visualization.
Contains icons used by all guis in sr_visualization.
1 2020-04-01 srbot_description
The srbot_description package
The srbot_description package
0 srdf
1 2021-06-17 srdfdom
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF).
1 sros2
1 sros2_cmake
1 stag_detect
1 2021-05-03 stag_ros
The stag_ros package
The stag_ros package
1 2018-04-27 stage
Mobile robot simulator
Mobile robot simulator
1 2017-05-01 stage_ros
This package provides ROS specific hooks for stage
This package provides ROS specific hooks for stage
1 stair_step_detector_pkg
1 stairs_msg